根据所给情景选择合适的选项。( )1.小小不喜欢购物,可以说: A.XiaoXiaodoesn'tlikegoingshopping. B.XiaoXiaodoesn'tlikegoshopping. C.XiaoXiaodon'tlikegoshop.根据句子意思填入所给单词的适当形式。1.I(benot)amiddleschoolstudent.2.She(be)inClassSix,GradeOne.We(be)allYoungPioneers.3.SamandI(be)indifferentclasses.4.用所给词的正确形式填空。1.I(go)forawalkwithmyparentsyesterdayafternoon.2.Ilike(jog)everymorninginthepark.3.Icanseethree (Japan)boysintheclassroom.4.Please选词填空。1.TheChangjiangRiverisavery(long,longer) river.2.Helikes(play,playing) football.3.It'sa(rain,rainy) daytoday.4.Youcangetoff atthe(two,second) s用动词的适当形式填空。1.Tom, (notwalk)onthegrass.2.Thegeese(catch)thefishnow.3.Whatthissign(mean)?4.Hisparents(go)toBeijinglastweek.5.Welike(play)footba根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.Jim'sbirthdayisonthe____ofMay.(one)2.Mymotherlikes .She muchdeliciousfoodyesterday.(cook)3.Nancyisa girl,she用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.He's(fat)thanme.2.Mygrandparentslike(jog)everymorning.3.Willyouplease(go)tothezoowithme?4.Whowouldlike(read)thenewwordsforus?Thesignonthewallmeans 'No', weshouldn't here.[ ]A.smoking;smokeB. smoke;smokingC.smoking;smokingD. smoke;smoke根据所给图片,补充句子。1. Thesignsays, " ."2. Mysister everyday.3. Heverymuch.4. LiMing yesterdayevening.5. Theyarein . Circleandcorrect. 找出下列句子中错误的一项,并把正确的写到横线上。1.Whatelsedoyoudoinhome? 2.HowmanyminuteadaydoyoureadEnglish?3.Walktoschoolisexercise. 4根据图示填单词。 1. 2. 3. 4.1. YesterdayJohn .2.LastweekendJohnthe .3. —Whatdidyoudoyesterday ? —Iyesterday.4.LiuYun: Whatdidyoudolastweekend ? Chen英语诊断,请你给下面的句子诊病吧!1.YesterdayIbuyedpresents.改:2.Didyouwentskiing ? 改:3.TomorrowI'llbackhome. 改: 4.WhatdidyouusuallydoonSunday ? 改:5.看图填空。1. combing her 2.her face3.his teeth4.eating her b 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. TheplaneforNanjing (leave) intwentyminutes.2.TheT-shirt____(cost)onedollar.3.Myuncle____ (buy) aballformelastweek.4.Mymotherl用所给单词的适当形式填空。l. Jennybegins____ (make)cookies.2. Thiscookieis____ (you), Jenny.3. Iwantyou____ (remember)China.4."It'sagoodkite!" saysDann用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Tom, (notwalk)onthegrass.2.Thegeese(catch)thefishnow.3.Mygrandfather(watch)TVeveryday.4.Hisparents(go)toBeijinglastweek.5.We选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1.Wheredoyougoyesterday ? A BC( ) 2.Let'shavesomefuns. A B C( ) 3.Lucy'sfatherwantstobehealthandstrong. AB Findoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Didyourememberplaygamesyesterday ? A B C( ) 2.Manypeoplesareinthestore. A B C( ) 3.HowareyoumakecooFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Doyoulike to seethecloudsinthesky?A BC( ) 2.Yourkitelook likeacircle.A B C( ) 3.IusuallywearshortinFllintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Whatcanyouseeinthedifferent(season)?2.Treeshavegreen(leaf).3. I (listen)totheraFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doyouwantto(be)healthy?2.Eatingdonutsisbadforyour(healthy).3.(ride)abikeisexerFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Iwant(buy)agiftformyfamily.2. Theflag(cost)onedollar.3. "It'sagoodidea." sFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iwalktohomeeveryday.A BC( ) 2.Youneedtwentyminutesofexercisesaweek.A B C( ) 3.Runingisexercise. AFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I(swim)inthelakelastsummer.2. "Thankyouforyourgift."saysDanny(happy).3.Lynn读下面的句子,找出错误的一项并改正。() 1.Didyouplayedagameyesterday ?A B C( ) 2. Wehad funwatchthegame.AB C( ) 3.LiMingisplayingthesoccernow.A B C( ) 4.DaReadandfillintheblanks. 单词变变身。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Whatdoyouusually(do) onweekends?2.I(go)tothezootwodaysago.3.Whatday (be) ityesterday?.4.ThLook,readandfillintheblanks. 请根据图片内容完成句子。1. —IsthisLily's ____?—Yes,it is. 2. —Doesyourbrother havea ____?—No,hedoesn't.3. —WhatdoyouhavefoReadandwrite. 用单词的适当形式填空。1. I'm ____ (come).2.Mylittlebrother____ (watch)TVeveryday.3.Thanksfor____ (teach)usEnglish.4.We ____ (play)footballMybrotheroftengoesintheriver.[ ]A. swimmingB.swamC.swimsFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Youcan ____ (听) mywordswithyourears.2. You'retoo____ (大声的). Pleasebequiet!3.Let'ssFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.ChinaisfartoCanada. AB C( ) 2. Wehadnoodlesonsupper-time. A B C( ) 3.May I goskingwithyou? A B C( 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Pleasegivemetwo (apple).2. Thebabyis (sleep)now.3.Canyoufindthe (child)playingchess?4. Ilove (go)hiking.5.What (be)theydoinFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Didyourememberplaygamesyesterday ? A B C( ) 2.Manypeoplesareinthestore. A B C( ) 3.HowareyoumakecooFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Doyoulike to seethecloudsinthesky?A BC( ) 2.Yourkitelook likeacircle.A B C( ) 3.IusuallywearshortinFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I(swim)inthelakelastsummer.2. "Thankyouforyourgift."saysDanny(happy).3.LynnFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iwalktohomeeveryday.A BC( ) 2.Youneedtwentyminutesofexercisesaweek.A B C( ) 3.Runingisexercise. AFllintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Whatcanyouseeinthedifferent(season)?2.Treeshavegreen(leaf).3. I (listen)totheraFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Iwant(buy)agiftformyfamily.2. Theflag(cost)onedollar.3. "It'sagoodidea." sEveryonewantstogo ____.[ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. shopingD. shopsFillintheblanks. 请根据汉语提示填空。1. Didyougo(购物)?2. It'sjust(合适) formydoll.3.Kim(步行) tothezooyesterday.4. Let'sputit(在……上方) mybed.5. IwaFindoutthemistakesandcorrectthem. 找出错误并改正。( )1.Thebabyissleepinginthecouch.ABC( )2.Thefamilyisintheliveingroom.A B C()3.TodayisOctoberone.WegotothFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Doyouwantto(be)healthy?2.Eatingdonutsisbadforyour(healthy).3.(ride)abikeisexerFillintneblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Iwanttogo____(shop)onMonday.2. IwantJennytocomeon____(us)triptoBeijing.3.HearrivesthereonFeb翻译下列划线部分的内容。1. Idon'tlikesocks, either! 2. Kimlikesto 画画 intheclassroom. 3. Jennylikesto 玩洋娃娃. 4.Helikestoskipwithhisskippingrope. 5. 看图填空。1.Theyliketo . 2.Helikestowear.3.Weliketo .Iwalktothecentre.[ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. shoppsD. shoping用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.ZhangXialikes(read)booksverymuch.Sheoften(read)booksin theevening.2.he (eat)manyice-creamslastSunday?3.Nancyisgoingto(play)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Therearefour(season)inayear.2.Aretheremanypupilsintheparkon(children)Day?3.MaryandTomwatchTV(third)timesaweek.4.Doyou like(swimReadandwrite. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Peter'sfatheroften(take)abustogotowork.2.Look!They(play)happilyontheplayground.3.Tom likes(swim)in summer.4.Wh用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.He likes(listen)tomusic.Me,too.2.MyEnglishteacheroften(go)(jog)afterschool.3.Yourclassroomisonthe(four)floor (层).4.Mymother 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Shall we (go)(swim)?2.—Howmany(bus)arethereinthestreet?—Therearetwelve.3.Heisfrom(America).Buthecanspeak(China).4.Sheusually(gThinkandwrite. 用动词的适当形式填空。1.Tom,(notwalk)onthegrass.2.Thegeese(catch)thefishnow.3.Mygrandma(watch)TVeveryday.4.Hisparents(go)toBeijinglastweek用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Iwouldlikesome(sugar).2. It's a(snow)day.3.It'shottoday.Let'sgo(swim).4.Whatcolouris(Mary)hat?5.They(notgo)toschooltomo用所给词的适当形式填空。1. TheChangjiangRiverisavery(long)river.2.He likes(play) football.3.It isa(rain)daytoday.4.Youcangetoff atthe(two)stop.5.LiuTaow用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.How(be)youtoday?2.Iknowyoulike(make)kites.3. I(write)apoemformymotheryesterday.4.John(live)nexttothepark.5.Amy(be)fromAmeric用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1. I'm(come).2.Mylittlebrother(watch)TVeveryday.3.Thanksfor(teach)usEnglish.4.We(play)footballyesterday.5.Therearemany(bus)根据句意和已给出的首字母,完成单词。1. IoftencmountainsonSundays.2. Ilikeplayingthep .3. Whatdoyoudoonthew ?4. Let'sgohtogether.单项选择。—Whatdidyoudoyesterday?—IwentwithSam.[ ]A. fishB. fishesC. fishing单项选择。Iwentyesterday.[ ]A.swimB.swimingC.swimming单项选择。Amyjoinedtheartclub (俱乐部), becausesheliked.[ ]A.drawB. drawsC. drawing单项选择。I gotodaywithmymother.[ ]A. hikeB. shoppingC. shop单项选择。It'sveryhot.Let'sgo .[ ]A.swimmingB.swimC.snow根据句意,将单词补充完整(首字母已给出)。1.MyfatherusuallywTVatnight.2.Mybrotherlikesrabike.3. —Doyoulikeptheviolin?—No, Idon't.4.Alice'sfatherworksinah选择下列单词的正确形式完成下列句子。1. Ilike(drink, drinking)milk.2.He(go, goes)homebybuseveryday.3.She(like, likes)singingsongs.4.Look!Theyare(swim, swim用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.(do)helikecollectingstamps?2. I'mgoingto(be) adoctor.3.Myfatherusually(read)newspaperafterlunch.4.Mybrotherlikes(ride) abike.Myfriendmusicand .[ ]A.like,paintB.likes,paintC.likes, paintingLet'sgo .[ ]A.storeB. shopC. shopping用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.How(do)hegotoschool?2.He(live)inthecity.3.Whatdoeshe(like)?4. I(have) apenpal.5.There(be) astampshowonSunday.6. Canhe(goMymumlikes .[ ]A.swimsB. swimmingC. swim写出下列单词的ing形式。1. ride —2. play —3. collect — 4. dive —5. make —6. paint — 7. draw — 8. watch — 根据图片,完成下列句子。1.Mypenpallikes. 2.Doeshegotoschool ?3.Hisfatherlikes. 4.Lucylikes.What'sMike'shobby?[ ]A.Helikesdiving.B.Helikesdive.C.Helikesnoodles.选词填空。1. Ilike(ride, riding)abike.2.Mymother(go, goes)tobedearly.3.Myfatherlikes(teachEnglish, teachingEnglish)4.MissWhite(teach, teaches)Chinese.5. —Whatdoyoulike? —Ilike .[ ]A. skiB. skingC. skiingTheboylikespeople.[ ]A.helpsB.helpC.helping用所给词的正确形式填空。1.How(do)yourfathergotowork?2.Mybrother(work) inahospital.3.Mylittlesisterlikes(draw)pictures.4.What (do)yourfatherandmotherdo?5.根据图片把句子补充完整。1.Thisisa . 2.Shelikes .3.Chenchenisa .4.Johniswatching .5.Myfriendlikes .Jennywantstogo .[ ]A. toshopB. shopC. shoppingHewantstogo .[ ]A.shopingB.shopC.shoppingHewantstogo .[ ]A.shopingB.shopC.shoppingMyfavouriteschoolworkisbooks.[ ]A.readsB.readingC.readIwanttogo .[ ]A.shoppingB.shopC.shopingDannylikesontheice.[ ]A.skatingB.skateC.toski用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let's(clean)thewindows.2. When's(he)birthday?3. Nowthechildrenare(sing)thesong.4. Benoften (have)breakfastatseveninthemorninMayIgo?[ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. shopingIlovetoontrips.