用适当的情态动词填空。 IhaveacopybookforSu Yang?用适当的情态动词填空。 youswim?用正确的情态动词填空。1、Isithere?2、 Iuseyourcar ? No,you.3、 Icomeheretomorrow ?Yes,you.4、I'mverybusy.Igonow.5、A:Whatdoesthesignmean ? B:Itmeansyoub根据划线部分提问。1、Heoftendoeshistestinthelab. 2、Martincananswerallthequestions.3、Mostoftheplantswillbedeadbecauseofnowater. 4、JackwillleaveforLondonbyEa根据句子意思填入所给单词的适当形式。1.I(benot)amiddleschoolstudent.2.She(be)inClassSix,GradeOne.We(be)allYoungPioneers.3.SamandI(be)indifferentclasses.4.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Canyou(help)mewithmyChinese?Sure.2.Howmany(child)arethereinthecar?Three.3.Look!Thegirl(dance)underthetree.4.I(take)partinthesp句型转换。1.TomdidwellinMathsandEnglish.(同义句)Tom MathsandEnglish.2. Iwatchedarunningracelastweek.(就画线部分提问)you ____ lastweek?3.Hisfriend'sbirthdayThesignonthewallmeans 'No', weshouldn't here.[ ]A.smoking;smokeB. smoke;smokingC.smoking;smokingD. smoke;smoke改错。(请在题前的括号中写出错误的选项,并在横线上写出正确的答案)( )1. They are yourEnglishbook.A B C D( ) 2. Myshoesarebrown.Heshoesareblack . A BC D( )3. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Thegirlissinginginherroom.(改为一般疑问句)thegirlinherroom ?2. Therearetwobooksinmyhand ?(对划线部分提问)booksarethereinyourhand ?3.按要求改写句子。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句)seethatisapear ?2. Icangivehermypencil.(同义句转换) Icangivemypencil .3. LiLeiisinTeamFour.LinTaoFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( )1.Westudyveryhardly.A B C()2. Ineeda pair ofrunner.A B C()3.Bob is Jennys' brother.A BC()4. That'sCanyoumethesefruit ?[ ]A.tellB.totellC.tellsReadandwrite. 在横线上写出空缺的单词。1.Classl(赢) thegamejustnow.2.Helooksverysad,becausehe(不及格) thetest.3. Ithinkyoushould(喝) morehottea.4.Mybrothe写出所给单词的适当形式。1. I'm (sleep).2. Ican(skate)inwinter.3. The____(leaf)arecolorful.4."Whydoyoulikewinter?"He (ask) Mary.5.Theycanfly (kite) iFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Youcan ____ (听) mywordswithyourears.2. You'retoo____ (大声的). Pleasebequiet!3.Let'ssChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. Icangototheparkwithyouthisafternoon.(改为否定句) 2. Dannyismakingacall.(对画线部分提问) 3. I knowhispho选出每个句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。1. Somepeoplesareonthesquare. ABC2.Look!Dannyiswalkingslow. A B C3.CanJennyflysakite? A B C4.TherearesomemansherIcanmyfriendane-mail.[ ]A.makeB. sendC. sending根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. Theweatheris(晴朗) today.2. Danny(摔) fromthehouse.3. Canyou(写) aletter?4.(贴) thestamphere.5. Beijingisa (著名的) city.Chooseandcorrectthemistakes. 把错误的选项填在括号内并在横线上改正。( )1. Dannyeaticecreamyesterday. A B C ( )2. IoftentalkstoMissLi.A B C( )3. Icann'tseeaIcanamanatthedesk.[ ]A.seesB.seeC.seeingD.tosee改错。下列每个句子中均有一处错误,请找出来并将其字母标号填在前面括号内。然后在后面的横线上改正过来。( ) 1.Whatdoshesee? A B C D( ) 2.JennyispointingonthelittlChoosethewordsand fill intheblanks. 选择适当的单词填空。a.is b.canc.what d.where e.may f.or g.how h.do1. Ihelpyou?2.timeisitnow?3.Isyourbedroombigs按要求改写句子。1. IliveinCanada.(用she 代替I 改写句子) 2. Dannyhasninepostcard.(对划线部分提问)3. Wecansendapostcardtoourfriends.(改为一般疑问句) 4. TurnFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( )1.Westudyveryhardly.A B C()2. Ineeda pair ofrunner.A B C()3.Bob is Jennys' brother.A BC()4. That'sFillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Australia (have)kangaroos.2. (she)nameisJenny.3. The(U.K.) flagisred,whiteandblue.4. IcanChangetheformsofthesentences. 句型转换。1. Icangotoschool.(改为否定句) 2. It'stimetogotoschool.(改为同义句) 3. Ifeelhot.(对画线部分提问) 4. JennyhurtsheFindandcorrect. 找出每句话中的错误并在横线上改正。1.Thisisapop. 2.Therearefourbottlesofmilks. 3.Ihaveninteencups. 4.Ilikesaltineggs.5.MyIhaveonedonut?按要求填空。A.按括号内的要求写出单词。1.willnot(缩写)2.right(同音词) 3.potato(复数)4.save(反义词) 5.take(过去式) B.根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式,每空只填一词Readandwrite. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Peter'sfatheroften(take)abustogotowork.2.Look!They(play)happilyontheplayground.3.Tom likes(swim)in summer.4.Wh找出每题中的一个错误,并在横线上改正。1.Helencanspeaksthreelanguages.2.Howmuchpensarethereinyourpencil-box? 3.Notthrowrubbishonthefloor,please. 4.Ishouldt用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.He likes(listen)tomusic.Me,too.2.MyEnglishteacheroften(go)(jog)afterschool.3.Yourclassroomisonthe(four)floor (层).4.Mymother 按要求进行句型转换。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句)seethatisapear? 2. Icangivehermypencil.(改为同义句) Icangivemypencil .3. TheboybehindthedoorisExcuseme, canIyousomequestions?[ ]A.askB. asksC. tellIhaveyourattention, please?[ ]A.MayB. Can将下列问句的正确答语的序号填入题前括号里。1. Whatdoyousee?[ ]A.Iseetwotigers.B.Icanseetwotigers.2.Whataretheelephantsdoing?[ ]A.It'sdrinkingwater.B.T根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。for later how doarecan this1.Ispeaktoyourbrother?2.Whatyoudoing?3.Sheishomework.4.Seeyou .5.iseverybodydoing?6.There选词填空,将其序号填在横线上。A. hotB. can'tC. can D. onE.sweaterF. take 1.It's .YouwearyourT-shirt.2.Letmeashower.3.It'scoldtoday.Youwearyournew请用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Myfatheris(heavy)thanmyuncle.2.Hisdeskistallerthan(you).3.Thepandaisfun,butyouare(funny).4.Tomdoesn'tliketogotothemovies.H单项选择。