按要求改写下列句子。1. Santa brought gifts for children. (变成一般疑问句)_______________________________________________________________________2. My father bWhat's ____________ the bedroom?A. inB. atC. onPoint ____________ the kitchen.[ ]A. onB. toC. inIt's time_____________breakfast. [ ]A. forB. toC. inWhat's _____________ breakfast? [ ]A. onB. forC. ofI want to send a card_____________Li Ming. [ ]A. ofB. toC. offLet's find the card _____________Santa. [ ]A. byB. ofC. withI like to ski _____________ the snow. [ ]A. inB. atC. on按要求改写句子。1. Forget your boots and umbrellas! (写出否定句)_________________________________________________________________________2. Time to go to schooLook ___________ the answers. [ ]A. inB. onC. atAre you ready _____________ a quiz? [ ]A. fourB. forC. ofI like to have my umbrella _____________a rainy day. [ ]A. atB. onC. in句型转换。1. Jenny always takes the bus. (变成一般疑问句)_________________________________________________________________2. This is my umbrella. (写出复数句It's only _____________ three kilometres. [ ]A. onB. inC. about改错,每句话只有一处错误,把正确的句子写在横线上。1. They are listen quietly.__________________________________________________2. Is these dishes clean or dirDo you have lunch _____________12: 00? [ ]A. atB. inC. onDoes she read books _____________Sunday? [ ]A. inB. atC. on改错。每句话都有一处错误,改正过来并把正确的句子写在横线上。1. How many line make a triangle?___________________________________________________________2. Mr.I have a carrot ______________ his nose.[ ]A. offB. ofC. forWhat's ____________ supper? [ ]A. ofB. offC. forIs it ______________ China? [ ]A. fromB. ofC. forHe is a merry man ____________ red clothes. [ ]A. inB. toC. onThe rain is falling _____________the sky. [ ]A. ofB. fromC. forShe is ___________the couch. [ ]A. inB. onC. atI have two sticks _____________his arms. [ ]A. inB. withC. forAre you ready ____________a quiz? [ ]A. toB. forC. inSay something ____________ your family. [ ]A. inB. withC. aboutShow your family tree ___________ your class. [ ]A. toB. forC. onTian'anmen Square is _____________Beijing. [ ]A. onB. forC. inI know ____________ China. [ ]A. inB. forC. aboutThe flag ____________the Canada is red, white and blue. [ ]A. ofB. onC. forThe flag of the U. K. is the same colour ____________the flag of the U. S.![ ]A. forB. asC. inIwant to ______________Beijing. [ ]A. /B. goC. go toYou work hard _____________school. [ ]A. inB. onC. atWe live ____________China. [ ]A. inB. onC. atI'm going______________ a trip ______________ Beijing. [ ]A. on; onB. for; toC. on; toWhat is it ___________ English? [ ]A. inB. forC. onCanada is far ______________China. [ ]A. toB. fromC. /Let's ____________Beijing by plane. [ ]A. goB. go toC. go to theDanny and Jenny leave Canada _______________ 6: 15. [ ]A. inB. onC. atD. toI often do my homework ____________ the evening. [ ]A. inB. onC. atD. toWe leave __________Shijiazhuang __________February first in the morning.[ ]A. in; toB. for; onC. in; inD. for; inWe go to Tian'anmen Square _____________Monday. [ ]A. inB. onC. atD. forSmile ____________ the right answer. [ ]A. toB. atC. forThey are going ____________a trip ____________Beijing. [ ]A. on; toB. to; onC. on; on按要求改写句子。1. This is the Palace Museum in Beijing. (变一般疑问句)________________________________________________________________________2. A train is sWe leave for Beijing ___________ the train. [ ]A. inB. onC. atLook _____________ my nose. [ ]A. forB. atC. inMy uncle works _____________ a store. [ ]A. inB. toC. withI go to school _____________bus. [ ]A. onB. inC. byShe often plays ___________her dolls. [ ]A. onB. inC. withMy uncle often works _____________the computer. [ ]A. forB. withC. onI draw a picture _____________ my story. [ ]A. toB. forC. isThis is the way we iron the clothes, ______________a Sunday morning. [ ]A. inB. onC. at根据所给图片,填入合适的介词补全句子。