If you insist on smoking heavily like that, you will have to suffer the __________ sooner or later. [ ]A. achievementsB. causesC. consequencesD. exchanges—I have told Jane that I'll help her. —__________ are better than words. You mustn't disappoint her again. [ ]A. ActivitiesB. PerformancesC. DeedsD. MovJohn worked hard at his lessons and gained________to a famous university last year. [ ]A. permissionB. admissionC. agreementD. freedomMost members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion; only a________were against it. [ ]A. majorityB. minorityC. quantityD. amountMore and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great __________ of goods. [ ]A. mixtureB. varietyC. combinationD. extensionLast year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a(n)__________ of 40,000 per year. [ ]A. averageB. numberC. amountD. According to some doctors,one of the ways to delay the aging process is to make sure that our brains get enough__________.[ ]A.assistanceB.sportC.experience D.The conference has been held to discuss the __________ of global warming on people's lives all over the world. [ ]A. importanceB. effectsC. protectionD. at-What was his __________ in calling you?-To tell me that he got a scoop.[ ] A.impressionB.professionC.intentionD.additionShe knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put __________on her to work hard.[ ]A.forceB.pressureC.burden D.weight- My parents died when I was very small,and I started to make a living by selling newspapers at the age of ten.-I really have much __________ for you.[ ]A.belWhat __________ will it make whether Mr.Black tells us the story early or not?[ ]A.senseB.differenceC.mistakeD.useEye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication __________.[ ]A.tragedyB.vacuumC.questionD.barrierHe had the good __________ to withdraw from the election contest.[ ]A.senseB.matterC.caseD.opinionIn that situation,a wage freeze,whether voluntary or imposed by the Government,deals with a __________of inflation rather than with inflation itself.[ ]A.symbol-Sorry,but I can’t visit you tomorrow.-Come whenever it is to your __________.[ ]A.preferenceB.pleasureC.convenienceD.connectionI appreciate your hard work,but I can not have a________ that you will surely get promoted.[ ]A.guaranteeB.resultC.beliefD.swearTo be honest, the role John plays in this film doesn't come up to my __________,though he is one of my favorite actors . [ ]A. excusesB. explanationsC. expeNowadays senior high school students are burdened with too many __________ which is making them less and less confident. [ ]A. motivationsB. expectationsC. aEach child is unique and teachers should encourage each one to realize their __________.[ ]A.powerB.strengthC.necessityD.potentialI would like to speak for our group to express our __________ for your valuable help.[ ]A.agreementB.attentionC.appreciationD.anxietySet yourself __________ that you can reasonably hope to achieve which should be not too high nor too low. [ ] A. purposeB. causeC. reasonD. targetThe top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly__________. [ ]A. atmosphereB. stateC. situationD. phenomenonThe school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any direct _____.[ ]A. solutionB. targetC. measureD. functionAfter the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide __________ for the homeless families. [ ]A. accommodationB. occupationC. equipmeAs far as I am concerned,what he made in his speech is just a(n)__________,nothing serious.[ ]A.choiceB.excuseC.statementD.slipMost nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession men are in the _____. [ ]A. minorityB. majorityC. shortageD. substituteLinda didn't get there on time because of the bad weather. What's more, her car was in poor __________. [ ]A. positionB. conditionC. situationD. directioLess than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women. That is to say,men are in the ___.[ ]A.majorityB.activityC.possibilityD.minorityThe car factory has produced a new car of high quality; its only ________________ is that it uses a lot of petrol. [ ]A. advantageB. drawbackC. mistakeD. pEven if the judge takes your side,you will have no chance to win the ________.[ ]A.caseB.supportC.argumentD.chargeHis __________ to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight.[ ]A.destinationB.inspirationC.ambitionD.promotionBefore the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area,children here had no __________ to education.[ ]A.accessB.approachC.attitudeD.attractionHe went back to the hall to try his__________at finding his lost gold watch,but never found it. [ ]A. fortuneB. bestC. resultD. hard —What are the differences between the American and British __________ of government?—You can find the answer on the Internet. [ ]A. designB. theoryC. systemThe lake looks like a big mirror in which the________of the trees is very clear. [ ]A. shadeB. shadowC. reflectionD. reactionClare has offered a________of $100 to anyone who can find her lost cell phone.[ ]A.benefitB.costC.rewardD.priceI changed my________to learning English this term and did a good job in the final examination.[ ]A.approachB.techniqueC.wayD.methodThe traces of petrol found on his clothing provided the________proving that he had started the fire deliberately.[ ]A. symbolB. doubtC. evidenceD. beliefEveryone can receive education.That is to say,education is taken as a right rather than a(n)_________.[ ]A.privilegeB.encouragementC.assistanceD.dignityShe went through a period of emotional __________ after her company fell into ruins and she finally decided to find a new job.[ ]A.controlB.adjustmentC.outburst—You are always full of________.Can you tell me the secret?—Taking plenty of exercise every day.[ ]A. powerB. strengthC. forceD. energyIn my opinion,it doesn't make any________to buy vegetables from 100 miles away when you can buy the same seasonal produce grown right here.[ ]A. impressionB.-Your grandfather is always full of________.What’s the secret?-Playing Taiji every morning.[ ]A.tasteB.energyC.reliefD.creditOne of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n)________in the number of natural disasters.[ ]A.accountB.reasonC.increaseD.occurrence—There is________on using mobile phones at the gas station.—Do you mean talking on the mobile phone________at the gas station?[ ]A. a ban;is bannedB. ban;bHe has realised his________of owning his own business after years of hard work. [ ]A. contributionB. ambitionC. motivationD. reputationWhy don't you arrange your tripyou did last summer?