Tom, would you please _______ the box? It's for your sister. [ ]A. not to open B. don't open C. not open D. to not open —Can I go out and play football for a while, Mum? —I'm afraid you____.Work comes first. [ ]A.can't B.needn't C.wouldn't D.don't —Must I stay here with you? —No,you____.Just do your own business. [ ]A. mustn't B.needn't C.can't D.may not —Can you answer the last question?—No, I _______. It's too difficult.[ ]A. mustn'tB. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't I don't like the color of this hat._____ you show me another one, please? [ ]A. Could B. Need C. Must D. Should You ____ play football in the street. It's too dangerous. [ ]A. wouldn'tB. needn't C. mustn'tD. couldn't — Must I return the library book right now? — No, you _____. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. needn'tD. won't —Who is that man?—That _______ be Mr. Green. He always walks this way. Hi! Mr. Green. [ ]A. can B. may C. need D. must —David, is that man your Chinese teacher?—It_______be him. He's having a meeting. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. won't —Excuse me, must I finish my homework now? —No, you _______. You can hand it in tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn'tC. shouldn'tD. wouldn't —Can you finish the work in three days? —Sorry,I ________. My computer doesn't work. [ ]A. mustn't B. may not C. can'tD. needn't — May I copy your homework? — Sorry, you _____. [ ]A. may not B. needn'tC. mustn'tD. won't —_______Iborrow your calculator? —of course you can.[ ]A. Must B. Can C. Should D. Will —Could I have a look at the photo of your family, Sam?—Of course, you_______. [ ]A. needB. can C. could D. must —______ you play tennis, Tom? —Yes, I can. [ ]A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need The students _____ listen to the teachers carefully in class. [ ]A. mustB. may C. can D. would In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you ____ take care of your things. [ ]A. canB. may C. must D. will — May I go out and play, Mum?— No, you ____. You've got a lot of work to do. [ ]A. needn'tB. mustn'tC. wouldn't D. won't —Sally, may I borrow your notebook? —Sure, but you ______ return it tomorrow. [ ]A. needB. mustC. can D. may —Can you ride a horse? —No, I ______. [ ]A. needn't B. may notC. can'tD. mustn't — Whose backpack is this? — It _____be Jim's. Look, his student's card is in it.[ ]A. must B. can C. mustn'tD. can't —It's such a long distance. What should I do? —You ________ take my motorcycle if you want. [ ]A. may B. mustC. need — Whose T-shirt is this? — It _____be John's. It's much too small for him. [ ]A. may B. must C. can't D. shouldn't —May I do the homework tomorrow?一No, you ______. You should hand in before class tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. couldn't —Miss Li, must we hand in our homework right now?—No, you ______. You can hand it in tomorrow. [ ]A. don't B. mustn't C. needn't D. may not 句型转换。1. The nurse does all the housework in my home every day. (改为一般疑问句)________ the nurse __________ all the housework in your home every day? 2.In order to speak English better, we ______ be afraid of losing face. Because the most important thing isto practice. Remember, practice makes perfect. [ ]A.—Now I know how to do everything by ______.—So you don't have to ______ your parents. [ ]A. me; depend on B. myself; depended on C. myself; depend on D.— Must I answer this question in English? — No, you ____. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't D. shouldn't If the traffic light is red, you_____ cross the road. It's dangerous. [ ]A. don't B. needn't C. mustn't D. wouldn't —Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't —Must I finish the work today, Mom? —No, you _____. You can finish it tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. shouldn't D. can't —Nancy, you are late today!—Sorry, I ______ next time, Miss Li. [ ]A. don't B. won't C. am not D. haven't —We______talk loudly when we see the sign "Be quiet" on the wall. —Yes, you are right. We should be polite in public.[ ]A. must B. mustn't C. need D. n—______ you play football? —No. But I'm good at playing basketball. [ ]A. Must B. CanC. May D. Should —Let's go to the West Hill Park by taxi. —Oh, it is not far away from here. We ______ take a taxi. [ ]A. couldn't B. mustn't C. needn't D. can't —Must I finish writing the composition today?—No, you ______. [ ]A. must not B. can't C. needn't D. may not — ______ I borrow these magazines? — Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [ ]A. Must B. WouldC. May D. Need 用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空,(每词限用一次)。sound pull canfeel eat Doctor: What's wrong with you? Emma: Oh, I have a toothache now. Doctor: How long have —______ I borrow your MP4? —Sure, here you are. [ ]A. May B. Would C. Must D. Should —______ I finish writing the survey right now, Madam? —No, you needn't. You can complete it this afternoon. A. Would B. Can C. May D. Must You _____ cross the road when the traffic lights are red. It's dangerous.[ ]A. needn'tB. may not C. mustn't— Shall we go skateboarding after school? — Sorry, my parents said that I_____ be at home early. [ ]A. need B. must C. may —What ______ you rather have, tea or coffee? —Either is OK. [ ]A. do B. are C. will D. would — Shall we meet at the station at 8 am? — In fact we ______. The train ______ until 10 am. [ ]A. mustn't; doesn't leave B. mustn't; leaves C. needn't— Shall we meet at the station at 8 am? — In fact we ______. The train ______ until 10 am. [ ]A. mustn't; doesn't leave B. mustn't; leaves C. needn't— Let's go dancing tonight! — Sorry, I ______. I have to go to my guitar lesson. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't —Where's David? —He_____be in the playground because he is fond of playing basketball.[ ]A. will B. may C. can't D. mustn't —Lucy doesn't mind lending you her dictionary.— She . I've already borrowed one. [ ]A.mustn't B.needn't C.shouldn'tD.can't If you have finished most of the work, you ______ start working so early tomorrow. [ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. needn't If your mother were here, she ______ allow you to surf the Internet for so long.