用括号内的形容词的正确级别填空。1、Myhairis(short)thanJane's.2、Histoycarisas(new)asmine.将下列形容词的原级变成相应的比较级。1、hot _____ 2、big _____ 3、slow______ 4、high ______ 5、tall ______ 6、short _______7、fat _____ 8、thin _____ 9、interesti用括号内形容词的正确形式填空。1、Hisruleris(long)thanhers.2、Whoseschoolbagis(heavy)? Tom'sis(heavy).3、Whichpictureis(beautiful)?4、Shanghaiis(big)thanNanj写出下列形容词原级的比较级。1、big2、beautiful3、nice 选词填空。1.TheChangjiangRiverisavery(long,longer) river.2.Helikes(play,playing) football.3.It'sa(rain,rainy) daytoday.4.Youcangetoff atthe(two,second) s用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.He's(fat)thanme.2.Mygrandparentslike(jog)everymorning.3.Willyouplease(go)tothezoowithme?4.Whowouldlike(read)thenewwordsforus?Amelonisthananegg.[ ]A.smallB.biggerC.smallerReadandwrite. 按要求改写句子。1. Ieatdonutstwiceaday.(对画线部分提问) 2. Thisflowerissick.(改为否定句) 3. Thelionisstrong. Theelephantisstronger.(用形容词用适当的单词填空。 longer shorter 1.Therabbithasatail.2.Thecathasatail.heavier thinner 3.Theblackdogis thanthewhiteone.4.Thewhitedogis thantheblackdog.olMydogis thanyours.[ ]A. bigB. biggerC. small判断句子正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。( )1.Shehaslonghair.( )2.Mikeisheavierthanmy.( )3.SueistallerthanAmy.( )4.I'mthinerthanyou.根据要求完成句子。1. LiLeiistallerthanLinTao. LiLeiisstrongerthanLinTao.(合为一句) LiLeiis thanLinTao.2. JohnandMikeareinthesameclass.(改为一般疑问句)Johna选择合适的单词填空。1.I'm164cmtall.Sheis160cmtall.I'mthanher.(taller,shorter)2.I'mthanhim.(thin,thinner)3.Whatyoudoyesterday ?(does,did)4.LastweekendSheis2cmthanme.[ ]A. tallB. shorterC. short选词填空。1.Sheis160cmtall.I'm164cmtall. I'mthanher.(taller,shorter)2.I'mthanyou.(thin,thinner)3.Mylegislongerthan .(you,yours)4.Iam.Iamgoingonabigt选词填空。1.Iamlost.istheHolidayHotel, please ?(Where, What)2.canwegettothepark ?(What, How)3.Wewaitedthechair.(on, in)4.WhereyougoingnextSunday ?(were,Fillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ateam(have)manyplayers.2.Doyouwant(be)strongandhealthy ?3. TheChineseteam(win)Changetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Wewillgotothepark.(对划线部分提问) 2.Ithinkit'sgoingtofly.(变为否定句) 3. Ilooklikemymother.(变为一般Fllintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Whatcanyouseeinthedifferent(season)?2.Treeshavegreen(leaf).3. I (listen)totheraReadandFillintheblanks. 根据图表内容填空。ChenJie ZhangPeng Age 1113Height(cm) 142 154 Weight(kg) 3035Job studentstudent1.ChenJieisthanZhangPenginherage.2.ZhReadandwrite. 写出下列单词的比较级。1. long3. tall5. funny 7. big 9. strong2. heavy 4. thin6. short 8. small 10. young 单项选择。Whichbookis , theredoneorthewhiteone?[ ]A.thinB. thinerC. thinnerReadandwrite.写出下列形容词的比较级。tallsmall old longbig hot short strong thin heavy young happy Areyouthanme?[ ]A.shortB.shorterC.shortestFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Tell ____ (他们) something about me. 3. Li Ming is ____ (走) around the table. 5. Do youChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. I liketripsinthecar.(改为否定句) 2. Thetortoiseiswalkingdownaroad.(对画线部分提问) 3. ThepencilisinthedFollowtheChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1.I (see)ablackbirdyesterdaymorning.2.Ahareis(sleep)underatree.3.Heknowsmanyinteresting(storFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Arabbit(have)fourfeet.2. TheChineseteam(win) thegamelastweek.3. Mr Smithis(sitFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. I'm (跑) tomyclassroom.2. Iseeatiger(吃) adeer.3. Mrs Smithiscooking (汉堡包) forsupperChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Wewillgotothepark.(对划线部分提问) 2.Ithinkit'sgoingtofly.(变为否定句) 3. Ilooklikemymother.(变为一般选出每句中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.BeijingisbigerthanDalian.A B C() 2.Wherearethepostoffice? ABC() 3.Wangfujinghavemanyshops. A BC() 4.ThehotelhaMygrandfatheristhanmyfather.[ ]A.oldB.olderC.youngD.younger根据所给首字母补全单词。1.LiMingistired.Hewalkshomes .2.LiMing'sais23Street,Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China.3.LiMing'sappleisbthanJim's.4.I'llgotothepostotTheword"hat"gets with an "s".[ ]A. bigB. biggerC. smallD. smaller根据所提供的中文意思写单词或词组。1. Peter'sshirtis(蓝色的).2. Herearetwo(椅子).3. —Howoldareyou? —I'meleven(岁).4. Whenis(你的生日)?5. (让我们) gettFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ateam(have)manyplayers.2.Doyouwant(be)strongandhealthy ?3. TheChineseteam(win)Fillintneblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Iwanttogo____(shop)onMonday.2. IwantJennytocomeon____(us)triptoBeijing.3.HearrivesthereonFebLookandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1. Thisisa.Wecangotoschool.2. Anairplaneis a.3. Thisisa.Youmaysomething ifyouare .4. Youmaythis .下列句中均有一处错误,找出并改正在横线上。( ) 1. Iliveinaapartment.AB C( ) 2.Thehouseisneartoschool.A BC() 3.Myfatherdrivemetoschool.A B C() 4.KimistallthThinkandwrite. 写出已给形容词的比较级。tall -young -short - old - small- Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。1.A: How isPeter? B: Heis metrestall.2.A:isMary? B: Sheismetrestall.3.A: Steven? B:.4.MissZhangismetrestall.SteveLucyisten.Kateisnineyearsold.SoLucyisthanKate.[ ]A.olderB.youngerC.fatter根据以下表格选择正确的答案,将序号填在括号里。NameAgeHeightBobby12162cmTony13161cmDavid14164cm1.