[ ]A. in the way whichB. the way which C. the wayD. by the way thatAs we allknow, the largest organ of your body is the.[ ]A. skinB. faceC. headD. leg It'sif I lose this job, I can always get another one.[ ]A. no skin off my nose B. no nose off my skinC. none of my skinD. none of my noseThe Sahara Desert is a naturalbetweennorth and central Africa.[ ]A. fenceB. barrierC. difficultyD. borderPoor health may be ato success.[ ]A. difference B. difficultyC. fenceD. barrierHe was killed after eating the beautiful mushrooms because they contained a deadly.[ ]A. poisonB. proteinC. wasteD. foodThe hotel offers its guests awideof amusements.[ ]A. variety B. attractionC. interestD. excitementSociety is made up of a of people; some are good, others bad, and still others in between.[ ]A. varietyB. choiceC. lot D. plenty根据汉语提示完成句子1. Her father will never____ (同意)hermarriage to you.2. She gave a nod____(同意). 3. The plan to increase expenditure(费用)has ________How fast does the new micro____ the data?[ ]A. workB. processC. deal D. do—Could you help me with my English this aftenoon?—Sorry,but I have made a(an) _ to see the doctor.[ ]A. promiseB. agreementC. appointmentD. messageIn America, the doctors see patients only by____ in advance.[ ]A. management B. arrangementC. appointment D. intention— What do you usually do after supper, Lucy?— My evening __________ includes taking a walk down to the garden and listening to musicon the radio. [ ]A. teamwoThey haven't decided where to go, just travelling from one place to another without a __________. [ ]A. destinationB. preparationC. regulationD. conservatiThere are certain ________ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.[ ]A. conditionsB. situationsC.occasionsD. environment短文改错。 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。My mother is deaf, so she has to use a hearing.[ ]A. helpB. machineC. aidD. assistI am sure David wiU be able to find the library-he hasa good of direction. [ ]A. idea B. feeling C. experienceD. senseNow that only you were in the office yesterday, you are the prime____in this case.[ ]A. suspectB. personC. thief D. robberThose who want to apply for the position should state their name, age and.[ ]A. occupationB. professionC. work D. jobThe little boy fell off the bike and suffered severe .[ ]A. woundB. injuriesC. hurtD. cut—Mother, I've cut my finger and I'm bleeding. —Press a clean piece of cloth on thefirst. I'll call the doctor. [ ]A. hurt B. injury C. wound D. harm— Let's try operating the machine right now. — Wait. Better read thefirst.[ ]A. instructionsB. explanationsC. informationD. introductionIn my opinion,what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn't make any____.[ ]A. ideaB. meaningC. senseD. pointIn learning English, remembering the words is easy for students. Theis whether you can use themproperly.[ ]A. strengthB. challengeC. weaknessD. benefitFinding information in today's world is easy.The____is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.[ ]A. abilityB. competitionC. challengeDestruction of the environment is one of the most senous____we face today.[ ]A. challengesB. chancesC. opportunitiesD. failuresYou should first read the carefully before you use a new product. [ ]A. introductions B. instructions C. explanationsD. reasonsIs there anythatyou'Il be back by the weekend?[ ]A. ideaB. possibilityC. newsD. factThe of breaking the world record never occurred to him.[ ]A. possibilityB. hopeC. wish D. wayHe had awith his wife about their son's education. [ ]A. quarrelB. debateC. helpD. discussTheof the moon for the earth causes thetide.[ ]A.drawing B.attractionC.movingD.circlingYou are excellent, but we have noof teachers for the time being.[ ]A. useB. lackC. resultD. wantWe succeeded,after a good deal of _,in inventing the machine.[ ]A.trial and errorB.morning and nightC.bittemess and hardD.failure and successI'm busy preparing for the coming interview, so Iwill ask you to attend Lily's wedding party in the of me,OK?[ ]A. honorB. favorC. memoryD. nameAfter five days' fighting, the enemy had to admit.[ ]A. defeatB.debateC.successD.decadeDuring the past 5 years, the world champion has only suffered twoin 30 fights.[ ]A. successes B. successC. failureD. defeatsHealth problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a ofexercise.[ ]A. limitB. lackC. needD. demandThe____ of blood always makes him feel sick. [ ]A. sightB. viewC. lookD. formThey have discovered a new for thedisease.[ ]A. treatmentB. cureC. wayD. methodHe spoke so casually, as though the problem were of little ______. [ ]A. matter B. circumstance C. benefit D. consequenceThere are ______ to show that a new, different city is coming out of its dark past. [ ]A. signalsB. marks C. signsD. symbols用evident的适当形式填空①It has now beento us that a mistake has been made.②He was released because there was no against him.AIDS control and prevention isato China as well as the whole world.[ ]A. surprise B. challenge C. reaction D. threatThe book aims to cover all of the life in the city.[ ]A. aspects B. responses C. expectations D. areasShe felt she had looked at the problem from every___.[ ]A. field B. directionC. aspectD. placeWe can't take ________ of that house if we fail to reach an agreement with them. [ ]A. possessionB. control C. holdD. ownMoreandmoreheartpatientsare surviving thanks to improved surgical _______. [ ]A. techniquesB. skills C. abilitiesD. systemThe new teacher made a goodon the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.[ ]A. sense B. expression C. impressionD. effectThe young man acted strangely in the party, who left a bad____ on me.[ ]A. impressionB. expressionC. experience D. opinion-I happened to meet Mr Smith on my way home yesterday evening. -What a _________! [ ]A. coincidenceB. chance C. thing D. timeWhat a(n)_________ it is that they were born in the same year and on the sameday! [ ]A. coincidenceB. accident C. incident D. confidenceHis first novel was _ , and he hasn't written anything decent since.[ ]A. a flash in the panB. the flash in the panC. in a flashD. like a flash
