______I read those words I had no idea what I was going to be and I made more efforts on writing afterwards.A.WhenB.UnlessC.UntilD.While—It seems that his health is improving.—Yes. It is ten years ___ he _____.A.that, smokedB.after, didn’t smokeC.since, smokedD.before, smoked — How long have you been here?— ______ the end of last month,A.InB.ByC.AtD.SinceThe government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time _______ the situation improves.A.sinceB.whenC.unlessD.beforDoctor Brown says that _______ what forceful arguments against cigarette harm there are, many people insist on smoking.A.thoughB.however C.no matterD.even ifWe must take measures to protect endangered wildlife _______ it is too late.A.now thatB.as long asC.unlessD.before Jack said that he was sure of succeeding in passing the Totel Examination this time, _______, in my opinion, I don’t think so.A.whatB.which C.butD.therefore— What should I wear to attend his wedding party?— Dress _______ you like.A.whatB.howeverC.whateverD.how— May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum?No, you can’t go out _______ your work is being done.A.beforeB.untilC.asD.the momentHe does so little work in the office that for all practical purposes it would make no difference _______ he didn’t come.A.if B.when C.whyD.whether__________ you promise to come to help me,I don’t mind what time tomorrow you arrive at my place. A.So long asB.So far asC.As good asD.As well as A mysterious illness, referred to as “ a typical phenomena”, has been brought under control, the government said on Wednesday, ______ no cause of it has been ma____the plan has been made, let’s get down to ____it out.A.Now that...carryB.Because...carryC.Since...carryingD.Now...puttingThe dictionary doesn't belong to your brother ____, but it belongs to me.A.and, meB.or, yoursC.or , mineD.and, yours_______we admit that there are still some problems about NMET,we don’t mean that it is of no use.A.UntilB.WhileC.AsD.Unless_Chasing pop stars is generally considered to be_______young people like while middle-aged people keep a cool head about this.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.something whaWith the development of science,a computer is to a manager_______a gun is to a soldier.A.asB.whatC.thatD.when_Don’t answer me with a simple “yes” or “no”.Explain_______possible.A.whoeverB.whenever C.howeverD.whatever_For six or seven months in the year,no work can be done, _______the rainy season makes it impossible.A.whileB.untilC.beforeD.when_By success I don’t mean_______usually thought of when that word is used.A.what isB.what hasC.that isD.that has_I had just started back for the house to change my clothes_______I heard voices.A.asB.whenC.afterD.while_ _______broken,the glass can not hold water.A.Once B.AfterC.On D.Though_______is often the case,he succeeded in this examination again.A.WhatB.SoC.WhichD.As_—Did you visit the Summer Palace?—No.We could have, _______we spent too much time shopping.A.so B but C.ecause D.though_)I had not believed in falling in love with somebody at first sight_______I met David on Valentine’s Day three years ago.A.whenB.unless C.ifD.before_A container weighs more after air is put in, ____proves that air has weight.A.asB.itC.thatD.which_ Finding a job in such a big company has always been_______ his widest dreams.A.underB.overC.aboveD.beyond_You must get up early in the morning, ______we’ll have to leave without you.A.andB.butC.orD.so_The work is easy for an expert _______it is difficult for an inexperienced person.A.becauseB.thereforeC.whileD.unless_You’d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor_______ you have to wait.A.even ifB.in caseC.as ifD.in order that_I like to have my photos taken_______there are mountains and rivers.A.thereB.in whichC.whenD.whereSchools in the south tend to be better equipped,_______those in the north are relatively poor.A.while B.sinceC.when D.asI —Do you have anything in mind_______ you’d like to have for dinner?—Well, _______is okay for me.A.that;anythingB.which;everythingC.what;nothingD.where;s——Your book, Tommy?——No, Mom, it’s my friend’s.——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.A.whatB.whichC.whoseD.whoseverWe hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go ____ it’s raining.A.ifB.whenC.thoughD.becauseStop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining.A.or elseB.but stillC.and thenD.so that_______ the sun sinks lower, shadow spread ________ the courtyard. A.When; throughB.When; acrossC.As; throughD.As; across____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.A.To considerB.ConsideredC.ConsideringD.To be consideredShe stepped into the bedroom quietly_________she might wake up her roommates.A.for fear thatB.so long asC.on condition thatD.in order thatChildren’s brains can’t develop properly_______ they lack proteinA.whenB.sinceC.becauseD.unlessA model or an experiment in a science class can help students see things which would ______ remain hidden.A.otherwiseB.stillC.thusD.thereforeMr. Zhang is mild in character. He never shouts__________ he is very angry.A.ever beforeB.beforeC.untilD.ever whenCountless people in developing countries no longer suffer malnutrition.______,poverty remains a problem worldwide.A.While B.NeverthelessC.BesidesD.In addition —What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter, Mum?—Nothing much. Take warm clothes_________ the weather is cold.A.as long asB.now thatC.ifD —What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter, Mum?—Nothing much. Take warm clothes________ the weather is cold.A.as long asB.now thatC.ifD.----“What a terrible rain we are having!”----“Yes. We are asked to pay more attention to the information about the rain ______ flood.”A.as well asB.so long asCWill you deliver, _____ do I have to come to the shop to collect the goods?A.andB.orC.soD.then-----“How long have you stayed in this hotel?”