My pen pal comes from _____.She speaks _____. [ ]A. America;AmericanB. Canada;ChinaC. Japan;JapaneseD. France;France_______come from _______.[ ]A.Canada,CanadianB.Japaneses,JapanC.Canadians ,CanadaD.English,England_____ is short for the United Kingdom. [ ]A. UK B. NBAC. USAD. UFO_______ is an important city in Canada.[ ]A. Tokyo B. London C. Toronto D. Sydney—What language can they speak?—_______.[ ]A. JapanB. JapaneseC. China D. a Chinese 根据句意及首字母提示填词.1. Animals are our good f_____. We must be friendly to them.2. Lions are from south A_____. And pandas are form china.3. I like 用所给词的正确形式填空。China, not live, come, her, play, have, America, I, watch, some1. My brother can speak a little _______.2. That is an ________ boy. H用所给词的适当形式填写。1. The Greens _____(be)from England.They _____(speak)English.2. We _____(not have)any Japanese books.3. They are from _____.They s根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Computers are used by people for _____ problems. (do)2. Spaceship _____ people have reached other parts of the univ—My English teacher visited Australia last summer.—Which city did he visit?—_____[ ]A. Paris. B. Washington. C. London. D. Sydney.The following diagram shows the temperature of Yantai in a year. Which month is the hottest in a year? [ ]A. January. B. June. C. August.D. December. The purpose of the in Search of Roots program is to give overseas _____ the chance to learn more about themselves. [ ]A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. CanadiansD. Am_____is called the country of watch. [ ]A. SwitzerlandB. FranceC. AmericaD. Japan用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。spend between safe Friday black1. Tony is funny singer with ___________ eyes and curly hair.2. Mike often ______—Is Sally from America?—No. Sally is an _______ girl, but she's in _______ now. [ ]A. America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. Eng—What's his name?—__________.[ ]A. JennyB. LindaC. DannyD. Ms LiuWTO means(意思是) ______.[ ]A. 世界环保组织 B. 世界卫生组织C. 世界贸易组织 D. 世界体育组织 改错题。1. How old are your brother? He is twelve.A B C ( )______2. Are we classmate? Yes, we are.A B C ( )______3. Are you friends? Yes, we're.A BC ( —Which is not the English-speaking country?—_____.[ ]A. Australia B. Canada C. The U.K. D. ChinaThe Statue of Liberty is in _____. [ ]A. London B. New York C. Washington D.C.D. Ottawa—Are you from Canada?—No, I'm from _____ and I speak _____.[ ]A. China; China B. Chinese; Chinese C. China; Chinese D. Chinese; ChinaWhich festival comes last in the year?[ ]A. Halloween.B. Christmas.C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.D. The Dragon Boat Festival.按要求改写下列各句。 1. Children often go to the zoo on June 1st. (改为同义句) Children often go to the zoo on ________ ________ . 2. The red umbrella is min_____is a traditional Chinese festival.[ ]A. Mid-autumn Festival B. Easter C. Halloween D. ChristmasIn the past, people celebrated Thanksgiving Day to give thanks to _____.[ ]A. their family membersB. anyone who had helped themC. native AmericansD. everyon用所给词的适当形式填空。1. This was his _____ (two) time to cook.2. It's hard for me_____ (drive)a car.3. Mark is a _____ (Russia) and he lives inRussia alThe Mickey Mouse was created by_____. [ ]A. J . K . Rowling B. Columbus C. Edison D. Walt DisneyComplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)。1. The students took the PISA test in _____subjects -完成句子1. People can use creditc_____ to buy things.2. There will be more'cars. The p_____willbeworse.3. Zhai Zhigang is an a_____.4.In the future_____用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are many new ( build) in our city.2. We can do the work with (little) money and ( few) people than they can.3. There are ( -Which of the following is the land of watches?-_____. [ ]A. ChinaB. JapanC. SwissD. Switzerland-What's your favourite Chinese traditional festival?-It's_____.[ ]A. Father's DayB. Christmas DayC. Thanksgiving DayD. Spring FestivalPeople in _____usually bow to each other when they meet.[ ]A. FranceB. AmericaC. Japan D. England根据首字母完成单词。1.She is b__________ her sister on the weekend.2.They are r___________ at home next Sunday.3.I am going to Tibet for v____________.4.HThe person in _____is famous for The Moonlight Sonata. [ ]A. Picture lB. Picture 2C. Picture 3D. Picture 4看图完成句子,每空一词。1. Monday is hot but Tuesday is _____ than Monday.2. The diamond (钻石) ring is expensive, but the watch is _____ than the ring.3. __“美国篮球协会”的英文缩写是 _____。[ ]A. USAB. NBA C. ABCD. PBAHer name is Kate Miller. Her family name is_____ . [ ]A. KateB. RobertC. Kate MillerD. Miller—What's this?—It is ___________.[ ]A. an UFOB. a orangeC. rulerD. an ID card下列字母表示“中国中央电视台”的是 . [ ]A. UFO B.CCTV C. UN is the third day of a week.[ ]A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Monday D.Thursday________表示“联合国”[ ]A.UNB. RMB C.CCTV D.UKOur new English teacher is Mary Jones. We call her ______.[ ]A. Miss Mary B. Miss JonesC. Mr. MaryD. Mr. Jones This isLi, he is my English teacher.[ ]A. MrB. MrsC. MsD. Miss-Where does Miss Snuth come from? -She comes from__________.[ ]A. EnglishB. GreeceC. French D. Chinese________表示"联合国"[ ]A. UNB. UFO C. CCTVD.UKMary and Sam are ___ . They are from . [ ]A. Japan; Japanese B. Japanese; Japan C. Japan; Japan D. Japanese; JapaneseShelives in _____, Canada.[ ]A. Toronto B. Sydney C. London D. ParisThe people over there are _____.