If you stand here,you’ll get a better________of the river.[]A.sight B.viewC.scene D.sceneryWhen he applied for a(n) ______ in the office of the local newspaper,he was told to see the manager.[ ]A. locationB. professionC. affectionD. positionDespite such a big difference in________towards what one eats,there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.[ ]A.pointIt is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money________ favors to them.[ ]A. in preference toB. in place ofC. in agreement withD. in exlt is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own______,which follows everywhere you go when there is light. [ ]A. shade B. shadowC. figureD. sculpture-Does Lucy have a______ for a particular color?-Yes, she likes blue best.[ ]A. preferenceB. feelingC. responsibilityD. choiceThe girl kept complaining about her former boss in the interview, which made a badon theinterviewer. [ ]A. expression B. impression C. opinionD. feelingBeing able to speak another language fluently is a great________when you’re looking for a job.[ ]A.chanceB.successC.effortD.advantage AIDS is spreading all over the world at shocking speed. Where its dark___________ appears, we see pain, tears and death.[ ]A. shape B.shadowC.ambitionD.feelinThe public don ' t think the explanation for oil spill in Bohai sea makes __________ [ ]A. useB. sense C. value D. causeTV homeshopping (电视直销 )has changed the way of shopping and the __________ of people' s family life in some way. [ ]A. meaningB. structure C. patternD. 选择shadow或shade并用其适当的形式填空.①Sometimes people will get frightened by his own____________ especially at night.②After a long walk, they needed to find The_________ on his face told me that he was angry.[ ]A. impressionB. sightC. appearance D. expressionYou can't imagine a more embarrassing_______when you can't understand a single wordsomeone says.[ ]A. view B. sightC. scene D. conversation用 scene/scenery/view/sight填空①There is a fine ___________ of the mountain from our hotel.②There is a happy ___________ of children playing in the garden.③ OnMr Cook is a man with a strong will.After repeated________he finally succeeded in his experiment.[ ]A.announcements B.decisionsC.remarksD.attemptsNowadays many housewives prefer to go to supermarkets for their shopping,because they provide a large________of goods.[ ]A.variationB.variousC.varied D.varietyNowadays,theprimary _____of young people living in big cities is to have a house of their own.[ ]A. satisfactionB. attentionC. concern D. worry-What do you think of the standard of the new curriculum(课程)?-It is certain to have a great__________ upon the future of both teachers and students.[ ]A. reWith the ______ of making a fortune,many people went to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold.[ ]A. task B. intention C. trade D. appointment用stress/pressure的适当形式填空1: More and more people cannot bear the _____of modern life.2: The patient is complaining of his feeling of _____on his chest.3:At the sight of the frightening snake,the girl stood there with a frightened________on her face.[ ]A.look B.appearanceC.expression D.surfaceTo make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their__________ and weaknesses. [ ]A. strengths B. benefits C. techniquesD. vYou'd better put the meat in the fridge, which has a _________ to go bad in hot summer days.[ ]A. tendency B. aimC. preferenceD. intentionOne of the _of our planet's being warming up is anincrease in the number of natural disasters.[ ]A. reasonsB. causesC. result s D. consequencesThe doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _____[ ]A. expectationB. reputation C. conChina has got a good_____ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization. [ ]A. reputation B. influenceC. impression D. knowledgelast year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200 ,000, a(n) _________ of 40,000 per year. [ ]A. averageB. numberC.amountD.quaNooneknowsexactlywhenthe universe came into________.[ ]A. effectB.existenceC.powerD.useIf we go on using energy so wastefully,_____are that our oil wells will be dried up before new energy sources can be found to replace oil. [ ]A. chances B. diThese crops need ______________ the cold weather.[ ]A. to protectB. protection againstC. protectingD. to protect fromExcuse me,sir,can you tell me how much the________is to Guangzhou by plane?[ ]A.costB.fareC.priceD.moneyBecause of the bad weather,the building work was already behind________.[ ]A.situationB.speedC.serviceD.scheduleMost air pollution is caused by theburning of________like coal, gas and oil.[ ]A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. productsSomething must be done to prevent the fruits from going bad in the long________.[ ]A.transportationB.runC.termD.transportOur government has protested time and again that any increase in arms sales to Taiwanis____________theUS government's_______________theChinese people butthe US Under these ___________ ,it is rather difficult for our products to put a footing on this market.[ ]A. situationsB.casesC. circumstancesD.conditionsI made a(n)______________with Mr, Smith to discuss the details of our cooperation. [ ]A. differenceB. suggestionC. appointmentD. AnnouncementEverybody present at the meeting agreed to stick to the________that everyone should be treated fairly.[ ]A. purposeB. ambitionC. principleD. levelDue to the widespread ___________ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.[ ]A. presentationB.applicationC.The tailor made him a new__________________.[ ]A.clothesB. dressC. suit D. clothing— How do you find the British Museum?— Great!It's________worth________.[ ]A. very; visitingB. well; a visitC. quite; being visited D. very much; visitPeople who don't smoke have less ______________ of suffering from lung disease than those who smoke.[ ]A.potentialB. causeC.hopeD.problemWe all know that hard working and plain living are fine________of our Chinese people.[ ]A. qualitiesB. mannersC. deedsD. actsOnce he saw his daughter back safe, his ___________disappeard. [ ]A. surprise B. AnxietyC. imaginationD. Curiosity"Tommy,run!Be quick!The house is on fire!" the mother shouted, with ___________clearly in hervoice.[ ]A. angerB. rudenessC. regretD. panicMore and more people choose to shop in asupermarket as"offers a great ___________of goods.[ ]A. expressionB. mixt ureC. variety D. combination_______his experience, he has done a good job, so you should give him something as a(n)________. [ ]A. Considered; awardB. Given; rewardC. Regard; giftD.Don't be afraid of your failure in the exam.If you like, I'll give you a(n)________since I'm so good at this.[ ]A. opportunityB. choiceC. lessonD. handMy computer broke down. Luckily it was still under_______________,so I got itrepaired free ofcharge.