Canyouplaythepiano?[ ]A.Yes, Ido.B. Yes, Ican.C. No, Ican.单项选择。Canyouforus?[ ]A.cookB.cookedC.cooking请将下图与右边文字搭配起来,把序号写在横线上,并把句子补充完整。 1.A. It'swindyandcold.Icanskate. 2.B. It'swindyandwarm.Ican . 3.C. It'ssunnyandhot.按要求完成下面各题。1. Thisisabignaturepark.(变为感叹句) 2. Thetigersareswimming.(对画线部分提问) 3. Fishcanswim.(改为一般疑问句) 4. Whatisthepandadoing?单项选择。Howmanyboysandgirlsyousee?[ ]A.isB.amC.areD.canRead, chooseandcorrect. 找出句子中有错的一项,把序号填在括号里,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. Doyoulikeshotdogs? A B C D( ) 2. CanIhasanapple,please? AB C D ( ) 3.单项选择。Excuseme,Iuseyourpencil?[ ]A.amB.canC.do用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What'she(do)now?2. What(be)theygoingto(do)soon?3.What(be)Tom(do)?4. —Canyousing? —Yes, I(can).5. —Where(be)shegoingnextmo按要求改写句子。1. Wecangototheparkonfoot.(改成否定句) 2. Iamgoingtoseeapictureshow.(改成一般疑问句) 3. DriversdriveontheleftsideinEngland.(改成一般疑问句)对划线部分提问。1. Igotoschoolbybike. 2.Tomistenyearsold. 3. Igotoschoolat6:30.4. Youcangototheparkonfoot. 5.Yourbagisonthedesk. 按要求改写句子。1. Thebookstoreisnexttothehospital.(就画线部分提问) 2. Isitfarfromhere?(肯定回答) 3. Igotoschoolbybike.(就画线部分提问)4. IcangototheScien按要求转换下列句型,每空一词。1. IsMikein?(改为同义句) IsMike?2.knowtheyoungman?3. ThegirlontheredbikeisWangFang.(就画线部分提问)isWangFang?4. Canweputour用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.(do)helikecollectingstamps?2. I'mgoingto(be) adoctor.3.Myfatherusually(read)newspaperafterlunch.4.Mybrotherlikes(ride) abike.Inseveraldays,youcanasprout.[ ]A.seesB.seeC.toseeD.seeing下面的句子中各有一处错误,请找出来,并改在右边的横线上。1. I can'tfindsmypen. ( )A BC D 2. Whatdohisfatherdo?( )A B C D3. Hegoestoworkbyfoot.( )A B CD4. 根据要求改写句子。1. math and we English have(连词成句)2. Sheisyoungandpretty.(对划线部分提问) 3. Icanplayfootball.(改成一般疑问句)4. Wehavemath, computeraMysistercantheclothes.[ ]A. washesB. doC. wash根据要求改写句子。1. Yes, Icandothehousework.(对此句进行提问) 2. Mikecansweepthefloor.(改成否定句) 3. Herfavouritefoodisfish.(对划线部分提问)4. are forveg根据要求改写句子。1. Canyouspellthesewords?(作否定和肯定回答)2. HeisJack.(对划线部分提问) 3. Annismybestfriend.(对划线部分提问)—Whatcanyou ? —Icancleanthebedroom.[ ]A. doesB. doC. didI can't mykey.[ ]A.findB. findingC. found下列句中均有一处错误,找出并改正过来。1.Let'sgoinatriptoGuilin.2.MayIinvitedakiteinthepark? 3.atthemorningonJan10th 4.HowfarisittoBeijingfromCanada? 5.I用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.How(do)Tomgotoschooleveryday?2.Mary (go)toworkbybus.3.There(be)alwaysthreelightsineverycountry.4.Redlight(mean)"stop".5.Yo用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.How(do)hegotoschool?2.He(live)inthecity.3.Whatdoeshe(like)?4. I(have) apenpal.5.There(be) astampshowonSunday.6. Canhe(goAustraliabefun![ ]A.canB.mustC.shouldyoutellmemore?[ ]A.DoesB.AreC.Can选词填空。Can What Who Where How1.—areyou?—IamKate.2.—isyourmouth?—Hereitis.3.—isyourname?—I'mTom.4.—areyou? —Fine, thanks.5.— Ihaveanapple, pleaseCanyoufootball?[ ]A.playB.playsC.walk选词填空。are third can behind an1. Theregreencurtains. 2. It'sonthefloor. 3. Whatyoudo? 4. Thereis appleinthebag. 5.Thetrashbinisthedoor.—youcookthemeals?—Yes.Ican.[ ]A.CanB.DoC.DoesShecan'tthemeals.[ ]A.cooksB.cookC.do选词填空。can Yes can't play clean try Do but help to1. —Whodohousework? —Ican. 2. I'dlikecookthemeals. 3.youlikeEnglish? 4.I'dliketohavea .5. Ican Canhegowithus?[ ]A.Sure.B.No, hedon't.C.Yes, wecan.按要求改写下列各句。1. I'mgoingtowatertheflowersthisafternoon.(对划线部分提问)2. Raincomesfromclouds.(对划线部分提问) 3. Icanseesomebirdsinthepicture.(对划对划线部分进行提问。1.Thevapourcomesfromtheriver. 2.Weshouldputtheseedsinthesoil. 3. Shegoestoschoolbybus. 4. Sheworksin aschool. 5. Mymotherisateacher.选择单词,补全句子。1. Icanthefloor. (sweep / cook)2.Robotcan'tdothe(dish / dishes).3.Robot, canyouthetable? (set / sit)4.Amyisathome. (helpful / help)5下列句子均有错误,请选出来并改正。( ) 1. —Canyouplaythefootball? —Yes, Ican.ABC( ) 2.Shecansweepthefloorandcooksthemeals.A B C( ) 3. —Areyouhelp?—Yes, Iam—Canyouplayme? —Yes, .[ ]A.with, IcanB. for, IcanC. with,can't选出错误的一项并改正。( ) 1.Amycanswashtheclothes. A B C () 2. Ihavemyownsroomnow. A B C( ) 3.Comeandlookon mynewcurtains. AB C( ) 4.There are abigcloset —youwashtheclothes, Susan? —Yes, Ican.[ ]A. DoB. AreC. Can按要求完成下列句子。1.Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily.(对划线部分提问) 2.Myfatherisadriver.(对划线部分提问)3.Shecanspellthesewords.(改成一般疑问句)4.I'mgoingtobIhavealook?[ ]A. MayB. WhatC. HowD. will改写句子。例: Abirdcanfly. → Canabirdfly?1.Acowcanwalk. → _____________________2.Afishcanswim.→ _____________________3.Arabbitcanhop. → _________________Whattheydo?[ ]A.areB.canC.doesCanyouseethepicture? Yes, .[ ]A. IcanB. IamC. IseeWhattheydo?[ ]A. canB. areC. /Fillintheblankswithcanorcan't. 用can或can't.填空,完成句子。1.Aduckswim. Achickenswim.2. Abirdfly.Apigfly.3. Adonkeyrun. Ahorse run.4.Arabbitwrite.Whattheydo? Theycanfly.[ ]A.areB.doC.canIhelpyou?[ ]A. MayB. mayC. /用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Canyou (make) asnowball?2. Whereis(it)nose?3. What(do) shedoinwinter?4. Thishatis(small) thanyours.5. Doyouhavetwo (stick)?按要求改写句子。1. Sheisthrowingasnowball.(对划线部分提问) 2. on the let's snowman eyes make(连词成句) 3. Heiswonderful.(改成一般疑问句)4. IcanmakeasnowmaJennycanthesong.[ ]A. singB. singsC. tosing— Ihavesomejuice? —Yes, please.[ ]A. DoB.AmC.Can句型转换。1. Myfatherisateacher.(变为一般疑问句) 2. Dannycanflyakite.(变为否定句)3. Thegirlissingingasong.(对划线部分提问) 4. I'msendingmyfriendane-mail.Wecanbooksinthelibrary.[ ]A.readB.readsC.reading按要求改写句子。1. Icanwashtheclothes.(对划线部分提问) 2. Canabirdfly?(作肯定和否定回答)3. Thegoatiscrying.(对划线部分提问)4. Thereisahorse.(改成复数)5.Icanmyhandsinthebathroom.[ ]A.washesB. brushC. washIcanyou.[ ]A.showingB.toshowC.showIcanmyhandsinthebathroom.[ ]A.washesB. brushC. washIcan'tmykey.[ ]A.findB.findingC.found