1. The picture is ______________the bed. 2. The slippers are ______________the bed. 3. The TV is ______________ ______She often skips _____________ her skipping rope. [ ]A. andB. useC. withTian'anmen Square is ______________Beijing. [ ]A. onB. inC. atMary's sweater is the same colour ____________ Ann's.[ ]A. andB. asC. or Please _____________ Mrs. Smith. [ ]A. talkB. talk toC. talkingBeijing is the capital city ___________China. [ ]A. forB. toC. ofThey go to Canada _____________ plane. [ ]A. byB. buyC. takeThey stay with my family ____________ two days ____________ Shijiazhuang.[ ]A. for; onB. to; inC. for; inHe's getting ready______________bed. [ ]A. toB. forC. toWe are _____________ the train station _____________ buy tickets.[ ]A. going to; /B. going to; toC. go to; toHow much _____________ a ticket? [ ]A. toB. doesC. forPlease stand ______________ the train. [ ]A. onB. inC. besideI like meat ___________lunch. [ ]A. toB. forC. inHow many bottles _____________juice? [ ]A. atB. ofC. inI eat lunch ___________the afternoon. [ ]A. onB. inC. orAre you ready ______________ a quiz? [ ]A. forB. toC. /Do you ___________ the gym to play badminton? [ ]A. goB. go toC. to goDo you know the capital city _____________Australia? [ ]A. atB. ofC. inWhat is ______________breakfast? [ ]A. toB. forC. inI put milk and sugar ____________ it. [ ]A. orB. onC. atIt's a glass ____________ pop. [ ]A. ofB. toC. on用正确的介词填空。1. We went home _____________February 1st.2. I bought presents _____________ my friends.3. She got back _____________Beijing last week.4.I like salt ____________ eggs. [ ]A. onB. inC. under句子大变身。按要求改写句子。1. He is a tall man. (改为一般疑问句) ____________ he a ____________man?2. I am 160 cm tall. You are 158 cm tall.(合成一句) I'根据首字母提示补全单词。1. W___________ dog do you like?2. I l___________ the black one.3. The yellow dog is bigger t___________ the black one.4. She's 2What's the matter ___________ you?[ ]A. withB. ofC. at你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. Stay in bed at a few days. _______________A B C D( ) 2. Lisa have a fever. _______________A B C D( ) 3. Don'Look ___________the picture. [ ]A. atB. inC. ofHe passes it ____________Mike. [ ]A. atB. toC. onThe coat is 50 yuan cheaper _____________ hers. [ ]A. thenB. thanC. that按要求完成下列各题。1. Sarah is 160 cm. (就画线部分提问)______________________________________________________________________________2. Wu Yifan is taller thI went swimming ____________the weekend. [ ]A. inB. onC. forThe dog jumped ____________ the lake. [ ]A. inB. onC. intoHe swam ____________ the kite. [ ]A. toB. atC. in你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What did you do on you holiday? _______________ABC( ) 2. Wu Yifan is busy last weekend._______________AB C(The birds___________the tree are black, and the oranges ___________the tree are orange.[ ]A. in; inB. in; onC. on; on你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. I went Xinjiang. ______________ A B C( ) 2. I went to by train on my holiday. ______________AB C_____________ Monday I washed my clothes. [ ]A. InB. OnC. onHe reads newspapers _____________the morning. [ ]A. onB. inC. atWhat is the weather _____________there? [ ]A. likesB. likeC. likedWe went to the park _____________ taxi. [ ]A. onB. inC. byThe driver told us many things ____________Kunming. [ ]A. inB. atC. aboutI was excited ____________the trip. [ ]A. onB. aboutC. withWhat's wrong ______________ Zhang Peng? [ ]A. atB. withC. toLook ___________ the picture. [ ]A. atB. inC. onHow can we get _____________the cinema? [ ]A. forB. onC. to