[ ]A.goingB. goC. goes用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.—WhereisLucy? —She (want)togo (shop).2.Where(be)they (go)?3.What(be) yourfriends(do)?4.Ishe(drive) acar?5.Canyou(ride) abicLet'sgo.[ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. cityLet'sgo.[ ]A.shopB. toshopC. shoppingLet'sgo .[ ]A.shopB. shopingC. shoppingMay Igo ?[ ]A.shopB. shopingC. shoppingLiMingisinthe_________room.[ ]A. liveingB. livingC. livesD. liwingThanksformehelp.[ ]A. giveingB. giwingC. givesD. givingThanksfor __________thisradioshow.[ ]A.findingB. findsC. findesD. findingsIlike________ toWangfujingtobuygifts.[ ]A.goB.goesC.goingD.went用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let'sgototheparktofly _________(kite).2. Where_________ (be)thegrapes?3.Let'sgo _________ (shop),Danny.4.Where_________ (do)根据汉语提示补全句子。1. Dannyisplayingthe __________ (钢琴).2. Whoplays __________ (最好)?3.Stevenplays __________ (更好) thanDanny.4. Sheplays _________根据汉语写出单词。1. Hereisanother ________ (节目).2.Thanksfor ________ (发现) thisradioshow.3.Becausethereare ________ (许多) ChinesepeopleinCanada.4. CaListen.Ihear _________.[ ]A.singB.singsC.singingThanksfor _________ me![ ]A.helpingB.helpC.helps
用所给词的正确形式填空。1. I'm ________ (turn)ontheradio.2.Who ________ (sing)first?3. I________(watch)amovieyesterday.4.There ________(be)manypeopleinCa改错。( ) 1.Thanksforfindthisradioshow._______________ A BC ( ) 2.Don'tyouhasears? _______________ A B C( ) 3.LiMingbuysticketstothemovie. _______________用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Idon'thave __________ (some)homeworktoday.2.TheTVistoo __________ (loud).3.Dannyis __________ (play)thepiano.4.Let__________Ilove __________ ontrips.[ ]A.goB. goesC. going找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iseesomechildrenplaysthere. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Theyarelaughingloud. ______________ A B C( ) 3. Iseesomemanonthesquare. ______改错。( ) 1.Everyonewanttogoshopping. _____________ A BC ( ) 2.WeliveinChinese. _____________ AB C( ) 3.Theywalkquick. _____________A B C ( ) 4.Here'sabaIseesomepeople_________happilyonthesquare.[ ]A.walkB.walkingC.walksIseesomeboys __________.[ ]A.playB.playsC.playingIliked __________ toWangfujingtobuygifts.[ ]A. goingB. wentC. goDannylikes __________ kites.[ ]A.flyB. flewC. flyingD. toflying找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Herearesomepictureofourtrip. ________________ A B C( ) 2.Iaminthetrainstation.________________ A BC( ) 3.DannyislisteningtoMr.WoodwheHewantstogo __________.[ ]A. shopingB. shopC. shoppingIwanttogo .[ ]A.shoppingB.shopC.shopingHewantstogo .[ ]A.shopingB.shopC.shoppingJennywantstogo .[ ]A. toshopB. shopC. shoppingMyfavouriteschoolworkisbooks.[ ]A.readsB.readingC.readThanksfor __________ mehelp.[ ]A.giveingB.givvingC.givesD.givingThanksfor __________thisradioshow.[ ]A.findingB. findsC. findesD. findingsI liked __________ to Wangfujingtobuygifts.[ ]A.goB.go toC.goingDidyougo__________?[ ]A.shopsB.shoppingC.shopEveryonewantstogo __________.[ ]A.shopB.shopingC.shopping用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let'sgototheparkto fly_________ (kite).2.Where _________ (be)thegrapes?3.Let'sgo_________(shop),Danny.4.Where_________ (do)tLet'sgo.[ ]A.shopB. toshopC. shopping用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. It isa __________(snow)day. 2. In winter, Ilikeskatingand __________ (ski).3.TodayisFriday, November __________(nine).4. IlikThanksfor__________mehelp.[ ]A.giveingB. givvingC. giveD. givingThanksfor __________thisradioshow.[ ]A.findingB. findsC. findesD. findingsIamcleaningthe __________ room. CanyouseewhatI'vecleaned?[ ]A.livingB. liveC. leftD. leaveEveryonewantstogo ____.[ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. shopingD. shopsEveryonewantstogo __________.[ ]A.shopB.shopingC.shoppingMost of thechildrenenjoy ____________ computergames.[ ]A.playB.playingC.playsD. to play请用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Look! These _____________ (child) areplayingfootball.2.Mayoften _____________ (watch) TVonSunday.3.XiaoMing is _____________ (Thankyouverymuch ____________ methenews.[ ]A.toldB.tellingC.to tellD.for tellingI like ____________ football.[ ]A.playB.playingC.play theD.playa— Do youlike _____________ chess?— Yes, Ido.[ ]A. playingB. playsC. play选用适当的词填空。1. Whogetsup ____________ inyourfamily, yourfatheroryourmother? (late / later)2. Jimusually ____________ hishomeworkafterschool. (do/does)3— What'syourhobby?— ____________ ismyhobby.[ ]A.CollectingstampsB.CollectstampsC.Stamps用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Jimisnot ____________ (do) wellinPE.2. WangBing ____________ (run) asfastasGaoShan.3. I ____________ (jump)higherthansomeof thegi选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _______________ (gotoschool /togotoschool).2. Iwouldlike _______________ (tobe/be) herpenfriend.3. Peterliveson _____选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _____________ (gohome/ togohome).2. Shewouldlike _____________ (tobe/ be) yourpenfriend.3. Peterliveson_____________ 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look, thegirls ______________ (sing) now.2.Peter ______________ (want) ______________ (write)alettertohisfriend.3. Wouldyou lik根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Jimistwoyearsy___________ thanBen.2. Ioftengotoschoolonfoot, buts___________ bybike.3. Mybrotherlikessinging, butIdonIwant ______________. Canyoucomewithme, please?