用冠词a,an或the填空。What'syouruncle'sjob?Heis engineer.请在下列单词前加上适当的不定冠词。appleeraser tableuniversity用a,an,some和any填空。I'vegot orangesand apple.用冠词a,an或the填空。IhaveEnglishbook.bookisverynice.用冠词a,an或the填空。Thisis orange.It's bigorange. orangeisJohn's.在下列名词或短语前加上不定冠词。1、 garden 2、egg 3、 eye 4、 cup 5、 pineapple6、 umbrella 7、 hour 8、 apple 9、 eraser 10、 university11、 ice-cream 12、 engi用适当的冠词填空,不需要处用“/”表示。1、Thereis_____penand_____pencilinmypencil-box,_____penisred,and_____pencilisblack.2、MissWangis_____Englishteacher.Shetea选择填空。 ( ) 1、Themusicroomison___third floor. A.theB.aC.anD./ ( )2、___birdscanflybut___fishcan't. A.The, /B.The, aC./, aD./, / ( )3、Herdaughters选用a,an,is,am,are填空。A.Wheremydress? Look!Ithere.B.youanEnglishteacher? Yes, I.C.Whothisboy? Hemybrother.D.Isthiseraser?E.It'sgreenapple.判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的标“T”,错误的标“F”,并将错误的改正过来。()A.Mymotherlikeapple. ( ) B. Iam apupil. ( ) C. Iam aboy, Ihavethreeears. ( )D.MyEn根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空只限一词。1、Isthis(你们的老师)?2、A:(多大)areyou,Mary? B.I'mten.3、A:What'sthis? B:It's (我的橘子).4、A:Isit(一张地 Maggie一家人搬进了新家。住进新房的第一天,住在7楼的她就拜访了所有的邻居。聪明的Maggie不但能用学过的英语与懂英语的邻居交谈,还能截取每句话中的一个单词作为拜访过的用a/an填空。A.Isthis eraser? B.It's greenapple. C. orangeisorange.D.That'spencil.E.It's yellowbanana. F.Thatis Englishcar.G.Thatis greencar. BettyisEnglishgirlandTomisAmericanboy.[ ]A.an,anB.an,aC. /,anMyuncleisaccountant.Heworksinair-conditionercompany.[ ]A.a; aB.an; aC.an; anD.a; anFillintheblanks. 给“a”,“an”,“some”找到合适的家。1. —WhatwouldyoulikeforChristmas ? —I'dlikemilkand apple.2. —Wouldyoulikepeas ? —No,thanks.I'dlikeonio判断句子正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。() 1.Wearegoinghaveafootballmatch.() 2.Mymotherisgoingtowashedclothes.() 3.Youlooksadtoday.() 4.Hepassesit用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Myfamily(like)togoontrips.2.He(go)toHangzhoulastsummer.3.Thereis(a)airplaneinthesky.4.I(not)thinkitisrainy.5. Iwill(be)inChiFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iwillgoon a tripfor a summerholiday.ABC() 2.Whatcanyouseeinaairplane?A B C() 3. Theweatherissun.LFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doyouwantto(be)healthy?2.Eatingdonutsisbadforyour(healthy).3.(ride)abikeisexerFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iwalktohomeeveryday.A BC( ) 2.Youneedtwentyminutesofexercisesaweek.A B C( ) 3.Runingisexercise. AThereis"l"intheword"long".[ ]A.aB.anC.theD. /用单词的适当形式填空。1.Bobis(Jenny)brother.2.Weoftengototheparkon (Sunday).3. (a) orangeplayercatchestheball.4.Bob'steam (play)basketballthis evening.5Readandwrite. 按要求完成下列句子。1. Thereissomeicecreamintheshop. (改为否定句) Thereicecreamintheshop.2. Theparkisnexttothebank. (对画线部分提问)thepark?Readandwrite. 用单词的适当形式填空。1. I'm ____ (come).2.Mylittlebrother____ (watch)TVeveryday.3.Thanksfor____ (teach)usEnglish.4.We ____ (play)football填空。1. Iamontheplayground.(放风筝)2. Iwanttogoto .(儿童活动中心)3. Iane-cardtomygrandparents.(发送)4. Imyfriendsinthepark.(与……玩)5. ,Icanplanttrees.Findoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iwillgoon a tripfor a summerholiday.ABC() 2.Whatcanyouseeinaairplane?A B C() 3. Theweatherissun.LFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iwalktohomeeveryday.A BC( ) 2.Youneedtwentyminutesofexercisesaweek.A B C( ) 3.Runingisexercise. A选出每个句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.DoDannyseetheschool? A B C( ) 2.Pleaselookonyourbook.AB C( ) 3.Hemotherisawoman.A B C( ) 4.Iwouldlikeaappl用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Isend____ (a)e-mailtomyfriend.2.Lookatthese____ (picture).3.Thereisaletteron____ (paper).4.LiMing____ (need) astampforhislettChooseandwrite. 用“a”或“an”填空。1. apple 2.report 3.picnic4. experiment 5.antChooseandfill. 用“a”或“an”填空。1.pen2.envelope3.letter 4.shop 5.e-mail 6.computer 7.paper 8.orange 9.apple 10.stampLook!Thisis envelope.[ ]A. anB. aC. theChooseandcorrect. 选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正过来。( )1. I walk tothe school yesterday.A B C( )2.This am a tail.A B C( )3.It's an red apple.A B C( )4.Fillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.