[ ]A. won't B. doesn't C. didn't D. wouldn't This dictionary______ Tom's. It has Ann's name on it.[ ]A. might be B. may he C. can't be You _____ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night. A. may B. need C. should D. ought to Very loud noises _____make people ill. So we _____make great noise. [ ]A. must; mustn't B. need; needn't C. can; mustn't D. must; can't If you are in the zoo, remember not to touch or go near the animals. Although some of the animals are cute, you _____ leave them alone. [ ]A. must B. will C.— Another cup of tea? — No, thanks. I _____ be off. Gina is waiting for me. [ ]A. can B. must C. may The talented boy _________ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten. [ ]A. may B. could C. must You ______ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain. [ ]A. can't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. have to —____ you play the piano?— No. But I can play the violin. [ ]A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should —Good morning. I've got an appointment with Ms King in her office.—Morning. You _______ be Mr Jones. This way, please. [ ]A. will B. must C. can D. mig— Dad, can I go to the movies tonight? — Sure, but you _____ come back home before 9 o'clock. [ ]A. can B. must C. may D. might 一Bob, shall we go and meet our new classmate? 一Sorry. I'm busy now. But you ________ ask David to go with you. He is free.[ ]A. need B. may C. would D—Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't —Could I go boating this weekend, Dad?—Yes, you ________. But you have to come back before lunch. [ ]A. can B. must C. need D. should I can't go to the cinema with you because I _____ stay here until my mother comes back. [ ]A. can B. could C. may D. must By the year 2015, all of China's museums will be free to enter. We _____ visit any museum without paying. [ ]A. can B. need C. must D. should The magazine ______ be Lily's, for we can find her name on the cover. [ ]A. may B. might C. could D. must —Must I do my homework now? Mum. —No, you _____.You can do it after supper.[ ]A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. don't — Have you decided where to spend your summer holiday? — Not yet. We _____ go to Qingdao. [ ]A. must B. should C. need D. may —Mum, can I go to the concert tonight?—Sure, but you _____ finish your homework first. [ ]A. can B. must C. needn't —What will the weather be like tomorrow?— It _____ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows? [ ]A. must B. might C. shall D. should — Is Mr. Smith in his office now? — No, he _____ there. I _____ him in the library a minute ago. [ ]A. may be, saw B. can't be, see C. mustn't be, see D—Is Nancy knocking at the door?—No, it ________ be Nancy. She has gone to Guangzhou. [ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. won't —_____ I use your ruler, Lingling?— Sure. Here you are. [ ]A. May B. Would C. Need D. Must Susan is good at English and she _____ sing English songs. [ ]A. need B. may C. can — Where is Mr. Lee? I have something important to tell him. — You _____ find him. He _____ Japan. [ ]A. won't, has gone to B. may not, has been to C. maYou ______ be tired after playing sports for a long time without a rest. [ ]A. must B. need C. can't — Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the zoo? — Sorry, I'm new here. Please ask that policeman. He _____ know. [ ]A. can B. need C. may —Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't Don't put off today's work for tomorrow. I mean, today's work _____today. [ ]A. may do B. must do C. may be done D. must be done You _____be hungry already-you had lunch only two hours ago! [ ]A. wouldn't B. can't C. mustn't D. needn't — Can I wear any clothes I like to school? — No, you can't. You _____ wear a uniform. [ ]A. might B. must C. will D. would —Must I mop up the floor now? —No, you _________. [ ]A. needn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. mustn't Alice, please be quiet! The others _____ hear clearly. [ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't — Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor?  — No, you . You can go back home tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. must —You don't look well, Don! You'd better see your doctor. —I ________, but he said there was nothing wrong. [ ]A. will B. would C. had D. have If the traffic light is red, you_____ cross the road. It's dangerous. [ ]A. don't B. needn't C. mustn't D. wouldn't — Must I clean the room now? — No, you _____. You can do it tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. must C. needn't D. need You ______ write letters to your cousin. You can chat with her online. [ ]A. can't B. needn't C. shouldn't D. mustn't —Whose shirt is this?—It _______ be Li Lei's. It is too big for him.[ ]A. could B. must C. can't D. might -Is Mr Li in his office? -No, he _____ in the office. He's ill in hospital. [ ]A. mustn't be B. can't be C. should be D. needn't be You ______drink wine before driving, or the police will take your license away.[ ]A. don't have to B. needn't C. mustn't D. may not — Hey, Ted! You _____ never play in the street. It's not safe. — Sorry, Mum. I won't again. [ ]A. need B. must C. can D. may Sorry. I'm late.______ I come in, Mr. Wang? [ ]A. Can B. May C. Must —Whose bike is this? —It ______ belong to Adam. Look! His bag is on it. [ ]A. must B. may C. will D. can —Who's that under the tree? Is it Jenny? —It_______ be Jenny. She's ill in hospital today. [ ]A. can't B. must C. may D. mustn't If you needinformation, youlook up the website"www.hr.com.cn". [ ]A. farther; must B. further; mayC. further; must —May I put my bike here? —No, you ______. You should put it over there. [ ]A. may not B. mustn't C. needn't 请按各小题的要求转换句型,保持句子原意,每个空格只准填一个单词。 1.We don't usually have to get there too early. (改为同义的) We get there too early. 2.The eaYou ______ smoke. You are only 14 and it isn't allowed. [ ]A. mustn't B. don't have to C. needn't D. won't
