下面短文中的划线部分都是错误的,请改正。并将正确答案写在右边相应题号的横线上,多余的请用斜线划掉,不得改变原文意思。Many Chinese people are try to improve their —I’ve practiced a lot, but my spoken English isn’t improving. What should I do?—Why don’t you ask your teacher for his ________?A.adviceB.planC.reasonD.deThe park is about _______ ride from the museum. You should start out right now.A. two hours B. two hour’s C. two hours’Please pick up the . Don’t keep it on the floor.A.waterB.paperC.booksD.bottles---I’m sorry to hear that the swimmer drove again after drinking and hurt seriously. --- It’s too dangerous. The traffic accident was a really _______to him.—Whose bike is this? —It must belong_____. I have seen him riding it.A.JohnB.John'sC.to JohnD.to John’sWe can’t live without________/'wɔ:tər /. Don’t waste it.A.waiterB.walkC.waterD.wailThere is little ________ in the fridge. Let’s go to the market to buy some.A.eggsB.vegetablesC.fruitD.snacksThere are two and five in the zoo.A.sheep; deerB.sheep; giraffeC.bears; deersD.sheeps; tigersIt is well known to all that the kilogram is the internationalof weight.A.positionB.conditionC.conference D.standard – What do you think Sally will be when she grows up? – She loves science so much. I think she’ll be an .A. engineer B. actor C. English teacherThe Smiths are watching the men’s table tennis match at moment.A. Mr. Smith B. Mr. Smith and his sonC. The Smith family---What’s your favorite ______ ? --- Christmas. We can have a long vacation and eat much delicious food.A.subject B. festival C. animal--- Did the book give the ___________ you needed?--- Yes. But ____________ it, I had to read the whole book.A.information; findB.information; to find C.messOh, dear! There isn’t enough _____ for us in the lift. Let’s wait for the next.A.floorB.seatC.roomD.groundThe two cities have reached an to develop science and technology.A.educationB.excitementC.inventionD.agreement- Do you have any______? -Yes, I like chess and drama best.A.hobbiesB.jobsC.problemsD.duties词汇运用用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)小题1:—Have you got an iPhone 5s ?—No. Many young people began to say “No” to it bIn Britain ______are all painted red.A.letter boxesB.letters boxesC.letter boxD.letters boxWe need to come up with a/an________and make a decision at once.A.informationB.adviceC.ideaD.news________mothers can’t go to the meeting, because they have gone to New York on business.A. Alice and Lily’s B. Alice’s and Lily’s C. Alice’s and LilyThe 2014 Winter Olympics was held in Sochi,in February.A.RussiaB.AustraliaC.JapanD.China—What do you like for breakfast?——I like_______A.noodlesB.noodleC.eggD.milks单词拼写(共10小题,计l0分)小题1:What a p_____ ! He missed the last bus. He had to walk home. 小题2:Smiling costs n________, but gives so much.小题3:I like Thu 一Excuse me, where can I exchange _______?一There is a bank on the second floor.A.booksB.foodC.moneyD.stamps— What would you like?— I’m thirsty. I’d like_________. A. two cups of tea B. two cup of tea C. two eggs.He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. It's just a matter of______.A.valueB.luckC.timeD.factDogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in the earthquake.A.senseB.viewC.meaningD.ideaMother's Day is coming. And I'll buy a specialfor my mother.A.presentB.parentC.protectD.provideIn public places; could you please payto your behavior?A.attentionB.achieveC.astronautD.airplane -- My favorite TV is A Bite of China (舌尖上的中国). --We like it, too. My mother often cooks delicious food after watching it.A.instructionB.guidebookC.hostD-- would you like? -- Strawberry and banana ice cream.A. What kind of dessertB.What size bowl of dessertC. What kind of noodlesD. What size bowl of soupWhich of the following means “can be recycled"?