(do)everyonegotoschoolonSundays?2.InChina,we(speak)Chinese.3.Many(child)arelisteningtotheteacFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Ihavetoputonmybootsonarainday. A B C() 2.LiMingiswritinganletterinthecorner.AB C() 3.ThepeasareinthFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doyouwantto(be)healthy?2.Eatingdonutsisbadforyour(healthy).3.(ride)abikeisexer根据括号中的汉语意思完成下列各句。1. Areyoureadyfor_______ (英语课)?2. It's____ (二月二十号).3. Thisis____ (我的风筝).4.(怎样) istheweathertoday?5.ItisFillintheblanksaccordingtothepicture. 根据图填空。l. —Jenny,wheredoyoulive?—Ilivein.2.—Kim,wheredoyoulive?—Ilivein .3.—IsJenny'shousefarfromKim'sapartm请选出并改正下列各句中的错误。( ) 1.Thisourschool. A B C( ) 2.It'sinthefirstfloor.A B C( ) 3.Howmanystudentsisthereinyourclass?A B C( ) 4.Isthatpicture?写出所给单词的正确形式。1. (pen)Thisis . Theseare .2. (desk) Thisis . Theseare .3. (Thisis) markers.4. (Theseare)glue.5. (chalks)Thisis.下列句中均有一处错误,找出并改正在横线上。( ) 1. Iliveinaapartment.AB C( ) 2.Thehouseisneartoschool.A BC() 3.Myfatherdrivemetoschool.A B C() 4.Kimistallth用适当的词填空。1.Ilikesandwich lunch.2. I liketoplay myfriends.3.Wehavebreakfast themorning.4.Welike samecolour.5. skyisblue.Thereisorangekite.看图填空。1.Theyliketo . 2.Helikestowear.3.Weliketo .Chooseandfillintheblanks. 选词填空。aanapairof1.Thisisskirt.2.Iliveinapartment.3.Thisis socks.4. I'mwearingorangehat.5.Here'sapple.Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。MissLi:Wheredoyou1. ,Mary?Mary:Ilivein2..MissLi:Isyourhousenear 3. ?Mary:No.It's4. ourschool.Myhouseisnearthe5. .Readandwrite. 按要求写词语。1. big (反义词) 2. short (反义词) 3. expensive (反义词) 4. 在公园里跑 (汉译英) 5. new (反义词) 6.Assistant:CanIhelpyou?Amy:YeIhavebag.[ ]A. anewB. newaC. new下列各句中均有一处错误,请选出并改正。( ) 1. Ihavecat.It'scute. A B C( ) 2.Thegiraffesistall.A B C( ) 3. I'mcomefromChina.A BC( ) 4.Theelephantshasalon下列各句中均有一处错误,请选出并改正。( ) 1.ThisismyanEnglishbook.A B C( ) 2.—Isthisabus? —Yes,it's.A B C( ) 3. It'saapple. A B C() 4.HowmanytigerarethCorrectthemistakes. 找出每句话中的错误并在横线上改正。1.Idon'tlikerices. 2.Myfavouritefoodaresoup. 3.Ieatbreadtolunch. 4.Whatyoulikesomejuice? 5.ThisiFindandcorrect. 找出每句话中的错误并在横线上改正过来。1. How many apple are there? 2. I'm thirsty. I want to dink.3. There are sixteen spoon.4. Are youThereis"h"intheword"have".[ ]A.theB.aC. anD./根据要求完成下列句子。1. Ihadachatwithmyfriendyesterday.(改为否定句) 2. He'sgoingtotheHistoryMuseum.(对画线部分提问) 3. Mikeswimsfasterthanme.(写同义句) 4下面每句中A,B,C,D四项有一项是错误的,请指出并在后面的横线上改正。( ) 1.Howheavyerareyou?AB C D( ) 2.Look!Themonkeysareeatbananas. A B C D( ) 3.ThesearemyHer father isengineer,her mother isdoctor.[ ]A.a;aB.an;anC.an;a按要求改写句子。1. Openthewindow,please.(改为否定句)openthewindow,please.2. Thesearesomeoldphotos.(改为单数句) oldphoto. 3. IamHanMeimei.(改为同义句) HanThisisorangecar.[ ]A. aB.anC. onThereisorangeandbananaontheplate.[ ]A.a;anB.a;aC.an;a用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1. I'm(come).2.Mylittlebrother(watch)TVeveryday.3.Thanksfor(teach)usEnglish.4.We(play)footballyesterday.5.Therearemany(bus)从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出错误的一项,将序号写在括号里并将正确的写在横线上。( ) 1.Iislisteningtomusic. AB C D() 2.WhatisJohndo?A B C D() 3.She'swritinganleWearedoingexperiment.[ ]A. aB. anC. \从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出错误的一项,将序号写在括号里,并将正确的写在横线上。( ) 1.Whatarebignaturepark! A B C D( ) 2.Iseesomepanda. A B C D() 3.Doyouseeaan单项选择。CanIhaveicecream?[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /单项选择。A:Whatareyoudoing?B:Wearemakingcake.[ ]A.aB.anC.theD. /单项选择。Whatbigfish![ ]A.aB.anC. /D.theLookandchoose. 看图选择正确的短语,把序号填在括号里。( ) A.abigapple B.anbigapple 单项选择。HeisAmerican.[ ]A. aB. theC. anD. /看图填空。1. Tom: Doyoulikereading ? Jack: Yes, I do. 2.Alice: I'mgoingtobuya . Mary: Me, too.3.Peter: Isthisyour ?Tom:No, itisn't.4.Mum: WhatareyougSheisengineer.[ ]A. aB.anC.theSusan isactress, and Nick isteacher.[ ]A.an, anB.an, aC.a, aD.a, an下面的句子中各有一处错误,请找出来,并改在右边的横线上。1. I can'tfindsmypen. ( )A BC D 2. Whatdohisfatherdo?( )A B C D3. Hegoestoworkbyfoot.( )A B CD4. Heisartteacher.[ ]A. aB. theC. an仔细看下面的句子,对的画“√”,错的画“×”,并改正过来。1. Isthereriverhere? ( ) 2.There'remanyflowerintheforest.( ) 3.Aretheremanymountainsinthecountry?( ) 4Thereisair-conditioneronthewall.[ ]A.theB.anC. aMr.Blackisa . Sarahisa .[ ]A.teacher;studentB.thin;oldHeisuniversitystudent.[ ]A.\B.anC. a改错。下列各句均有一处错,请找出并改正。( ) 1. Myfamilyliketohavefuntogether. A B C D ( ) 2. Westpointsrightonamap.A B C D( ) 3. Australiahavebeautifulbeach改错。