will you the situation? [ ]A. How; do with B. Why; do with C. How; deal withD. What; deal with The baby is sleeping. Would you the radio a bit? [ ]A. turn off B. turn on C. turn downD. turn up Earth Day is a reminder that we need to ______ the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature. [ ]A. care for B. think about C. carIn the past, ice food, butnowwehaverefrigerators.[ ]A. used to keepB. used to be used for keepingC. was used to keeping D. used to be used to keeping My father smoke heavily, but now he doesn't smoke any more. [ ]A. use to B. was used to C. used toD. was used — I'm thinking of the test tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't pass this time.— ______! I'm sure you'll make it. [ ]A. Go ahead B. Good luckC. No problem D.We love Tom because he is a student ______ we think is pleasant to ______. [ ]A. who; get along with B. whom, get along withC. who; talk D. whom; talk wiAll the guests were dancing and singing when suddenly the light ______. [ ]A. gave back B. went out C. picked up D. carried on 单句改错。下面各句中有错误,请指出并改正。( 注意:只有一处错误 ) 1. When to hold a meeting to settle the problem haven't been decided. 2. He promosied me thatHe used to ______ cards, but now he is used to ______ a walk after supper. [ ]A. play; takingB. playing; take C. play; take D. playing; taking 完成句子。1. They came back from vacation a day earlier _______ _______. (比预期的) 2. He thought his parents _______ _______ _______ (对……苛刻) on his brothe—I have learned that you will take part in the sports meeting next week.— Yes. Bue I am thinking of ______. I am not fit enough. [ ]A. dropping out B. leavThese are all good team sports and will help you ______ your strength and you will meet lots of people atthe same time. [ ]A. grow up B. give upC. mix up D.He there with us though he was not feeling well. [ ]A. insisted on going B. insisted to go C. insisted in going D. insisted to going China's first compulsory safety regulation on primary buses, which requires every seat to have a seat belt, will ____ on July 1. [ ]A. have an effect B. takeA study shows that students living in non-smoking dormitories are less likely to ______ the habit of smoking. [ ]A. pick up B. turn up C. draw up D. make upThe coach asked his staff to ______the large group of journalists waiting for him to announce his training plans. [ ]A. adapt toB. attend to C. refer toD. a短文改错。Dear Carmen,It is early afternoon and I am sitting in the small restaurant closed to my work. It is a terrible day in New Orleans. It is raining and Children sometimes find it hard to _____ their parents' expectations. [ ]A. come up with B. live up to C. make up for D. close up to —My mum is a typist.— I know this sort of work ______ skill and speed. [ ]A. asks for B. looks for C. calls for D. pays for ______reasonable, the idea he ______to create a friendly environment attracted much public attention. [ ]A. Sounded; came about B. Sounded; came across C. Mary is going to quit her job because she is tired of _____ by her boss every day. [ ]A. shouting atB. to be shouted at C. being shouting at D. being shoute短文改错。假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:He had to drive faster to ______ for the lost time, which is considered dangerous to the passengers.[ ]A. take up B. put up C. make up D. turn up Iraq has _____ too many wars since 1990, making his people _____ a lot. [ ]A. got through; pay B. looked through; face C. gone through; suffer D. passed Please _____ the numbers and I'm sure they will _____ more than 1, 000. [ ]A. add up; add to B. add up; add up C. add up; add up to D. add to; add up Practising Chinese kung fu can not only _____one's strength, but also develop one's character. [ ]A. bring up B. take up C. build up D. pull up Busy as they are, parents should ______ at least two hours to spend with their children.[ ]A. set outB. set away C. set asideD. set off On seeing the wonderful sculpture, everyone present ______ a cry of surprise. [ ]A. let out B. give awayC. put forwardD. make up 短文改错。假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:This is a _____ book that you may _____ in daily English study. [ ]A. referring; refer to B. referring; refer C. reference; refer to D. reference; refer句型转换。1. You must be careful of the heavy traffic. You have to ________the heavy traffic. 2. It seems that the noise is coming from that house.The noiseThat expression has ______. Nobody uses it today. [ ]A. gone outB. gone away C. gone over D. gone around How are you going to ______ so many difficulties? [ ]A. deal withB. do with C. deal by D. do up Karl Marx _____ his English study in his fifties, and translated several English books while he was still in prison. [ ]A. took upB. took in C. took off D. — What happened to the heroes in the in the end? — All of them _____ escape from the enemy prison and began their new life. [ ]A. tried to B. managed toC. wThe twins look alike, but they _____ each other in temperament. [ ]A. different from B. differ fromC. transform D. distinguish — I hear John refused to tell the truth and was taken away by the police.— Where did you _____? [ ]A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take tShe _____ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. [ ]A. looked up B. looked forC. picked out D. picked up Eating too much fat can _____ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. [ ]A. result fromB. contribute to C. attend to D. lead in The audience was _____ very young children so there was a lot of noise while the concert was going on. [ ]A. made up fromB. made up for C. made up intoD. maThis medicine he sticks _____to be workable.[ ]A. to take is proved B. to take proves C. to taking be proved D. to taking proves The operation of _____ the connected (连体的) twins got close to _____. [ ]A. dividing; being finishedB. separating; being finished C. separating; finishiA good friend is one who is always with you _____ thick and thin. [ ]A. going down B. going throughC. going up D. going around 单句改错。1. I broke my glasses, without which I could see anything. _________________ 2. Tom as well as two of his classmates were invited to the party. ___She had to _____four young children after her husband died. [ ]A. turn over B. go over C. watch over D. take over Believe it or not, Levy's sister suddenly _____crying when we are eating. [ ]A. burst out B. burst inC. burst into D. burst on I knew he failed in the final exam the moment I ______ him crying alone in the classroom.