用英语写出下列时刻的表达方法(两种方法)。11: 08__________________ ____________________3: 15___________________ ____________________6: 30___________________ ______根据英文在钟面上画出时间。 half past nine a quarter past seven two to two twenty past five ten thirty-fiveeighteen to six 写出下列时间的表达方法(用两种方式)。1、8: 102、9: 503、8: 08 4、11: 15 5、12: 306、1: 057、2: 458、3: 26 9、4: 0010、12: 50 按要求完成下列句子。1.Theyplayedsome gamesafterlunch.(对画线部分提问)afterlunch?2.It'saquartertoten. It'stimeforcartoons.(改为近义句) It'snine. It'stime根据所给的提示写单词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Whattimeisit?It'snine(二十).2.(他们) gotoworkeveryday.3.(that) areyellowtoyplanes.4. I(be) inClasslGradReadandchoose. 慧眼识珠,单项选择。1.Mike: Nicetomeetyou.John: ___[ ]A.Nicetomeetyou,too!B. Seeyouagain.2.Lily:___Sam: You'rewelcome.[ ]A.Howaboutyou?看图认时钟,请用英文写出相应时刻。1. 2. 3.4. 5. Read, matchandwrite. 读—读,将图与句子搭配成对并在横线上写出相应的时间。( )1. A.Iplayping-pongattwothirtyintheafternoon.( )2.B.Ireadbooksatteninthemorning.Lookandfill. 看表格,填空。Mother's Saturday Home Library Market 例:A: Where isshe?B: She is at home. A: What time is it?B:It is seven ten.1. A: Where ? Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。 TuesdayThursdaySunday 1.OnTuesday,Momlikestowearher. Shegoestoworkbyatseventhirty.2.On ,Dadlikestowearhis . HegoestowoLookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1.Iwashsupper.2.—Whatisit?—It's . 3.Ieatat .4.Idointhe. 5.—your favourite ?— They're .根据要求完成下列句子。1. Ihadachatwithmyfriendyesterday.(改为否定句) 2. He'sgoingtotheHistoryMuseum.(对画线部分提问) 3. Mikeswimsfasterthanme.(写同义句) 4Lookandmatch. 看一看,为时间选择对应的图片。( ) 1. fourA. ( ) 2. nineB.( ) 3. eightC.( ) 4. sevenD.Lookandmatch. 把时间填入对应图片下面的括号内。1.2. 3. ( )( ) ( ) four ten nine读下列句子,并在钟面上画出相应的时间。1.It'sseveno'clock.It'stimeforbreakfast.2.It'steno'clock.It'stimeforEnglishclass.3.It'stwoo'clock.It'stime判断下列图片与时钟是否相符。Whattimeisit?1.It'sseveno'clock.( )2. It'stwelveo'clock.( ) 3.It's6:00o'clock.( )4.It's1:05.( )5. It'sfivefifty.( 看图,选择正确句子,将其序号填入图片下的括号里。A.Whattimeisit?It'seleveno'clock.B.Whattimeisit?It'sthreeo'clock.C.Whattimeisit?It'seighto'clock.1Sarah和ChenJie准备去看一场电影,他们必须六点回家,该选择看哪场电影?把电影时间写在横线上。STARCINEMASPIDERMAN MOONCINEMAHARRYPOTTER (1.5hours)4:00p.m. 7:30p.看图填空。1. It's . It'stimeforclass.2. It's . It'stimeforclass. 3. It's. It'stimeforclass. 4. It's. It'stimefor class.看图,补全对话。1.WhattimeisitinBeijing?It'so'clock. 2.WhattimeisitinSydney?It'so'clock.看图回答问题。1. Whattimeisit? 2.Whattimeisit? 3.Whattimeisit? 4.Whattimeisit? 5.Whattimeisit? 看图请把图中的时间写下来。 1. 2.3.4. 5.6. 7. 8. 单项选择。Whattimeisitnow?[ ]A.It'stimeforPEclass.B.It'snineo'clock.把下面的橙子当钟面,画出正确的时间。seveno'clock eighto'clock teno'clock oneo'clock fiveo'clock eleveno'clockTheyarrive6: 00intheevening.[ ]A. inB. atC. onTheyarrive6: 00intheeveningonJanuarytwenty-ninth.[ ]A.onB.inC. at按要求完成下列句子。1. HewrotealettertohisdadinNewYork. (改为现在进行时) Nowhe ____________ ____________ alettertohisdadinNewYork.2. It'saquartertoten. It'按要求完成下列句子。1. It'stimetogotoschool. (改为同义句) It'stime ___________ ___________.2. — Whattimeisit? (看图回答) — ___________________________. 3Whendothey gethome?[ ]A.Atfiveo'clock.B.Never.C.Yes,atfiveo'clock.看图写时间。1. ______________________2. ______________________3. ______________________4. ______________________Ihave seven ____________.[ ]A. clock B. clocks C. o'clock— When are you going to have lunch? — At ____________.