下列各句均有一处错,请找出并改正。( ) 1. Beijinghaveshopsandrestaurants. A B C D ( ) 2. IwantgotoBeijing. A B C D( ) 3. Beijingisaoldandbeautifulcity.Thisisorangetree.[ ]A.aB. /C.anHeiskindman.Heisgoingtohelpoldman.[ ]A.an, anB.a, theC.the, theYouareright. It'soffice.[ ]A. aB. anC.theMymotheriscleaner.[ ]A.aB.anC.theIwritee-mailtoAliceeveryweek.[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /Youarewrong. It'selephant.[ ]A.aB.anC.theYouarewrong.It'ssnake.[ ]A.aB.anC.the选词填空。are third can behind an1. Theregreencurtains. 2. It'sonthefloor. 3. Whatyoudo? 4. Thereis appleinthebag. 5.Thetrashbinisthedoor.改错题。( ) 1.Thereistwoendtablesintheroom. AB C D( ) 2.Myflatisinthethirdfloor. A B C D( ) 3.Whatdoesyourroomlike?A B C D( ) 4.Wherearethetrashbin?A B C看图,填空。Whatcanyouseeintheclassroom? 1.Icanseea.2.Icanseea .3.Icanseea .4.Icansee .5.Icansee .6.Icanseesome .Look, thisisorange.[ ]A. aB.anC.no—Look, themountainisgreen.—Yes, it'smountain.[ ]A.agreenB.greenaC.green改错题。( ) 1.Are the book on thedesk? A B C D( ) 2.There isn't some breadontheplate. A B C D( ) 3.Isthere a air-conditioneronthewall? A B C D( ) 4.WhereIwantsandwichandappleforthepicnic.[ ] A.a, aB.an, anC.a, anThereiselephantinthepark.[ ]A. aB. anC. theIhaveTeddyBear.[ ]A. aB. thisC. is看例句,填空。What's this?1. It's a .2. It's a .3. It's eraser.4. It's .5. It's .6. It's .Thatisapple.[ ]A.aB.anC. /D.theKateisbeautifulgirl.[ ]A. aB. anC. theWouldyoulikeeggforbreakfast?[ ]A. aB. anC. theI'mgoingtobeartist.[ ]A. aB.theC.an
MrWhiteisEnglishteacher.[ ]A. aB. anC. /根据中文提示,填写正确单词。1. The (天空) isblue.Theairis(干净的).2. (有) a (树) neartheriver?3. Isthere(一条河)?4. 一Isthere(一片森林)? 一No,(没有).选择正确的单词填空。1.Is(these,this)yourmirror?2. They(has,have)threetrashbins.3.Isthere(a, an)air-conditionerinyourroom?4.There(is,are)yellowcurtains.5.仔细看看,把不对的地方选出来并改正。( ) 1. Whosthisman?A B C ( ) 2. Isthisyouaunt? AB C D( ) 3. What are your uncle?A B C D( ) 4. She likemusic.A B C( ) 5改错。把错误的地方找起来,并改正。1.Who'syourname?2.Ihavetwenty-twobook. 3.What'scolourisyourpen? 4.Helikescienceverymuch. 5.ZhangPengisanChineseboy.选出不正确的一项,将序号填在括号内并改错。( ) 1. She'sgoingtobe andoctor. A B C( ) 2.Whatwouldyouliketodinner? A B C() 3.Howmanybananaarethereinthebox?A BMy mother is doctor.[ ]A. theB. aC. anIhaveelephant.[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /Finishthewords. 写出单词或词组的正确形式。1.(pen) Thisis . Theseare .2.(Thisis / Theseare)paper.3.(pencilcase) Theseare .4.(Thisis / Theseare)scissors.tigerdoesn'thaveatrunk.[ ]A. AB. AnC. /Heisabusinessman.Heworksinofficebuilding.[ ]A.anB.aC.theWhatit? It'selephant.[ ]A.an, anB. is, anC.are, anD. is, a改错。( ) 1.Abirdliveinatree. _____________ A B C( ) 2.Asnakelivesinaforest._____________A BC( ) 3.Anpandalivesinaforest. _____________ A B C( ) 4.WheredoLookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图写句子。1.Isthisachickenoraduck?It'sa .2.acowor !It'sapig.3.Isthisahouse? .What'sthis? It's .[ ]A.birdB. birdsC. abirdIt'sostrich.[ ]A. aB. theC. anAbusinessmanworksinofficebuilding.[ ]A. aB. anC. /Lookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1.thisadonut? ! This is.2.are.3.Thisadonut.This is.Lookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1.Let'sgotothetofly .2.Let'sgototheto book.3.Let'sgotothetoicecram.4.Let'sgotothetobuysomeapples.Thisisgreentree.[ ]A.anB.aC./看图补全句子。1.Ilike ,andI like .2.I like ,I don't like .3.Ilike .I don't like .4.Ilike .Ilike .Thisisa . [ ]A. stampB. stampsC. apple根据要求改写句子。1. Hereisacar. ( 改成复数形式) 2. Thesearemanyplates.( 改成单数形式) 3. Therearefivepencils. ( 对划线部分提问) 4. Thisisastamp. ( 改成一That's oldstory.[ ]A. aB. anC. theMysisterinapartment.[ ]A. live, aB. lives, /C. lives, anThisisairplane.[ ]A. aB. anC. sheThisis train.[ ]A. aB. anC. manyThisis airplane.[ ]A. aB.anC.the选出句子中的错误之处并改正。( ) 1.Thereisaappleandanorangeonthetable.A BC( ) 2.Thereareapencilandaneraserinthepencil-box.A B C( ) 3.ThereistwochicksandaduckThisisorange.[ ]A.anB.aC.thisDrawapple.Colouritred.[ ]A.anB. aC.some找出下列句子中错误的部分,并在横线上改正。1.— Isthisanpencil? — No, itisn't.2.— Isthatanorange? — Yes, itdoes.3.— Aretheypineapples? — Yes, thereare. 4Thisis orangepen.[ ]A.anB.aC.the用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1.Theredtoothbrushis (I).2.The(child)aresingingnow.3.He (want)everyonetosingloudly.4. Thisis (a)umbrella.5.It'stimeforcla改错,下列各句均有两处错误请改正。