— Must we collect the bottles now? — _____. You can do it after class. [ ]A. Yes, you may B. Yes, you must C. No, you mustn't D. No, you needn't You ______ stay in bed any longer. Get up to work quickly. [ ]A. must B. won't C. can't D. needn't — Our class won the English speaking contest. — Congratulations! You _____ be very proud of it. [ ]A. can B. need C. would D. must 根据A句完成B句,使其意思相同或相近,每空填写一词。 1. A: How's the weather in Bazhong today?B: ___________ the weather ___________ in Bazhong today? 2. A: M—Look, Mr. King is swimming in the pool. —It ________ be Mr. King. He has gone to Kunming on vacation.[ ]A. can B. can't C. must D. mustn't — Let's go to the concert tonight, Michael! — Sorry, I _____. I have to help my mother with the housework. [ ]A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. can't—Must I five the dictionary back to the library now?— No, You _____. You can _____ it for another two weeks. [ ]A. needn't, know B. needn't, keep C. must—That T - shirt with Yao Ming's picture on it _________ belong to Jack. He likes Yao Ming very much. —No, it _________ be his. He doesn 't like black T - shThis is just between you and me. You _________ tell anyone about this. [ ]A. mustn't B. can C. should D. have not to —The sports shoes must be Linda's. —No, they ______ be. They're too small for her. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. may not D. might not —Have you seen my glasses? I ____ find them. —Sorry, I haven't seen them. [ ]A. can't B. shouldn't C. won't D. mustn't —You see, a man is cutting a tree on the moon. —It _________ be true. The teacher says there is no air on the moon. [ ]A. can't B. may not C. shouldn't DMillie will be busy this weekend. She _____ watch the game show on TV. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't D. doesn't have to 一Is that Mr Brown? 一No, it _____ Mr Brown. He went to London this morning. [ ]A. mustn't be B. can't be C. may not be D. shouldn't be —My house is very near a busy street. —It be very quiet. [ ]A. can B. must C. can't D. mustn't These newspapers are free. You ________ keep one if you like. [ ]A. may B. should C. must You _______ study hard if you want to get good grades in English. [ ]A. can B. may C. must We believe that Mary ________ take the money at that time, though she was poor. [ ]A. won't B. wouldn't C. is not going to — Listen! Is Rose singing in the next room? — No. It ______ be Rose. She has gone to Shanghai. [ ]A. may not B. can't C mustn't D. needn't — Kate, _____ you dance the disco? — Yes, I can. [ ]A. may B. can C. must D. need —I can't stop smoking, doctor. —For your health, I'm afraid you ______. [ ]A. may B. can C. have to D. need — Must I wait here now? — No, you _____. But you should be back in ten minutes. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. don't have to —Hey, boy! We should keep the park clean. You _________ throw litter about. —Sorry, I won't do that again. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. couldn't — Hello, Miss Lin! _____ I finish my homework today? — No, you needn't. You may do it tomorrow. [ ]A. Must B. Can C. May —Mum, _________ I go out to play table tennis? —Yes, you can. But you had better come back early.[ ]A. must B. need C. may The short girl in red _____ be Jenny. Jenny is medium build. [ ]A. must B. can't C. can D. mustn't — Listen! Is Professor Bloom giving a speech in class? — No, it ______ be him. He has gone to France. [ ]A.may not B.mustn't C.needn't D.can't 下面短文中标有题号的十行中均有一处错误,请先用底线标明,然后将改 正后的答案写在相应题号后的横线上。 Dear Henry,I’m glad to receive your letter.It’s a pleasurSchools _____ allow students at least one hour a day for sports.[ ]A. would B. might C. should D. could. —May I do the rest of the work tomorrow? —Yes, of course. You _____ finish it today. [ ]A. must B. mustn't C. needn't D. could If you make a lot of noise, you ______ wake up Dad. [ ]A. may B. need C. must — Would you please help me with the questions? — Sorry. You ______ go and ask Mary. She ______ know the answer. [ ]A. must; can B. can; may C. need; ca—Excuse me. How can I get to the railway station? —Turn left and then follow your nose —You _____ miss it! [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. needn'按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。 1. Judy can write stories. (改为否定句) Judy ____________ ____________ write stories. 2. Mr Li's family—Will you answer the telephone? It be your mother —Sorry, I. I'm busy [ ]A.can ; mustn't B.will ; can't C.may ; can't D.need ; will — Listen! Is that Kangkang playing the guitar? — No. It ______ be Kangkang. He has gone to Changsha. [ ]A. can'tB. needn't C. mustn't Don't run or shout at the party. If you do, you_____leave. [ ]A. will have to B. have to C. must D. can't —I want some students for the school concert. Bill, ________ you sing? —Yes, I can. But only a little. [ ]A. would B. must C. should D. can —Excuse me. How can I get to the railway station? —Turn left and then follow your nose —You _____ miss it! [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. needn'一Is the man over there Mr Li? —No. it ________ be him. Mr Li is much taller. [ ]A. mustn't B. may not C. can't D. needn't —Excuse me. How can I get to the railway station? —Turn left and then follow your nose —You _____ miss it! [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. needn'一 Whose notebook is this? 一 It _____ be Carla's. It has her name on it. [ ]A. might B. must C. shouldn't D. can't —_______ I water the flowers every day?—No, you needn't. You can water them 3 times a week. [ ]A. Must B. May C. Need D. Can — Must I return the library book right now? — No, you _____. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. needn'tD. won't —I'm a little tired. Let's go to the zoo by taxi. —We _____ take a taxi. It's not far from here. [ ]A. can'tB. mustn't C. couldn't D. needn't Alice, please be quiet! The others _____ hear clearly. [ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't —Lisa, ________ you speak French? —Yes, but only a little. [ ]A. need B. must C. may D. can We hope that as many people as possible _____ join us for the charity show tomorrow. [ ]A. need B. can C. must D. should Be polite. You ________ talk to the old like that.