Get off ____________ the post office. [ ]A. onB. withC. atI am very grateful______________the dog. [ ]A. atB. ofC. to用适当的介词填空。1. Iwent ______________a trip.2. Iwent ______________a zoo.你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. When does Alice go to school yesterday?A B C D( ) 2. My brother like flying kites.A B C D( ) 3. My sister hCan you help me _____________the housework, please? [ ]A. inB. onC. withHe goes to Canada ______________ plane. [ ]A. onB. byC. in_____________ June 1st, he went to the park with his parents. [ ]A. InB. OnC. AtHow ____________ you, Lily? [ ]A. onB. aboutC. atI will give a book ______________ him. [ ]A. forB. toC. of用适当的介词填空。1. I like CDs _____________violin music.2. Sarah bought a book _____________ Thomas Edison.3. When did you get _____________ Harbin?4. SThis is a small gift _____________me. [ ]A. inB. withC. from______________ Friday we went to a park. [ ]A. AtB. InC. On_____________ 1998 I went to Shenyang. [ ]A. OnB. AtC. InIs Beijing far ____________ Kunming?[ ]A. toB. ofC. fromThey're going ___________ my parents. [ ]A. andB. withC. toThey bought a fan ______________ Japan. [ ]A. onB. inC. atWhat would you like _____________dinner? [ ]A. fromB. forC. ofHe eats breakfast _____________7: 00 _____________ Monday. [ ]A. on; atB. at; onC. at; at你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What's day is it today?A B C ( ) 2. Her sister teach math.A B C( ) 3. What do you have in Mondays? A B CDon't laugh ___________me. [ ]A. toB. atC. forD. inI don't have to go to school _______________ the weekend. [ ]A. inB. ofC. forD. onWhat's wrong______________Mike? [ ]A. withB. aboutC. onD. forStay in bed ______________ a few days. [ ]A. atB. forC. onD. ofWhat's wrong ____________ them? [ ]A. toB. forC. withCan you dive ___________ the deep cold water? [ ]A. intoB. forC. at你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. We got back to Beijing by train in January 1st. _________________A B C( ) 2. Am I come in?_______________Does your grandparents live _____________Shanghai?[ ]A. atB. forC. inThey often get up ____________six o'clock. [ ]A. onB. atC. inI often go to work _____________ foot. [ ]A. byB. takeC. onThe museum is _______________the first floor. [ ]A. onB. inC. atWhat do you have _______________ Sundays? [ ]A. atB. onC. in看图填写合适的介词。1. The sun is ________________ the big box.2. The cloud is ________________ the big box.3. The moon is ________________ the letter B.4.选词填空。in, to, at, for, on, in front of, behind, from, under1. Tom is ____________ America. Now. he is ____________ Shanghai.2. I can't sit ____________I like playing_________ football. Mary likes playing _________ piano. Sue likes playing _________ a dog. [ ]A. the, /, withB. /, the, withC. with, /, the_____________ spring, the sun is shining. I can fly kites _____________ weekends. [ ]A. On, inB. In, onC. At, on— Where is the broom?— It's ____________the house, ____________ the door. [ ]A. behind, inB. in, behindC. after, behindLook _____________ that tall tree. Tom is _____________ it, but we can't see him. [ ]A. at, inB. on, onC. at, onMy father isn't ____________ his shop. He is ____________ home. [ ]A. on, inB. in, onC. in, at— When is your birthday?— My birthday is ___________ May. It's ___________ a nice day.[ ]A. on, inB. in, onC. at, on— Where do you have lunch_____________Mondays?— I have lunch _____________ school.