John plays basketball well,________ his favorite sport is badminton.A.soB.orC.yetD.forI had no idea of the exact address of Xinhua High School ________I was outside its front gate.A.whenB.afterC.untilD.because ________you’ve experienced it,you can’t understand how I felt.A.OnceB.BecauseC.UnlessD.While—Haven’t seen Lucy recently,what’s happened?—Oh,it’s more than two months ________ she worked here.A.whichB.thatC.beforeD.since________ you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A.However a serious problemB.What a serious problemC.However serious a problemD.What________there is no law stating how you may dress,not all fashions are respectable.A.BecauseB.SinceC.WhileD.UnlessBring the flowers into a warm room ________ they’ll soon open.A.orB.andC.butD.for—What do you think of it?—Well,it’s worth doing ________ the result is satisfactory.A.the momentB.as soon asC.onceD.so long asThe agent was about to sign his name to the document ________,to our surprise,a stranger broke in to prevent him.A.whileB.whenC.asD.untilGoals have to be realistic ________ students can reach them and feel a sense of achievement.A.so long asB.so thatC.now thatD.even though________small,the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.(2013·天津,5)A.AsB.IfC.AlthoughD.OnceRead this story,________you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. (2013·四川,4)A.orB.andC.butD.soAll the photographs in this book,________ stated otherwise,date from the 1950s.(2012·陕西,25)A.unlessB.untilC.onceD.ifAs I looked at the memorial,I thought about ________ terrible disaster it was for the people in Nanjing then and ________ they were to fight the Japanese invade---Are you firmly against any independence move by Taiwan? ---Of course. That’s ______ our basic interest lies.A.whyB.when C.whereD.in which______ is reported in the newspaper is that seventeen climbers have been killed in the snow tsunami.A.ItB.AsC.WhatD.ThatYou cannot take back your words ______ they are out of your mouth.A.beforeB.whetherC.onceD.whileIt will be about 100 days __________the College Enhance Examination comes.A.whenB.asC.beforeD.since_______ I went to the South Lake in Hanzhong, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery. A.For the first timeB.The first timeC.At firstD.It was the firsLucy is a very optimistic girl. ______ she is faced with difficulties, she always sees the bright side.A.Every time B.Now thatC.As soon as D.On condition thatIt is best to eat three meals a day; otherwise, it is possible____ your health will suffer later in life. A.that B.when C.while D.as_____the activities might seem childish, actually they require a lot of strength and determination.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.BeforeD.If— Don’t you believe me?— ________, I’ll believe ________ you say. A.No; whateverB.Yes; whateverC.No; no matter whatD.Yes; no matter what—Do you know about the accident which happened in the center of the city? —Yes. But it was some time we realized the truth.A.before B.whenC.sinceD.untilIt just isn’t fair. _____ I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach.A.WheneverB.ThoughC.ForD.WhileAs the spokeswoman said, ______ we should take action against them depends on what they will do.A.whyB.ifC.whetherD.that_____ there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.A.SinceB.WhileC.WhenD.HoweverHe seems too tired today, and I wonder _________ he got a good sleep last night.A.whenB.thatC.ifD.whereDon’t be afraid of asking for help ___________ it is needed.A.unlessB.sinceC.whenD.althoughI always take something to read when I go to the doctor’s ___________ I have to wait.A.in caseB.so thatC.in orderD.as if As the interview rule goes,you can take some time to think through answers_______ you make a reply.A.afterB.whenC.beforeD.since-----How long do you think it will be _____man can finally solve the problem of cancer?------Well.it depends.A.whenB.untilC.after D.beforeHe told me his story in private,__________ nobody else knew what had happened to him.A.butB.soC.whileD.orParents are advised to put books __________ they are easily accessible to children .A.whichB.whereC.in whichD.whoA ban is called for by the residents __________ people shouldn’t walk dogs in that square.A.whatB.whetherC.whyD.that_______ there are many different types of food, some animals spend their lives eating only one type.A.SinceB.UnlessC.OnceD.While___ I saw her, she was working in a shop.A.The last timeB.For the last time.C.To the last time.D.In the last time. We had to be patient because it ______ some time ______ we got the full results.A.was; sinceB.had been; sinceC.was; beforeD.would be; before—What should we pay more attention to if we go camping in the mountains?