[ ]A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D. wouldn't —May I smoke here?— No, you _____, only do that in the smoking room. [ ]A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. couldn't —Mary, _________ you play chess?— Yes, I can do it very well. I want to join the chess club. [ ]A. can B. should C. must D. need —_____ you play basketball? —Yes, and I'm a good player. [ ]A. May B. Can C. Must D. Should —_________ you help me? I can't find my keys. —Yes. It's a pleasure. [ ]A. Can B. Must C. Need D. Should —You mean this CD _____ belong to Victor?— Yes, it has his name on it. [ ]A. must B. may C. might D. can Hello! _____ I speak to Mr Smith, please? [ ]A. Must B. May C. Would D. Need This toy bear _______ be Jane's.She's the only kid at the picnic. [ ]A. must B. canC. need D. have toFour hundred dollars for a pair of shoes? You _____ be joking! [ ]A. may B. can C. need D. must — Must I finish my homework tonight, Mum? — No, you _____. You can leave some for tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't —May I play computer games, Mum?—No. You _____ finish your homework first. [ ]A. will B. can C. would D. must —The dread _________ belong to Judy—It's much too big for. her. [ ]A. can't B. needn't C. won't Teenagers _______ to choose their own lifestyles. [ ]A. should be allowed B. should allow C. must be allowed —Where is my umbrella? Must I take it with me, Mum ? —It's fine today. You take it with you. [ ]A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't —_____ you play basketball? —Yes, and I'm a good player. [ ]A. May B. Can C. Must D. Should —Mary, _________ you play chess?— Yes, I can do it very well. I want to join the chess club. [ ]A. can B. should C. must D. need My brother _______get into his house last night because he _______his key.[ ]A. couldn't; lost B. can't; left C. could; forget D. can; lose —Must we finish the work before six? —No, you______. You can do it tomorrow.[ ]A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. may not 短文改错。During my high school years, I was interested at many subjects likes biology, history, geography and English. I find math, physics and chemistry very We ______ careful when we are walking across the road. There are too many vehicles now. [ ]A. can be B. may be C. must be —Must I finish the work today, Mom? —No, you _____. You can finish it tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. shouldn't D. can't Tony ______ go to the opera on Saturday because he is going to have a meeting. [ ]A. can't B. mightC. mustn't D. should —Dad, must I finish my homework today?—No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow. [ ]A. needn't B. mustn't C. don't D. won't Schools _____ allow students at least one hour a day for sports.[ ]A. would B. might C. should D. could. When traffic lights are red, we ________ stop and wait. [ ]A. may B. can C. must D. might —May I do the rest of the work tomorrow? —Yes, of course. You _____ finish it today. [ ]A. must B. mustn't C. needn't D. could Ads sometimes help people learn more about new products, but at other times ads _______tell lies. [ ]A. must B. can C. need D. should You_____ be tired after working for eight hours without a rest. [ ]A. can B. may C. must D. need — I really like playing computer games!— I'm afraid you _____ stop, for your study and your health. [ ]A. can B. will C. may D. must —Must I stay at home and take care of her? —No, you ________. [ ]A. mustn't B. won't C. can't D. needn't — Could I borrow your dictionary? — Of course you _____. [ ]A. can B. must C. should D. will — Is John coming by train? — He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car. [ ]A. must B. can C. may D. need It`s nearly seven o'clock. Jack ____ be back home at this moment. [ ]A. must B. need C. could D. can 改写句子, 按括号内的要求改写下列句子, 每个空格填一个单词。1. They had lunch at school yesterday. (改写否定句 ) They _________ _________ lunch at school yesteJohn, you needn't do your work today, you _____ do it tomorrow if you're tired. [ ]A. must B. may C. can't — Are you going to Beijing by plane? — It's fast, but expensive. So I am not sure. I_____ take a train. [ ]A. should B. may C. must D. will — May I play computer games now, Mum? — I'm sorry you _____. Do your homework first. [ ]A. can't B. needn't C. have to —Could I go to the movie this weekend, Dad? —Yes, you ______. But you have to come back before nine. [ ]A. shall B. must C. need D. can —Do I have to come back tomorrow?—Yes, you _____. [ ]A. can B. may C. must D. should —Mom, ______ I play computer games?—Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. [ ]A. must B. may C. will D. need You ______ do it if you really don't want to.[ ]A. needn't B. mustn't C. can't D. couldn't—David, is that man your Chinese teacher?—It_______be him. He's having a meeting. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. won't —____ you play the piano?— No. But I can play the guitar. [ ]A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should —Must I do the work now?—No, you _____. You may do it later.[ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. shouldn't —_____ you swim? —Yes, but I'm not a good swimmer. [ ]A. Can B. May C. Need D. Must —Can you answer the last question?—No, I _______. It's too difficult.[ ]A. mustn'tB. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't —Can I go out and play football for a while, Mum? —I'm afraid you____.Work comes first. [ ]A.can't B.needn't C.wouldn't D.don't —Must I return this book tomorrow? —No, you____. You can keep it until next week. A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. shouldn't —______ I use your mobile phone? —Certainly. Here you are. [ ]A. May B. Must C. Should D. Need —Sally, may I borrow your notebook? —Sure, but you ______ return it tomorrow. [ ]A. needB. mustC. can D. may —Mary, _____ you speak Chinese? —Yes, only a little. [ ]A. must B. need C. may D. can —Sally, may I borrow your notebook? —Sure, but you ______ return it tomorrow. [ ]A. needB. mustC. can D. may
