Redis.[ ]A. stopB. waitC. goLookatthetrafficlights.Redis .[ ]A.goB.waitC.stop下列各个句中画线部分都有小问题,请改正并写出正确的句子。1. Shecanplayscards. 2.Acathavefur,pawsandatail. 3. In a sunny morning, I see a dog in a hat. — Whatdoyouwanttodo? — Iwantto anewchain.[ ]A. to buyB. buyingC. buyIt'saredlight. Please ![ ]A. stopB. goC.waitLet'sgotothelibraryto .[ ]A.watchamovieB.flykitesC.readabook选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Doyouhotorcold?ABC( ) 2.Thisboyistallerthenthatboy.A BC( ) 3. Iliketoskyonthesnow.ABC ( ) 4. Infall,Iusuallyputonmypant.Canyouitnow?[ ]A. listenB. seeC. lookD. turn选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Whatdoyouturnitoff? A B C D( ) 2. Howahotsunnyday!A BCD( ) 3. Whatdoyoulikedoinginwinter?A B CD ( ) 4. I'mgoingtoputoffm句型转换。1. Hethinkshecanplaytheerhu. (改为否定句)2. Sheoftenwearspantsandasweaterinfall. (对画线部分提问)3. IgotoShanghai. (改为将来时的句子) 4. Aremitt句型转换。1.Igotoschoolintheafternoon. (改为一般将来时) 2. Iaskedmymothertosendit. (改为否定句)3. Santaisamerrymaninredclothes. (对画线部分提问)4. DannyweI ________ Icanskateforward.[ ]A. sinkB. teachC. learnD. thinkMayIhelpyou ________ apicture?[ ]A.putB.haveC.wantD.take句型转换。1. Thebabylikesapples. (变成否定句) Thebaby _________ _________ apples.2. Dannyislookingatthedumplings. (对划线部分提问) _________ isDanny _______句型转换。1. I'dlikeabottleofwater. (对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________ 2. Mybrothergoestoschoolbybike. (改为否定句选择并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Everyonewanttogoshopping. _____________A B C D ( ) 2. Wheredoesithurts? _____________A B CD( ) 3. Jennyputsanewfilminsheca—Doyouusually yourcoat? —Yes, Ido.[ ]A. putonB. wearC.takeoffD.wears选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.I'mgoingtoputoffmyhatnow.A BCD ( ) 2. Iliketoskatesontheice. ABC D ( ) 3.Winter,spring, summerandfallaremonths.A B C D (Iliketoonthesnow.[ ]A. skateB. skiC. skiingD. skatingLet's _______ apostcard.[ ]A. writeB. writesC. writingD. to writeDannywantsto ________ ninepostcardstohismother.[ ]A. doB. sendC. haveD. putMayI ________ youwriteit?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. giveD. helpingDoesthehotel_________ acomputer?[ ]A.haveB.hasC.havingD.haves按要求改写句子。1. IliveinCanada.(用she 代替I 改写句子) 2. Dannyhasninepostcard.(对划线部分提问)3. Wecansendapostcardtoourfriends.(改为一般疑问句) 4. Turn句型转换。1. Ieatsandwichtoday. (用yesterday替换today) I ________ sandwich ________.2. Iamdoingmyhomework. (改成一般疑问句) ________ youdoing ________ homewDidyou ________ Beijing?[ ]A. likeB. likedC. likesD. liking句型转换。1. Wegotoschoolbybus. (对划线部分提问)__________ do __________ gotoschool?2. TodayisFebruaryfifteenth. (对划线部分提问)__________ the __________ tDidyou _______ anicetrip?[ ]A.haveB. lookC.talkD.has— Whatcanitdo? —_________ [ ]A.Itcanswim.B.Itcanfly.C.Itcanride.D.Itcancry.改错。先将错处的字母标号填在括号中,再在横线上写出正确的表达形式。( ) 1.Howmanypenarethereinthebag? ___________ AB C D ( ) 2.IsawadoginaMondaymorning. ______Doyou _______ adog?[ ]A.areB.haveC.hasD.doWhatcanthey ________?[ ]A. readB. readsC. toreadD. readingCanyou ________ apandainthezoo?[ ]A.seeB.seesC.seeingD. tosee句型转换。1. Whatcanafishdo? (作回答) _____________________________________________2.Asnakelivesinahole. (对画线部分提问) ___________________________________Doesanelephant __________ fur?[ ]A.hasB. haveC.havesD.beMay I ________ you?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC.to helpD. helpingI'll ________ you.[ ]A. to showB. showsC. showingD. show— What'syourfavouriteschoolwork?— ____________.[ ]A.IlikecakeB.IliketoreadbooksC.IliketoplaywithtoysD.Ilikeblueshorts按要求改写句子。1. Ihaveadress. (改为复数句,数词为two)___________________________________________________2. Iaminthegym. (对画线部分提问)___________________Iwill ________abirthdayparty.[ ]A.hasB.haveC.havesIsmellwithmy__________.[ ]A. B. C. 给下列句子选择所缺单词组成完整的句子。( ) 1. Whois _________myclassroom? ( ) 2. Who _________Isee?( ) 3. I _________ateacher. ( ) 4.Friendsand _________!AIcan't _________themusic.[ ]A. listenB. listeningC. hearLet's _________ ontheTV.[ ]A. turnsB. turningC. turn选词填空。1.Itis_______ (good, better)thanthatone.2.Idon'thave _______ (some, any)apples.3.Whatis _______ (you,your)favouriteshow?4.Whatactordoyoulike __Ican _________ ontheradio.[ ]A.turnB.turnsC.turnedTheywanttogotothemovietheatreto __________ amovie.[ ]A.seeB.watchC. look改错。( ) 1.Thanksforfindthisradioshow._______________ A BC ( ) 2.Don'tyouhasears? _______________ A B C( ) 3.LiMingbuysticketstothemovie. _______________— _________?— Becauseit'swarm.