[ ]A. in, atB. on, atC. on, inThe bird is singing _____________the tree. The red apples are _____________the tree. [ ]A. in, onB. on, inC. at, onWelcome ____________ our school. Nice ____________ meet you. [ ]A. in, toB. on, toC. to, toMay goes ____________ school ____________ bus. But today, she is ____________ her father's car. [ ]A. to, by, inB. to, on, byC. at, on, inMy English teacher is _____________ Canada. [ ]A. fromB. atC. likeD. doBaby, happy birthday ____________ you. This cake is ____________ you. A. to, toB. for, forC. to, forD. for, toLi Ming and Alice walk quickly ______________ the school. [ ]A. toB. forC. atThe park isn't far, I can walk ____________you. [ ]A. forB. toC. withMy father is ___________ the train. [ ]A. atB. onC. inThere is a picture_____________ the post-card. [ ]A. onB. inC. ofI want to buy a gift _____________ my family. [ ]A. toB. forC. inThe postcard has a picture ____________ our school. [ ]A. in B. atC. ofMingming is writing a letter ______________his mother. [ ]A. ofB. toC. forPlease put the letter ____________ the envelope. [ ]A. onB. atC. inCan you point to the bottom ____________ the envelope? [ ]A. inB. ofC. onIt's a nice postcard, Iwant to send ______________.[ ]A. it my motherB. my mother itC. it to my motherIt has a picture ___________Tian'anmen Square. [ ]A. onB. ofC. inYou can walk _____________ the hotel. [ ]A. toB. /C. in选出错误,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. I am at Shanghai.__________________A B C( ) 2. May I send my friend to an e-mail? __________________A B C( ) 3. This's a h___________ is the panda ___________?[ ]A.What;comeB.Where;fromC.Where;comeD.What;fromYou write a letter _____________ paper. [ ]A. ofB. onC. inTurn left ___________the traffic lights. [ ]A. atB. onC. ofJenny wants to send a postcard ___________her brother. [ ]A. toB. forC. tooMrs. King takes a cab ____________the hotel. [ ]A. forB. toC. goLook, Danny is pointing _____________the soup. [ ]A. ofB. toC. on选出错误的选项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. I like dumpling very much.___________________ A B C( ) 2. Please look on your book. ___________________ABC( ) 3. WhaFilm goes ___________ the camera. [ ]A. inB. onC. toThis is Jenny ____________ the Palace Museum. [ ]A. atB. onC. toThis is a gift ___________ you. [ ]A. forB. toC. ofWe have no classes _____________ Saturday. A. onB. on theC. inD. in the改错。找出错误的部分,把正确的内容写在后面的横线上。1. What's colour is it? It's red. ________________________2. I like she very much. ___________________I'm sending it _____________ Shijiazhuang. [ ]A. atB. forC. toTurn left ______________ the traffic lights. [ ]A. atB. inC. onThe postcard is _____________you. [ ]A. toB. forC. from改错。( ) 1. We get to Harbin yesterday._______________A B C( ) 2. People didn't went to the gym. _______________A B C( ) 3. You were very loudly! ________根据图片及首字母提示,完成句子。1. The children are c______________.2. Flying a kite is e______________ for him. 3. I fell at the Palace Museum, and I h____用所给介词填空。on with under near at1. You can take a picture _____________ your camera.2. There is a park _____________ my house.3. There are so many peopIt's time ____________Chinese class. [ ]A. forB. toC. ofWelcome back ____________school. [ ]A. onB. toC. forLook _____________ that man! He's so short! [ ]A. inB. atYou can't walk_____________ the hotel with that! [ ]A. toB. andC. atThis is Danny ____________ the train.[ ]A. ofB. onC. to句型转换。1. I can send my friend an e-mail. (变为同义句) I can send an e-mail ____________ ____________ ____________.2. He has a computer. (变为否定句) He Li Ming needs a stamp ____________ his letter. [ ]A. toB. forC. withI'm writing a letter ____________my pen. [ ]A. withB. onC. of下列句子均缺少一个单词,请把正确的句子写在横线上。1. The elephant is heavier the horse._____________________________________________________2. What is the matWhat would you like ____________lunch? [ ]A. onB. forC. inWhat _____________ the classroom? [ ]A. inB. is inC. is onWelcome _____________ my home. [ ]A. toB. inC. atWelcome ______________ my home. [ ]A. toB. tooC. twoHow many apples are there ______________the tree? [ ]A. onB. forC. inWhat's _____________ the classroom?