用a,an,some和any填空。I'vegot orangesand apple.将句中的no改为notany。Ihavenotimetotalkwithyou.__________________________选用all或both填空。Hisparentsare ill.将下列句子改成疑问句和否定句。Thereissomewaterinthebottle.__________________________选用some和any填空。1、Didyoubuypumpkinlanterns?2、Thereare candiesonthecake.3、Ihave coldwaterbutIhavenothottea.4、 studentscananswerthisquestion.5、Canyougi在句子中适当的地方填入all或both。1、Myparentsare engineers.2、MrandMrsZhangare twenty-fiveyearsold.3、ThestudentsinMrWang'sclassare goodatChinese.4、YouandWa将句中的no 改为not any。1、Ihavenomoneytobuythepresent.________________________________2、Thereisnosugarinmycoffee.________________________________ 3、Hegaveme根据句子意思填入所给单词的适当形式。1.I(benot)amiddleschoolstudent.2.She(be)inClassSix,GradeOne.We(be)allYoungPioneers.3.SamandI(be)indifferentclasses.4.选词填空。1.TheChangjiangRiverisavery(long,longer) river.2.Helikes(play,playing) football.3.It'sa(rain,rainy) daytoday.4.Youcangetoff atthe(two,second) sFillintheblankswith "any" and "some". any和some两个淘气鬼乱跑,迷了路找不到各自的家了,快帮帮它们吧!1.Doyouhaveballs ?2.Idon'thave pictures.3.WouldyouCircleandcorrect. 找出下列句子中错误的一项,并把正确的写到横线上。1.Whatelsedoyoudoinhome? 2.HowmanyminuteadaydoyoureadEnglish?3.Walktoschoolisexercise. 4Readandwrite.快帮大头蛙完成下列句子吧!1. I wanttobuyanewpairof (袜子).2. Wouldyoulike (一些) juice ?3.Thisbagis (太沉了).4. They (玩) basketballyesterday.Chooseandfillintheblanks .选词填空。1.Doyouhave (some, any) melon ?2.Whatdoesyourmotherusuallyeat (for, of) breakfast ?3.Jenny (eat, ate) breakfastsixtimesThere's atthedoor.[ ]A.oneB.someoneC.anyoneManytreesdon'thave ______________ leavesinwinter.[ ]A.someB.anyC.andFillintheblanks. 给“a”,“an”,“some”找到合适的家。1. —WhatwouldyoulikeforChristmas ? —I'dlikemilkand apple.2. —Wouldyoulikepeas ? —No,thanks.I'dlikeonio用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Myfavourite(sport)aresoccerandbasketball. 2. I oftenwear(run)toplaysoccer 3.Howmuch(be)apairofshoes ? 4. Iwant(learn).Canyoute句型转换。1. Thebasketballisthirtydollars.(对划线部分提问) 2. Ihavesomerunners.(变成一般疑问句) 3. Iplaybadmintonandping-pong.(对划线部分提问) 4. Idon'th按要求改写下列句子。1. Thegirlissinginginherroom.(改为一般疑问句)thegirlinherroom ?2. Therearetwobooksinmyhand ?(对划线部分提问)booksarethereinyourhand ?3.Findoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Areyoureadytoplaythesoccer?A B C( ) 2.NowIam hiting the ball toJenny.A B C( ) 3.Doyouneed some pingChangethefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Theywillgotoschoolbybus.(对画线部分提问)go to school?2. There'ssomemilkinthecup.(改为一般疑问句)milk in the cup?TodayisSunday,wedon'thaveclasses.[ ]A. someB. anyC. aD. anChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Therearesomepeopleinthepark.(改为一般疑问句) 2. Mymotherwillgotoworkinthemorning.(对划线部分进行提问)3.Fillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doyouwantto(be)healthy?2.Eatingdonutsisbadforyour(healthy).3.(ride)abikeisexerFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Youranswerarenotright. A B C() 2.AfterIgotoschool,Ialwayshavebreakfast. ABC() 3.Dannydoesn'thavesoChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Runningisexercise.(对划线部分进行提问) 2. Twenty-fourhoursmakeaday.(对划线部分进行提问) 3. Ishereanygoo找出错误的单词,并改正。"Let'splaypogn-ping!Weeendsomeeggs. Icanechtayou!"saidDavidDiffo.They tnewtothestoreandhbtugosomeeggs."Doyouhavenayeggs?"ping-po找出每个句子中错误的一项并改正。( ) 1. Lilyoftendoherhomeworkaftersupper.A B C( ) 2.Aretheresomechildrenintheclassroom? A B C( ) 3.Howmuchistherunners? A BReadandwrite. 按要求完成下列句子。1. Thereissomeicecreamintheshop. (改为否定句) Thereicecreamintheshop.2. Theparkisnexttothebank. (对画线部分提问)thepark?Findoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( )1.LiMingissitingatthedesk.AB C( )2. Thereistwoapplesonthetable. A B C( )3.Doyouknowsomefamouspeople?AFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Youranswerarenotright. A B C() 2.AfterIgotoschool,Ialwayshavebreakfast. ABC() 3.Dannydoesn'thavesoTodayisSunday,wedon'thaveclasses.