—MayI liveinBeijing? — .[ ]A.No,youcan'tB.Yes,youcanC.Yes,youmay句型转换。1. Wewenttothestoreyesterday. (对划线部分提问)youyesterday?2. Theyhadfuntoday. (一般疑问句)theyfuntoday?3. Thisisabasketball. (复数). 4.There根据要求改写句子。1. Mysisterwantstolearnanewsong. (对画线部分进行提问) 2. Ialwaysliketodance. (以主语第三人称改写句子) 3. Heknewthat. (改成否定句)4. Igot— MayIgoonatriptoCanada? — [ ]A. Yes,youmay.B. Yes,youdo.C.No,youdon't.Canyoufindmykey? [ ]A. Yes,Ifind.B. No,Ifind.C.Yes,Ican.Whattheydo?[ ]A.canB. cansC. iscanD. arecanCanyoudrawpictures?[ ]A.Yes,Ican.B.Yes,Iam.C.No,I'm not.Icanyou.[ ]A.showingB.toshowC.showThegirlsaystoo.Ican'thearher.[ ]A. loudB. softC. loudlyD. softlyIcan ______ you.[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. helpingD. tohelp句型转换。1. Thisismysister. (改为复数句) ___________________________________________________________2. Heistwelveyearsold. (对划线部分提问) ________________句型转换。1. I'dlikeabottleofwater. (对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________ 2. Mybrothergoestoschoolbybike. (改为否定句句型转换。1. Danny isskatingontheice. (对画线部分提问) 2. Whydoyoulikespring? (根据实际情况回答)3. Therearefourseasonsinayear. (对画线部分提问) 4. IlikespMayI ________ youwriteit?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. giveD. helping按要求改写句子。1. IliveinCanada.(用she 代替I 改写句子) 2. Dannyhasninepostcard.(对划线部分提问)3. Wecansendapostcardtoourfriends.(改为一般疑问句) 4. Turn— Canyoufly? — ________[ ]A.Yes, Ican't.B. No, Ican.C. Yes, Iam.D. No, Ican't句型转换。1. Whatcanafishdo? (作回答) _____________________________________________2.Asnakelivesinahole. (对画线部分提问) ___________________________________对画线部分提问。1.Ilikefruit. ____________________________2.Icanseemyteacher. ____________________________3. Itisasandwich.____________________________改错。( ) 1. Icanplaysthepiano. ______________ A B C ( ) 2. Jennyplaystheerhuthreetimeaweek. ______________ A B C ( ) 3. Danny isabadpianoplay. ___________What _________ youplay?[ ]A.areB.canC. is句型转换。1. Iswinteryourfavouriteseason? (改为陈述句)____________________________________________2. Icanstandupontheice. (改为否定句)_______________________句型转换。1. TheSpringFestivalisinJanuaryorFebruary. (对画线提问)______________________________________________________?2. Everyoneputsonnewclothes. (变一般用所给单词的正确填空。1. Iamgoingto __________ (buy)somegifts.2.Danny __________(walk)tothebusstop.3. It'sfun__________ (put)upaChristmastree.4.Let'sinv_________ youfindmypyjams? Yes, Ican.[ ]A.AreB.DoC.Can按要求写句子。1. Icanfindmykey. (变否定句)______________________________________________2. Dannyistired. (变一般疑问句)______________________________________You _________drythedishes.[ ]A.doB.canC. isD.are__________ Itakeapicture?[ ]A. WhatB. MayC. canD. Do根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1.LiMing_________ (hurt)hisnose.2.Everyone_________ (want)togoshopping.3.Theywalk_________(slow).4. MayI _________句型转换。1. Hebreakshistail. (改为一般疑问句)_______________________________________________________2. Mymotheroftengoestoworkbybus. (对划线部分提问)_______What'sapostcard? Ican _________ you.[ ]A.showB. showingC. toshowWhat ____________ outofthewindow?[ ]A.canyouseeB.canyoulookC.youcanseeD.yousee— _________I helpyou?— Sure.[ ]A.CansB.MayC.may用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Isend __________ (a) e-mailtomyfriend.2.Lookatthese __________ (picture).3.Thereisaletteron__________ (paper).4.Thepostcard__— _________Ihelpyou?— Sure.[ ]A.AmB. IsC. AreD. MayMayI __________ you?[ ]A. helpB. helpedC. helpsD. helpingWhat__________ they do?[ ]A. areB. canC. doesWhat __________ theydo? Theycanfly.[ ]A.areB.doC.canWhattheydo?[ ]A. canB. areC. /Whatfood _________ yousee?[ ]A.doesB.canC.areWhat __________ yousee?[ ]A.areB.canC. is改错。( ) 1. Iammakesoup._______________ A B C( ) 2. Iputnoodlesonthesoup. _______________ A B C( ) 3.Areyoumakesoup? _______________ A BC( ) 4.IlikenoodlMayI ___________ one?[ ]A.hasB.haveC.a__________ youmakesoup?[ ]A.AreB.CanC.Am___________ Ihaveone?[ ]A.DoesB.NowC.MayCanyou __________ amonster?[ ]A.drawB.drawsC.drawing___________ youdrawamonster? Yes,Ican.[ ]A. AreB. DoC. Can— ___________ Ihaveone?— Sure.[ ]A.DoesB.NotC.MayD.Doesn't__________ Ihavesomesoup, please?[ ]A.AmB. IsC.May__________ Ihavesomesoup, please?[ ]A.AmB. IsC.May选择合适的单词填句子。don't have may are two1. I __________ twobooks.2. __________ Ihaveagreenmarker?3. I __________ haveaneraser.4. Herethey __________.What ___________ yousee?