[ ]A. guaranteeB. constructionC. controlD. consideratioThe tsunami(海啸)that broke out in Southeast Asia in 2004 caused seriousto everything there.[ ]A. damage B. hurtC. injure D. harm— Lucy, look!I bought this MP4 for only two hundred yuan.— Really?You got a wonderful________. [ ]A. offerB. priceC. bargainD. dealThe manager has to go on a business trip.His company will be left in________of his secretary. [ ]A. chargeB. the chargeC. needD. placeGetting rid of bad habit is________forming a good one. [ ]A. an effort much asB. much an effort asC. as an effort much asD. as much an effort asOur Party has always devoted great attention to raising the living________of the working people.[ ]A.costB.situationC.levelD.standardHis________was so strong that I couldn't understand a word he was saying.[ ]A.noiseB.voiceC.accentD.soundAfter long and hard work,the police at last discovered the________of the baby found by the side of a road.[ ]A.dialectB.identityC.situationD.conditionI have no________with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes. [ ]A. devotionB. beliefC. patienceD. balanceHe proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his________was seen at its best when he worked with others .[ ]A. advantageB. appearanceC. qualificationBeing able to speak another language fluently is a great________when you are looking for a job. [ ]A. assistanceB. chanceC. advantageD. importance Completely lost in the exciting________of the football match, Tom didn't feel his pocket picked. [ ]A. sceneB. viewC. atmosphereD. sightSir, you are not allowed to enter the building if you don't get our manager's________.[ ]A. permissionB. connectionC. instructionD. introductionDon't talk about such a thing in the________of young children. [ ]A. appearanceB. surfaceC. existenceD. presenceScientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to________. [ ]A. rewardsB. prizesC. awardsD. resultsTo our great________, his parents were________at his mark. [ ]A. surprises; surprisedB. surprises; surprisingC. surprise; surprisedD. surprise; surprisiAs we all know, no one is perfect, and everyone has his own________. [ ]A. mistakeB. weaknessC. limitD. beliefMost members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion; only a(n)________were against it. [ ]A. majority B. minorityC. quantityD. amountMore and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great________of goods. [ ]A. variety B. mixtureC. extensionD. combinationI can't say which wine is best-it's a(n)________of personal taste.[ ]A. affair B. eventC. matterD. varietyIn October, the price of the________to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan.[ ]A. permissionB. admissionC. introductionD. instructionMost senior high school students are working hard day and night to pass the college entrance examination,gaining______to a university. [ ]A. applicationB. conAll that this young man dreams of is to make________and live________.[ ]A. a big fortune; an easy lifeB. a big money; an easy lifeC. big fortune; easy lifThis is a new________to language teaching, which can stimulate students' interest to learn the language. [ ]A. approachB. meansC. methodD. wayThe________on his face told me that he wasn't satisfied with my answer. [ ]A. impressionB. sightC. appearanceD. expressionMost members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion; only a(n)________were against it. [ ]A.majorityB.minorityC.quantityD.amountMore and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great________of goods. [ ]A.variety B.mixtureC.extensionD.combinationI can't say which wine is best-it's a(n)________of personal taste. [ ]A.affair B.eventC.matterD.varietyThe two parties are holding the talk in a friendly________at present. Hopefully, they will reach an agreement.[ ]A. atmosphereB. conditionC. situationD. phIn October, the price of the________to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan. [ ]A.permissionB.admissionC.introductionD.instructionNo matter how I tried to read it, I just couldn't make________of the sentence.[ ]A. meaningB. useC. senseD. ideaThe young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a bad________on the employer.[ ]A.impressionB.expressionC.experienceD.opinionShe made a________in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain.[ ]A.turnB.switchC.pointD.exchangeThis is a new________to language teaching, which can stimulate students' interest to learn the language. [ ]A. approachB. meansC. methodD. wayThe________on his face told me that he wasn't satisfied with my answer.[ ]A. impressionB. sightC. appearanceD. expressionWith the________of making a fortune, many people went to Australia in the 19th century to washsand for gold. [ ]A. taskB. intentionC. tradeD. appointmentShe knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put________on her to work hard. [ ]A. forceB. pressureC. burdenD. weightAs a child, he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his________on. [ ]A. handsB. armsC. mindD. heartYou have to be accurate in this job, because a small mistake can make a big ________. [ ]A. differenceB. difficultyC. troubleD. changeAn earthquake hit the southeast of the country, causing 6 deaths and hundreds of ________. [ ]A. injuriesB. woundsC. damageD. hurtFever is a ________of many illnesses.So I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soon as possible.[ ]A. messageB. symptomC. label D. clueNo matter how I tried to read it,I just couldn’t make_____of the sentence.[ ]A.meaningB.useC.senseD.ideaAll the students are looking forward to the first________to take the College Entrance Examinations. [ ]A. measureB. attemptC. purposeD. desireAnyone who is in________of weapons without permission is considered lawbreaking.[ ]A. commandB. controlC. chargeD. possession— Many species are in danger of dying out because of a________of habitat.— I couldn't agree more.We must take action for them as well as for ourselves. [ ]A.Life in London has so many________-nightclubs,good restaurants and so on.[ ]A.collections B.instructionsC.attractionsD.expressionsNowadays,people usually think if you enter a key university,you are your parents’________.[ ]A.prideB.luckC.valueD.cheerTherehasbeenanincreaseinthetechnical cooperation and cultural________ between China and other countries in the past ten years.[ ]A. change B. tradeC. bargainHe had a strange hairstyle and he instantly became the________of attention the moment he steppedinto the classroom.[ ]A. aimB. focusC. directionD. pointAs the income is increasing,the________of family life has been changing over recent years. [ ]A. modelB. characterC. processD. patternAs is known to all,it is teachers and parents who will have a big________on the developmentof children.[ ]A.changeB.affectionC.influenceD.impression