[ ]A. someB. anyC. aD. an用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Wouldyoulike (some)tea?2.Theboy (like)loudtalking.3.Look!There (be)apenonthedesk.4.Thismanis (LiMing)father.5.Wouldyoulikeanistiredandhungry.[ ]A.WeB.TheyC.EveryoneWouldyoulikemilk?[ ]A. aB. anC. some用所给词的适当形式填空,完成句子。1.Wouldyoulike (some)tea?2.Theboy (like)loudtalking.3.Look!There (be)apenonthedesk.4.Thismanis(LiMing)father.5. WouldyFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doyouwantto(be)healthy?2.Eatingdonutsisbadforyour(healthy).3.(ride)abikeisexerFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Areyoureadytoplaythesoccer?A B C( ) 2.NowIam hiting the ball toJenny.A B C( ) 3.Doyouneed some pingChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Thecityhasmanybigrestaurants. (改为否定句)2. Hewantstoplayfootballwithmetomorrow. (对划线部分提问) 3. T找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Wouldyoulikeatea?A B CD( ) 2.Howmanyisonehotdog? A B C D( ) 3.— MayIborrowyourpencil? A B C — Here. D( ) 4. — Thankyou. A B — Youw根据下面句子中括号内所给中文填空,每空一词。1. I(不喜欢) vegetables.2. Imilkandsugarit. (把……放在……上)3. (你想要) somesoup?4. (多少) bottlesofpop?5. I'改错,找出错误之处并在横线上改正。1.Haveanyjuice,please.2.CanIhavesomeapple?3.Hereareyou.4.No,Ido. 5.Ilikewatermelonvery. 下面每句中A,B,C,D四项有一项是错误的,请指出并在后面的横线上改正。( ) 1.Howheavyerareyou?AB C D( ) 2.Look!Themonkeysareeatbananas. A B C D( ) 3.Thesearemy改写句子。A.把下列句子改成祈使句。 1.Youcannotsmokehere.2.Youmustnotlookoutof thewindow. 3.Youmayletthechildrenplaythepiano.B.把下列句子改成感叹句。1. ItiLookandcompletethesentences. 看图,完成句子。1. Welunchinthe .Weneed meatandvegetables. 2. —Canyoubringmeonedish? —OK,here .找出下列句子中错误的一项,将序号填在括号里。( ) 1.Thereareaparknearthebookstore. A B C D()2.Walkingsouthfromthebusstop. A B C D() 3.Westaysatavillagelastwee找出下列句子中错误的一项,将序号填入前面括号内,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.Howdoesyoumotherfeel?AB C D( ) 2.Thestudentsislaughingathisfunnygoal!A BC D( ) 3.Mysist从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出错误的一项,将序号写在括号里,并将正确的写在横线上。( ) 1.Whatarebignaturepark! A B C D( ) 2.Iseesomepanda. A B C D() 3.Doyouseeaan单选。Nowletmedrawonit.[ ]A.somethingB.somethingC.somethings单项选择。Havetea,mum![ ]A.manyB.anyC. muchD.some单项选择。Havetea,mom![ ]A. someB. anyC. muchD. many句型转换。1.Tomgoestoschoolbybus.(对划线部分提问)Tomgotoschool?2.Theschoolisinfrontof thelibrary.(对划线部分提问)theschool?3.Therearesomecarsontheroad.(变一仔细看下面的句子,对的画“√”,错的画“×”,并改正过来。1. Isthereriverhere? ( ) 2.There'remanyflowerintheforest.( ) 3.Aretheremanymountainsinthecountry?( ) 4Aretheregreentreesinthemountain?[ ]A. muchB. someC. anyAretheretallbuildingsinthecity?[ ]A.someB.anyC.a将下列单词填入合适的句子中。is areany some over1. Theresomelakesinthevillage. 2. Istherejuice?3.Thereisabridgetheriver 4. Therenojuiceinthebottle.5.CanIhAretherebooksonthebed?[ ]A. anyB. someC. aTherearetreesthehouse.[ ]A.some, inB.a, inC.some, infrontof改错题。( ) 1.Are the book on thedesk? A B C D( ) 2.There isn't some breadontheplate. A B C D( ) 3.Isthere a air-conditioneronthewall? A B C D( ) 4.WhereCanIhavechicken?[ ]A.someB.anC. /D.theGivememilk.[ ]A.aB.anC. /D.some Aretheretallbuildingsinthecity?[ ]A.someB.anyC.atherewater intheriver?[ ]A. Is, anyB. Is, aC. Are, any选择正确的单词或词组填空。1.Therearesomepears(in/ on)thetree.2.There(is/are)manyfishintheriver.3.Arethere(some/any)flowersinthevillage?4. Icanrun (in/ on)根据要求改写句子。1. Amyhasanewcoat.(改为一般疑问句)2. Therearesomepurpleflowersinthepark.(对划线部分提问) 3. Therearesometallbuildingsinthecity.(改成疑问句Aretherebooksinyourschoolbag?[ ]A. anyB. someC. aCanIhavechicken?[ ]A. someB. aC. /Let'shavefun.[ ]A.someB.anC.theIwouldlike.[ ]A. awaterB.aglassofwatersC.anywaterD.somewater—Aretherepensonthedesk? —Yes, therearetwo.[ ]A. someB. anyC. one按要求改变下列句子。1. Ihavesomenicebooks.(否定句) 2. MynameisLily.(用 what 提问) 3. ThisisPeter'sbag.(用 whose 提问) 4. Thisisapencil.(一般疑问句)5. M按要求改变下列句子。1. Ihavesomenicebooks.(否定句) 2. MynameisLily.(用 what 提问) 3. ThisisPeter'sbag.