—HowoldisTony? —Tonyis .[ ]A.12B.13C.142.Davidisyearsolder看图,完成句子。1.Themanisthantheboy. Theboyisthantheman.(old) (young)2.Theboyisthanthegirl. Thegirlisthantheboy. (tall)(short)看图判断下列句子与图意是否相符,相符的在括号里打“√”,不相符的打“×”。( ) 1.MissWhiteisolderthanSarah.Sarah MissWhite( ) 2.Mr.LeeisshorterthanMr.Yang.Mr.Lee将下列字母重新组合成单词。1. ertlla2.redlo3. grenorts 4. ounyger5. hsroret 更高的年龄更大的 更强壮的 更年轻的 更矮的选词填空。than old from taller older1.Lineupshortertotaller.2. I'moneyearthanyou.3.You'reshorterme.4.I'm12years .5.Thegiraffeisthanthedeer.I'mthanyou.I'm50kg.[ ]A.tallerB. heavierC. shorter读句子,选择正确图片,把图片序号填在括号内。1.Whoisthinner?[ ]A. B.2. Whoistaller?[ ]A. B.3.Whoisolder?[ ]A. B.4.Whoissmaller?[ ]A. B.写出下列单词的比较级形式。1. strong2. tall3. old4. young5. short 6. big 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Therabbit'stailis(short) thanthedog's.2.Thelionis(heavy) thanthemouse.3.Myfather'sarmsare(long)thanmine.4. Iam(young)thanmy仿照例子写词。例: taller — shorter1. heavier — 2. older —3. bigger — 4. stronger —5. longer — 根据表格,选择填空,将正确答案的序号填在相应的括号里。Sperm WhaleKiller WhaleLength15 meters8 metersWeight35 tons3,600 kgTail8 meters6 metersFoodsquid, lobsters 根据汉语意思将下列单词补充完整。1.更高的 t_ _ler 3.更强壮的 s_ _on_er 5.更年轻的y_ _ _ger 7.更重的heav_ _r 9.更瘦的thi_ _er 2.更矮的sh_ _ter 4.年龄更大的 _ _der 根据下列单词比较级写出原级形式。1. longer 3. fatter 5. smaller 7. taller 9. bigger 2. younger 4. heavier 6. shorter8. older10. thinner找出下列句子中错误的一项,将序号填在括号里。( ) 1.ZhangPengisfromchina. A B CD( ) 2.HeistallandstrongerthanJohn. A BC D( ) 3.Helivefarfromthebank. AB C D( 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.How(be)youtoday?2.Iknowyoulike(make)kites.3. I(write)apoemformymotheryesterday.4.John(live)nexttothepark.5.Amy(be)fromAmeric请用所给词的适当形式填空。1. How(tall)ishe?2. Youare2cm(tall)thanWuFang.3.He'sfourteenyearsold.I'mten.SoI'm(young).4.They'restrongerthan(I).5.Line单项选择。WuDongistenyearsold.Peteristhirteen.So,PeteristhanWuDong.[ ]A. olderB. younger C. bigger请用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Myfatheris(heavy)thanmyuncle.2.Hisdeskistallerthan(you).3.Thepandaisfun,butyouare(funny).4.Tomdoesn'tliketogotothemovies.H根据首字母提示,补全单词。1.Lilyhasthreemapplesthanmypenpal,Tom.2.Mike'sfaresmaller.3.ZhangLiangis15.HeisoneyearothanLiuYun.4.—What'syfavoritefood? —N单项选择。Whichpandais ,thebigoneorthesmallone?[ ]A.funnyB.funnierC.thefunny单项选择。LiuLinisthanhermother.[ ]A.shortB.shorterC.older写出下列形容词的比较级。tall → short →small → strong → old→ thin → long → heavy → big → young → 单项选择。Whichbookis , theredoneorthewhiteone?[ ]A.thinB. thinerC. thinner写出下列形容词的比较级。tall → short →small → strong → old→ thin → long → heavy → big → young → 单项选择。Mybag isandthanyours.[ ]A.big;heavierB.big;heavyC.bigger;heavier单项选择。Areyouthanme?[ ]A.shortB.shorterC.shortestIamthanmygrandfather.[ ]A.youngerB.longerC.olderIamthanmygrandfather.[ ]A.olderB.youngerC.happy看图,完成句子。Tom Jane 10yearsold 9yearsold1.TomisthanJane.2.JaneisTom. KateBob1.4m1.8m3.KateisBob.4.BobisKate.MysisteristhanI.[ ]A.shortB.tallerC.bigger看图,补全单词完成下列句子。1.isfa than . 2.isslthan . 3.Sheista thanLiMing.4.MyteacherisothanI.5.isabout (8,500)kilometresfrom .看图,根据句意补充单词。1.Look,LiMingisgoingtoBeijingby. 2.Iamythanmygrandfather.3.Thisismyj . 4.Wearetired.Let'sgototheh . 5.Jennyisr ingab .看图,根据图意用比较级形式完成句子。1.isthan . 2.isthan .3.amt than . 4.isn than . 5.iso than. . Thisoneisthanthefirst.[ ]A. smallerB. smallC. smallest用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Canyou (make) asnowball?2. Whereis(it)nose?3. What(do) shedoinwinter?4. Thishatis(small) thanyours.5. Doyouhavetwo (stick)?用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. We (has)shortandstraighthair.2.Hereyes (be)blue, but(I)eyesareblack.3.Jenny'shairislong, butmyhairis(long).4.Mymotheris (youMybrotheristhanme.[ ]A. youngB. olderC. oldAtrainisthanabus.[ ]A. fastB. fasterC. slowerAnairplaneisthanatrain.[ ]A. fastB.fasterC. slowerAtrainisthanabus.[ ]A. fastB. fasterC. slowerAtrainis thanaplane.[ ]A. fasterB. slowerC. slowThissnowballis thanthatone.[ ]A. bigerB. smallC. moresmallD. smallerThissnowballis thanthatone.[ ]A. too bigB. bigC. biggerThissnowballis thanthatone.[ ]A. bigerB. smallC. moresmallD. smallerIamthanmygrandfather.[ ]A.olderB.youngerC.happy啄木鸟诊所。下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并改在横线上。例: Mycousinlikesto watching TV.watching-watch 1.Wegototheshoptoplaybasketball. 2.Mycousinisyoungthan— IsKittytallerorshorterthanhermother? — [ ]A.Yes,sheis.B.No,sheisn't.C.Sheistallerthanhermother.啄木鸟诊所。下列句子均有一处错误,找出错误的单词并改写在横线上。1.Beijingis thecapitalofChinese.2. Mysisterisoldthanmybrother. 3.Whatarethey?Theyarepant. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mygrandfatheris(old)thanme.2. Thehorseis(tall)thanthetiger.3. Thispencilis(long)thanthatpencil.4. Strawberryis(small)thanpeach.Abusisthanatrain.[ ]A.fasterB. slowC. slower— Isadogfasterthanaduck? — .[ ]A.Yes,it isB.No, itisn'tC. FasterMyauntismyuncle.[ ]A.fatB.fatterthanC.fatterFortyisthanfourteen.[ ]A.bigB. largerC. smallerThissnowball isthanthatone.[ ]A. too bigB. bigC. bigger用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Itisa (snow)day.2. Iam(put, on)myhatnow.3.Thisoneis(small)thanthefirstone.4. Iliketo onthe .(skate, ice)5. Whatareyoudoing?句型转换,补全句子。1. Iliketoplaybadminton. (对划线部分提问) you to ?2. Igotoworkbybicycle. (改为同义句) Igotowork my .3. Mymothergoestoworkbybike. (对划LiXueisthanJenny.[ ]A.youngB. oldderC. younger挑挑下列的句子的毛病,把正确的句子写出来。1.Myfriendslooksdifferent. 2.Jennyhasshorte,curly,blondhair. 3.My sisterisoldthanme.