Don't be afraid of your failure in the exam.If you like, I'll give you a(n)________since I'm so good at this.[ ]A. opportunityB. choiceC. lessonD. handToo much drinking will do________to your health;you should take the doctor's advice. [ ]A. harmB. troubleC. damageD. hurt— Can you hit that bird with your gun, Tom?— No!It is out of the________of my gun. [ ]A. lengthB. aimC. distanceD. rangeNo matter how I tried to read it, I just couldn't make________of the sentence. [ ]A. meaningB. useC. senseD. ideaWe should make every________to protect the wild animals and let them live freely in the wild.[ ]A. affectB. affordC. effectD. effortBefore the final examination, many students have shown________of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite. [ ]A. signsB. mTo our great________, Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. [ ]A. anxietyB. reliefC. viewD. judgmentThe young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad________on the employer. [ ]A. impressionB. expressionC. experienceD. opinionShe made a________in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain. [ ]A. turnB. switchC. pointD. exchangeWhat the doctor warned us is that the ________ sleep may cause anger, poor memory and poorconcentration. [ ]A. want inB. plenty ofC. lack inD. lack ofHe proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his________was seen at its best when he worked with others. [ ]A . advantageB. appearanceC. qualificatioBeing able to speak another language fluently is a great________when you are looking for a job. [ ]A. assistanceB. chanceC. advantageD. importanceWith the________of making a fortune, many people went to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold. [ ]A. taskB. intentionC. tradeD. appointmentBill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his________. [ ]A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mindSir, you are not allowed to enter the building if you don't get our manager's________. [ ]A. permissionB. connectionC. instructionD. introductionScientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to________. [ ]A. rewardsB. prizesC. awardsD. resultsShe knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put________on her to work hard. [ ]A. forceB. pressureC. burdenD. weightAs a child, he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his________on. [ ]A. handsB. armsC. mindD. heartYou have to be accurate in this job, because a small mistake can make a big ________. [ ]A. differenceB. difficultyC. troubleD. changeAn earthquake hit the southeast of the country, causing 6 deaths and hundreds of ________. [ ]A. injuriesB. woundsC. damageD. hurtFever is a ________of many illnesses.So I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soon aspossible.[ ]A. messageB. symptomC. label D. clueI have no________with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes. [ ]A. devotionB. beliefC. patienceD. balanceWe should make every________to protect the wild animals and let them live freely in the wild. [ ]A. affectB. affordC. effectD. effortCompletely lost in the exciting________of the football match, Tom didn't feel his pocket picked.[ ]A. sceneB. viewC. atmosphereD. sightAll the students are looking forward to the first________to take the College Entrance Examinations.[ ]A. measureB. attemptC. purposeD. desireAnyone who is in________of weapons without permission is considered lawbreaking. [ ]A. commandB. controlC. chargeD. possessionBefore the final examination, many students have shown________of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite. [ ]A. signsB. mTo our great________, Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared . [ ]A. anxietyB. reliefC. viewD. judgmentTo our great________, his parents were________at his mark.[ ]A.surprises; surprisedB.surprises; surprisingC.surprise; surprisedD.surprise; surprisingSo many model League Members________the lead,we had no________winning victories one after another. [ ]A. taking; troubleB. take; difficultyC. took; troublUsually a child's behavior is a________of his family environment. [ ]A. recognition B. reflectionC. returnD. recordI felt I paid too much for the trip to Europe,and won't choose that travel agency again unless it's areal________.[ ]A. bargainB. treatC. sampleD. exchangThe________of school leavers that go to university is about fifty percent. [ ]A. degreeB. percentageC. level D. standardIt makes no________which road you take; both lead to the city, and they are equally long. [ ]A. pointB. senseC. matterD. differenceFootball is a________of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking. [ ]A. mixtureB. thoughtC. timeD. actionIn Britain,as far as I know,it is a________to give children chocolate eggs at Easter.[ ]A. habit B. tradition C. procedure D. mannerMy dear,don't lose heart!Everyone has their________and weaknesses.No one is perfect.[ ]A. strengthsB. energiesC. charactersD. differencesPushing children to do what they don’t like usually gives them unnecessary________.[ ]A.temperB.moodC.consciousnessD.stressTheir forgetting the date of the discussion showed that they did not understand the________of the question. [ ]A . qualityB. patienceC. importanceD. differeNo matter how I tried to read it,I just couldn't make________of the sentence. [ ] A. meaningB. useC. senseD. ideaIt's not enough to have________for the disabled.We must do something to help them live better. [ ]A. sympathyB. patienceC. dignityD. ambitionNewspaper reporters made________in the news conference which embarrassed the president.[ ]A. questionB. the questionC. a questionD. many a questionWhat the doctor warned us is that the ________ sleep may cause anger, poor memory and poor concentration. [ ]A. want inB. plenty ofC. lack inD. lack ofThe noise of the traffic makes my head________. How I wish I were not on the road. [ ]A. painB. hurtC. ache D. wound一What happened?一Oh,a bee appeared on Kate's dress, and her sudden_______________of cry scared us.