(用 whose 提问) 4. Thisisapencil.(一般疑问句)5. MMr.Wood,studentsareheretoday.[ ]A. aB. theallC. anD. alltheMr.Wood,studentsareheretoday.[ ]A. aB. theallC. anD. alltheIwouldlike.[ ]A. awaterB.aglassofwatersC.anywaterD.somewaterMr. Smith, Englishbooksarethere.[ ]A. aB. theallC. anD. all theTherearen'twindowsinthisroom.Arethere inyourroom?[ ]A.any, anyB.any, someC.some, any根据句意完成下列句子。1. LiuTaois(煎鸡蛋) onthestove.2. Let'sput(一些碟子) onthetable.3. Iwouldlikeapples. (对画线部分进行提问) Iwanttosingloudly.[ ]A.everyoneB. everyoneC. everyHerearegoodquestions.[ ]A. 不填B. anyC. someDoyouhaveping-pongballs?[ ]A. aB. anC. someD.anyIdon'thavehomeworktoday.[ ]A. someB. muchC. anyD. many选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1. I don'thavesomewater. _______________ A B C D( ) 2.Whoplaytheguitaratfirst? _______________ A BC D( ) 3.FanBingbingisagoIateanegg. Iwant .[ ]A.oneB.anotherC.aD.anIateanegg. Iwant ___________.[ ]A.oneB. anotherC. aD. anMayIhave ________ soup?[ ]A.anyB. aC.manyD.some用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Danny _________(think)thisactorisgood.2. Idon'thave _________(some)homeworktoday.3.Howdoyouturn _________ (it)on?4.Thisactori句型转换。1. Doyoufeelscaredatascarymovie? (变成肯定句)____________________________________________________ 2. Icanplaytheviolin. (对画线提问)_______________选词填空。1.Itis_______ (good, better)thanthatone.2.Idon'thave _______ (some, any)apples.3.Whatis _______ (you,your)favouriteshow?4.Whatactordoyoulike __用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Idon'thave __________ (some)homeworktoday.2.TheTVistoo __________ (loud).3.Dannyis __________ (play)thepiano.4.Let__________改错。( ) 1.Whatdoesyouliketodoinwinter? ____________ A B C D( ) 2. Ihavesamelittlerokesforhismouthandeyes. ____________ AB C D( ) 3. IliketherainybutIdon'— DoesJennybuy _________ foryou? — Yes, shedoes.[ ]A.somethingB.somethingC. anythingD. somethings改错。( ) 1.WesendthisgiftstoDanny. ____________ AB C( ) 2.LiMinggivesMrs.Smithachineselantern. ____________A BC( ) 3.Lynnhasapen, butshewantsone. _______Doyouhave __________ salt?[ ]A.someB.anyC.a用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Ihavemany ___________ (gift)foryou.2.Let's ___________(make)dumplings.3.Putsome ___________ (meat)inthedumplings.4.DoyouhaveWeneed _________ salt.[ ]A.aB.anC.someHere's _________pork.[ ]A. aB.anC.someDoyouhave __________ salt?[ ]A.someB.anyC.a句型转换。1. Therearetwelvebooksonmydesk. (对画线提问)___________________________________________________2. I'mgoingtowashthefloor. (变一般疑问句)__________Iateanegg.Iwant__________.[ ]A.anotherB.oneC.a
Wouldyoulike _________ tea?[ ]A.manyB.anyC.some下列每句话中均有一处错误,请选出来,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.Wouldyoulikelittlesoup? _____________A B C D( ) 2.LiMingandDannyishungry. _____________ A BC D( ) 3Doyouhave __________ pants?[ ]A.muchB.anyC.someD.aIsee__________ childrenplaying.[ ]A.someB.anyC.a句型转换。1. Theywantsomepop. (改为一般疑问句)___________________________________________2. Thisisabasketball. (变为一般疑问句)______________________________— Wouldyoulike _________ soup?— Yes, please.[ ]A.someB. anyC. manyD. much找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Wouldyoulikesomenoodle? ______________ AB C( ) 2. LiMingdon'tlikenoodles. ______________ AB C( ) 3. Iwouldlike aapple. ____________句型转换。1. Thestampisoneyuan. (对划线部分提问)______________________________________________2. Dannyneedssomestamps. (改为一般疑问句)______________________Wouldyou like _________ soup?[ ]A.anyB.manyC.someD.aTheywouldlike _________ soup.[ ]A. aB. anC. manyD. someIwant_____________.[ ]A.somethingtodrinkB.drinksomethingC.somethingD.tosomethingtodrinkLet'shave __________ fun.[ ]A.someB.anC.theLucycansee ___________ bananas.[ ]A.anB. aC.someIwant ___________ markers.[ ]A.aB.someC.anWouldyou like __________ dumplings?[ ]A. aB. manyC. someWouldyoulike ___________ soup?