[ ]A.Whydotheflowersbloominspring?B.Whydoyouputonyourcoat?C.Whydotheleavesleavethetree?We _________ snowmeninChina.[ ]A.takeB. makeC.put— Whatdoyouliketodoinsummer?— ___________.[ ]A.SwimintheriverB. SkionthesnowC.WatchthefallingleavesD. SkateontheiceWe________ snowmeninChina.[ ]A. makeB. makesC. makingD. tomakeLet's _________ outsidenow.[ ]A.goingB.togoC.goD.goesI'mgoingto _________ itup.[ ]A.turnB.turnsC.turnedDannyisgoingto _________LiMingtoskate.[ ]A.teachesB.teachC.teachs改错。( ) 1.Whatdoesyouliketodoinwinter? ____________ A B C D( ) 2. Ihavesamelittlerokesforhismouthandeyes. ____________ AB C D( ) 3. IliketherainybutIdon'Thepiano, guitar, violinanderhu _________ music.[ ]A.makesB.makeC.are— Canyoumakeasnowman?— I ________ Ican.[ ]A.knowB.thankC.thinkLet's _________ ourgiftsunderthetree.[ ]A.putsB.putC.puttingD.toput改错。 ( ) 1.Winter,spring,summerandfallaremonths. _____________ A B C D( ) 2.Howacoldwindyday! _____________ A BC D( ) 3.WhatdoesJennylikedoinginwinter? __You __________ usfeelsohappy![ ]A.takeB. helpC. make下面每句画线部分均有一处错误,请找出来改正。( ) 1.Wearegoingtoopenedourgifts. ______________A B C D( ) 2.It'sfuntoputupaChristmastrees! ______________A BC D(We _________ Christmastrees, lightsandSanta.[ ]A.hasB.haveC. ishavingNowIcan _________ mycard.[ ]A.writeB.wroteC.writtenDoyouwantto _________ acard, Jenny?[ ]A.sendingB.putC.sendCanyou_________?[ ]A.skateB.skiingC.skatingD.skisThismorningwe _________ourgifts![ ]A. openingB. openC. opensWe ________ funtogether.[ ]A.haveB.hasC.having用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Wehavemanyspecial_________ (holiday).2. Itisthe _________ (China)NewYear.3.TheSpringFestivalis _________(come).4.Didyou ______Whatelsedoyou __________?[ ]A.doingB.didC.do选择适当的单词填空。1. Thepeasare __________ thetable.(on, at, in)2.Fennyis __________ thefloor.(washing, doing, wash)3.Fennyishungry.Shewantsto __________Wheredoesthestar ________?[ ]A.putB.goesC.goLet's________ andsee.[ ]A.goB.togoC.goesIaskedmymotherto _________ it.[ ]A.sendB.sentC.sends选词填空。1.Today ____________ (is, was)SpringFestival.2. Icanshowyouwhat ____________ (do, todo).3.I'mgoingto ____________(play, played)football.4. It'Let's _________thecardwithSanta.[ ]A.foundB.findingC.find下面每句画线部分均有一处错误,请找出来改正。( ) 1.Wearegoingtoopenedourgifts. ______________A B C D( ) 2.It'sfuntoputupaChristmastrees! ______________A BC D(Wearegoingto __________ akiteinthepark.[ ]A.flysB.flyingC.fly用所给词的适式填空。1.Let's_________ (clean)thehouse.2.Howmany _________ (animal)arethere?3.Didyou _________ (have)funatChristmas?4.Wehavemanyspecial____Howdoyou __________ ontheradio?[ ]A.turnB.turnsC.toturn用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.LiMing _________(live)inChina.2. _________ (be)theseyoursuitcases?3. Ineedto _________ (pack)mysuitcase.4. I _________ (notlik句型转换。1. Sheismakingdumplings. (对画线提问)_____________________________________________2.Openyoureyes. (改为相反意思的句子)_____________________________选词填空。1. Can__________ (you,your)findmykey?2.Youcan __________ (wear,wearing)them.3.Mypyjamas__________ (is,are)lost.4. Ican'tfind __________ (I,my)tLook! I_________agoat.[ ]A.seeB. pointC. sing用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.WewatchBob __________(buy) abasketball!2.JennythinksI __________ (be)athome.3. __________(LiRui) fatherisateacher.4.Wouldyoulik__________!Whoissinging?[ ]A.LookB. lookC.ListenD. listenWhatwouldyouliketodrink?[ ]A.Somewater.B.Somenoodles,please.C.Somemeat,please.Whatwouldyouliketoeat?[ ]A.Somemilk.B.Somefish,please.C.No,thanks.JennyandLiMing ____________ acabtotheirhotel.[ ]A.takeB. takingC. takesD. by__________ usflyakite.[ ]A.LetB.TakeC.Make改错。( ) 1.Look!Dannyiswalkingslow. _______________ A B C( ) 2.CanJennyflysakite? _______________ A BC( ) 3.Therearesomemanshere._______________ A B C( ) Icanhelpyou __________ afterthebaby.[ ]A. lookB. looksC. lookingD. looked— Whathappened?— I __________ mynose.[ ]A.tookB.helpedC.wantedD.hurtI _________ withmymother.[ ]A.shopB.goshopingC.shops句型转换。1. Hebreakshistail. (改为一般疑问句)_______________________________________________________2. Mymotheroftengoestoworkbybus. (对划线部分提问)_______句型转换。1. Thisisawoman (复数). ________________________________________________________2. MayIhelpyoutakeapicture? (否定回答)_____________________________MayI _________ yourpicture?[ ]A.giveB.takeC.showMayI __________ yourpicture, Jenny?[ ]A.takeB.haveC.bringD.carry句型转换。1. Thestampisoneyuan. (对划线部分提问)______________________________________________2. Dannyneedssomestamps. (改为一般疑问句)______________________I'll ___________ ninepostcards,please.[ ]A. totakeB. takingC. take