In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you ____ take care of your things. [ ]A. canB. may C. must D. will You _______ return the book now. You can keep it till next week. [ ]A. should B. mustn't C. needn't D. may Tom, would you please _______ the box? It's for your sister. [ ]A. not to open B. don't open C. not open D. to not open —_____ you speak Japanese?—No, I can't. [ ]A. Can B. Must C. May D. Should I_____swim, but I can't skate. [ ]A. must B. need C. can D. should — May I go out and play, Mum?— No, you ____. You've got a lot of work to do. [ ]A. needn'tB. mustn'tC. wouldn't D. won't — Would you please go hiking with me tomorrow? — Sorry, I ______. I'll have to meet my cousin in the train station. [ ]A. can't B. won't C. mustn't D.—Is Simon coming by train?—He should, but he _______ not. He likes driving his car. [ ]A. may B. shall C. need D. must —Can you finish the work in three days? —Sorry,I ________. My computer doesn't work. [ ]A. mustn't B. may not C. can'tD. needn't — ______ you turn down your radio, please? — Yes, I can. [ ]A. May B. Need C. Must D. Can —______ I play computer games? —No, you mustn't.[ ]A. May B. Can C. Must D. Shall —Must I finish the work today, Mom? —No, you _____. You can finish it tomorrow. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. shouldn't D. can't — Mike, I can't stop playing computer games. — For your eyes, my dear friend, I'm afraid you . [ ]A. have to B. may C. must D. need —_______ you play golf? —No. But I can play table tennis. [ ]A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should -Can you play with a yo-yo, Jim ?-Yes, I ______ . It's easy.[ ]A. mustB. canC. needD. may— My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow? — I'm sorry I _____. I'm leaving for London tonight. [ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. cou—Can I tell my best friend about it?— No, I don't want anyone else to know it. You _____ keep it to yourself. [ ]A. must B. need C. can D. may — Shall I tell John about it? — No, you ______. I told him just now. [ ]A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. shouldn't —_______ you play golf? —No. But I can play table tennis. [ ]A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should — Bill, don't play that kind of joke any more! — I'm sorry. I _____ do it again. [ ]A. can't B. won't C. mustn't —Listen! Is that Kate playing the piano in the room?—No. It_____be Kate. She has gone to London. [ ]A. may not B. needn't C. mustn't D. can't Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We ______stay in our classroom. [ ]A. should B. must C. had to —Hi, Jim, ____ you come to my party? —Sorry, I can't. I have to do my homework. [ ]A. can B. may C. need D. must —Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr. Zhao? —No, you _______. You may give it to me tomorrow. [ ]A. needn't B. mustn'tC. can't 一Must I go and do it now?—NO, you ______. We still have two more days. [ ]A. shouldn't B. can't C. needn't D. won't You _____ swim in this part of the lake. It's not safe. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. won't — Will you please stay here for the party? — Sorry, I _____. I'll have to go to an important meeting. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't D. won't —That T-shirt with Yao Ming's picture on it _____ belong to David. He admires him a lot.—No, it _____ be his. He hates black color. [ ]A. can; can't B. You have already tried your best, so you _____ worry about the matter. [ ]A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. couldn't —Look! It _____ be Jane on the playground.—It _____ be her because I saw her enter the dance room just now. [ ]A. must; mustn't B. can; can'tC. may; mu—Shall we go swimming this afternoon?—Sorry, I ________. I have lots of homework to do. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. can't 一Excuse me, is this the right way to No. 1 Middle School? 一Sorry, I'm not sure. But it_______ be.[ ]A. can B. need C. must D. may —Mom, ______ I play computer games?—Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. [ ]A. must B. may C. will D. need He _____ in the classroom just now. he _____ be there now. [ ]A. heard to sing, may B. was heard sing, must C. heard sing, must D. was heard to sing, may — Why is e-shopping getting more and more popular? — It _____save a lot of trouble and time if it is properly used. [ ]A. need B. should C. can D. has to —Is Susan going to her hometown by train?—I guess she ________. I know she likes driving her new car. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. may not — What did the head teacher say at the meeting? — He said, "We _____be proud of working hard. We mustn't be lazy." [ ]A. must B. needn't C. may D. can— What did the head teacher say at the meeting? — He said, "We _____be proud of working hard. We mustn't be lazy." [ ]A. must B. needn't C. may D. canThis kind of food _____ cool, clean and dry according to the instruction. [ ]A. should be carriedB. must be put C. should be placed D. must be kept — Will you please stay here for the party? — Sorry, I _____. I'll have to go to an important meeting. [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. can't D. won't —Where is mom now?—I'm not sure. She ______ be in the kitchen. [ ]A. shall B. may C. need D. must —Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't 句型转换。1. Lily can fly a kite. (否定句)Lily________________ a kite. 2. Andy can put the football behind the door. (划线提问) ________ ________ Andy put t─ Where ______ I put the newspaper? ─ You can put it on the desk. [ ]A. can B. must C. do D. does You ______ use your mobile on the plane, but you ______ listen to music.[ ]A. must not; can B. cannot ; must C. must not; must D. can; cannot —Must I do my homework now? —No, you . [ ]A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't D. can't Mother wants __________ the house. Would you __________ her please? [ ]A. clean, help B. clean, to help C. to clean, help D. to clean, to help 句型转换。1. May I smoke here? (否定回答)No, . 2. Look! There is some milk in the glass. (改为否定句)Look! There milk in the glass. 