—Nothing special. Take a special pair of glasses _______ the wind there is strong and cWhat an unforgettable experience! I'll write it downit is still fresh in my memory.A.since B.whileC.afterD.until—I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.—Oh,that was probablyI was seeing the doctor.A.whyB.whenC.what D.thatwell prepared you are,you still need a lot of luck in finding a suitable job.A.HoweverB.WhateverC.No matter D.AlthoughBe sure to take a trip to the Wadesell.it's a long drive on a dirt road,it's well worth the trouble.A.Only ifB.Now thatC.Even thoughD.In caseAs many as ten courses are provided ,and you are free to choosesuits you best.A.whateverB.whicheverC.howeverD.whereverYou can keep all the files and documentsyou think it is convenient to get them.A.whatB.howC.whereD.whenI was feeling left out in the new school Alice ,an easygoing girl from Canada ,came to stay with me.A.ifB.onceC.whenD.unlessimpresses me most isChinese students are well organized and disciplined. We should learn from them.A.Which; whatB.What; thatC.What; whetherD.That; what______ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.A. While B. Unless C. IfD. UntilWe need some more facts and figures ______ we make the final decision.A.sinceB.beforeC.afterD.untilDoris’ success lies in the fact _______she is co-operative and eager to learn from others.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.whyThe reason ____ he was late for school was _____he had to send his mother to a hospital.A.that; whyB.why; becauseC.why; thatD.that; becauseAt last the soldiers reached ______the locals called the Golden Triangle.A.thatB.whereC.whatD.whenSarah hopes to become a friend of shares her interests.A.whoeverB.whomeverC.anyoneD.whom—Mom, can I go out and play with my friends now?—No, honey, you can’t _____ you haven’t recovered from the knee injury.A.untilB.beforeC.asD.unlessAs a green hand, he doesn’t know______ it takes to start a business here.A.whenB.howC.whatD.whichWith a special train ticket, you can travel______ you’d like to go in England for just over 100 pounds. A.whatB.in whichC.whereD.whichI have no idea ______ measures the government will take to stop the air from being further polluted. A.whichB.whatC.thatD.whose— Have you told Mary the good news that she was admitted into Shandong University?— Yes. I told her ________I saw her this morning.A.whileB.the momentC.untilDWhen the students heard the alarm, they all hurried to they thought was an emergency exit door.A.whatB.whichC.whereD.who________he visited, he wasted no time hearing farmers' voices at home and in the fields.A.Each timeB.In caseC.Even ifD.In timeTom told us all that he said at the meeting was really true.A.thatB.allC.whatD.which____ I'm mistaken, I've seen that tall man at a party before.A.IfB.AsC.UnlessD.WhenThe news inspired the whole world______ Israeli scientists have invented a kind of magic glasses_________ can let the blind see things.A.that; whatB.which; th _____ you have offered 50 yuan , you can telephone for 100 yuan.A.To provide thatB.Provided thatC.Being provided thatD.Provide thatMost of us value our time, but some of us treat it ________ it had no value at all.A.even ifB.as long asC.even soD.as thoughShe has expressed her hope ______ the foreign students will spread the good will and sincerity of the Chinese people to other parts of the world.A.thatB.whichC.Compare some recent work with your old stuff ______ you’ll see how much you’ve improved.A.butB.orC.soD.andIt was early morning in London _____ Prime Minister Cameron arrived to give his speech.A.whereB.whenC.beforeD.thatSome of my workmates prefer to send to our QQ group ______ news they got. A.whateverB.howeverC.whicheverD.wheneverthe players didn’t have a good rest shouldn’t be all excuse for losing the game.A.ThatB.WhatC.WhyD.WhetherI think it’s better to give it a second thought so many of us consider it a risk.A.asB.beforeC.althoughD.onceIn time of serious accidents, ________ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.A.whetherB.untilC.ifD.unlessEach time ________ they met, they would talk long hours together.A.whichB.whenC.duringD./ We had not waited __________ she came.A.long beforeB.before longC.after longD.soon after --What’s your idea?