-What are you going to be when you grow up? -I'm going to be a. Flying in the sky is my dream.A.driverB.pilotC.pianistD.cookIt’s a good habit to turn off the unnecessary lights, it can help save.A.spaceB.energyC.timeD.food- Are you happy to have the two-month summer holiday? -Sure. We can relax ourselves and do many things we like.A.two monthsB.two monthC.two months’D.two montIn this test, we’re asked to write a passage of about ______.A.80-wordsB.80-wordC.80 wordsD.80 words’ I am tried. This is not the right ____ to ask me to go for a walk.A.momentB.chanceC.placeD.season There are some _______in Dayton Art Museum ,For example, no food or drinks is allowed inside.A.jobsB.recordsC.rulesD.paintings—Lily, could you please pass me the______? I want to cut the apple. —Sure, here you are. A.penB.pencilC.bookD.knifeThe _____ want to have some _____ for lunch, so they decide to catch some.A. Germans, fish B. Canadian, fish C. Germany, fish ―Congratulations, Jane, you have won the first prize in the physics competition.―Thank you, Mr Green. I can’t make such great __________ without your help.AIf you visit Italy, you can go to____and take photos there.A.Mount FujiB.The Tower BridgeC.The Statue of LibertyD.The Leaning Tower of Pisa Which sign tells us the way to go out of a building?A. B. C.---Daddy, shall we go swimming now?---Sorry. It’s not the right __________. I’m too tired.A.wayB.weatherC.placeD.moment―I wonder _____ Shanghai is from New York.―It’s about 15 _______ flight.A.how long, hours’B.how far, hours’C.how much, hour’sD.how far, hours— exciting news! We will have aholiday after the exam.A.What an; two monthsB.How an; two monthsC.What; two --monthD.How; two months’My cousin gave up the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown.A.opportunityB.challengeC.experience D.change The music made me think of the __________ of a running stream.A.soundB.noiseC.voiceD.shoutTo his surprise, Jack got a low __________ in the final exam.A.goalB.reportC.scoreD.matchHe has stayed there for _________,but ________he likes to stay at home.A.sometime; sometimes B.sometime; some time C.some time ; sometimesD.some time; some —Could I have something to eat?—Sure. Here’s some___________.A.chickenB.tomatoesC.orangesD.apples ----How’s Joy’s skirt?----Her skirt is more beautiful than__________.A.her sister’s and KateB.her sister and KateC.her sister and Kate’sD.her sister’s an____ mothers can’t go to the meeting, because they have gone to Beijing.A.Alice and Lily’sB.Alice’s and Lily’sC.Alice and LilyD.Alice’s and LilyWe should let the children know the ______ of fire, and tell them not to play with it.A. rule B. influence C. danger-- My favorite TV _________ is A Bite of China (舌尖上的中国).--We like it, too. My mother often cooks delicious food after watching it.A.instructionB.guideboEdward doesn’t like his car. He thinks ________ is more modern than his.A.IB.meC.mineD.myI’d like a ____________for dessert. Fruit, you know, it good for health.A. potato B. banana C. candyThis summer vocation I am going to do a lot of _________ to prepare for the senior high school.A.jobB.workC.inventionD.service---Don’t have so much junk food, Andy.---Sorry, I won’t. I’ll have more fruits and form a good eating _____.A.hobbyB.habitC.listD.menu She looked at us sadly with her eyes open as large as ________.A.her sisterB.her sister’sC.her sisters’D.that of her sister---What do you think of Jim’s schoolwork?---His schoolwork is better than_________in his class.A.any classmate’sB.any other classmate’sC.the other classmate—Are these books ____?—No, they are not his. They belong to ____.A.Tom, herB.Tom’s, herC.Tom, hersD.Tom’s, hersLook! There are some __________ on the floor.A. child B. waterC. boxes September 10th is __________ Day.A. Teacher B. Teachers' C. Teacher’s It's from our school to my home.A. ten minutes' walk B. ten minute's walk C. ten minutes walkThere are 30 __________ in the hospital.A.woman doctorsB.women doctorsC.woman doctorD.women doctorWhich is the to the bank?A.way B.road C.placeThe elephant weighs ________ more than the panda.A.manyB.many timeC.many timesD.more times_______ is celebrated on September 10th.A.National DayB.Teachers’ DayC.Dragon Boat FestivalD.Spring Festival—Good morning, madam. Can I help you? —Sure, I’d like _______ for cooking vegetables.A.two cups of teaB.three pieces of breadC.one bowl of dumplingsD.five kiOf the following four,is in June.A.Teachers’ DayB.Christmas DayC.Mother’s DayD.Father’s Day根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处填入单词。