[ ]A. JapanB. Japanese C. from JapaneseAreyoufrom_____or_____?[ ]A. Singapore; the United States B. the Singapore; United States C. Singapore; United States D. the Singapore; the United StateMary and Sam are ___ . They are from . [ ]A. Japan; Japanese B. Japanese; Japan C. Japan; Japan D. Japanese; Japanese—Where is Tokyo? —I know it's in _______.[ ]A. France B. Australia C. the UKD. Japan根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择正确答案。1. Australia is a big country. Australians speak______.A. FrenchB. Chinese C. English D. Japanese 2. ______only—Where is Tokyo? —I know it's in _______.[ ]A. France B. Australia C. the UKD. Japan—Dale, where do you live? —I live in ______.[ ]A. China, B. Beijing. Japanese, TokyoC. London, AustraliaD. Paris, France —Does Jim come from _______?—Yes. He is from Sydney.[ ]A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. JapanTomis form Singapore, what language does he speak?[ ]A. JapaneseB. FrenchC. English D. Chinese and EnglishWhich city is fromAustralia?[ ]A . New YorkB. Beijing C. TokyoD. Sydney—Where are lions from?— .[ ]A. South AfricaB. JapanC. Australia D. ChinaPele was born inand he is asoccer player. [ ]A. Brazilian; Brazilian B. Brazil; Brazil C. Brazil; Brazilian D. Brazilian; BrazilAre you _____? [ ]A. English B. from Chinese C. come from England D. come from ChinaDo you know the man _____? [ ]A. between Tom B. in Tom's left C. next Tom D. next to Tom_____ is a capital city.[ ]A. New York B. Sydney C. Toronto D. Tokyo—Excuse me. Where do koalas come from? —Oh, they come from _________. [ ]A. ChinaB. America C. Africa D. Australia—Where's your pen pal from? —He is from ______, the United Kingdom. [ ]A. Tokyo B. Beijing C. London D. New York Frenchmen speak ______ in ______ .[ ]A. French, FranceB. France, FrenchC. French, FrenchmanD. England, English—Is your pen pal from ________?—Yes, he is a Canadian.[ ]A. ParisB. SydneyC. TorontoD. Tokyo________ is an English-speaking country. Over three quarters of the population are Chinese in it.[ ]A. SingaporeB. IndiaC. EnglandD. AustraliaWhich sign means "No Parking"?[ ]Toronto is in ____. [ ]A. Canada B. Australia C. France D. JapanThe people in Singapore speak ____. [ ]A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese and English D. A and B—Where is London? —In ____. [ ]A. England B. America C. FranceD. CanadaTim and Joy are _____. They're from the United Kingdom.[ ]A. the EnglishB. English C. Englishman D. England“联合国”的缩略词是___________. [ ]A.UN B. USAC. UFOA: What's your first name?B: My first name is _____.[ ]A. Gina Smith B. Linda Brown C. Linda D. Smith—Is that man an ______?—Do you mean the one who’s wearing a different T-shirt?[ ]A. American B. EnglishC. AustraliaD. India________ is a boy’s name.[ ]A.GinaB.MaryC.Linda D.TomI am Tom Miller. My first name is ________. [ ]A. Miller B. Tom C. Miller Tom D. Tom Miller The boy is David Green. _____first name is _____. [ ]A. He; Green B. His; Green C. He; David D. His; David His name is Jack Robert Miller. His family name is _____.[ ]A. JackB. Robert C. Miller字母和缩略词。1.你还记得5个元音字母吗?请你在四线格中正规的写出来大小写_______________________________________________________2.请写出下面的缩略词: 激光唱片 停车代表“英国广播公司”的是:____。[ ]A. CCTVB. BBCC. NBAD. HBHis name is David Brown.His family name is ________.[ ]A. DavidB. BrownC. David BrownD. Brown David—Are you in ? —Yes, I am .[ ]A. Class twoB. class twoC. class TwoD. Class TwoYao Ming is in _____.[ ]A. BBC B. NBAC. CDD. CCTV用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He jumped on the horse and ________ (ride) away.2.The uncle caught three ________ (fish) yesterday.3.My aunt is good at ________(f用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Ben Lambert is a famous ________ (France) singer.2.He ________ (think) about _________ (play) basketball yesterday.3.I'm ________用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The number of students_________ (be) 3,000 in my school.2.There are 200 _________ (hundred) cars in the town.3.There are_________ 句型转换。1. Must I go home now? (作肯定回答和否定回答) Yes, _________ _________./No,_________ __________.2. 他比我高很多. (改为同义句) He is __________ __I’m Gina Kim Miller. _______ is my family name.[ ]A. Gina B. Kim C. Miller D. Kim Miller以下哪个缩略词代表联合国? [ ]A.US B. UK C. UFO D. UN is the capital of' Australia. [ ]A. Sydney B. London C. CanberraD. DarwinWhat did you give to your teacher___________?[ ]A. in Teacher's DayB. on Teachers' DayC. On Teacher's DayD. in Teachers' DayWhat's this _____? [ ]A. in english B. in English C. in an English D. in English UN 的意思是__________.[ ]A. 中央电视台B. 英国广播公司C. 联合国D. 英国The man's name is Mike Green. We can call(称呼) him _____.[ ]A. Mr MikeB. GreenC. Sir GreenD. Mike_____ is my friend.[ ]A. Mr FrankB. Frank MrC. Mr BlackD. Black Mr______ is a good girl.[ ]A. MichaelB. ColinC. WalterD. TinaI’m an English boy. My name’s _______.[ ]A. AmyB. DavidC. NancyD. Julia—What is your favorite country?—_ ___[ ]A. Red B. English C. England D. Japanese
