连词成句,加上必要的动词,系动词或者情态动词,注意时态和语态。1. Linda, not allow, swim,alone, go ______________________________________________________________连词成句。1. you, do this, year, to, what, going, are 2. piano, brother, take, and, to, going, I, my, lessons, are 3. you, do, to, get, part-time, a, want, jo连词成句。1. I hope, Thursday, next, to my party, come, can, you_______________________________________ 2. me, pass, you, salt, some, could ___________________排词成句。1. kind, what, of, movies, he, want, does, to, see?2. you, want, go, movie, a, do, to, to? 3. action movies, I, like, don't, like, but, comedies,排词成句。1. time, you, what,do, usually, get up?2. often, go, when, you, do, to, school?3. lunch, what, eat, you, time, do, day, every? 4. time, your, wh把下列词排成正确的顺序。1. play, brother, the, your, guitar, can?2. play, you, the, can, guitar?3. guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and, yes. 4. to, club,组词成句。1. time, is, it, what?2. does, get, up, she, time, usually, what?3. volleyball, he, time, what, play, does? 4. plays, she, piano, the, eight, at连词成句,注意句后的标点符号。 1. home/what/in/does/she/the/morning/leave/time _____________________________________________________ 2. busy,we, morning, the, 连词成句,注意句后的标点符号。 1. what/fruit/favorite/is/your 2. art/do/why/like/you3. teacher/is/your/who/science4. Tom's/subject/brother's/favorite/what'用所给单词组成句子。 1.Lucy, last, her, aunt, visited, week_____________________________________________________________________ 2.anything, the, left, without, 连词成句。 1. next park is to the the bank.___________________________ 2. post is the where office?___________________________ 3. is video a near arcade the组词成句。1. would, on, you, it, like, what?2. I, pizza, would, a, like.3. kind, would, of, pizza, like, you, what?4. pizza, a, like, large, with, tomatoe用所给单词组成句子。1.of, sells, Big Sound, all, music, kinds_____________________________________________________________________ 2.follow, we, can find, want, 组词成句。1. do, like, you, why, giraffes?____________________________ 2. like, I, tigers, don' t, scary, because, they're. ____________________________ 3.Unscramble the sentences and questions. A: see the let's elephants.Let's see the elephants. B: like do you why elephants?(1)A: friendly very because are 连词成句。1.short, has, tall, is, he, and, hair, curly, brown ________________________________________________________________. 2.new, his, image, don't, like,用所给单词组成句子。 1.she, be, a, an, actor, now, is, but, she, wants to, worker_____________________________________________________________________ 2.for, you组词成句写在题后的横线上。 (1) like, people, I, to, talking. ________________________________________ (2) he, money, for, the, counts, his friend._____________连词成句。 1.likes, reading, listening, music, to, she, and ____________________________________________________________________________.2.Tom, like, talk, can,连词组句。1. very much, likes, Danny, my, friend, donuts →__________________________________________ 2. shorts, her, clothes, are, favourite→__________________连词成句。1. her, what's, name ? 2. you, are, how? 3. books, many, do, have, how, you?4. have, may, three, I, pencils?5. a, is, this, girl. 连词组句。 1. lives, Jim, China, in 2. father, is, his, a, carpenter 3. loves, he, family, his4. name, her, is, Alice5. a, picture, of, this, is, her, famil连词组句。1. right, in, hand, put, your ___________________.2. your, hand, right, take, out ____________________.3. the, pokey, hokey, do___________________连词组句。 1. come, you, will, to birthday, my, party _______________________________? 2. will, come, mother, my, and, father_______________________________.连词组句。 1. have, I, a, bedroom.2. shoes, his, are, his, bed, below . 3. in, the, evening, bed, goes, to, he ___________________________.4. His, lamp, h连词组句。 1. live, on, farm, the, cows______________________. 2. lives, forest, a, panda, in, a______________________. 3. where, they, live, do____________连词组句。 1. talks, he, the, on, phone ___________________. 2. watches, TV, he, in, the, evening__________________________. 3. he, on, the computer, plays,连词组句。1. brush, their, they, hair ___________________. 2. they, hands, wash, their___________________. 3. take, they, a, shower ___________________. 4.连词组句。 1. it's, in, December, cold_____________________. 2. weather, the, is, hot, in, July ______________________. 3. October, is, my birthday, 1_____连词组句。 1. feel, happy, you, do _______________? 2. feel, how you, do _______________? 3. feel, yes, happy, I_______________. 4. have, hands, two, I __连词组句。 1. businessman, my, father, is, a. 2. works, my, aunt, in, a, school. 3. my, uncle, to, work, walks.4. Jim, on, his, bicycle, goes, to, school_连词组句。 1. are, you, where, going ? 2. am, I, to, going, the, library ______________________. 3. John, to, is, going, the, hotel _______________________.连词组句。 1. my, mother, clothes, department, is, going, to, the________________________________________. 2. are, they, to, going, the, market_______________连词组句。1. the, lion, what, is doing_____________________? 2. tigers, meat, eat_____________________. 3. to, the, zoo, they, are, going___________________连词组句。 1. in, January, is, Spring, Festival, or, February____________________________________. 2. first, May, is, International, Workers', Day___________连词组句。 1. Sam, the, lives, U.S. in . 2. from, is, the, United Kingdom, Tony _____________________________. 3. is, from, Australia, far, here _________连词组句。1. Beijing, capital, is, China, the, of___________________________. 2. China's, is, red, flag ___________________________. 3. Chinese, speak, Chi连词组句。 1. do, when, you, up, get___________________? 2. you, time, go, do, what, to, bed_________________________?3. time, what, does Alice, do, homewor连词组句。 1. does, where, your, father, live________________________? 2. is, the, U.S. from, Jenny________________________?3. from, country, our, Canada,连词组句。 1. Ottawa, the, capital, Canada, is, of ____________________________. 2. red, is, Canada's, and, white, flag____________________________. 3. a, 连词组句。 1. Statue, Liberty, the, New, York, is, in. 2. White, the, president, the, U.S., of, lives, the, House, in_______________________________________连词组句。1. is, this, the, U.K., a, map, of________________________. 2. west, is, of, China, the, U.K.________________________.3. the, capital, of, Lon连词组句。 1. capital, the, Canberra, is, of, Australia_______________________________. 2. flag, the, little, the, U.K.'s, flag, is________________________连词成句。 1. Can, you, the, ball, hit, with, paddle, this?2. ready, you, to, basketball, learn, are, Li Ming?3. favorite, sports, what, your, are?4. easi连词成句。1. address, your, what, is___________________________________________________ 2. doesn't, he, a, have, walkman______________________________________将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)1.a, we, are, family, happy _______________________________________________________________ 2.is, t看图写话。根据所给的图和提示词,按要求各写一句意思完整语法正确的句子。 12 3 41. want, visit 2. let, fish 3. time, breakfast 4. mother, nurse 看图各写出一句意思合理,语法正确的句子,所提供的词要全部用上。1. we, are, a, sports, meet, now 2. it, duty, improve, environment 3. children, have, fun, play,根据所给的图和提示词,各写一句意思完整、语法正确的句子。1. be, interesting, than ________________________ ________________________2.what, lovely (感叹句) _____连词组句。