[ ]A.someB.manyC.a选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1. Idon'thavesomewater._____________ AB CD( ) 2.Whoplaytheguitaratfirst? _____________A B C D( ) 3.FanBingbingisagoodactor.Idon'thave ____________ homeworktoday.[ ]A. manyB. anyC. someIateanegg. Iwant ___________.[ ]A.oneB. anotherC. aD. anIateanegg. Iwant ___________.[ ]A.oneB. anotherC. aD. anDoyouhave ___________ flour?[ ]A. someB. aC. anyD. /Wouldyoulike ___________ milk?[ ]A.aB.anyC.someMay I have __________ soup, please?[ ]A.anyB.someC.a看图,读一读,写单词。1. Whatwouldyoulike?I'dlike_____________.2. Whatwouldyoulike?I'dlikea _____________.3. Whatwouldyoulike?I'dlikea _____________.Idon'thavehomeworktoday.[ ]A. someB. muchC. anyD. manyIateanegg. Iwant .[ ]A.oneB.anotherC.aD.an读下列句子,选择正确的单词填在横线上。1.Wealways __________ (clean, cleans)thehouseforSpringFestival.2.YesterdayI__________ (washed, wash)thefloor.3.ThisresMayIhave ___________ soup, please?[ ]A.anyB.someC.aI'dlike ___________.[ ]A. popB. popsC. somepopKimwantedtobuy___________ giftsforhersister.[ ]A. someB. aC. many在括号中选择正确的单词完成句子。1.LiYingis ___________ apicture.(draw, drawing)2.Thechildrenare ___________.Theyarelaughing___________.(loudly, loud) 3. __— Can I help you? — I'd like _____________bags of rice.[ ]A.someB.aC. littleD.oneTheywantedtohave ____________ rest.[ ]A.a littleminute'sB.minuteC.afewminutes'D.twominuteFather has a yellow box. Ihave ____________, too.[ ]A. itB.oneC.aD.boxCan I have _____________ milkforbreakfast?[ ]A.manyB.anyC.someD.aPleasedon'tdrink _____________ dirtywater.[ ]A.someB.aC.anyD.anLet'splay ____________ games.[ ]A.someB.anyC.ChineseD.a— Doyouhave ___________ shells? — Yes, I have ___________.[ ]A.any, someB.some, anyC.any, anyD.some,someThereis ____________ withmycomputer.[ ]A. wronganythingB. wrongsomethingC. anythingwrongD. somethingwrongI havetwobrothers. ___________ isateacher, ___________ isaworker.[ ]A. Theone, theotherB. One, theotherC.One, otherD.Theone, other— Excuseme, what'sinthecupboard?— ____________ milkglasses.[ ]A.MuchB.SomeC.AnIdon't like ____________ cakes. I like ____________ bread.[ ]A.some, anyB.any, someC.a, aD.an, anYouarethirsty. Doyouneed ____________ water?[ ]A. someB. anyC. aD. manyWouldyoulike ____________ foryourbreakfast?[ ]A.anyeggsB.anystrawberriesC.somebreadD.someapplesjuiceYouandI likelisteningtomusic. We____________ havethesame ____________.[ ]A.both;hobbiesB.are;hobbyC.too;hobbiesD.both;hobby改错。( ) 1.Doyouknowwhattomakeakite? _________________ A B C( ) 2. Therearen'tmuchtreesinthispartofthewoods. _________________A B C( ) 3.Intheyear2050, thIfyouhaveabadstomachache,don'teat____________.[ ]A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. thingThereis____________breadontheplate.[ ]A. anyB.someC.manyD.alotsofThisis ___________ apple, andthatis ___________banana.[ ]A.a, anB.a, aC.an, aD.an, anTellme ____________ aboutHalloween.[ ]A.someB.anyC.somethingD.anythingDon'tsitonthechair.There ___________onit.[ ]A.issomewaterB.aresomewaterC.isanywaterD.areanywaterTherearen't _____________ windowsinthisroom.Arethere _____________ inyourroom?[ ]A.some;anyB.some;someC.any;anyD.any;someIdon'twantthewhitebird. Iwant _____________.[ ]A.thegreenoneB.thegreenC.greenoneD.theoneMaryandKittyare ___________ awakeintheirbedroom.[ ]A.allB.bothC.twoD.amongWe don't have ____________ lessons ____________ Sunday.[ ]A. some;onB.any;onC.some;inD.any;inWouldyoulike _____________ water,please?[ ]A.anyB.manyC.someD.aLet's have ____________ apples.[ ]A. an B. a C. some用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Please give it to ____________ (I). 2. He has ____________(lot) of friends. 3. John ____________ (do) his homework every night. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. New Year's Day is on the 1st of January. (对画线部分提问) ___________ is New Year's Day? 2. There are some birds in the caDo you have ____________brothers ____________ sisters, Jack?