单句改错 1. His uncle is thirty year old.______2. Zhang Qian is a art teacher. ______3. The basketball game is in July 2nd. ______4. My birthday is 1980 M根据句意写出下列句子中各月的名称1. The New Year’s Day is the first day in __________.2. We often have a long holiday in F__________.3. —Does Women’s Day c—When is your birthday?—It's ______. [ ]A. 1st B. at May 1st C. May D. in MayHello,________! [ ]A. Mr. Jim B. Mr. Alan C. Mr. Miller-Where is the movie center-Hollywood?-_________.[ ]A. In ChinaB. In AustraliaC. In AmericaD. In BritainChildren are all enjoying themselves on____ [ ]A. Children's Day B. Child DayC. Children DayD. Child's Day____is very important for Chinese people. [ ]A. The spring festival B. Spring festival C. Spring FestivalD. The Spring FestivalThat's a girl. Her name is ___________.[ ]A.Wang XiaolingB.Wang Xiao LingC.Wang xiaolingD.Wang xiao lingI think_____ is a famous actor.[ ]A .she B. Mike C. Ann D. Gina词汇。1. I think someone here _____ (find) his book _____ (easy).2. We have no classes on _____ (周末).3. _____ ( 他最喜欢) fruit is apples and pears.4. THis name is Alan Robert Smith. His family name is _____. [ ]A. Alan B. Robert C. Alan Robert D. Smith That's a girl.Her name is_____[ ]A. Wang Xiaohong B. Wang Xiao Hong C. Wang xiaohongD. Wang xiao hong This is ______ Li. He has three children. [ ]A. Mrs. B. MissC. Sir D. Mr. —Where's Wuhu?—It's .[ ]A. in Anhui B. to AnhuiC. at Anhui D. on AnhuiI like_____ because I can know Chinese history.[ ]A. action moviesB. Beijing OperaC. comediesD. thrillers—Where is the movie center-Hollywood? —_____.[ ]A. In China. B. In Australia C. In America D. In Britain 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Can you help kids with _______ (dance)2.They want _____ (join) the basketball club.3.Can you ________(sing)?4.I think she is ____将下列的名和姓进行分类。BarryBillGinaBrownVickersPaulaLizaCooperTonyJonesPeterBlackGreenMarkSmithGraceMichael Amy Linda MaryFirst name boys' name 1_______ girls根据句意填上适当的词1. The first day of the week is ________.2. The second day of the week is ________.3. The third day of the week is ________.4. The fouI am ________ ,I am an English boy. [ ]A.John Brown B.Brown John C.Gina Green D.Green Gina________ is a good friend. [ ]A.Michael B.ColinC.Walter D.TinaI'm an English boy. My name's ________. [ ]A.Amy B.David C.Nancy D.JuliaWhen is your birthday? It's _____. [ ]A. February B. second C. February second D. 1990What's the month between July and September?_____. [ ]A. June B. August C. October D. November______ Day is on June first and ______ Day is on September tenth. [ ]A. Children's, Teacher's B. Children's, Teachers' C. Childrens', Teacher' D. ChilWhat's this _____?[ ]A. in english B. In English C. in an English D. in English用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整1. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three _______ (child).2. Can you help me with _______ (swim)?按括号内的要求改写下列各句。1. Tom thinks they are scary. (改为否定句) Tom _____ _____ they _____ scary. . 2.Her cousin likes thrillers.(就划线部分提问) __The boy is David Green. _____first name is _____. [ ]A. He; Green B. His; Green C. He; David D. His; David 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.How many_______ (banana) do we need?2.He drank so _______ (many) that he couldn't stand.3.The _______(sheep) are eating grass on — Which one would you like to work for in the following groups, Li Mei? — Let me see. I'd like to work for ______. Because this group helps children in poor _____ is the sixth day of a week. [ ]A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday D. SundayTom is from ________and he is_______.[ ]A.English, English B.English, EnglandC.England, England D.England, English用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.He goes to visit his grandparents _________(two)a month.2. _________(luck), he passed the math exam.3.She is an _________(Amer用括号内所给词的适当形式完成句子。1._____ (I) English teacher is Mr. Black.2. In _____ (China), the family name is first and the given name is last.3. He c选词填空 quarter industry recent important India 1. Things got so bad __________ that he had decided to go on a diet.2. __________ regard cows and bulls as thThey are from _____. They're _____. [ ]A. Germany; Germans B. Germans; Germany C. German; Germany D. Germany; Germen She is Mary Green. So her family name is _____.[ ]A. Mary B. Mary GreenC. Miss Green D. Green按要求改写下列各句。1. name, is, family, Lucy's, Read ( 连词成句)_______________________.2. My name is Tom Brown. (改为同义句)__________Tom Brown.3. She iMy father is Tom White. So my name is Tony____.[ ]A. WhiteB. first nameC. last nameD. Brown用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. —What club do you want________(join)? —Music club.2. My pencil case is lost. Can you help me________(find) it?3.—Can your用所给词的适当形式填空1. Kate and Jim come from America. They are not__________( China).2. This is the__________(twin) room.3. When is__________(he) birthd__________is the seventh month of a year.[ ]A. AugustB. July C. JuneD. November—When is Christmas Day? —ltis___________. [ ]A. November 25th B. December 25th C. January 25th D. October l st—What's your favorite_________?—_________.[ ]A. color; MusicB. school; ScienceC. subject; Math D. sport; P. E.__________is the last month of the year.[ ]A. December B. JanuaryC. October D. NovemberNew Year's Day is__________.[ ]A. January 1stB. March 8thC. April 1st D. June 1st___________comes before May but after March.[ ]A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. March D. AprilMy English teacher is Jim Miller. You can call him ____ . [ ]A. Miss MillerB. Mr Miller C. Miss JimD. Mr Jim根据句意及首字母提示在横线处填上恰当的单词1.I saw a very e__________ movie last night.2.My mother said she did the t__________ housework,and she was t________用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。