Abikeisthanabus.[ ]A.fastB.fasterC.slowerAnairplaneis thanabus.[ ]A. fastB. slowC. fasterIamthanmygrandfather.[ ]A.youngerB.longerC.older看图,补全单词完成下列句子。1.isfa than . 2.isslthan . 3.Sheista thanLiMing.4.MyteacherisothanI.5.isabout (8,500)kilometresfrom .Irun thanyou.[ ]A.fastB.slowC.fasterMyfatheristhanmysister.[ ]A.coldB.olderC.youngerThisballis __________ thanthatone.[ ]A.bigB.bigerC.biggerD.smallThissnowballis thanthatsnowball.[ ]A. bigB. smallyC. smallerD. biger用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Itisa (snow)day.2. Iam(put, on)myhatnow.3.Thisoneis(small)thanthefirstone.4. Iliketo onthe .(skate, ice)5. Whatareyoudoing?Thecaris ________thanthebike.[ ]A.fastB.fasterC.veryfasterD.toofastThisoneis _________ thanthatone.[ ]A.smallB.smallerC.bigThisoneis ________thanthefirst.[ ]A.smallB.bigC.smallerD.biger改错。( ) 1. Ilikethegreenactorgood. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Dannyeatsdonutsthreetimeaweek. ______________A B C( ) 3.TodayisFridayNovembernine. _________Thisballis ________thanthatone.[ ]A.bigB.biggerC.small改错。( ) 1.LiMingskatesbackwardsslow. _______________ A BC( ) 2.Thisoneissmallthanthefirst. _______________ A BC( ) 3.Thegirlsingbeautifully. ____________Beijingis __________ thanShijiazhuang.[ ]A.smallerB. biggestC. biggerTheyare __________ thanmyfather.[ ]A.oldB.olderC.oldestD.veryoldThisballis ________thanthatone.[ ]A.bigB.biggerC.smallThisballis __________ thanthatone.[ ]A.bigB.bigerC.biggerD.smallA train is ____________ than a bus.[ ]A.fastB.fasterC.slowBeijing is ____________ thanShijiazhuang.[ ]A.bigB.smallerC.bigger用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Thissnowballis ___________ (big)thanthatone.2.Pleasegivemea ___________ (small)one, thisistoobig.3.Wemake ___________(snowman)inBeijingis ___________ thanShijiazhuang.[ ]A.bigB.smallerC.bigger选用适当的词填空。1. Whogetsup ____________ inyourfamily, yourfatheroryourmother? (late / later)2. Jimusually ____________ hishomeworkafterschool. (do/does)3选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _______________ (gotoschool /togotoschool).2. Iwouldlike _______________ (tobe/be) herpenfriend.3. Peterliveson _____I'melevenyearsold. Andmylittlebrotheriseight. So ____________.[ ]A.He'stallerthanmeB.I'mthreeyearsolderC.I'mtwomonthsolderD.He'solderthanme选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _____________ (gohome/ togohome).2. Shewouldlike _____________ (tobe/ be) yourpenfriend.3. Peterliveson_____________ 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Jimistwoyearsy___________ thanBen.2. Ioftengotoschoolonfoot, buts___________ bybike.3. Mybrotherlikessinging, butIdon按要求写句子。1. WearegoingtoXi'an. (对画线部分提问) _____________ _____________ you _____________?2. Ilikesummerbest. (对画线部分提问) _____________ _____改错。( ) 1. Ireadedaninterestingbooklastnight. ________________ A B C ( ) 2.Iusuallygorowingandfish.________________AB C( ) 3.GaoShanisthinerthanhisbrother根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。1. Anelephant'snoseisl____________ thanacat's.2. T____________rightatthefirstcrossingandyoucanfinditonyourright.3. Whatare选用适当的词填空。1. Whogetsup ____________ inyourfamily, yourfatheroryourmother? (late / later)2. Jimusually ____________ hishomeworkafterschool. (do/does)3根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Jimistwoyearsy_____________ thanBen.2. Ioftengotoschoolonfoot, buts_____________ bybus.3. Shecanp_____________ thebooLinda ____________ atwinbrother, andsheis ____________ thanhim.[ ]A. is;tallerB.has;tallC.has;astallasD.has;taller用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.MyclassmateJackdoes ______________ (well) inEnglishthanme.2.Thispencil-boxis ______________ (heavy) thanthatone.3.Iswimas ______句型转换。1. Thehospitalis4kilometersaway. (对画线部分提问) ___________ ___________ isthehospital?2. LiuTaogoestohisgrandparents'homeonceamonth. (对画线部分改错。( ) 1.Doyouknowwhattomakeakite? _________________ A B C( ) 2. Therearen'tmuchtreesinthispartofthewoods. _________________A B C( ) 3.Intheyear2050, th改错。( ) 1.Thepostofficeisneartothelibrary. ________________ A BC ( ) 2.It'sgoingtobesunonMonday. ________________A B C( ) 3.Themorebeautifulseasonissumme选择括号内合适的词填空。1. Myauntlikes _____________ (dance/dancing) verymuch. Shecandance _____________ (beautiful/ beautifully).2. There _____________ (isn句型转换。1. I'm152centimeters.Lilyis148centimeters. (用比较级合并为一句)_________________________________________________________________2. ThissuitcaseismHeis _____________ thanhismother.[ ]A.heavierB.moreheavyC.heavyD.heaviestI'm ____________ thanTom.[ ]A.oldB.olderC.oldestD.theoldest改错。( ) 1.Whichisthemoreinterestingtoyou? _________________ A B C( ) 2.LastSaturday, mymothertookmeinabookstore._________________ ABC( ) 3.WhatareyoureadnTomcanrun _____________ thanJim.