1.Dannylikeplayoutside. 2.Thisareaumbrella. 3. Ineedwashmyhand. 4.Mygrandfatherwashingsomedirtydish. 5.WhendoyoucomeCaLook!Thisis boot.Thatisumbrella.[ ]A.a,anB.an, aC.a,aIwanttobuy bicycle.[ ]A. aB./C. anIhave bootsandumbrella.[ ]A. apairof, aB. two, aC. apairof,anD. a, a改错。找出错误并在横线上改正。1.Howareyour? 2.Whatthis? 3.It'schair.Myfamilylivesinapartment.[ ]A. aB. /C. anD. twoIhave bootsandumbrella.[ ]A. apairof, aB. two, aC. apairof,anD. a, aMymotherisoldteacher.[ ]A. anB. /C. aD. theLook, this isboot, that isumbrella.[ ]A. a,anB. an,aC. a,aThisisorangetree.[ ]A. aB. /C. anThisisEnglishbook.[ ]A.anB.aC. some啄木鸟诊所!找出句中的错误,改正后写在横线上。1. Idon'tlikethisbuses.2.LiMingiswashingheface. 3.It'srainandwindy. 4.Herlostherbluesocks. 5.Maywetakeant下面的句子都有一处错误,找出来,并把正确的句子写在横上。1. Howareyour? 2. Whatthis? 3. It'schair. 4. Wherearetheschool?下列各句均有一处错误,找出来并在横线上改正。1. — Whataretheydoing? — Theyareplay. 2. Jennyhaveabrotherandtwosisters. 3. JimSmithisJenny'sfather. Heisanca啄木鸟诊所,把有错误的选项选出来并在横线上更正。( ) 1.LiMingcomesfromChinese. AB C ( ) 2.Todayiswarmandrain. ABC ( ) 3.Iliveinaapartment. ABC( ) 4.Mr.WooMyfamilylivesinapartment.[ ]A. anB. 不填C. a用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1.Theredtoothbrushis (I).2.The(child)aresingingnow.3.He (want)everyonetosingloudly.4. Thisis (a)umbrella.5.It'stimeforclaLook, this isboot, that isumbrella.[ ]A. a,anB. an,aC. a,aCanada'sflaghas leaf.[ ]A.noB.aC.twoDoyouhavenicetrip?[ ]A. aB. 不填C. oneThisis .[ ]A. atrainB. thetruckC. ancab改错。下列各句均有一处错,请找出并改正。( ) 1. Beijinghaveshopsandrestaurants. A B C D ( ) 2. IwantgotoBeijing. A B C D( ) 3. Beijingisaoldandbeautifulcity.Thisisorangetree.[ ]A.aB. /C.an开动脑筋,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Theyarefour.(tree)2.Thisis. (elephant)3.Acathasfur, andatail. (paw)4.Thesheepisontherope. (pull)5.Thesearetwosame I wanttoeat redapple.[ ]A. / B.aC.an选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1. Wehavemanyspecialholiday._______________ A BC D( ) 2. It'sgoingtotheyearoftheox._______________A BC D ( ) 3. Canyouseewh句型转换。1.Igotoschoolintheafternoon. (改为一般将来时) 2. Iaskedmymothertosendit. (改为否定句)3. Santaisamerrymaninredclothes. (对画线部分提问)4. Dannywe—What'sthisinEnglish? —_________.[ ]A.It'sabook.B.It'sbook.C.It'sbooks.D.Theyarebooks.Icansee _________ tree.[ ]A.atallgreenB.agreentallC.sometallgreenD.somegreentallThisis________pencilcase. ________ pencilcaseisnew.[ ]A. a,AB. an,TheC. a,TheItisrainy.Weneed___________ umbrella.[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /Ihave _________ apple.[ ]A. aB. anC. theIt's _________apple.[ ]A. aB.anC.theIcansee ________bananaand ________appleonthetable.[ ]A. a,aB. an,aC. a,an— Whatdoyouhave?— Ihave ________e.[ ]A. anB. aC. only" What _________ cool, snowyday!" saysDanny.[ ]A.anB. theC. aWhat ________ cold, snowyday![ ]A.anB.theC.aMymotheris __________ oldteacher.[ ]A.anB. aC. /D. theIt's _________ Westernholiday.[ ]A. aB. anC. /That's ________ oldstory.[ ]A.anB. aC. /Thisis _________ star.[ ]A. anB. aC. /Iputonpantsand __________ sweater.[ ]A.anB. aC. /用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Letmetellyou _________ (a)oldstoryaboutJesus.2.AtChristmas, manypeople _________ (bring)giftstoDanny.3.Yesterdaymyfather________It's __________ ox.[ ]A.anB.aC.theThat's _________oldstory.[ ]A.aB.anC.theD.on改错。( ) 1.Myfavouritefoodaredumplings. ______________ ABC( ) 2.TheSpringFestivalisususllyonFebruary. ______________ A B C( ) 3.Thisis aox. ______________改错。( ) 1.DannyandLiMingiswatchingTV.______________A B C( ) 2.IbuyanChineselanternforJenny. ______________ A BC ( ) 3.MyfamilyaregoingtoBeijing. ________下列每句话中均有一处错误,请选出来,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.Wouldyoulikelittlesoup? _____________A B C D( ) 2.LiMingandDannyishungry. _____________ A BC D( ) 3找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iseesomechildrenplaysthere. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Theyarelaughingloud. ______________ A B C( ) 3. Iseesomemanonthesquare. ______I wanttotake __________ picture.