Wonder, trek, peace, church, tire, fascinate, fall, education, tour, thrill1.Livinginthe country is quite ________2.Looking aftPeople like _____ because they can play jokes on anyone.[ ]A.April Fool's Day B.April Fool DayC.April Fools' DayD.April Fools Day用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It’s important for children to learn about road ______(safe).2. To prepare for the match, they receive two hours’ ______ (train-What is your nationality?-I am __________.[ ]A. ChinaB. JapanC. AmericanD. FranceJohn Brown is our English teacher. We call him _______. [ ]A. Mr. John B. Mrs. Brown C. Mr. BrownD. Sir John Kate Green is a nineteen-year-old girl. She is not married, so we call her .[ ]A. Mrs. Green B. Miss GreenC. Mrs. KateD. Miss Kate Those women are _______.[ ]A. Greece B. Greeks C. Greek D. Greeces用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. It takes about 15 minutes __ __ (walk)and 5 minutes by bus.2. What do you think of the___ _ (transport)in your city?3. How lo用所给单词的正确形式填空1. I'm a __________(China).2. September is the __________(nine) month.3. When is your __________(birth), Nick?4. Where is _______—What day is it today? —_____.[ ]A. wendseday B. mednseday C. Wednesday-What's the month between July and September?-__________.[ ]A. JuneB. AugustC. OctoberMary lives in_____now. She can speak alittle_____ .[ ]A. China; Chinese B. China; ChinaC. Chinese; Chinese D. Chinese; China_______ comes before December, but after October.[ ]A. November B. SeptemberC. AugustD. January按要求写句子1. Jane's uncle is thirty-five.(对画线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ Jane's uncle?2. Jenny's birthday party is July 4th.(对画线部分提问Linda Brown is my good friend. Her father is_________. [ ]A. Johnson BrownB. Johnson SmithC. Brown Johnson is the capital city of the United Kingdom. [ ]A. New York B. Berlin C. Tokyo D. London ____________is the first day of the week.[ ]A. Sunday B. MondayC. TuesdayD. WeekdayThe first Olympics started in_______.[ ]A.AmericaB.EnglandC.GreeceD.Australia根据句意,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。danger, sheep, make, France, science1.A lot of _______ are eating grass by the river.2.Lin Tao can speak Chinese and _______ is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.[ ]A. EnglishB. ChineseC. GermanD. French—Are you from Canada?—No, I'm from _____ and I speak _____.[ ]A. China; China B. Chinese; Chinese C. China; Chinese D. Chinese; ChinaThe seventh month of a year is_____. [ ]A. June B. JulyC. AugustD. AprilMy __________ is very poor, so I decide to go to __________ countries.[ ]A. spoken English, speaking EnglishB. English spoken, English-speakingC. spoken Engl用所给单词的适当形式填空1. He likes __________to the park with his friends.(go)2. Don't worry.We still have__________ time left.(little)3. There are threeThey come from France.They speak __________.[ ]A. languageB. a languageC. FrenchD. JapaneseKoalas are from _____.[ ]A. England B. CanadaC. America D. Australia看图填入相应的国名完成对话。1. —Where did Tom go on vacation?—He went to.2. —Where did you go on vacation?—I went to.3. —Where did they go on vacation?—T—Oh, how nice! A picture of the White House? —Yes. I took it in. [ ]A. London B. Washington C. Paris D. BangkokThe two sisters are _____. They are from_____.[ ]A. Japan; Japanese B. Japanese; JapanC. Japaneses; JapanD. Japanese; Japanese______ is another way of saying "fall". [ ]A. Spring B. SummerC. Autumn D. WinterWhich foreign country should I visit to enjoy the beauty of the Opera House? [ ]A. AustraliaB. AmericaC. FranceD. Japan We can take a look at the things people used in the past and some old pictures in _____.[ ]A. the Great Wall B. Wangfujing StreetC. the Palace Museum D. TiaThe Eiffel Tower is in .[ ]A. Sydney B. Washington C. Paris D. Australia Which of the following is not in Britain ?[ ]A. Big Ben .B. River Thames . C. River Nile .D.Tower Bridge .We aren't_______. [ ]A. American B. an AmericanC. America D. AmericasWTO means(意思是) ______.[ ]A. 世界环保组织 B. 世界卫生组织C. 世界贸易组织 D. 世界体育组织 ________ is a celebration ofJesus Christ (耶稣) coming to life (复活) [ ]A. HalloweenB. Christmas C. EasterD. Thanksgiving Day________is a celebration of Jesus Christ coming to life.[ ]A.HalloweenB.ChristmasC.EasterD.Mid-Autumn Day Wednesday comes after ________. [ ]A. Monday B. TuesdayC. ThursdayD. FridayPeople do not celebratein the USA.[ ]A.Easter B.the Dragon Boat FestivalC.Halloween D.ChristmasShe is _____. She likes _____ lessons. [ ]A. an English; ChineseB. Enland; ChineseC. English; ChineseD. English; China—Who is he ?—_____. [ ]A. Aunt Mary B. Mary AuntC. Cousin TonyD. Tony Cousin哪个是"中华人民共和国"的缩写:_____[ ]A. PRC B. BBC C. RMB D. NBAThe boy is an _____.[ ]A. EnglishB. AmericanC. ChineseD. America boyShe is _____. Her friend Peter is from _____.[ ]A. an English, ChineseB. English, ChineseC. an English, ChinaD. English, China改错题。( ) 1. —Are you Jack ? —Yes, I'm. A B C D()2. Who's your uncle? He's a doctor.A B CD()3.Lucy and Lily are girl. They are eleven.A B C D()4. What's the meaning of "WHO"?[ ]A.人民币B.中华人民共和国 C.世界卫生组织 D.智商—Is Sally from America?—No. Sally is an _______ girl, but she's in _______ now. [ ]A. America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. EngJack is ______. He comes from ______.[ ]A. English; EnglishB. an English; EnglandC. a English; EnglandD. English; England根据中文提示,写出单词的正确形式。1. Look at the ________ (照相机). They are new.2. They often have dinner at their _________ (祖父母) home.3. There are ___