[ ]A.fastB.morefastC.fasterD.fastest改错。( ) 1.Lilylikesreadinthemorning._______________A B C( ) 2.Whattimewillitstarts?_______________ A B C( ) 3.I'mnineyearold._______________ A BC( ) 4.___________ Helen'sschoolbag ___________ thanNancy's?[ ]A.Is;heavyB.Is;heavierC.Does;heavier改错。( ) 1. Howheavyerareyou?_______________ A B C( ) 2. Peter'sshoesisunderthebed._______________A B C( ) 3. Look!Themonkeysareeatbananas.______________Theboxis _____________ thanthatone.[ ]A. muchbigB.morebigC.muchbiggerD.morebiggerMyuncleisforty, buthe ____________thanmyfather.[ ]A. lookyoungB. lookslikeyoungC. looksyoungerD. looksgettingyoung用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Will youplease ____________ (go)tothezoowithme?2.I am ____________ (thin)thanKate.3.My ruler is as ____________ (long)as yours.Mybagis ____________ thanyours.[ ]A.heavyerB.heavierC.heavy用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I'm ___________ (big)thanyou.2. You'retallerthan ___________(I).3. LinJunis ___________ (short)thanMike.4. Sarahis ________LinTaois ____________ thanme.[ ]A.youngestB.youngerC.young— Whichmonkeyis ___________?— Theyellowone.[ ]A.smallB.bigC.biggerMysisteris _____________ thanme.[ ]A.bigB.bigerC.older用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Myhandsare ___________ (small)thanhishands.2. Mypencilisshorterthan___________(you).3. Hisheadis ___________ (big)thanLiPing's.Mybagis ____________ thanyours.[ ]A.heavyerB.heavierC.heavy用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. ____________ (do) you ____________ (enjoy) yourself yesterday?2. — ____________ (do) you ____________ (play) the violin yesterdayIsyourbag ____________than ____________?[ ]A.heavy,mineB.heavier,mineC.heavier,I用所给词的正确形式填空。1. I ___________ (have) a good time yesterday.2. ___________(do) you have a pencil?3. Where ___________ (do) you go last weekend?4.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Ioftengo ____________ (shop)onSaturday.2. Amyusually____________ (wash)theclothesontheweekend.3. I____________ (listen)tomusicy根据句意用正确的单词填空。1. ___________ (Her, She)hairislongandbrown. ___________ (Her, She)ispretty.2. Youreyesare ___________ (big, bigger),butmyeyesare _根据提示补全句子。1. Do you like ____________ (peach)? 2. I ____________ (not) go to Beijing two days ago. 3. Last weekend I ____________ (go) skiing. 4. My backpack is ____________ than hers.[ ]A. biggerB. big C. colour用所给单词的正确形式填空补全句子。1. Can I_____________ (use) your pen? 2. I _____________ (not) read a book yesterday. 3. My father _____________ (like) hiI'm 11 years old. You're 12 years old. You are 1 year ____________than me.[ ]A. younger B. old C. older用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。1. It's ___________ (wind) today. We can fly the kites. 2. The Guangzhou Asian Games begin on the ___________ (1用所给单词的适当形式填空。使句意完整、正确。1. There are ten ____________ (box) in the classroom. 2. Children's Day is on the ____________ (one) of June.3.I'm ___________than my mother. [ ]A. fat B. fatter C. the fattestTo pick up a hare is certainly____________than to work in the fields. [ ]A. easy B. easier C. easiest改错,选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. I was watching TV when I hear the news. I was excited._______________ABCD( ) 2. Jill is sleeping when someone called him.根据句子意思和图画内容完成句子,每空填写一个单词。1. My grandpa is 33 years ____________ ____________ my mother.2. I ____________ good____________ yesterday.The cake is _____________ than that one. [ ]A. bigB. biggestC. biggerOur country becomes ____________.[ ]A. rich and richer B. rich and rich C. richer and richerIt's___________ than a plane. [ ]A. cheapB. cheaper写出同义句。1. I go to China by plane.I ____________ ____________ ____________ to China.2. Let's take a bus to Yunnan. Let's go to Yunnan ____________ ___Is an airplane ____________ than a train?[ ]A. fastB. faster改错,将句中错误部分的序号填入题前的括号,并将正确答案填在横线上。( ) 1. Is a airplane faster than a train? _______________A B C( ) 2. How many bus are there?Little water Drop goes ____________.[ ]A. higher and higherB. cool and coolC. high and highA river is _____________than a sea. [ ]A. bigB. biggerC. smallerD. smallMy mother is ____________than me.[ ]A. youngerB. olderC. old按要求写句子。1. Jenny is twelve years old. (对划线部分提问)____________ ____________is Jenny? 2. Bob is twenty years old. Lynn is eight years old. (用“thaA plane is ____________than a train. [ ]A. fastB. fasterC. slowerA bus is ______________than a train.[ ]A. slowerB. fasterC. slowThey are _____________ than my father.[ ]A. oldB. youngerC. youngA train is ___________than a plane.[ ]A. fasterB. slowerC. slow按要求写句子。1. My sister is 1.6 metres tall. I'm 1.3 metres tall. (用than将句子合并) My sister is _____________ _____________ I.2. How does your motherLittle water drop goes _____________ and _____________.[ ]A. high; highB. higher; higherC. highest; highestThe girl is ___________ than me. [ ]A. tallB. shortC. taller选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. Is your mother tall than your father? _______________A B C ( ) 2. China is west of the United States. We live in there. _______An airplane is ___________ than a bus. [ ]A. fastB. slowC. faster根据汉语提示补全句子。