3. This bag is made of— Don't forget _____. — Ok, I _____. [ ]A. to turn off the lights; don't B. turning off the lights; will C. to turn off them; do D. to turn them off;Mr. Green is from England. He ______ speak English. [ ]A. can't B. shouldn't C. must D. mustn't — I can't stop smoking, doctor. — For your health, I'm afraid you _____. [ ]A. must B. have to C. will D. can 从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当形式填空。 should can exercise drink ride take much both interest information 1.______ you play the guitar? Yes, but I'm not句型转换。1. The twin brother does well in math. (写出同义句)The twin brother _________ __________ at math. 2. She wants to see him as soon as possible. (写—Must I put on the coat?— No, _____. [ ]A. you can't B. you mustn't C. you needn't D. you may not — Must I finish my homework now? — No, you _____. [ ]A. must not B. don't C. needn't D. can't 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. She has to do the washing every day. (改为一般疑问句) _________ she _________ to do the washing every day? 2. She has a backThe girl in red under the tree _____your sister. [ ]A. may B. be C. maybe D. may be Judy _____ a stomachache, so she _____ eat anything for twenty-four hours. [ ]A. has; should B. have; shouldC. has; shouldn'tD. haven't; shouldn't 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. We're staying in Jinan for two weeks. (变为一般疑问句)________ you ________ in Jinan for two weeks?2. You should drink much— Could I borrow your dictionary? — Of course you _____. [ ]A. can B. must C. should D. will —May we leave the classroom now? —No, you _______. You ________ to leave until the bell rings. [ ]A. mustn't; are allowed B. don't have to; are supposedThe light is on in Tom's room. He ________ be at home now. [ ]A. could B. must C. can D. need You are ________ to return the book to the library in two weeks.[ ]A. supposed B. wanted C. shouted D. thought A: Could I watch TV now, mum? B: I'm afraid you _____. Finish your homework first, please. [ ]A. couldn't B. can C. can't D. could 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The Chinese like ____________(eat) different kind of food. 2. What day ____________(be) it last weekend? 3. She can ____________(根据汉语填写单词或根据所给词填写适当形式。1. What's _______ (she) name? 2. Look at these _______ (照片), please.3. Can you _______ (拼写) it, please?4. B_____ I open the window? It's too hot here. [ ]A. Will B. Do C. Shall D. Would— Where can I buy a house? — You _____ look in the Sunday Times. There are always lots of house-for-sale ads (广告). [ ]A. must B. will C. should D. would— _____ we go to play football on Sunday? — Good idea! [ ]A. May B. Must C. Will you D. Shall "What _____ I get my morn for her birthday?""Why _____ you get her a scarf?." [ ]A. should; don't B. would; doC. could; will "Can you go hiking with us this Sunday?""Sorry, _____." [ ]A. I don't B. I'd love to C. I'm not D. I can't — May I have a look? — Sorry, _______. [ ]A. please B.you may C. you may not D. you mustn't The traffic is very busy. You _____ cross the road. [ ]A. mustn't B. can C. may not D. might not The sick girl _______ to the hospital at once.[ ]A. must send B. can send C. must be sent D. be sent —Could I have a look at the photo of your family, Sam?—Of course, you_______. [ ]A. needB. can C. could D. must He _____ in the classroom just now. he _____ be there now. [ ]A. heard to sing, may B. was heard sing, must C. heard sing, must D. was heard to sing, may Sixteen-year-olds shouldn't ______ to go to an Internet bar. [ ]A. be allowed B. be allow C. allow D. are allowed You are supposed to arrive on time. [ ]A. should B. must C. have to D. need After supper Mary's mother often makes her _____ along the river.[ ]A. take a walk B. takes walk C. to take a walk —Is that man in a red T-shirt Mr. Smith, your math teacher?—It _______ be Mr. Smith. He has gone back to America.[ ]A. must B. can C. shouldn't D. can'—Listen! Is Miss Smith giving a speech in the class? —No, it ________ be her. She has gone to Hong Kong. [ ]A. may not B. mustn't C. can't D. needn't _____ we _____ up with some other ways to solve this problem? [ ]A. Should; to come B. Ought; to come C. Ought; come D. Should; coming —Excuse me, how can I get to the station? —Turn left and then go straight on. You _______ miss it. [ ]A. may not B. needn't C. shouldn't D. can't I think Tom ________ to finish the difficult work in an hour or two. [ ]A. can't B. will C. is able D. isn't able You ________ to my birthday party if you're so busy.[ ]A. don't need come B. not need coming C. needn't come D. need not to come — Is John coming by train? — He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car. [ ]A. must B. can C. may D. need English is a language that many people around the world _____ not speak perfectly but _____ at least understand. [ ]A. may, can B. would, might C. will, must— Steven asked me to remind you _____ the meeting this afternoon. Don't forget it! — OK, I _____. [ ]A. of, won't B. to, will C. of, will D. for, won't The light is still _________. Mr. Green _________ at home now. [ ]A. on, can be B. down, may be C. on, must be D. up, can't be You are ________ to return the book to the library in two weeks.[ ]A. supposed B. wanted C. shouted D. thought —Must I finish writing the composition today? —Yes, you ____. [ ]A. must B. can C. need D. may You are ________ to return the book to the library in two weeks.[ ]A. supposed B. wanted C. shouted D. thought — Did you go to the beaches? — No, mum is ill _____ and I _____ stay at home to look after her. [ ]A. on bed; must B. on the bed; have to C. in the bed; 按括号中要求转换各句子。1. The woman in the blue skirt is my mother. (就划线部分提问)_________________________________________ 2. I can see a map on the wall.Did you walk such a long way on such a hot day? You _______ be tired and thirsty. [ ]A. can B. must C. may D. would Our English teacher said she _______ speak three languages. [ ]A.could B.can C.will D.is going to 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The boy __________ (not have) any friends here. 2. Jim can __________ (play) the piano very well. 3. He is tired, let him _______I _____ play the piano, but I can play the violin (小提琴). [ ]A. haven't B. am not C. can't You _______ worry about him. He will get well soon. [ ]A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. may notYouworry about him. He will get well soon. [ ]A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't