[ ]A. isB. areC. canCanyou __________ forwards?[ ]A.skateB. skatingC. skatesTomcan ___________ manysongs.[ ]A.singB.singingC.singsD.tosingMayI ________ youwriteit?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. giveD. helping用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Marcheighthis ____________ (woman)Day.2.The ____________ (man)are ____________ (talk)together.3. Junefirstis ____________ (child按要求改写句子。1. Ourbagsareonthedesks. (改为单数句)______________________________________________________________2. Youcanplaytheviolin. (改为否定句)______请用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Look! These _____________ (child) areplayingfootball.2.Mayoften _____________ (watch) TVonSunday.3.XiaoMing is _____________ (用所给词的适当形式填空。1.It's time ____________ (have) lunch.2.Can you ____________ (jump)very high?3.JimandBill ____________ (sing) intheroomnow.4.What按要求进行句型转换。1. Youcanseethatisapear.(改为否定疑问句) _____________ _____________ seethatisapear?2. Icangivehermypencil. (改为同义句) IcangivemypenciLook, theboycan ____________.[ ]A.skatingB.skateC.skates— MayI ____________ Helen?— ThisisHelenspeaking.[ ]A. speakingB. speakC. speakto___________gotothecinemanow?[ ]A.Are youB.Shall weC.Let'sD.Don't选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _______________ (gotoschool /togotoschool).2. Iwouldlike _______________ (tobe/be) herpenfriend.3. Peterliveson _____选择括号中适当的词填在横线上。1. Go _____________ (straight/along) thisstreetandturnright.2. Look! Mysister _____________ (plays/ isplaying) withthetoycars.3选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _____________ (gohome/ togohome).2. Shewouldlike _____________ (tobe/ be) yourpenfriend.3. Peterliveson_____________ Youcan ____________ togettotheRedStarCinema.[ ]A. takeabusB.bybusC.onabusWe ______________ belateforschool.[ ]A.couldB.canC.mustn'tD.don'tYoumust ____________morethantenyearsold.[ ]A. beB. areC. amD. isYoumust____________agoodmountainbike.[ ]A.hadB.haveC.hasD.havingCanyou ____________thepiano?[ ]A.playB.playsC.playedD.playingCanyou _____________ me?[ ]A.heardB.hearC.hearingD.hearsYoumust______________ ahelmet.[ ]A.hasB.haveC.havingD.hadKencan ____________ thedrums.[ ]A.playB.playsC.playedD.playing改错。( ) 1. Howmanyarethey? Theyareninety-sixyuan. ________________ A B C( ) 2.Wemustn'ttalkingtothedriveronabus.________________ A B C( ) 3.Doeshedoesan改错。( ) 1.Howmanybookdoyouhave?__________________A B C( ) 2.Theyworkedveryhardly.__________________A BC ( ) 3.Theiceinthenorthwillstarttobecomingwater.__用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Heis____________(go)homenow.2.Tom____________(get)upatseveninthemorning.3.LastweekI ____________ (have) myfirsttriponanairplane.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Myschoolwill ____________ (has) aconcertnextweek.2. — CanTomplaythepiano? — No, he ____________ (can).3.NextFridayisChildren'sDa改错。( ) 1.HowcanIhelps? _________________ A B C( ) 2.Passminethecookbook._________________A B C( ) 3.Whatdoesyouneed? _________________ A B C( ) 4.Let'用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。1.Ican _____________ (singing).2.The _____________ (shirt)arebrown.3.It_____________ (are)round.4.Puton _____________ (you)sShallwe ____________ onfoot?[ ]A. gotohomeB.gohomeC.goinghome改错。( ) 1.Wearegoingtolate. _______________ A B C ( ) 2.Let'sseeavideo. _______________ AB C( ) 3.Canwegohomeonfeet?_______________ A B C( ) 4.Ionlycan— Shallwe ______________?— Oh,no.Let'sgo______________.[ ]A.takeabus, takeacarB.bybus, bycarC.takeabus, bycar改错。( ) 1.WhatdoyouusuallydoinWednesdaymorning? _______________ A BC( ) 2.Shedon'tlikeit._______________ AB C( ) 3.Whatshallwedoing? _______________ A B改错。( ) 1.Iusuallytakeanbustoschool. _______________ A B C( ) 2.WhatdoyouvisitUncleLiu? _______________ABC( ) 3.Ican'tbeinglateagain. _______________ AWhatcanI ____________?[ ]A.doingB.doesC.do选词并用其适当形式完成句子。swim your be good have1. — What _____________ yourname? — MynameisWangLi.2.She _____________ twocakes.3. — Canyou _____________改错。( ) 1. Let's go shop at the store._______________ A B C( ) 2. I have some moneys._______________ A BC( ) 3. Do he have a pencil?_______________A B CShe _____________ readanEnglishbook.[ ]A.canB.cans根据单词提示完成句子。1. Itis____________(a) egg.2.Are ____________ (that)eggplants?3.Howmany ____________ (flower)arethere?4.Iwant ____________ (climb)thYoucan ___________ ___________ policemaninfrontof theshop.[ ]A.ask;anB.ask;theC.asked;theWhocan _____________ metheway _____________ theplayground?[ ]A.get;atB.walk;toC.tell;toD.let;toLook,theboycan ____________.[ ]A.skatingB.skateC.skatesD.is skating— May I ___________ Helen?— ThisisHelenspeaking.[ ]A.speakingB.speakC.speak toD.to speak选词完列句子。1. — Who is the man? — He's ___________ (my / mine)father.2.I have a hat. ___________ (It's / Its)white.3. This ___________ (pear / pair) Canyou __________ thekey __________ thedoor?[ ]A.lookedfor; ofB. find;toC. found;atD. look;at____________ wegoforawalk?[ ]A.Let'sB.WillC.ShallD.Let___________ help the old woman?[ ]A. Shall weB.CanweC.AreweD. Doeswe用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I'm ___________ (big)thanyou.2. You'retallerthan ___________(I).3. LinJunis ___________ (short)thanMike.4. Sarahis ________用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Where _____________ you _____________ (go) yesterday?2. Lily _____________(see) a big mouse last night.3. My mother went to Beiji用所给单词的正确形式填空补全句子。1. Can I_____________ (use) your pen? 2. I _____________ (not) read a book yesterday. 3. My father _____________ (like) hi