1. I want to go to Guilin on my ____________ (旅行). 2. There are about ____________ ____________ (三千) books in our library.3. Which用括号中所给词的适当形式补全句子。 1. I'm eleven, Mary is ten, so I am _____________ (old) than Mary. 2. Mary invites me _____________ (come) to her birthdayThedaysget________ inspring.[ ]A.longandlongB.shorterandshorterC.longerandlongerThe elephant is _____________ the dog. [ ]A. as light asB. as small asC. bigger thanA train is ___________than a plane.[ ]A. fasterB. slowerC. slow— How ____________ are you? — I'm 52 kg. I'm 1.5 kg ____________ than my brother.[ ]A. heavy, heavyB. heavy, heavierC. heavier, heavierI'm9. You're7. SoI'm________ thanyou.[ ]A.youngerB. olderI'moneyear_________ thanyou.[ ]A.olderB. oldC. youngYou're________ thanme.[ ]A.shortB. shorterC. shortest
I'm50kg.You're 49kg.I'm________ thanyou.[ ]A.strongerB. thinnerC. strongMr.Blackis________ thanMr.Smith.[ ]A.funnyB. funC. funnierLineupfrom_________ to_________, class![ ]A.smaller,biggerB. young, oldC. shorter, tallerMybackpackis_________and_________ thanyours.[ ]A.bigger / heavierB. big / heavyThe bus is ____________than the train.[ ]A. slowB. slowestC. slowerLiu Yun is 4 cm____________than me.[ ]A. tallB. tallerC. tallestA car is ____________than a plane, but ____________ than a bike.[ ]A. faster, faster B. slower, slowerC. slower, fasterD. faster, slowerDanny is tired, he walks ____________and ____________.[ ]A. slow, slowB. slowlier, slowlierC. slower, slowerD. slowly, slowlyJack has ___________ pencils than Peter.[ ]A. fewerB. manyC. mostThe weather is _____________ and _____________ in spring.[ ]A. warm, warmB. colder, colderC. cold, coldD. warmer, warmerMylegsare_________ thanMike's.[ ]A. longB. biggerC. longerAcaris_____ thanabike. [ ]A.fastB.fasterC.toofastAdeskis ________thanapencil.[ ]A.lightB.heavyC.heavierLi Ming is 1.3 metres. Danny is 3.1 metres. Danny is ____________.[ ]A. shortB. tallerC. longD. longerShe's12.I'm14.SoI'mtwoyears__________thanher.[ ]A.olderB.youngerC.oldThecaris ________thanthebike.[ ]A.fastB.fasterC.veryfasterD.toofastShe's12. I'mtwoyears________ thanher.[ ]A.oldB. olderC. bigIthinkTomis_________thananyotherstudentinourclass.[ ]A.funnyB. funnyerC. funnier单项选择。Whichbookis , theredoneorthewhiteone?[ ]A.thinB. thinerC. thinnerAtortoiseis_________thanahare.[ ]A.slowerB.fasterC.slowlyD.fastlyThetortoiseis_________ thanahare.[ ]A. slowerB. quickerC. slowlyD. quicklySomestoriesare_________ thantheothers.[ ]A.interestingB.moreinterestingC.themostinterestingD.interestedIam150cm,Tomis152cm.SoTomis_________ thanme.[ ]A.tallerB.youngerC.shorterD.lowerThedaysget________ andthenightsget_________ inwinter.[ ]A.shorter;longerB. longer;shorterC.short;longD. long;shortWelikethiszebra,becausethiszebrais________ thanthatone.[ ]A.bigB.biggerC.bigerTomis1.1metrestall. Jennyisl.3metrestall.Jennyis _____. [ ]A. tallB. shortC. tallerWhichis_________theelephantorthehorse?[ ]A.heavyB.theheavierC.heavierD.theheaviestAtrainis_________thanabus.[ ]A.fastB.slowC.fasterThe words get ____________ with an es.[ ]A. bigB. biggerC. biger用younger和older填空。Li Gang is ten years old.Li Yang is eleven years old.Gao Hong is nine years old.1. Li Gang is ______________than Li Yang. 2. Li YangiMy father is _____________than my grandmother. [ ]A. oldB. olderC. youngD. youngerHer grandmother is _______________than her aunt. [ ]A. oldB. olderC. youngD. youngerMy father is ____________ than my sister. [ ]A. oldB. olderC. youngD. younger选择正确的单词。1. My friend Li Ming _____________(have / has) black eyes.2. Jenny is _____________ (old / older) than Lynn.3. Her eyes _____________(is / aA train is _____________than a bus. [ ]A. fastB. slowC. fasterD. slowerA plane is ______________ than a train.[ ]A. fastB. slowC. fasterD. slowerA bus is ______________than a train. [ ]A. fastB. slowerC. slowD. fasterWangLinis 1.1metrestall.WangMingis 1.3metrestall.WangLinis_________ thanWangMing.[ ]A.shortB. tallerC. shorterMyfatheris35.Iam10.Iam_________ andheisolder.[ ]A.youngB.youngerC.old用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The boy is doing ______________(he) homework.2. How many ______________ (ticket) do you want to buy?3. I am ______________ (talThatboxis ________ thanthisone.[ ]A.moreheavierB.heavyerC.muchheavierThe sun is _____________the moon. [ ]A. much bigger thanB. a lot more bigger thanC. much more bigger asD. a lot more big asThis classroom looks ______________than other classrooms. [ ]A. more brighterB. very brighterC. much brighterD. much more brighterMy elder sisteris ______________than I.[ ]A. six years olderB. older by six yearsC. six years elderD. older six years选出错误的一项,在横线上写出正确答案。 ( ) 1. He is write a letter. _________________A B C( ) 2. The onion are in the refrigerator. _________________A B C( )改错,将正确的句子写在横线上。1. This is stamp.___________________________________________________2. These are many desk.