[ ]A.togoshoppingB.togoshopC.gotoshop改错。( ) 1. Ireadedaninterestingbooklastnight. ________________ A B C ( ) 2.Iusuallygorowingandfish.________________AB C( ) 3.GaoShanisthinerthanhisbrother根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。1. Anelephant'snoseisl____________ thanacat's.2. T____________rightatthefirstcrossingandyoucanfinditonyourright.3. Whatare选用适当的词填空。1. Whogetsup ____________ inyourfamily, yourfatheroryourmother? (late / later)2. Jimusually ____________ hishomeworkafterschool. (do/does)3用所给词的适当形式填空。1. — _____________ you like _____________ (draw)? — Yes, Ido.2. Rose_____________ (go) toschoolat6: 40everymorning. Butyesterdayshe They like ______________.[ ]A.toskatingB.collectingstampsC.goingtohomeD.aappleMyuncle _____________ well in _____________, tenyearsago.[ ]A.does;swimmingB.did;swimmingC.did;swimThankyou ____________ me.[ ]A.forhelpB.forhelpingC.athelpingD.tohelpHelen _____________ beautifullyandshelikes _____________ verymuch.[ ]A.dances;dancingB.dancing;dancesC.dance;danceD.dance;todanceMrGreen____________fastandhelikes ____________ verymuch.[ ]A.run;runB.run;torunC.running;runningD.runs;running用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Mysister_____________ (go) tothesupermarketeverySunday.2. We_____________ (donot) watchTVlastnight.3.Listen!Thegirlinthenextroo选择括号内合适的词填空。1. Myauntlikes _____________ (dance/dancing) verymuch. Shecandance _____________ (beautiful/ beautifully).2. There _____________ (isnWewill _____________ onourown.[ ]A.gowalkB.gotowalkingC.gowalkingD.goingwalk用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Idon'tknowwhereI _____________(will) bein2020.2.Theyaregoingto _____________ (has)classes.3. No _____________ (smoke).4. _____Hedidn'tlike _____________.[ ]A.togofishB.togofishingC.gofishingD.togoingfishTheEmperordidn'tliketo ______________.[ ]A.gofishB.gofishingC.goingfishD.goingfishing改错。( ) 1.Lilylikesreadinthemorning._______________A B C( ) 2.Whattimewillitstarts?_______________ A B C( ) 3.I'mnineyearold._______________ A BC( ) 4.改错。( ) 1. Let's go shop at the store._______________ A B C( ) 2. I have some moneys._______________ A BC( ) 3. Do he have a pencil?_______________A B C用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Myhobbyis ____________ (listen)tomusic.ButnowIam ____________ (run).2.Howmany ____________ (room)arethereinthehouse?3.I havetwo根据句意填写所缺单词,答案写在题中横线上。1. Let's ___________ toschool,OK?2. Sorry, youcan'tputyourbikehere. Pleaseputit ___________there.3. She'sanew Thanks for _____________me the good news.[ ]A.tellingB.tellC.listenD.listening下列每句中各有一处错误,请选出来并改正。( ) 1. WhatisthisonEnglish?_______________ A B CD( ) 2.I likeplayfootball._______________ A BCD( ) 3. Whatcolourisyo— Doyou like ____________ chess?— Yes,Ido.[ ]A.playingB.playsC.playD.play theDo you like __________?[ ]A.playbasketballB. playthebasketballC.playingbasketballD.playingthebasketball用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Will youplease ____________ (go)tothezoowithme?2.I am ____________ (thin)thanKate.3.My ruler is as ____________ (long)as yours.Isshegoodat___________pictures?[ ]A.drawB.drawsC.drawingD.drewMike went ______________.[ ]A. football B. swim C. swimming用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Ioftengo ____________ (shop)onSaturday.2. Amyusually____________ (wash)theclothesontheweekend.3. I____________ (listen)tomusicy根据提示补全句子。1. Do you like ____________ (peach)? 2. I ____________ (not) go to Beijing two days ago. 3. Last weekend I ____________ (go) skiing. 4. 根据首字母提示填空完成句子。1. H____________ is she going to get there? By train or by bus?2. I b____________ some presents on my holiday.3. Do you like h_I often go ____________.[ ]A. shoping B. shop C. shopping根据提示或句意,补全句子。1. I like s___________ best. It's warm.2. W___________ is cold, but I like it.3. I often go ___________ (swim) with Jack.4. WhI often go ______________ with my parents.[ ]A. school B. shop C. shoppingI often go _____________ on Saturday.[ ]A. shops B. hikingC. swimI often go _____________ on Saturday.[ ]A. swims B. swim C. swimming根据提示补全句子。1. My b_____________ is S_____________ 4th.2. Lily often _____________ (go) to bed at 9: 00.3. When is _____________ (she) birthday?4. I根据提示用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. We are ____________(have) a picnic.2. Ioften go ____________ (shop) on the weekend.3. My b____________ is May 30th.4.I like _____________.[ ]A. shops B. shop C. shoppingJohn ___________the violin.[ ]A. likes play B. like playing C. likes playing— Do you have any hobbies?— Yes, I do. I like ______________.[ ]A. make model planesB. making model plane C. making model planesI like __________. I __________learn a lot from it.[ ]A. read, canB. to read, can'tC. reading, canD. reads, canShe enjoys _____________stories about famous people.[ ]A. read B. reading C. readsI want _____________. Can you come with me, please?[ ]A. to go shopping B. to go shop C. go to shopThank you for ____________me about your day.