选用括号内正确的代词填空。Areyoutalkingto ?( I, me)用人称代词填空。Tomisagoodboy. likesstayingathome.Butnow isn'tathome.Hisparentsarelookingfor .选用括号内的代词填空。1、andIoftenplaytabletennistogether.(He,Him)2、Themusicwillbegoodfor.(I,me)3、Don'taskanyquestions.(she,her)knowsnothing.(She,Her)4、M用人称代词填空。1、ThecarisMrBlack's.isourgoodfriend.2、Istheclockright?Yes,is.3、Jane'sparentsarefromAustralia.Iknewbefore.4、Let'stakeawalk.Itwillmak选用所给词的适当形式完成下列句子或对话。I, you, we, he, she, they, it, me, us, him, her, my, our, your, his,its, teachers', Tom's, hers, yours, mine1、Look,thi用所给的代词填空。he she it my his her their I him usA.isTom,bagisnew. Thebagisfor .B.Lindaisill.Theseapplesarefor .C.amteacher.They are pupils.D.Those找出错误并改正。1.Todayissunday. 2.ItmyChineseteacher. 3.MrGreen'birthday. 4.Heis35.This'sanewwatch. 5.Itnotisblue.It'syellow. 6.It'sverybeautif句型转换。1.TomdidwellinMathsandEnglish.(同义句)Tom MathsandEnglish.2. Iwatchedarunningracelastweek.(就画线部分提问)you ____ lastweek?3.Hisfriend'sbirthday根据所给的提示写单词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Whattimeisit?It'snine(二十).2.(他们) gotoworkeveryday.3.(that) areyellowtoyplanes.4. I(be) inClasslGradReadandchoose.(根据问句选择答语,将该答语的字母标号填入括号)1.WhereisBeijingStation?[ ]A.ThisisBeijingZoo.B. It'snearourschool.C. It'sverybig.2.What'改错。(请在题前的括号中写出错误的选项,并在横线上写出正确的答案)( )1. They are yourEnglishbook.A B C D( ) 2. Myshoesarebrown.Heshoesareblack . A BC D( )3. Letnottellhim.[ ]A.isB.usC.this判断句子正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。( )1.Shehaslonghair.( )2.Mikeisheavierthanmy.( )3.SueistallerthanAmy.( )4.I'mthinerthanyou.找出每个句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.Whendoesyourairplaneleaves?A BC( ) 2.They'retwohourstothestore.A B C( ) 3.LiMingisleaveingsoon.A BC( ) 4.看图填空。1.Theseare.For ,youneedtoeatmorefoods. aregood you.2.Thisisam.Forst , youneedexercise.3.Thisissk .iscleansk .4.Howarethe ?They're .5.Howa句型转换。1.Jimhurtshisarm.(对划线部分提问) 2.Dannywenttotheparkoncelastweek.(对划线部分提问) 3.Jennygoestoschoolat7:50inthemorning.(变为一般疑问句) 4. It按要求改写句子。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句)seethatisapear ?2. Icangivehermypencil.(同义句转换) Icangivemypencil .3. LiLeiisinTeamFour.LinTaoReadandwrite. 按要求完成下列句子。1. Thereissomeicecreamintheshop. (改为否定句) Thereicecreamintheshop.2. Theparkisnexttothebank. (对画线部分提问)thepark?句型转换,按要求改写句子。1. Thanks.(同义句). 2.TodayisFebruary15th.(对划线部分提问)the today?3. Sheisateacher.(变成复数句)are.4. Wearereadingbooks.(对FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Tell ____ (他们) something about me. 3. Li Ming is ____ (走) around the table. 5. Do youFindoutthemistakesandcorractthem. 找出错误并改正。( )1.Canyoulistenit?A B C( )2. Whyaren'tdinosaurshaveears?A B C( )3. He'steachingIEnglishnow.A B C( )4FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. I'm (跑) tomyclassroom.2. Iseeatiger(吃) adeer.3. Mrs Smithiscooking (汉堡包) forsupperChooseandcorrectthemistakes. 把错误的选项填在括号内并在横线上改正。( )1. Dannyeaticecreamyesterday. A B C ( )2. IoftentalkstoMissLi.A B C( )3. Icann'tseea用所给词的正确形式填空,完成句子。l. TodayisFebruary (fifteen).2. I(eat)theicecreamyesterday.3.Iwanted (fly)akite,butit (be)toohard. 4. I hurt (I)armandJeFillintheblanks. Completethedialogua. 补全对话。a.you b.yours c.mine d.my e.she f.him g.we1. Hello! nameisLiLei.2.Do oftengotoschool?3.Thebicycleun— Whattimeisit? — 8:30.[ ]A. ItB. ItsC. It's找出下列句子的错误并改正。( ) 1. MybirthdayisMayfive.A B C D( ) 2. Howoldareyours? AB C D( ) 3. Thisarearedapple. A B CD( ) 4. Whereisyourbirthday? AB C 根据要求填入适当的单词完成句子。1. Itisanelephant.(对画线部分提问) isit? 2. —Sitdown, please.(写出答语)— you.3. What'stheweatherlike?(变为同义句)theweat选出错误的一项并改正。( ) 1.Let'smetry. AB C( ) 2. Howmanycowdoyouhave?A B C( ) 3. Lookinthepigs.Theyarefat. AB C( ) 4.Aretheypotatoes?Yes, theyis.A B句型转换。1. HernameisJenny.(对划线部分提问) 2. Sheisagirl.(用he作主语) 3. Howareyou?(作出回答)4. Yourpenishere.(对划线部分提问) 判断下列句子的表述是(√)否(×)正确。( ) 1. This is markers.( ) 2. This is a chalk.( ) 3. These are pencils. ( ) 4. These are my pen. ( ) 5. Where are Wang用所给的单词填空,注意大、小写。I, he, she, her, his, my, your, you1.amastudent.nameisMary.2.Thisisagirl.nameisJenny.ismyfriend.3.ThisisMr.Wood. ismyteChooseandfillintheblanks. 选词填空。1. Thisismyfriend.nameisKitty. isagirl.2. A: What's name? B: nameisTed.3.A: IsthisSteven'spencil? B: No.It'snotismymother.nameisLiNa.[ ]A.She;SheB. Her;HerC. She;Her选出A、B、C、D中错误的一项,并改正。( ) 1.Whoseglovearethese? A BC D( ) 2.Whatdayisits? A B CD( ) 3. Todayistuesday. AB C( ) 4.LiMingputsonhispantandshoe.Findthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Heliketoplaysoccer. A B C( ) 2.I'mhungry.Iwanttodrink. A B C( ) 3. LetIhelpyou.A B C( ) 4.It'stimThey'regoodfor .