[ ]A. someB. aC. BothAandB用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.LiMing, hereis__________ (a) appleforyou.2. Iwant __________ (have)somefruit.3.LiMingandDanny __________ (be) veryhungry.4. I 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Wouldyoulikesomenoodle? ______________ AB C( ) 2. LiMingdon'tlikenoodles. ______________ AB C( ) 3. Iwouldlike aapple. ____________Ineed __________ stamp.[ ]A.manyB.someC.aYouwrite __________ e-mail __________ acomputer.[ ]A.an,onB. a, onC. an,inThisis __________letter.[ ]A.anB. theC. aThereis __________ oldmanonthetrain.[ ]A. anB. aC. ID. areMayIsendmyfriend _________ e-mail?[ ]A.someB. aC. anThisis __________ e-mail.[ ]A. aB. theC. anWhat's __________ envelope?[ ]A. /B. theC. anThisis _________e-mail.[ ]A. aB. anC. /Wecanputtheletterin __________.[ ]A.abayB.anenvelopeC.aenvelope用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Isend __________ (a) e-mailtomyfriend.2.Lookatthese __________ (picture).3.Thereisaletteron__________ (paper).4.Thepostcard__用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Isend __________ (a)e-mailtomyfriend.2.Lookatthese __________ (picture).3.Thereisaletteron __________ (paper).4.Thepostcard _Thisisa__________.[ ]A. boxesB. appleC. book改错,下列每句话中均有一处错误,请选出来,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. — MayIhavealookyourplane? — Sure.________________A BC( ) 2.— Letis playfootballnow. — Great用所给词的正确形式填空。1. It's ___________ (rain) today.2.Therearemany___________ (child) inthehouse.3.LiMing___________ (arrive) inBeijingat2:00.4.Look
It'sostrich.[ ]A. aB. theC. antigerdoesn'thaveatrunk.[ ]A. AB. AnC. /What'sthis? It's .[ ]A.birdB. birdsC. abird改错。( ) 1.Abirdliveinatree. _____________ A B C( ) 2.Asnakelivesinaforest._____________A BC( ) 3.Anpandalivesinaforest. _____________ A B C( ) 4.Wheredo看图填空。1. Let'sgotothe __________ tofly__________.2. Let'sgotothe __________ to __________ __________ book.3. Let'sgotothe__________ to__________icecrAbusinessmanworksinofficebuilding.[ ]A. aB. anC. /Heisabusinessman.Heworksinofficebuilding.[ ]A.anB.aC.theThisisgreentree.[ ]A.anB.aC./— What ___________ it?— It's ___________ elephant.[ ]A. an, anB. is, anC. are, anD. is, aWe like __________ differentcolour.[ ]A. aB. anC. /Icansee _________ apple.[ ]A. aB.anC. / 改错。( ) 1.It'saapple. _____________A B C ( )2.Wouldyourlikeadonut?_____________ A BC( ) 3.Dannylikedonut._____________A B C( ) 4.Howmuchofonepen? ____Wouldyoulike ___________ donut?[ ]A. anB. aC. /Iwant __________ marker.[ ]A.anB. aC.someDoyouhave ____________ e?[ ]A. anB. aC. /Ihave ___________ friend.[ ]A.anB.aC.the改错。( ) 1. Iseeany._____________ A B C( ) 2. Iiswearingpants._____________AB C改错。( ) 1.What'syoufavouritecolour? ______________ A B C( ) 2. Ihaveanpinkblouse.______________ AB C Look! I see ___________ tree.[ ]A.atallgreenB.agreentallC.tall greenaI'd like ___________ orange and ___________ sandwich, please.[ ]A. an, aB. an, anC. a, aThis is __________ banana. That is __________ orange.[ ]A. a, anB. a, aC. an, anThis is ___________ e-mail.[ ]A.aB.anC.the— What'sthis?— It's _________ envelope.[ ]A.aB.anC.someThisis ___________ bag. __________ bagisnew.[ ]A.a, AB. an, TheC. a, TheThisis __________ paper.Thisis __________ pen.[ ]A. a, aB. /, aC. a, /I wanttogototheparkto __________.[ ]A.flykiteB.flyakiteItisrainy.Weneed___________ umbrella.[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Wehavemanyspecial holiday.______________ A B C D ( ) 2.It'sgoingtotheyearoftheox.______________ A BCD( ) 3.CanyouseewhatI看图,填空。1. Howmuchforthis __________? 2.Wecanwrite __________ __________onthe __________.3. MayIseeyour__________? Wouldyoulike ___________?[ ]A.appleB. anappleC. twoapple看看他们在做什么,填空并说一说。1. We sing ____________ ____________.2. We play ____________ ____________.3. We draw ____________ ____________.— Doyouwant ___________ orange?— No, I'd like ___________bottleof orange.[ ]A.a, anB.an,anC.the, anD.an, aIt's raining outside. Please give me _____________ umbrella.[ ]A.aB.anC.twoD.bothThis is ___________ elephant.[ ]A. aB.anC.theD./请你把下面句子中的错误选出来,并改正。( ) 1. Acoweatgrass. _________________A B C( ) 2. Idomyhomeworkyesterday. _________________A BC( ) 3.Areyougirl?_____Look! There is ____________ " a" inthewordchair.[ ]A.aB.anC. /D.the下面各题的画线部分均有一处错误,请将其标号填在题前括号中,并将错误改正后写在题后的横线上。( ) 1. Excuseme. Isitaegg?_______________A BC ( ) 2. TherearetwopenHelenwantstobe ___________ actoror ___________ singerinthefuture.