--My opinion is _____, ______ happens, we should not stop the reform. A.when; what B.that; when C.that; whateverD.when; what Do you believe _____ true ______ you find high wages, you generally find high prices?A.that; thatB.that; that whatC.it; whenD.it; that where_________ we have been classmates for three years, she hasn’t left me much impression, so I can’t remember her after graduation.A.SinceB.Although C.BecauseD.UHe was seriously injured in the traffic accident. _______ is now no possibility _____ he will make a full recovery.A.It; whether . B.It; thatC.There; whethMany restaurant menus include the origins of adish, ____ it is prepared, what the main ingredients are, and which farms the ingredients come from.A.whenB.howC.wIt was several minutes ____we realized what was happening-our dog was trapped in a newly-dug tunnel.A.sinceB.beforeC.untilD.whileSchools in the cities are well equipped those in the countryside are poor.A.ifB.whileC.soD.asthe author wants to express in the book is the love and eare,for her family.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhenD.WhyYou may do whatever you like in the holiday. ________ me, I think I can have a rest.A.As forB.As withC.AsD.As aboutSinking in the cheers of people, David walked off the stage, tears droppinghe could stop them.A.after B.whenC.untilD.beforeAs Benjamin Franklin put it, “A house is not a homeit contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. ”A.sinceB.asC.onceD.unlessSuddenly the idea came to me _______ I might turn to my teacher for help.A.whatB.that C.whichD.whom_____ we have enough evidence, we can’t win the case.A.OnceB.As long asC.UnlessD.Now thatIt’s widely accepted that life is ___ there’s sunshine and water.A.there B.where C.in the placeD.in whichCheer up! It won’t be ______ we can meet again.A.before longB.long beforeC.after longD.long sinceI made a promise to myself _______ this year, my first year in high school, would be different.A.whetherB.thatC.whatD.whenThere is no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery ______ another man, also intelligent, fails.A.sinceB.ifC.asD.while The new policy allows a couple to have a second birth _____either is an only child.A.thoughB.ifC.unlessD.until______ I admit that there are quite a few problems, I don't agree that they cannot be solved. A.SupposingB.SinceC.WhileD.AsEveryone tells me I’m a good speaker, _____ I really don’t like speaking in public.A.andB.soC.butD.orI can judge which part of China you come from you open your mouth.A.whileB.the momentC.sinceD.every timeWhy do you insist on buying a car ______ you have such good public transportation here?A.becauseB.unlessC.whenD.though There is still a lot for Chinese Women’s volleyball team to improve _____ they have obtained a string of wins.A.now thatB.as ifC.even thoughD.given thatI have watched a number of movies recently,______ none of them have impressed me.A.butB.orC.soD.forMilk will turn sour soon on hot days ______ it is stored in the refrigerator.A.sinceB.untilC.becauseD.unlessChildren’s brains cannot develop properly _________ they lack protein.A.becauseB.sinceC.whenD.unless
The relatives of the passengers in the missing Flight MH370 cann’t hide their feelings, _____ they can make sure that the plane will make a safe landing on theTwo professors at Harvard University published a study of 3,300 new graduates, looking at ______ their names had any bearing on their academic performance.A.thaThe role of Chinese Dama in the economy has been over-estimated by some western media ______ their “gold rush” has had little influence on gold prices.A.so that- We've only got this small bookcase. Will that do? - No, _ _ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.A.whoB.thatC.whatD.whichThe map is one of the best tools a man has _ _ he goes to a new place.A.wheneverB.whateverC.whereverD.however________ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.A.As far asB.as long asC.Just asD.Even if______ I met him, I always think of the thing that happened between us.A.Every timeB.The momentC.SuddenlyD.WhileThe survey shows that ______ we are enjoying less and less good sleep, rates of heart diseases have risen rapidly. A.whileB.although C.if onlyD.as thoughIt is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties_____ gets more financial support from the European Union.A.ifB.unlessC.becauseD.sinceThough the impressionists’ paintings were not popular when they first appeared, they are now accepted as the beginning of ______ we call “modern art”.A.thatB.wThe teacher spoke slowly ________ the students might take notes. A.whileB.sinceC.even thoughD.so thatThey looked very excitedthey had won the football game. A. even