— What ______________ you do?— I can clean the windows.[ ]A. are B. do C. can根据提示或句意,补全句子。1. I like s___________ best. It's warm.2. W___________ is cold, but I like it.3. I often go ___________ (swim) with Jack.4. WhI can ____________in the river.[ ]A. swim B. swims C. swimmingI like winter. I can _____________snow.[ ]A. play with B. play on C. playing in根据提示补全句子。1. How many s______________ are there in a year? There are four.2. It's A______________ 7th today. It's my b______________. 3. The dog根据提示用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. We are ____________(have) a picnic.2. Ioften go ____________ (shop) on the weekend.3. My b____________ is May 30th.4.____________ monkeys can ____________in the tree.[ ]A. The, swingB. Does, swing C. The, swinging___________ I use your pencil?[ ]A. Can B. Do C. AreYou can ___________ the No. 2 bus to school.[ ]A. takeB. byC. get根据图片提示补充句子,使句子意思完整。1. My sister __________ to school by __________.2. Mike's aunt __________ a__________.3. I __________a __________ yes用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. David often ___________ (help) me with my English.2. Can you ___________ (put) an egg on your head?3. Look, the farmers _______— ___________ you like some bread?— Yes, please. [ ]A. Would B. AreC. Can 看图,根据图示补全下列句子。1. My mom is ____________ an ____________.2. I'm ____________ ____________.3. Today is____________ ____________.4. Because I I like __________. I __________learn a lot from it.[ ]A. read, canB. to read, can'tC. reading, canD. reads, canWe ______________ put clothes on lamps or heaters.[ ]A. should B. mustn't C. can D. must When Karen was young, she ____________ play in the kitchen. [ ]A. can B. can't C. could D. couldn't The box is too heavy, and the boy __________ carry it easily. [ ]A. canB. can'tC. may改错,选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. I was watching TV when I hear the news. I was excited._______________ABCD( ) 2. Jill is sleeping when someone called him.My little sister can __________ my mother cook the meals.[ ]A. help B. helps C. helping根据句子意思和图画内容完成句子,每空填写一个单词。1. My grandpa is 33 years ____________ ____________ my mother.2. I ____________ good____________ yesterday.I_____________ call my mother first. [ ]A. may B. can C. need toWe can't ___________ in class. [ ]A. speak B. talk C. to speak用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I am going to ____________ (wake) up at seven. 2. She ____________(have) breakfast at 7: 15. 3. He ____________ (teach) us Engl用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. ____________(not do) your homework now. 2. They are going to ____________ (play) basketball.3. It ____________ (not rain) in w— ____________ I return your book today?— No, you needn't. Tomorrow is OK. [ ]A. Shall B. Must C. WillWe _________ water the garden. [ ]A. need B. needfor C. needn't to— Must I write all the words down? — No, you ____________.[ ]A. musn't B. can't C. needn't — _____________ I come in, Mr. Green?— Yes, come in, please. [ ]A. Must B. May C. Need 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tom's brother ___________(fall) down the stairs yesterday. 2. Her sister and brother never ___________ (go) to bed before 10: 00 p— ____________ we go out to play in the snow?— Good idea.[ ]A. Will B. Shall C. May 写出同义句。1. What time is it?_______________________________________2. May I help you?_______________________________________3. What would you like?_____Jenny can ___________ the guitar.[ ]A. play B. to play用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He can _____________ (catch) the ball. 2. They usually _____________(teach) each other. 3. Jenny often _____________(buy) some Can you ____________ me to play ping-pong? [ ]A. teach B. teachesMay I ____________Tian'anmen Square?[ ]A. to go toB. go to用所给词的正确形式填空。1. May I ____________ (go) on a trip to Beijing?2. It ____________(be) the capital city of China. 3. You can ____________ (come), toCan Jenny _____________? [ ]A. comeB. to comeWe can __________in the park.[ ]A. playB. playingHow ___________ I get to Zhongshan Park? [ ]A. canB. mayC. mustHow can I ___________to the cinema? [ ]A. getsB. getC. getting— Can he __________ with us?— Sure. [ ]A. goB. to goC. goingWhat ___________ you seein my living room? [ ]A. isB. areC. canCan I _________with you? [ ]A. goingB. goesC. go用动词的适当形式填空。1. My sister ____________ (be) a nurse. 