I wantto __________ thispostcardtomycousin.[ ]A.takeB. buyC. sendWhat ____________ outofthewindow?[ ]A.canyouseeB.canyoulookC.youcanseeD.yousee句型转换,我最棒!1. Isthereacomputerinthehotel! (同义句) __________ thehotel __________ __________ __________?2. Icansendmyfriendane-mail. (同义句) IcansendaDon't _________ thestampandtheaddress.[ ]A.rememberB.haveC.forget用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Beijing __________ (be) abigcity.2. Iwant __________ (buy) agiftforLiMing.3.Don't __________ (forget)thestamp,please.4.We ___What'sapostcard? Ican ___________ you.[ ]A.giveB.showC.takeIwantto _________ thepostcardtomymumanddad.[ ]A.takeB.sendC.makeHowmucharethebooks?Twoyuan.I'll __________ twoplease.[ ]A. lookB.makeC.takeDidyou __________ anicetrip?[ ]A.hasB.havingC.haveD. tohaveWouldyouliketo _________ thissong?[ ]A. singB. playC. listenD. lookDidyou ___________ totheTian'anmenSquare?[ ]A.goB.goesC.togoD.wentWhatdoesDanny __________?[ ]A.seeB.seesC.toseeD.seeingWeiHuaandLinTao __________ acabtothepark.[ ]A. putB. sitC. byD. takeHowdidyou__________toTian'anmenSquare?[ ]A.goB.wentC.goesWhatdoesshe __________?[ ]A.seeB.seesC.sawMay I helpyou __________ apicture?[ ]A. takeB. takesC. takingCanyou __________ thesewords?[ ]A.speakB.talkC.sayI__________threechairs.[ ]A.hasB.havingC.haveDidyou ___________ anicetrip?[ ]A.hasB.haveC.havingD.hadLet'stwobooksonthethreebooks.[ ]A.putB.haveC.in改错小能手。( ) 1.EveryoneinourclasslikewatchingTV.________________ A B C D( ) 2.Whatdoyoudoyesterday? ________________ABCD( ) 3.Wouldyoulikessomefish? ___Whatdidyou __________ yesterday?[ ]A.doB.didC.todoD.doesDidyou __________ anicetrip?[ ]A.comeB.haveC.goD.has句型转换。1. Theticketis80yuan. (对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________2. I'dlikeacupoftea. (对划线部分提问)__________________改错。( ) 1.Monkeyseatsbananas. ______________ AB C( ) 2.Whatdoestheyeat? ______________ AB CFishcan .[ ]A.flyB.swimC.run— Whatcanbirdsdo?—Theycan__________.[ ]A.flyB.swimC.hopRabbitscan .[ ]A. flyB. swimC. hopRabbitscan .[ ]A. flyB. swimC. hopDoesatigeratrunk?[ ]A.hasB.haveC.tohaveDoesakangarooapouch?[ ]A.haveB.hasC.having改错。( ) 1.Abirdliveinatree. _____________ A B C( ) 2.Asnakelivesinaforest._____________A BC( ) 3.Anpandalivesinaforest. _____________ A B C( ) 4.WheredoLet'tgotothemovietheatreto ![ ]A.readabookB. watchamovieC. eaticecream看图填空。1. Let'sgotothe __________ tofly__________.2. Let'sgotothe __________ to __________ __________ book.3. Let'sgotothe__________ to__________icecrWhataretheydoing? [ ]A.DrivingacarB.StayinghomeWhat'sshedoing?[ ]A.RidingabicycleB.DrivingacarAfishcan .[ ]A. hopB. swimC. fly看图填空。1.2.3. _________ abike _________ andcool It's _________.Let'sgotoalibraryto .[ ]A.readabookB.eatnoodlesC.flykitesI'mhungry,Iwantto ____________.[ ]A.driveacarB.fly kitesC.eatdumplings选择合适的单词填空。1.Thisis _________ (my, I) skirt.2. Abird _________ (live,lives)inatree.3.She _________ (have,has) askirt.4. A _________ (tiger,lion)hI liketo ___________ pictures.[ ]A.writeB.drawC.playI'mtired.Let'sgotothemovietheatretoamovie.[ ]A.seeB. lookC.watchD. lookatI ___________ tobuyatoypandaformysister.[ ]A. wantB. playC. eatD. goatWhat'shedoing? Heis ___________ abike.[ ]A.eatingB.swimmingC.ridingD.goingRabbitscan____________.[ ]AswimB. flyC. singD. hopRabbitscan .[ ]A. flyB. swimC. hopI'mtired.Let'sgotothemovietheatretoamovie.[ ]A.seeB.watchC.lookMayI__________ you? Yes,Iwanttobuyabike.[ ]A. watchB. goC. help—MayIyou? —Yes. Iwanttobuyabike.[ ]A.watchB.goC.helpD.seeAwaiterandawaitress __________inarestaurant.[ ]A.worksB.workC.workingI __________chicken.[ ]A.likeB. likesC. areI ___________ apicturewithmarkers.[ ]A.writeB.readC.drawI ___________ apicturewithmarkers.[ ]A.writeB.readC.drawI ___________ Frenchfries.[ ]A. likesB.likeC.areIdon't __________ meat.[ ]A. likesB. aC. likeIwill ___________ thirteenplease.[ ]A. takeB. someC. /I __________ abananaandanapple.[ ]A.hasB.amC.haveWhatdoyou ___________withyoureyes?[ ]A.areB. doC. toI'll ___________ six, please.[ ]A.takeB.beC.hasD.am改错。( ) 1.Wouldyoulikesomepops? _______________ AB C( ) 2.Whatcolourareyourhair? _______________ A B C( ) 3.Ihearwithmy eyes. _______________A B C( ) 4.填空。1. I ___________ withmyfeet.2. Iwritewithmy___________.3. Ihearwithmy ___________.4. Ieatwithmy ___________.5. Iseewithmy ___________.Iwantsomericeto__________.[ ]A.eatB.doC.drinkI ____________toschool inthemorning.[ ]A.goB.goesC.sitIwantsomepopto___________.