1. with, busy, he, us, too, time, is, to, spend___________________________________________________2. to, is, brother, a, not, motorcycle, my, old, ri根据横线后的标点连词成句。1. had better, hot food, you, not, eat. 2. for, you, long, shouldn't, a, time, play . 3. I think, should, twice, take, she, these将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. were, tell, I, you, would, him, it, if, about, I______________________________________________将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. basketball, he, playing, like, does_____________________________________________________? 2.连词成句。1. Jim that I lost the key found yesterday 2. I who is know the man a model worker3. The I received yesterday letter that was from my parents4. Thi连词成句。1. do, said, her, forgotten, to, that, had, she, she, homework________________________________________________________________ 2. the souvenirs, buyi仿照例句用所给的词汇造句。例:I, see him, he, cross the streetI saw him while he was crossing the street. (He was crossing the street when I saw him.) A. the s仿照例句用所给的词汇造句。 例:I, do my homework, last nightI was doing my homework last night.A. they, have a dress rehearsal, yesterday evening B. my grandma仿照例句用所给的词汇造句。 例:she, not at home that evening, she, look after her sick child in hospitalShe wasn't at home that evening. She was looking after h仿照例句用所给的词汇造句。例:war, go on, during all those yearsWar was going on during all those years. A. a cold rain, drizzle down, all day yesterdayB. the 根据所给的单词和标点符号,连词成句,使句子通顺,意思完整。1.humour, teacher, sense, a, of, has, good, my.2.theirs, uniform, your, as, the, school, is, same ? 3连词成句。将下列各词连成意思通顺的句子。标点符号已给出。1. I to can have drink something (?) 2. her happy the made news very (.) 3. he when is always drives连词成句。1. called we her Wang Xi2. later she eight was not small months more any3. 100 grams just was when weighed about Xi Wang born she 4. pandas very it句型转换。1. It started about two days ago. (对划线部分提问) it start? 2. You are not quiet. I think.(合成一句) I that youquiet. 3. Something is wrong wi遣词造句:根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。1. there, be, under 2. enjoy, climb 3.play, now 4.make, tomorrow5.brush, twice 连词成句。1. sister good drawing my is at (.)2. you usually take to do work every day the bus (?)3. is their clean school big but not (.)4. good something连词成句。1. speak, can, a, French, English, I, little, and _____________________________________________________. 2. morning, want, about, do, to, you, know,句型转换。1. We watch football matches on TV. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)football matches on TV? No, we. 2. She has some new friends. (改为否定句) Shenew 句型转换。1. There were many students outside.(改为否定句)There _______ _______ students outside. 2. The weather was fine.(对画线部分提问)_______ _______ th连词成句。1. his, looking, dinner, is, he, for (.) 2. last, do, her, she, didn't, homework, night (.)3. new, learn, Sam, of, has, a, things, to, lot (.)4.看图写话:根据图示和提示词,写出适当的句子,每图一句。1.keep in touch with2.chess now3. ought care for4. not clean yet5.used to film grandparents谴词造句。根据每题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。 1. Liu Xiang, not, winner, 2008 Olympics2. children, have fun, kites, last weekend3. 根据图示和提示词,写出恰当的句子。(要求:1、使用全部的提示词;2、写出完整的句式结构) 1. prefer, place, play2. used, stories, before3. allowed, or, in class4. 看图写话。根据图示和提示词写出恰当的句子,每图一句。要求:1. 使用全部的提示词;2. 写出完整的句式结构。 1. be good at, piano2.fly a kite with, father, now3.tw将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. basketball, he, playing, like, does_____________________________________________________? 2.连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. for, you, ready, class, are________________________________________________________?遣词造句。根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。1.2. 3.there, under be bad for must, here 4. 5. mother, while made, stone将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. the, important, very, news, is________________________________________________________________看图写句。根据每题所提供的情景和提示词写一个与图画内容相符的句子。(要求用上提示词)1 2 3 451. (Jane, like) 2. (good, eat) 3. (we, tomorrow) 4. (Jack, now)5. 根据所给的图示和提示词,为每幅图各写一句意思完整、语法正确的句子。(必须用上全部提示词) 1. Tom, usually, school, bike (? ) _____________________________________将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. provide, parents, their, with, food, and, children, clothing. 2. can, into, translate, you, 看图写话:根据图示和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图一句。1. the farmers, busy, now ________________________.2. they, visit, next week __________________________.看图写话。根据所给的图和提示词,按要求各写一句意思完整,语法正确的句子(必须用上全部提示词)。1. Hold, World Expo, 2010 2. 6:30 p.m., dinner, yesterday3. look将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. basketball, he, playing, like, does_____________________________________________________? 2.将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给山) 1.study, pleased, your, with, mother, is, your___________________________________________________根据所给的图,各写一句话。必须用上所给提示词。 1. be, twice2. be harmful to句式改写。1. Are the children reading English in the classroom? (肯定回答) _________________________________________________________2. There are some potatoes将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. England, you, or, from, America, are______________________________________________________?2.连词成句。1. is, don't, I, lazy, think, a, he, boy _______________________________________________. 2. so, John, he, hard, get, job, a, might, that, worked, 根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出四句语法正确、意思连贯的话。 彼得是一个美国男孩。他喜欢旅游。他经常做些什么?2008年他将要做什么?1. Peter, be, an American boy____连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. looking, you, forward, meeting, we, soon, are, to___________________________________连词成句。1. an, this, story, interesting, is________________________________________2. do, fruit, you, best, what, like_______________________________________连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. you, washing, have, finished, yet, clothes ________________________________________?连词成句。将所给单词连接成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,单词已给出) 1. other do colors have you any _____________________________________________________连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. he, the, for, is, late, Party_________________________________________________?2. 连词成句。 1. Sunday.had. they. wonderful. a.time. last (.) _________________________________________________2. went. the he. to. bed. the.after. 连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. I, crying, a, boy, ground, on, little, the, saw .__________________________________连词成句。根据所给单词或词语, 完成句子。要求符合语法,语言通顺,大小写及标点等正确。 1. I, see, hope, you, soon . _____________________________________________连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. please, pass, a, book, you, will, me . ____________________________________________连词成句。将所给单词连接成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,单词已给出) 1. eat do balanced you diet a________________________________________________________连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. do, like, you, English ?___________________________________________________2. is,