[ ]A. tellingB. to tellC. tell根据句子意思和图画内容完成句子,每空填写一个单词。1. My grandpa is 33 years ____________ ____________ my mother.2. I ____________ good____________ yesterday.Thank you for ____________me. [ ]A. call B. speaking C. calling 改错。( ) 1. He sometimes goes sking. _________________A B C( ) 2. My mother often walks to home. _________________ABC( ) 3. What are you do? _____________I like _____________ clouds better than _____________kites.[ ]A. watch, fly B. watching, fly C. watching, flying用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _____________ (fly) his kite on Sunday. 2. Do you like _____________ (lie) on the beach? 3. Look, the girls __________We sometimes go ____________with our friends.[ ]A. swimB. to swimC. swimmingThank you ____________ me so much help.[ ]A. for give B. for giving C. to giving ___________ to school is exercise.[ ]A. WalkB. Walking____________ is exercise. [ ]A. RunningB. Run用所给词的适当形式填空。1. How many ____________ (dish) are there on the table? 2. It's ____________ (cloud) and cool. 3. I like ____________ (line). 4. Did you have fun ____________ the game?[ ]A. watch B. watching___________ to school is exercise.[ ]A. WalkB. Walking用所给词的正确形式填空。1. May I ____________ (go) on a trip to Beijing?2. It ____________(be) the capital city of China. 3. You can ____________ (come), toMay I go ______________?[ ]A. shopB. shopping— What's your hobby?— I like ____________.[ ]A. runB. runingC. running
Today is my birthday. Thank you all for ___________.[ ]A. comingB. comesC. comeZhang Peng likes ____________ football.[ ]A. playsB. playingC. play— What do you like? — I like ___________ computer games.[ ]A. playB. playsC. playingWhat's Mike's hobby? [ ]A. He likes diving.B. He likes dive.用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. _____________ he like collecting stamps? (do) 2. I'm going to _____________ a doctor. (be) 3. My father usually _____________nHe likes ____________. He can ____________very well. [ ]A. painting, painting B. painting, paint C. paint, painting 选择正确的形式完成下列句子。1. I like____________ (drink, drinking) milk. 2. He ____________(go, goes) home by bus every day. 3. She ____________(like, like概括句意,将单词补充完整。(首字母已给出)1. My father usually w___________ TV at night. 2. My brother likes r___________ a bike. 3. Do you like p___________ 改错。( ) 1. Jim likes write e-mails. __________________A B C D ( ) 2. I like collecting stamp. __________________ A B C D ( ) 3. Do your grandfather likDo you like ____________? [ ]A. drawB. doC. drawing根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Amy is going to be _________________ (电视台记者).2. He _________________ (教英语).3. Sam likes _________________ (跳舞).4. M看图,把句子补充完整。1. John and Mike are good _____________. 2. There are many _____________in my shelf. 3. My sister has _____________. 4. I'd like soI like ____________.[ ]A. making kitesB. makeing kitesC. making kite选出错误的一项并改正在横线上。( ) 1. What are you going do this evening? ____________________A B C( ) 2. How are you going tomorrow? To the library. _______根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Amy is going to be _________________ (电视台记者).2. He _________________ (教英语).3. Sam likes _________________ (跳舞).4. MWhat's your hobby? I like _____________.[ ]A. ride a bikeB. riding a bikeC. ride to a bikeJing likes to skip with her _____________ rope. [ ]A. skipB. skipingC. skippingMay I go ____________? [ ]A. shopingB. shoppingC. shopI love _____________on trips. [ ]A. goingB. goC. goes选择合适的单词写在横线上。1. Let's go ______________ (to shop, shopping). 2. I ______________ (don't, aren't) want to buy silk.3. I want to buy a _______选择合适的单词填空。1. Where____________ (is / are) the shoes?2. I want ____________ (buy / to buy) a book.3. This department store ____________ (has / haveMy father likes ____________.[ ]A. driverB. drivingC. driveAmy likes _____________ and _____________.[ ]A. sing; danceB. singing; dancedC. singing; dancing下面各题划线部分是错误的,请将正确答案填在横线上。1. Where are you go this afternoon? 改为: _________________2. Come on. Let's go to the swim pool. 改为: _____________ he like ____________pictures? [ ]A. Do; drawB. Does; drawsC. Does; drawingShe likes ______________ music very much.[ ]A. listeningB. listening toC. listen to用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Amy and her sister_____________(be) twins. 2. My aunt is a teacher. She _____________ (teach) English. 3. Every morning, AliceI like _____________ stamps.[ ]A. collectB. collectingC. collects用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. What are you _____________ (go) to do? 2. She is going to _____________ (read) a comic book tonight. 3. What _____________(do)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My uncle often ____________(watch) TV after supper.2. Tom lives on the ____________ (five) floor.3. She likes ____________ (sing)She likes ______________ people. [ ]A. helpB. helpsC. helpingMy uncle ____________ very well in ____________ten years ago.