[ ]A.eatB.doC.drink用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Iwant __________ (eat)somebread.2.Look! Twobottlesof __________ (milk) areonthetable.3.Noodles __________ (be)delicious.4. WhatIwill ____________ abirthdaypartytonight.[ ]A.loveB.liveC.haveIwill __________ abirthdaycakeandcandles.[ ]A.amB.haveC.come选择合适的单词填句子。don't have may are two1. I __________ twobooks.2. __________ Ihaveagreenmarker?3. I __________ haveaneraser.4. Herethey __________.I __________ withmyeyes.[ ]A.seeB.eatC.smellI __________ withmynose.[ ]A.hearB. smellC.eatI __________ withmymouth.[ ]A.talkB.smellC.hear改错。( ) 1. Ilookwithmyeyes. ______________A BC( ) 2. Ismellwithmyear.______________ A B C( ) 3. Italkwithmy eyes.______________ AB C选词填空。1. Where ___________ (is,are) youfrom?2.Who ___________(is,am) I?3. Iamseven ___________ (years,year) old.4. Iam ___________ (in,at) school.5.选词填空。1.I __________(am,is)athome.2.MayI __________(have,do)apen?3.__________ (She,Her) nameisJenny.4.I __________ (eat,hear)withmyears.5. I _______— Wheredoyousit?— ____________[ ]A.Isithere.B.Threebooks.Canyouitnow?[ ]A. listenB. seeC. lookD. turn— Canyoumakeasnowman?— I ________ Ican.[ ]A.knowB.thankC.think选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.I'mgoingtoputoffmyhatnow.A BCD ( ) 2. Iliketoskatesontheice. ABC D ( ) 3.Winter,spring, summerandfallaremonths.A B C D (TVshows __________actors.[ ]A.haveB.hasC.had选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Whatdoyouturnitoff? A B C D( ) 2. Howahotsunnyday!A BCD( ) 3. Whatdoyoulikedoinginwinter?A B CD ( ) 4. I'mgoingtoputoffmDoyouusuallyyourcoat? Yes,Ido.[ ]A. putonB. wearC. takeoffD. wears选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Doyouhotorcold?ABC( ) 2.Thisboyistallerthenthatboy.A BC( ) 3. Iliketoskyonthesnow.ABC ( ) 4. Infall,Iusuallyputonmypant.读下列句子,选择单词的正确形式填在横线上。1.Wealways ___________ (clean, cleans)thehouseforSpringFestival.2.YesterdayI ___________ (washed, wash)thefloor.3.I _________ I canskateforward.[ ]A.sinkB.teachC.learnD.thinkI want to ___________ a gift __________ my mother.[ ]A.by, forB.buy, fourC.buy, forDo you __________ Danny?[ ]A.readB.lookC.seeDoesanelephant __________ fur?[ ]A.hasB. haveC.havesD.be— Whatcanitdo? —_________ [ ]A.Itcanswim.B.Itcanfly.C.Itcanride.D.Itcancry.找出错误,将字母标号填在括号中,再将正确的写在横线上。( ) 1. Howmanybookarethereinthebag? _______________A B C D( ) 2.IsawadoginaMondymorning._______________Whatdoyousee?[ ]A. Iseevegetablesandfruit.B. I likevegetablesandfruit.What'sforlunch?[ ]A. Iseeanappleandasandwich.B. Ihaveanappleandasandwich.Let'sgotothezooto___________ animals.[ ]A.lookB.watchIgotoarestaurantto _________ icecream.[ ]A.eatB. drinkThepiano, guitar, violinanderhu____________ music.[ ]A.doB. makeC. haveD. areCanyou___________itnow?[ ]A.listenB.hearC.lookD.turnTVshows __________ actors.[ ]A.haveB.hasC.areTodayI__________ fun.[ ]A.haveB. hadC. hasD. amgoingtohaveWhat'syourfavouriteschoolwork? Iliketo ___________ songs.[ ]A.readB.drawC.writeD.singI ___________ someEnglishbooks.[ ]A.haveB. hasC. hadD. having
Doyouusuallyyourcoat? Yes,Ido.[ ]A. putonB. wearC. takeoffD. wears— Canyoumakeasnowman? — I__________Ican.[ ]A.knowB.thankC.think选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Whatdoyouturnitoff? A B C D( ) 2. Howahotsunnyday!A BCD( ) 3. Whatdoyoulikedoinginwinter?A B CD ( ) 4. I'mgoingtoputoffmIalways ___________ mygrandparents.[ ]A.visitB.visitsC.visitingD.visited根据句意填空。1. T____________ isNovembereleventh. I ____________(walk)toschool.2. Y____________wasNovembertenth. I ____________ (walk)toschool.3. T______读下列句子,选择正确的单词填在横线上。1.Wealways __________ (clean, cleans)thehouseforSpringFestival.2.YesterdayI__________ (washed, wash)thefloor.3.Thisres用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let's __________ (look) insidethewindow.2.MayItake __________ (you) picture?3. I'm __________ (fall)!4.Please __________ (staMayI ________ youwriteit?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. giveD. helping— Whatwouldyouliketo ___________?— Somewater, please.[ ]A. eatB. drinkC. do用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Danny ___________(hurt)hisnoseyesterday.2. I ___________ (be)happyeveryday.3. Mymother ___________ ___________(talk)withmenow.4句型转换。1. Ieatsandwichtoday. (用yesterday替换today) I ________ sandwich ________.2. Iamdoingmyhomework. (改成一般疑问句) ________ youdoing ________ homewDoyou _________ Danny?[ ]A. readB. lookC. see在括号中选择正确的单词完成句子。1.LiYingis ___________ apicture.