[ ]A. at the sight of B. caught sight of C. in sight ofD. lost sighWe don't have to ______ every word that we don't know when reading. [ ]A. look up B. refer to C. look for D. look into — How did you find him out? — I ______ his name by chance on the list. [ ]A. came down B. came about C. came up D. came acrossPractice Chinese Kungfu can not only _____ one's strength, but also develop one's character. [ ]A. bring upB. take up C. pull up D. build up —Could you tell me how the sea sand comes about?— Sea waves dash against the rock. In this way, the sea sand ___. [ ]A. comes into use B. comes into office —Why don't you like your job?— It's always being ___by my director. [ ]A. watched at B. watched out C. watched overD. watched on Miss Alice didn't respond ___ my question in public, ___ made me angry with her. [ ]A. to, which B. in, which C. to, that D. to, what Look at the beautiful big house over there! It is said to _____ an old Japanese woman. [ ]A. belonging to B. be belonged to C. belong to D. be belonging to She is excited to read a note ___ the present from her grandfather. [ ]A. attaching withB. attached to C. attached with D. attaching to No one has come up with a better explanation of why dinosaurs _____.[ ]A. died away B. died forC. died of D. died out A huge forest fire _____ after the lightning struck, but luckily no one died or got hurt. [ ]A. broke outB. broke up C. broke down D. broke off 改错:请找出下列短文中的错误,并改正。注意, 没有错误的不用改。 I was used to complain about my English teacher for his bad English. I was also tired with his tea短文改错。文中共有10处语言错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(/\),并在该句下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:Iraq has _____ too many wars since 1990, making his people _____ a lot. [ ]A. got through; pay B. looked through; face C. gone through; suffer D. passed Please _____ the numbers and I'm sure they will _____ more than 1, 000. [ ]A. add up; add to B. add up; add up C. add up; add up to D. add to; add up He said he had stolen the money but he couldn't _____ the fact that the money was found in his house. [ ]A. answer for B. leave forC. account for D. care fThen you usually lie there just ______ the ceiling, thinking about everything that could go wrong.[ ]A. glancing atB. watching at C. glaring at D. staring a改错。此题要求你对一段文章改错。先对每一行作出判断是对还是错,如果是对的在该行右边的横线上划一勾(√);如果有错误(每行不会多于一个错误),则按情况改错如下:此行多一个— How did you find your sister in such a big and strange city? — I ____ her in the railway station when I was looking for the police for help. [ ]A. came abouDon't ____ him to do anything. He's just a talker. [ ]A. devote to B. according to C. rely on D. hope If the children are badly ____, they behave badly. [ ]A. brought in B. brought up C. brought aboutD. brought back The good service at the hotel ____ the poor food to some degree. [ ]A. made up for B. saved up for C. took the place of D. turn out — Would you like some more chicken?— No, thanks. I am ______ a diet and try to ______ weight. [ ]A. on; lose B. on; put on C. in; have D. in; lose They are brothers but they have little _____. [ ]A. in the same B. in difference C. in common D. in the way I prefer _____with a pen rather than _____on the computer, because I type so slowly.[ ]A. write; type B. write; to type C. to write; type D. to write; t— Frank, what do you usually do at the weather station?— I _____ the temperatures at 8 and 12 o'clock every day in the notebook. [ ]A. put up B. put on C. 短文改错。 对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾(√),如果有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,He has been out of work for three months; as a result, he has to _____ on family expenses by one-third. [ ]A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut offThis species has nearly _____ because its habitat is being destroyed. [ ]A. died down B. died outC. turned downD. turned up -Your mother becomes more and more forgetful. -Yes. She searched for her cellphone for a whole day last Sunday, but it _____ in her coat pocket the next day. If I cheat in the examination, do you think I might ______ it? [ ]A. get away with B. look forward to C. watch out forD. catch sight of Mr. Norman has raised some interesting points, but there's one thing he has completely failed to _____. [ ]A. block out B. account for C. stand for D. comWithout proper lessons, you'll _____ bad habits when playing the piano. [ ]A. keep upB. pick up C. catch up D. put up — It seems that Fred has a big plan. — Yes. He wants to devote all of his time _____ films. [ ]A. to writeB. writingC. to writing D. for writing I simply couldn't understand how it _____ that you did so much work within such a short time.[ ]A. came about B. came back C. came up D. came along My father _____ take a nap after supper, but now he's _____ taking a walk. [ ]A. got used to; used to B. used to; used to C. used to; got used to D. got根据短文意思回答问题。 Thereisafarmer.Helivesneararoad.Itisnotabusyroad,butfromtimetotime,carspassthefarm.Nearthefarmgate,thereislargehole(坑)intheroad.Thish阅读理解,判断文后的正(T)误(F)。 Doyouknowhowtoplantapeachtree?Letmetellyou.First, putsomesoilinapot.Then, putapeachseedinthesoil.Watertheseed.PutitinthesunI found the homework was not so heavy as_____ I_____ to get in my old school. [ ]A. that; was usedB. what; used C. which; used D. that; used Now more and more young people _____their spare time _____to improve themselves at school or college. [ ]A. spending; trying B. spend; on C. spend; tryingGreat attention must be paid ____ welfare, especially in the poor area. [ ]A. develop B. to develop C. to developing D. developing Many kinds of animals and plants die ____ every year. [ ]A. down B. away C. out D. from —How did your father _____ smoking?— The doctor told him to do so, and he took the advice. [ ]A. give in B. bring inC. give upD. bring up To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train_____ travel by air. [ ]A. as B. to C. than D. while Mr. Huang will _____ in the movement. [ ]A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part His whole school education _____ only 2 years because of his illness. [ ]A. added upB. added up in C. added up to D. was added up Although Wang Baoqiang has become famous, people still find him easy to _____. [ ]A. get alongB. get onC. get away with D. get along with After World War II, many of the buildings in the city _____. [ ]A. lied in ruinsB. lied in ruin C. lay in ruins D. lay in ruin My sister isn't at home. I have to _____ my naughty niece. [ ]A. watch over B. watch out C. take careD. look up Many questions _____ at the meeting, but he answered none. [ ]A. raisedB. were risenC. came up D. asked Every minute _____ spoken English. [ ]A. was made use of to practise B. was made use of practising C. was made use to practiceD. was made use to practising The girl _____ go to the cinema rather than _____ at home alone that night. [ ]A. preferred; stay B. prefers to; to stay C. preferred to; stay D. prefersA lot of people attach great importance _____ rich and famous. [ ]A. becomes B. to become C. to becoming D. for becoming