[ ]A. IB. meC. myD. we下列各句中均有一处错误,请选出并改正。( ) 1.Whatisyouname?A B C( ) 2.That'sAnnaandthatPaul. A B C( ) 3.Sheismyfather.A B C( ) 4. InameisTony.A B C( ) 5.Ourteacherhelps .[ ]A. weB. ourC. theyD. us下列各句中均有一处错误,请选出并改正。( ) 1. Sheismybrother. A B C( ) 2. IsyouAmy? A B C( ) 3.Nicetoomeetyou.A B C( ) 4.Whereareyoucomefrom?A B C( ) 5. 用I, you, my, your填空。1. amLiMingming.2.Thisismother,Iloveher. Thatismother,youloveher.3.Wherearefrom?4.Thisisn'tmypen.It'spen.5.andarefromChina.—What ? —Frenchfries.[ ]A. isit B. arethey C. arethis按要求填空。A.按括号内的要求写出单词。1.willnot(缩写)2.right(同音词) 3.potato(复数)4.save(反义词) 5.take(过去式) B.根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式,每空只填一词oftengoshoppingattheweekend.[ ]A.MumandIB.IandMumC.MeandMumD.Mumandme根据要求完成下列句子。1. Ihadachatwithmyfriendyesterday.(改为否定句) 2. He'sgoingtotheHistoryMuseum.(对画线部分提问) 3. Mikeswimsfasterthanme.(写同义句) 4下面每句中A,B,C,D四项有一项是错误的,请指出并在后面的横线上改正。( ) 1.Howheavyerareyou?AB C D( ) 2.Look!Themonkeysareeatbananas. A B C D( ) 3.Thesearemy改错。1. Nowpleasegive Ia bottleof milk. ( ) 处错误,改正: A B C D2. Thatisapicturetomyfatherathome. ( ) 处错误,改正:A B CD 3. MymotherisinNo. 5MiddleScho按要求进行句型转换。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句)seethatisapear? 2. Icangivehermypencil.(改为同义句) Icangivemypencil .3. TheboybehindthedoorisReadandchoose. 选择正确的单词填空。1. Shelives(on/in) thecity.2. Wheredo(your/you) live?3.Helivesabove(me/I).4.(Lets/Let's)gotothepark.从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出错误的一项,将序号写在括号里。并在后面横线上改正。( ) 1.Igetupat6:30atthemorning. A B CD( )2.Whendoyourgohome?AB C D()3.Whatdoesyo找出下列句子中错误的一项,将序号填入前面括号内,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.Howdoesyoumotherfeel?AB C D( ) 2.Thestudentsislaughingathisfunnygoal!A BC D( ) 3.Mysist将下列问句的正确答语的序号填入题前括号里。1. Whatdoyousee?[ ]A.Iseetwotigers.B.Icanseetwotigers.2.Whataretheelephantsdoing?[ ]A.It'sdrinkingwater.B.T给下列问句选择正确答语,将序号填在题前括号里。1.WhatisMikedoing?[ ]A. I'mdoingmyhomework.B.Heisdoinghishomework.2.Whattimedoyougohome?[ ]A.It's11:30.找出下列句子中错误的一项,将序号填入前面的括号里。( ) 1.WhatdoyoudolastMonday? A BC D( ) 2. IvisitsmygrandparentslastTuesday. A B C D( ) 3.Didyouhelptheycle选择下列问句的正确答语,将序号填入括号里。1.What'shedoing?[ ]A.Heisathome.B. Heeatsdinner.C.Heispickingupleaves.2.Isshecollectingleaves?[ ]A.Yes, hei根据句意选择正确的单词,将其序号填在横线上。A.Comeon B. they C. feet D. ask E.reportF. hotG.Tommy's1. It'stoday.Putonyourshorts.2.Theshoesareonyour.选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。Areallright?[ ]A. theyB. themC. their请用所给词的适当形式填空。1. How(tall)ishe?2. Youare2cm(tall)thanWuFang.3.He'sfourteenyearsold.I'mten.SoI'm(young).4.They'restrongerthan(I).5.Line单项选择。—Isthisateacher'soffice? —Yes, .[ ]A.HeisB. itisC. sheisD. Iam单项选择。— —Yes,it is.[ ]A.Isthisyouraunt?B. Isthisyourpen?选词填空。blue chairare it OK findthanks youare2.I'mdrawinga .4. It's .ButIcan'tmycrayon. CanIuseyourcrayon?6. . 1. Hello.Whatyoudoing?3. Whatcolo单项选择。—Whoisthatman? — [ ]A.Sheismymother.B.Heismyfather.C.Sheismyteacher.Readandtranslate. 选择正确译文的序号填在括号里。Let'sdrawapicture.[ ]A.让是B.让我们C.让你单项选择。—What'sinthebox? — [ ]A.Thisisapencil.B.Itisapencil.C.Thatisapencil.单项选择。Thisisa .ismyfriend.[ ]A.boy; SheB.girl; SheC.girl; HeD.boy; IRead, chooseandcorrect. 选出错误的选项,并把正确的写在横线上。( ) 1. Happywomen'sday!MissWhite.A B C D ( ) 2. Thatismyfriends,LiFei. A B C D ( ) 3. Wehasa单项选择。—What'sinthebox? — [ ]A.Thisisapencil.B.Itisapencil.C.Thatisapencil.单项选择。—Whoisthatman? — [ ]A.Sheismymother.B.Heismyfather.C.Sheismyteacher.Howoldishe?[ ]A.I'm13.B.Heis13.C.Sheis13.Whatdoesyourmotherdo?[ ]A.Sheisateacher.B. Iamateacher.C.Heisteacher.Shecandohouseworkathome.helpful.[ ]A. I'mB. She'sC.He's根据要求改写句子。1.I'mherfriend.(改成一般疑问句) 2.Theyareinthelivingroom.(对划线部分提问)3.Threebooksandapencil-case areinmyschoolbag.(对划线部分提问)4.SheLetcleanthedesks.[ ]A. weB. IC.meIs inthelivingroom?[ ]A.herB. IC.she选词填空。1.Give(I, me) aspoon.2.Cut(about, with)aknife.3.Shewouldlikesome(milk, milks).4.(How, What)abigbasketball!5.Whatwouldyoulike(of, for)yourdinner—IsMissLiuold? — [ ]A.No,sheis.B.No,sheisn't.C.Yes, heis.改错。下列各句均有一处错,请找出并改正。( ) 1. Myfamilyliketohavefuntogether. A B C D ( ) 2. Westpointsrightonamap.A B C D( ) 3. Australiahavebeautifulbeach—Canyoufindmykeys? — .[ ]A. Yes,ImayB.No,Ican'tC.Yes,youcanLethelpyou.[ ]A. meB. IC. my— Isthatyourkey? —.[ ]A.Yes,thatis.B.Yes,it's.C.No,itisn't.根据句意选择正确的单词填空,注意大小写。1. Idon'tlikesocks.(these,this)2.Shecan'tfindkey.(her,his)3. Idon'tlike oldsweater.(that,those)4.can'tfindhistMayIinvite ,Mum?[ ]A.themB.theyC.he—Areyougoingtothecinema? —Yes, .