(draw, drawing)2.Thechildrenare ___________.Theyarelaughing___________.(loudly, loud) 3. __下面每句话中都有一处错误,请选出来,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. It'ssuntoday. ______________ AB C( ) 2. Ihurtsmynose. ______________ AB C( ) 3. CamerasisveryeasAfishcan _________ andarabbitcan _________.[ ]A. fly, hop B. swim, hop C. swim, flyWhatdoyousee?[ ]A. Iseevegetablesandfruit.B. I likevegetablesandfruit.What'sforlunch?[ ]A. Iseeanappleandasandwich.B. Ihaveanappleandasandwich.Can I help you? [ ]A. Iwanttobuyasuitformyson.B. Thereissomethingwrongwithmyteeth.C. Iwanttoborrowadictionary.D. Thankyouforyourhelp.May I ____________ yourruler?[ ]A. letB.excuseC.borrowD.sureIt'sa littlehothere. Wouldyouplease _____________ thewindow?[ ]A.openB.closeC.turnonD.turnoffYourbagisheavy. Please ____________ mehelpyou.[ ]A.letB.haveC.takeD.lookExcuseme, canwe ___________ thesebagshere?[ ]A.putB.showC.giveD.ask___________metoday'spaper, and ___________ thisbananatoyourgrandpa, please.[ ]A.Take, bringB.Bring, takeC.Carry, bringD.Take, carryWe ____________ English.[ ]A. are speakB.speakC.listenD.listen toCanyou _____________ meastory?[ ]A.sayB.tellC.speakD.told改错,选出错误的那一项,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. He'sgoingtoseeheparentstoday._________________ A B C D ( ) 2.Wouldyoulikegowithus? _________________ AB C D( 按要求改写下列句子。1. Sandyhaslonghairinaponytail. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) — _____________ Sandy _____________ longhairinaponytail? — Yes, _____________Lookatthesignonthewall. Youshouldn't ____________ loudlyhere.[ ]A. tellB. speakC. jumpLook, sheis ____________ apicturebookintheroom.[ ]A.readingB.watchingC.seeingD.looking用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Jimisnot ____________ (do) wellinPE.2. WangBing ____________ (run) asfastasGaoShan.3. I ____________ (jump)higherthansomeof thegi— Howdoyou ___________ yourweekend?— Iusuallygotothesupermarket.[ ]A. doB. spendC. make— Howdoyou ___________ yourweekend?— Iusuallygotothesupermarket.[ ]A. doB. spendC. make找出下列句子中的错误并改正。( ) 1. LucyiscomesfromAmerica. _______________ A B C D ( ) 2. Doyoulikereadingbooks? Yes, Ilike. _______________ A B C D ( ) 3.选择括号中适当的词填在横线上。1. Go _____________ (straight/along) thisstreetandturnright.2. Look! Mysister _____________ (plays/ isplaying) withthetoycars.3Thechildren ______________ someEnglishsongsattheArtFestival.[ ]A. singsB. singingC. was singD. singWhat _____________ Li Gang _____________ just now?[ ]A. did;doB. do;didC. does;doD. do;doWouldyouplease _____________ us a song?[ ]A. singB. to singC. singingInSuzhouitdoesn'toften _____________ inwinter, butitis _____________ insummer.[ ]A.snowy;rainyB.snow;rainsC.snow;rainyD.snowy;rains用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Mysister_____________ (go) tothesupermarketeverySunday.2. We_____________ (donot) watchTVlastnight.3.Listen!Thegirlinthenextroo句型转换。1. Thehospitalis4kilometersaway. (对画线部分提问) ___________ ___________ isthehospital?2. LiuTaogoestohisgrandparents'homeonceamonth. (对画线部分You ____________totakethismedicinenow.[ ]A.haveB.hadC.hasD.havingIdon't _____________towalkwithcrutches.[ ]A.wantedB.wantC.wantsD.wanting用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Be ____________ (careful), don'ttalk ____________ (loud) inclass.2.Let'senjoy____________ (we).3. ____________ (notthrow)theball选择括号内合适的词填空。1. Myauntlikes _____________ (dance/dancing) verymuch. Shecandance _____________ (beautiful/ beautifully).2. There _____________ (isn改错。( ) 1. Howmanyarethey? Theyareninety-sixyuan. ________________ A B C( ) 2.Wemustn'ttalkingtothedriveronabus.________________ A B C( ) 3.Doeshedoesan改错。( ) 1. LetIhavealook. _________________ A B C( ) 2.Isthismonkeyyour? _________________ A BC( ) 3.Whatdidyouwantedtohave?_________________A B C( ) 4.按要求完成下列句子。1. Canshecomewithyou? (作肯定回答) _____________, she_____________.2. It'sseveno'clock. (对画线部分提问) _____________ the____________Howdoyougo toschool?[ ]A.Iusuallytakeabiketoschool.B.Ialwaysrideabustoschool.C.Isometimeswalktoschool.按要求完成下列句子。1. DowehaveEnglishcornertoday? (作否定回答) ___________, we ___________.2. Mikegoestothemovietheaterafterschool. (对画线部分提问) What _改错。( ) 1.Wearegoingtolate. _______________ A B C ( ) 2.Let'sseeavideo. _______________ AB C( ) 3.Canwegohomeonfeet?_______________ A B C( ) 4.Ionlycan改错。( ) 1.Doesn'ttodayaholiday? ________________ A B C( ) 2.Hereareadiary. ________________ AB C( ) 3.Comingbacktomorrow.________________ A B C( ) 4.W改错。