—What's the matter with you, Sandy?— I'm _____ a bad cold. I think I am dying. [ ]A. recovering from B. suffering fromC. setting down D. going through Do you have any difficulty ____ these flowers? I'd like to help you if you need. [ ]A. to plant B. for planting C. with planting D. in planting A great person is someone who devotes his/her life _____ others. [ ]A. to help B. helpingC. to helping D. help He _____all his important thoughts in his diary. [ ]A. set out B. set down C. set about D. set aside To the teacher's surprise, the boy had no ____ out the ____ maths problem. [ ]A. difficulty to work; difficult B. difficult working; difficultyC. difficulThe engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ____ the helplessness of the crew at sea. [ ]A. added toB. added up to C. turned out D. made up — Does he know how to work out the problem?— Yes, he has _____ a good idea to solve it. [ ]A. caught up withB. kept up withC. come up with D. put up with No one knows when such a custom first _____.[ ]A. came into powerB. came into being C. came true D. came out 填空并选择对应的汉语。( )1.S _ t _ rday ( )2.Th_r_day ( )3.Mo_d_ y ( )4.S_n_ay ( )5.T_ _sday ( )6.F_ _day ( )7.W_dn_sday a.星期三b.星期二 c.星期六d.星期一 e.星期His dream ____ to China never ____. [ ]A. of coming; came true B. to come; came true C. of coming; realized D. to come; was made true The man _____ bravely _____ the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War. [ ]A. fought; against B. fought; for C. fought; at D. fought; to Effective measures must be taken in no time to keep the lake _____. [ ]A. from further polluting B. being further polluted C. from being further polluted D.On seeing Jay Chow appear on the stage, the audience _____ cheering. [ ]A. burst into B. burst onC. burst in D. burst out Please _____ the numbers and I'm sure they will _____ more than 1,000. [ ]A. add up; add B. add up; add upC. add up; add up to D. add; add up The money collected should be made good use _____ the people in Taiwan who suffered a lot in the earthquake. [ ]A. of helpingB. to help C. to helping D. of His father insisted _____ him, but he insisted he _____ nothing to do with the matter. [ ]A. on punishing; should have B. he punished; had C. on punishing;He is not an easy man _____. [ ]A. to get on B. to get along C. to be got along withD. to get on with Iraq has _____ too many wars since 1990s, making his people _____ a lot.[ ]A. got through; pay B. looked through; face C. gone through; suffer D. passed I will never _____ to any unreasonable requests. [ ]A. give up B. give offC. give in D. give away Well, I'm allowed to go out on weekends, but I _____ finish my homework first.[ ]A. used to B. have got to C. get to D. lead to Once she has _____ his mind, nothing can change it. [ ]A. taken up B. made up C. given up D. grown up He prefers to stay at home rather than _____ out to play. [ ]A. goB. goesC. goingD. gone Her dream has _____. [ ]A. came true B. come true C. realized D. been come true There are many people present at the meeting, a quarter of whom ____ the same school. [ ]A. belong to B. are belonging to C. belong D. are belonged to In order to finish the research, the professor always ______, for every day the light in his room didn't go out until 4 a.m. [ ]A. mixed up B. cleaned up C.Listenandchoose. 听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图片。( )1.A.B. C. ( )2.A.B.C.( )3.A.B.C.( )4.A.B.C.( )5.A.B.C.Betty and Louis ______ with each other at first sight and they ______ in love for five years ever since. [ ]A. fell in love; have been B. fell in love; haveThe teacher asked a very difficult question. It was Ted who finally ____ a good answer. [ ]A. came up withB. kept up withC. went through withD. put up withThe film we saw last night is called The Bridges of Madison County, which is ____ a novel by Robert James.[ ]A. based on B. basing on C. based at D. basing — What's the matter with you, Sandy? — I'm _____a bad cold. [ ]A. recovering from B. suffering from C. catching up withD. getting into I want to know what trouble you have _____ these questions. [ ]A. to answerB. for answering C. with answering D. in answering —It is said that most of us have passed the job interview. What about you?— I _____ the written papers but failed the oral test. [ ]A. looked through B. reaAt the meeting, some good advice _____ and all the people present agreed to it. [ ]A. came up B. came about C. came up with D. came out Mary's being hurt ____ the uncertainty of our winning in the game. [ ]A. added B. added up C. added to D. added up to The driver began to speed up to _____ for the hour he'd lost in the traffic jam. [ ]A. keep up B. take up C. catch up D. make up When speaking in public, it is important to _____ your message _____ and keep the attention of your audience. [ ]A. get…through B. get…into C. get…over D. gThe time the old man devotes ____ English at home is very important to him. [ ]A. to studying B. to study C. of being studied D. of studying When I am in difficulty, I always ____ him for help. [ ]A. turn out B. turn overC. turn to D. turn on The sign x ____ an unknown number. [ ]A. stands for B. stands out C. stands upD. stands against Have you sent that letter off yet? There's something important I'd like to add _____ it. [ ]A. up B. to C. / D. with Yesterday my car suddenly _____ on my way to work. [ ]A. broke upB. broke out C. broke in D. broke down She has always _____ her father and felt highly honored for what he has been doing. [ ]A. looked up to B. looked down upon C. looked around for D. looked fo短文改错。此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断;如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边The well-dressed man ____ to be a robber. [ ]A. turned outB. turned in C. turned over D. turned down My father impressed _____ me the value of hard work. [ ]A. at B. on C. with D. for As soon as he got to the office, he_____ the students' papers. [ ]A. got down to correct B. got down to correcting C. set down to correcting D. sit down toThe word "moon" is an ancient word _____ "mouth". [ ]A. related to B. related with C. joined to D. joined with — It's wrong for a student to follow _____ his teachers say.— It's true. I can't agree _____. [ ]A. no matter what; to much B. whatever, much C. no matIt is _____that she helped others with their lessons after school.