----- “Not long, just ______ this Monday.”A.onB.sinceC.untilD.afterThe lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _____ floors. People in it had no way to get out.A.in B.betweenC.among D.on“Shall we stop for lunch _____ shall we drive on?”“Let’s stop for lunch, but the driver can’t drink _____ drive.”A.and, andB.or, orC.and, orD.or, and-----“_____ when does the pub stay open?”---- “About midnight.”A.SinceB.BeforeC.UntilD.After“Would you like tea _____ coffee?”“_____, thanks.”A.or, NoB.and, EitherC.or, NeitherD.and, EachMy mother is always warning me when I go out, “Don’t get off the bus ____ it is stopping.”A.untilB.beforeC.whileD.afterShe was such a proud person that she would die ____ she would admit she was wrong.A.rather thanB.untilC.afterD.before—I think George doesn’t really care for TV plays.—Right,__________ he still watches the program.A.andB.butC.orD.soA dozen ideas were considered____the chief architect decided on the design of the building.A.becauseB.beforeC.whetherD.unlessMy parents were quarrelling about me ____ I could not quite tell why.A.sinceB.thoughC.ifD.untilI haven’t seen Ann for ____ long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.A.suchB.veryC.soD.tooFor many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, _______ New York is an example.A.for whichB.in whichC.of whichD.from whichWe’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _________ it rains or it’s very cold.A.sinceB.ifC.unlessD.until I won’t call you, ________ something unexpected happens. A.unlessB.whetherC.becauseD.while_____he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race.A.IfB.SinceC.ThoughD.When—Where’s that report? —I brought it to you ____you were in Mr. Black’s office yesterday. A.ifB.whenC.becauseD.beforeIt is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life _____we’ve actually had that lesson. A.untilB.afterC.sinceD.whenMy parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house ___ there is a power cut.A.ifB.unlessC.in caseD.so thatThe field research will take Joan and Paul about five months;it will be a long time_____we meet them again.A.afterB.beforeC.sinceD.whenReality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, ___ the way they actually are.A.asB.orC.butD.and 1 won’t call you, ________ something unexpected happens.A.unlessB.whetherC.becauseD.whileThe field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time ____ we meet them again.A.afterB.beforeC.sinceD.when You will be successful in the interview ____ you have confidence.A.beforeB.onceC.untilD.thoughMost birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, but ____ they have eggs or young chicks, they don’t use a nest.A.whyB.howC.unlessD.whereHelp others whenever you can ______ you will make the world a nicer place to live in. A.andB.orC.unlessD.butWe had to wait half an hour _______ we already booked a table. A.sinceB.althoughC.untilD.beforeHe was told that it would be at least three months ___ he could recover and return to work. A.whenB.beforeC.sinceD.thatI’d like to study law at university __________ my cousin prefers geography. A.thoughB.asC.whileD.forMany of them turn a deaf ear to his advice, _____ they knew it to be valuable. A.as ifB.now thatC.even thoughD.so thatThe open-air celebration has been put off _______ the bad weather. A.in case ofB.in spite ofC.instead ofD.because of____ you may be right , I can’t agree completely.A.WhileB.AsC.IfD.Since The queen will visit the town in May, _____she will open the new hospital.A.whenB.thenC.whileD.butThe job is open to all,their previous experience.A.apart fromB.as a consequence ofC.regardless ofD.in spite ofeverybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house.few people know how to keep them for as long as possible.A.BecauseB.SinceC.WhileD.If——How do you think I should receive the reporter? ——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.A.HowB.WhatC.WhateverD.However--- Are your family ready for rafting?---Yes, I really want my children to experience thatthey are youngA.\B.whileC.unless D.if She had golden hair when she was a child, but_________ she got older and older; her hair went darker and darker.A.whileB.whenC.afterD.asWe should do such exercises in the future, I think, _____ we did yesterday.A.asB.forC.aboutD.thanChildren’s brains can’t develop properly_______ they lack protein.A.whenB.sinceC.becauseD.unlessThe news ____is spreading around the airport is_____a heavy storm is coming.A.what; /B.that; thatC./; thatD.that; whichMany workers were organized to clear away_______ remained of the World TradeCenter.A.thoseB.thatC.whatD.whereGeorge applied for the position three times ______ he finally got it.A.beforeB.untilC.whenD.afterIt took seven years __________ they finally got married. A.sinceB.afterC.beforeD.when__________ time went by, we grew older.A.AsB.WithC.WhenD.WhileThe Chinese language _______ many Western languages _______ it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.A.different from; in thatB.diff_______ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.A.ThatB.WhatC.Despite whatD.Though You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting, ______ you don’t mind taking the night train.A.providedB.unlessC.thoughD.until She stepped into the bedroom quietly _____she might wake up her roommates.A.for fear thatB.so long asC.on condition thatD.in order that ---Was it under the tree ____ you were away talking to a friend? --- Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone. A.thatB.whereC.whichD.whileAll the dishes in this menu, _____ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. A.asB.ifC.thoughD.unlessDo what you've been told; ___you'll be punishedA.andB.ifC.otherwiseD.or__ many times, but she still didn't know how to do it.A.She was taughtB.Having taughtC.Having been taughtD.She has taught--I'm going to the post office.