每空限填一词。Last year, I went to Glasgow for my six-month English course. It was my first time to be in a new ciwhat time does Linda_______after school?A.does her homeworkB.do her homeworkC.do her homeworksD.does her homeworksCan I join the ______ club?A.swimsB.swimmingC.swimD.swimingI’d like an _________ for breakfast. Fruit, you know, is good for health.A. onionB. orange juiceC. ice cream with chocolate ---Mom, I’m hungry. Let’s have dumplings for lunch!--- OK. Let’s go to buy some________ dumplings.A.mutton and carrots B. beef and cabbagesC. mutton an --- Ask him not to eat too much candy, it’s not good for his ________.--- That’s right, but he always ________ them after eating.A. tooth, washesB. health—Mike, can you never let others know what I have said?—Don’t worry. I’ll keep theA. secret B. money C. grade" Lily,let's make vegetable salad. How many ________do we need?" “One is enough.”A. oranges B. potato C. tomatoes—There is too much ________ on the floor. Why did you make it much too ________?—Sorry, Miss Gao. I will clean it at once. A. dirty, dirtB. dirt, dirtyC. d —Is your uncle an ________?—Yes, he recently invented ________ useful machine.A. invent, theB. inventor, anC. inventor, aWhat did the headmaster say about Jim’s ____?A. two-months holidayB. two month’s holidays C. two-month holidayD. two month’s holidayC-Why were they so excited?-Because they found out __________ about their favorite singer, Andy Lau.A. some informationB. many newsC. message -What a wonderful bridge ! How long is it?-The __________ of the bridge is about 800m.A. longB. lengthC. longth -Some dinosaurs were the __________ of buildings.-They were as __________ as buildings.A. big, biggerB. size, bigC. size, the biggest--- How can I get much about the 2016 Rio Olympics Games?--- Why not search the Internet?A.mapB.pictureC.ticketD.information— What can I do for you?— I want some _______. I am very thirsty.A.breadB.juiceC.riceD.hamburgersA has beautiful feathers . And it can sing nicely.A.catB.parrotC.goldfish D.dog Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and _____.A.some riceB.a few riceC.a little ricesD.a rice-What's the __________ of the horse?-Suhe __________ it Jinghy in the story.A. name, named B. named, name C. name, nameDnamed,named -Could you give me __________ on speaking English well?-Well, there's no easy way. You have to practice a lot.A. an adviceB. a piece of adviceC. some adv Vincent van Gogh became famous after his __________.A. deathB. deadC. dieDdeads-How can we learn English well?-First, you must know the __________ of learning English.A. importanceB. importantC. importantsDimportantis —Why do you want to do it with me together? Can you tell the ______?— ________ my experience, we need to find some co - workers, otherwise we'll not succeed.—Did you tell your headmaster that the teachers and students had a number of ________ their lunch?—Yes. He said he must solve this problem.A. complains about—Were you satisfied with his ________ at the party?—Yes. He ________ like a true gentleman.A. behave, behavedB. behavior, behavedC. behave, behavioredDbeha—Americans hate being asked about their ________ lives.—Yes. They think their ________ is important.A. privacy, privateB. private, privateC. private, priva- Which team won the game? - Ours, It's our first __________.A.luckB.timeC.peaceD.peacesMy grandmother is very old, and she can't see clearly without __________.A.glassesB.words C.gestureD.glass