[ ]A. worth to be praised B. worthy of being praised C. worth praised D. worthy to praise It was a difficult time, but in the end things_____ all right. [ ]A. turned up B. turned on C. turned out D. turned in Please _____ any change of your address as soon as possible [ ]A. inform us B. inform us ofC. inform of us D. inform to us Zhang Yin preferred _____ rather than _____ his friends. [ ]A. to punish, go against B. to be punished, turn against C. being punished, going against D. to He _____ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.[ ]A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in 短文改错。When I walked into the classroom, the teacher was handingin the tests. I was feeling very nervous. I had not studied at all at the weekend as I had tMr. Zhang is ill, so I'll _____ till he is well again.[ ]A. take placeB. take his place C. take the place for him D. instead of Mr. Brown suggested _____ the health of everyone present.[ ]A. drinking to B. drinking for C. to drink D. to drink for They wanted to get home before dark, but it didn't quite _____ as planned. [ ]A. turn out B. make out C. come up D. turn up 根据汉语用所学短语的正确形式填空。1. Galileo's observations show that Copernicus, another great astronomer, was right and that the earthmoves around the sun, nWith car prices _____, I find it difficult to realize my dream of having a car of my own. [ ]A. coming up B. rising up C. going up D. holding up Although she doesn't earn much money, she tries her best to _____ a bit of money every month for her parents. [ ]A. set about B. set aside C. give back D.句型转换,每空一词。1. I'm certain that he's telling the truth. There's________ that he's telling the truth. 2. They are busy with their test and have no短文改错。 Sitting here in my room, I often think of my childhood. We used to live on a small farm. It was very far from the town that there were no electricitIt _____ my wishes to leave the country. There are so many things attracting me. [ ]A. turns out to beB. goes against C. makes out D. gets rid of He was so lucky to _____ only a fine for such a serious mistake. [ ]A. get through B. get over C. get away with D. get across I would rather starve to death than _____ for food. [ ]A. beg B. begging C. begged D. to beg Doing morning exercises _____ our health and we _____ it. [ ]A. benefits to; benefit B. benefits; benefit fromC. benefits from; benefit D. benefits; areShe remains optimistic (乐观的) in spite of so much hardship she has _____. [ ]A. gone through B. looked through C. gotten through D. passed through The joke the naughty boy _____ his teacher made many people angry. [ ]A. made on B. played on C. played to D. made to We must take measures to protect the environment from _____. [ ]A. pollutingB. being polluted C. polluted D. pollute The town came into _____ as we turned the corner. [ ]A. being B. use C. fashion D. sight The little chick _____ the earthworm, deciding whether to swallow it or let it go.[ ]A. stared atB. glimpsed atC. looked intoD. glared at She devoted herself _____ the problems of the teenagers? [ ]A. in studying B. at studying C. to study D. to studying In history, many famous women _____ bravely_____ equal rights. [ ]A. fought; for B. had fought; for C. fought; with D. have fought; against With no one to _____ in such a frightening situation, she lost heart. [ ]A. turn on B. turn over C. turn to D. turn away 根据短文意思回答问题。 Thereisafarmer.Helivesneararoad.Itisnotabusyroad,butfromtimetotime,carspassthefarm.Nearthefarmgate,thereislargehole(坑)intheroad.ThishHe _____ cards with his friends, but now he _____ a walk after supper. [ ]A. used to play; is used to having B. is used to playing, used to have C. used to When one makes new friends, don't forget_____ old ones. [ ]A. to put up with B. losing sight of C. to keep track of D. keeping in touch with You'd better _____ your score and see if you have passed the exam. [ ]A. add up to B. add to C. add up D. add The old man was the only person on the spot, so the policeman asked him to _____ the facts as he remembered them. [ ]A. set up B. set down C. dig out D. keeI wanted to pay the train fare, but my friend insisted. Finally I _____. [ ]A. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave off Theword"hat"gets with an "s".[ ]A. bigB. biggerC. smallD. smaller根据首中文意思用适当的形式填写句中的单词。1. What __________ (有乐趣) it will be when we all go on holiday together! 2. __________ (一旦) he starts to do sometShe used _____ on the right in China, so she was not used _____ on the left in England at first. [ ]A. to drive; to drive B. to drive; driving C. to drivinSeveral months later, he found his deskmate very difficult _____. [ ]A. to get along with B. getting along with C. to get along D. to be gotten along with I ____ walking in the garden ____ watching TV in the room. [ ]A. like; instead B. would rather; than C. prefer; to D. prefer; than My sister seems to prefer _____ music to _____ me. [ ]A. listening to; talking to B. to listen to; talk toC. listening to; talk to D. to listen to; talkChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Runningisexercise.(对画线部分进行提问) 2. Twenty-fourhoursmakeaday.(对画线部分进行提问)3. IshereanygoodEven though you're dying for _____ slim figure, you are not supposed to go on _____ diet. [ ]A. a; the B. the; a C. the; / D. a; a Have you seen Jack recently? I wonder_____ with his classmates. [ ]A. how is he getting along B. what he is getting along C. that he is getting along wellD.Every time _____ he thought of his past, he couldn't help bursting _____.[ ]A. when; out tears B. that; into crying C. which; into cry D. /; out cryingLei Feng was a soldier who _____ the people and Chairman Mao used to speak highly of him. [ ]A. devoted himself to serve B. devoted himself to servingC. was He used to _____ computer games, but now he is used to_____ a walk after supper. [ ]A. play; take B. play; taking C. playing; taking D. playing; take When we entered the room, the light _____ suddenly. [ ]A. got off B. set up C. went out D. put outWe must work out a plan as soon as possible on _____ with these garbage. [ ]A. what to do B. what to dealC. how doingD. how dealing The chance should be made _____, since you have got it. [ ]A. up of B. the most of C. best of D. a good use of Have you _____ your things, Bob? The train is leaving at 2:30 this afternoon, so we don't have too much time. [ ]A. added up B. hidden away C. set downD. He _____ to go abroad for his further study. [ ]A. is hoped B. is dying C. is wanting D. dies 将下列短语翻译成中文。1、gohomeearlier 2、getup later 3、listencarefully 4、swimfaster 5、dancebeautifullyJoan didn't say anything at first and then _____ crying. [ ]A. burst out B. burst into C. burst onD. burst upon My elder brother _____ serve in the army. He is now a policeman. [ ]A. used to being B. used to C. was used to D. is used to