--_______you're there, can you get me some postcards?A.AsB.WhileC.Because D.If
_______ I admit that there are still some problems about the traffic in this area, I don't mean that it can't be solved.A.WhileB.Until C.Unless D.AsThey kept trying _________ they must have known it was hopeless.A.ifB.becauseC.whenD.whereThe doctor would allow him to go home _____ he remained in bed.A.as thoughB.for fear thatC.on condition thatD.as far asI will go to the science palace to morrow _____it doesn’t rain heavily.A.as ifB.in caseC.even ifD.so long as“How long have you stayed in this hotel?”“Not long, just ______ this Monday.”A.onB.sinceC.untilD.afterAs we have planned, we’ll go to Beijing to attend her sister's wedding party. We'll also visit our mother school _____ we go there.A.unlessB.whenC.onceD.eve How did you manage to get to school on time ______ you missed the school bus?A.whenB.ifC.onceD.because The sun is bigger than the moon, _______ we all know it.A.asB.whichC.andD.thatHe was about to tell me the secret_____ someone patted him on the shoulder.A.asB.untilC.whileD.when_____ she was afraid at that time, she would say no to the plan.A.But forB.IfC.But thatD.When -----When will you leave for Paris for a visit? -----_______next month.A.UntilB.AfterC.AtD.InMy last lesson in French! I hardly know how to write, _______ I would never learn now .A.butB.andC.ifD.so______ you understand the rule, you can do it well.A.ForB.AsC.OnceD.WhileYou will be late ______ you leave immediately.A.unlessB.until C.ifD.or____ you want to remember its usage, you’d better make a sentence with the new word. A.UnlessB.WhileC.Now thatD.Even if“You can’t have your football back ____ you promise not to kick it at my dog again,” the woman said firmly.A.untilB.whenC.sinceD.because______ there is a snowstorm or other bad weather ,the bus always comes on time.A.BecauseB.ifC.WhenD.UnlessThe teacher never wears anything other than a suit _____ the season.A.whateverB.whereverC.wheneverD.however Stand closer______ you'll be able to see it better.A.orB.whileC.butD.and_____ he had not been ill , Tom would have won the race.A.UnlessB.AsC.IfD.UntilJohn did the task____ his sister.A.as good asB.as better asC.as well asD.as best asThe size of the audience,____ is expected, is more than thirty thousand.A.asB.whatC.thatD.whomIt looks ____ it's going tosnow.A.thatB.asC.as ifD.like that____ to America, her parents have not heard from her.A.Because she wentB.After she wentC.When she wentD.Since she wentTom enjoyed himself so much _____ he visited his best friend in Beijing last year.A. that B which C. when D.where—Oh, I failed again—Don’t lose heart. One more time, ________ you will succeed. A.so thatB.thereforeC.howeverD.and________ a difficult situation, so you should send a message to him and give some advice to him .A.As he is inB.He is inC.Being inD.He being inHe said he would work it out himself, ________ ask nobody for help. A.and not toB.but notC.and prefer notD.rather than ________ enough time, but he couldn’t do it better. A.He was givenB.GivenC.To be givenD.Though he was given—How can I wake up that early? —Set the alarm at 3 o’clock, ________ you’ll make it.A.butB.orC.andD.so For a person with good reading habits, a printed page contains not only words ________ ideas, thoughts and feelings.A.thoughB.andC.orD.but English is understood all over the world ________ Turkey is spoken by only a few people outside Turkey itself.A.whileB.becauseC.unlessD.as I was on the point of going to bed ________ Mr. Zhang rang me up.A.asB.whenC.whileD.andI asked her whether she had done all the work herself ________ whether she had had asked sb. for help.A.andB.butC.norD.or In some western countries, ________ are called “public schools” are not owned by the public.A.whichB.asC.whatD.that ________ happens in the world makes us happy and sad too. A.ThatB.WhatC.WhichD.WhetherOne of the men present held the opinion ________ the book said was wrong. A.what thatB.whatC.thatD.that what ________ I had worked for ten hours, I was tired out. A.AfterB.BeforeC.WhenD.AsWhat does "quake" mean _____ in the word "earthquake"?A.likeB.thatC.asD.toShe thought I was talking about her daughter, ________, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.A.whomB.whereC.whichD.whileIt’s only ten minutes ______ the meeting but he’s still not here yet.A.forB.atC.byD.tillUp to Tuesday's attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro,________ two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and—Have you seen Rose recently? — No.It’s five years _____ I met her.A.sinceB.afterC.whenD.before Never let your mind wander when driving, ______ a car crash is probable.A.butB.soC.becauseD.or--What was the party like? --Wonderful. It is years_____________ I enjoyed myself so much.A.beforeB.thatC.afterD.since I really wonder__________ he has posted me many parcels___________ we didn’t work together.A.that; beforeB.which; sinceC.X; whenD.that; sinceWhen the last prize had been awarded _________ everybody cleared off. A.andB.soC.orD.不 填I’m sorry, _________ I won’t be able to come tonight.A.forB.andC.butD.thenThe point is not who said the words, _________ they are true or not.A.but whetherB.and whetherC.but howD.and howJust because they make more money than I do, _______ they seem to look down on me. A.soB.andC.butD.不填Although he had only entered the contest for fun, _________ he won first prize. A.butB.andC.evenD.不 填How can they learn anything ______ they spend all their spare time watching television?A.beforeB.whenC.althoughD.as______ there are only five minutes to go, I’ll talk about the project short. A.As ifB.Even ifC.Because ofD.Now thatJennifer didn’t attend the important conference,and tha’s _________she hadn’t been gotinformed of it.A.whyB.the reasonC.becauseD.for—Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?