Miss Green is from _____ . She is ______.[ ]A. English, English B. England, EnglandC. English, EnglandD. England, English Which festival comes last in the year?[ ]A. Halloween.B. Christmas.C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.D. The Dragon Boat Festival.At _________, we eat rice dumplings. [ ]A. Mid-Autumn festivalB. ChristmasC. Spring FestivalD. Dragon Boat Festival Sammy is from _____, so she is _____ girl.[ ]A. America, a America B. American, an America C. America, an American D. American, an American—Is Sally from America?—No. Sally is an _______ girl, but she's in _______ now. [ ]A. America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. EngBill Gates is from the ________. [ ]A. UN B. USA C. PRC D. HK At the _______, we eat moon-cakes and on _______, we eat Turkey.[ ]A. Dragon Boat Festival, Thanksgiving Day B. National Day, HalloweenC. Mid-Autumn FestivalMy cousin is in _____.[ ]A. class 4, grade 7B. Class 4, Grade 7 C. grade7, class 4D. Grade 7, Class 4—Is Kate from America?—No. Kate is an _____ girl, but she's in _____now.[ ]A. America; England B. English; AmericaC. American; English D. England; Am—Is Peter from America? —No. Peter is an ______ boy, but he's in ______. [ ]A. America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. England; “重要人物” is______in English. [ ]A.PRC B.USAC.VIP“香港”is______in English. [ ]A.UNB. UKC.HK —Is Kate from America?—No. Kate is an_ girl, but she's in ____now.[ ]A. America; England B. English; AmericaC. American; English D. England; America根据中文及首字母填入所缺单词,并用其正确形式。1. —How many c_____ are there in the Chen family?—Two. They are twins.2. There are seven days in a week. The Can you see _____? [ ]A. John and I B. I and JohnC. John and me D. me and John__________ are good friends.[ ]A. Lily, I and youB. Lily, you and IC. You, Lily and meD. You, Lily and I中央电视台用 _____ 表示。[ ]A. cctvB. CCTVC. MTVD. MP3 —Where is Liu Xiang from? —He is from _________.[ ]A. CubaB. ChinaC. Japan —What class are you in?—I'm ____.[ ]A. in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7C. class 3, grade 7D. Class 3, Grade 7将国旗与其所属国家一一配对。A. B. C. D. E. ( )1. the U.S.A.( )2. Canada( )3. China( )4. Japan( )5. England 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. When is your______(father)birthday?2. That______(be)a party.3. My favourite subject is______(China).4. I'm the______(one)in 中国中央电视台的缩略词是___ .[ ]A. CCTV B. WTOC. PRC D. CEO"One one zero" 表示 ____.[ ]A. 匪警B. 火警C. 急救中心 D. 电信“美国全国篮球协会”的英文缩写是______。[ ]A. BBCB. CDC. UFOD. NBA“中国中央电视台”的缩写是 _____.[ ]A. BBCB. VOAC. CCTVD. MTV_____ 表示“联合国组织”。[ ]A. CDB. TVC. PKD. UN铅笔芯的“硬黑”的英文缩写是 _____。[ ]A. HBB. BHC. ABD. CB—What's the tenth month of the year?—______.[ ]A. JuneB. August C. OctoberD. November—What's the month between July and September?—_______[ ]A. JuneB. August C. OctoberD. November—___________teaches him art?—___________Cooper does. She is kind. [ ]A. Who; Mrs. B. What; Mr. C. Whom;Mrs.D. Who; Mr.用所给词的正确形式或汉语提示填空1. My father________(be)an English teacher.2. Today is her________(nine)birthday.3. His daughter is only one _______(year)ol—Is Sally from America?—No. Sally is an _______ girl, but she's in _______ now. [ ]A. America; England B. English; America C. American; English D. EngMr. Liu is English. He comes from ____.[ ]A. CanadaB. EnglandC. Japan请你指出表示“身份证”的一组缩写字母。[ ]A. BBCB. IQC. ID"onetwozero"表示____________[ ]A. 火警.B. 急救中心. C. 匪警"中华人民共和国"的英文缩略词是 _____. [ ]A. NBA B. PBC C. PRC—Where is Shanghai?—It’s in ________. [ ]A. JapanB. England C. China—Who is he?—He is __________ . [ ]A. Michael B. MariaC. Jane当你在野外发生意外,急需援救时,你应该打出什么信号?[ ]A. SOSB. UFO C.WTOAre they from ______? [ ]A. Australian B. English C. American D. Canada 句型转换。1. She has a new bike.(改为否定句)She ____ ____ a new bike.2. They are English.(同义句转换)They are ____ ____.3. My sister is eleven.(对画线部分—What class are you in?—I'm ____.[ ]A. in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7C. class 3, grade 7D. Class 3, Grade 7—Where are you from? —We are from _____.We are _____.[ ]A. China; Chinese B. China;ChinesesC. English;England D. American;America用所给的词或词组的适当形式填空。 go home, look after, Chinese,skirt, who 1. It's five in the afternoon. Let's _________. 2.— Where is Yao Ming from? — He'用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Best______ (wish) for you. 2. Would you like ______ (have) some coffee? 3. I'm going to have a ______ (swim) lesson. 4. The pr完成句子。1.这是一头非洲的骆驼,它来自非洲.This is an ______ camel, it is from ______. 2.The monkey comes from South America. It's South ______ (America). 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Is your father a factory _____ (work)? 2. _____(Tony) book is on the desk. 3. These _____(be) my students. 4. I’m from China andBetty is from ______ and she is ______. [ ]A. America;American B. American;AmericaC. America;America D. American;AmericanMy friend is in _____. He isn’t in my class. [ ]A. class two B. Class Two C. two class D. Two ClassSam is from _____ and he is _____. [ ]A. English; England B. England;EnglishC. English;EnglishD. England;England句型转换。1. Jim is from England. (改为同义句) Jim _____ _____ . 