[ ]A. any, and B. some, or C. any, or— Are there ___________ eggs on the table?— No, there are ___________ pears on it.[ ]A. any, some B. some, some C. any, any D. some, anyThere are fifty students, some are boys, ___________ are girls. [ ]A. the other B. the others C. othersThe second cake is too small. Would you give me ____________ one, please?[ ]A. otherB. the thirdC. anotherI'm free. I have ___________ to do.[ ]A. anything B. nothing C. something Do you have _____________ shorts? [ ]A. some B. any There is _____________ at the door.[ ]A. something B. someone C. somewhereDo you have ___________ runners? [ ]A. someB. anyI'm going to buy ___________ story-books.[ ]A. aB. anC. some— Are you going to buy ___________ books?— Yes, I am. [ ]A. aB. someC. anyI need _____________plants. [ ]A. anyB. someC. aCan I have ____________ French fries? [ ]A. someB. anC. aCan I have ____________ chicken? [ ]A. aB. anC. some— Are there ___________ trees in your village?— Yes, there are ___________.[ ]A. some, anyB. any, anyC. any, some— Are there ____________ in the mountains?— Yes, there are. [ ]A. a riverB. any parksC. some pandasHave ____________ juice. [ ]A. aB. anC. some— Are there _____________in the mountains?— Yes, there are.[ ]A. a bridgeB. monkeyC. any monkeysI'd like ______________ green beans. [ ]A. anyB. someC. muchAre there ___________greentrees in the mountain?[ ]A. anyB. muchC. someI have three flags. One is yellow, ____________ are red.[ ]A. the otherB. the othersC. others Are there _____________bridgesover the river? [ ]A. anyB. someC. a选出各句中的错误,并改正。( ) 1. I'd like same beef. ________________AB C D( ) 2. Let we show you. ________________AB C D ( ) 3. I'm like some milk. _I'd like ______________tomatoes and mutton.[ ]A. someB. anC. a改错。( ) 1. He cans do the dishes. ________________A B C( ) 2. There is a big rivers in the village. ________________A B C ( ) 3. Are there some fish in tAre there _____________ mountains in the forest?[ ]A. someB. anyC. isCan I have ____________ chicken? [ ]A. someB. aC. /Have _____________, please![ ]A. a coffeeB. coffeesC. some coffeeD. no根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1. It's eight. Let's h____________ our breakfast. 2. He is w____________ a Christmas card to his friends. 3. Jenny b_______Jenny likes ______________ very much.[ ]A. Chinese some B. Chinese something C. somethings ChineseD. something ChineseMr. Wood, _____________students are here today. [ ]A. a B. the allC. all theAre there ____________ bridges in your village? [ ]A. someB. anyC. anDo you have ____________stamps ____________ pictures?[ ]A. some, orB. any, andC. any, orD. many, andDo you have ____________brothers ____________ sisters, Jack?[ ]A. any, and B. some, or C. any, orI can't see ____________oranges, but I can see ____________pineapples.[ ]A. some, someB. any, someC. any, anyMary and Kitty are ____________ awake in their bedroom.[ ]A. allB. bothC. twoYou and I like playing table tennis. We ___________ have the same ___________. [ ]A. both, hobbies B. too, hobbyC. are, hobbies D. both, hobbyThere isn't ____________milk in the cup. Would you like ____________juice?[ ]A. some, anyB. any, someC. any, anyDoes Helen have ____________brothers ____________sisters?[ ]A. some, orB. some, andC. any, andD. any, orWould you like ____________ for your breakfast?[ ]A. any eggsB. any strawberriesC. some breadD. some apple juice— Are there _____________pens in the box?— Yes, there are _____________.[ ]A. some; anyB. some; someC. any; anyD. any; someDo you have ____________ping-pong balls?[ ]A. someB. aC. anD. any