—He rushed out of the room_____I could say a word.A.beforeB.untilC.whenD.afterAre you ready for Spain?Yes. 1 want the girls to experience that______they are young.A.while B.until C.if D.before—Did you return Fred’s call? —I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see him tomorrow.A.thoughB.unlessC.whenD.BecauseI thought we’d be late for the concert, _____we ended up getting there ahead of time. A.butB.orC.soD.for______the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. A.IfB.WhileC.Because D.As— Are you ready for Spain?— Yes. 1 want the girls to experience that______they are young.A.while B.until C.if D.beforeIt has been proved______eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.A.if B.because C.when D.that Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding.A.likeB.asC.orD.butThe medicine works more effectively ______ you drink some hot water after taking it.A.asB.untilC.althoughD.if—Where’s that report?—I brought it to you _______ you were in Mr.Black’s office yesterday.A.ifB.whenC.becauseD.beforeYou have failed two tests.You’d better start working harder,_______ you won’t pass the course.A.andB.soC.butD.orLeave your key with a neighbor _______ you lock your-self out one day.A.ever sinceB.even ifC.soon afterD.in caseHelp others whenever you can _______ you will make the world a nicer place to live in.A.andB.orC.unlessD.butWe had to wait half an hour _______ we had already booked a table.A.sinceB.althoughC.untilD.beforeYou have to get rid of smoking, ____ you may die of lung cancer.A.andB.butC.soD.otherwise----Won’t you go shopping with your mother ? ----____she promises to buy me a new sweater . A WhenB IfC Unless D Whether It is three years_____ his father smoked . A when B after C since D while —____when has the country been open to international trade?—1978,I suppose.A.SinceB.InC.FromD.AfterYou will be successful in the interview _______ you have confidence.A.beforeB.onceC.untilD.thoughReality is not the way you wish things to be,nor the way they appear to be,_______the way they actually are.A.asB.orC.butD.andHe was told that it would be at least three more months______he could recover and return to work.A.whenB.beforeC.sinceD.thatI’d like to study law at university___my cousin prefers geography.A.thoughB.asC.whileD.forA small car is big enough for a family of three ____ you need more space for baggage.A.onceB.becauseC.ifD.unlessStand over there ___ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.A.butB.till C.andD.or_____ we choose healthy food for our main meals, we probably still need to exercise now and then.A.UnlessB.As thoughC.UntilD.Even ifThe weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.A.reallyB.suchC.tooD.so—HaveyoubeentoNewZealand?—No.I’dliketo,____________A.tooB.thoughC.yetD.eitherThe WTO cannot live up to its name _____ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind .A.as long asB.whileC.ifD.even thoughWe won’t give up _______ we should fail ten times.A.even ifB.sinceC.whetherD.until____ I feel pity on them, I can’t really do very much to help them but contribute my pocket money.A.WhileB.As long asC.WhenD.Where—Did you return Fred’s call?—I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see him tomorrow.A.thoughB.unlessC.whenD.becauseThe companies are working together to create ______ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whoWould you like a cup of coffee ______ shall we get down to business right away ?A.andB.thenC.orD.otherwiseThey were surprised that a child should work out the problem ________ they themselves couldn't.A.once B.then C.WhileD.ifA computer can only do ________ you have instructed it to do.A.howB.afterC.whatD.whenYou should try to get a good night’s sleep_________much work you have to do.A. howeverB. no matterC. althoughD. whateverThe changes in the city will cost quite a lot, ___________they will save us money in the long run.A. orB.sinceC.forD.but_______________you call me to say you’re not coming, I’ll see you at the theatre.A. ThoughB. WhetherC. UntilD. UnlessSeveral weeks had gone by____________I realized the painting was missing.A. asB. beforeC. sinceD. when___ she spoke, I ___ realize she was a Japanese.A.When, /B.Until, didn'tC.Before, don'tD.till, didn'tIt has been many years since I was last in London_______I still remember something that happened during that visit.A.andB.forC.butD.asDon't come ___ you are invited.A.unlessB.if notC.whyD.thatThis pen is ___ mine, ___ his.A.never, exceptB.nor, alsoC.not, butD.not, orWe’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ it rains or it’s very cold.A.sinceB.ifC.unlessD.until---The Bird's Nest, isn't it?---Yes. It's ___________we visited during our stay in Beijing.A.whereB.whatC.whenD.That----____________when has he started boxing?----2006, I suppose.A.InB.SinceC.BeforeD.After
Tom shut everybody out of the study ___ he could prepare for the coming exam. A.which B.when C.so that D.as if____ we can’t remove our troubles in life for ever,we can leave them behind when we are on vacation.A.WhenB.WhileC.UnlessD.UntilWe need to think outside of box _____ we are to come up with something really new.A.so thatB.as long asC.onceD.if.— Was it there ____you were away to answer the phone?—There is no doubt about it.A.thatB.whichC.whileD.whereHow can you expect to get anything____ you never give?A.in caseB.even ifC.unlessD.whenWe should be able to do the job for you quickly, ____you give us all the necessary information.A.in caseB.so long asC.if onlyD.as far asMany people can not learn any lessons from the mistakes____they get hurt somehow.A.whetherB.unlessC.ifD.whenHe waited until it was dark ____ nobody could see him clearly.A.so thatB.in order toC.althoughD.HoweverLast night, before the exam, I went over the lessons_______I couldn’t keep my eyes open to stay awake any longer.A.before B.until C.unless D.whenI can still remember that it is since the 1990’s, _____ we began to use cell phones,_______ the number of mobile users has greatly increased.A.while; when B.whWell, you can buy $20 tickets or 30 $ tickets, ______ you prefer.A.which B.whichever C.whateverD.whatPeople in Chongqing are proud of they have achieved in the past ten years.