连词成句(每词只限使用一次,不得重复使用,标点已给出)。1. learn, I, aloud, English, reading, by.___________________________________________________________2. h根据标点符号提示,连词成句。1. can, he, not, his, pen, find ___________________________________________. 2. thin, tall, is, he, with, hair, curly, brown______连词成句。1.the, school, to, next, is, the, Chinese bank______________________________________. 2. likes, reading, listening, music, to, she, and_____________连词成句。1. is, Jane, long, young, legs, with _________________________________. 2. am, it, afraid, I, Kangkang's, is _________________________________. 3.连词成句。1. sister, outgoing, I'm, than, more, my_________________________________________2. is, as, me, friend. My, same, the______________________________根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。1.2.3.There, be, underenjoy, climbplay, now4.5.make, tomorrow brush, twice1._____________________连词成句。1. basketball, he, playing, like, does _______________________________________________________? 2. healthy, vegetables, make, eating, us, can ______连词成句。1. interested, is, English, Tom, in _____________________________________________________? 2. afternoon, we, football, will, tomorrow, play ________连词成句。1. want, I, have, bike, my, repaired, tomorrow, to ___________________________________________________________. 2. fell, father, asleep, I, TV play,连词成句。1. he, the, for, is, late, Party _____________________________________________________? 2. soon, are, going, how, on, the, you, vacation____________连词成句。1. take, you, for, I, a, can, message __________________________________________________. 2. this, kind, delicious, food, of, tastes, how___________连词成句。1. England, you, or, from, America, are ________________________________________________________________________?2. facing, please, the, enjoy, pro按要求改写句子。1. His pen is on the desk. (就画线部分提问)___________________________________________________2. Li Ming has some interesting books. (改为一般连词成句。1. told, him, I, I, would, to, beijing, go, that ______________________________________________. 2. people, bargain, don't, America, in____________连词成句。1. is, what, name, your (?) ______________________________2. meet, to, too, nice, you (!)______________________________3. Miller, her, is, name, la句型转换。1. This is a ruler. (改为一般疑问句)______a ruler? 2. That's a box. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) —______a box?—______.3. Is this his pencil sh连词成句。1. her, what's, name ? 2. you, are, how? 3. books, many, do, have, how, you?4. have, may, three, I, pencils?5. a, is, this, girl. 连词成句。1. in English, this, what's ? ____________________________2. my, it, is, pencil . ____________________________3. that, is, pen, your ? _________连词成句。1.color, is, bag your, what __________________________2. in, English, what, this, is __________________________3.you, spell, can, it, please _______根据要求改写句子。1. This is my brother. (改为复数形式) ______ my ______.2. Those are her friends. (改为一般疑问句)______ her friends? 3. The boy is Guo P连词成句。1. a cold, have, a fever, I, and___________________________________.2. should, down, rest, lie, and, you___________________________________.3. f按要求完成句子。 1. you, want, are , be, going, to, grow, up, when, up (?) (连词成句)____________________________________________________________2. are, you, 连词组句。1. more, for,we, actors, concert, need, our . _________________________________________________2. you, could, take, after, for,a, walk, supper, him,连词成句。1. take out, could, please , you, trash, the _____________________________________________________________? 2. are, I, and, parents, my, going, tom连词成句。1. what, usually, you do, on, do weekends? _______________________________? 2. how often, your brother, does, exercise? ________________________连词成句。 1. you, how, milk, often, do, drink___________________________________________?2. the, girl, health, after, her, looks_____________________________按要求改写句子。 1. A: ___________________________________________________________?B: Yes, Dave is visiting his uncle.(完成疑问句) 2. does, take, how long, g按要求改写句子。1. Can she go to the movies? (作否定回答) _____________________________________________________.2. the, concert, you, on , to, can, Monday, g按要求改写句子。1.How do you like this book? (改为同义句)_____do you _____ _____ this book?2. How long did it take you to do your homework? (用two hours作答连词成句 1. has, he, help, his, with, to, sister, English, her ______________________________________.2. you, come, can, play, to, me, with___________________连词成句。 1. you, where, going, are________________________________________________________?2. tourists, them, should, with, take, what______________________按要求写句子。1. My hair is long. Mary's hair is longer. (合为一句) ______________________________________2. Peter is funny. Paul is funny, too. (同上) __按要求改写句子。1. We had a big dinner there yesterday. (对画线部分提问) ____________________________________________________? 2. I went around the city of W按要求改写句子1. They are having an English class. (用this afternoon 改写句子) ____________________________________________________________.2. Lucy heard fro按要求改写句子。1. Could you please take out the trash?(作否定回答) _____________________________________________________.2. I, like, the, because, boring, d按要求改写句子1. Mr Green drives to his hometown every year. (用last Saturday改写)________________________________________________________.2. I think Eliza i将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。1. name's, her, Linda .________________________.2. am, I, Jim . ________________________.3. his, what's, name? ________连词成句。1. what's, in, this, English ?______________________________?2. Amy, is, my, friend, this, good . ______________________________.3. his, that'连词成句。1. that, a, is, school. _________________________? 2. ruler, it, a, is. _________________________? 3. English, this, in is, what. _____________连词组句。1. this your is pencil________________________________________________? 2. what that is English in ______________________________________________连词成句。(请注意字母的大小写问题。)1. Bob, his, English, is, name __________________________________________________________. 2. color, is, it, what ________连词成句。1. English, his, is, what, name ___________________________________2. name, is, her, family, Smith___________________________________3. number; ID 句型转换。1. This is a ruler. (改为一般疑问句)______a ruler? 2. That's a box. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) —______a box?—______.3. Is this his pencil sh连词成句。1. how, Gina, are, you _________________________________________________2. Father's, number, phone, what, your, is, it 2863696, is__________________连词成句。1. I , Smith , am . _________________________________2. Mary , name, is, her . _________________________________3. family , what's, his , name ?连词成句。1. that, a, is, school. _________________________? 2. ruler, it, a, is. _________________________? 3. English, this, in is, what. _____________连词成句。1. Linda, name, my, is _________________________2. name, what, is, please, your_________________________3. your, what, number, is, telephone________句型转换。1. They often hurry to school. (把they改成he) ______________________________________2. My mother goes to work by bus every day. (对画线部分提问) __连词成句。1. these, sister, things, take, to, your . ________________________________.2. watch, is, the, under, bed the . ________________________________.连词成句。1. doesn't, tennis, have, sister, rackets, my, (. )_____________________________________ 2. my, is, backpack, bed, on, the, (. ) ________________连词成句,并翻译成汉语。1. where, it, is________________________________________________________________________ 2. do, I, not, know___________________________连词成句。