[ ]A.theyareB.weareC.heis—yourauntgoingtothehospital?—No, .[ ]A.Is,sheisn'tB.Is, heisn'tC.Are,sheisn't—hestrict? —Yes, .[ ]A.Is, hedoesB.Is, sheisC.Is, heis选择方框中的单词填空。is new Whoold likequiet tall he our young1. —istheman?—Mr.Wu. 2.—Doyouhaveateacher? —Yes, Ido.Buthedoesn'thaveanewteacher.3. —How—Isthisyourbedroom?—No,isn't.[ ]A.itB.thisC.this's—Whereisyourmom? — [ ]A.Heisinthestudy.B.Sheisinthekitchen.C.Itisinthelivingroom. 选词填空。He She Itin onunder1. —Whereisthepanda? —istheball.2. —Whereistheboy? —isthebox.3. —Whereisthecat? — isthecar.4. —Whereisthegirl? —issittin看图,填空。Who is she (he)?1. He is my .2. She is .3.is my .4.is my .5.is .6..Mike: Who'sthisman?John: [ ]A.Heismyteacher.B.Sheismyfriend.C. Heisstrong.D.Iliketheman.Hi, Monkey!Giveyourtail, please.[ ]A. IB. meC.myDoesyourmotherliveinShanghai?[ ]A.No, shedoesn't.B.No, hedoesn't.C.Yes, sheis.Canhegowithus?[ ]A.Sure.B.No, hedon't.C.Yes, wecan.Tom: Isyourauntanaccountant? Jim: [ ]A.Yes, heis.B.Yes, sheis.C.No, heisn't.—What'sHelen'smother'sjob? —adriver.[ ]A.HerB.She'sC.Hers—Who's ?—ismyaunt.[ ]A. she, HeB. her, SheC. she, She对划线部分进行提问。1.Thevapourcomesfromtheriver. 2.Weshouldputtheseedsinthesoil. 3. Shegoestoschoolbybus. 4. Sheworksin aschool. 5. Mymotherisateacher.Whereareyougoingthisafternoon?[ ]A.Nexttotheshoestore.B.I'mgoingtothebookstore.C.Heisgoingtovisithisgrandparents.isauniversitystudent.[ ]A. YouB. HeC. I
根据下列首字母提示及汉语提示,完成下列句子。1.(谁) isthatboy?2. I(不知道) hername.3. Hisfatheris t (高的) ands(强壮的).4.MyP.E. teacherisaf(足球) player改错。( ) 1.Whatareyourfatherlike?A B C() 2.Doestheyhaveanewteacher?A B C() 3.—Ishestrict? —No, sheisn't.AB C() 4.Hismusicteacherisyoungorpretty.A B C(—WhatcanAnndo? — [ ]A.Hecancookthemeals.B.Icanemptythetrash.C.Shecandohousework.—thegirl inthepicture? —Sarah.[ ]A.Who's,She'sB.Who, She'sC.Whose,He'sIlikegrapes.aresweetandsour.[ ]A. ItB.WeC.They如果说一个男孩非常高,该如何说?[ ]A.Sheisverytall.B. Heisverytall.Isitinyourhand?[ ]A.Yes, sheis.B.No, itisn't.Letcleanthefloor.[ ]A.meB. IIsthis yourbedroom?[ ]A.Yes, itis.B. Yes, sheis.Letcleanthewindow.[ ]A.meB. ILookat .[ ]A. myB. IC. meD. our—Ia bag. —too![ ]A. have;MeB. have;IC. has;MeD. have;me—Whereisyourhand? — .[ ]A.HereisitB.HereitisC.HereareyouD.HereyouareShowyourruler.[ ]A. youB. IC. me为这些句子选择正确的单词填空。1. —Here (A. youB. your)are. —Thankyou.2. I(A. hasB. have) arabbit.3.What's(A.your B. you)name?4.How(A. isB. are)yhaveaCoke,please?[ ]A.CanIB. IcanC.CaniThis Danny.isaboy.[ ]A. is,SheB.are,HeC. is,HeYoucancallMissZhang.[ ]A. myB. IC.meFillintheblanks. 选词填空。Ihe sheyour youhis her myit1.—Howare ?—amfine.2.Thisisagirl.nameisMary.ismyfriend.3.ThisisMrWood.ismyEnglishteacher.4.—IstFillintheblanks. 选择合适的单词填空。1. Thisis(my,I)skirt.2.Abird(live,lives)inatree.3.She(have,has)askirt.4.A(tiger,lione)hasstripes.5.Cowseat(meat,grChooseandfillintheblanks. 请选择he,she,his,her填空。1.isabadboy.2.isagoodgirl.3.nameisLily.4.It'snotchair.—Arethoseyourblouses? — .[ ]A.Yes, theyareB.Yes, thoseareC.Yes, thereare—Canamonkeyfly? — .[ ]A.Yes, itcanB.No, Ican'tC.No, itcan'tLookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图写句子。1.Isthisachickenoraduck?It'sa .2.acowor !It'sapig.3.Isthisahouse? .WhereisJenny?isintheclassroom.[ ]A. HeB. SheC. HerFinishthesentence. 依照例子,完成句子。例: I haveapen,Thisis mypen.1.Hehasamarker.Thisis marker.2.hasabook.Thisis her book.3.isagirl.hassixpencils.4.Correctthemistakes. 改错。( ) 1.HeismyfriendJenny. A BC ( ) 2.Howmanyeraserdoyouhave? A B C( ) 3.HenameisDanny.A B C( ) 4.Thisisaglue. A B CCanasheepcry?.[ ]A.Yes,itcanB.Yes,IcanC.No, itcan'tFillintheblanks. 用所给词填空。例: Ilikepurple.Youlikepurple. We likethe same colour.1.Helikespurple.Shelikespink. likecolours.2.Ilikered.Youlikegreen.Fillintheblankswiththerightwords. 在横线上填适当的词。skirt same but we too and different1. Ilikepinkskirts,youdon'tlikepinkskirts.2. Ilikeredsocks, youlike选词填空。1.likepurplesocks.(ourwe)2.likespinkcat.(she her)3.likebook.(I my)Choose. 选择正确问句。1. It's windy and cloudy.[ ]A. What can you do?B. How's the weather?C. May I help you?2. To the shop.[ ]A. Whatare you doing?Fillintheblanks. 用所给词填空。like liketotheywe same different1.Iapples.2.Iplaybasketball.3. Jennyjeans.4.TommyandJimmyskipwithskippingropes.5.TheyplaYoucancallMr.Wood.[ ]A. meB. IC. myThisisLiMing.isaboy.[ ]A.SheB.HisC.HeLiMingputson.[ ]A. theyB. themC. yourIwanttosingsoftly.[ ]A.yourB.youC.yours按要求改写句子。1. Mysisterlikestoplayping-pong.(对划线部分提问) 2. youwith ball your Do to play like(连词成句) 3. Shelikestoeatcakes.(改成一般疑问句)4. Th— Doyougotoschoolbybuseveryday?—.