[ ]A. does, swimming B. did, swimmingC. did, swimI am good at English and ___________. [ ]A. singB. singingC. sing songsD. sings songs I like summer because I like ____________in the sea. [ ]A. swimB. swimsC. swimmingThank you____________me. [ ]A. for helpB. for helpingC. at helpingD. to helpHelen _____________ beautifully and she likes _____________very much. [ ]A. dances, dancingB. dancing, dancesC. dance, danceD. dance, to danceThestudentsarebusy_________ treesandflowers.[ ]A.toplantB.plantingC.plantedHis sister likes_____________ the swings. A. playing onB. plays onC. playing at— What's your hobby?— _______________.[ ]A. SwimingB. SwimmingC. Swim— What did Amy do last weekend?— She went _______________.[ ]A. hikingB. hikkingC. hikeI know you like ______________.[ ]A. collect stampsB. collected stampsC. collecting stampsLet'sgo_____, Danny! [ ]A. swimmingB. swimsC. swimD. swimingIthinkyouwillenjoy_________ ourperformance.[ ]A.watchB.watching— Wouldyouliketogo_____? — Yes, I'dliketo. [ ]A.shopB. shoppingC.shopingD.shopsIlikestayingathomebetterthan_____onatrip.[ ]A. goB. goesC. wentD. going_____________ is exercise.[ ]A. RunB. RuningC. RunningI like ____________ football. I often ____________ football on weekends.[ ]A. play; playB. playing; playing C. playing; play“我去钓鱼了。”译为:_________ [ ]A. Igofished.B.Iwentfishing.C. Ifished.Doyouremember_________ withSanta?[ ]A.talkB.talkedC.talkingThank you for ____________ me the book.[ ]A. givesB. givingC. gaveLet's go ____________.[ ]A. shopingB. swimmingC. shopDid you have fun _____________TV at home?[ ]A. watchB. watchedC. watchesD. watchingLet's go ____________, Danny![ ]A. swimmingB. swimsC. swimD. swiming— Would you like to go ___________?— Yes, I'd like to.[ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. shopingD. shopsI like staying at home better than ____________on a trip.[ ]A. goB. goesC. wentD. goingThe girls like _____________.[ ]A. drawB. drawsC. drawing_____________ football is my hobby. [ ]A. PlayB. PlayingC. PlaysShe likes ______________to work.[ ]A. walkingB. walkC. walksJennylikes_________ cards_________ herfriends.[ ]A.playing, withB.play, withC.plays, and________ fruitisgoodforyourbody.[ ]A.ToeatB.EatingC.EatDid you have fun _____________TV at home?[ ]A. watchB. watchedC. watchesD. watching—Doyouremember________ toBeijing? —Yes, Ido. Iwenttherewithmybrother.[ ]A.goB.togoC.goingD.went_______ isexercise.[ ]A.RunningB.RunC.RanD.RunsShewantstogo________.[ ]A.toshoppingB.theshopC.shopping—Whatdidyouruncledothismorning?— He_____.[ ]A.gofishingB.wentfishingC.wentfish________ baseball (棒球) isexercise.[ ]A.PlayB.PlaysC.PlayingD.Played改错。( ) 1. Where are my crayon? _______________A B C( ) 2. Is she on the study? _______________ABC ( ) 3. My mom is in the live room._______________ A B 填一填,根据图片提示补全单词。(首字母已给出)1. My friend Li Ming likes p_____________.2. Look at this man. He is very s_____________. 3. My math t_________Ilike________ toWangfujingtobuygifts.[ ]A.goB.goesC.goingD.went_____baseball (棒球) isexercise. [ ]A.PlayB.PlaysC.PlayingD.PlayedAmyjoinedtheartclub (俱乐部),becausesheliked__________.[ ]A.drawB.drawsC.drawingMayIgo_________ withyou?[ ]A. skiingB. skingC. skyingD. skiesDoyouremember________onthebeach.[ ]A. lieB. lingC. liesD. lyingMy mother likes _____________.[ ]A. readB. paintingC. danceDoyoulike__________?[ ]A.skateB.skatedC.are skatingD.skatingThankyouverymuch ____________ methenews.[ ]A.toldB.tellingC.to tellD.for tellingTheylike________ tomusic.[ ]A.listeningB.listensC.listenThankyoufor________ me.[ ]A.helpingB.helpC.to helpDoyouremember________onthebeach.[ ]A. lieB. lingC. liesD. lyingThanksfor_________ meabook.[ ]A. giveB. givingC. togiveIoftengo________ onSundays.[ ]A.hikingB.tohikingC.hikeIoftengo_________.[ ]A. hikeB. to hikeC. hikingDoesshelike__________atweekends?[ ]A.goingshoppingB.goshoppingC.goshopThankyoufor________ meaboutyourday.[ ]A.tellingB. tellC. askSometimesIgo________.[ ]A.hikeB.hikingC.hikesI like_________inthesnow.[ ]A.playB.playingC.playsD.playedTheywalktothe_________ centre.[ ]A.shopB.shoppingC.shoppsD.shoping用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. What _____________ he doing? (be)2. He wants to go _____________. (shop)3. I'm _____________ on my new clothes. (put)4. JennyLet's go ____________, Danny. [ ]A. shopB. shoppingC. shopingD. shopsLet's go ___________.[ ]A. shoppingB. to shopC. shopD. to shoppingI like _____________.[ ]A. swimB. swimingC. swimming选出句子中错误的选项,并将正确答案写在横线上。( ) 1. I like listen to music._________________ A BCD ( ) 2. There are a stamp show on Sunday. ________________Thank you all for _____________.[ ]A. comeB. comingC. comes改错。将错误的序号填入题前括号里,并在横线上更正。( ) 1. She's an salesperson. ______________ AB C ( ) 2. My father teach English.______________A B C ( ) 3.看图完成下面的句子。1. He likes ____________________.2. Does he like diving? No, ______________. He likes ______________.3. I like ______________________.用单词的适当形式填空。1. You can ______________ (wash) your hands in the Bathroom.2. He ______________(watch) TV every evening.3. Danny is ______________(siI like _____________ on the snow. [ ]A. skiingB. skiC. sking 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My father is a bus _____________(drive).2. What _____________ (do) she do?3. My aunt _____________ (like) to read the newspaper.John ____________ last week. [ ]A. went ice-skateingB. ice-skateC. went ice-skating用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I ____________ (go) hiking last Sunday.2. I like ____________ (read) books.3. Did you ____________ (play) basketball?4. She ___