If you want to send a letter, you can go to the ____.A.bookstoreB.supermarketC.post officeD.postbookstoreCindy's father is a worker. He works in a __________.A.post officeB.factoryC.police D.poststationThe __________ will visit our new school, and they are from America.A.foreignB.foreignerC.foreignersD.foreigns There are a lot of _______ in our school. They work very hard.A. woman teachersB. women teachersC. womans teachersD. women teacher The boy can be in great _________ (dangerous). The watch was a _______ from my mother.A. giftsB. presentC. presentsD. something — I have great _________ in finishing the work by myself. Could you help me?— No problem.A.funB.successC.adviceD.difficultyPeople are using laughter to improve their ____________.A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyD. healthier There has been great ___________ in his English this year.A.improveB.progressingC.improvementD.improving — Do you think the __________ of this skirt suits me?— Of course! You always look beautiful in red.A.sizeB.designC.priceD.colour There are a number of empty __________.A. seatB. seatsC. sitD. a seatI have plenty of __________ here.A. friendB. friendsC. a friendD. the friendsParents often tell their children not to talk to________.A.artistsB.strangersC.captainsD.steward Different ______ different ______.A.countries have;weatherB.country have;weathersC.countries have;weathersD.country has;weatherThere is too much ______ in the south of China this year.A.rainB.snowingC.rainyD.snowyNow I'm at the ______.I'd like to buy a dress for my daughter.A.libraryB.parkC.poolD.supermarket—What animal lives only in China?—______,of course.A.LionB.DolphinC.TigerD.PandaMy house has three . It has enough for you to hold a dance party here.A.room;roomsB.rooms;roomC.room;roomD.rooms;spacesAfter , she arrived a small village.A.half an hours’ walk;atB.fifty minutes’ walk;inC.half an hour’s ride;atD.ten day’s drive;at – I hear you have to get up early every morning.– Right. It’s one of the ___________ in my family.A. reasons B. orders C. rules— How is the _______ in Tiandong?— It’s getting worse and worse. There are always long lines of cars on roads.A.cultureB.foodC.weather D.traffic ________ mothers can't come to the meeting because they have gone to Dalian.A.Sally's and Jane B.Sally and Jane'sC.Sally and Janes'D.Sally’s and Jane's—What colour do you like best?—________.A.Football B.TeaC.GreenD.NoodlesMary takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of_______.A.knowledgeB.energyC.changeD.damageThere is something wrong with my ________. I can’t hear you clearly at all.A.eyesB.arms C.feetD.ears-Have you read the __________ about animals in the newspaper?-Yes. Very interesting !A.reportB.resultC.relationD.interview-Tom, do you know David Smith?-Sure. He is my best friend and our __________ has lasted for years.A.activitiesB.friendshipC.recordingD.hobbies Some accidents have happened on the road recently. So we should pay attention to the __________ problems.A.trafficB.actionC.pathD.food They didn't provide __________ for Mr. Brown, so he had to find a hotel to live in.A.appointmentsB.accommodationC.clothesD.mealsMr. Brown had got a __________ and he went to see a dentist.A.headacheB.toothacheC.stomachacheD.feverMany people are thinking of new ways to fight the pollution of the __________.A.planetB.universeC.environmentD.galaxy-What's the __________ of the ticket?-It's about five hundred yuan.A.priceB.prizeC.moneyD.medal There are forty-eight ____________ doctors in this hospital.A.manB.men’sC.womanD.women We can never pay you back for your __________, your ___________ and gift of knowledge.A.kind; patientB.kindness; patientC.kind; patienceD.kindness; patienc I listened to Professor Chen-Ning Franklin Yang’s lecture about his study and physics, but I failed to get its key ______ .A.wordsB.notesC.messagesD.pointsWe all want to try something new, but finding the _________ to start is always the hardest part.A.success B.prideC.courage D.progress“Wechat”(微信)really makes a great _____to people’s life. It’s easier for us to keep in touch with others.A.choiceB.differenceC.problemD.surpriseHe gave us some ______ on how to learn a language.A.advice B. advices C. Advises一A child’s family background brings him or her a bright future.