[ ]A.Yes, IdoB.Yes, IhaveC.Yes, youdo— Where'sJohn? —.[ ]A.He'soverthere.B.Whichone?C.Oh, she'sintheclassroom.用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Canyoushow(I) yourbook?2.Whereisshe(go)?3.Youcanseethelibraryonthe(two)floor.4. —Where(be)yourfriends? —They (be) inthegym.5Let gotothepark.[ ]A. isB. usC. yes— CanIhelp?—somepumpkinlanterns.[ ]A.you,I'dlikeB.you,IlikeC.your,Ihave— Whatisit?—agiraffe.[ ]A. ItsB. It'sC. its按要求改写句子。1. Icanwashtheclothes.(对划线部分提问) 2. Canabirdfly?(作肯定和否定回答)3. Thegoatiscrying.(对划线部分提问)4. Thereisahorse.(改成复数)5.MayIhelp?[ ]A. youB. yourC. she— Howoldisthelittleboy?—onlyfive.[ ]A.She'sB.He'sC. IamHowoldare?[ ]A.youB.yourC.ourLet cleanthewindow.[ ]A. myB. IC. me— Where'stheball?—[ ]A.He'soverthere.B.It'sunderthebed.C.Itnearthebed.选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.How areyourtoday? ABC ( ) 2.IlivesinChina.AB C( ) 3.Nicetoomeetyou. A B C( ) 4. Whatismybook? ABThere itis.C( ) 5.找出下列句子中错误的部分,并在横线上改正。1.— Isthisanpencil? — No, itisn't.2.— Isthatanorange? — Yes, itdoes.3.— Aretheypineapples? — Yes, thereare. 4— What'sthis?—.[ ]A.ThisiscapB. ThatisacapC. ItisacapDanny issittingbeside .[ ]A. sheB. herC. heCanyouteach tomakeakite?[ ]A. IB. meC. myD. mineHereareyourboots. Put.[ ]A.onthemB. themonC. itonD. onit用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。1.Howmany(season)doyouknow?2.Onaholiday,people (notwork).3. Danny(walk)toschoolyesterday.4.Weare (put)Christmasthingsont改错,每个句子有两个错误,请把正确的单词写在横线上。1.HeliketoteachItoskate. 2. Iaretakeingoffmyhat.3.LiMingmakefivesnowball. 4.Whydosheusuallygotogym? 5IsJennyskating?[ ]A.Yes,Jennyis.B.No,sheis.C.Yes, sheis.Canacowfly?[ ]A.Yes,itcan.B.No,itcan't.C.Yes,Ican.D.No,Ican't.改错。找出错误并在横线上改正。1.Howareyour? 2.Whatthis? 3.It'schair.Bobisapoliceofficer.istallandhandsome.[ ]A.HisB. SheC. He ismyfriend.nameisLily.[ ]A. She, HisB. His,HerC. I,HerD.She,HerCanyouteach tomakeakite?[ ]A. IB. meC. myD. mineHereareyourboots. Put.[ ]A.onthemB. themonC. itonD. onitIsJennyskating?[ ]A.Yes,Jennyis.B.Yes,shedoes.C.Yes,sheis.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.LiMing'splane(arrive)at6: 00yesterday.2. Where(do) thestargo?3.(one), weputonthelights.4.Let'sinviteDannytohelp (we)putuptheThisisBetty'sbike.Give , please.[ ]A.heritB. ittoherC. itforher— Whatcolourareyoureyes? — blue.[ ]A. Yes,it'sB. They'reC.Heis— Isyourmother'sbrotheryouraunt? — .[ ]A.Yes,sheisB.No,heisn'tC.Heismyuncle—Canyoufindmykeys? — .[ ]A. Yes,ImayB.No,Ican'tC.Yes,youcanHecan'tfindgloves.[ ]A.herB.hisC.weMayIinvite ,Mum?[ ]A.themB.theyC.helostmymoney.[ ]A. IB. meC. MyWouldlikesometea?[ ]A. yourB. yoursC. youLethelpyou.[ ]A. meB. IC. my— Isthatyourkey? —.[ ]A.Yes,thatis.B.Yes,it's.C.No,itisn't.啄木鸟诊所!找出句中的错误,改正后写在横线上。1. Idon'tlikethisbuses.2.LiMingiswashingheface. 3.It'srainandwindy. 4.Herlostherbluesocks. 5.MaywetakeantHeisa .[ ]A.businessmanB.businesswomanC.waitress—Canamonkeyfly? — .[ ]A.Yes, itcanB.No, Ican'tC.No, itcan'tCanacowfly?[ ]A.Yes,itcan.B.No,itcan't.C.Yes,Ican.D.No,Ican't.下面的句子都有一处错误,找出来,并把正确的句子写在横上。1. Howareyour? 2. Whatthis? 3. It'schair. 4. Wherearetheschool?Bobisapoliceofficer.istallandhandsome.[ ]A.HisB. SheC. He根据要求改写句子。1. Mysisterwantstolearnanewsong. (对画线部分进行提问) 2. Ialwaysliketodance. (以主语第三人称改写句子) 3. Heknewthat. (改成否定句)4. Igot改错,每个句子有两个错误,请把正确的单词写在横线上。1.HeliketoteachItoskate. 2. Iaretakeingoffmyhat.3.LiMingmakefivesnowball. 4.Whydosheusuallygotogym? 5IsJennyskating?[ ]A.Yes,Jennyis.B.No,sheis.C.Yes, sheis.— HowoldisJenny? — [ ]A.Heisten.B. Sheisten.C.I'mten.Itis .[ ]A. IB. meC. myLethelpyou.[ ]A. meB. IC. my— Isthatyourkey? —.[ ]A.Yes,thatis.B.Yes,it's.C.No,itisn't.Let gotothesilkshop.[ ]A.usB.isC.weTheybringgiftsfor .[ ]A.weB.usC.ourD.oursWecookthedumplingsandeat ________.[ ]A. theyB. theirC. usD. themTheytakegiftsfor.[ ]A. ourB. theyC. useD. meThewomanisbehind ________.[ ]A. IB.meC.myD.mine— Iamthirty.— ________, too.[ ]A.IB.MeC.MyD. I'mIcan'tsee_____,but_____isquiet.[ ]A.he,himB.his,himC.he,his D. him, heHereareyourboots. Put.[ ]A.onthemB. themonC. itonD. onit用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.TodayisFebruary _________ (fifteen).2.I_________(eat)theicecreamyesterday.3. Iwanted_________ (fly)akite,butit _________ (be)too按要求改写句子。1. IliveinCanada.(用she 代替I 改写句子) 2. Dannyhasninepostcard.(对划线部分提问)3. Wecansendapostcardtoourfriends.(改为一般疑问句) 4. Turn