[ ]A. inB. onC. atLook ___________ the picture. [ ]A. atB. inC. onGo ____________the kitchen. [ ]A. tooB. toC. twoWhat can you see ______________my room? [ ]A. inB. onC. underAct _____________ a teacher. [ ]A. likeB. likesC. /Listen _____________ the music. [ ]A. toB. inC. /There isa bee ____________ the board. [ ]A. onB. inC. atLook ____________the picture. [ ]A. atB. toIt's windy today. How ____________ New York? [ ]A. aboutB. muchC. areWhat's the weather like ____________ London? [ ]A. onB. inC. at
Look ___________ the cucumbers. They are tender and green. [ ]A. atB. outC. forYour shelf is _____________the door.[ ]A. nearB. inThe phone is ____________the desk. [ ]A. onB. toHe is____________the bathroom. [ ]A. onB. underC. inWhat's _____________dinner? [ ]A. toB. forC. inWhat is ____________your bag? [ ]A. toB. onC. in改错。( ) 1. What is she name?________________ A B C( ) 2. I likes Chinese food. ________________ A B C( ) 3. Look in the board.________________ AB C( ) 4.What's ____________ your schoolbag? [ ]A. atB. onC. inWhat would you like ____________ dinner? [ ]A. forB. atC. in选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. The boy is often first to come.A B C D( ) 2. I like nice skirt in the window. A B C D ( ) 3. Where is a shopping centre, pleasI can't sleep, because the English teacher is _____________me now.[ ]A. lookB. lookingC. looking atD. looks换种方式表达下列各句。1. John is taller than my sister. My sister is ____________ ____________ ____________.2. This desk is black. This is ____________ ____The airplane is flying ____________ the mountain. [ ]A. onB. inC. aboveD. atJenny was born ______________. [ ]A. on July 10, 1990B. in July 10, 1990C. in 1990, July 10D. on 1990, July 10My uncle will come here _______________ tomorrow morning. [ ]A. at tenthB. at tenC. on tenD. till tenthHe began to work there ______________.[ ]A. on his fiftyB. at ages of fiftyC. when he fiftyD. in his fiftiesIt's time _____________ school. [ ]A. toB. forC. at— Where is the art room?— It's ____________ the second floor. [ ]A. atB. inC. onA big peach is ____________ the short tree and a small bird is ____________ the tall tree. [ ]A. on; onB. on; inC. in; onPlease look _____________the blackboard and listen to me. [ ]A. afterB. forC. likeD. atShe is in a red dress. 介词in在这里的意思是: [ ]A. 在……里面B. 穿…(服装)C. 用…(语言)D. 在家Sam often plays _____________ his dog at home. [ ]A. andB. toC. withWe are going to meet _____________eight _____________ the morning. [ ]A. in / atB. at / atC. at / inWhose is this bag _____________the floor? [ ]A. inB. onC. atD. ofI want ____________ take some books ____________ the classroom. [ ]A. too, toB. to, toC. to, tooD. too, tooThere are _____________ birds_____________the trees. [ ]A. any, inB. any, onC. some, onD. some, inWelcome _____________our classroom. [ ]A. inB. toC. on I want a new computer _____________ my birthday. [ ]A. toB. fromC. forTom often have lunch ______________ 12 o'clock. [ ]A. onB. inC. atWhat's wrong ____________ you, Jack. You look ill. [ ]A. withB. aboutC. areShe looks young ____________her uniform. [ ]A. onB. inC. forWe should learn ______________ each other. [ ]A. forB. toC. fromThe boy _____________ yellow hair looks funny. [ ]A. andB. hasC. withCan you sing a song ____________us?