He is a successful business manager. His day is _____ business matters. [ ]A. covered with B. filled of C. full with D. filled with Britain is _____ France by the English Channel, and the whole Britain is _____ three parts. [ ]A. divided into; separated from B. separated from; divided inNever lose much time _____ you should make use. [ ]A. that B. which C. of which D. of that It is impolite of you to _____ the disabled on the street. [ ]A. glance at B. stare at C. look at D. smile at Can you tell me what use could be _____ the waste things? [ ]A. made up B. made from C. made of D. made out The student insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and would never _____ the teacher.[ ]A. had done; give in B. had done; give in to C. should do; give away—Have you _____ your things, Bob? — The train is leaving at 2:30 this afternoon, so we don't have too much time. [ ]A. added up B. hidden away C. set down Nie Haisheng's dream _____ an astronaut _____ at last. [ ]A. of becoming; came true B. to become; came trueC. of becoming; was come trueD. to become; wI can't _____ what you said because you spoke too quickly.[ ]A. write B. set out C. set downD. set inHow did it _____ that so many athletes were absent from the sports meeting. [ ]A. come acrossB. come aboutC. happened D. come out Can you imagine what difficulty he had _____ the local people when he couldn't speak the local language? [ ]A. to communicate with B. communicating with C. Her latest album, The Element of Freedom, _____ last week and Keys has proved yet again that she simplydoes her own thing. [ ]A. came out B. came over C. camWith nothing on, the Emperor walked in the parade, thinking he _____ the most beautiful clothes in the world. [ ]A. was dressed himselfB. dressed C. was dresAfter the earthquake, a pig trapped in a fallen building was _____alive after being buried for 36 days. [ ]A. worked out B. kept out C. dug out D. gave out The white man who was put in prison for trying to _____the headquarters (总部) of the ANC tried to escape but failed. [ ]A. set up B. blow up C. break up D.Almost every one of us will have to _____ the university entrance examinations in June the year after next. [ ]A. look throughB. walk through C. run through The new state-run test will _____ a written test of reading, listening comprehension and writing, plus aninterview to test speaking skills. [ ]A. consist of B.I _____ rather than sit there doing nothing. [ ]A. prefer working B. like to workC. like working D. prefer to work To be frank, what you said and did only _____ our trouble. [ ]A. added toB. added up toC. added up D. added In the dark street, he had no one to _____ for help. [ ]A. turn up B. turn aroundC. turn to D. turn down At the meeting, the old man _____ some good advice and all the people there afreed with him. [ ]A. came aboutB. came alongC. came up withD. came out You can't imagine the trouble she _____ her missing child.[ ]A. had found B. had finding C. had to find D. has found The boss _____ this question at the meeting. [ ]A. came upB. came up with C. put up D. set up Rather than _____ on crowded bus, he always prefers _____ a bicycle. [ ]A. ride; rideB. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding — Have you ever been to Australia?— Never, but I have been looking forward _____ such a chance for further study there. [ ]A. to give B. to be given C. to gThis team_____ 5 boys and 5 girls is a legend. [ ]A. making up of B. consisting of C. consists of D. is made up of The old man used to _____ in the country, but he is now used to _____ in the city. [ ]A. live; liveB. living; living C. live; livingD. living; live I hear the angel's words that those beautiful things will never _____. [ ]A. die down B. die off C. die awayD. die from A lot of new questions _____ at the meeting, which made things more worse. [ ]A. came acrossB. came on C. came up D. came in 用词组的适当形式填空。 on purpose set downget along within order to be crazy aboutaccording to face to facebe concerned about as far asone is concernedbe tired oI didn't go outing on National Day because the bad weather _____ the difficulty. [ ]A. added up B. added to C. added up to D. added 短文改错。此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边的横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一The grass seeds which were sown in Spring are beginning to _____. [ ]A. come outB. come up C. come overD. come in Once she has _____her mind, nothing can change it. [ ]A. made upB. taken up C. put upD. set up Liu Xiaoding is a good teacher and _____his students very much. [ ]A. cares about B. cares of C. takes care D. takes care for I am really worried about his grades in the coming test because of the little use he _____ of his spare time before it. [ ]A. didB. tookC. gotD. made In fifteen terrible seconds a large city _____. [ ]A. lied in ruin B. lay in ruin C. lied in ruins D. lay in ruinsAre you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are _____? [ ]A. going through B. getting through C. looking through D.I am afraid something terrible has _____. I won't be able to see you tonight. [ ]A. set down B. gone throughC. come up D. got along Have you really realized the part computers have _____ in the daily life? [ ]A. made B. given C. caused D. played As neither of them would _____, no decision was taken that day. [ ]A. give out B. give offC. give in D. give up Sorry I can't go with you-something has just _____. [ ]A. come around B. come over C. come up D. come back 短文改错。 I'd love to telling you something about my vacation. I've been looking forward to visit the East Lake for a long time.Yesterday, with my friends, 短文改错。 When my eighteenth birthday came, I was not in home.In order to celebrate (庆祝) such important day with my dear parents, I wrote a long letter, in w假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改一下你同桌写的作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加短文改错。 It is interested to visit another country, but sometimes there are some questions when we don't know the language very well. It may be difficult to She _____catch the bus every morning, but now she rides with her friend. [ ]A. used to B. is used to C. use to D. was used to His father _____in the USA for another year, so that she could work toward her master's degree. [ ]A. agreed her to stay B. approved of her stayingC. alloweTom insisted _____history insteadof business at university, but his mother insisted that he _____her advice. [ ]A. on studying, take B. to study, must take C.