_________ nameisDanny. _________ismyfriend.[ ]A.He,HisB.he,hisC.His,HeD.his,heThisisDannyand _______ onthetrain.[ ]A. IB.meC.myD.her句型转换。1. Wegotoschoolbybus. (对划线部分提问)__________ do __________ gotoschool?2. TodayisFebruaryfifteenth. (对划线部分提问)__________ the __________ tCanyouteach tomakeakite?[ ]A. IB. meC. myD. mine用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Thisis ________ (me)pencil.2. ThisisJenny. ________ (her)isagirl.3. Itisn't________ (Danny)pen.4. Ihavetwo ________ (eraserYoucancall _______ ZhaoQing.[ ]A. meB. myC. I D. mine— Isthataclock?— No,_________.[ ]A. itisB. itisn'tC. isD. it's— Areyoureading?— No, _________.[ ]A. itisn'tB. itisC. I amD.I'mnot— MayIhavefivebooks?— Here _________ are![ ]A. itB. themC. theyHowdoyouturn ________ on?[ ]A. itB. theyC. it's改错。( ) 1. Icanplaysthepiano. ______________ A B C ( ) 2. Jennyplaystheerhuthreetimeaweek. ______________ A B C ( ) 3. Danny isabadpianoplay. ___________I'mturning _________ down.[ ]A. theyB. itsC. it给下列句子选择所缺单词组成完整的句子。( ) 1. Whois _________myclassroom? ( ) 2. Who _________Isee?( ) 3. I _________ateacher. ( ) 4.Friendsand _________!A用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Idon'thave __________ (some)homeworktoday.2.TheTVistoo __________ (loud).3.Dannyis __________ (play)thepiano.4.Let__________LiMinghasnewshoes.Heputs __________.[ ]A.onthemB.offthemC.themonLet ________ playbasketball.[ ]A.weB.ourC.usD. ILet'sinviteDannytohelp _________putupthetree.[ ]A.weB.usC.I用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Todayweare _________ (put)uptheChristmastree.2.Yesterdaywe _________ (buy)gifts.3.Wouldyouliketohelp _________ (we)putupourChristm选词填空。1. Can__________ (you,your)findmykey?2.Youcan __________ (wear,wearing)them.3.Mypyjamas__________ (is,are)lost.4. Ican'tfind __________ (I,my)tTheybringgiftsfor .[ ]A.weB.usC.ourD.oursThewomanbehind __________ issinging.[ ]A. myB. IC. meD. /句型转换。1.It'sDannytalking. (对划线部分提问)__________________________________________________2. Heisnotababy. (用you作主语)_________________________________________takeacabto ___________ house.[ ]A.Their,theirB.They,theirC.They,themD.Them,their— Whattimeis_________?— It's4: 00.[ ]A. itB. themC. its_________ hurt _________ nosetoday.[ ]A. Me, myB. I, meC. I, myD. Me, IThisis ____________ atTian'anmensquare.[ ]A.JennyIB. JennyandmeC. JennyandIThisis __________ inthepicture.[ ]A. IandJimB.JimandIC.JimandmeD.meandJim用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Theyhavefive ___________ (child).2.MissZhaois ___________(we) Englishteacher.3.Let ___________ (I)see.4.Therearemany _________Pleasesend __________ aletter.[ ]A. IB.meC.my句型转换。1. Wegotoschoolonfoot. (对画线提问) __________ do __________ gotoschool?2. YesterdaywasFebruaryninth. (对画线提问) __________ __________ the _____Sheisagood___________.[ ]A.teachersB.teacherC.boy改错,下列每句话中均有一处错误,请选出来,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. — MayIhavealookyourplane? — Sure.________________A BC( ) 2.— Letis playfootballnow. — Great句型转换。1. Heiswritingalettertohismother. (变一般疑问句) _________ he _________ alettertohismother?2. Wewentbybus. (对画线提问) _________ did _________ goWhereisJenny?isintheclassroom.[ ]A. HeB. SheC. HerYoucancallMr.Wood.[ ]A. meB. IC. my改错。( ) 1.HeismyfriendJenny. ______________ABC ( ) 2.Howmanyeraserdoyouhave? ______________ A B C( ) 3.HenameisDanny.______________ A B C( ) 4.ThisisaglYoucancallMissZhang.[ ]A. myB. IC.meThisisLiMing.isaboy.[ ]A.SheB.HisC.HeThis __________ Danny. __________ is a boy.[ ]A. is,SheB. are,HeC. is,HeCanasheepcry?.[ ]A.Yes,itcanB.Yes,IcanC.No, itcan't—Arethoseyourblouses? — .[ ]A.Yes, theyareB.Yes, thoseareC.Yes, thereare—Canamonkeyfly? — .[ ]A.Yes, itcanB.No, Ican'tC.No, itcan't改错。( ) 1.Where'smybooks?______________ A B C( ) 2.Canyourfindthese? ______________ AB C( ) 3.Thereitit.______________ ABCMay __________ haveahotdog?[ ]A. IB. meC. my改错。( ) 1.It'saapple. _____________A B C ( )2.Wouldyourlikeadonut?_____________ A BC( ) 3.Dannylikedonut._____________A B C( ) 4.Howmuchofonepen? ____Show _________ yourlefthand.[ ]A. IB.meC.my改错。( ) 1.Wouldyoulikesomepops? _______________ AB C( ) 2.Whatcolourareyourhair? _______________ A B C( ) 3.Ihearwithmy eyes. _______________A B C( ) 4.__________amWangLingling.[ ]A. IB. YouC. SheShow __________theletterf.[ ]A. IB. sheC. me改错。( ) 1. Whatcanyour see? _____________ A B C ( ) 2. Thisaremynose. _____________ A B C ( ) 3. Eightplusfivearethirteen. _____________ A BCTheytakegiftsfor.[ ]A. ourB. theyC. useD. meHow ____________ Danny'stail?Pleasesend ____________ a letter.[ ]A.is, meB.is, IC. are, me_________can'tfindmybook._________ bookislost.[ ]A. I, MyB. My, IC. I, IYoucancall__________ZhaoQing.[ ]A. meB. myC. ID. mine__________ isaboy. __________nameisWeiFeng.