选择括号内适当的单词填空。1.DavidandI(am/are)inthesameclass.David(likes/isliking)makingmodelplanes,butI(don'tlike/don't).2.MrBlackismy(first/thefirst) PEte看图填空。1. Theyare .LiMingistheone. 2. Jennycanplayverywell.3.— WhatisDannydoing? — . 4. Theisgood.LiMingiscarefully. 5.Themanloudly. Heisabad . YaoMingisthe oneoftheplayers.[ ]A. goodB. betterC. bestD. bester用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Hethinksthisactoristhe __________ (good)actor.2. Iwant __________ (buy)somethingformyfamily.3.He __________ (see) abeautifulkite根据汉语提示补全句子。1. Dannyisplayingthe __________ (钢琴).2. Whoplays __________ (最好)?3.Stevenplays __________ (更好) thanDanny.4. Sheplays _________选词填空。1.Itis_______ (good, better)thanthatone.2.Idon'thave _______ (some, any)apples.3.Whatis _______ (you,your)favouriteshow?4.Whatactordoyoulike __选词填空。best better fast running1.Look, Danny, John, MaryandLiMingare ____________.2.Theyrun ____________.3.DannyandMaryare ____________ thanLiMing.4.Jo改错。( ) 1. Ilikethegreenactorgood. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Dannyeatsdonutsthreetimeaweek. ______________A B C( ) 3.TodayisFridayNovembernine. _________选出正确的单词或词组填空。1.Mittensand__________(mitt,mitts)arethesame.2.Therearemany__________(peoples,people)attherestaurant.3.Heisagood__________(sing, sYaoMingisthe oneoftheplayers.[ ]A. goodB. betterC. bestD. bester用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Hethinksthisactoristhe __________ (good)actor.2. Iwant __________ (buy)somethingformyfamily.3.He __________ (see) abeautifulkiteIthinkthisactoristhe ___________.[ ]A.goodB.betterC.bestPeterthoughttheCenturyParkwasthesecond ___________ parkinShanghai.[ ]A.largeB.largerC.largestD.most large选择括号内适当的单词填空。1. DavidandI ___________ (am/are) inthesameclass. David ___________ (likes/ isliking) making modelplanes, butI ___________ (don'tlik改错。( ) 1.Thepostofficeisneartothelibrary. ________________ A BC ( ) 2.It'sgoingtobesunonMonday. ________________A B C( ) 3.ThemorebeautifulseasonissummeOctoberisthe ______________ seasoninBeijing.[ ]A.betterB.goodC.bestD.well用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Heis____________(go)homenow.2.Tom____________(get)upatseveninthemorning.3.LastweekI ____________ (have) myfirsttriponanairplane.改错。( ) 1.Whichisthemoreinterestingtoyou? _________________ A B C( ) 2.LastSaturday, mymothertookmeinabookstore._________________ ABC( ) 3.WhatareyoureadnThisrestaurantisthe _____________ofallinthecity.[ ]A.cheaperB.cheapestC.cheapD.morecheapestThis story book is the _____________of the five. [ ]A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interestingI think bees and ants are _______________animals.[ ]A. more amazing B. the more amazing C. much more amazing D. the most amazing I'm the __________onein my class.[ ]A. tallB. tallerC. tallestIlikeTianjinbecauseitismyhometownandit'salsooneof_______ inChina.[ ]A.thecitiesB.thebigcitiesC.thebiggestD.thebiggestcitiesWinter is the ______________season in a year. [ ]A. coldB. colderC. coldestD. coolPeter is the _____________in our class. [ ]A. youngestB. youngC. youngerThat skirt is the ______________ one in the shop. [ ]A. expensiveB. expensivestC. most expensive请根据语境和首字母填写合适的形容词。1. My grandpa is sixty years old, but he looks y____________.2. My schoolbag is h____________ than yours.3. It's h_____I'm the _____________ student in my class. [ ]A. tallB. tallerC. most tallD. tallestOf all my family members, my brother is _______________. [ ]A. tallB. tallerC. the tallerD. the tallest用所给词的正确形式填空。1.The boys like to listen to music when they do ____ (they)homework.2.My mother's work is ____ (make) our city safe.3. One day, Mr Dongdong is the _____ boy in our class.[ ]A. oldestB. older C. oldThis box is the _____ of the tree.[ ]A. heavyB. heavierC. heaviestI like Tianjin because it is my home town and it's also one of _____ China. [ ]A. the cities B. the big cities C. the biggest D. the biggest cities用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I (go) to zoo with my friend last Sunday.2. I like(swim) in the river in summer.3. There(be)a dog and two cats in the room.4. WRead and choose. (根据句意,选择单词)1.______ season do you like best?2.-Who's ______ busiest one in your family?-My mother.3. -When do you usually get uPeter is _________ boy in his class.[ ]A. tallerB. tallestC. the tallest