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.howThe artist was born poor,poor he remained all his life.A.andB.or C.butD.soAll people,they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.A.even if B.whether C.no matterD.howeverI thought horseback riding would be the sport for me until I fell down from the horse back .As you can imagine ,I haven’t been invited back .A.later B.sinceC.27. She locked her room _____ a thief would break into it.A.in case thatB.for fear thatC.in case ofD.for fear of33. He waited until it was dark ____ nobody could see him clearly.A.so thatB.in order toC.althoughD.However25.He left for lunch________ the clock_________ twelve.A.while; hit B.immediately; struck C.right away; beatD.at once; knockedHearing his words ,I couldn’t decide or remain .A.whether to go abroad B.if I go abroad C.if to go abroad D.to go abroadhe thought he was helping us with the work, he was actually in the way.A.AlthoughB.UnlessC.BecauseD.When—When did he leave the classroom?—He leftyou turned back to write on the blackboard.A.the minuteB.the timeC.untilD.beforeNot that I’m unwilling to lend you a hand ,I’m too busy for the moment .A.because B.but that C.but D.howeverJohn waited at the bus-stop for nearly half an hour the bus finally arrived .A.when B.as C.before D.whileAlthough he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field , he succeeded other more well-informed experimenters failed.A.as B.unlessC.what D.wherI thought things would get better, but it is they are getting worse.A.beforeB.becauseC.asD.afterI’m thinking about going to Germany this summer and I need your advice. You’re the best person I know to answer my questions,you’re German.A.afterB.beforeC.I read those words I had no idea what I was going to be and I made more efforts on writing afterwards.A.WhenB.UnlessC.UntilD.While________ the whole society care for children as well as their parents, children can grow healthily and happily A.As soon asB.OnceC.The momentD.So long asMen do not kiss each other___ in China __ in Englishp-speaking countries.A.neither, orB.neither, norC.either, orD.either, nor________ reducing pullution, man should pay more attention to conserving energy.A.As well asB.As long asC.As far asD.as soon asAll the students were studying in classTom;he was playing football on the playground.A.exceptB.besidesC.except forD.except onShe has never done anything for them,they have done everything for her.A.whenB.asC.whereasD.becauseThis year’s fall in profits was not unexpected,it is very disappointing.A.OtherwiseB.ButC.HoweverD.NeverthelessI thought we’d be late for the concert, ______ we ended up getting there ahead of time.A.butB.orC.so D.forThey were still working in the fields __ it had got dark.A.even ifB.as ifC.in so far asD.so thatHe didn't tell us the truth ___ elevent o’clock last night.A.untilB.unlessC.sinceD.for The husband rushed to the hospital ____he heard that his wife was injured .A.at the momentB.for the momentC.in a momentD.the momentIt doesn’t matter to me____ I miss my train, because there’s another one later.A.thatB.ifC.unlessD.whenThe day breaks,______ the birds are singing.A.becauseB.asC.sinceD.for ________ I know, he has been married.A.As long asB.As soon asC.As far asD.As well as_____I saw the West Lake, I was struck by its beauty.A.The first timeB.For some timeC.For the first timeD.At the first timeHe didn't realize he had forgot his bag _____ the plane had taken off. A.unless B.until C.if D.or24. —— How about camping, just for a change?—— OK, ______ you want.A.whicheverB.whoeverC.whateverD.No matter what28. John may come to see me tonight. I can’t go to the movie with you______he visits.A.as long asB.in order thatC.becauseD.in case8. Obama’s father was among the first to settle in _______ is known as the most fantastic tourist attraction — Hawaii.A.whereB.whatC.which D.That12. The Chinese government has decided to develop the west of China, ________, I dare say, will benefit the people there, especially those who are still leading14. Why does she always drive to work ________ she could easily take the bus?A.whileB.even ifC.whenD.Though31.—So you know Della? —Yes, it was last week__________I surfed the Internet.A.that B.whenC.whyD.Whom9.Loulan City is not at all__________a traveler who has never seen the desert before can expect.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.Where11.It will take us another five years______the construction of all the 121 roads is completed.A.whenB.sinceC.beforeD.After18._________is often the case, he didn’t study hard and failed to pass the test. A.WhatB.WhichC.ItD.As31.After I became the manager, few occasions could I find________I have the time to sit down and enjoy a quiet dinner with my wife.A.thatB.whichC.whyD.When32.---Honey, which movie should we watch tonight? ---I don’t mind which movie it is______there’s popcorn and soda.A.as ifB.now thatC.as long asD.in order tha35.---Eric, can you help me choose a computer? ---No problem.________do you wish to use it for?A.WhatB.HowC.WhenD.WhyChina isn't the country _________ she used to be 50 years ago.