◎ 2012年人教版高二英语Unit5 Traveling abroad 第二卷(选修7)的第一部分试题
  • 短文改错。
         I'II never forget on the day when I finally stopped smoking.
    For many years, my mother had been begging me quit. It
    was until I visited my grandfather in the hospital that I finally
    realized the damage I was doing to me. My grandfather
    has been a heavy smoker for forty years, and now he was
    suffering for lung cancer. He and my grandmother had looked
    forward to his retirement so they could spend their times travelling.
    His sickness meant that you had done all that hoping and planning
    for nothing. As I walked out the hospital, I threw my pack of
    cigarette in the trash,and I haven't picked up a cigarette since.
    7. ______
    9. ______
  • 书面表达.
    面对中国学生"出国热",人们对此有不同看法.请你以Studying Abroad为题,根据下面

    Advantages Disadvantages

◎ 2012年人教版高二英语Unit5 Traveling abroad 第二卷(选修7)的第二部分试题
  • 对话填空.
    Alan: You haven't been around much lately, have you?
    Brice: No, I've been a_ 1 on vacation.
    Alan: Oh? Where were you?
    Brice: Palm Springs, I've got a cousin there. From him I know many teenager f__2__and the
              most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members,
               e__3__their parents, don't know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it
               is often for brothers and sisters to f___4__with each other and then they can only go
               to their friends for advice.
    Alan:It is very__5__for teenagers to have one good friend or many friends__6__when they
                   are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking a 7__ themselves
                  on the phone. This__8__is very important in children's g__9__up, because friends
                   can d__10__something difficult to say to their family members.
    Brice: I agree with you.
    1 _____2_____ 3 _____4 _____5____6 _____7_____8_____9____ 10______
  • 计算题.
    1.At 12 noon my watch was correct. However, it then started to lose 18 minutes per hour.
    Four hours ago it stopped completely and is now showing the time as 15:30.
    What is the correct time now?
    Answer: _____________________________________________________________
    What value of weight should be placed on the scales to balance?
    Answer: _____________________________________________________________
◎ 2012年人教版高二英语Unit5 Traveling abroad 第二卷(选修7)的第三部分试题
  • 逻辑题.
    1. Arsenal, Manchester, Liverpool and Tottenham are four football teams. Each team is playing
    against one of the others on the next three Saturdays-a different one each time.
    On Saturday the 12th, Arsenal are playing against Manchester.
    Manchester are playing against Tottenham on the 19th.
    Who are playing against who on the 26th?
    2. Find the number to replace the question mark.
    369 542 is t0 246 359
    172 896 is t0 268 179
    417 638 is to?
    Answer: _____________________________________________________________

  • 谜语题.
    1. What's white when it's dirty?
    2. What shows different persons though it is the same thing?
  • 益智题.
    1.The injured dog had some difficulty going home. Every step he took,he slipped back two.
    However, he still managed to get home. Why?
    2. What question can never be answered by "yes" ?