一Not really . A study shows that reading for pleasure plays a more important _________.A.partThere are fifty _in our school. They are all friendly to us.A.woman teachersB.women teacherC.woman teacherD.women teachers I want a sweet milk. Put some ______ in my cup, please.A.iceB.soupC.saltD.sugar—What would you like to say to your ________ before leaving school?—I’d like to say “Thank you very much! I’ve learnt a lot from you in the past three years.My teacher gave me much ________ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.A.adviceB.question C.suggestionD.problem —Excuse me, is this ________ new pencil sharpener? —Yes, it’s ________. He bought it just now.A.Tom’s; hisB.Tom; hisC.Tom’s; hersD.Tom’s; yours—After P.E., I often feel very thirsty. —Why not buy some ________ to drink?A.breadB.noodlesC.apple juiceD.teas—I have a ______. What should I do?—You should see a dentist.A.stomachacheB.backacheC.toothacheD.headacheI think ______ in the old people’s home is great fun.A.volunteerB.volunteeredC.volunteering D.to volunteeringHe is of medium build.A.not tall or shortB.thin or heavyC.of medium heightD.not thin or heavy She was surprised by her new book’s.A.successfullyB.succeedC.successD.successfulAs a student, you need at least sleep a day.A.eight hours’sB.eight hour’sC.eight hours’D.eight hours I am looking for a friend of ________ who lives in this neighborhood.A.meB.mineC.myD.I— The land in the southwest of China is in great need of _______.— Yes,it hasn’t rained for a long time.A.coffeeB.juiceC.waterD.tea请根据中英文提示或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。(5分)小题1:My parents love sports, e_________ walking and jogging.小题2:There are many __________(秘书) inmothers both work in the same factory.A.Tony and Peter’sB.Tony’s and PeterC.Tony’s and Peter’sD.Tony and Peter—Will you fix up the machine according to the ______, David ? –No problem.A.instructionsB.inventionsC.invitationsD.interviews—Would you like something to drink?—Yes, give us__________, please.A.some pieces of bread.B.two bottle of milks.C.three cup of apples juice.D.two cups of co—What’s your favourite _______?—Science. Because I want to be a scientist in the future.A.sportB.hobbyC.animalD.subjectThe ________ on his face told me that he was angry.A.expressionB.sightC.appearanceD.scene—Mum, I’m thirsty. Can I have some ______?—OK. Here you are.A.breadB.waterC.riceD.cake—Is there any ____ in the fridge, Mum?—No, there’re only some _____. Would you like them?A.juice, appleB.apples, juiceC.juice, applesD.apple, juice-How was your interview today?-I made it! It was extremely crowded,but I had theofinterviewing the famous writer in the end.A.troubleB.experienceC.opportunityThe old washing machine makes loud _______, I can’t hear you clearly.A.voiceB.noiseC.soundD.sounds —What do you think of the 3-D printer?—It’s great although it still needs further .A.arrangementB.educationC.informationD.developmentIt’s common ______ that the Japanese eat Sushi.A.informationB.knowledgeC.directionD.instruction– What do you know about _______?-- Line drawings that show how something works.A.picturesB.diagramsC.programmesD.paintingsA human ______ can do some things better than a computer, for example, creating new ideas.A.headB.bodyC.brainD.armLook at the ______, sir. The white shirt is larger than the yellow one.A.shirtB.sizeC.weightD.colour —What about having a picnic tomorrow morning?—Well, I don’t think it’s good ________ because the radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.A.idea B.suggestionC.a