1. breakfast; he; every; eats; for; them; and; dinner; day_____________________________________________2. of; my; has; food; lots; mothe句型转换。1. your, birthday, brother's, when, is (连词成句) ?_______________________________________2. birthday, Dave's, fifth, July, is (连词成句) . _____句型转换。1. The boy likes English. (一般疑问句) _____ the boy _____ English? 2. The pen is five yuan. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ is the pen? 3. This T-句型转换。1. Can I help you? (同义句)_____ can I _____ for you? 2. The black hat is eight dollars. (对画线部分提问)_____ _____ is the black hat? 3. She li连词成句。1. $30, yellow, the, also, shorts, are.______________________________2. are, how, much, shoes, the? ______________________________3. do, what, you连词成句。1. April is birthday 2nd her. ___________________________2. is birthday Ellen's when? ___________________________3. Jack is old how? ___________连词成句。1. kind, what, of, movies, he, want, does, to, see?____________________________________2. you, want, go, movie, a, do, to, to? ____________________连词成句。1. by, learn, I, reading, English, aloud________________________________________2. study, we, by, for,working, a, with, group, test, a ______________连词成句。1. use, commas,how, to, know, wants, to, Lucy_____________________________________2. know,want,we, to,where, buy, the,to, CDs _______________________连词成句。1. use, be, to, short, Mario, didn't___________________________2. he, didn't, to, use, wear, glasses ___________________________3. play, use, I, t连词成句。1. time, corrected, in, mistakes, the, be, must________________________________________2. day, is, closed, this, shop, time, the, at, of ____________连词成句。1. used, I, to, a, lot, spend, time, (in), games, with, Playing, my, of, friends______________________________________________________2. she, spend, 句型转换。1. have, I, a, don't, bat,baseball. (连词成句)______________________________________2. They have many friends. (变为一般疑问句) __________________连词成句。1. bad, what, it, weather, is_____________________________________________2. more, not, write, carefully, why _______________________________________连词成句。1. where, know, you, Mr. Smith, lives, do__________________________________________________2. works, good, Jack, might, hard, a, that, he, get, job,连词成句。1. mother's, is, your, when, birthday _____________________________ 2. May's, old, how, is, sister_____________________________ 3. You, a, music, 连词成句。1. party, birthday, a, for, we, him, have, (.)__________________________________ 2. do, have, when, contest, English, you, an, (?) ________________连词成句。 1. Sunday.had. they. wonderful. a.time. last (.) _________________________________________________2. went. the he. to. bed. the.after. 连词成句。1. England, you, or, from, America, are____________________________________________________________________?2. look, does, your, what, sister, like_连词成句。1. for this me difficult book is____________________________________________________________. 2. do best newspaper like which you __________________连词成句。1. prefers, playing, he, soccer_______________________________________________________________. 2. class, boy, is, sleeping, in, noticed, the_______连词成句。1. sounds, music, beautiful, the______________________________________________________________________. 2. late, never, school, for, be_____________连词成句。1. must, at, be, Jenny, mad, me____________________________________________________________________. 2. where, you, he, think, lives, do____________连词成句。1. that, a, is, of, keys, set __________________________________________________?2. mother, to, have, he, sick, of, take, doesn't, care, his ______连词成句。1. looking, you, forward, meeting, we, soon, are, to___________________________________________. 2. families, will, be, robots, in, used____________句型转换。1. My pencil is in the pencil case. (改为一般疑问句)________ ________ pencil in the pencil case?2. Her backpack is on the chair. (对画线部分提问)_句型转换。1. The books are in the bookcase. (改否定句) ____________________________________________2. The baseball is under the bed. (改一般疑问句) _________根据括号内的标点提示,把所给的单词组成句子。 1. is the my bed backpack under (.)________________________________ 2. parents your at are home (?) ____________句型转换。1. My pen is 12 yuan. (对画线部分提问)______ ______ is your pen? 2. How do you like this skirt? (写出同义句)______ do you ______ this skirt? 3. 连词成句。1. have, we, clubs, many________________________________________________________________________ 2. you, what, like, sports, do______________________连词成句。1. have, he, a, tennis, racket, Does _______________________________________________________________2. don't, They, a, have, dictionary ____________句型转换。1. These shorts are $ 60. (对画线部分提问)_____________ these shorts?2. This bag is 20 yuan. (改为复数)_____________ 20 yuan. 3. The girl in a b连词成句。1. blouse this my is _________________________________. 2. are socks these her _________________________________. 3. isnecklace how muchthis ___连词组句。1. how, is, blue, T-shirt, much, this________________________________________________________________ 2. red, are, each, those, sweaters, 50 dollars_连词成句。1. new, is, car, it, a (?) ________________________________________________________________________ 2. have, twins, where, gone, the (?)___________将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。1. sing, does, she, well_________________________________2. this, much, is, how, watch _________________________________3. Mar连词成句,注意标点符号。1. play, brother, the, your, guitar, can, (?)2. can't, he, piano, the, play, (.)3. play, you, the, can, guitar, (?)4. guitar, sin连词成句。1. have, address, you, e-mail, do, an _____________________________________2. good, are, with, children, you_____________________________________3. 句型转换。1. Can I help you? (改为同义句)______ can I do ______ you? 2. English is my favorite subject. (用math改为选择疑问句句)______ is your favorite subj句型转换。1. club, art, want, the, to, I, join (连词成句) __________________________________________________2. Mary can speak English. (改成一般疑问句,并作否连词成句。将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. do, like, you, English ?___________________________________________________2. is, 连词成句。1. an, this, story, interesting, is________________________________________2. do, fruit, you, best, what, like_______________________________________连词成句。1. an, this, story, interesting, is________________________________________2. do, fruit, you, best, what, like_______________________________________根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出四句语法正确、意思连贯的话。 彼得是一个美国男孩。他喜欢旅游。他经常做些什么?2008年他将要做什么?1. Peter, be, an American boy____根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出四句语法正确、意思连贯的话。 彼得是一个美国男孩。他喜欢旅游。他经常做些什么?2008年他将要做什么?1. Peter, be, an American boy____连词成句。1. a, do, have, tennis,you, racket__________________________________________________________? 2. soccer, ball, my, is, the, on,floor________________句型转换。1. The hotel is behind the zoo. (对画线部分提问) ________ the hotel? 2. Koalas are cute, so he likes them. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ he l连词组句。1. have, I, a, don't, bat, baseball _____________________________.2. your, it, backpack, is _____________________________? 3. likes, for, Tom, br将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. will, I , be , not, long _____________________________________________________________________