( ) 1. I want to some apples._______________A B C( ) 2. Those are mushroom._______________ A BC( ) 3. Join I, Little Turtle._______________ A B C( ) 按要求完成下列句子。1. — Cansheswim? (作肯定回答) — ______________, she ______________.2. Thatisastrawberry. (对画线部分提问) ______________ is _________________________ Lucy'sgrandpa_____________ anewspaperyesterday?[ ]A.Does;readB.Did;readedC.Did;read用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Myhobbyis ____________ (listen)tomusic.ButnowIam ____________ (run).2.Howmany ____________ (room)arethereinthehouse?3.I havetwo— Canyou ____________ thenumberof thebus? — Yes,Ican.[ ]A.listenB.lookC.seeD.meet— ____________you ____________ yourhomework lastevening?— Yes.[ ]A.Did;didB.Do;doC.Do;didD.Did;doMrLiudoesn't _____________ football.[ ]A.likingB.likesC.likeD.liked将括号内的单词更换一个字母变成一个新词,填在横线上,使句意完整。1.(where)Who'stheboyover _______________?2.(now)Mum,can I havea _______________ dress?3.(gl同义句转换。1. Wewalktothecinema. Wegotothecinema ______________ ______________.2.IcametoXi'anonMay1stinthemorning. IcametoXi'an ______________ __________Thetwins _____________ manynicestamps.[ ]A.haveB.areC.hasD.thereare______________ mehavea look.[ ]A.LetB.ShowC.GiveD.Do— Can you _____________ Chinese?— No,butIoften _____________ withmyfriends _____________ Chinese.[ ]A.tell;say;atB.speak;talk;inC.speak;tell;inD.speaI'mgoingto _____________ UncleWang _____________ Tuesday.[ ]A.lookat;/B.see;/C.see;onD.watch;onShecan'trideabike. She ____________ schoolonfoot.[ ]A.mustgettoB. hastogettoC.havetogettoD. hastogotoIt'salittlehothere. Wouldyouplease _____________ thewindow?[ ]A.openB.closeC.turn onD.turn offGrannyLioften____________ thechildrenstories.[ ]A.speaksB.talksC.tellsD.saysYou'dbetter ____________ toseethedoctornow.[ ]A.goB.to goC.goingD.goesI _________ a new pen.Lucy and Lily _________two new pens,too.[ ]A.have, hasB.have, haveC.has, hasD.has, haveYou'dbetter____________football inthestreet.It'sdangerous.[ ]A. notplayB. nottoplayC. playingD.don'tplay用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Will youplease ____________ (go)tothezoowithme?2.I am ____________ (thin)thanKate.3.My ruler is as ____________ (long)as yours.Ifeelsick.I ____________asorethroat.[ ]A.hadB.hasC.haveIfeelsick.I ____________asorethroat.[ ]A.hadB.hasC.have用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. ____________ (do) you ____________ (enjoy) yourself yesterday?2. — ____________ (do) you ____________ (play) the violin yesterdayIoftenhelpmymother ______________ housework.[ ]A.doesB.didC.doI ____________ acold,andmysisterhasafever.[ ]A.haveB.hasC.had根据句意填空。1. They ____________ going to visit the Great Wall this weekend.2. How ____________ you go to Hainan? ____________ ship.3. Amy ____________ d用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Ioftengo ____________ (shop)onSaturday.2. Amyusually____________ (wash)theclothesontheweekend.3. I____________ (listen)tomusicy用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Where _____________ you _____________ (go) yesterday?2. Lily _____________(see) a big mouse last night.3. My mother went to Beiji根据提示补全句子。1. Do you like ____________ (peach)? 2. I ____________ (not) go to Beijing two days ago. 3. Last weekend I ____________ (go) skiing. 4. _____________ you _____________ TVlastnight?[ ]A.Do,watchB.Did,watchC.Did,watched______________ he______________footballtwodaysago?[ ]A.Does,playB.Did,playedC.Did,play用所给单词的正确形式填空补全句子。1. Can I_____________ (use) your pen? 2. I _____________ (not) read a book yesterday. 3. My father _____________ (like) hiI _____________morning exercises every day.[ ]A. does B. do C. doingWhat do you _____________ on the weekend?[ ]A. doingB. do C. /Did you ____________football last weekend?[]A. play B. Play C. playedI often______________my homework ______________ 7: 00 in the morning.[ ]A. do, in B. does, at C. do, atThe elephants often ____________ water with____________ trunks. [ ]A. drinking, it's B. drinking, theirC. drink, their— What is the rabbit doing?— It's _______________.[ ]A. running B. climbing C. swimming _____________ in the canteen.[ ]A. Eat some noodles B. Play football C. Water the flowers用所给词的正确形式填空。1. ___________ (where) are the children? They're in the woods.2. They're ___________ (draw) pictures.3. Mike ___________ (like) pLet's ____________ home now.[ ]A. go B. go to C. comeIf you are sick, you must ____________.[ ]A. take some medicine B. go swimming C. read many books It's a red light, we must ____________.[ ]A. go B. stop C. waitWhere __________you __________ last weekend?[ ]A. do, go B. did, go C. did, wentThis man can't ____________. [ ]A. hear B. seeI___________ a good friend. Her name is Amy. [ ]A. haveB. hasC. is— What are you __________?— I'm writing an E-mail.[ ]A. reading B. doing C. eating— Do you have any hobbies? — Yes, I ___________ surfing the Internet.[ ]A. would like B. like C. want toDid Mike __________ with his father yesterday?[ ]A. go ice-skatingB. went ice-skating