thoughB. even ifC. thoughD. as if ______ it is getting dark.,we’d better hurryA.AndB.ButC.SinceD.Unless______ I admit that there are problems, I don't agree that they cannot be solved.A.AsB.IfC.WhileD.When—Did you meet with the famous star yesterday? —______ I had come a little earlier!A.If onlyB.Only if C.But forD.For fearThe factLucy has been admitted into Lanzhou university made us excited.A.whatB.thatC.whichD./life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend onthe problem of pollution can be solved.A.How /whetherB.That/thatC.Whether / ifD.Whetis more important isas the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.A.What /thatB.That/whatC.What / whatD.That / thatMany workers were organized to clear away remained of the World Trade Center.A.thoseB.thatC.whatD.whereI’ve been away for only three years, _____ I can hardly recognize my hometownA.soB.orC.forD.yetYou cannot take back your words _________ they are out of your mouth.A.beforeB.whetherC.onceD.whileTake the note as a reminder_________ you forget to buy some sweets for the kids while shopping there.A.so thatB.even ifC.in caseD.as ifWe students are so busy with our homework that we have no time for outdoor exercise, ______ we have the desire.A.wherever B.wheneverC.even if D.as if He was about to leave the office for home _______someone knocked the door and asked for some help.A.untilB.whileC.asD.when_________ there are certainly times when giving up trying is the right thing to do, in most cases all needed is commitment and communication.A.UnlessB.BeforeC.AAn completely new district of industry has appeared in ________ used to be wasteland.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whereOn Christmas Eve, children are eager to know _______Father Christmas comes and puts presents into their stockings.A.thatB.whatC.whereD.howHe didn’t care, ________ he could have something to fill his stomach.A.in caseB.so long asC.as ifD.even thoughArrive late once more _____ you will be fired.A.andB.butC.soD.or_______ he said in the wedding ceremony moved everyone present. A.HowB.ThatC.WhatD. WhichWe’ve given her some advice, but I don’t know________ she’ll accept it.A.whatB.whereC.whetherD.Which________you never plan to visit the polar bears in the North Pole or the penguins in the South Pole,now it is the proper time to start thinking about that.A.Un Liao Fan, a Chinese actor, finally got to knowreal success tastes like when he won the prize for Best Actor at the 64th Berlin film festival. A.whenB.howC.whatSome friends persuaded me to apply to a combined M.D/Ph.D program ________ I could work in areas that wouldn’t be as open to me with only a Ph.D.A. even if _______ you are supposed to do is _______ it if you don’t like a thing. Don’t complain.A.That; changeB.When; to changeC.What; changeD.What; changing—People often don't appreciate what they have, do they? —No, _____ they lose it.A.ifB.afterC.whenD.untilMother was busy washing dishes ________________ Father was watching TV.A.untilB.ifC.since D.whileThe boy was so tired that he fell asleep _____________ his mother could take off his clothes.A.beforeB.afterC.whileD.whereMom,don’t you think it's OK to play once in a while ____________ it doesn’t affect my studies?A.even ifB.unlessC.so thatD.as long asWe have just heard a warning on the radio _____________ a typhoon may be on its way.A.whatB.whenC.whichD.that ______ all of you are top students, only one will be chosen for the coming competition.A.While B.SinceC.IfD.AsWord came, as expected, ______ college entrance English exam will be reformed soon.A.itB.whatC.whichD.that I haven’t had a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it’s several days ____I used a phone box last time. A.asB.whenC.ifD.sinceHe didn’t put the things ____they belonged, for ____he got his punishment. A.which; thatB.what; thisC.that; whoseD.where; which Roses need special care ______they can live through winter.A.becauseB.so thatC.even ifD.as Much to my surprise, she _________ tears __________ she read the letter.A.burst out; instantB.burst into; the instant C.burst out; instantlyD.burst into; i I took my driving license with me on holiday, _______ I wanted to hire a car. A.incaseB.even ifC.ever sinceD.so that_______ the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.A.IfB.WhileC.BecauseD.As (2012·南京高二检测) Some people are worrying about the possibility _______ mobile phones could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes (皮疹) to br (2012·衡阳高二检测) People often have the belief _______ a healthy environment and