Danny ______in the classroom. [ ]A. maybe B. may be C. may is D. perhaps — _____ I have your name, please?—Ben. [ ]A. Do B. Am C. Is D. May 转换为同义句。 1. They're having fun in the zoo.They're having a _______ ________.2. Can I help you? _______ can I _______ _______ you? 3. I like the En用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Jerry only _________(watch) TV on Sunday.2. He can _________(play) the violin _________(good). 3. Can you help _________(our)?4.转换为同义句。1. Not at all.______ ______.2. Thanks anyway.Thanks ______ ______ ______.3. What time is it now?______ the ______ now?Could you ______ ___根据所给单词,在横线填入一个正确的单词形式。1. These blue shoes are __________(we). 2. Why __________(not bring) your homework here?3. Please make _________— _____ I have your name, please?—Ben. [ ]A. Do B. Am C. Is D. May You _______ talk in the reading room. [ ] A. mustn't B. must C. shouldn't D. can I have no money on me. I ______ go to the bank and get some money. [ ]A. shouldn't B. must C. has to 句型转换。1. She has studied English for three years. (改为一般疑问句)________ she________ English for three years? 2. To protect the environment is importanSince he joined the swimming team, he has _____to swim across the wide river. [ ]A. able B. could C. can D. been able—Can I watch TV now?— No, you ________. You _______ do your homework first. [ ]A.can't; can'tB.can't; mustC.mustn't; can'tD.needn't; must句型转换(一空一词)。1. His name is Li lei.(改为同义句)_____________ _____________ Li Lei. 2. David is in his room.(对划线部分提问)_____________ ____________— Must I finish my homework now?— No, you _____. [ ]A. may notB. mustn't C. can't D. needn't 句型转换。根据所给提示,完成句型转换。每空一词,含缩略词。 1. He can play the guitar. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)________ he play the guitar? No, he _______— Do you know whose book it is?— It ______ be Li Lei's. His name is on it. [ ]A. can B. may C. might D. must He _____ play the piano now, but he _____ play it one year ago.[ ]A. couldn't; can B. can; couldn'tC. can; could D. could; can No parking means ______. [ ]A. you can't park your car here B. nobody parks his/her car here C. there is no parking lot here D. you needn't park your car —I broke the window.—You ____ play football near the window. [ ]A should B. shouldn't C. had better D. must —Must I hand in my report now?—No, you ______. You still have some time. [ ]A. shouldn't B. mustn't C. needn't D. can't Her cousin ______ swim when he _____ six years old.[ ]A. can, is B. could, were C. could, was D. can, was —Will you please stay here for the party? —Sorry, I ______. I'll have to go to the cinema. [ ]A. can't B. mustn't C. won't 根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空。每空一词。1. She is going to be a dancer when she ________ ________(长大). 2. The radio is too noisy. Could you ________ —Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't You ________ smoke when you see the sign. [ ]A. must B. should C. mustn't D. needn't 句型转换。1.The boy wanted to watch the baseball match, but didn't want to stay at home.(改为同义句) The boy wanted to watch the baseball match ______ _____ _—"Could I watch TV now?"—"Sorry you ____." [ ]A. can't B. couldn't C. might not D. may not He _______in the classroom, isn't he? [ ]A. can be B. may be C. must be D. can't be There's something wrong with my radio. Can it _____? [ ]A. be mended B. is mendedC. was mended D. mend_____ I open the window? It's too hot here. [ ]A. Will B. Do C. Shall D. Would—There's somebody at the door. Who _____ it be? Is it a postman? —No, It _____ be him. It's just seven o'clock. It's too early. [ ]A. may; can'tB. How _________ I _________? [ ]A. am; get there B. can; get to there C. can; get there D. will; get there —Must I finish my homework before I go home?— No, you ____. But you ____ finish it before two. [ ]A. mustn't; must B. must; mustn't C. needn't; must Mr Wang often says to her child, "You _______ play with fire (火). It's dangerous. [ ]A. mustn't B. had better C. needn't D. may not 按要求转换句型。1. Would you mind opening the window? (改为否定句) ______ you_______ _______ opening the window?2. I am still hungry.I want to eat another c— I was told to be here at this time. — Sorry, you ______. I forgot to tell you we've changed the plan. [ ]A. must B. may C. can'tD. needn't 完成句子。 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 1. Get up early, or you will be late.(改为同义句)_____ you don't get up early, you _____ be late. 2.— Must I stay here with you? — No, you ______. You may go home, but you ______ go to the net bar. [ ]A.mustn't, needn'tB.needn't, mustn't C.must, needDYou _____ talk so loud in the reading-room. [ ]A. must B. can C. needn't D. mustn't — _____ you speak Japanese? — No, I can't. [ ]A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need—Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't You _______ never play in the street. It's not safe. [ ]A. can B. may C. must D. need There's something wrong with my radio. Can it _____? [ ]A. be mended B. is mendedC. was mended D. mend_____ I open the window? It's too hot here. [ ]A. Will B. Do C. Shall D. Would— Do these magazines belong to Tom? — They _______ be his because he doesn't like them at all. [ ]A. must B. can' t C. mustn't D. can You________ play in the street because it is easy to have an accident .[ ]A. must B. can C. mustn't 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. The snow _______(stop) soon. 2. Would you like something _______(drink)? 3. Why _______ you _______ (not go) to the farm last SuJack ______ be in the library. He is playing football on the playground.[ ]A. can't B. can C. need D. must not —Whose exam paper is it? —It______ be Li Lei's. He always forgets to write his name on it. [ ]A. can B. must C. mustn't D. can't Last year I ______ play football. But now I ______. [ ]A. can't; can B. can't; couldC. couldn't; could D. couldn't; canYou _____be hungry already-you had lunch only two hours ago! [ ]A. wouldn't B. can't C. mustn't D. needn't Would you please _____ here? Look at the sign "No smoking.". [ ]A. not smoked B. not to smoke C. not smoking D. not smoke — Can Lucy _____?