____________________________________This one is ____________ than that one. [ ]A. biggerB. bigC. biggestIs your grandmother _____________ than your grandfather?[ ]A. olderB. oldC. youngI am ____________ than my father. [ ]A. olderB. youngerC. youngA train is ___________than a plane.[ ]A. fasterB. slowerC. slow按要求改写句子。1. This is the Palace Museum in Beijing. (变一般疑问句)________________________________________________________________________2. A train is s用单词的适当形式填空。1. Bob is twenty years ____________. (old)2. Bob is ____________ than Jenny. (old)3. Lynn is ____________ than Jenny. (young)I am ______________ than Jing. [ ]A. tallB. tallerC. shortI'm ____________ than my father and mother. [ ]A. youngB. youngerC. older用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My father is a bus _____________(drive).2. What _____________ (do) she do?3. My aunt _____________ (like) to read the newspaper.The bus is _____________than a plane. [ ]A. cheapB. cheaperC. faster写出下列单词的比较级。1. tall_________________2. strong_________________3. old_________________4. young_________________5. new_________________6. short ___句子大变身。按要求改写句子。1. He is a tall man. (改为一般疑问句) ____________ he a ____________man?2. I am 160 cm tall. You are 158 cm tall.(合成一句) I'改错。( ) 1. Mary is tall than me.________________A BCD( ) 2. Amy are 140 cm tall.________________A B C D( ) 3. are you older than me? ________________A BCYou're ______________ than Lily. [ ]A. taller 4 cmB. 4 cm tallerC. 4 cm tallYou are______________ than me. [ ]A. bigB. bigerC. bigger根据首字母提示补全单词。1. W___________ dog do you like?2. I l___________ the black one.3. The yellow dog is bigger t___________ the black one.4. She's 2Amy is ____________than Sarah. [ ]A. oldB. olderC. oldest你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. Amy arms are shorter than mine.________________A B C( ) 2. My hands is bigger than his.________________ ABCI'm ____________ than you. [ ]A. thinnerB. thinC. thinerThe tiger is _______________than the cat. [ ]A. bigerB. largeC. bigger按要求完成下列各题。1. Sarah is 160 cm. (就画线部分提问)______________________________________________________________________________2. Wu Yifan is taller th写出下列形容词的比较级形式。1. big_______________2. funny_______________3. short_______________4. tall_______________5. small_______________6. thin________用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am going to _______________(write) an e-mail.2. My teacher _______________(go) to work by bike every day.3. They like _________This dog is _______________ than that one. [ ]A. thinB. thinerC. thinnerThe monkey is ____________ than the mouse. [ ]A. tallB. shorterC. tallerD. shortI am 10 cm ____________ than Mike. [ ]A. tallB. tallerC. tallsD. heavierMy backpack is _____________than yours. [ ]A. biger and heavyerB. bigger and heavyerC. bigger and heavierThe dog is much ______________ than the cat. [ ]A. bigB. bigerC. biggerD. smallerMy sister is one year _____________ than me.[ ]A. olderB. oldC. young你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What the matter with you? ________________ A B C D( ) 2. I'm two years old than you. ________________A B CMy father is ____________than my mother. [ ]A. tallB. tallerC. the tallest请根据语境和首字母填写合适的形容词。1. My grandpa is sixty years old, but he looks y____________.2. My schoolbag is h____________ than yours.3. It's h_____按要求完成下列句子。1. I go to the library once a week. (改写成以he作主语的句子)_______________________________________________________________________________I'm ____________ than Sarah. [ ]A. tallB. tallerC. the tallerD. tallest理解句子意思填空。1. The bug is bigger than the ant. The ant is ____________ than the bug.2. I am fatter than you. You are ____________ than me.3. You are用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My brother is two years _____________ (old) than me.2. Tom is as _____________(fat) as Jim.3. Who is _____________ (thin), you The air in Beijing is getting much _____________ now than a few years ago. [ ]A. cleanB. cleanerC. cleanestD. the cleanest换种方式表达下列各句。1. John is taller than my sister. My sister is ____________ ____________ ____________.2. This desk is black. This is ____________ ____This dog's tail is long, that dog's tail is ____________. [ ]A. longB. longerC. heavierThis blue shirt is small. But the white____is ____.[ ]A. shirt; big B. one; smallC. one; smaller根据单词首字母提示补全句子。1.An elephant is b____than a horse.2.We are our grandma's g____.3.I a____in New York yesterday.4.I am going to Shanghai in suIs Beijing_____ than Nanjing?[ ]A. smallB. biggerC. bigIs Samthan Lingling?[ ]A. strong B. very strongC.strongerFill in blanks according to the sentences or pictures. (根据上下文或图片填出单词的正确形式。)1.Thegreenpencilis_____thantheblackone.2.— What'sthematter? — I'm ____ and than you.[ ]A. big; strong B. bigger; stronger C. biggest; strongestIs Beijing____ than Nanjing?[ ]A. bigB. small C. biggerRead the sentences and fill in the blanks. 仿照例句填空例句:The elephant is bigger (big) than the horse. 1. It's ____ (tall) than the horse, too.2. The whi用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The red skin is(small) than the blue one.2. She _____(go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.3. It's Children'sHe is ____ than me. He often plays football.[ ]A. strongB. strongerC. tallI am 150cm. Tom is 152cm. So Tom isthan me.[ ]A. taller B. youngerC. shorterD. lower根据图画提示,完成句子,每空填一词。1. The hippo _ _than the monkey.2. John_every Sunday.3. He _yesterday.4. Look, the girlnow.5. She is going to ____ t根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He is (short) and (thin) than me.2. I ____( buy) presents on my holiday.3. What(do)you do last weekend?4. Sar根据要求回答问题。1. I am 45kg. Amy is 48kg. (将这句话以比较的形式合成一个句子) ____________________________________________________________2. How do you feeMy schoolbag is ____than yours.[ ]A. bigB. biggerC. taller