development cannot be possible at the same time, but this does not have to be He didn't expect that his parents could manage to know ________ is going on in his college life on the Internet.A.howB.whichC.whatD.that There's a saying, “Life is 10% ________ happens to us and 90% ________ we choose to react to it.”A.who; whyB.that; thatC.which; whenD.what; how Though having discussed it for long, they still haven't reached an agreement ________ they should pour more money into the project.A.whetherB.ifC.thatD.what ________ song Jay Chou sings will become popular pretty soon.A.WhatB.WhateverC.WhoseD.Whichever ________ was known to them that the boss had broken his promise ________ he would give them a rise.A.What; what B.It; whichC.It; thatD.As; that It is by no means clear ________ the president can do something to end the strike.A.whetherB.whichC.thatD.what ________ you are supposed to do ________ you don't like a thing is change it. Don't complain.A.That; whyB.What; whenC.What; whereD.That; how ________ some students are not aware of is ________ difficult life can be if they are not devoted to study.A.That; howB.Which; whatC.What; whatD.What; how ________ nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption ________ has been put forward by social scientists.A.What; thatB.That; whatC.What; wh Willpower is a kind of quality, ________ is ________ it takes to do anything well.A.what; whichB.what; whatC.which; whichD.which; what Helen has just heard the news from her father ________ her boyfriend David will come back soon.A.whenB.howC.whichD.that It remains to be seen ________ the newly formed committee's policy can be put into practice.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.whether It is announced that big prizes will go to ________ finishes the assignment on time.A.whomB.whoC.whomeverD.whoever It is important to introduce children to healthy nutritious foods from ________ they begin to eat solids.A.whatB.whenC.thatD.which He jumped out of bed and ran to the door to see ________ the parcel was for.A.whoB.whyC.whereD.what—Children must have access to good books.—I can't agree more. Reading is to the mind ________ food is to the body.A.thatB.whatC.likeD.as After ________ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the interview room.A.whatB.whyC.thatD.how—How do you think I can make up with Johnson?—Set aside ________ you disagree and try to find ________ you have in common.A.what; whatB.where; whatC.what; w It was several years ________ I realized ________ David had lied to me.A.when; thatB.that; whenC.before; thatD.until; whyIt does not matter that you are a slow walker _____ you never walk backwards.A.as long asB.as soon as C.unlessD.untilHe set out for a remote village for ____ he hoped would be a peaceful retirement.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.where________our manager objects to Tom's joining the club,we shall accept him as a member.A.UntilB.UnlessC.IfD.AfterI doubted her honesty________I met her.A.first timeB.for the first timeC.the first timeD.by the first timeThat was really a splendid evening. It's years________I enjoyed myself so much.A.whenB.thatC.before D.since—What's the party like?—Wonderful.It's years________I enjoyed myself so much.A.afterB.whenC.beforeD.since—Are you ready for Spain?—Yes.I want the girls to experience that________ they are young.A.whileB.untilC.if D.beforeThe other day,my brother drove his car down the street at________I thought was a dangerous speed.A.asB.whichC.whatD.thatEuropeans always hold their fork in the left hand, ________Americans switch it between their left and right hands.A.beforeB.becauseC.whileD.sinceThe owner of the house moved to west Beijing last month, which is ________ he decides to sell this house.A.whyB.whenC.whereD.how(2013·潍坊高考模拟)Air pollution is getting more and more serious,so we must take action________it is too late.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.when(2014·苏锡常镇四市调研)You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy,________you’re not part of their happiness.A.even ifB.as ifC.if onlyD.(2014·山西部分重点高中高三联考)Mrs Black had such a wonderful time________she visited her friends in Sydney last year.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.as(2014·福州市高中毕业班质量检查)Across all media,people are debating about________we need to keep track of every school bus on China’s road.A.how B.whetherC.wh(2014·日照模拟)What I value most for a holiday is________I relax myself after the heavy work.A.thatB.howC.whenD.what(2014·江西红色六校高三第二次联考)—How did you pass the challenging test?