[ ]A.behaviour B.burst C.attitude D.expressionWith the________of making a fortune, many people went to Australia in the 19th century to washsand for gold. [ ]A. taskB. intentionC. tradeD. appointmentLife in London has so many________-nightclubs, good restaurants and so on. [ ]A . collections B. instructionsC. attractionsD. expressionsWe've made our plans,and now we must put them into________. [ ]A. fact B. realityC. practice D. deedAs is known to all, it is teachers and parents who will have a big________on the development of children.[ ]A. changeB. affectionC. influenceD. impressionThe animal rescue centre wrote a letter to thank Dave for his_____ to animal protection.[ ]A. devotionB. determinationC. attitudeD. qualityThe young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad________on the employer. [ ]A. impressionB. expressionC. experienceD. opinionShe made a________in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain. [ ]A. turnB. switchC. pointD. exchangeThere are various________to this problem. We must try to find the best one. [ ]A. waysB. accessesC. methodsD. approachesAs a model you should know extreme designs always go out of ________ as quickly as they come in. [ ]A. orderB. controlC. questionD. fashionWe always keep some money in ________, just in case.[ ]A. reserveB. placeC. totalD. orderHe is said to have studied in America for three years, so ________ is no ________ he speaks perfectEnglish. [ ]A. it;pointB. there;pointC. it;wonderD. thThe head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has ________ all over the country. [ ]A. companies B. branchesC. organizations D. businessesThanks to his father's________, the shy boy gradually built up his confidence and made great progress. [ ]A. destinationB. ambitionC. promotionD. inspiratiNewspaper reporters made________in the news conference which embarrassed the president. [ ]A. questionB. the questionC. a questionD. many a question单词拼写。 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词, 在横线上写出对应单词的正确、完整形式, 每空只写一词。1. Nowadays, more and more people are fond of the________短文改错。 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改We've made our plans, and now we must put them into________. [ ]A. fact B. reality C. practice D. deedShe knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put________on her to work hard.[ ]A. forceB. pressureC. burdenD. weightAs a child, he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his________on. [ ]A. handsB. armsC. mindD. heartYou have to be accurate in this job, because a small mistake can make a big ________. [ ]A. differenceB. difficultyC. troubleD. changeThe country put up a strongagainst the enemy's invasion(侵略).[ ]A. defendB. defenceC. protectD. guardAn earthquake hit the southeast of the country, causing 6 deaths and hundreds of ________. [ ]A. injuriesB. woundsC. damageD. hurtFever is a ________of many illnesses.So I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soonas possible. [ ]A. messageB. symptomC. label D. clueHe had a strange hairstyle and he instantly became the________of attention the moment he steppedinto the classroom. [ ] A. aimB. focusC. directionD. pointAs the income is increasing, the________of family life has been changing over recent years. [ ]A. modelB. characterC. processD. patternMuch to our__ _,the boy finally returned home safely.[ ]A. delightB. delightedC. delightfulD. delightingBill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his________. [ ]A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mind— I'm not________up so early yet but I have to________myself to it.— Yeah.Just as the saying goes, "An early bird catches the worm". [ ]A. used to getting— Many species are in danger of dying out because of a________of habitat.— I couldn't agree more.We must take action for them as well as for ourselves.[ ]A.She has a sharp for other people's marital troubles.[ ]A. noseB. earC. tongueD. mouthAll the students are looking forward to the first________to take the College Entrance Examinations. [ ]A. measureB. attemptC. purposeD. desireAnyone who is in________of weapons without permission is considered lawbreaking. [ ]A. commandB. controlC. chargeD. possession— Can you hit that bird with your gun, Tom?— No!It is out of the________of my gun. [ ]A. lengthB. aimC. distanceD. rangeWe should make every________to protect the wild animals and let them live freely in the wild. [ ]A. affectB. affordC. effectD. effortThe product strategy should give a detailed________of what your products are and how they aregoing to benefit your company. [ ] A. expressionB. contributionC.Before the final examination, many students have shown________of tension.Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.[ ]A. signsB. maTo our great________, Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. [ ]A. anxietyB. reliefC. viewD. judgmentIt makes no________which road you take;both lead to the city,and they are equally long. [ ]A. pointB. senseC. matterD. differenceLily succeeded,for she had made a great________andgot over plenty of difficulties. [ ]A. forceB. strength C. effort D. energyTherehasbeenanincreaseinthetechnical cooperation and cultural________ between China and other countries in the past ten years.[ ]A. change B. tradeC. bargain单词拼写根据下列句子所给汉语意思,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式.1. He _________(讨价还价) over the price of the meat with the shopkeeper. 2. Competition from abr— Your cell phone is really cheap at that price.— Yes. it is a real__.[ ]A. exchangeB. businessC. tradeD. bargainBoth my parents are _____ Song Zuyingt's songs, which are in the classical Chinese_____. [ ] A. crazy about; style B. fond of; expressionC. agree with; wIf the teachers want to buy _____, it will take the university much money. [ ]A. such good equipment B. such good equipmentsC. so good equipment D. so good People are using more and more natural gas, wind and other forms of _____. [ ]A. energy B. forceC. powerD. strengthShelly had prepared carefully for her driving test so that she could pass it at her first______.[ ]A. attemptB. intentionC. desireD. purpose— Can you show me how to use Ipad 2?— Why don't you just read the _____?[ ]A. instruction B. introductionC. descriptionD. directions— Can you help me out?— Yes, I will solve the problem with this ____. [ ]A. wayB. methodC. meanD. means短文改错文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在During the two-day meeting , G20 financial leaders gathering in Paris welcomed the ____ Europe made on the euro zone debt issue on Saturday. [ ]A. progress B.The news gave us a false sense of _______ so that we failed to see the danger was coming. [ ]A. securityB. authorityC. responsibilityD. varietyYour ____ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.[ ] A. operationB. growthC. performanceD. characterI must have been a great _____ to my parents in those hard days, for I never failed to live up to their expectations.[ ]A. achievementB. comfortC. disappointBill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his________.[ ]A. abilityB. forceC. strengthD. mind