[ ]A. toB. forC. atDo it __________ this. [ ]A. toB. likeC. atLook! Lucy is ____________ a new red dress. She is beautiful today. [ ]A. withB. put onC. inD. wearDo you know the girl ____________ brown hair? [ ]A. haveB. hasC. withIt's hot _____________ summer in Beijing. [ ]A. byB. onC. atD. in_____________ October, 2003, ShenzhouⅤ flew into space with Yang Liwei. [ ]A. AtB. InC. OnYang Liwei is ___________ Liaoning. [ ]A. fromB. comeC. comesLook at him. He's trying to get ____________ the bus. [ ]A. upB. inC. onWho gave it ____________ you? [ ]A. toB. forC. ofWhat's wrong _____________ you, Jack. You look ill. [ ]A. withB. areC. aboutD. andSusan often goes to school _____________ 7 o'clock. [ ]A. onB. inC. atD. forIt's half past seven, it's time ____________ school. [ ]A. toB. atC. aboutD. forThe dog is ____________ the door. I can't see it. [ ]A. inB. onC. behind选择合适的介词填空。(每词只能使用一次) underbefore at in front of near over for in1. Lucy is ill, so she is ______________home now.2. There is a bridge ______判断下列介词用得是否正确,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”,并将错误的改正过来。( ) 1. It's time to lunch. _________________( ) 2. It's hot outside. Please put on — What's this ______________ English?— It's an apple. [ ]A. onB. inC. atD. ofLily, can you go shopping _____________ me?[ ]A. nearB. atC. withD. fromEnglish is spoken _______________America. [ ]A. inB. atC. byD. withIt often rains ______________ June. [ ]A. ofB. inC. atD. onThey are waiting for a bus ___________ the bus stop. [ ]A. inB. toC. onD. atHurry up. It's time _____________class. [ ]A. toB. forC. ofD. atWe worked _____________ the farm last week. [ ]A. inB. toC. onD. ofHe is late ______________school. [ ]A. forB. onC. inD. to We have sports ____________ four ____________ the afternoon.[ ]A. at; atB. on; inC. at; inD. on; atChang'e Ⅰwas sent up into space _____________October 24th, 2007. [ ]A. atB. inC. onD. toI have got a present. It is ____________ my mother. [ ]A. fromB. forC. toD. ofDo you know the girl ___________ red? [ ]A. inB. withC. ofD. forWhat's wrong ____________ you?[ ]A. forB. ofC. withD. toMrs. Smith is a teacher ______________English. [ ]A. inB. forC. ofD. inGive ______________, please. [ ]A. I itB. it meC. it to meD. me itLet's ____________ and give it ____________ the teacher. [ ]A. go; toB. to go; toC. go; /D. go to, toMy mother is a doctor. How ______________your mother? [ ]A. isB. aboutC. areMy sister is _____________Class One. [ ]A. atB. inC. on— Where's your grandfather?— He's _____________home. [ ]A. atB. inC. onWhat'sthis _____________English? [ ]A. inB. atC. on用所给中文的适当形式填空。1. My little brother _____________________ playing the computer. (喜欢)2. Are you good at _____________________?(做风筝)3. My mothMilk is good ___________you. [ ]A. toB. forC. atDon't read ______________. It's bad for your eyes. [ ]A. in the sunB. in sunC. under the sunMary often helps us _____________our English. [ ]A. withB. toC. orA cola_me.[ ]A. ofB. for C. on D. to— Where are you?— I am __ Beijing.[ ]A. toB. atC. inD. onLook ____________ the blackboard. [ ]A. atB. inC. likeStand _____________ the right answer. [ ]A. forB. toC. inI eat supper _____________my family. [ ]A. andB. withC. orI want a toy car ___________ my son.[ ]A. forB. toC. ofD. atWhat's the matter ______________you? [ ]A. toB. forC. withStay ____________ bed ____________ a few days. [ ]A. in, atB. in, forC. at, forThe boy is sitting ____________ her father and mother. [ ]A. amongB. betweenC. afterD. beforeHow is the weather_____ December? [ ]A. inB. onC. atReading in bed is bad _____________your eyes. [ ]A. atB. ofC. inD. forYou can buy things _____________money. [ ]A. inB. withC. toD. andWe have some sports news ______________the newspaper. [ ]A. inB. toC. fromD. atDon't leave your things _____________this. [ ]A. isB. likeC. ofD. forOur school is famous_____________its sports. [ ]A. onB. inC. forD. ofDon't worry_____________your little brother. [ ]A. onB. aboutC. ofD. forWhat's wrong _____________your child? [ ]A. withB. inC. atD. aboutWe do a lot _____________interesting things _____________ science class. [ ]A. on, inB. for, onC. of, inD. an, onHe often helps his classmates _____________their English.