—It was a long time________I found a series of suitable methods.A.whenB.untilC.sinceD.b(2014·河南豫北三校高三下学期联考)—May I go and play with Dick this afternoon,Mum?—No,you can’t go out________your work is being done.A.beforeB.untilC.asD.th(2014·东北三校模拟)We had just covered half the journey________the engine failed and we could do nothing but wait for help.A.beforeB.sinceC.whenD.until(2014·天水一中模拟)There is much chance________Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A.thatB.whatC.whenD.which(2014·河南豫北三校联考)________is well known to everyone,I should say,is that a man becomes learned by asking questions.A.WhoB.It C.AsD.WhatHe doesn’t plan to go back to his home________he makes a fortune in Hong Kong.A.whileB.sinceC.or D.until ________you like the portable personal computer so much,why not buy one?A.So that B.Now thatC.Even ifD.In case(2014·陕西宝鸡质量检测二)Evidence came up________special speech sounds can be recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.whose(2014·福建部分一级达标学校联考)—When did you get home last night?—It was almost midnight________we arrived home.A.thatB.beforeC.sinceD.when(2014·贵州师大附中质检)It was half a year________my good friend returned to his hometown.A.beforeB.sinceC.thatD.when(2013·安徽重点中学3月联考)—Would you mind me opening the window,sir?—________.I am feeling a bit chilly.A.By all meansB.Not in the leastC.I’m afraid notD.I’It can be hard to encourage families of preschoolers to turn off the TV,but there are plenty of high­quality shows that promote learning and positive relat(2014·四川巴蜀名校联考)—I’m worrying about the coming examination.I’m afraid I cannot pass it.—________!I’m sure you’ll make it.A.Go aheadB.Good luckC.No ________they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures.A.AsB.WhileC.UntilD.Once(2014·皖南八校联考)________ Yao Ming has retired from the NBA,the pleasure we have got by watching him play basketball at home and abroad will last long.A.Alth(2014·山东省蒙沂六校联考)Provide your doctor with a detailed medical history________he can give you accurate treatment.A.even ifB.in caseC.so that D.as though
(2014·河南豫北三校高三下学期联考)Honesty is a virtue________greed is an evil,as the saying goes.A.whileB.whenC.asD.and(2014·辽宁五校第一联合体考试)What impresses me most is________he appears in front of others,he wears a sincere and charming smile.A.whatB.whichC.that whereD.th(2014·兰州高三质检)Our country is developing at an amazing speed,which is________makes me feel so proud.A.whatB.whyC.thatD.where(2014·枣庄模拟)The teacher simplified the instructions________the children could understand better.A.so thatB.unlessC.in caseD.though(2014·天一一中检测)It just isn’t fair;________I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying on the beach.A.wheneverB.thoughC.forD.while(2014·四川六校高三联考)________is surprising is that there are so many Chinese restaurants in Toronto.A.ItB.ThatC.SuchD.WhatDon’t only give me a simple answer. Explain it _______ possible. A.whateverB.howeverC.whoeverD.whenever__________ your argument, I shall hold to my decision.A.WhateverB.WheneverC.WhicheverD.Wherever________ I really don't like art, I find his work impressive.—The patient looks much better. ________ is it that has made him ________ he is today?—I think it is the medicine and patient care.The boss refused to sell the car for ________ he thought was not satisfactory.The patient's son asked the doctor the question ________ his father could survive the big operation.________ (assume) that we can't get the necessary equipment, we will have to give up the experiment.(2014年安徽省合肥市高三第三次教学质量检测)28. Let's take a bus or taxi to the park — ______ you'd prefer to walk.A.sinceB.in caseC.unlessD.now thatour manage objects to Tom’s joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. A.UntilB.UnlessC.IfD.After(2014年北京市西城区高三5月二模试题)22. ______ Stephon Marbury is an American, he has become a role model among Beijingbasketball fans.A.AsB.Although C.WhenD.Si____ regular exercise is very important, it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.A.ItB.AsC.AlthoughD.Unless(2014年安徽省合肥市高三第三次教学质量检测)31. What the whole nation cares about most at present is ______ the rescue teams could find the missing plane.A.thatB(2014届江西省重点中学盟校高三第二次联考英语试卷)31. Your IQ isn’t _____determines whether you will succeed in your future life.A.whatB.whereC.thatD.why(2014山东省实验中学高三第二次模拟考试)4.Your dreams can be achieved ____________ you have a goal and go for it with perseverance.A.so thatB.only ifC.in caseD.the【2013届浙江杭州重点高中原创模拟】8. No one can ignore the fact that his wife is independent _______ her husband earns all or most of the family income.A.now