按要求写句子。1. He does well in maths.(改为否定句) _________________________________________________2. Mike is shorter than me. (改为同义句) _______________根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。1. Look!One of the children(swim)in the lake.2. Lily is much __(health) than her sister.3. They ____(fly) to the UK, didn'tThis second-hand camera is muchthan that new one. [ ]A. cheap B. cheaper C. dearD. dearest— How is the weather in Beijing?— Oh, it's____than that in your hometown.[ ]A. hotB. hotter C. hottest D. the hottestThisdog'stailislong. Thatdog'stailis ____.[ ]A. long B. longerC. heavier单词拼写。根据所给句子和首字母完成单词。1.An elephant is h _____ than a monkey.2. T_____ right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.3. MyShe is ____ and he is ____.[ ]A. tall; shorterB. taller; shortC. taller; shorterRewrite the sentences. 根据提示,变换句型。1. I'm ten years old. (对划线部分提问)_________ _________ are you?2. Kim is l.3 metres tall. (对划线部分提问) Fill in the blanks. 根据汉语提示填空,完成句子。1.(这些是)shoes.2. — How old are you? — I'm ten ____ ____(岁).3. She is l.4 metres ____ (高).4. Kim isJim is l.8 metres tall. Jane is l.4 metres tall. Jim isthan Jane.[ ]A. taller B. shorterC. oldMike is1. 5 metres tall. John is 1.4 metres tall. Mike is. [ ]A. shortB. shorter C. tallerI'm 165 cm tall. Mike is 160 cm. I'm ____ than Mike.[ ]A. olderB. tallerC. longerLily's hair is ____than Jane's.[ ]A. longerB. biggerC. olderI'm 11years old. You're 12 years old. You are l year ____ than me.[ ]A. youngB. oldC. olderShe's 1.2 metres tall. I'm 1.6 metres tall. She's ____ than me.[ ]A. tallerB. tall C. shorterI like the little one. It's younger and ____.[ ]A. funnierB. tallC. strongLook and write.(看图,补全句子)1. Therabbit’searsare_______ thanthecat’s. 2. Therabbit’searsare_______ thanthecat’s. 3. Thefirsthandis_______ thantheseRead and answer.(按要求改写句子)1. How tall are you?(用“160 cm”回答)__________________________________________________.2.I'm35kg. (就画线部分提问)_________Look and write. (读一读,写一写)Name: Bill Head: small Weight: 30 kgFood: noodles Be good at: P.E. Name: JackHead: bigWeight: 34 kgFood: hamburgers Be good atRead and fill in the blanks.(读一读,根据汉语提示把句子补充完整)1. 一How tall are you? I'm 1.60 meters tall.一I’m ____ than you. (高的)2. 一What's the Read and write.(写出下列形容词的比较级)1. tall_____4. old_____ 7. big _____10. thin_____ 2. short _____ 5. young _____ 8. heavy _____11. small_____3. sRead and write. (读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空)1. Where are you____ (go) on your holiday?2. I'm going to____ (go) to Xunming.3. ____(can) you help me wRead and write. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)1. It's _____ for little children to play by the river by themselves. (danger)2. — Who is _____, Tom or John? (clThat box is____ than this one.[ ]A. many heavier B. more heavier C. much heavier句型转换。1. There are fifty students in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)_____________________________________2. I like the red and green sweater. (改为否定句)My uncle is sixty but he ____ than my father.[ ]A. look youngB. looks like youngC.looks younger D. look the youngest句型转换。1. That is a cat. (改为复数形式)_________________________________2. There is some water in the cup. (改为疑问句形式)3. He likes going swimming. (That box is _____ than this one.[ ]A. more heavierB. heavyerC. much heavierWinter is _____ than autumn.[ ]A. more colderB. much colderC. much coldD. many cold下列句子中各有一处错误,请指出并改在后面的横线上。( )1. How many is the book on the bed? __________ A B CD( )2. He is a excellent doctor.__________ A BC D( )Read and write.1. (HerShe) hair is long and brown. (HerShe) is pretty.2. Your eyes are_ (bigbigger), but my eyes are _____ (bigbigger) than yours.3. Miss Look and write.Brad (11) George (12) Sally (10) Mark (11)1. Brad is_____ than George, but George is than him.2. Sally isthan Mark.3. George is _ _ than SalI'm 150 cm tall. Amy is 156 cm tall. Amy is____ than me.[ ] A. taller B. shorterC. strongerRead and write.1. I'm _ _(big) than you.2.You're taller than _ (I).3. Lin Jun is(short) than Mike. 4. Sarah is (swim) in the river.5. Amy usually (goLin Tao isthan me.[ ]A. youngestB. youngerC. youngAmy is 159 cm tall. I'm 160 cm tall.I'm____ than Amy.[ ]A. tallerB. shorterC. stronger-Which monkey is ?-The yellow one.[ ]A. smallB. bigC. biggerSarah is 12.I'm 11.Sarah is than me.[ ]A. tallerB. youngerC. olderRead and write.