[ ]A.He, HisB. I, myC. She, Her用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Thisis ___________ (me)pencil.2. ThisisJenny.___________ (her)is agirl.3. Itisn't ___________ (Danny)pen.4. Ihavetwo________Theytakegiftsfor.[ ]A. ourB. theyC. useD. meLet'sinviteDannytohelp ___________ putupthetree.[ ]A.weB. usC. ID. myDannyistalkingtothemanbeside ____________.[ ]A. himB. heC. they用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.TodayisFebruary _________ (fifteen).2.I_________(eat)theicecreamyesterday.3. Iwanted_________ (fly)akite,butit _________ (be)too_________can'tfindmybook._________ bookislost.[ ]A. I, MyB. My, IC. I, IWhatisshedoing?[ ]A.Shereadsbooks.B. Sheisreadingbooks.C. Heisreadingbooks.How __________ Danny'stail?Pleasesend __________ aletter.[ ]A. is, meB. is, IC.are, me读一读,填上合适的单词。例: I likerice. But my favouritefoodisfish.1. Youaremyfriend.Thatis __________ book.2. __________ ismyfather. HisfavouriteclothesaTheirfavouriteschoolworkistowritestories. ____________ are thesame.[ ]A. TheirB. WeC. They用所给词的适当形式填空。1.It's time ____________ (have) lunch.2.Can you ____________ (jump)very high?3.JimandBill ____________ (sing) intheroomnow.4.WhatGive ____________ somepictures.[ ]A.weB.ourC.usD.ours按要求进行句型转换。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句) _____________ _____________ seethatisapear?2. Icangivehermypencil. (改为同义句) IcangivemypenciPleasegive ____________ acupof water.____________ cupisn'there.[ ]A. I, MyB. mine, IC. me, MyD. me, Mine— Whatarethese?— _____________ arestamps.[ ]A.ThoseB.TheyC.TheseD.ItI thinkthistoy isJim's. Pleasegive _____________ to _____________.[ ]A.it, heB.its, himC.it, himD.its, heJimand __________ areinthesamerow. Tomisbetween __________.[ ]A.me, usB.I, weC.I, usD.me, weShecan lookafterourcoats. Give ___________ to ___________, please.[ ]A. them, sheB.it, herC.them, herD.her, himAll of __________ are working hard.[ ]A.themB.theirC.theyD.theirs用所给词的适当形式填空。1. YangLing'suncle ____________ (live) inatownnearNanjing.2. Yesterdayafternoon, they ____________ (have) achatinthegarden.3. Wedid用所给词或词组的正确形式填空(每个只能用一次,其中有三项是多余的)。A. giveapuppetshowB. rideabike C. lookafter D.pullupE. getoffF.havearcstG.thesameage H.— Isthatgirlwithshorthairyoursister?— _______________.[ ]A.No, heisn'tB.Yes,sheisC.Yes, itis选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _______________ (gotoschool /togotoschool).2. Iwouldlike _______________ (tobe/be) herpenfriend.3. Peterliveson _____选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _____________ (gohome/ togohome).2. Shewouldlike _____________ (tobe/ be) yourpenfriend.3. Peterliveson_____________ 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look, thegirls ______________ (sing) now.2.Peter ______________ (want) ______________ (write)alettertohisfriend.3. Wouldyou lik改错。( ) 1.Whosebrushisthis? It'smy. __________________ A B C D ( ) 2.Aretheseyourstamp?Yes,theyare. __________________A B C D( ) 3.Whatdidyouusuallydoa用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.MyclassmateJackdoes ______________ (well) inEnglishthanme.2.Thispencil-boxis ______________ (heavy) thanthatone.3.Iswimas ______— Canhegooutatnight?— _______________.[ ]A.Yes, hecan'tB.No, hecanC.Yes, hecanD.No, shecan't— CanLilyreadtheseletters?—_____________.[ ]A.Yes, shecanB.No, hecan'tC.Yes, shecan'tD.No, shecanCanyoutell ______________ somethingaboutanimals?[ ]A.weB.usC.our改错。( ) 1.Theywantedtomakingsomenewclothes. _______________ABC( ) 2.OurschoolwillhaveaconcertinChildren'sDay._______________ABC( ) 3.Englishismostdiffic改错。( ) 1. LetIhavealook. _________________ A B C( ) 2.Isthismonkeyyour? _________________ A BC( ) 3.Whatdidyouwantedtohave?_________________A B C( ) 4.— Willyougototheparktomorrow?— ___________________.[ ]A.Yes, IwillB.No, IwillC.Yes, youwillD.No,youwon't改错。( ) 1.HowcanIhelps? _________________ A B C( ) 2.Passminethecookbook._________________A B C( ) 3.Whatdoesyouneed? _________________ A B C( ) 4.Let'Doyougoto schoolevery day?[ ]A.No,Ido.B.Yes,youdo.C.No,wedon't.Whatdoes shedoon Sunday?[ ]A.Shegoestothezoo.B.Hegoestothelibrary.C.Sheisagirl.按要求完成下列句子。1. Canshecomewithyou? (作肯定回答) _____________, she_____________.2. It'sseveno'clock. (对画线部分提问) _____________ the____________Whatshall ____________ do?[ ]A.yourB.weC.she用所给词的适当形式完成句子。1.Where _____________ (be)thequilt?2.Pleasehelp _____________(she)!3. _____________ (do) helikesourgrapes?4. Iwantto __________选词并用其适当形式完成句子。