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.sinceI shall never forget the day ________ Liu Xiang won the gold medal, _________ has a great effect on my life. A.when; whichB.that; whichC.which; thatD.when; Between the two periods of classes is a break,_____we can have a short rest.A.thenB.whereC.whenD.Which---How do you think I can make up with Qiong? ---Put aside_____ you disagree and try to find_____ you have in common.A.what, whatB.where, whatC.what, whetherD._______ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.A.Even ifB. As far asC.If only Our society insists on regular habits, timekeeping and punctuality, and whether we like it or not, ______ we mean to make our way in society, we have to comply (The reason _______ he gave for being late was ________ he overslept this morning.A.why; thatB.why; becauseC.which; thatD.which; because________ the Internet is of great help, I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.A.WhileB.AsC.BecauseD.IfParents feel they don’t have the ability to influence children’s decisions ______ children feel their parents’ goals are hard to achieve.A.althoughB.whileC.u_______ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.A.HoweverB.WhateverC.No matterD.AlthoughDo come here on Monday,______ we, as planned, will take part in the gathering of AIDS prevention volunteers.A.thenB.andC.thereforeD.orIt' s too late to go out now. _____, it's starting to rain. A.Besides B.Meanwhile C.However D.AnyhowThis is the school _____ they visited last year and is the one _____ my father once worked. A.that; where B.where; that C.where; where D.that; thatYou'd better make a mark _____ you have any questions. A.at which B.at where C.the place D.where She asked _____ we were getting on well with our work. A.how B.if C.what D.thatI'm wondering_____ he expects will win the gold medal in Men's Single. A.whom B.which C.who D.whatThe process of producing electricity may also give out CO2, _______ you heat your house with electricity instead of charcoal.A.even if B.as long asC.as ifD.as sThe student will be suspended from school _____ he apologizes to his desk-mate before the class. A.even B.when C.unless D.once My parents don’t mind what job I do ________I am happy.A.even thoughB.as long asC.as soon asD.as though14. ______ I’m well again, I can go on with my work.A.Even ifB.As thoughC.Ever afterD.Now thatAll he was thinking about was ____ he would do with the big sum of money his father gave him.A.howB.whatC.thatD.Whether23. We went into a hall, on_____walls hung a few pictures of some famous scientists.A.itsB.whichC.whoseD.Those28. You can’t complain of being lonely____you don’t make any effort to communicate with others.A.whenB.until C.unlessD.Once30. It is the test system, rather than the teachers,______is to blame for the students’ heavy burden nowadays.A.whoB.thisC.thatD.WhomI was about to leave _____ the telephone rang.A.thenB.whenC.thatD.and whenThe trouble is _____ we are short of hands.A.whatB.thatC.howD.whyHe misunderstood _____ I said.A.thatB.whenC.whereD.whatThe problem is _____ will go.A.thatB.whenC.whoD.whoeverThe reason was _____ I was busy with my work at that time.A.whyB.because ofC.thatD.what23. Tom had to be told two or three times ________ he could remember what the teacher said.A.beforeB.whenC.untilD.As26. Parents always tell us not to stay ________ there is danger.A.in whichB.the place where C.at the placeD.Where25. These two countries are similar ______ they both have a high snowfall during winter.A.to which B.in which C.in that D.except that29. Reading offers only material of knowledge, without thinking, however, it’s hardly possible to make ______ we read ours.A.thatB.whatC.howD.ItThe national congressman wearing traditional clothes, in _______ hotel-room I just interviewed him, comes from a remote mountain village in West China.A.whomB.h With your help, there is no doubt ______ our plan is meant for will work out successfully.A.that whatB.whether thatC.what thatD.that whetherShe negotiated with her new boss and accepted the position ______ there would be opportunities for advancement.A.in case thatB.on condition thatC.for fear thatD25.On stepping into the room this morning I was astonished to find the floor covered with______looked like tiny insects.A.that B.something C.what D.anything26.---Did your father come back early last night?---Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ______ he arrived home.A.beforeB.whenC.thatD.Until23. The class is unusual_______ the students are all over fifty and none of them attended the middle school when they were young.A.in howB.in whatC.in whichD.i27. ——Why did he stay at home?——It was only _______ it was raining _______ he stayed at home.A.since; soB.because; thatC.for; thatD.as; what29.—Is there any particular soup you would like to have?—_________you select is all right with me.A.WhateverB.AnyoneC.No matter whatD.Whichever31. I expect you’ve already done it,______the manager asked you to give him a ring this afternoon.A.butB.andC.thoughD.So34. We knew we were getting close to the park____we started seeing the tiger right next to the road.A.whenB.beforeC.whileD.Until27. That’s the woman one of __________ daughters works as an engineer in the US.A.whoB.whomC.herD.Whose35. There are two lakes near Joe’s hometown, the larger of_______covers nearly ten thousand square kilometers.A.whoseB.whomC.whichD.where2. It’s fascinating to see _____ different people approach the problem.A.whatB.whichC.howD.that