[ ]A.a, aB.the, theC.a, anD.an, aThis is ___________ Englishcar. That is ___________ Chinesecar.[ ]A. an, anB.an,aC.a, aD.a, an句型转换,每空一词。1. I'mgoingtohaveatriptoAustraliathissummer. (对画线部分提问) ____________ are you ____________ to ____________ thissummer?2. ThefarmersThereis ____________ "h"and ____________ "u"intheword"hour".[ ]A.a, aB.an, anC.a, anD.an, a— Doyouneed _____________ envelope?— Yes, thankyou.[ ]A.aB.anC.thePeterwillhave ____________ appleafterlunch.[ ]A. aB.anC.theD. /Itis _____________ apple.[ ]A.aB./C.an改错。( ) 1.Whatdoesyoulike? _________________A B C( ) 2.Whatareyourname? _________________ A B C( ) 3.Thisisansnake. _________________ A B C( ) 4.IlovemeIhave _____________ umbrella.[ ]A. aB.anC. /改错。( ) 1.Iusuallytakeanbustoschool. _______________ A B C( ) 2.WhatdoyouvisitUncleLiu? _______________ABC( ) 3.Ican'tbeinglateagain. _______________ A改错。( ) 1. I'mthirsty.Iwantsomefriedrice. _______________A B C( ) 2.Isitfresh? No, itis._______________ A B C( ) 3. He wants to eating a banana.______Hisgrandmotheris ____________oldwoman.[ ]A.anB.aC. /What'sthis?It's ______________.[ ]A.nutB.anutIt's _____________ orange.[ ]A.anB.a句型转换。1. Soupismyfavoritefood. (对画线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________2. It'shot. (变一般疑问句)________________改错。( ) 1. I want to some apples._______________A B C( ) 2. Those are mushroom._______________ A BC( ) 3. Join I, Little Turtle._______________ A B C( ) 按要求完成下列句子。1. — Cansheswim? (作肯定回答) — ______________, she ______________.2. Thatisastrawberry. (对画线部分提问) ______________ is ____________看一看,填一填。What doyouwant?Iwant ......1. ___________ ____________.2. ___________ ____________.3. ___________ ____________.4. ___________ _____根据单词提示完成句子。1. Itis____________(a) egg.2.Are ____________ (that)eggplants?3.Howmany ____________ (flower)arethere?4.Iwant ____________ (climb)th用“a”或“an”填空。1. ___________ elephant___________ bigelephant2. ___________ apple___________ smallapple3. ___________ orange___________ smallorange4. _____It's ____________ black.It's ____________ black car.[ ]A./; /B.a;/C./;aD.a;aIhave _____________ eraser, _____________ ruler and some _____________ pencils.[ ]A.a;an;theB.an;a;/C.an;a;aD.a;a;the— Is there ___________ " o "in the word" blue "?— No,there's___________ " u "in it.[ ]A.an;aB.a;anC.an;anD.an;/Ittookus ___________ hourtogetthere.[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /This is ___________ elephant.[ ]A. aB.anC.theD./下面各题的画线部分有一处错误,请将其标号填在题前括号中,并将错误改正后写在题后的横线上。( ) 1. Excuseme. Isitaegg? _____________ A B C D( ) 2.TherearetwopencHe is doing _____________ experiment.[ ]A. /B. a C. anI can see ___________ elephant.[ ]A. two B. an C. aI have ___________ orange.[ ]A. an B. a C. threeI have ____________ apple.[ ]A. two B. an C. a— Can I have _____________ envelope and some _____________?— Sure, here you are.[ ]A. an; writing paperB. a; writing papersC. a; writing paperLook, that's ____________ apple tree. Under ____________ tree, you can see ____________ cat.[ ]A. an, a, the B. a, the, a C. an, the, a D. the, a, an— What's that on the floor?— It's ____________orange.[ ]A. anB. aC. theD. thisI've got ____________ email from Tommy.[ ]A. a B. an C. theWe know ___________ famous English story.[ ]A. a B. an C. someItwas ____________ day. [ ]A. wind B. windy C. a windyThis is ____________ apple. It's ____________ big. [ ]A. an,/B. a, aThis is ___________ umbrella.[ ]A. aB. anSixty minutes makes ___________ hour.[ ]A. anB. aMy family lives in ____________ apartment. [ ]A. aB. anIt's ___________ orange. It's ___________ orange orange.[ ]A. a, an B. an, an This is ___________orange. It's ___________ big orange.[ ]A. an, aB. a, anMy family lives in ____________ apartment. [ ]A. aB. an按要求改写句子。1. This is a dress. (改为复数句子)________________________________________________________2. These are old stamps. (改为单数句子)____________This is ____________.[ ]A. coachB. a coachThis is ____________ apartment.[ ]A. aB. anC. theIlive in ____________ apartment. [ ]A. an B. a C. the This is ___________apple. It's ___________big apple.[ ]A. a, aB. an, aC. an, anThis is __________pencil.[ ]A. a B. an C. /改错,将句中错误部分的序号填入题前的括号,并将正确答案填在横线上。( ) 1. Is a airplane faster than a train? _______________A B C( ) 2. How many bus are there?This is ____________ apartment.