If you are sick, _____________.[ ]A. see the doctorB. play ping-pong C. see the policeman 看图,根据图示补全下列句子。1. My mom is ____________ an ____________.2. I'm ____________ ____________.3. Today is____________ ____________.4. Because I They all _____________sorry for breaking the tree.[ ]A. felt B. say C. made John walked down the stairs quickly. He didn't_____________the lift.[ ]A. took B. taked C. take D. takesPeople ___________ English in the USA. [ ]A. talk B. say C. speak Let's_____________these phone numbers. [ ]A. speakB. tellC. sayHelen is sad, because she ____________.[ ]A. played with friendsB. got " D " in her testC. won the gameLook! The traffic light is yellow, please ___________.[ ]A. go B. stop C. waitThe teacher often help me____________English. [ ]A. learning B. to learn C. learnHe can ___________English, but only ___________.[ ]A. talk, a littleB. speak, a littleC. speak, little改错。( ) 1. He sometimes goes sking. _________________A B C( ) 2. My mother often walks to home. _________________ABC( ) 3. What are you do? _____________How many " where " words can you ___________ in your story? [ ]A. take B. bring C. put Why don't you____________to school early? [ ]A. to come B. come C. comingThe big box is too heavy. I can't ___________it.[ ]A. take B. bring C. carry I couldn't _____________ my key, where is it?[ ]A. look at B. look for C. find句型转换。1. We are going to skip. (同义句)__________________________________________________________2. I drive a car to school every day. (同义句) _________Iwill ___________ hello ___________ my mother and father.[ ]A. speak, toB. tell, aboutC. say, to用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. ____________(not do) your homework now. 2. They are going to ____________ (play) basketball.3. It ____________ (not rain) in w句型转换。1. May I show you the book? (同义句) ____________________________________________________2. I know some famous Chinese stories. (否定句)___________用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. ____________ (listen) to me carefully please. 2. ____________ (be) you ready for a quiz? 3. What ____________ the cloud _______句型转换。1. I think we will go on a trip to the ocean. (否定句)_____________________________________________________________2. I will visit my aunt and uncle用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He often _____________ (fly) his kite on Sunday. 2. Do you like _____________ (lie) on the beach? 3. Look, the girls __________May you ___________ the story quickly?[ ]A. talk B. say C. tell Miss Chen often_____________us an English story.[ ]A. saysB. tellsC. talksWe shouldn't _____________ in class.[ ]A. say B. tell C. speak In English class we must ___________ English. Please ___________ it ___________ English. [ ]A. speak, say, in B. talk, tell, with C. say, speak, inWe can't _____________ late for class. [ ]A. arrive in B. arrive at C. get to D. arriveThe picture books ____________ me seventy yuan. [ ]A. payB. costC. spendWhat ____________ we ____________ at the restaurant?[ ]A. does, eat B. do, eatsC. did, eatCan you_____________ all the answers to the questions?[ ]A. lookB. look forC. findWhen ______________ he ______________his bike? [ ]A. did, lose B. did, lost C. does, lost 句型转换。1. I ride a bike to school. (同义句)____________________________________________________________2. I ask my father for a camera. (用last week改写)_Jenny ____________ Steven ____________the phone. [ ]A. asks, at B. tells, in C. calls, on Let me___________ you ___________ English. [ ]A. help, study B. to help, to study C. to help, studying My grandfather often ____________us a story. [ ]A. says B. speaks C. tells用单词的正确形式填空。1. Miss Zhang ____________ (teach) us English last term. 2. We are going to ____________ (fly) a kite this afternoon. 3. ____________ The girl ____________ goodbye ____________ her mother before school. [ ]A. speaks, to B. tells, about C. says, toThe students help the teacher ____________the books.