2. His name is Tom. (用缩写形式改写)_____ _____ Tom. 3. John is from Wu han. (改为一般疑用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The little monkey from ______ (American) is very clever. 2. These snakes come from Europe, they are ______ (Europe). 3. There areThe tigers ______ from ______ . [ ]A. come; AsiaB. comes; AsiaC. come; AsianD. comes; Asian句型转换。1. I have got an American friend. (用he 代替I改写句子 )He _____ _____ an American friend. 2. My grandfather and my grandmother are fine. (对划线部The girl is from _______ and she is _______. [ ]A. China; ChineseB. English; England C. American; AmericaD. Chinese; China________表示“联合国”[ ]A.UNB. RMB C.CCTV D.UK从方框中选词,并用其适当形式填空。Chinese she be run dictionary1. My favourite sport is ______. 2. ______ there any maps in your classroom? 3. There are five—What row are you in? —I'm in _____.[ ]A.row oneB.one RowC.the Row oneD.Row One 句型转换。1. What does your brother do? (改为同义句) _______________________________________2. Where are you from? (改为同义句) _____________________________将下列中英文姓名分类,写在下列横线上,并指出排列方式的不同.1. Yao Ming2. Britney Spears3. Ding Junhui 4. Yang Liwei5. David Beckham6. Jenny Smith7. Hong Zh将以下的姓名用"__ family name, 用"~given name.1. Yao Ming2. Britney Spears3. Ding Junhui 4. Yang Liwei5. David Beckham6. Jenny Smith7. Hong Zhanhui 8.指出错误并改正。1. Can you play the chess? A B CD2. I want to join the swim club . A BC D3. Can you play soccer with us on sunday ? A B C D4. Mary can't She is Jane Black. You can call her ____.[ ]A. Miss JaneB. Miss Black C. Black Miss D. Jane Miss根据括号内所给汉语写出单词的正确形式。1. Are there any( 花园)in the town? 2. Is there a table tennis( 比赛)this afternoon? 3. What's the( 价格)of this co根据中文及句意提示,写出单词。1. Beijing zoo ___ (有) many animals.2. His brother comes from ________( 非洲).3. That man is my __________ (英语) teacher.4.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.She wants ______ (read) a book. 2. Let's go and ______ (see) our grandma.3. Would you like ______ (have) a cup of tea?4.She ___Are you in _____?[ ]A. class two B. Class Two C. Two Class D. two class用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Nile is an _____ river.(Africa)2. Belgium is a _____country.(Europe)3. My grandfather likes telling us his fantastic travels in _The tigers _____ from _____.[ ]A. come, AsiaB. are coming, AsiaC. comes, Asian —_________do you want?—I want a CD of popular songs.[ ]A. Which CD B. How many CDs C. What CDD. How muchHe is an Australian boy. He is from_____.[ ]A. Japan B. China C. Australia D. EnglandI am from _____.What about you?[ ]A.Chinese B.EnglishC.Japanese D.AmericaHer family name is Green.The girl's name is _____.A.Helen WhiteB.Mary GreenC.Green MaryD.White HelenThe teacher's name is Henry Samuel Mason.His students call him _____.[ ]A.Mr MasonB.Mr HenryC.Mr SamuelD.Mrs Mason用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There are several(几个)_____ of students in that big school. (thousand)2. We have two bikes. But there are six people here, so wWhich is different from the others?[ ]A.Asia. B.Europe.C.Japan.—Where ______ the lion come from?—_______.[ ]A.is; AmericaB.does; AmericanC.does; America—Where does the kangaroo come from?—________.[ ]A.Australia doesB.AustralianC.Australia根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. Mr.Liu is my _____ (英语) teacher. 2. Tom is_____ (十三) years old this year. 3. Can you_____ (打开) the door,please? 4. T句型转换。1. Jim is from England. (改为同义句) Jim _____ _____ . 2. His name is Tom. (用缩写形式改写)_____ _____ Tom. 3. John is from Wu han. (改为一般疑Sue can speak .[ ]A. American B. ChinaC. JapanD. EnglishSam is from _____ and he is _____. [ ]A. English; England B. England;EnglishC. English;EnglishD. England;England单句改错。1. my name is betty and i'm from america.____________________________________2. these are my friends.____________________________________3. she cBetty is from ______ and she is ______. [ ]A. America;American B. American;AmericaC. America;America D. American;AmericanSue can speak .[ ]A. American B. ChinaC. JapanD. EnglishDavid Beckham is from.[ ]A. English B. England C. ChinaI'm from _____.A. AmericaB. AmericanC. Chinese D. English同意句转化。1. Lingling is my name.My _____Lingling.2. I'm twelve years old.I ______ _____.3. Beijing is his hometown (家乡).He _____ ______ Beijing. 4_____ is after September.[ ]A. April B. AugustC. NovemberHello! My name is _____.[ ]A. LiLei B. Wang SiqiC. Wang siqi D. Wang SiQi—Are you _____ , Daming? —No,I'm from China. [ ]A. English B. EnglandC. an EnglishD. the England—Good morning! I'm Jim White,your new English teacher. —Good morning! _____ . A. Mr. JimB. Mr. WhiteC. Mr. teacherD. Mr. White Jim_____ are going to the Himalays Mountains for adventure (历险).[ ]A.Turner B.The Turner C.The Turners D.TurnersThe day after Saturday is _____.[ ]A. MondayB. Sunday C. FridayD. TuesdaySeptember 10th is the ________.[ ]A. Children’s DayB. Children DayC. Teachers’ DayD. Teacher’s DayMynameisDianaSmith._____ ismyfamilyname.[ ]A. Diana B. SmithC. DianaSmithD. SmithDianaHello,________! [ ]A. Mr. Jim B. Mr. Alan C. Mr. Miller______ is the seventh month of a year.[ ]A. August B. July C. November D. June 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Computers are used by people for ______ problems. (do)2.Spaceship ______people have reached other parts of the univerSeptember 10th is the ________.[ ]A. Children’s DayB. Children DayC. Teachers’ DayD. Teacher’s Day