连词成句,注意句后标点。1. basketball, morning, played, Sunday, they, on_____________________________________2. the, do, he, weekend, did, over, what__________连词成句,注意句后标点。1. do, on, did, what, she, vacation______________________________________________?2. Beijing, weather, was, how, in, the______________句型转换。1. What's the meaning of this word "tired"? (同义句)________________________________________________2. I hope I can see you some day. (同义句)I 连词成句。 1. answer, and, at, the ID card, the, Look, questions. _________________________________________________2. have, clubs, We, many, sports _________将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. let's, something, go, buy, and, in______________________________________________________. 2.连词成句。 1. is, of, very, to, him, to, you, cook, it, kind, help________________________________________. 2. people, hours, do, to, need, how, work, many __连词成句。1. is computer he games playing_________________________________________________________ 2. play at I the can guitar party the_______________________连词成句。 1. is, of, very, to, him, to, you, cook, it, kind, help________________________________________. 2. people, hours, do, to, need, how, work, many __连词成句。1. glass, water, a, of, I, want_____________________________________. 2. you, drink, to, like, what, would_____________________________________?3.将每组单词按照正确的顺序组成句子。1. cousin, the, is, to, listening, my, radio____________________________________________2. officer, her, brother, a, police, 连词组句。 1. get, up, I, morning, the, in__________________________. 2. like, don't, I, dumplings __________________________. 3. is, favourite, your, what连词成句。1. matter, the, what, is, ?__________________________________ 2. go, they, a, to, restaurant.__________________________________ 3. would, some, I,连词成句,注意大小写和标点。1. blue, my, is, backpack_________________________________________________________________________. 2. have, do, a, baseball, you_连词成句。1. to, too, you, nice, meet _________________________________________2. know, name, we, don't, his _________________________________________3. Grad根据图画内容及提示语写句子。 1.Wang Fang, now, wash her face ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. you, your shoes, s根据图示,连词成句。1. Is, sleeping, he ________________________________________________________________________2.Talking, to, they, are, who _________________遣词造句。1. we, fish, tomorrow _______________________________________________________________2. must, not, sun_______________________________________________连词成句。1. Mp3, is, your, it_________________________________________________2. man, how, wait, did, for, the, long, her_____________________________________连词成句。1. good, vegetables, I, it, to, find, eat __________________________________. 2. sure, can, or, not, whether, I, she, come, not, am ________________连词成句。1. told, to, much, the, us, not, make, she, in, classroom, noise______________________________________________.2. means, what, this, I, know, word, 连词成句。1. when, guests, shake, often, they, the, hands, meet _____________________________________________. 2. money, he, raised, for, both, his, Sichuan, 连词成句。 将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出) 1. is, Beijing, located, the, of, north, China, in ___________________________________连词成句。1. will, matter, hold, discuss, the, meeting, a, you, to ________________________________________? 2. find, was, you, try, out, should, it, to, whos连词成句1. jeans, in, teacher, you, if, let, wear, the, won't, you _________________________________________________________________ 2. sorry, stays, she, if,书面表达。根据图片及英文提示,给每幅图写出一个适当的句子。 1. Maria, go, Australia, ship _____________________________________________2. Bill, swimming pool, n连词成句,请注意大小写及标点符号。1. your, is, old, brother, how ______________________________________________________? 2. are, our, they, new, desks _______组词成句。1. money, a lot of, if, I, I'll, the world, travel, around, have_________________________________________________________2. never, a, soccer, great,书面表达。根据所给图片信息和英语提示,完成句子。1. enjoy, skate, two years ago _____________________________________________________2. take, pills, had better将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)1. what, phone, is, her, number ______________________________________________________? 2. lette连词成句:1. ever, you, to, been, have, museum, the___________________________________ 2. to, we, Water World, the, went, last year_____________________________连词成句。1. my, from, thirty, walk, it's, home, school, to, minutes' (.) ____________________________________________________2. a, old, became, 3, movie, h按要求改写句子。1. Bill reads English every morning.(用yesterday morning改写句子) _____________________________________________________ 2. Do you have a pet?连词成句。1. basketball, he, playing, like, does _______________________________________________________? 2. healthy, vegetables, make, eating, us, can ______遣词造句,根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。read, after supper collect,waste paper should,save travel, Beijing, school, weekdays ________连词成句。1. don't, I'm, think, my, I, Putonghua, improving ___________________________________________________2. long, it, does, new, take, finish, us, to, 句型转换。1. Millie often walks her dog after supper.(改写同义句)Millie often _______ her dog ________ a walk after supper. 2. My cousin enjoys playing baske根据每题所提供的图画情景、提示词写一个与图画情景相符的句子。 1 2 3 4 51. Mr. Scott, piano, every day ____________________________________________ 2. yesterday句型转换。1. My father watches TV every night. (改为一般疑问句) _______ your father _______ TV every night? 2. He had to finish the work. (改为否定句)He ___句型转换。1. I play with my friends on Sundays. (一般疑问句)______ you ______ with your friends on Sundays? 2. It is Monday. (针对划线部分提问)______ ______连词成句。1. I, club, English, want, join, to, the . __________________________________________________2. you, play, can, piano, the ? ______________________句型转换。1. name, is, family, Lucy's, Read(连词成句)__________________________________________________2.MynameisTomBrown.(改为同义句) _____ _____TomBrown.3句型转换。①HisnameisMike.(对画线部分提问) ____ ____ name?②MynameisMary.(对画线部分提问) ____ _____name?③AreyouBob?(作肯定回答) ____ ____,____.④IshisnameAla连词成句。1.Green,name, is, his, family _________________________________2.what, first, your, is, name _________________________________3.father's, is, what,连词成句。1.name, my, LiMing, is _______________________________________________2.my, English, book, this, is _______________________________________________3.句型转换。1.Thisisa mapinEnglish.(对画线部分提问) __________inEnglish?2. Thequiltisred.(对画线部分提问) _____ _____isthequilt?3. I'mfine.(对画线部分提问句型转换。1. Heismyson. (改为复数形式) _____ _____mysons.2.Thesearehisbrothers. (改为一般疑问句) _____ _____hisbrothers?3.Kate'sfatherismyuncle(改为同义句句型转换。1. Alan likes computer games. (改为一般疑问句) _______ Alan _______ computer games? 2. Tom likes coffee. (改为否定句)Tom _______ _______ coffee. 句型转换。1. Bob likes eggs for breakfast. (对画线部分提问)______ ______ Bob ______ for breakfast? 2. There are oranges on the tables. (改为单数形式) ______按要求完成句子。1.with, I, to, play, him, want, sports, didn't. (把单词组成一句话)___________________________________________________2.Sheshowedhernewhandbag按要求完成句子。1.big,office,your,find,post,can,left, you, on, a.(连词成句)____________________________________2.Therearesomecarsacrossfromthathotel. (改为否句型转换。