[ ]A. toB. withC. onD. inThey take their students ______________the park. [ ]A. fromB. awayC. toD. inWe often borrow some English books _____________our English teacher. [ ]A. atB. fromC. inD. toThe birds are singing _____ the trees. [ ]A. inB. onC. atD. ofShe islistening____music,____the phone is ringing. [ ]A. for; orB. to; but C. to; andD. too; butI have lunch_half past twelve.[ ]A. atB. onC. inThe books are____ Shelf A.[ ]A. atB. onC. inLet's play ____________ the students over there. [ ]A. withB. andC. ofD. butI don't know the girl ____________the red hat. [ ]A. ofB. inC. underD. onLook ____________these animals. [ ]A. toB. atC. in
The girl wants to ____________English ____________her teacher. [ ]A. speak, inB. learn, fromC. in, for— Can I play football _____________my father?— Yes, _____________ can. [ ]A. and, youB. with, IC. with, youLook_Panpan's little sister.[ ]A. onB. inC. atD. toDon't leave your things _____________this. [ ]A. isB. likeC. ofWhat do we call it _____________English? [ ]A. onB. atC. inD. forTom likes _____________the puppet. [ ]A. playB. play withC. playing withD. playingI know the man _____________the black cap. [ ]A. underB. onC. ofD. inSam wants to act ______________the puppet. [ ]A. asB. withC. /D. to根据首字母填空。1. The small kangaroos are c_____________ joeys .2. The geese are s_____________ in the pond .3. Tiger cubs can't j_____________ through th— Where is my book?— It's _your desk.[ ]A. atB. onC. toI go to work bus every day.[ ]A. byB. sitC. inI_____ an interesting programme_____animals last night.[ ]A. watch; ofB. watch; aboutC. watched, of D. watched; about下面每句话中都有一处错误,请选出来并改正。( )1.I want to taking a present for my cousin. _____A BCD( )2.English children loves the theatre. _____ AB C D( )3.— What's the time. please?— It's half _eight.[ ]A. passB. passed C. pastPlease bring back the booktwo weeks'time[ ]A. on B. inC. toD. atThank you_your email.[ ]A. to B. of C. for D. onLook _ the trees. They are tall.[ ]A. onB. forC. atShe wants to buy a bag_pockets.[ ]A. onB. with C. inD. toDaming is_the phone _you.[ ]A. on; for B. through; forC. on; toD. through; toIt's a bookBeijing.[ ]A. of B. about C. toNew York isthe east.[ ]A. inB. atC. onMy mum is making a cake____me.[ ]A. to B. for C. at指出错误并改正。1. Can you play football and us? A B C( )改为 2.I like this shorts. AB C ( )改为 3.Whatdo you want to go? ABC ( )改为 4.I don't likeswim.My birthday is _the second of June. Nancy's birthday is ____June, too.[ ]A. on; onB. in; on C. on; in D. in; in— Where is Mike?— He always goes to the library____ Sundays.[ ]A. on B. for C. inD. atWhat do you have ___dinner?[ ]A. forB. onC. atJack, go to bed. It'stwelve. [ ]A. on B. inC. at D. about按要求完成下列句子。1. He has a brother and a sister. (改为一般疑问句)____he____any brothers or sisters?2. Open the windows. (改为否定句)____ ____ the windoMy sister does well___ ComputerStudies.[ ]A. onB. atC. inWho do you want _ ? [ ]A. to write B. to write toC. writeHe is_Ben some questions ____ public signs.[ ]A. asks; to B. asks; asC. asking; about D. asking; to— What_you likea New Year's present?—_a yo-yo.[ ]A. do; as; I'd likeB. would; as; I'd likeC. do; for; I'd like toD. would; as; I'd like toLook! Lucy is ____ a new red dress. She is beautiful today.[ ]A. withB. put onC. inD. wearI'd like a cakelots of.[ ]A. have; grapes B. has; grapesC. for; grapesD. with; grapesKate is telling her classmate about Halloween__ the phone.