swim your be good have1. — What _____________ yourname? — MynameisWangLi.2.She _____________ twocakes.3. — Canyou _____________改错。( ) 1. I want to some apples._______________A B C( ) 2. Those are mushroom._______________ A BC( ) 3. Join I, Little Turtle._______________ A B C( ) This isRose'ssweater,put_____________ onherbed.[ ]A.themB.itC.thisD.that改错。( ) 1. Isthereanydogsintheriver?_______________ABCD( ) 2. Don'ttelltheteacher.It'sbetweenyouandI._______________ABCD( ) 3. Areyourfatherreadinganew— Canyouspell _____________name,please?— Yes, _____________ can.[ ]A.you;youB.your;youC.you;ID.your;IPleasegive ____________ yourpen. ____________ penisn'there.[ ]A.I;MyB.mine;IC.me;MineD.me;My
句型转换,每空一词。1. MynameisJack. (改为同义句) _____________ _____________ Jack.2. Wehavetenapplesinthebasket. (对画线部分提问) _____________ ___________Let ______________ lookafterthiscat.[ ]A.heB.hisC.he'sD.himGive ___________ some pictures.[ ]A.weB.ourC.usD.ours___________ is Tom. ___________father is Mr Read.[ ]A.He;HisB.He;He'sC.His;HeD.His;hisTheseskirtsare ____________. ____________ areonthechair.[ ]A.his;YourB.ours;TheyC.theirs;OurD.mine;ItI can'tfindmy pen.Letme___________.[ ]A. goandaskherB. goandaskhersC.goandasksheD.goaskher— WhatareyouandJanegoingtodotomorrow?— ________________[ ]A. I'mgoingtobuyadollforKate.B. We'regoingtobuyadollforKate.C. We'rebuyingadollforKate.D. Th按要求进行句型转换。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句) _____________ _____________ seethatisapear?2. Icangivehermypencil. (改为同义句) Icangivemypenci用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I'm ___________ (big)thanyou.2. You'retallerthan ___________(I).3. LinJunis ___________ (short)thanMike.4. Sarahis ________根据句意用正确的单词填空。1. ___________ (Her, She)hairislongandbrown. ___________ (Her, She)ispretty.2. Youreyesare ___________ (big, bigger),butmyeyesare _Can you help ___________?[ ]A. me B. I C. myA policeman showed____________three backpacks.[ ]A. us B. we C. our根据提示补全句子。1. How many s______________ are there in a year? There are four.2. It's A______________ 7th today. It's my b______________. 3. The dogTell ____________ we're leaving.[ ]A. him B. he C. hisPlease pass ____________ the apple.[ ]A. me B. I C. my___________ a girl.[ ]A. It's B. He's C. She's____________fromChina.[ ]A.I'mB.IC.SheIs ___________ yourmother?[ ]A.womanB.sheC.heListen to __________.[ ]A. my B. I C. me用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Please give it to ____________ (I). 2. He has ____________(lot) of friends. 3. John ____________ (do) his homework every night. Please tell ___________ about it if ___________doesn't know. [ ]A. her, she B. hers, herC. herself, herD. she, sheGrandma often tells _____________stories.[ ]A. weB. usC. oursD. ourPass ___________the knife please. My pencil is broken. [ ]A. I B. my C. me D. mineThat isn't ___________book. ___________is ___________ book.[ ]A. her, Its, herB. his, It, sheC. his, It, her D. his, Its, her Lily is a new student. ____________is English.[ ]A. He B. SheC. Her D. His— _____________ is the time? — _____________ is about seven twenty-five.[ ]A. Which, It B. What, This C. What, It D. Where, It_____________ are good friends.[ ]A. I and he B. He and IC. I and his D. He and myShow ____________two fingers ____________ the wrong answer.[ ]A. I, to B. me, to C. me, for Wait a minute. I'll ____________.[ ]A. write down it B. to write it down C. write it downHere ___________an e-mail for ___________.[ ]A. are, you B. is, your C. are, your D. is, youI'll show ____________the rooms.[ ]A. you B. your C. yoursPass __________ the peas.[ ]A. I B. me C. myLet's ask ___________for help. [ ]A. heB. himDo ____________ help your family?[ ]A. youB. yourLet ____________ help ____________.[ ]A. me, yourB. me, youC. I, youDo ___________live in a house? [ ]A. you B. Li MingThis is ____________ without my boots. [ ]A. I B. meWhat sports do____________ play? [ ]A. yourB. you改错。( ) 1. Who like to sing?________________AB C( ) 2. Would your play the piano? ________________ABC ( ) 3. These is a school bus.________________AB C (Do ____________live in Beijing?[ ]A. youB. Li MingLet ____________go to your house.[ ]A. weB. usC. ourI'll show ___________the chart.[ ]A. youB. yourC. yoursLet ___________ count. [ ]A. weB. usC. ourMay I invite ____________?[ ]A. themB. theyLet ____________say the numbers.[ ]A. themB. we_____________ are going to China.[ ]A. My son and IB. I and my son将下列句子改为复数句子。1. This is a yellow marker._________________________________________________2. Here is a blue chair._________________________________— __________________— She is 1.3 metres tall. [ ]A. How tall are you?B. How tall is Kim?