tha(2014年(春)重庆市高三考前冲刺测试卷)9. A great person believes one's real value first lies in to __ degree and sense he sets himself.A.whoseB.whereC.howD.what(2014届江西省重点中学盟校高三第二次联考英语试卷)27. She cared more about her students than her own health. That’s why two years passed _____ she was treated fThe meaning of the word "nice' changed a few tines it finally came to include the sense "pleasant."A.beforeB.afterC.sinceD.whileSome animals carry seeds from one place to another, ______ plants can spread to new places.A.soB.orC.forD.butI borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, ______ my classmates recommended to me..A.whoB.whichC.whenD.Where_______ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year. A.AsB.WhenC.Even thoughD.In caseThe best moment for the football star was _______ he scored the winning goal.A.whereB.whenC.howD.whySome people believe _______ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future. A.whatever B.whenever.C.whereever D.howeverPick yourself up. Courage is doingyou're afraid to do.A.thatB.whatC.howD.whetherExactly______ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.A.whetherB.whyC.when D.howAs John Lennon once said,life is_____ happens to you while you are busy making other plans.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whereYou will never gain success________ you are fully devoted to your work.A.whenB.becauseC.afterD.unlessLessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed.A.though B.as C.since D.unlessI don’t really like the author,_______ I have to admit his books are very exciting. A.althoughB.unlessC.untilD.onceIt is difficult for us to imagine_____ life was like for slaves in the ancient world. A.whereB.whatC.whichD.whyGrandma pointed to the hospital and said, "That's ______ I was born."A.whenB.howC.whyD.whereI'll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately.A.In case B.As ifC.Even thoughD.Now thatGive me a chance, ________ I’ll give you a wonderful surprise.A.ifB.orC.andD.while_______ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.A.UnlessB.AlthoughC.BeforeD.OnceI think _______ impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.who“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me.A.whatB.howC.thatD.whetherCathy had quit her job when her son was born _______ she could stay home and raise her family.A.now thatB.as ifC.only ifD.so thatHalf an hour later, Lucy still couldn’t get a taxi _______ the bus had dropped her. A.untilB.whenC.althoughD.wherePlease send us all the information _________ you have about the candidate for the position.A.thatB.whichC.asD.what________ the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.A.WhyB.WhenC.ThatD.WhatThe young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left _______ I could ask for their names.A.whileB.beforeC.afterD.since______ you are supposed to do ______ you don't like a thing is ______ it. Don't complain.A.That; what; changeB.When; that; to changeC.What; when;to cha Patience is a kind of quality—and that is ____ what it takes to do anything well.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.How —Do you know about the accident which happened in the center of the city?—Yes. But it was some timewe realized the truth.A.before B.when C.sinceD.Until The reason ____the little actress has been such a success is ____she is both clever and hard-working.A.why, whyB.why, thatC.that, becauseD.for, because I was about to leave_______ something happened, which attracted my attention.A.unlessB.untilC.whenD.while ------ Our holiday cost a lot of money.------ Did it? Well, that doesn’t matter ______ you enjoyed yourselves.A.as long asB.unlessC.as soon asD.though _______ he said is true.A.WhatB.That C.Which D.Whether I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice ______ I picked up the phone.A.the momentB.afterC.beforeD.while ______ they are most interested in is ______ they can produce more and bettercars.A.That;howB.What;howC.What;whatD.That;that I’d like to start my own business ---- that’______ I’d do if I had the money. A.thatB.whatC.whereD.whether________ he found the idea interesting, it was too difficult to be of practical use.A.WhileB.OnceC.IfD.UntilScience fiction writers often write about _______will happen in “tomorrow’s world”.A.whyB.that C.whatD.howThe news came out _____ the daughter of Pierre Robilland was to marry the little Irishman from up the country.A.thatB.howC.whichD.whether _______ that we can't get the necessary equipment, we will have to give up theexperiment.A.To assumeB.AssumeC.AssumedD.AssumingHe made a promise ________he earned money, he would build a new school to help develop education.A.whatB.that ifC.thatD.what if It is still under discussion ________the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.