1. Helikeselephantsbecausetheyareinteresting (就画线部分提问)______________he_______elephants? 2.Shelikespandasbestofalltheanimals.(变为同义句)____连词成句。1.likes, my,soap,sister,operas __________________________________________2.would, what,bowl,you,like,of, size,rice __________________________________连词成句(每词只用一次)。1. said, he,living, he, .in ,was, London, (.)2. Linda, she,upset, report, about,her, said,was, card,(.)3.said , was, at, Mike, hist按要求做题。1.My sister said to me, "I'm going to help you. ”(改为间接引语)My sister said to me thatgoing to help.2. John said he would call his brother th按要求做题。1. Tom doesn't like playing football. Kate doesn't like playing football, either. (合并为一句)_________Tom_______ Kate_______playing football.2连词成句。1. in, a, here, near, I, study, middle, school ________________________________2. to, a, school, go, different, the children ________________________将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。1.schoolbag,is,your,it_________________________________ 2.pets,have,Henry,how,does,many _________________________________3.e-m根据提示造句,必要时需补全动词。1.Li Ming,tall,boy______________________________________________2.He,like,play,piano____________________________________________连词成句。1.is,how,the,exciting,new_______________________________________________________________! 2.you,how,can,ready,soon,be _______________________________连词成句。1. school, how, home, it, from, your, is, to, far ?2. you, tell, museum, about, the, could, something, me ?3. tell, want, news, to, make, a, telep连词成句。1. ended, meeting, the, has ________________________________________________________________?2. heavily, is, how, it, raining ______________________连词成句。1. does, sing, he, well__________________________________?2. how, students, many, there, are__________________________________?3. bring, food, wat连词成句。1. youwhereliketowould visit______________________________________________________________? 2. howafternoonaboutgoingthisswimming __________________连词成句。1.is,book,yours,this________________________________________________________? 2.did,in,there,time,get,he____________________________________________连词成句。1.play,basketball,we,yesterday_____________________________________________2.book,this,is,whose_____________________________________________3.some,t连词成句。1. me, your, please, eraser, lend___________________________________________________.2. seats, want, hard, me, leave, make, to _____________________连词成句。1. England, you, or, from, America, are____________________________________________________________________?2. look, does, your, what, sister, like_连词成句1. ever, you, to, been, have, museum, the _______________________________2. to, we, Water World, the, went, last year_______________________________3.句型转换(按要求做题)。1. What's the weather like today?(将 today改为 tomorrow)What ______________ the weather ______________tomorrow?2. We two have the same根据提示造句,必要时需补全动词。1.Li Ming, tall, boy____________________________________2.He, like, play, piano____________________________________3.My, paren用所给单词完成句子。1. (the office/clean/yesterday)_________________________2. (the house/paint/last month)_________________________3. (three people/injure/in老师要求编写四个定语从句的句子,小明把作业写在了电脑中,可电脑程序突然出现问题,小明写好的句子全乱了,他很着急,请你帮他把句子整理好。1. JimthatI lost the keyfo句型转换。1. We are going to the beach for weekend. (变一般疑问句) ______ ____________ to the beach for weekend?2. I am visiting my cousins for vacation. (对连词成句。1. it , English , does , say , in , he________________________________________________?2.Australia , lives , mypen , in , new , pal_________________根据所给的词,写出句子。1. do, what, have, idea, no, I, to, __________________________2. home, relax, to, want, I, just, at __________________________3. walk,连词成句。1. are, going, to, grow up, be, what, when, you, you __________________________________.2. I'm, get, going to, good, grades _______________________连词成句。1. are, they, sightseeing, who, going, with ____________________________?2. wants, vacation, David, exciting, an ____________________________. 3. 句型转换.1. you, did, the, talk show, interesting, see, last Sunday(连成一句话)__________________________________________________?2. I can see nothing becaus选用正确的时态连词成句.1. last , he , homework , weekend , do , his _____________________________________________________________.2. night , last , Gina , cl连词成句。1. Friday, what, is, do, going, to, next, he ______________________________________?2. have, are, going to, not, we, any, the day after tomorrow, cl连词成句。1. take out, could, please, you, trash, the____________________________________________________________________?2. are, I, and, parents, my, going, 连词成句1. movie, my, favorite, is, The Long Weekend___________________________________________________________.2. does, he, speak, languages, what___________连词成句.1. this , day, every, pass , they, hotel _________________________________________________________________.2. on, right, the, bank, is, your _______连词成句.1. the, city's, streets, quiet, enjoy, we____________________________________________________________.2. he, interesting, some, to, visit, places, 连词成句。1. your, pen pal, where, is, from_______________________________________________________?2. friends, do, where, your, live__________________________连词成句。1. it,is,busy,a,job?2. like,late,to,work,do,you?3. school, play, the, she, to, be, wants,in.4. have,job,a, for, as, we, waiter, you.5. at,call根据标点,用现在进行时态连词成句。1. he, do, his, homework .2. they, what, talk, about?3. Bob, talk, on, phone, the.4. Tom, Jim, talk, to, who, and ?5. 连词成句。1. had, we, week, finally, school, day, this, from, a off____________________________________2. sandwich, do, turkey, how, you, a, make?____________连词成句。1. had, we, week, finally, school, day, this, from, a off____________________________________2. sandwich, do, turkey, how, you, a, make?____________连词成句。1. going, it, is, how______________________________?2. like, what, is, weather, Moscow, the, in______________________________?3. is, windy, the, w连词成句1. always, dress, a, she, red, wears.2. Class, Five, have,I, new,in, friend,a.3. mother, does, like, your,look, what?4. has,he,tall, short, hair, 连词成句。1.beautiful, she, is, but , she, is, shy, of, kind_____2.animals, what, other, does, like, he_____3.to, why, you, want , do, seethe, pandas_____4.m连词成句1. shopping, kids , went, five, yesterday, afternoon2. a book, I, history, read, about, weekend, last 3. they, games, did, play, computer, last, night连词成句。1. I, Ann, needs, think, help, some___________________________2. please, the station, is, where, me, excuse ___________________________ 3. the cloth连词成句1. Bob, vacation, go, on, did, where___________________________2. she, to, beautiful, beach, a, went___________________________3. playing,we,great,had连词成句。1. things, Uncle, of, Tom, make, lot, machines, like, can, a __________________________________________?2. shop, on, you, the, your, way, home, buy,连词成句。1. meet, after, school, friends, with, don't, I____________________________________.2. after, he, to, has, do, his, homework, class________________连词成句。1. endangered, to live in, animals, for, safe places, feel, clean, provide, zoos, I, that, and _______________________________________________________连词成句。1. rice, carrots,are, healthy, food, and__________________________________________.2. are, there, some,tomatoes,the, under, table___________________连词成句。1. basketball, morning, played, Sunday, they, on 2. do, he, weekend, did, on, what, the 3. studied, she, math, the, last weekend, for, test4. visit