[ ]A. carry B. carrying C. get — When ___________ you ___________ your homework?— An hour ago.[ ]A. do, finish B. did, finishC. will, finish用动词填空。1. _____________ the hot dog3. _____________ some tea5. _____________ around the lake7. _____________ under the tree9. _____________ songs2. __Can you _____________ the newspapers? [ ]A. read B. see C. say D. look Jeff always ___________stories and jokes in class. [ ]A. tellsB. talksC. saysLet me ____________ you something about my family. [ ]A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tellLast night, Tom ___________ Steven ___________ the phone.[ ]A. asked, atB. told, inC. called, onHelp me___________to the dresser.[ ]A. to pointB. pointC. pointsWe ___________ a bath on Saturday.[ ]A. make B. take Let's help my mother _____________ supper. [ ]A. makeB. makingC. madeDoes Jenny ____________ it?[ ]A. catch B. catchesCan you ___________ the TV? [ ]A. findB. lookYou have ___________ play sports.[ ]A. to B. andWe ____________Chinese at home. [ ]A. speakB. sayHelp ___________ the house.[ ]A. clean B. cleaning Do you ____________ your teeth in the morning?[ ]A. brushes B. brushThey don't _____________ TV in the evening.[ ]A. watch B. watchingDo you usually ____________ to school? [ ]A. rideB. ridesDid you ___________a good trip? [ ]A. haveB. hasC. had写出同义句。1. What time is it?_______________________________________2. May I help you?_______________________________________3. What would you like?_____Do you ____________in a house?[ ]A. liveB. lives用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. He can _____________ (catch) the ball. 2. They usually _____________(teach) each other. 3. Jenny often _____________(buy) some I always ____________a T-shirt to play basketball.[ ]A. wear B. put on I always ___________ a T-shirt to play basketball.[ ]A. put B. wear Do you __________a T-shirt?[ ]A. have B. has What snacks did you ___________?[ ]A. buyB. boughtDo you ____________ basketball?[ ]A. playB. playing按要求写句子。1. Would you like to play ping-pong? (同义句)___________________________________________________2. Ithink so. (改为否定句)_____________________I ____________ a bath on Sunday. [ ]A. makeB. take填入合适的词。1. Can you play __________ me? 2. I eat supper __________ my family. 3. It's time __________play a game.4. I work __________ at school.5.Please ____________ to Mrs. Smith.[ ]A. have B. talk填入合适的词。1. I see a little flag _____________ Australia's flag. 2. Kangaroos live _____________Australia. 3. Do you know the capital city ____________Can you ___________ the TV? [ ]A. findB. lookDo you ___________ your teeth in the evening? [ ]A. brushesB. brushThey __________ in Canada.[ ]A. liveB. leaveDoes Li Ming _____________ in Shijiazhuang? [ ]A. livedB. live写出同义句。1. I go to China by plane.I ____________ ____________ ____________ to China.2. Let's take a bus to Yunnan. Let's go to Yunnan ____________ ___Tom ____________ with my family for four days.[ ]A. staysB. talks改错。( ) 1. I live near from school.________________ ABCD( ) 2. I drive my bicycle. ________________ A BC D( ) 3. Is this a bus and a truck?______________I ____________ hopscotch.[ ]A. playB. jumpTime to __________. [ ]A. playB. go to schoolWe ___________ a book together.[ ]A. readB. playI ______________ two circles.[ ]A. seeB. sleepI ______________ in the bedroom. [ ]A. watch TVB. play with the computerWe ____________together. [ ]A. read a bookB. sleepLet's ___________ a kite.[ ]A. flyB. skipI __________ my family at home.[ ]A. play B. helpI ___________ with my teddy bear.[ ]A. sleepB. readI ___________ my family.[ ]A. playB. helpI ___________ a triangle. [ ]A. seeB. lookYou can___________ the No. 1 bus.[ ]A. goB. takeC. byWhere does the cloud _____________ from? [ ]A. comeB. comesC. comingI ____________many books.[ ]A. amB. haveC. funI ____________ a new crayon.[ ]A. haveB. isC. areGo to the study. _____________a book.[ ]A. See B. Read C. Look Yellow light means "____________".[ ]A. StopB. WaitC. Go— _________________ — You're right! [ ]A. Open the door. B. Clean the board. C. Clean the window.Look at the traffic lights. It's red. You must____________.[ ]A. waitB. stopC. goWe ____________ a new classroom. [ ]A. areB. amC. have— Can I __________some chicken? — Sure.[ ]A. openB. haveC. showWhat can you ____________ in the picture? [ ]A. lookB. seeC. watchCome and _____________ my new curtains.[ ]A. look atB. have a lookC. seesI often do homework, ____________books and ____________TV. [ ]A. read, look B. see, watch C. read, watch