你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What does Amy do yesterday?_________________ A B C D( ) 2. I readed a book._________________ AB CD ( ) 3. ShMy mother likes ____________. [ ]A. dancesB. dancedC. dancing你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. I failed my chinese test.________________A B C D( ) 2. My brother is going to buys a book. ________________Mary often goes _____________. [ ]A. hikeB. hikingC. hikesMike _____________a bike. [ ]A. likes ridingB. likes rideingC. like ridingMy mother ______________ kites. [ ]A. like makingB. likes makeingC. likes making用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am going to _______________(write) an e-mail.2. My teacher _______________(go) to work by bike every day.3. They like _________你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. I'm sorry to listen that.A B C( ) 2. My mother ride a bike every day.A B C D( ) 3. — How are you? — I amI know you like _____________ things. [ ]A. makeB. makingC. makeing你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. She likes sing and dance. _________________A B C( ) 2. We see elephants last weekend. _________________AB C( 请用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look! The students _____________ (have) an English class now.2. Let's _____________ (go) to school.3. Do you like __________— What's your hobby?— I like _____________. [ ]A. danceB. dancingC. dances请用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. She ____________ (like) her brother very much.2. I ____________ (not go) to school by bike every day.3. We usually __________My friends _____________ kites. [ ]A. likes flyB. like flyingC. like flyI _____________ like_____________ computer games. [ ]A. don't, playingB. doesn't, playC. don't, play请用下列词语的适当形式填空。go, watch, have, do, make, fly1. My father likes ______________ TV in the evening.2. His sister often ______________lunch at schoo请找出下列句子中的错误,并改正在后面的横线上。1. He usually do homework in the evening. _______________________2. I don't like play computer games. ______________________ stamps is my hobby.[ ]A. CollectB. CollectingC. CollectsD. CollectedWe want to go _____________ today. [ ]A. shopB. shopsC. shoppingI like ____________kites. Let's ____________kites. [ ]A. flying, flyB. fly, flyC. fly, flyingD. flying, flying请用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. How many ______________ (ruler) are there on your desk?2. My father ______________ (like) sports.3. Look at the gBill and Mike like ____________chess. [ ]A. playingB. doC. playsI like _____________.[ ]A. paintB. painting C. paints I like _____________books. [ ]A. readB. readingC readsIlike painting. My friend likes ______________, too. [ ]A. paintB. paintsC. paintingShe likes _____________.[ ]A. paintB. paintsC. painting用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look out! The car is _____________ (come).2. The horse is _____________ (run) very fast.3. He often _____________ (go) to schoo— What's your hobby?— I like ______________.[ ]A. dancingB. danceingC. danceD. dancesThey are going to do some______________this Sunday.[ ]A. cleaningB. cleanC. to cleanLet's go ______________ and ______________. [ ]A. dance; singingB. singing; dancingC. sing; dancingDo you like_____________ books? [ ]A. readB. readsC. readingWe like _____________.[ ]A. shoppingB. shopC. go shoppingMy brother is good at ______________. [ ]A. singB. singingC. singsShe likes ____________very much. [ ]A. runingB. runningC. run用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My sister is a _____________ (dance), she _____________ well.2. Does the woman _____________ (do) some _____________ (clean) in theMost of the children enjoy _______________computer games. [ ]A. playB. playingC. playedD. to playMost of my friends like _______________very much. [ ]A. take photosB. takes photosC. taking photosD. take photo用下列词的正确形式填空。1. Let ____________ (we) play a game.2. Tom is ____________ (I) new friend.3. Thank ____________ (you).4. Show ____________ (I) th用所给中文的适当形式填空。1. My little brother _____________________ playing the computer. (喜欢)2. Are you good at _____________________?(做风筝)3. My mothWe all like ____________football. A. playingB. play C. are playingTom likes _____________the puppet. [ ]A. playB. play withC. playing withD. playingThe girl is very good at _____________. [ ]A. readB. readsC. writerD. writing用所给单词的正确形式补全句子。1. Thank you for_____ (talk)to us.2.We_____ (live)in a small house four years ago.3. Mrs Green has five _____(grandchild).4.I like ____.[ ]A. swim B. swimmingC. swims指出错误并改正。1. Can you play football and us? A B C( )改为 2.I like this shorts. AB C ( )改为 3.Whatdo you want to go? ABC ( )改为 4.I don't likeswim.用所给词的正确形式填空。1.The boys like to listen to music when they do ____ (they)homework.2.My mother's work is ____ (make) our city safe.3. One day, Mr Do you like _music.[ ]A. listenB. listening to C. listeningLisa likes _with numbers.[ ]A. works B. workingC. work根据图画提示,完成句子,每空填一词。