2. My father ____________ (go) to work by bike every day. 3. I can ____________ (see) two monkMy sister can _____________ the clothes.[ ]A. washB. doC. washes改错。( ) 1. The library are in front of the school. ________________A BC D ( ) 2. How can I gets to the shoe store? ________________A BCD ( ) 3. The schoolHow can I ___________ to Zhong Shan Park? [ ]A. getsB. getC. getting用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. _____________ he like collecting stamps? (do) 2. I'm going to _____________ a doctor. (be) 3. My father usually _____________nHe likes ____________. He can ____________very well. [ ]A. painting, painting B. painting, paint C. paint, painting ____________ I go to Shanghai with you? Yes. [ ]A. MayB. DoesC. AmWhat can you ____________in the picture? [ ]A. seeB. seeingC. sawD. seesCan you _____________ the glass? [ ]A. brokeB. brokenC. break选出各句中的错误,并改正。( ) 1. I'd like same beef. ________________AB C D( ) 2. Let we show you. ________________AB C D ( ) 3. I'm like some milk. _____________ I have some rice? [ ]A. DoB. Can— __________ I have a look?— Sure. Here you are. [ ]A. ManyB. MayC. DoWhat ___________ you see in my room?[ ]A. doesB. canC. are— ____________ I go on foot?— Sure. [ ]A. DoB. DoesC. CanCan I ____________ some noodles, please? [ ]A. likeB. hasC. have用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What's he ___________ (do) now? 2. What ___________ (be) they going to ___________(do) soon? 3. What ___________ (be) Tom ____选出有错误的一项并改正在横线上。( ) 1. Where does the cloud comes from? ____________________A B C ( ) 2. I can sees the sprout. ____________________ A B C (选词填空。1. Where ____________ (do, does) the rain come from? 2. The sun ____________(shine, shines) and the water ____________ (become, becomes) vapour. 3.下面的句子中含有一处错误,请选出来,并改在右边的横线上。( ) 1. I can't finds my pen.__________________ A B C D ( ) 2. What do his father do? _______________I like beef, but I'm heavy now. I _____________ eat vegetables. [ ]A. don'tB. have toC. have改错。( ) 1. He can cooking the meals. ________________A B C ( ) 2. Can you do the dishes? Sorry, I can. ________________A B C ( ) 3. She's an university 改错。( ) 1. He cans do the dishes. ________________A B C( ) 2. There is a big rivers in the village. ________________A B C ( ) 3. Are there some fish in tI'm heavy now. I _____________ eat vegetables.[ ]A. have toB. hasC. have改错。( ) 1. There is blue curtains in my room. _________________A B C( ) 2. I have an new air-conditioner. _________________A B C( ) 3. Is there a park in用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Today is Tuesday, March ______________ (twelve). 2. What a wet, ______________(snow) day!3. Dad usually ______________ (teach) me I can't find my key. I ___________ unlock my door. [ ]A. canB. can'tC. don't_____________ I have five books, please?[ ]A. What'sB. MayC. mayDon't cry. We can ____________ a new teddy bear.[ ]A. buyB. to buyC. buys选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. He is writeing a letter. ________________A B C( ) 2. She is cooking carrots in the stove. ________________A B C ( ) 3. Lynn hI can ____________ my hands in the bathroom.[ ]A. washes B. brush C. wash— How can I get to the park?— You can _____________the No. 15 bus to go there.[ ]A. byB. takesC. takeHow can the water ____________ vapour? [ ]A. becameB. becomeC. becoming用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Amy and her sister_____________(be) twins. 2. My aunt is a teacher. She _____________ (teach) English. 3. Every morning, Alice用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My uncle often ____________(watch) TV after supper.2. Tom lives on the ____________ (five) floor.3. She likes ____________ (sing)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. _____________ (be) you helpful at home? 2. What can he _____________(do) at home? 3. She can _____________ (cook) the meals. 4小小纠错家,快来改一改。( ) 1. Are you helpful in home? ________________A B C ( ) 2. What can he does? ________________ A B C ( ) 3. I would like have a 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. I eat three _____________ (tomato). 2. The beef _____________ (be) too salty. 3. That _____________ (sound) good. 4. Amy 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. This is ____________ (I) bedroom. 2. Tom ____________(have) milk and cakes in the morning. 3. Can you ____________ (wash) the c— _____________ I have some tea?— Sure. Here you are. [ ]A. CanB. AmC. DoMay I ____________ Li Ming to our house, Dad?[ ]A. invitingB. to inviteC. invite选词并用其适当形式补全句子。clean go help dress pant1. I need ___________to bed early, because I leave for Beijing tomorrow. 2. Let's help mother ___________用括号中所给词的适当形式补全句子。 1. I'm eleven, Mary is ten, so I am _____________ (old) than Mary. 2. Mary invites me _____________ (come) to her birthday— _____________ I watch TV?— No, you may not. [ ]A. DoB. AmC. MayYoucan________ busNo.5. It's________ thelibrary.[ ]A.take,toB.take,forC.took,toD.taking,to— __________ I have a look?