— Hello, Jack. Tracy here. It's about our ________ on Sunday morning. I'm afraid I can't make it now.— That's OK, but you need to find another date. [ ]The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large ________. [ ]A. fortuneB. luckC. money D. amountThe long and bitterbetween employers and workers made the economic situation worse andworse.[ ]A. agreementB. disagreementC. conflict D. discussionSometimes, it is hard for one to handle the between one's duty and one's desires. [ ]A. conflictB. agreement C. satisfaction D. discussionIt is greatlythat Arthur gave back the money he found.[ ]A. in his creditB. to his creditC. at his creditD. with his creditCan you telephone me at to arrange a meeting?[ ] A. convenienceB. serviceC. requestD. comfortWe were very angry that there was littlegiven to those who had worked the hardest on the project.[ ]A. creditB. punishmentC. scold D. blameThe officialof the cause of the accident appeared in the newspaper.[ ]A. announcement B. introductionC. instruction D. directionLet's make it tomorrow, if it suits your. [ ] A. time B. place C. convenience D. comfortAlways read theon the bottle carefully and take the right amount ofmedicine.[ ]A. explanations B. instructionsC. descriptions D. introductionsThe news that he won the first place gave him .[ ]A. thrill B. thrillingC. a thrillD. thrillsI don't think that the accident was the result ofhuman ___.[ ]A. errorB. characterC. faultD. wrongAlways read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.[ ]A. explanationsB. instructions C. descriptionsD. introductionsIt is clear that in modern society high _______ and demands are placed on students.[ ]A. motivations B. expectations C. standardsD. opportunitiesKate is really young for the job, but, on the other _____, she is well trained.[ ]A. wayB. situationC. chanceD. hand改错下面短文中共有10处错误,每句最多有两处.错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在Niagara Falls is a great tourist ___,drawing millions of visitors from all over the world every year.[ ]A.interest B.viewC.sceneD.attraction— Jack is very clever and he studies hard as well. — No ________ he always comes out first in the exams.[ ]A. answerB. questionC. wonder D. problemThe new law will come intoonce it's passed.[ ]A. effectB. useC . serviceD. existence单词拼写 据下列句子所给汉语注释,在横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)1. In the 1970s, may people in China(仍然)poor, living a hard life.2. He was短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误,对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线— I passed my driving test at the first.— Congratulations![ ] A. purposeB. desireC. attemptD. wish单词拼写根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或首字母提示,写出空缺处各单词的完全形式。(注意:每空只写一词)1. In the USA, Thanksgiving Day is(庆祝)on the fourth Thursday in 单词拼写根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式.1. Lisa, I didn't ______(认出)you-you've had your hair cut!2. I usually just have a _______(三So many model League Members________the lead,we had no________winning victories one after another. [ ]A. taking; troubleB. take; difficultyC. took; troubl— What did he say in________of his stupid behaviour?— He admitted that he had made a serious mistake.[ ]A. explanationB. favour C. fear D. supportUsually a child's behavior is a________of his family environment.[ ]A. recognition B. reflectionC. returnD. recordIt makes no________which road you take; both lead to the city, and they are equally long.[ ]A. pointB. senseC. matterD. differenceThe young man earns $20,000 a month.In other words, his annual________is $240,000.[ ]A. expenseB. costC. income D. financeA much better way must be found to achieve an equal________of the resources.[ ]A. distributionB. contributionC. catalogueD. separationPlain living and hard work are the fine ________ of the Chinese people.[ ]A. habitsB. qualitiesC. customsD. quantitiesThe________of school leavers that go to university is about fifty percent.[ ]A. degreeB. percentageC. level D. standardFootball is a________of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking.[ ]A. mixtureB. thoughtC. timeD. actionIn my ______, there is no need to worry about exams.[ ]A. idea B. view C. thoughtD. informationOur new English teacher made a strongon all of us with his humorous speech.[ ]A. descriptionB. contributionC. impressionD. expression短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。每处只One minute she burst into_____, and the next she burst out_____. We just couldn't catch her mood at any moment. [ ]A. crying; laughter B. tears; laughing Always read the __________on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. [ ]A. explanationsB. directionsC. descriptionsD. introductions— Nowadays few people live in a place permanently, and population mobility is a ______.— Yes. The present world is more on the _______ than ever before. [ ]A.One minute she burst into ____, and the next she burst out ____. We just couldn't catch her mood(情绪) at any moment.[ ] A. crying; laughterB. tears; laugChildren, either in the city or in the country, should have ______ to the equal education. [ ]A. chanceB. choiceC. access D. approach 单词拼写根据句意和所给汉语提示,填写单词或短语的正确形式,每空一词.1. He _________(忽视) the doctor's advice and goes on smoking.2. The concert went like cloc— Thank you for your ________ during my stay in China.— It's my pleasure and it's fantastic to be with you![ ]A. companion B. accompany C. companyD. compa短文改错 下面短文中共有10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的It was so late that I didn't find a taxi after I walked past three _____________. [ ]A. blocksB. yardsC. townsD. statesCourage is one of the_____ of a good soldier.[ ]A. successB. interestsC. difficultiesD. qualities—What's your parents' ________ to this news?— Surprisingly calm.[ ]A. opinionB. reactionC. actionD. feelingI’ll be at your ___ in three minutes.[ ]A.serviceB.orderC.movementD.signalHe is so learned a young man that I am sure it would be impossible to find his ________.[ ]A.same B.similarC.equalD.reflectionMuch to my________, I'm unable to accept your kind invitation.