____________ is my uncle. [ ]A. HeB. SheLet ___________ see. [ ]A. myB. meC. IWho are they? [ ]A. They're my brothers.B. She's my sister.Who's this girl?[ ]A. He's my uncle.B. She's my sister.What's your uncle? [ ]A. She's a worker.B. He's a driver.Let ____________ go to the park now.[ ]A. areB. usC. is— Who's ___________?— He's my uncle. [ ]A. heB. sheC. it____________ often watch TV in the evening.[ ]A. meB. myC. I____________ my friend's story-books. [ ]A. They'reB. This isC. This'sNow let ____________ tell you how to come.[ ]A. meB. IC. myCan you tell ____________, please? [ ]A. IB. heC. me— What's Miss Wu like?— ____________ thin and short.[ ]A. She'sB. HerC. He'sWhat's he like? [ ]A. He's thin and short.B. She's thin and short.C. Mr Zhao.Does he teach ___________Chinese? [ ]A. meB. myC. IDoes your mother live in Shanghai? [ ]A. No, she doesn't.B. No, he doesn't.How old is he? [ ]A. I'm 13.B. He is 13.C. She is 13.What does your mother do? [ ]A. She is a teacher. B. I am a teacher. C. He is a teacher. Does your mother teach you English? Yes, ____________.[ ]A. he doesB. she doesn'tC. she does选出各句中的错误,并改正。( ) 1. I'd like same beef. ________________AB C D( ) 2. Let we show you. ________________AB C D ( ) 3. I'm like some milk. _Is your aunt a dancer? [ ]A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, she is.Let ____________ clean the windows. [ ]A. IB. meC. myIs he your brother?[ ]A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, she is.Let____________ clean the blackboard. [ ]A. IB. meC. our选出句子中的错误并将正确答案写在横线上。( ) 1. What can you see on the computer room?___________________A B C ( ) 2. not eat in class, boys and girls. _____What does your mother do?[ ]A. She's a singer.B. He's an actor.I like apples. _____________ sweet. [ ]A. It'sB. TheyC. They're— ________________________— He's thin and short. [ ]A. What's he like? B. What's she like? C. What do you like?改错。( ) 1. I often look TV on Sundays. __________________ A B C D ( ) 2. What do he do on Saturdays? __________________ A B C D ( ) 3. I'd like someIs this your bedroom? [ ]A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, he is.Can you help ______________ find it? [ ]A. heB. hisC. himLet's ____________ top. [ ]A. put on it B. put on themC. put they onD. put it onLet ______________ help you.[]A. I B. my C. me The three bears never see ______________ again. [ ]A. sheB. herC. IBetty will wear _____________ today. [ ]A. meB. IC. my选择合适的单词填空。1. ______________ (Are, Do) you have a bicycle? 2. Turn left ______________ (at, in) the traffic lights. 3. Can you help ______________ May ____________ have four markers, please?[ ]A. yourB. hisC. I______________ name is Li Lin. ______________ is a boy.[ ]A. He; HisB. Her; HeC. His; He_____________ name is Wang Hong. _____________ is a girl.[ ]A. Her; SheB. She; HerC. His; He____________ name is Jenny. ____________is a girl.[ ]A. She; herB. His; SheC. Her; She— What are you doing?— __________________[ ]A. I'm cooking.B. He's writing.C. She is reading books.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What's ___________ (she) name?2. Who are ___________ (their)? 3. We are good ___________ (friend). 4. My brother _____Please give ____________ a cup of water. ____________ cup isn't here. [ ]A. I; MyB. mine; IC. me; My句型转换。1. Is he your friend? (改为复数形式) ___________ ___________ your ___________? 2. Li Lei brings me a card. (改为一般过去时) Li Lei ___________ me These are your socks. Please ___________.[ ]A. put on themB. put them onC. put on it下面各题划线部分都是错误的,请将正确答案写在题后横线上。1. She go to work by bike. 改为: _________________2. My brother is a actor. 改为: _________________3.— What are you going to be?— _______________________[ ]A. He is going to be an actor.B. She is going to be a teacher.C. I am going to be an engineer.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。1. Our music teacher _____________ (sing) nice songs. 2. Our Chinese teacher often helps _____________ (we) learn. 3. When schShow ____________ your ruler.[ ]A. IB. meC. you选出符合句意的单词填空。1. What's ____________ (you, your) name? I am Mike.2. Show ____________ (me, my) your pen.3.I have ____________ (a, an) sharpener.Show ______________your red pencil. [ ]A. IB. meC. myLook at that boy. _____________my friend, _____________ name is WangBing. [ ]A. He's, hisB. She's, HerC. His, hisGive me the pen. Don't give ____________. [ ]A. her itB. her to itC. it to herD. to her it