There are two children. One is a boy,____________is a girl.[ ]A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. otherIdon'thave_____booksinmybag.[ ]A .aB. anC. someD. anyDo you have ____________melon?[ ]A. lots ofB. someC. anyI have two T-shirts. One is white, _____________is black.[ ]A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. othersBob's team won the game, _____________team lost.[ ]A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the otherI don't have ___________books in my bag.[ ]A. aB. anC. someD. anyDoyouhave_________ erasers?[ ]A.anyB. someC. anDo you have ____________ping-pong balls?[ ]A. someB. aC. anD. anyThere are two children. One is a boy, _____________ is a girl.[ ]A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. otherI have two T-shirts. One is white, ______________is black.[ ]A. the otherB. anotherC. otherD. othersHedoesn'thave _________ sisters.[ ]A. anyB. someC. /Wouldyoulike________ tea? [ ]A.someB.anyC.manyYou have _____________ pens, but I don't have _____________.[ ]A. any, anyB. some, someC. some, anyD. any, someDoyouhave_________ snacks?[ ]A.someB.aC.anyThisisapicture,thatis ________.[ ]A. otherB. anotherC. oneD. itYouhave_________ pens,butIdon'thave_________.[ ]A.any,anyB.some,someC.some,anyD.any,someWedon'thave_________ balls.Doyouhave_________ balls?[ ]A.some,someB.any,anyC.some,anyD.any,someDoyouhave________ erasers?[ ]A. someB. anyC. aD. oneIhavetwobrothers,oneiseight,_________ istwelve.[ ]A.theotherB.othersC.theothersD.otherDoyouhave_____erasers? [ ]A. someB. anyC. aD. oneCan I have ___________ rice? [ ]A. aB. anyC. someDoyouhave________ erasers?[ ]A. someB. anyC. aD. oneIhavetwobrothers,oneiseight,_________ istwelve.[ ]A.theotherB.othersC.theothersD.otherWouldyoulike _____juice?[ ]A. any B. a C. an D. someMiss Zhang, _____________ students are here today.[ ]A. aB. the allC. allD. all theCanIhave_________ writingpaper?[ ]A.aB.anC.someD.anyThisisapicture,thatis ________.[ ]A. otherB. anotherC. oneD. itWedon'thave_________ balls.Doyouhave_________ balls?[ ]A.some,someB.any,anyC.some,anyD.any,someIcan'tsee________ grapes,butIcansee_________pineapples.[ ]A.some;someB.any;someC.any;any—MayIdrink_________ water?—Sorry,Idon'thave_________. [ ]A.any;someB.some;anyC.some;someD.any;anyPutthiswatchonthedeskandputthat_________ onthefloor.[ ]A.itB.oneC.onesD.watches选出错误并改正。( ) 1. We send this gifts to Danny._____________A BC ( ) 2. Lynn has a pen, but she wants one._____________ A B C( ) 3. Danny is tired, he wIcan'tsee_________ bananas__________ orangesonthetable.[ ]A.some;andB.any;orC.any;andD.some;withThisisLiLei.Heis__________ myfriends.[ ]A.meB.oneofC.heD./Doyousee________ elephants?[ ]A.anyB.aC.anWouldyoulike_________ meat?[ ]A.someB.anyC.aD.noWould you like_________,please?[ ]A.someappleB.manymilkC.sometea—Doyouhavearedpencil?—Yes,Ihave_________.[ ]A.someB.anyC.no_________ areYoungPioneers.[ ]A.They allB.All themC.All theyD.All of them句型转换。1. We make a chart. (对划线部分提问)_________________________________________________________________2. I would like some meat and vegetables. (对划Bob'steamwonthegame,________ teamlost.[ ]A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.theotherMayIhave ________ soup?[ ]A.anyB. aC.manyD.someDoyousee_________tigers?[ ]A.anyB. anC. someIlikethiscomputer, Idon'tlikethat________. [ ]A.oneB. firstC. twoThat_________iscorrect.[ ]A.twoB.oneC.threeDoyouhave_________ apples?[ ]A. someB. anyC. littleI'dlike _________ pop.[ ]A. anyB. someC. toAre you going to use _____________books? [ ]A. anyB. manyC. someI'm going to go home and read ______________.[ ]A. some magazinesB. some magazineC. a magazinesI need _____________plants. [ ]A. anyB. someC. aWould you like __________grapes? [ ]A. anyB. someC. manyAre there_____________tall buildings in the city?[ ]A. anyB. someC. aAre there _____________ books in your schoolbag? [ ]A. aB. someC. any____________ there ____________ water in the river?[ ]A. Is, anyB. Is, aC. Are, anyCan I have ____________ soup? [ ]A. someB. anyC. aHave ____________ hot dogs. [ ]A. manyB. someC. /Have ____________ milk. [ ]A. aB. someC. /Do you want to buy _____________ for your family? [ ]A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingHave ____________ chicken. [ ]A. aB. someC. /Let's put _____________ bowls on the table.