[ ]A. aB. anI live in ____________ house.[ ]A. aB. anThis is ____________airplane.[ ]A. aB. an改错。( ) 1. I live near from school.________________ ABCD( ) 2. I drive my bicycle. ________________ A BC D( ) 3. Is this a bus and a truck?______________改错。( ) 1. These is purple grapes._______________A B C D( ) 2. This is an black pen._______________ A B CD( ) 3. We like the different colour. __________This is ___________ black pen.[ ]A. aB. anC. /— What's this? — It's___________ eraser.[ ]A. aB. anC. theI'm going to buy ___________ comic book.[ ]A. theB. anC. aMy father is __________engineer.[ ]A. aB. anC. theShe's ____________ on TV. [ ]A. an actor B. an actressC. singer 用a或an填空。1. ____________ egg 4. ____________ apple 7. ____________driver 10. ____________orange13.____________ book2. ____________ girl5. ____________Look! I have ____________.[ ]A. a dollB. carMay I____________ look? [ ]A. haveB. have a
I have __________ elephant.[ ]A. aB. anC. theThere is _____________air-conditioner in my room.[ ]A. anB. aC. theShe is ___________ art teacher.[ ]A. aB. anC. 不填Can you use ______________ computer?[ ]A. anB. aC. toThere is ___________ air-conditioner in ___________room. [ ]A. a; myB. an; yourC. a; yourHis mother is ____________ actress and his father is ____________good engineer.[ ]A. an, anB. an, aC. a, anShe is ____________ engineer. [ ]A. aB. anC. theWe have ____________English teacher. [ ]A. aB. anC. theShe's_____________ university student.[ ]A. aB. anC. theThis is ____________airplane. It's fast. [ ]A. anB. aC. theIn my room I have a trash bin, a mirror and______________ air-conditioner.[ ]A. aB. twoC. anIs this ___________ old bag? [ ]A. aB. anC. oneThere is ____________English book on my desk. [ ]A. aB. anC. manyMy father is ____________ doctor.[ ]A. anB. theC. a选出正确的译文。1. 一个工程师 [ ]A. a engineerB. an engineer2. 一个男演员[ ]A. a actorB. an actor下面的句子中含有一处错误,请选出来,并改在右边的横线上。( ) 1. I can't finds my pen.__________________ A B C D ( ) 2. What do his father do? _______________你会用“a”和“an”吗?试着填一填,补全句子。1. My mother is ___________singer.2. He is ___________artist.3. She is ___________actress.4. My father is ________I'm going to be _____________ artist.[ ]A. aB. theC. an改错。( ) 1. He can cooking the meals. ________________A B C ( ) 2. Can you do the dishes? Sorry, I can. ________________A B C ( ) 3. She's an university 改错。( ) 1. I often look TV on Sundays. __________________ A B C D ( ) 2. What do he do on Saturdays? __________________ A B C D ( ) 3. I'd like some改错。( ) 1. There is blue curtains in my room. _________________A B C( ) 2. I have an new air-conditioner. _________________A B C( ) 3. Is there a park in读句子,选出错误的一项,并改正过来。 ( ) 1. Whos this man? _______________ A B C ( ) 2. Is this you aunt? _______________ A B C ( ) 3. What are your uncle?This is ______________ airplane.[ ]A. theB. aC. anThis is ___________book. [ ]A. aB. an— What does your father do?— He is ______________.[ ]A. clerkB. a clerkC. clerksMy mother is ______________ English teacher.[ ]A. aB. theC. anIhave ___________.[ ]A. headacheB. a stomachacheC. sick— What's this?— It's ____________ pen. [ ]A. anB. aC. theThis is _____________ elbow. [ ]A. aB. anC. toDo you live in ____________ house or _____________ apartment? [ ]A. a; anB. the; aC. an; anThis is ____________eraser.[ ]A. aB. heC. an— Look! ____________umbrella! It's new.— Yes, it's nice.[ ]A. AB. AnC. TwoI have ___________ boots and ___________ umbrella. [ ]A. a; aB. two; aC. a pair of; anGrandma is telling me ___________ old story ___________.It's wonderful. [ ]A. a; slowB. an; slowlyC. the; quick选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. Jenny has much dresses. ______________A B C ( ) 2. I'm going to playing the guitar. ______________A B C ( ) 3. His family liv下面各题划线部分都是错误的,请将正确答案写在题后横线上。1. She go to work by bike. 改为: _________________2. My brother is a actor. 改为: _________________3.She is going to buy ___________ magazine. [ ]A. /B. anC. a下题中划线部分是错误的,请改正,把正确的写在后面的横线上。1. Excuse me. Is it a egg? 改为: __________________2. The museum is in the left. 改为: ___________I want to be ___________ English teacher one day.[ ]A. aB. theC. anSarah's father is ___________engineer.[ ]A. aB. anC. someI am going to be ____________ actor.