根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. I got up late yesterday because I o_________.2. The box is e_________, there is nothing in it.3. Only Tony didn't f_Today is September 10,it’s ___ Day. [ ]A. Teacher’s B. Teachers C. Teachers’ D. teachers’中国的节日你知道多少?请用英语写出来。1. 妇女节_______2. 五·一节_________3. 教师节_______4. 春节_____________5. 中秋节_______6. 父亲节___________June 1 is ______ Day. [ ]A. children's B. Child'sC. Children D. Children'sKate Green is a nineteen-year-old girl. She is not married, so we call her .[ ]A. Mrs. Green B. Miss GreenC. Mrs. KateD. Miss Kate 下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1. Is she make a cake now?2. I thank Mr Hu can I help you doing it. 3. You should read it more one time.4. Please writ根据所给单词和句子意思,写出正确的单词形式。1. Boys and girls, Help ________(you).2. I have many personal ________.(strong)3. He introduces ________(he) to Those women are _______.[ ]A. Greece B. Greeks C. Greek D. Greeces用单词的适当形式填空。1.Jim is _______ of his English. (confidence)2.We gave _______ some advice. (his)3.He enjoyed _______ during the holiday. (watch)4.I看看你的应变能力,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Which one do you like ______ (much), the first one, the second one or the third one?2.Can you tell me the ______下列各均有一出错误请找出并改正。1. There is a book on the desk, either.2. The girl is playing violin3. She combs her hairs carefully4. The book is interesteHawaii is in ______. It's very beautiful.[ ]A. China B. the USA C. Canada D. Japan缩写词 PRC的汉语意思是_____.[ ]A. 中华人民共和国B. 中国共产党C. 中国篮球协会中国中央电视台的缩略词是_______________ 。[ ]A. CCTV B. WTOC. PRC D. CEO"One one zero" 表示 ____.[ ]A. 匪警B. 火警C. 急救中心 D. 电信People do not celebrate_____ in the USA.[ ]A. Easter B. the Dragon Boat FestivalC. Halloween D. ChristmasWTO means(意思是) ______.[ ]A. 世界环保组织 B. 世界卫生组织C. 世界贸易组织 D. 世界体育组织 _____ is a celebration of Jesus Christ coming to life.[ ]A. HalloweenB. ChristmasC. EasterD. Mid-Autumn Day Which festival comes last in the year?[ ]A. Halloween.B. Christmas.C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.D. The Dragon Boat Festival.按要求改写下列各句。 1. Children often go to the zoo on June 1st. (改为同义句) Children often go to the zoo on ________ ________ . 2. The red umbrella is min用所给词的适当形式填空。1.There are some ________(party) in our school every month.2.How many________________would you like to buy? (knife)3.My sister likesWe aren't______. [ ]A. American B. an AmericanC. America D. AmericasSam is from_____ and he is _____. [ ]A. English; England B. England;EnglishC. English;EnglishD. England;EnglandWhich festival comes last in the year?[ ]A. Halloween.B. Christmas.C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.D. The Dragon Boat Festival.按要求改写下列各句。 1. Children often go to the zoo on June 1st. (改为同义句) Children often go to the zoo on ________ ________ . 2. The red umbrella is min根据句意及常识为下列各题选一个节日填空A. ChristmasB. the Lantern FestivalC. the Mid-Autumn FestivalD. Thanksgiving DayE. the Dragon Boat Festival F. Nation用所给单词的适当形式填空1. The little monkey from ______ (American) is very clever. 2. These snakes come from Europe, they are ______ (Europe). 3. There areThe tigers ______ from ______ . [ ]A. come; AsiaB. comes; AsiaC. come; AsianD. comes; AsianI'm from _____.A. AmericaB. AmericanC. Chinese D. EnglishHello! My name is _____.[ ]A. LiLei B. Wang SiqiC. Wang siqi D. Wang SiQi—Are you _____ , Daming? —No,I'm from China. [ ]A. English B. EnglandC. an EnglishD. the England—Good morning! I'm Jim White,your new English teacher. —Good morning! _____ . A. Mr. JimB. Mr. WhiteC. Mr. teacherD. Mr. White Jim—This is my father. —Hello, _____ Lin. [ ]A. Miss B. Mr C. MrsD. Ms句型转换。1. I have got an American friend. (用he 代替I改写句子 )He _____ _____ an American friend. 2. My grandfather and my grandmother are fine. (对划线部Betty is from ______ and she is ______. [ ]A. America;American B. American;AmericaC. America;America D. American;American句型转换1. His name is Nick. (改为同义句)_____ Nick. 2. Her last name is Green. (改为同义句) Her _____ name is Green. 3. Linda isthirteen years old. (对划完成句子。1. 我不会打乒乓球.I can't__________________ . 2. 这两个新来的秘书会讲英语.The two new ______ can____________. 3. 这是一张汤姆的家庭照片.This i根据图片,写出相应的字母缩略形式。 1.______ 2.______3.______4._______ 5._______“(美国)全国篮球协会”的缩写是_______.[ ]A.CBAB.NBAC.CCTVD.UNCCTV是_____的缩写。[ ]A.中国中央电视台B.山东电视台C.英国广播公司D.美国广播公司My name is______.[ ]A.XumingmingB.Xu Mingming C.Xu ming mingD.Xu Ming Ming用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My aunt's son speaks_____ (China) very well.2. It's Monday. My uncle is_____ (real) busy today.3.These kids usually have thrIf you visit _____, you'll see the Eiffel Tower. [ ]A. Paris B. Sydney C. Washington D. Tokyo _____ Miller is her history teacher.He is Chinese.[ ]A.MissB.MrsC.Ms D.Mr根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. They _____ (not have) a school trip. 2. How much _____(be) these green pants?3. Sunday is the _____ (one) day oYao Ming is a basketball player (运动员)in _____.[ ]A. BBC B. NBAC. MBAD. BBC词汇运用。1. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three _____ (child).2. Can you help me with _____(swim)?3. I can speak a little _____(China)His name is Alan Robert Smith. His family name is _____. [ ]A. Alan B. Robert C. Alan Robert D. Smith That's a girl.Her name is_____[ ]A. Wang Xiaohong B. Wang Xiao Hong C. Wang xiaohongD. Wang xiao hong My pen friend's name is Jack Brown. I call him _____.