短文改错。 It is five years now since I graduate from High School Attached to Harbin Normal University. Last Saturday,the class that I was on held a get-togethe单句改错。下列句子中,每句有一个错误,请予以改正。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的The country has _____ too many wars. [ ]A. broken throughB. gone on C. broken down D. gone throughYou can always _____ a dictionary if you meet new words during your English study. [ ]A. set up B. come to C. turn to D. get to She's fainted. Throw some water on her face and she'll ____. [ ]A. come round B. come along C. come on D. come out Rather than _____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____ a bicycle.[ ]A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ____ the shocking ending.[ ]A. give awayB. give inC. give up D. give off — Is there any hope of saving his life? — His injuries are extremely serious, but he's expected to ____. [ ]A. pull in B. pull through C. pull up D. pull Rather than ____ in the restaurant many westerners prefer to get together with friends for weekends.[ ]A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. they eat That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never ____ to the enemies until death. [ ]A. gave up B. gave out C. gave in D. gave away 短文改错。请你对下文内容进行修改。文章中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加I don't think Jack _____ what happens to his family. He is so selfish. [ ]A. cares for B. cares about C. cares to D. cares of Through years of hard work, her dream _____. [ ]A. came true B. came about C. came outD. came up Mary burst _____ when she heard the sad news. [ ]A. into laughter B. into laughing C. out cryingD. out tears — What is the book mainly about? — Well, it _____ a little boy who suffered a lot during the war. [ ]A. deals with B. deals about C. makes up D. talk aboutParents are advised to take pressure ____ a child and give him some encouragement before an exam.[ ]A. off B. out C. from D. away The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the killing Indian Ocean Quake-tsunami has ____ the Chinese people's unselfishness and internationalism. [Choosetherightanswerstothegivenquestions. 为下列问句选择正确的答案。( ) 1. How'stheweathertoday?() 2.Whatisthefifthmonthoftheyear?() 3. What'sthedate?()I decided to concentrate all my efforts _____ the complicated problem. [ ]A. to solve B. to be solved C. on solving D. in solving I used to _____ a lot, but now I have become fatter, for I mainly stay at home watching TV.[ ]A. turn out B. work out C. help out D. take out All the lights _____ and we were _____ in the dark. [ ]A. turned off; keeping B. went out; left C. went out; keeping D. turned out; left All the teachers and students in our school like Zhangjun because he is always ready to _____ jokes when you are with him. [ ]A. turn up B. put up C. make upIf you run _____ two rabbits at a time, there's a good possibility that you can catch neither.[ ]A. into B. across C. after D. with It was Sunday and there were so many people in the streets that he found it difficult to _____ to the post office. [ ]A. make his way B. find his way C. feelPlease enjoy yourself at the party and _____. [ ]A. make yourself at home B. feel at home C. help yourself to D. be at home You'd better not wear such ties, because they ____ three years ago. [ ]A. went on B. went off C. went over D. went out By hiking, people can _____ nature and experience a kind of life. [ ]A. close to B. close to the C. get close to D. get close to the — Why are the tax collectors so busy? — Many people prefer to have their tax forms completed by a professional rather than _____. [ ]A. do it themselves B. dAs is known to all, the financial crisis firstly broke out in the United States which _____ the group of developed countries. [ ]A. belonging to B. was belongHow do you ____ it and what should ____ it? [ ]A. deal with, deal with B. deal with, do with C. do with, deal with D. do with, do withThere used to ______ a truck ______ and I can't get through. [ ]A. be, in the way B. be, in a way C. being, on the way D. being, by the wayWe kept watching the house in the garden until the lights of the house ______. [ ]A. went downB. went by C. went on D. went out Do you know whom this bird _____? [ ]A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belonged to D. is belonging to — Jerry, How did Tom _____the news? — He said nothing. [ ]A. reply B. contact to C. answer toD. respond to If we don't take steps. The Tibetan antelopes and pandas will_____ some day just as dinosaurs. [ ]A. die down B. die out C. die away D. die off His work was _____ by his boss. [ ]A. highly thought B. high thought ofC. thought much ofD. well thought of Readandmatch. 把汉语与对应的英语匹配起来。( )1. collect stamps ( )2. just a minute ( )3. make kites ( )4. in the future ( )5. play the piano ( )6. draw pi改错。1. Our children is being looked after by their teachers. _________2. The milk is been produced in the factory now._________3. The plan is being talkedYou'll have to _____the word in the dictionary. [ ]A. hunt for B. hunt out C. hunt upD. hunt down — When will the meeting ______?— At about 11 o'clock. [ ]A. break upB. bread down C. break out D. break into— Jerry, How did Tom the news? — He said nothing. [ ]A. replay to B. contact to C. answer to D. respond to She appealed to the judge to _____her husband. [ ]A. put mercy to B. get mercy with C. have mercy on D. be at mercy of Tomorrow is a holiday. Will you _____ the competition at the other school? [ ]A. join B. join in C. take partD. take apart It was foolish _____ the French princess to _____ the English prince, who cheated onher without mercy. [ ]A. for; believe in B. of; believe C. for; believThe stamps were _____ according to their styles and features. [ ]A. found out B. sorted out C. put out D. taken out The car accident _____ the driver's carelessness. [ ]A. resulted in B. resulted ofC. resulted fromD. result for We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn't quite _____. [ ]A. find out B. give out C. hand out D. work out You may imagine what great difficulty I had _____complicated ideas in simple English.[ ]A. expressing B. to express C. expressed D. express Some students find it hard to _____the new teacher's dialect.[ ]A. take in B. take up C. take over D. take on