[ ]A. anyB. muchC. some用所给词的适当形式填空。1. ______________ (do) you have a headache?2. How do you ______________(go) to school?3. My brother ______________ (like) playing fo你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. I'm sorry to listen that.A B C( ) 2. My mother ride a bike every day.A B C D( ) 3. — How are you? — I am请用所给的代词填空。this, that, these, those1. These keys are mine. _____________are yours.2. What's _____________? It's an egg. What's _____________ ovThere is ____________ juice in the fridge. [ ]A. someB. aC. / 请按要求改写句子。1. Mary usually plays computer games after dinner. (对画线部分提问)__________________________________________________________________________找出每个句子中的唯一错误并改正在后面的横线上。1. Lily is a English girl. ________________2. My mother have a black dress. It's so nice. ________________3.I would like ______________ grapes, please. [ ]A. anyB. someThe black _____________is a bird. [ ]A. oneB. aCan I have _____________noodles? [ ]A. aB. someC. /I'd like ____________rice and soup. [ ]A. aB. anC. someThere are not _____________trees on the road. [ ]A. someB. anyC. noD. the用不定代词other, others, one... the other, each other填空。1. There are two pictures on the wall. _____________ is the picture of the Great Wall, __________选用some和any填空。1. Did you buy _____________ pumpkin lanterns?2. There are _____________ candles on the cake.3. I have _____________ cold water but I havThere are ______________ interesting books in the school library. [ ]A. anyB. aC. anD. some选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. Have there a doctor in your school?__________________A B C D( ) 2. There are a teacher and three studentsin the classroom. _______选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. I and Jack both come from America. ____________________A B C D( ) 2. This is Mary. He is English.____________________AB C D( ) 3_______________ is difficult if you put your heart into it. [ ]A. SomethingB. EverythingC. NothingD. AnythingI have ___________paper. [ ]A. anB. aC. anyD. someI don't have _____________questions. [ ]A. aB. noC. anyD. someThere are _____________ eggs in the basket. [ ]A. fewerB. a fewC. a littleD. littleI can't find my pen. I have to buy _____________in the shop. [ ]A. oneB. itC. thisD. thatI've got _____________ stamps from Australia. [ ]A.aB. someC. anyThere are _____________ birds_____________the trees. [ ]A. any, inB. any, onC. some, onD. some, inSorry, I can't see ______________. [ ]A. aB. someC. oneD. anyDick gives Jim______________ink. [ ]A. aB. anC. someI have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______________is in England. [ ]A. the otherB. another oneC. anotherD. otherHe has two basketballs. One is new, ____________ is old. [ ]A. the otherB. otherC. the othersD. othersExcuse me. Could you give me ______________ ink? [ ]A. aB. anC. someD. a lot Do you have ____________ pencils? [ ]A. anyB. muchC. some用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look at the __________________. How big they are! (library)2. Look! The boy is __________________ to the classroom.(run)3. There This blue shirt is small. But the white____is ____.[ ]A. shirt; big B. one; smallC. one; smallerI don't have rulers.But I haveerasers.[ ]A. any , anyB. some , some C. some , any D. any, someI don't haverulers. But I haveerasers.[ ]A. any , anyB. any , someC. some , any I don't like this lamp. What about that ______________? [ ]A. oneB. onesC. aWe don't have _____piglets, but we have _____kittens. [ ]A. some, someB. any, anyC. some, anyD. any, someThere weren't____ buses many years ago.[ ]A. some B. any C. onlyD. oneThis black coat is too big. I'll take_____.[ ]A. blue oneB. the one blue C. the blue oneD. oneHe is going to ask youquestions.[ ]A. anyB. no C. aD. someDo you have_to read?[ ]A. anything else B. something elseC. else anything D. anything someI have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______________is in England. [ ]A. the otherB. another oneC. anotherD. other