— Sure. Here you are. [ ]A. ManyB. MayC. DoWhat can he do in summer? He can ___________ in the river.[ ]A. swimB. is swimmingC. swamIfyouhaveafeveryou________ havetheflu.[ ]A.mightB. mustC. can—_________ youteachmetoplaycheckers? — Sorry,Ican't.[ ]A.CanB.MayC.Do_____________ I speak to your sister?[ ]A. HowB. CanC. WhyYou can't______________ the flowers in the park.[ ]A. pickingB. pickedC. pickCan you_____________the picture on the wall?[ ]A. lookingB. seeC. lookDanny thought he ____________ hit the ball. [ ]A. canB. couldC. willD. can't— _____________I help you?— Sure. [ ]A. AmB. ShouldC. WouldD. May— _____________I look at your watch?— Sure, here you are.[ ]A. AmB. MayC. CouldD. ShouldDanny thought he ____________ hit the ball. [ ]A. canB. couldC. willD. can'tMrs.Smithcan________ piano.[ ]A. play theB. play aC. played the_____ Itakeyourpicture? [ ]A.WhatB.WouldC.May
_____________ I help you?[ ]A. CanB. DoC. Am— ______________I have a look? — Sure. Here you are.[ ]A. MayB. MyC. Let改错。( ) 1. Where are my crayon? _______________A B C( ) 2. Is she on the study? _______________ABC ( ) 3. My mom is in the live room._______________ A B __________ you see my classroom? [ ]A. CanB. AreC. Is— _____Igoshopping? — Yes,youmay. [ ]A. CanB. WouldC. HowD. MayMymothercan ________ deliciousfood.[ ]A.cooksB.cookC.cookedD.cooking改错。( ) 1. Look for the window. Snow is falling. __________________ AB C( ) 2. Can you skating?__________________A B C( ) 3. I want to learning. ______选出错误并改正。( ) 1. Now Danny is walking backward.________________ABCD ( ) 2. Li Ming puts a pair of skates in.________________ AB C D( ) 3. Can you skat________ I speaktoJerry?[ ]A.MikeB.mayC.CanWhere_________ youyesterday?I_________ findyouanywhere.[ ]A.are;can'tB.were;couldC.were;couldn'tIcan ______ you.[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. helpingD. tohelpI_________playfootball,_________.[ ]A.can;eitherB. can't;eitherC. can't;tooMayI ________ youwriteit?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. giveD. helpingI________planttreesinspring.[ ]A.amB.likeC.can_____________ Jenny and Danny come?[ ]A. IsB. AreC. CanD. May beDucks_________ fly.[ ]A.canB. areC. can'tElephants________ fly.[ ]A.canB. areC. can't_________pandasswim?[ ]A. AreB. DoesC. Can—Canyou_________it?—Yes, Ican.[ ]A.saysB.sayesC.sayD. isCanI ________atry?[ ]A.hasB.haveC.hadD.heWemust________ homeby6o'clock.[ ]A.toB.isC.areD.beI________findyou![ ]A. doB. doesC. can'tI_________spell "key".[ ]A. doB. amC. canCan you ____________ this? [ ]A. doB. to doC. doingD. doesIcan_________thegrapes.[ ]A. doB. eatsC. get改错。( ) 1. The black bird can flies. _______________A BC( ) 2. A cat have a tail. _______________ AB C( ) 3. Jenny fellon the mud._______________ A B C( _______Ihavetwobooks? [ ]A.MayB.mayC.MeyCan you _______________ a panda in the picture?[ ]A. see B. sees C. seeingD. to seeMydadcan________ chesswell,________ Ican't.[ ]A.play;butB.playing;butC.play;andCan you ______________a panda? [ ]A. seeB. seesC. seeingD. to see选出句子中错误的选项,并将正确答案写在横线上。( ) 1. I like listen to music._________________ A BCD ( ) 2. There are a stamp show on Sunday. ________________— How ____________ I get to the cinema?— You can take a bus. [ ]A. amB. canC. doCanada must ______________fun.[ ]A. isB. areC. beThen I _____________ wait for it to grow.[ ]A. haveB. hadC. have toWho ____________talk to us about the future world? [ ]A. are B. is goingC. shallD. isWhat ____________ you do then?[ ]A. shouldB. isC. ate用动词的适当形式填空。1. My brother ______________ (be) a policeman.2. Sarah ______________ (go) to school on foot every day.3. Can you ______________ (see)What _____________ the monkey do? [ ]A. areB. doC. can— What _____________ you do at home?— I can empty the trash. [ ]A. areB. canC. doI can't cook the meals, but my mother ______________. [ ]A. doB. areC. can选择错误的部分,将其序号填入题前括号里,并在句后横线上改正。( ) 1. We can help she._______________A B C D( ) 2. She can sweeps the floor. _______________ABCDMymother can _____________ the clothes.[ ]A. washesB. doC. wash— _____________ you spell these words?— Yes, I can.[ ]A. AreB. CanC. May— How many rulers _____________ you see?— I can see thirty. [ ]A. doB. canC. have— _____________ you empty the trash, Sarah?— Yes, I can. [ ]A. DoB. AreC. CanI _____________ see 20 English books.A. amB. haveC. canThis is my home. You ___________see a bedroom.[ ]A. canB. areC. have_____________ I have some chicken?[ ]A. CanB. AmC. DoNow I can ____________ my cards. [ ]A. wroteB. writeC. writingWe can't_____________ inspring. [ ]A. skiingB. skiC. skied_____________ you find the TV? [ ]A. CanB. needC. can用单词的适当形式填空。1. You can ______________ (wash) your hands in the Bathroom.2. He ______________(watch) TV every evening.3. Danny is ______________(siShe can't _____________ an apple. [ ]A. foundB. findC. to findCan you ____________it? [ ]A. saysB. sayC. saying______________ I eat in restaurants? [ ]A. AmB. mayC. May同义句改写。