[ ]A. in B. at C. onD. byIt's time____lunch. [ ]A. for B. to C. for haveD. haveSaturday is _ _ day _a week. [ ]A. seven; ofB. seventh; onC. the sixth; withD. the seventh; of— When's your birthday?— My birthday is _August 23.[ ]A. at B. inC. onThe coat the wall isn't Kate's.It's .[ ]A. on; hisB. to; mine C. in; heD. under; himI usually go to schoolbike.[ ]A. inB. onC. withD. byWhat's wrong _ your arm?[ ]A. aboutB. withC. forD. ofThe library is____the first floor.[ ]A. inB. onC. atGo____the library.[ ]A. toB. forC. /Do you know the name _ the girl?[ ]A. in B. onC. ofD. atRead booksthe library.[ ]A. inB. onC. atThe woman_ the red coat is our teacher. [ ]A. onB. inC. under D. ofWhat a lot _fun ! [ ]A. of B. / C. forLiu Xiang was born in Shanghai _ 13th July, 1983.[ ]A. in B. at C. on D. toShe often goes_ school_____seven.[ ]A. to; atB. to; toC. in; toDo you have lunch school?[ ]A. in B. at C. /It is cool_Beijing. [ ]A. atB. for C. inWhat time is itNew York?[ ]A. atB. for C. inWhat's the weather ____today? [ ]A. likeB. likesC. is likeWe must be home6 o'clock.[ ]A. byB. inC. onWhat time is itNew York?[ ]A. inB. to C. atIt's time dinner.[ ]A. forB. toC. inLet's go _the playground. [ ]A. to B. / C. inWhat's the weather inBeijing?[ ]A. likeB. for C. atHow New York? [ ]A. isB. for C. aboutI like the white sweater ____the green skirt. [ ]A. toB. withC. forLookme.[ ]A. atB. inC. onAre you goingschool? [ ]A. atB. inC. toI have a new dress my party. [ ]A. for B. in C. atLookthe clock. [ ]A. inB. forC. atI am lateschool. [ ]A. forB. at C. inThe art room is the second floor.[ ]A. onB. inC. forWhat's the matteryou?[ ]A. atB. withC. forThey are _ your feet.[ ]A. inB. onC. atIt's timemath class. [ ]A. forB. toC. in选出错误的一项。( )1. John go to school at 8:00. A BC( )2. This are my skirt.A BC()3. Is that you dress?AB C( )4. where are they? A B C()5. It's time tWhat's the weather____in Lhasa?[ ]A. is like B. likeC. likesI like the white sweaterthe blue jeans.[ ]A. have B. forC. withThis T-shirt looks nice ____ the girls.[ ]A. forB. toC. ofD. aboutWhat's the matter ____ that cat?[ ]A. forB. toC. withD. onWhat's the weather _today?[ ]A. like B. likesC. /I want a pair _ jeans.[ ]A. atB. forC. ofThis book isyou.[ ]A. ofB. help C. forJohn is the farm.[ ]A. at B. for C. withWinter is beautiful, but it's ____ cold ___me. [ ]A. to, for B. too, for C. too, toMike'sbirthdayisFebruary.[ ]A.atB.inC. onWhat's the matter ____ you? [ ]A. toB. for C. withStay ____________ bed ____________ a few days. [ ]A. in, atB. in, forC. at, forMy mother is a teacher. She goes to work ____ 7:00____ the morning. [ ]A. at…on B. at…at C. at…inThe boy is sitting ____ her father and mother.[ ]A. among B. betweenC. after D. beforeLookthese animals.[ ]A. to B. atC. inWinter is beautiful, but it's ____ cold ___me. [ ]A. to, for B. too, for C. too, toThere is a call _____ you.[ ]A. on B. of C. forI don't go to school _____ the weekends. [ ]A. in B. atC. on Please comethe front.[ ]A. to B. onC. inThey live1 Hebei Road .[ ]A. onB. inC. at按要求改写句子。1. She is good at Chinese. (划线提问)she?2. I'm Ben. (同义句)is Ben.3. I live at 20 Purple Street. (否定句) I at 20 Purple Street.4. I—Can I play footballmy father?— Yes ,can .[ ]A. and , youB. with , IC. with , you She is good_____________drawing.[ ]A. inB. onC. atMilk is goodyou.[ ]A. to B. forC. atMy mother is a teacher. She goes to work ____ 7:00____ the morning. [ ]A. at…on B. at…at C. at…inIs your home far ____ our school?[ ]A. toB. ofC. forD. fromDon't leave your thingsthis.[ ]A. isB. like C. of What do we havelunch?[ ]A. to B. in C. forWill you comemy home?[ ]A. toB. in C. forYou'd better stay ____ bed for a day.[ ]A. onB. toC. inD. at