连词成句。1. do, think, of, what, you, your, school ?2. mind, don't, sports shows, I .3. you for, joining, us, thank .4. at all, she, doesn't, like, sit连词成句。1. glass, watch, a, only, of, I, want _______________________.2. drink, to, like, what, would, you _______________________?3. something, you, hell根据题后要求完成句子。1. There is a post office near here. (变否定句)_______________ a post office near here.2. The bank is across from the park. (对划线部分连词组句。1. sweater, not, this, my mother's, is ______________________________________2. want, she, does, dance, to______________________________________?3.连词成句。1. friends, with, to, I, often, movies, my, go_________________________________?2. see, action, don't, movie, I, an, want, to______________________连词成句。1. your,number,what's,phone_____________________________?2. do,spell,pencil,how,ou_____________________________? 3. is,the,blue, much,T-shirt, ho根据所给的词(组)写句子。1. (Liza) play the piano, can,play the drums, can't __________________________________________________________________2. (David) comed连词成句。1. are, much, T-shirts, white, how, these_______________________________________________________________________________?2. sweater, black, you, my,连词成句。1. great, for, of, your, thanks, the, family, photo __________________________________.2. them, much, I, very, love ________________________________连词成句。1. answers, interesting, their, of, were, some, very_______________________________________?2. school, what, the, are, rules, your, at______________句型转换。1. My father has lots of story books. (改为否定句) My father ________ have ________ story books.2. I like Mimi because it's very cute. (画线提问)连词成句。1. is, birthday, 21st, January, the girl's _______________________________________?2. the, play, can, he, not, trumpet ___________________________句型转换:1.He is playing soccer now. (改为一般疑问句) ________ he ________ soccer now?2.Mary has a lot of friends in China. (改为否定句) Mary ______________连词成句。1. name,your,is,English,what_______________________________________________________________________________?2. case,my,pencil,it's_________________连词成句。1. morning, want, about, do, to, you, know, my___________________________________2. my, 2:00, finish, all, at, classes_______________________________句型转换.1. I have some story books. (改为否定句)I _________ have _________ story books.2. Miss Wang likes playing sports every day. (改为一般疑问句)______连词成句。1. is,your,when, birthday,brother's_________________________________?2. October,tenth,bithday,is,his_______________________________. 3. born,year连词成句.1. told, him, I, I, would, to, beijing, go, that ___________________________________________.2. people, bargain, don't, America, in _______________连词成句。1. kind, poetry, of, what, you, to, write, do____________________________________________________________________________2.and,Tom, both, his sister,连词成句。1. girls, not, but, the, Tom, only, speaks, also, English _________________________________.2 we, at, read, time, read, can, the, and, relax, same __连词成句1. would, from, said, Tom, his, someone, pop, else, he, buy__________________________________________. 2. What, Ann, her, know, parents, didn't, goin连词成句1. told, him, I, I, would, to, beijing, go, that____________________________________________________________________________2. people, bargain, don’t,组词连句1. it, polite, try, every, food, is, to, on, the, table__________________________________________________________________________2. Western, customs, d连词组句1. if, could, clone, people, what, we___________________________________?2. to, your, classmates, sing, the, new, song________________________________句型转换。1. I'd like large hamburgers for lunch.(对划线部分提问) __________ _____ hamburgers would you like for lunch? 2. kind,what,they,like,of,would,noodPlace the words in order to make sentences. (连词成句,注意句后标点。)1. your / pals / pen /doing / are /what____________________________? 2. father / readin根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。1. better, are, feeling, you ___________________________________________仿照例句,将下列句子合并为含定语从句的复合句。Example: I like these singers. They write their own music.→ I like these singers who write their own music.1. I根据要求完成下列句子。1.John does his work in the afternoon. (改为否定句) John ________ ________ his work in the afternoon.2.We have some classes on Friday.连词成句,注意大小写及所给的标点符号。1. the, me, song, with, sing (.) ______________________________________________2. are, whose, these, socks (?) ________按要求句型转换。1. My father is a worker.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ your father? 2. She is my sister.(同上)________ ________ ________?3. What’s yo按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1. There is a shoe shop near my home. (改为复数句子)There ________ ________ ________ ________near my home. 2. There are some p按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1.There is a shoe shop near my home. (改为复数句子) There ________ ________ ________ ________near my home. 2.There are some peo句型转换。 按要求改写下列各句每空一词。1. He can speak Japanese. (改为否定句)He_____ _____Japanese. 2. These are your sweaters. (改为一般疑问句)_____ _____y连词成句,注意所给标点符号。1. is, Betty, from, where (?) ___________________________________2. on, the, is, the, blue, map, U.K. (.) _____________________连词成句。1. at, for, time, the, first, airport, month, meet, we, last, the(连词成句) _______________________________________________按要求完成下列各题。1.He likes playing the guitar.(用used to改写句子) He_______ _______ _______ playing the guitar.2.The Great Wall is in the north of Beijin连词成句。1. going, of', the, likes, suggestion, the, zoo, Jim, to(连词成句)___________________________________________________根据要求完成句子。1. do, think of, what, you, soap operas. (连词成句) _______________________________2. atall,not,she,does,like,poems. (连词成句) ___________句型转换1. It was very hard for me to make a decision but I decided to leave my job. (改为同义句)It was very hard for me to ______ ______ _____ ______but I dec连词成句1.the ,we , every , raise , nationalflag , Monday morning____________________________________________2.a ,in ,he , his , but , has , hand , rose , flow连词成句1.in, the, some, selling ,late, afternoon, stopped, shops 2.I, so far, not, successful ,have ,exactly ,been 3.of ,l, am ,in ,the ,books ,interested, b连词成句。1. was, while, walking, I, saw, to, I, a, in, bird, school, a, tree 2.an, this, story, exciting, is 3.do, sports, you, best, what, like 4.in, he, f连词成句。1. you, do this, year, to, what, going, are 2. piano, brother, take, and, to, going, I, my, lessons, are 3. you, do, to, get, part-time, a, want, jo连词成句。1. I hope, Thursday, next, to my party, come, can, you_______________________________________ 2. me, pass, you, salt, some, could____________________连词成句。1. park, an, never, I, amusement, been, to, have2. and, take, Tina, going, the, subway, Linda, to, are 3 . you, start, English, did, when, learning 连词成句1. get,I, brother , what , younger , should , my , for 2. you , gift , ever ,best , received , what's , have , the 3. album,how,photo,a,about 4. pic连词成句1. your room, mind, cleaning, would, you 2. get annoyed, I, when, talks to me, someone, reading, I am, while 3. to get a Snoopy doll, for two hours, i连词成句。