[ ]A. Brown B. JackC. Mr. JackD. Ms. Brown—Which is right? —_____.[ ]A. Green Gina B. Jack smith C. Zhang Zi YiD. Zhang ZiyiWhat's this _____?[ ]A. in english B. In English C. in an English D. in English排列下列国家参加运动会入场式的先后顺序。 Finland Angola ItalyCanadaHollandEnglandFrance Japan Germany Brazil1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. ____用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The two boys are from(Chinese).2. How many(knife) do you have?3. Some students often(swim) in the river.4. Many(child) like d按括号内的要求改写下列各句。1. Tom thinks they are scary. (改为否定句) Tom _____ _____ they _____ scary. . 2.Her cousin likes thrillers.(就划线部分提问) __用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整。1. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three _______(child).2. Can you help me with _______(swim)?UN 的意思是__________.[ ]A. 中央电视台B. 英国广播公司C. 联合国D. 英国Come on,children! Help _____to some_____. A.yourself;meat B.yourselves;chicken C.yourselves;beefs— What is the____of the 2010 World Expo(世博会)? — It is “Better City, Better Life”. A.song B.theme C.customYour mother’s father is your ________.A.cousinB.uncleC.grandmotherD.grandfather I want to get __________ about Qinghua University yesterday.A.many informationB.much informationC.a lot informationD.some informationLao She’s _______ are still popular. Lots of readers read them today.A.works B.compositionsC.themesD.thoughtsIt’s impossible to get good _____ without hard work.A. grades B. medals B. checks C. advertisementsThere are some _______ in your writing. You’d better correct them now. A languages B lettersC numbersD mistakesBeethoven was a great German _______. A writer B artist C composer D poetI like the red skirt. The ______ is that I have no money for it. A matter B question C thing D problemMy favorite is green.A.colorB.foodC.sportD.drinkJohn’s father is a worker. He works in a shoe_______.A.hospitalB.factoryC.schoolD.universityThe boy is from ________ and he speaks ___________.A.America; EnglishB.America; EnglandC.American; EnglishD.American; England —The dictionary is a useful for understanding new words. —I think so. A. secret B. tool C. way—I have a . What should I do, mum?—Didn’t I tell you not to drink the sour milk?A. headache B. backache C. stomachacheMy grandfather and grandmother are my _________.A. parent B. parents C. grandparentsHaving lots of ___________ makes people fat.A.vegetablesB.bananasC.orangesD.hamburgersJim has ___________ at 11:50 at school every day.A.breakfastB.lunchC.dinnerD.supperRose is ill, so she has to go to the _______.A. hospital B. museum C. stationThe pants I bought last year are too small now. I think I need a new .A.beltB.pairC.shirtD.spaceMike: I always forget what I want to buy when I go to the market. Oscar: Well, you can make a of things you want to buy.A.habitB.listC.packD.wishMr. Li regards Ningxia as his second_______ because he has been here for over twenty years. A.familyB.houseC.roomD.home–Why are you still waiting in line? --I’ve missed my _______ .A.placeB.orderC.turnD.time— Does the tiger come from Europe?— No, it doesn’t. It comes from ________.A.ChineseB.AsianC.AsiaD.EuropeanThe camel comes from Africa. It’s African. It lives in the ________.A.forestB.grasslandC.desertD.water— What do you usually do on your ________?— I usually play games and type my homework.A.computerB.blackboardC.notebookD.keyboardMy sister didn’t feel well, so mum took her to theA.theaterB.restaurantC.bookstoreD.hospital—When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会) come to a close? —It’ll close at the end of ________. A.SeptemberB.October C.NovemberD.DecemberI’m not sure about the meaning of the word. You’d better look it up in a ____ .A.letterB.dictionaryC.postcardD.notice— I hear you have to run for half an hour every day.— Right. It is one of the in my school.A.choicesB.plansC.hobbiesD.rulesCan you offer me?A.some advicesB.an adviceC.some pieces of adviceD.some suggestion Parents shouldn’t do all the things for their children because too much ______ prevents children’s development. A.protectionB.pollutionC.explorationD.applica—Would you like some drinks, boys?—Yes, ____ , please.A.some orangesB.two boxes of chocolateC.some cakesD.two boxes of cola -- Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now? -- Sorry, I know nothing about him. We are______.A.friendsB.neighborsC.classmatesD.straStudying in a foreign country is a different _________ and you can learn a lot.A.eventB.exerciseC.experienceD.exhibition–Lily has a silk __________.Listen,she is singing in the next room! -- How nice!.A. look B. noise C. voiceIt’s hot. Let’s have some . A.wineB.porridgeC.ice creamD.strawberries- Where are you going, Lily?-I’m going to the ______ to fly a kite.A.shopB.libraryC.parkD.post office—The land in the southwest of China is in great need of .—Yes ,it hasn’t rained for a long time there.A. milk B. tea C coffee D waterI have a______ for breakfast everyday.A.hot dogB.cookieC.dumplingD.hamburger——What’s your? ——I like swimming.A.jobB.ageC.hobbyD.number Please pick up the _______. Don’t keep it on the floor.A.waterB.paperC.booksD.bottlesA teenage girl couldn’t stand(忍受)her family rules, so she left home.She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and 41years la It was very hard for me to make a—but J decided to leave my job A suggestion B decision C plan D speech