The visitors said that they had never dreamed _____ such a beautiful scenery. [ ]A. there to be B. of there to be C. of there being D. of being — How are you getting on with Mary, your girl friend? — _____. [ ]A. Break up B. Broken upC. Break down D. Broken down Before agriculture _____, people made their living by hunting wild animals and their lifewas _____ of nature. [ ]A. came into being; at the mercy B. was bornThey _____ on the little professor, but it led to his fierce criticism on us. [ ]A. played a joke B. made fun C. had fun D. performed a joke "You have to trust in god, _____ friends and bank on education," the teacher said in an honest voice. [ ]A. live onB. rely on C. keep on D. insist on Tell me about it-don't _____ anything _____! [ ]A. hold; back B. hold; on C. hold; up D. hold; out No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didn't _____to me. [ ]A. make out B. make up C. make sense D. make a difference With aid across the world, the brave Haiti people are sure to _____ the problems caused by the mass earthquake. [ ]A. break down B. get off C. break off D. Tell me about it—don't _____ anything _____! [ ]A. hold; back B. hold; on C. hold; upD. hold; out — Why is he feeling down today? — Because the suggestion he _____ has been turned down. [ ]A. put away B. put up C. put down D. put forward I don't _____ of your sending your daughter to Britain to study,because she is too young. [ ]A. agree B. approve C. supportD. assess — Are you _____ me of lying to the headmaster? — I'm sure you did. [ ]A. accusingB. scoldingC. reminding D. telling There is so much noise in the yard that I can't _____ my attention on my work. [ ]A. attract B. pay C. absorb D. concentrate — What about your journey to Mount Hua? — Everything was wonderful except that the car we rented _____ on the way back. [ ]A. broke up B. broke downC. brokeFive men and three women make up the temporary group to look into the case. In otherwords,it _____ eight people. [ ]A. consists of B. is consisted ofC. is Though computers can do a lot of work man can't do,they can't completely _____ human beings. [ ]A. replace with B. instead of C. take place D. take the pHe tried to deal with the increasing burden of his work,but he finally _____ and had to take a complete rest. [ ]A. broke off B. broke away C. broke out D.She knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put _____ on her to work hard. [ ]A. force B. pressureC. burden D. weight As a child, he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his _____ on.[ ]A. hands B. arms C. mind D. heart You have to be accurate in this job, because a small mistake can make a big _____.[ ]A. difference B. difficulty C. trouble D. change I thought you _____ be employed by that company because you had _____ knowledge of French. [ ]A. will; theB. would; a C. can; / D. could; / I won the first prize and you can imagine how excited I was when the Mayor _____ me with the reward. [ ]A. provided B. supplied C. presented D. charged We should never forget those who _____ the success of the revolution. [ ]A. bled for B. bleeded forC. fighting for D. bled to When you come to the fence,you can see a notice _____ there saying "_____ the grass". [ ]A. putting up; Keep off B. putting up; Keep away C. put up; KeAs is known to all,it is teachers and parents who will have a big _____ on thedevelopment of children. [ ]A. change B. affectionC. influence D. impression The computer system broke _____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.[ ]A. down B. out C. up D. in He didn't believe it was true until he _____ her offer of a job. [ ]A. swept up B. sped up C. picked up D. took up The young man _____ the car hoping to arrive at the station to meet his girlfriend on time. [ ]A. gave up B. turned up C. picked upD. sped up His first book _____ next month _____ a true story. [ ]A. published; is set in B. to be published; is based on C. to publish; based on D. having been pubWhen it _____ air pollution, Beijing faces the 3 "C" s: cars, coal and construction, which lead to Beijing'sserious air pollution. [ ]A. talks to B. comes After several days of heavy snow, hungry animals got out of their_____ places to _____ some food. [ ]A. hiding; hunt for B. hiding; hunt C. hidden; hunt f_____ the danger we have just escaped, I still feel frightened. [ ]A. Dating back to B. Looking aroundC. Thinking back to D. Thinking over No matter how I tried to read it, the message did not _____ to me. [ ]A. understandB. make out C. turn out D. make sense How many nationalities _____ our country _____? [ ]A. is; consisted ofB. does; make up C. is; made from D. does; consist of The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language _____ in the 16th century. [ ]A. came aboutB. came outC. came along D. came up Nobody can _____ his being lazy, so he isn't popular with others. [ ]A. put aside B. put up with C. put onD. put away _____ the youth _____ the rising sun at 8 or 9 o'clock at a.m., Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for theyoung men. [ ]A. Comparing; with B. Compared; —Does the young man standing there _____ the company.— No, the company is _____ his father. [ ]A. in possession of; in the possession ofB. have possession oPrices are going up, life isn't so easy here as it _____ be.[ ]A. was used toB. wouldC. used to D. use to Our teacher has a _____ for thinking up ways _____ his speeches attractive. [ ]A. gift, of makingB. gift, to making C. knowledge, of makingD. knowledge, to Today when I think of my friend, I remember the way her face _____when she saw the picture of a lovely cat. [ ]A. cheered upB. shone up C. stood up D. lit u_____ from what he said, he hasn't _____ life here. [ ]A. Judged, got accustomed to B. Judged, accustomed to C. Judging, got accustomed to D. Judging, accuThe shop assistant was dismissed as she was _____of cheating customers. [ ]A. accused B. chargedC. scolded D. cursed Everyone knows it is not right for Taiwan to _____ from China.[ ]A. break awayB. give away C. turn awayD. put away The cigarette end thrown away by a careless farmer _____ the big forest and brought us great loss. [ ]A. brought inB. resulted from C. led to D. led out 附加题:按每个小题后的要求做题,将答案写在题上。 1. I would like you to change this blouse. If you don't, give me my money back. (改为同义句)I would like you He has _____ the surroundingsand now he is getting well on with his classmates; _____, he is treated as a normal student in the school. [ ]A. adjusted to, at When the reached the top of the hill, they _____ so they had to stop for a rest. [ ]A. held their breath B. out of breath C.lost their breathD. breathed deeLately some scientists are experimenting _____ white mice to _____ this kind of medicine. [ ]A. on, try on B. with, test on C. on, test out D. with, carry oI _____ of your trying to earn some money, but please do not neglect your studies. [ ]A. permit B. promiseC. agreeD. approve The news of the mayor's coming to our school for a visit was _____on the radio yesterday.