例: Sarah is 15 years old. Amy is 14 years old.Sarah is one year older than Amy. Amy is one year younger than Sarah.1. John is 159 cm tall.Read and write.1.My hands are_ (small) than his hands.2.My pencil is shorter than _____ (you).3.His head is(big) than Li Ping's.4.The dog is(heavy) thanRead and complete.... er old young smallheavythin填写表格。bigheavierthinnerstrongoldyoungsmalllonger根据提示写单词。1. My brother is 45 kg and I'm 46 kg. So my brother is _ than me.2.Ben is 168 cm tall and John is 170 cm tall.Ben is 2 cm _ than John.3. Is your bagthan? [ ]A. heavy, mineB. heavier, mineC. heavier, IRead and write.1. I often go(shop) on Saturday.2. Amy usually _ (wash) the clothes on the weekend.3. I ___(listen) to music yesterday afternoon.4. This a读一读,写一写。Model: big-bigger1. long-__ 3. fat-___ 5. light-__ 7. good-_2. small-__ 4. short-___6. heavy-__8. bad-__The blue shirt is ___ than the red one.[ ]A. bigB. bigger C. nice用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.Line A is(long) than Line B.2.Circle A is (small) than Circle B.3. I have two apples. One is big but the other is (big).4.MMy bag is____than yours.[ ]A. heavyerB. heavierC. heavyMy sister is than me.[ ]A. big B. bigerC. biggerMy bag is____than yours.[ ]A. heavyerB. heavierC. heavy读一读,变一变。1. Why don't you buy a T-shirt?(改为同义句)________________ buy a T-shirt?2. How about a nice present?(改为同义句)________________ a nice pRead and write.1. (do) you__ (enjoy) yourself yesterday?2. - (do) you_(play) the violin yesterday? -No, I didn't. I _(draw) some pictures.3. I (eat) a b根据提示补全句子。 1. Do you like_ ( peach) ?2. I (not) go to Beijing two days ago.3. Last weekend I __ (go) skiing.4. Bai Ling(climb) a mountain yesterdaThe red apple is ____than the green one.[ ]A. big B. biggestC. biggerLingling is_____than the first girl.[ ]A. oldB. youngC. youngerMy' fatheris_____than my mother.[ ]A. bigger B. longerC. stronger用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Who _____ (be) the little girl?2. Will you _____ (help) your grandma on Friday?3. Are you _____ (tall) than your sister?4. Sa找出错误的一项,将其序号填在题前的括号中。( ) 1. Amy is tallthan Lingling. A B C D E( ) 2. Who arethat little girl ? AB CDE( ) 3. Tom is worse then the girl用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I'm ______ (young) than Daming.2. Tom is ______ (bad) than the girl.3. Tom, ______ (be) quiet, please.Read and w.rite.(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)1. The Great Wall is very_____________________(old).2. The Yellow River is___________________(short)than the ChanChoose the mistakes.(找出下列每句中的错误).()1. Our school is biger than your school.AB C ( )2. -Is Sam stronger than Lingling? A B-Yes,heisn't. C()3. S请写出下列形容词的比较级。1. tall ______________2. short ______________3. old ______________ 4. strong ______________5. young ______________根据上句用合适的词完成下句。1. Sam is shorter than Daming. Daming is ______ than Sam.2. My father is taller than me. I am ______ than my father.—Amy is older than Sam.—Yes, Sam is _____ than Amy.[ ]A. younger B. younggerC. youngRead and write.(根据提示完成下列句子。)1. This ruler is_______________________(long)thanthat one.2. This tree is___________________________(high) than that tr根据图片及汉语意思,选择正确的单词填空。 younger older tallershorter Mr Liu Mr Cheng1. Mr Liu is ________ (年长的)than MrCheng.2. Mr Cheng is _______ (年轻的)Bob is___than Eric.[ ]A. strongB.tall C.strongerA tiger is____than a cat.[ ]A. smaller B.bigger C.bigerMy backpack is than hers. [ ]A. biggerB. bigC. colourThe Changjiang River is _______ than the Yellow River.[ ]A. longerB. shorterDaming is ________________ than Amy.[ ]A. young B. tallC. youngerRead and complete.1. I(have) a good time yesterday.2._ you have a pencil?3. Where_ you go last weekend?4. This is (I) school bag.5. We(stay) at a smallThis river isthan that one.[ ]A.longerB.longC.longger根据提示补全句子。1. Can I (use) your pen?2. I (not) read a book yesterday.3. My father____(like) hiking.4. We(go) to Xi'an by plane last Sunday.5. Whe补全句子。1. -What does Sarah usually do on the weekend?-She usually.2. -What did you do on your holiday? -I went to Beijing andthere.3. -What is Lisa doiI'm 1.5 metrestall.Youare l.7 metrestall. You're ______,andI'm ______.[ ]A. short, tallB. taller, shorterC.shorter, taller指出错误并改正。( ) 1.My address is 19 park Road. __________________ A B C( ) 2. How are you go to school? __________________ AB C() 3. This are new shoes.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.They are __________ (sit) on the couch.2.Everyone in the living room __________ (be) quiet.3.When the baby grew into a man, he was用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.I'm __________ (hit) the ball.2.In winter, the weather is cold and __________ (snow).3.Jenny is from Canada.Li Ming is _______改错,将正确的句子写在横线上。1. This is stamp. ______________________________________2. These are many desk. ______________________________________3. The sThis one is ______ than that one.[ ]A. biggerB. bigC. biggest选出错误的一项,在横线上写出正确答案。( )1.He is write a letter.________ A B C( )2.The onion are in the refrigerator.________ A BC( )3.He never wear dresses