[ ]A. aB. anC. theI have ____________ eraser. [ ]A. anB. aC. /Walk like ____________elephant. [ ]A. aB. /C. an____________ airplane is faster than a bus.[ ]A. AB. TheC. AnSuHai’sfatheris_______ driver,hermotheris________ doctor.[ ]A. a,theB.an,a C. a,/ D. a,aSu Hai's father is___________driver, her mother is ___________doctor. [ ]A. a, theB. an, aC. a, /D. a, aThereis ____________ "h"and ____________ "u"intheword"hour".[ ]A.a, aB.an, anC.a, anD.an, aTheoldwomanistelling________ interestingstorytothechild.[ ]A. a B. an C. muchThere is ____________" e " in the word " ruler ".[ ]A. aB. theC. anD. /Therearesixtyminutesin________ hour.[ ]A. 8B. theC. anThis is _____________envelope. That is _____________ letter.[ ]A. a, aB. an, aC. an, someItis_____ bird, not_____airplane. [ ]A. a,aB. a,anC. an,anD. an, aLook! I see _____________tree. [ ]A. tall green aB. a green tallC. a tall greenThis is ____________ umbrella.[ ]A. aB. anC. theSixtyminutesmake_________ hour.[ ]A.aB.anC.theWould you like _____________ cup of tea?[ ]A. anB. aC. theD. twoIt is ____________ bird, not____________ airplane.[ ]A. a, aB. a, anC. an, anD. an, aWe will give you____________surprise.[ ]A. aB. anC. theThis is _____________Chinese stamp, that is _____________ English stamp.[ ]A. a, anB. a, aC. an, anD. an, aLook! This is____________ orange.[ ]A. anB. aC. /D. the________ orangeplayerhastheball.[ ]A.AB.AnC. /This is _____________ banana.[ ]A. anB. aC. thisD. thatThis is ___________ red apple.[ ]A. aB. theC. anD. /Thisis_____e-mail.Youcanwriteitona_____. [ ]A.an;computerB.an;letterC.a;computerIdon'twant ________ apple,Iwant________ melon.[ ]A. a, anB. an, aC.an, /D. a, /Areyou_____Englishstudent? [ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /Idon'twant_____apple,Iwant _____melon. [ ]A. a,anB. an,aC. an, /D. a, /改错。( ) 1. What's you father?_________________A B C ( ) 2. My mother is doctor. _________________A BC ( ) 3. She look young._________________A B C ( )Thisis _____airplanemadeinChina (中国制造). [ ]A. anB. theC. aD. twoIlivein_____apartment. [ ]A. aB. /C. anD. toIs that ___________ egg on the plate? [ ]A. aB. theC. anIlivein_____house.Shelivesin_____apartment. [ ]A.a;anB.an;anC.an;aI have ____________boots and ____________umbrella. [ ]A. a, aB. two, aC. a pair of, anD. a pair of, aDo you live in ____________ house or ____________ apartment?[ ]A. a, anB. the, aC. an, anD. a, the改错。( ) 1. This is a women.________________ A B C D( ) 2. These are many child.________________AB C D( ) 3. He is a old man.________________ A B CD( ) 4Mr.Zhang livesin_____apartment.[ ]A. anB. aC. theBill is_________ boy.Heis_________ Englishboy.[ ]A.a;theB.a;anC.the;anD.an;.anThisis________ stamp.It's_________ Americanstamp.[ ]A.a;theB.the;anC.an;aD.a;anHeis_________ man.Heis_________ oldman.[ ]A.a;aB.a;anC.an;aD.a;/I'dlike________ appleand_________ pop,please.[ ]A.an; aB. a; someC. an;some用所给词的正确形式填空。1. This is _____________(I) book. This hook is _____________ (my).2. This is a _____________ (child). These are _____________ (child—What'sthisinEnglish? —_________.[ ]A.It'sabook.B.It'sbook.C.It'sbooks.D.Theyarebooks.Myfamilylivesin________ apartment.[ ]A. aB. oneC. \D. anThereis________ "x" intheword"box".[ ]A. aB. anC. theD. /Jennysaw_________tree.[ ]A. tallagreenB. greentallaC. agreentallD. atallgreenThis is ____________ apple.[ ]A. a B. /C. theD. anIcansee _________ tree.[ ]A.atallgreenB.agreentallC.sometallgreenD.somegreentallIs he ____________bus driver?[ ]A. anB. aC. oneD. someMr. Black is _____________English teacher.[ ]A. aB. anC. oneD. /Thisis________orange.[ ]A.anB.aC.theThisis________pencilcase. ________ pencilcaseisnew.[ ]A. a,AB. an,TheC. a,TheCanada's flag has _____________.[ ]A. an leafB. a leafC. leavesD. leafsThisis________ apartment.[ ]A. theB. anC. aThere is _____________ old man at home. [ ]A. aB. anC. theWehave________artroom.[ ]A.anB. aC. /Thisis_________icecream.[ ]A.aB.anC.and—What'sinPicture3? —__________.[ ]A. AtreeB. atreeC. treeD. TreeThisis________apple.[ ]A.aB.anC.theD. /判断正(√)误(×)并把错误的地方改正过来写在横线上。 ( ) 1. Yellow is stop. ________________( ) 2. Forty plus nineteen equals sixty-nine. ________________( ) 3.___________ elephant has ___________ trunk.[ ]A. A; anB. An; aC. An; an