— No, she _____. [ ]A. swim, can'tB. swims, can't C. swims, cann't D. swim, cann't Here is a beautiful dress. The owner _____ be a boy. [ ]A. must B. can't C. might D. could — Linda ______ ride a bike ______ she was only five.— Yes, but she can now. [ ]A. could; when B. couldn't; when C. can; because D. can't; because — ____ you work out the math problem?— No, I _____.[ ]A. Do, can't B. Can, mustn't C. Can, can't D. Can't, must _______ you help me to take the bag? [ ]A. Should B. Must C. Don't D. Can You ________ cross the road when the traffic lights are red. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. may not D. don't My mum suggests that I ________ drink much milk every day. [ ]A. must B. may C. should D. can Children __________ sleep nine hours a day.[ ]A. ought to B. ought C. oughtn't D. oughtn't to — Will you stay here for supper?— Sorry, I _____I'll have to meet my uncle at the station. [ ]A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. don't — ________ you tell me something about the earthquake in Japan?— Sorry, I _________. I know nothing about it. [ ]A. Could, couldn't B. Can, needn't C. Co— Look at the boy running on the ground, Is it David?— It _____be him, he has just gone to the teacher's office. [ ]A. must B. can't C. could D. may —Who is the man over there? Is it Mr. Li? —No, it _______ be him, Mr. Li has left for Hong Kong. [ ]A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. can't This job is really tiring. I should ________ a new job. [ ]A. to consider to find B. to consider finding C. consider finding D. consider to find 句型转换。1. Mr. Zhou usually goes to work by bus. (就划线部分提问)_______ does Mr. Zhou usually_______ to work? 2. He always walks to school. (否定句)He What ____ you like ____ breakfast?[ ]A. do; to B. would; to C. would; forD. do; doing We shouldn't ______ their mistakes. [ ]A. to laugh B. laugh at C. laugh D. to laugh at 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Nancy's mother likes ____________ (cook) very much , but she hates __________ (do) housework. 2. I think you should ____________How _________ I _________? [ ]A. am; get there B. can; get to there C. can; get there D. will; get there —How about singing songs with me? —I'm sorry I can't. I ______ help my father with his work. [ ]A. have to B. can C. may 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. His father works on a farm. (就划线部分提问)_______ _______ his father _______? 2. I'd like some juice. (就划线部分提问)__下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出。( )1. They need much things.A B C D ( )2. They are twin brothers, but they are in different look. AB C D ( )3. That girl is You must ______ to your sister for ____ so impolite. [ ]A. say sorry, is B. say sorry, being C. to say sorry, be D. saying sorry, to be 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。get together, take turns, make sure,because of, be out of sight 1. Don't let the kids ____ for a second. 2. Tom hopes to ____ wMy parents are angry with me. What ______ I do? [ ]A. may B. do C. should D. would You _____ wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health. [ ]A. may B. can C. have to D. must — __________ you please pass me a pen?— Sure. Here you are. [ ]A. Need B. Could C. Must D. Should 同义句改写。1. I have no friend here.I _____ have ____ friends here.2. Of all the students, Jim is the tallest in my class.Jim is taller than ______ ______ — Shall I tell Sally about it? — No, you _______. I've told her already. [ ] A. shouldn't B. must C. needn't D. can't Next week, ____ the students will have a basketball game. [ ]A. may be B. may C. maybe D. can ___ you like some markers? [ ]A. Are B. Does C. Would D. Can 根据要求改写句子。1. Going to bed early is good for your health.( 用bad 写出一个选择疑问句.)_____ going to bed early good _____bad for your health? 2. Don'—Must I finish my homework? —No, you _____. You may do it tomorrow.[ ]A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn't D. couldn't Youworry about him. He will get well soon. [ ]A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't从方框里所给的词的正确形式填空。每个词只用一次。help with travel cheap wait run out of1. We have ______ time but we still haven't finished the test. 2. I'm — Must I finish my homework now?— No, you _____. It's still early. You can do it in the evening. [ ]A. mustn't B. don't have to C. haven't D. must We _______ play on this road. There is too much traffic. [ ]A. must B. mustn't C. need D. needn't 句型转换,每空一词,含缩略词。1. Michael felt terrible when he was ill.(对划线部分提问) __________ did Michael __________ when he was ill?2. The boy looked wNext week, ____ the students will have a basketball game. [ ]A. may be B. may C. maybe D. can ___ you like some markers? [ ]A. Are B. Does C. Would D. Can You ________ smoke when you see the sign. [ ]A. must B. should C. mustn't D. needn't — Must we keep the windows ______ all the time? — No, you ______.[ ]A. closed; mustn'tB. close; mustn'tC. closed; needn't D. close; needn't —Could I go to the movie this weekend, Dad? —Yes, you _____ . But you have to come back before nine. [ ]A. would B. could C. can D. must Jack _______ swim when he was five years old. [ ]A. canB. could C. may D. mustYou _______ finish it now. You can do it tomorrow. [ ]A. have to B. don't have to C. haven't to D. need 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She isn't at home. She must ________ (go) to school. 2. It takes us 20 minutes ________ (go) to school by bus. 3. That must be _______ he is at home. I think he _______ ill. [ ]A. May be, maybe B. May, maybe C. Maybe, may be D. May be, may be Tony ________ thirsty. He ________ eat any more pizza. [ ]A. is, shouldn't B. has, shouldn't C. is, can't D. has, can't 词形变换,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. In western country Sunday is the ___________(one) day of the week. 2. A lot of ___________ (visit) visited the Great Wa