I can see _in Lucy's room.[ ]A. other thing B. any other thingC. some thing D. some other things按要求改写句子。1. They aren't pigs. (改为肯定句)________________________________.2. He is short and small. (对画线部分提问)________ he _____________?3. I like this. [ ]A. oneB. firstC. isThere is _ _ wrong with this computer. It doesn't work well. [ ]A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing找错。( )1. It is rain now.A BC()2. Can you helpI?A B C( )3. They are three yuans. A B C( )4. There are two o'clock. A B C()5. Do you have some water?Can you speak Chinese? Yes, only ____.[ ]A. little B. a littleC. much用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look at the. How big they are! (library)2. Look! The boy isto the classroom. (run)3. There aren'texercises on the paper. (some)I don't haverulers. But I haveerasers.[ ]A. any , anyB. any , someC. some , any I don't like this lamp. What about that?[ ]A. one B. onesC. a We don't have _____piglets, but we have _____kittens. [ ]A. some, someB. any, anyC. some, anyD. any, someI don't have rulers.But I haveerasers.[ ]A. any , anyB. some , some C. some , any D. any, someHaveFrench fries.[ ]A. someB. aC. anHaveFrench fries.[ ]A. someB. aC. anPlease takemedicine.[ ]A. any B. some C. manyI can't see ____ bananas ____ oranges on the table.[ ]A. some; and B. any; or C. any; andD. some; withAre there _____ hotels near here?[ ]A. someB. many C. anyAre there _____ under the tree?[ ]A. any cars B. some cars C. some car用所给词的适当形式填空。1. This book is not_(I), but it's(she).2. I'm a(China). I'm from(China).3. He has four____(sheep) and ten(duck).4. We are(watc_____ teachers are at work now. Be quiet![ ]A. All of B. All theC. All D. None ofIs this your shoe? Where is ____? [ ]A. other one B. the other oneC. that otherD. otherThat _____ is correct.[ ]A. itB. one C. theThis sandwich is big.Have you got a small ____ ?[ ]A. one B. ones C. this按要求改写句子。1. There are some televisions in the room. (改为否定句)There _______ televisions in the room.2. Yesterday I watched TV with my friends. (改为There aren't_ food on the table.[ ]A. some B. aC. anD. anyA message can go from a computer to ________ com puter.[ ]A. otherB. othersC. anotherHave you got _____ pens?[ ]A. aB. someC. anyThere weren't _________buses four years ago.[ ]A. some B. haveC. anyThere isn't _ _ milk in thebottle.[ ]A. any B. someC. manyThere weren't_ telephones many years ago.[ ]A. someB. much C. anyDo you like the blue?[ ]A. oneB. aC. anLet's have ____________ apples.[ ]A. an B. a C. someHow about ____ orange juice?[ ]A. anB. aC. some根据要求完成句子。1. I'm Su Yang.(改为电话用语) .2. What's wrong with you?(改为同义句)with you?3. Classes are over.(改为单数句子)over.4. I can get so-I'm ill. -Don't worry. I can get _medicine for you.[ ]A. aB. anC. some D. any用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What's wrong with ______ (she)?2. I hope you get ______ (good) soon.3. Take ______ (any) medicine and have a ______ (well) res-Good morning, _ _! -Good morning, Mr Zhang! [ ]A. youB. every C. everybodyWe can learn _ _from the Internet.[ ]A. lot ofB. a lot ofC. a lot D. lots ofDo you have ____ T-shirts?[ ]A. someB. a C. any D. an 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Do you have _____ (some) ping-pong balls?2. He _____ (have)a new T-shirt.3. What_____ (do) you do last Thursday?4. BasketballI have _________ special for you![ ]A. something B. someC. thingLet's put _____ bowls on the table. [ ]A. anyB. much C. someDo you want to buy ____ for your family?[ ]A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingHe always says,"Can I eat_______ food?" [ ]A. some B. any C. many