[ ]A. twelveB. five C. six I go home ____________.[ ]A. at 4: 00 in the afternoonB. in the afternoon 4: 00C. 4: 00 afternoonWhat time is it? [ ]A. It's twelve.B. It's nine.— When is lunch? — ________________[ ]A. At 12: 00. B. At 6: 30.When is breakfast? [ ]A. Breakfast is at 7: 00 in the morning.B. Breakfast is at 8: 00 in the morning.It's ____________. It's time for English. [ ]A. nineB. three下列各句均有一处错误,请找出,并把正确的句子写在横线上。1. What time it is? ________________________________________2. It's time to breakfast.______________Igohomeat_________ afterschool.[ ]A.4:30B. 8:30C. 10:30D. 2:30It's________ o'clocknow.[ ]A.8B.8:00C.8:05It's eight _____________.[ ]A. o'clockB. clockC. cock请用英语表示下列时间。1. 7: 35______________________2. 9: 38______________________3. 10: 06______________________4. 5: 45______________________5. 3: 30_____用英语写出下列时间。1. ____________________2. ____________________3. ____________________4. ____________________5. ____________________6. _________________My uncle will come here _______________ tomorrow morning. [ ]A. at tenthB. at tenC. on tenD. till tenth— What's the time?— It's ________________. [ ]A. half past sixB. sixth o'clockC. sixthD. the sixth写出下列城市的时间。1. It's_____ o'clock.2. It's_____ o'clock.用英语写出下面的时间。1. 2. 3. 4. 5._____ _____ __________ _____It's three__.[ ]A. a clock B. o'clockC. clock选出有错误的一项。( )1. It's time for go to school. A B C( )2. It's nine oclock.A B C( )3. I have ten clock. AB C( )4. It's time for english class. A It's six. [ ]A. clockB. oclockC. o'clock标出相应的时间。1.______2.______3.______4.______Look and write. (看钟表,写出所表示的时间)1. ________ o'clock2. ________ o'clock3. ________ o'clock4. ________ o'clockLook and say. (看钟表,写出钟表所表示的时间) 1._________2.__________ 3. __________Look at my _____. It's 8_____.[ ]A. o'clock; clockB. clock; clock C. clock; o'clockLook and draw. (将时间在表盘上画出来) 1. nine o'clock 2. twelve o'clock 3. seven o'clockRead and draw. (读句子,画出时间)1. I get up at six. 2.I go to school at seven. 3. I go to bed at nine. 看图写时间。1.-----------------_____________2.-----------------_____________3.------------------______________4.----------------______________看一看,写一写。照样子,写一写。例. I go to school at 7:30.1. I have English class__________.2. School is over__________.3. I go home__________.4. I watch TV __________读一读,写一写。1.2.3. 4. _________ _________ __________________5. 6.7.8. _____________________________________看图写出正确的时间。1. -What's the time?-It's 5:00/________.2. -What's the time? -It's 4:30/________.3. -What's the time?-It's 11:00/________.4. ―What's the time? ―It's. Let's go home. [ ]A. fine B. o'clock C. five写出下列句子的同义句。1. It's half past six. It's .2. What time is it?____ time?3. Are you ready for breakfast?Are you_____ breakfast?4. It's a quar用两种方法写出下列时间。1. 10:30_______2. 8:203. 12:45_______ 4. 7:15 _______5. 1:58_______6. 5:05 _______同义句改写。1. -What time is it'?-It's ten to ten. -the_?-It's _ .2. It's a quarter past eleven. It's time to have lunch. It's .It's time .3. I-What time is it? -It's __. [ ]A. a quarter to fiveB. quarter to fiveC. quarter five句型转换。1. I brush my teeth every day.(用now改写句子)_________________________________________________________________2. It's time for lunch.(改为同义句)_What time is it?[ ]A. It's seven thirty.B. It's eight thirty.