8. To get the project started, _____ they need is some money.A.only whatB.all thatC.all whatD.Whatever13. His ability is beyond question; _____ has been in doubt is ____ he is prepared to work hard A.what; thatB.which; whetherC.what; whetherD.that; thatThis is an illness that can result in total blindness ____left untreated. A after B if C since D unless --- It’s wrong for a student to follow ______ his teachers say.--- It’s true. I can’t agree ______.A. no matter what; to muchB. whatever; muchC. no matte31. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _______ of course, made the others unhappy.A.whoB.whichC.thisD.That33.A reward of 1,000 dollars will be given ________ can find the lost child.A.whomeverB.whoever thatC.to whomeverD.to whoeverAlways read the label ______ you wash your clothes.A.before B.unlessC.sinceD.until_____ I’m willing to help, I do not have much time available.A.WhileB.WhenC.OnceD.Since He will spend six hours at his desk _______ he finishes his composition.A.beforeB.untilC.afterD.when--- Would you like to join us? --- Sorry, I’m not _______ as any one of you.A.a so good playerB.a such good playerC.so good a playerD.such good a playerI want you to be honest. I hope you feel free to say _____ is on your mind.A.whateverB.anythingC.everythingD.that--- How long has this bookshop been in business? --- _________ 1985.A.AfterB.InC.SinceD.From Lincoln had very little free time ______ he could spend studying then.A.whenB.in whichC.at whichD.which Kate was very fond of speaking French, ______ indeed she spoke well.A.thatB.whichC.andD./—It’s reported that the new underground line has been completed.—Yes but it hasn’t been made clear _____it’s to be opened to traffic.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.when26. There was no doubt ____ it was in the supermarket _____ I lost my wallet yesterday.A.whether, whetherB.that, thatC.that, whetherD.whether, that26.The researehers delermine what type of plants the virus can infect(感染) and____insects can carry the virus.A.those B.whyC.whichD.How28.He spent much of the evening with Robert Green,____he had hardly seen in the thirty years since they had worked together at CBS.A.what B.thatC.whoD.Whom29.Mr Brown arranged for the taxi to come at six_____she would not have to wait long at the station.A.so thatB.even ifC.beforeD.Because32.Peter was sure that he drank any more of this good red wine he would fall asleep.A.ifB.whenC.asD.Since34.About seven years ago she felt she had to ask herself____she really wanted to spend her life farming. Now she has make up her mind to quit farming.A.when B.10. It looks ______ you are ill. You should go to see the doctor.A.asB.as thoughC.as wellD.even thoughIt was difficult for her to make an immediate decision as it would affect her present job and her relationship with the manager ________.A.eitherB.thoughC.meanwNearly a month had gone by ________ she showed some sign of giving in to her father.A.untilB.beforeC.sinceD.after-- Did the door-keeper let you in? -- No. __________ I tried to tell him that I was your cousin, he just didn't believe me.A.Regardless ofB.WhetherC.Even ifDRod is determined to get a seat for the concert __________ it means standing in a queue all night. A.so thatB.howeverC.even thoughD.as if14.It was in the village ____ he once lived ____ he got his junior education.A.that; whereB.where thatC.which; whereD.where; which15.—Will you go to the party tomorrow, Xiao Hai? —No, ____ I was invited to.A.as long asB.so far asC.as ifD.even if22.If we know more about _______causes the problem, we may take measures before it is _______late.A.what; tooB.which; veryC.that; alreadyD.that; so29.—We’d better take some extra money ________ we need it.—I can’t agree with you more.A.if B.so thatC.whenD.in case23. Lucy is going to have difficulty finding a good job _______ she graduates from a key university.A.as ifB.even ifC.so thatD.as usual22.The site is fairly near the city center, ___ it can only be reached by a series of narrow streets.A.andB.but C.orD.So26.Even if there is no scientific proof yet ______ secondhand smoke causes cancer, there is no reason why nonsmokers should be forced to take this risk.A.which B32.My parents send me to a school _____ rules are just as important a part of education as the academic subjects.A.thatB.which C.where D.When35.__ __ many Chinese women have received higher education, there are still obstacles that prevent them from enjoying the same opportunities for education and em10.Napoleon’s story proves that to be a hero has nothing to do with size,_______with a smart mind and a brave heart.A.andB.soC.orD.But13.The fact inspires us Chinese_________Shanghai has been selected as a host city for the first time in the history of EXPO.A.thatB.whichC.whenD.What3. He thinks I have spoken ill of him, ____ I’m always speaking well of him.A.whenB.andC.whileD.on the contrary22.Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA,is the author of several published reports, one of______ introduced the idea in 1953 ______aspirin could reduce the ri27.In hot weather, an old tyre can break again easily _____it’s mended.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.that22.The earliest coins were made in Lydia,a little county in_______s now called turkey.A.whereB.whatC.thatD.Which29.Don’t touch anything.Better leave things_________they are until the police arrive.A.beforeB.thatC.asD.While33.The little boy ran away_________I could asked him something about his lessons.A.untilB.whenC.beforeD.Since31.The man stopped his bicycle beside the car______it had a broken chain.A.orB.untilC.as D.Yet34.Wow! Look at the man and his horse ________are running down the road.A.which B.that C.whoD where第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。26.______life began on the earth is one of the biggest puzzles to scientists.A.HowB.WhatC.WhereD.That30.QQ,______you can chat with your friends, makes communication easy.A.whyB.whichC.thatD.Where35.---Are my clothes too casual? ---No. You can go__________you are.A.asB.whatC.thatD.Where22.Some people are worrying about the possibility ________ cellphones could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumors.A.thatB.whyC.h31. Stronger and more lasting memories are likely to be formed ________a person is relaxed.A.whereB.unlessC.whenD.Although35. Everyone has periods in their lives ______ everything seems very hard.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.ThatThe report shows that we’re making some progress but ______ we need to make greater efforts.A.thatB.whetherC.whatD.why26.