May I go to Beijing? ____________________________________My cousin can _____________ English. [ ]A. speakingB. speaksC. speak_______________ I live in Beijing? [ ]A. areB. DoesC. MayI can ____________ you. A. showB. to showC. show to用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My father is a bus _____________(drive).2. What _____________ (do) she do?3. My aunt _____________ (like) to read the newspaper.按要求完成下列句子。1. I can play cards. (改为否定句)______________________________________________________________2. There are six cats. (对画线部分提问)___用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It's time to ___________(go) home.2. What did you ___________(see)?3. We must ___________(study) hard.The policeman said he would _____________us. [ ]A. helpsB. helpedC. help你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. I failed my chinese test.________________A B C D( ) 2. My brother is going to buys a book. ________________You can ____________ the No.1 bus. [ ]A. byB. takeC. takes用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Would you like to _____________(plant) trees?2. She can _____________ (swim) in the river.3. Let me _____________ (have) a lookYou can ____________ the No.3 bus to the park. [ ]A. tookB. takeC. takes用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am going to _______________(write) an e-mail.2. My teacher _______________(go) to work by bike every day.3. They like _________He can______________ the hotel near the hospital. [ ]A. findB. findsC. finding你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. We got back to Beijing by train in January 1st. _________________A B C( ) 2. Am I come in?_______________I can _____________and I am _____________now. [ ]A. sing, singB. singing, singC. sing, singing_____________ I see that toy panda? [ ]A. canB. mayC. May用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I can _______________ (swim).2. I _______________ (swim) now.选出错误的选项,并在横线上改正。(有两处)Can you sister takes a picture? A B C D1. ( ) __________________2. ( ) __________________按要求写句子。1. Can Danny buy a ticket? (改为陈述句)_______________________________________________________________2. I hurt my arm. (改为否定句)___________根据图片及首字母提示,完成句子。1. The children are c______________.2. Flying a kite is e______________ for him. 3. I fell at the Palace Museum, and I h____用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Let's _____________ (put) the letter in the envelope.2. Danny is _____________ (write) a letter to his friends.3. She ____________________ I have some soup? [ ]A. DoB. CanC. Am改错。( ) 1. I'd like some soups. _________________A B C( ) 2. Is this you pen? _________________ ABC( ) 3. What an big fish!_________________ A B C( ) 4._____________ I have a look? [ ]A. AmB. MayC. Do— Who can _____________your pen pal?— Mary can. [ ]A. isB. amC. areD. be用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look out! The car is _____________ (come).2. The horse is _____________ (run) very fast.3. He often _____________ (go) to schoo用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Everyone _______________ (pass) the exam.2. Does Lucy _______________ (have) many books?3. Mike is going to _______________ (re选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. She can't makes model ships. __________________A B C D( ) 2. Would you like going with me? __________________A B C D( ) 3. Did选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. My father doesn't works on Friday.____________________ A B C D( ) 2. Your brother don't like beautiful dolls.___________________Your shoes are very dirty. You should ______________.[ ]A. wash itB. washed itC. wash themD. washed them_____________ you help me with it? I _____________not finish it in time. [ ]A. May; mayB. Can; canC. Must; mustD. Should; shouldHe isn't at school. He ______________ be ill. [ ]A. mayB. shouldC. mustD. needCan you ____________? [ ]A. singingB. paintingC. danceWe can _____________together. [ ]A. playingB. playC. plays用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Please ____________ (say) hello to ____________ (he).2. Some books ____________ (be) in this bag. There is no ____________ (bookHi, Jean. You should _____________ before 10: 00 pm every night.[ ]A. go to bedB. goes to bedC. get upD. gets upBill ______________ his football socks. [ ]A. not findB. can't findC. find notD. isn't findI think I can _____________ a lot from the book. [ ]A. learnsB. learnC. learningD. learned用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look at the __________________. How big they are! (library)2. Look! The boy is __________________ to the classroom.(run)3. There _______________ the boy play hockey? [ ]A. CanB. DoC. IsMrs. Smith can _____________ piano.[ ]A. play theB. playedC. plays the— Will it be windy? — No, it.[ ]A. notB. will C. won'tCan you ____________ TV on Monday? [ ]A. watchB. watchesC. watchingD. see根据首字母填空。1. The small kangaroos are c_____________ joeys .2. The geese are s_____________ in the pond .3. Tiger cubs can't j_____________ through th