(2011·重庆)A.whetherB.whenC.whichD.where—Dad, I've finished my assignment.—Good,and ________you play or watch TV, you mustn't disturb me.A.wheneverB.whetherC.whateverD.no matter It is uncertain ________ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.(2010·浙江)A.thatB.whatC.howD.whether________ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.(2011·北京)A.WhichB.WhatC.ThatD.Whom I'd like to start my own business–that's ________ I'd do if I had the money.(2011·陕西)A.whyB.whenC.whichD.what The traditional view is ________ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so.A.whenB.whyC.whetherD.that Could I speak to ________ is in charge of International Sales,please? A.anyoneB.someoneC.whoeverD.no matter whoYou can only be sure of ________ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something ________ you might get in the future.A.that; whatB.what; /C.which; thaIt is none of your business ________ other people think about you.Believe yourself.A.howB.whatC.whichD.when Having checked the doors were closed, and ________ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.A.whyB.thatC.whenD.whereChoosing the right dictionary depends on ________ you want to use it for.A.whatB.whyC.howD.whether________ parents say and do has a lifelong effect on their children.A.ThatB.WhichC.WhatD.As Was it on a lonely island ________ he was saved one month after the boat went down?(2011·四川)A.whereB.thatC.whichD.what The professor had no sooner finished his speech ________ the students started cheering.A.sinceB.whenC.thanD.as She had no sooner finished her task ________ it began to rain.A.whenB.thanC.thatD.as soon as I thought her to be nice and honest ________ we met.A.first timeB.for the first timeC.the first timeD.for the last time________ nobody wouldn't go to the spot,he went without a second thought.A.WhileB.As long asC.WhereD.In spite of—The train is due to leave at 7:50.—________ we fail to arrive there in time?—I'm afraid you'd better go in a hurry.A.What ifB.As ifC.Even ifD.Only if Because of the heavy traffic,it was already time for lunch break ________ she got to her office.(2010·四川)A.sinceB.thatC.whenD.until Just use this room for the time being, and we'll offer you a larger one ________ it becomes available.(2010·安徽)A.as soon asB.unlessC.as far asD.until The husband rushed to the hospital ________ he heard that his wife was injured.(2012·天津六校联考)A.the momentB.for the momentC.directD.in a momentIt just isn't fair ________ I was working as a cleaner last month; my friends were on a visit to Dalian.( 2012·湖北八校联考)A.wheneverB.thoughC.forD.whileHow can you expect him to make any progress ________ you never give him a chance to have a try?A.whenB.unlessC.even thoughD.until________ in his book, he didn't notice me ________ I entered the room.A.Devoted; whenB.Absorbed; whileC.Absorbed; whenD.Devoted; while________ the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some families or will cause other family problems.A.WhenB.IfC.WhileD.Sinc We made it possible the task would be finished ahead of time within three weeks.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.howWould you please tell me _____ you know is good at typing?A.whomB.whomeverC.whoseD.whoeverIt's 5 days we came here. Why shouldn't we start?A.whenB.beforeC.asD.sinceHenry has packed up his clothes, ______ he can leave here as soon as possible when his fathercomes.A.becauseB.even ifC.ifD.so thatCatherine's mother doesn’t allow her to go anywhere outside the town ________ another member of the family is along.A.withoutB.ifC.unlessD.with Don’t be afraid of asking for help _______ it is needed.A.unlessB.thoughC.althoughD.when_____ an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent.A.Even ifB.As ifC.IfD.Now thatYou have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just ___ you fall into the water.A. in caseC. unlessC. though D. asMany people are not fully aware of the damage that it does to their health. This is ____ we chose this picture as our logo.A.thatB.becauseC.whyD.for which—May I go now?—__________ you've finished your work, you may go. A.AfterB.AlthoughC.Now thatD.As soon as_________ I am, I will be thinking of you.A. Where B. Wherever C. WhoI'm happy ________________ you are happy.A. if B. unless C. as long as ____________ your father saw you, what would he say?A. IfB. Suppose C. Unless