1. was, while, walking, I, saw, to, I, a, in, cat, school, a, tree2.while, walking, was, car, the, exploded, past, I, it3.said, he, living , he, in,按要求完成下面句子。1. Did you meet a famous actor? (作否定回答) __________2. Tina went to the zoo last weekend. (变一般疑问句) __________Tina __________to t句型转换。1. Is this girl your sister? She looks like you.(改为同义句)Is this girl your sister? She______you.2. Hurry up! The headmaster is giving out fest句型转换1. Why don't you go to the Great Wall?(同义句转换)_____ _____go to the Great Wall?2. She doesn't know where she should go.(改为简单句) She doesn'连词成句。1. what, usually, you do, on, do weekends? ________________________________________?2. how often, your brother, does, take, a, shower? ___________连词成句。1. I hope, Thursday, next, to my party, come, can, you_______________________________________ 2. me, pass, you, salt, some, could____________________连词成句。1. you, do this, year, to, what, going, are 2. piano, brother, take, and, to, going, I, my, lessons, are 3. you, do, to, get, part-time, a, want, jo连词成句。1. take out, could, please , you , trash , the _______________________________________________________? 2. are , I , and , parents , my , going , to连词成句1. by, students9 all, bike, to, the, go, not, school _______________________________________2. well, English, little, the, speak, can,boy,very ________句型转换(每空一词)。1. I have to help my parents at home on Saturday.(改为否定句)Imy parents at home on Saturday. 2. I have to study for my English test. (改用每小题所给的单词组成一句话,要求结构完整,语意通顺。1. swimming, we, afternoon, shall, go,this(?) _______________________________________________________2. 句型转换。1. Where’s my watch?(改为复数句子) Where _____ my _______?2. This shirt is 12 dollars.(划线部分提问)________ the ______ of this shirt?3. He lik连词成句。1. does, language, speak, she, what (?)_____________________________________2. library, in, there, city, a, is,my(.)_______________________________句型变换1. That is his sister.(改为一般疑问句) __________ his sister?2. Mike is fine.(对划线部分提问)__________ Mike?3.This is my watch. (改为复数形式) _连词成句。1. She, in, class, ten, is.2. listening, to, music, you, like, do?3. the, colour, what, are, flowers?4. speak, Chinese, can, not, Lily.5. this连词成句。(注意标点及大小写)1. go, to, we, school, Monday, to, Friday, from. _____________________________________________________2. play, with, can't, with,连词成句1. do, you,much,yogurt,how,need? __________________________________________2. sandwich,lettuce,you,in,like,do? ______________________________________按要求完成句子。1. Mike is the tallest boy in our class.(改为同义句)Mike is _______than any other boy in our class.2. the, seats, comfortable, most, Movie Pa连词成句。1. there, is, here, bank, near, a (?) _________________________________2. are, in, days, how, there, week, many, a (?) ____________________________按要求变换句型1. It is rainy in Tokyo today. (对划线部分提问)_________ the _________ in Tokyo today?2. This is a small city. It has an interesting garden. 按要求完成句子。1. Lin Tao does his homework every morning. (对画线部分提问)_____ _____ Lin Tao _____ every morning?2. He always helps others. (改为否定句) 连词成句:将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)。1. language,what,she,does,speak?2. way,to,the,my,house,is, this .3. you,have,a,hope,go句型转换。1. Mr Smith plays soccer every day.(用now替换every day) Mr Smith__________ soccer now.2. The reporter is talking with the actor.(就划线部分提问) _连词成句1. language, what, Jim, does, speak,_____________________________________________________________?2. doing, he, homework, is ,________________________连词成句1. language, what, Jim, does, speak,___________________________________?2. doing, he, homework, is,___________________________________.3. pandas, ki连词成句。1. speak, can, a, French, English, I, little, and,_____________________________________________________ .2. morning, want, about, do, to, you, know,连词成句。1. yours, dictionary, is, the__________________________________________?2. in, water, much, is how, there, jar, the_________________________________连词成句1.the, invented, basketball, where, was______________________________________________________?2.ride, I, asked, my, a, father, give, to, me_____________句型变换。1. That is his sister. (改为一般疑问句) ______________ his sister?2. Mike is fine. (对划线部分提问)______________ Mike?3.This is my watch. (改为句型转换。1.My brother is watching TV at home.(改为一般疑问句). brother____TV at home?2.The girls are playing over there.(对画线部分提问)are the girls____over句型转换。1. Jim will watch the ballet tomorrow evening. (改为一般疑问句 )Jimthe ballet tomorrow evening?2. We clean our classroom every day. (用 tomorrow改句型转换。1.They will go home in two days(对画线部分提问)________they ____home?2.It's going to be rainy soon.(同义句转换)It's going to____ soon.3. My broth句型转换1. Jack always goes travelling by train(对画线部分提问)Jack alwaystravelling?2. Wang Ming is taller than any other student in his class.(改为同义句) 句型转换。1.I go to school by bus.(对画线部分提问)______ _____ you go to school?2.They take the ferry to Hong Kong.(改为同义句)They go to Hong Kong_______ ___句型转换。1. My favourite sport is tennis. (对画线部分提问) favourite sport?2. watch,the, zoo, the, to, you, do, like, to, go, to, animals(连词成句)?3. Dam句型转换。1. She plays basketball in the morning. (用now来改写句子) She basketball now.2. Lucy is sending a postcard to her friend. (对画线部分提问)a postca连词成句。1. is, mother's, your, birthday, when_______________________________________________?2. take, to, these, please, photos, your, friend.____________句型转换。1. This is a pencil case. (变为一般疑问句)________________________________ 2. Is that her key? (否定回答)________________________________ 3. not, 连词成句。1. my, a, photo, this, of, is, family___________________________.2. Anna, your, is, friend, brother's ___________________________. 3. don't, the连词成句1.thirteen, my, shorts, are, dollars_____________________________________.2.are, socks, much, Bill's, how____________________________________?3.wan根据要求完成句子。1. hat, his, have, sister, does, a, red (连词成句) _________________?2. What can I do for you? (改为同义句) Can I _____ _____?3. What's 连词成句(注意大小写和标点)。1. I, Jim, friends, are, good, and_____________________________________.2. your, is ,cat, this, Lucy______________________________连词成句1. his, is ,book, this___________________________2. is,my,it, sharpener___________________________根据中文提示将所给的词排序,组成正确、通顺的英语句子。1. 你有一个电视机吗? you , a TV set , have , do ________________________________2. 他没有一个足球. does按要求变换下列句型1. This is a pencil case. (变一般疑问句)____________________________________________2. Is that her key? (做否定回答)_______________________连词成句,请注意标点符号1. your, is, sister, Lily, (?)________________________2. are, these, brothers, her, (?)________________________3. the, photos, all, lo连词成句。A. breakfast; he; every; eats; for; them; and; dinner; day______________________________________________________B. of; my; has; food; lot组句子1. hisisbook this___________________.2. that ruler your is___________________?连词成句。1. that, a, is, school. _______________________?2. ruler, it, a, is. _______________________?3. English, this, in is, what. ___________________连词成句 (注意标点符号及字母的大、小写)。1. a, sell, goods, we, price, these, good, at, very_____________________________.2. green, they, in, coats, have_____连词成句,注意标点符号。l.his, here, is, photo, family, (.)________________________________________ .2.your, the, for, of, thanks, photo, family, (.) ______根据括号内的标点提示,把所给的单词组成句子。1. isthemybedbackpackunder( . ) ______________________________2. parentsyouratarehome( ? ) ______________________