[ ]A. regretB. humour C. content D. confidenceAfter a _____ discussion, they came up with a new ____ to the study of physics.[ ]A. two hours', accessB. two hours', wayC. two-hour, approach D. two-hourA short __________ of natural gas has caused a lot of economic experts to worry. [ ]A. supplyB. useC. product D. informationThe _______, I think ,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.[ ]A. attention B. conclusion C. promise D. relationThough the village is lonely and faraway, I can find it because I have a pretty good________of direction.[ ]A. senseB. organC. impressionD. credit— I've heard that another brand of milk powder has been banned.— It's a shame that some companies ________ the sense of social responsibility. [ ]A. lack B.To their ________,they still help that old single man. [ ]A. surpriseB. creditC. delightD. reliefI can't say which wine is best-it's a(n)________of personal taste.[ ]A. affairB. eventC. matterD. varietyScientists have made a________in the search for a cure for cancer.[ ]A. expectationB. breakthroughC. regulationD. procedureTheir forgetting the date of the discussion showed that they did not understand the________of the question.[ ]A. qualityB. patienceC. importanceD. differencMy mother made a ________ with the salesgirl and brought down the price of the fruit. [ ]A. bargainB. choiceC. differenceD. promiseTo my ________,my son won a gold medal in the 16th Asian Games.[ ]A. reliefB. surpriseC. sorrowD. disappointment—How do you find the British Museum?—Great!It's________worth________.[ ]A. very; visitingB. well; a visitC. quite; being visited D. very much; visitinWe all know that hard working and plain living are fine________of our Chinese people.[ ]A. qualitiesB. mannersC. deedsD. acts—Lucy, look! I bought this MP4 for only two hundred yuan.—Really? You got a wonderful________.[ ]A. offerB. priceC. bargainD. dealThe manager has to go on a business trip. His company will be left in________of his secretary.[ ]A. chargeB. the chargeC. needD. placeGetting rid of bad habit is________forming a good one.[ ]A. an effort much asB. much an effort asC. as an effort much asD. as much an effort asFirst of all,the situation in China is that for the________of customers it's the first time they've entered a gymin their life.[ ]A.quantityB.majorityC.amountAlthough metals________widely in qualities such as strength and hardness,they all have certain qualities in________.[ ]A. vary;generalB. differ;commonC. reHe proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his________was seen at its best when he worked with others.[ ]A. advantageB. appearanceC. qualificationDBeing able to speak another language fluently is a great________when you are looking for a job.[ ]A. assistanceB. chanceC. advantageD. importanceHe got into an________with Jeff in the pub last night and they still didn't reach any conclusion.[ ]A.acquaintanceB.argumentC.admirationD.agreementDon't be afraid of your failure in the exam. If you like, I'll give you a(n)________since I'm so good at this.[ ]A. opportunityB. choiceC. lessonD. handToo much drinking will do________to your health; you should take the doctor's advice.[ ]A. harmB. troubleC. damageD. hurtSir,you are not allowed to enter the building if you don’t get our manager’s________.[ ]A.permissionB.connectionC.instructionD.introductionScientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to________.[ ]A.rewardsB.prizesC.awardsD.resultsAs we all know,no one is perfect,and everyone has his own _____.[ ]A. mistakeB. weaknessC. limitD. beliefHer ________ towards me has changed since I helped her with the rice harvest. [ ]A. attitudeB. altitudeC. dietD. mind_____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450.[ ]A. A numberB. A lotC. Lots D. The numberThe police came to the accident ________ the moment they received the call. [ ]A. sightB. viewC. sceneD. scenery—How do you find the British Museum?—Great!It's________worth________.[ ]A. very; visitingB. well; a visitC. quite; being visited D. very much; visitinWe all know that hard working and plain living are fine________of our Chinese people.[ ]A. qualitiesB. mannersC. deedsD. actsCompletely lost in the exciting________of the football match,Tom didn't feel his pocket picked.[ ]A. sceneB. viewC. atmosphereD. sightDon't talk about such a thing in the________of young children.[ ]A. appearanceB. surfaceC. existenceD. presenceTo our great________,his parents were________at his mark.[ ]A. surprises;surprisedB. surprises;surprisingC. surprise;surprisedD. surprise;surprisingThe two parties are holding the talk in a friendly________at present.Hopefully,they will reach an agreement.[ ]A. atmosphereB. conditionC. situationD. phenIt makes no________which road you take;both lead to the city,and they are equally long.[ ]A.pointB.senseC.matterD.differenceLily succeeded,for she had made a great________andgot over plenty of difficulties.[ ]A.forceB.strengthC.effort D.energyI have no________with people who are always complaining of their misfortunes.[ ]A.devotionB.beliefC.patienceD.balanceUsually a child’s behavior is a________of his family environment.[ ]A.recognition B.reflectionC.returnD.record— What did he say in________of his stupid behaviour?— He admitted that he had made a serious mistake.[ ]A.explanationB.favour C.fearD.supportIt makes no________which road you take;both lead to the city,and they are equally long.[ ]A.pointB.senseC.matterD.differenceThe young man earns $20,000 a month.In other words,his annual________is $240,000.[ ]A.expenseB.costC.income D.financeA much better way must be found to achieve an equal________of the resources.[ ]A.distributionB.contributionC.catalogueD.separation单词拼写。1.Great scientific ______ (成就) are the results of years of failure, years of trying to createsomething that has never existed before.2.They built The _____of school leavers that go to university is about fifty percent.[ ]A. degreeB. percentageC. level D. standardWhen you decide to start a family, you make a/an ____ to them. You don't turn your back on the people who love you. [ ]A. contributionB. commitmentC. devotFootball is a _____ of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking.[ ]A. mixtureB. thoughtC. timeD. actionTheir forgetting the date of the discussion showed that they did not understand the________of the question.[ ]A. qualityB. patienceC. importanceD. differencSo many model League Members________the lead, we had no________winning victories one after another.[ ]A. taking;troubleB. take;difficultyC. took;troublesD