1. The hippo _ _than the monkey.2. John_every Sunday.3. He _yesterday.4. Look, the girlnow.5. She is going to ____ t根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He is (short) and (thin) than me.2. I ____( buy) presents on my holiday.3. What(do)you do last weekend?4. SarI want ____. Can you come with me, please?[ ]A. to go shoppingB. to go shopC. go to shopHelenbeautifully and she likes ____very much. [ ]A. dances; dancing B. dancing; dancesC. dance; dance用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Whogetsup_____(late)inyourfamily,yourfatheroryourmother? 2.Jimusually_____(do)hishomeworkafter school. 3.Mikeandhisparentsliveonth根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。1. Look!One of the children(swim)in the lake.2. Lily is much __(health) than her sister.3. They ____(fly) to the UK, didn't用所给词的适当形式填空。1.How will you go to school if it ___ _ (snow)tomorrow?2. ____(play) computer games too much is bad for your eyes.3. Our teacher tolI like. [ ]A. paintB. painting C. paintsFill in the blanks with the proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)1. Look! The tiger is _______ (swim) .2. I can _______(make) a snowman.3. Everyone ___用所给中文的适当形式填空。1. My little brotherplaying the computer. (喜欢)2. Are you good at? (做风筝)3. My mother'll. (带我去医院)4. The women'sare verWe all likefootball.[ ]A. playingB. playC. are playing Thank you forme aboutyour day.[ ]A. tell B. telling C. tellsTom likesthe puppet. [ ]A. playB. play with C. playing with D. playingThe girl is very good at.[ ]A. readB. readsC. writerD. writingLook and write. 照例子,写单词。Look and complete. (看图,补全句子)1. I ________ a book last night.2. I ________ to a park with my parents yesterday.3. I went ________ with my friends lasDoes she like ____on weekends? [ ]A. going shoppingB. go shoppingC. go shop所给单词的正确形式填空。1. My mother is a bus _____ (drive).2. — How many _____ (tomato) can you see? — I can see four.3. Mr. White goes _____ (shop) everAnn likes ____ eggs, hamburgers and pears.[ ]A. eating B. eatC. to eat用所给词的正确形式填空。1. There are four ______ (season) in a year.2. Are there many pupils in the park on ______ (children) Day?3. Mary and Tom watch TV _Do you like _____?[ ]A. swimB. swimmingC. are swimmingD. swim, too改错题。( )1. What’sdayisittoday? A BC D( )2. I always go shopwith my mother. A BC D( )3. What's this on English? A BC D( )4. There are a pen and two ruHer mother likes _____ TV.[ ]A. watch B. watches C. watchingThank you very much ____ me the news[ ]A. toldB. tellingC. to tellD. for tellingMy hobby is _____.[ ]A. painting picturesB. to read booksC. collect stampsHe likes _____, but he doesn't like to _____ today.[ ]A. swim; swimB. swimming; swimmingC. swimming; swimD. swim; swimmingWhat about ____ a film tonight?[ ]A. seeing B. seesC. lookD. watch选出错误的一项并改正。( )1. Let's to help him._________ A B C D( )2. TheBlacks did his best to make me feel at home. _________ AB C D( )3. They are in the — Do you like ____ chess?— Yes, I do.[ ]A. playing B. playsC. playDoes she like _____ at weekend?[ ]A. going shopping B. go shoppingC. go shopAmy likes _____ hamburgers and pears.[ ]A. eating B. eat C. eats用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I (go) to zoo with my friend last Sunday.2. I like(swim) in the river in summer.3. There(be)a dog and two cats in the room.4. W用所给词的适当形式填空。1. This book is not_(I), but it's(she).2. I'm a(China). I'm from(China).3. He has four____(sheep) and ten(duck).4. We are(watcThe students are busy in _____ for the test. [ ]A. prepare B. prepares C. prepared D. preparing用动词的适当形式填空。1. Tom, _____________ (not walk) on the grass.2. The geese ____________ (catch) the fish now.3. My grandma ____________ (watch)TV ever根据句意,写出所给单词的正形式。每空一词。1. Li Ming jumps ___________ (high) in our class.2. He felt ___________ (happy) during his holiday.3. The people aWhat about ____?[ ]A. goes fishingB. going fish C. going fishing D. go fishingI would like ____ a kite. I like ____ kites.[ ]A. to fly; fly B. flying; flyingC. to fly; to flyD. to fly; flying用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I ___________ (be)late for school yesterday.2. He always ____________ (go) to bed late.3. How about ____________ (read) books t根据提示或句意,补全句子。1. I like s _________.best. It's warm.2. Wis cold, but I like it.3. I often go _________(swim) with Jack.4. What's_________ (I often go____with myparents.[ ]A. school B. shopC. shopping I often go ________.[ ]A. shoping B. shopC. shoppingSometimes I go _____. [ ]A. hike B. hikingC. hikesI often go ______ on Saturday.[ ]A. shops B. hikingC. swimThank you for_____ me about your day.[ ]A. tell B. tellingC. toldHe likes ____ planes.He likes ____, too. [ ]A. make, swimmingB. making, swimmingC. making, swimI like ________.[ ]A. shopsB. shopC. shoppingI often go _______on Saturday.[ ]A. swimsB. swimC. swimming根据提示补全句子。1. My b _____ is S________ 4th.2. Lily often _____ (go) to bed at 9:00.3. When is _________(she) birthday?4. I often go _________(shop) 根据提示写单词。1. We are ______ (have) a picnic.2. I often go ______ (shop) on the weekend.3. My b _______ is May 30th.4. Lily can__________ (clean) the Do you like ___________?[ ]A. swim B. swiming C. swimmingShe goes ______________ at the weekend.[ ]A. swimB. swimming C. swims