[ ]A. turned out B. found outC. given out D. carried out No matter how busy we are, we should _____some time to do exercise everyday.[ ]A. set downB. set aside C. set up D. set off It was the other day that he happened to _____ in the supermarket. [ ]A. make her acquaintance B. make her acquaintances C. make acquaintance D. make acquaiAfter the man had worked round the clock for two days, his strength seemed to have _____. [ ]A. put out B. got out C. gone out D. run out Many parents feel worried about whether the kids will adjust to _____from them. [ ]A. being away B. be away C. having been away D. had been away After living on campus for more than one year, we have _____ here. [ ]A. accustomed to studying B. accustomed to study C. been accustomed to studyingD. been— I _____ to go for a walk. — But I _____ going shopping. [ ]A. would like; feel like B. feel like; feel like C. feel like; would like D. would like; w— Can you tell me how the accident came _____? — The road accident resulted _____ foggy weather. [ ]A. out, inB. about, in C. about, from D. to, from We have to _____ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way. [ ]A. get in B. get togetherC. hand in D. turn in You should feel ashamed to _____ so young a boy. [ ]A. take on B. take in C. take offD. take down She _____ until 1832, when she died aged 85. [ ]A. lived to B. lived in C. lived for D. lived on These words are jumbled up and don't _____. [ ]A. make useB. make sense C. make up D. make sense of The mail was _____ for two days because of the snow storm. [ ]A. held out B. held off C. held upD. held down _____ other children, the father thinks, Jack is _____ son.[ ]A. Compared with; the most satisfied B. Comparing to ;the most satisfied C. Comparing to; a — Mary divorced again last week. — Why did she do a thing like that? It seems to make no _____. [ ]A. differenceB. comment C. sense D. meaning Faced with financial crisis, we think it is time to ____ the trip to Europe. [ ]A. call in B. call for C. call off D. call on There are many new bikes ____ for you in the shop. I think you can buy one that you like most.[ ]A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for chooWhen the children are busy playing their games. They had better be _____. [ ]A. let out B. left outC. left alone D. left away You had better ____ some money for your daughter. [ ]A. pile out B. set asideC. give out D. turn around —When did you _____ to do the work?— Two months ago, we are through 80% of it at the moment. [ ]A. set off B. set out C. set up D. set about The premier _____ the advanced workers, saying that they should not be those who had no _____. [ ]A. met with; ambitionB. met; sense C. noticed; direction短文改错。此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断;如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误), 则按下列情况改正: 该行多一A family of five is really a heavy burden, so we all have to work hard to _____.[ ]A. find out B. work out C. carry out D. help out Tom will succeed _____ your property after your death, but I don't think he is _____success. [ ]A. in, / B. at, a C. to, a D. from, a Tom joined a dancing group but didn't seem to _____, so he left. [ ]A. show offB. go up C. fit inD. come over "Shanghai's students have been _____ to a lot of foreign culture. They may soon go beyond the stage of worshipping (崇拜) other cultures and return to their oThese village cottages (小屋) _____ paying guests during the summer vacation. [ ]A. take in B. take upC. take overD. take off Whenever we are in _____ trouble, we should never lose _____ heart. [ ]A. a; the B. a; a C. /; / D. /; the The number of the people who joined in the journey down the Mekong River _____ four. [ ]A. added up toB. added up C. added to D. in addition The book Been There, Done That written by a Chinese American graduate is _____ a real story. [ ]A. made of B. known for C. kept from D. based on If you _____ any problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring. [ ]A. come up withB. set about C. run into D. put aside With the price of oil _____, the economy of that country is slowing down. [ ]A. rising up B. going upC. taking upD. bringing up_____ his writing, the writer forgot to have his lunch. [ ]A. Was absorbed inB. Absorbed in C. Absorbed into D. Was absorbed into After she graduated from the university, Rona _____ journalism. [ ]A. took in B. took upC. took down D. took for There are many reasons for animals _____ but the most important one is the part _____ humans have played. [ ]A. die out, that B. dying out, that C. died awayIt really puzzles me that sometimes my parents encourage me _____ some friends and discourage me _____with others. [ ]A. staying with; to goB. to stay with;They were singing and dancing to _____ their high spirits though it was very cold. [ ]A. keep up B. build upC. bring up D. pick up 短文改错。此题要求改正所给短文中的错误.对标题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边的横线上划(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多Playing with a cell phone, he suddenly _____ the teacher staring at him. [ ]A. knew ofB. became aware ofC. reflected D. aware for Don't _____ important facts in your job application or you'll lose a good chance. [ ]A. cut outB. leave outC. hand out D. burst out 单句改错。每个句子都有一处错误,按下列情况改正:错一个词:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词;多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上Plastic bags won't be allowed to be used for free in the supermarkets. They can't _____ easily, which does great harm to our environment. [ ]A. break off B.—How do you like this TV program?— It _____ young people because it has a lively style. [ ]A. attaches to B. attends to C. appeals to D. adjusts toAre you going to _____the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing? [ ]A. take upB. get up C. stand up D. make up She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great _____on her employer. [ ]A. influence B. pressureC. impression D. effect After the accident I tried whatever I can to help him, but it didn't make any _____. [ ]A. use B. differenceC. result D. case —How is your mother doing? Is she _____?— Oh, thank you. As a matter of fact, she _____. [ ]A. looking up; has recovered B. picking up; is already back oIn today's class Miss Wang is going to _____ the story where he left off yesterday. [ ]A. take up B. set up C. look up D. put up 短文改错。 文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用Don't eat the food that has gone bad, otherwise you will _____. [ ]A. fall ill B. fall silentC. fall asleepD. fall in love