______ some teenagers don’t realize is _______ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.A.What, howB.That, howC.What, what a D.That, what32._____ you have a healthy diet, you can reduce its benefits by bad eating habits.A.Just asB.In caseC.Even ifD.Now that12. Your friend acts ______ he were a trustworthy person but as a matter of fact he seldom keeps_____. So remember not to trust him with anything important.A.______ the stage design was terrible, the special effects were disappointing.A.AsB.UnlessC.AlthoughD.As soon as13.______studying abroad can be hard, it can broaden your understanding of the word.A.IfB.WhileC.BecauseD.Since20. It was already 11 o’clock in the evening_____they arrived at the hotel. A.whenB.before C.thatD.Since33. You can, __________ the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today.A.whenB.whereC.thoughD.Because13.Being a good listener is a kind of quality and that’s ________ it takes to keep friendship.A.how B.whatC.whichD.WhereIt’s unfair! You sit there, listening to me, _____ I stand here, teaching you.A.asB.whenC.whileD.since26.— How is the campus cleaning going? — We've cleaned it up, ______ at least most of it.A.andB.thenC.orD.Nor27.What do you think of his suggestion ______ we organize a football club?A.whichB.whetherC.thatD.What34.John lost his job last year, but it wasn't long ______ he found a new position in another company.A.after B.whileC.asD.Before28.She’ll never forget her stay there ________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before. A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when29.---- I wonder how much you charge for your services.---- The first two are free ____ the third costs $30.A.whileB.untilC.whenD.Before_________ Mr. Rowan Atkinson acts as different comic characters , he is more famous around the world _______ Mr. Bean . A.Because ; forB.Though ; toC.AlthouThe reason why he failed is ______ he was too careless.A.becauseB.thatC.forD.because of25. --- Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting ? --- He rushed out of the room ___ I could say a word .A.beforeB.untilC.whenD.afterPeople all over the country felt shocked _______ they heard of the news ______eight children were killed at the school gate .A.the moment , thatB.when , whichC.–How far apart do they live?–_____ I know, they live in the same neighborhood. A.As long as B.As far asC.As well asD.As often asIt is well understood _____ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today. A.thatB.whenC.whatD.howNo sooner had we reached the top of the hill _____ we all sat down to rest.A.whenB.thenC.thanD.untilThe reason for the party was _____ it was Sue’s birthday.A.becauseB.thatC.because ofD.due to_____ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.A.Before B.Until C.From D.SinceI have kept that portrait _____ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.A.which B.where C.whether D.whenYou see the lightning _____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A.the instantB.for an instantC.on the instantD.in an instantThey decided to chase the cow away _____ it did more damage.A.unlessB.untilC.beforeD.although_____ he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.A.As soon asB.As well asC.So far asD.So long as_____ you are familiar with the author’s ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.A.Now thatB.Ever sinceC.So thatD.As long as_____ or not we had a baby, we couldn’t survive only on my salary.A.AsB.EvenC.HoweverD.WhetherCriticism and self-criticism is necessary _____ it helps us to correct our mistakes.A.by thatB.at thatC.on thatD.in thatI don’t doubt _____ he is a brilliant scientist, but can he teach?A.whetherB.ifC.thatD.whatThe mere fact _____ most people believe nuclear war would be madness doesn’t mean that it will not occur.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.whyIn some countries, _____ is called “equality” doesn’t really mean equal rights for all people.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.one_____ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.A.Even ifB.As far asC.If onlyD.SoThe time is not far away _____ modern communication will become widespread in China’s vast countryside.A.asB.whenC.untilD.beforeIt wasn’t such a good dinner _____ she had promised us.A.thatB.whichC.asD.whatIt made many countries angry ______ the NATO, without the permission from the UN, started a war in Yugoslavia because of the problem of Kosovo.A.when B.because 19. It was in the hotel ________ the famous singer lived _______ she was killed.A.which; thatB.that; whereC.where; whichD.where; that-- How do you find the new job? -- It’s hard to find a satisfying job, so I hardly care what it is _____ I can make money.A.unlessB.even ifC.howeverD.as long 2. — Do you know anything about that man?— No. I know nothing about him _______ I read in the newspaper yesterday.A.besidesB.except whenC.except forD.except 15. It’s only by travelling or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language _________ one can find out _________ a country and itWe are very proud of ______ you have accomplished so far. You should be proud too.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.where2.--- Why were you absent yesterday? --- I caught a cold, _______I had been walking around in the rain.A.butB.soC.andD.For20.___________most of the people believed the Bears would win, the result came as the opposite.A.IfB.WhileC.UnlessD.Since22. MR Jackson, _______ car I borrowed for his journey, is a famous writer.A.whichB.of whoseC.whoseD.of which32. The little boy was taken into the small house________ door faced the south A that B. which C. whose D. Its31.. He seldom, __________, goes to the cinema because he is always very busy.A.if soB.if notC.if anyD.if ever