My sister can _____________ the clothes.[ ]A. washB. doC. washesHe can _____________ the windows. [ ]A. sweepB. cookC. washI often ____________books on Sundays.[ ]A. readB. lookC. seeI can _____________ on the green grass. [ ]A. swimB. runC. haveMike often helps his mother ______________ the meals. [ ]A. do B. cook C. make We ____________cabbages, beef and fish for dinner. [ ]A. haveB. hasC. wouldI'm going to _____________my grandparents this evening.[ ]A. visitB. watchC. lookWe must ___________the traffic rules. [ ]A. rememberB. look atCan you help me _____________the window?[ ]A. cleanB. cleansC. cleaningD. cleaner用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. _____________ he like collecting stamps? (do) 2. I'm going to _____________ a doctor. (be) 3. My father usually _____________nDo you often ______________football after school? [ ]A. playingB. playsC. playWhat does your father _____________?[ ]A. doesB. doC. doingWhere does the cloud ____________from? [ ]A. comesB. comeC. comingD. becomeHow do you _____________that? [ ]A. doesB. doC. doingD. didI ___________ three new teachers. [ ]A. thereB. hasC. haveSometimes I _____________ to the zoo with my mother. [ ]A. goB. likeC. play— Let's ____________ English. OK?— OK. I want to talk ____________you ____________ that story book. [ ]A. speak, to, aboutB. talk, with, withC. speak, wi____________ a book.[ ]A. LookB. WatchC. ReadGreen means " _____________".[ ]A. StopB. WaitC. GoCan I ____________ some noodles, please? [ ]A. likeB. hasC. have选出有错误的一项并改正在横线上。( ) 1. Where does the cloud comes from? ____________________A B C ( ) 2. I can sees the sprout. ____________________ A B C (— What can you do?— I can_____________ the floor. [ ]A. sweepB. doC. setRobot, can you ____________the bed? [ ]A. doB. makeC. washCan you ______________ housework?[ ]A. doB. makeC. cookD. takeI can _____________ the trash. [ ]A. cookB. takeC. sweepD. emptyCan you _____________ the bed? [ ]A. doB. makeC. cookD. putWhat do you _____________on Sundays?[ ]A. areB. doC. didI can ____________the clothes.[ ]A. doB. washC. waterCan you ____________ a computer?[ ]A. setB. cookC. use改错。( ) 1. I often look TV on Sundays. __________________ A B C D ( ) 2. What do he do on Saturdays? __________________ A B C D ( ) 3. I'd like some— What do you like?— I_____________ a hamburger. [ ]A. amB. wouldC. like选择最佳答案。1. Let's help father _____________ (make / making) supper. 2. I am _____________ (washing / wash) the dirty clothes. 3. It's time __________He helps his mother _____________the dishes. [ ]A. drysB. driesC. dryingD. dry选词填空完成句子。be wear ride watch put1. Do you always _____________ your bike to school? 2. Let's _____________a triangle for always. 3. Danny never ___选择正确答案填空完成句子。1. I often play _____________ (a, the, / ) football. 2. He often plays _____________ (a, an, the) guitar. 3. I _____________ (some用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The gift ____________(have) her name on it.2. Did Santa ____________(bring) gifts? 3. Dad ____________(bring) the gifts yesterdWhat do you ______________ to do? [ ]A. likesB. likeC. likingJenny never ____________ Chinese at home. [ ]A. saysB. speaksC. talksD. chatsHe helps his mother _______________ housework. [ ]A. doesB. doC. didD. doingDo you ____________in a house or an apartment?[ ]A. live B. living C. lives D. to live— May I ____________in restaurants?— Yes, you may. [ ]A. eatB. playC. walkWe _____________ in China.[ ]A. liveB. comeC. goCan you _____________ these numbers? [ ]A. speakB. sayC. talk选词完成句子。1. Beijing is a ____________ city. (big / small) 2. My sister is only four years old. She is ____________ young ____________ go to school. (toWe go to the zoo to _____________ animals. [ ]A. watchB. washC. seeI ___________ TV after supper.[ ]A. seeB. lookC. watchI don't __________.[ ]A. noB. knowC. onLook, it's a yellow light. Please _____________.[ ]A. goB. stopC. waitThe red light means "_____________".[ ]A. StopB. GoC. WalkI ____________ my hair. [ ]A. brushB. combWhat's he doing? He's ___________. [ ]A. readingB. drawing选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. He is writeing a letter. ________________A B C( ) 2. She is cooking carrots in the stove. ________________A B C ( ) 3. Lynn hShe always ____________ Chinese at home.[ ]A. saysB. speaksC. talksI usually help my mother _____________ the dishes. [ ]A. dryB. driesC. dryingShe always ____________ English at school.[ ]A. saysB. speaksC. talksI can ____________ my hands in the bathroom.[ ]A. washes B. brush C. washWhen I go to the park, I can ____________ pictures with friends. [ ]A. makeB. doC. takeWe can ____________ some good stories in this book.[ ]A. lookB. seeC. read— Lily, do you usually ______________ your dress?— Yes, I do. [ ]A. put onB. wearC. wearsLi Yang can ____________ English very smoothly (流利地).[ ]A. sayB. talkC. speak____________ at a yellow light, and ____________ at a red light.[ ]A. Go; stopB. Go; waitC. Wait; stop下面各题划线部分都是错误的,请将正确答案写在题后横线上。1. She go to work by bike. 改为: _________________2. My brother is a actor. 改为: _________________3.When you meet the red light, you should (应该) _____________.[ ]A. goB. waitC. stopI'm going to ____________a magazine. [ ]A. lookB. watchC. read____________ the No.9 bus ____________the cinema, Mary. You can see the bookstore on your left.[ ]A. Take; onB. Make; atC. Take; atMy mom ___________ TV every evening.[ ]A. seesB. looksC. watches用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Amy and her sister_____________(be) twins. 2. My aunt is a teacher. She _____________ (teach) English. 3. Every morning, AliceCan you ____________ me a story? [ ]A. sayB. tellC. speak下面各题划线部分都是错误的,请在题后横线上加以改正。1. My brother likes playing the football. 改为:_____________________2. The bird live in the tree. 改为:_____________ at a green light. [ ]A. WaitB. StopC. GoI am going to __________ a good day. [ ]A. takeB. lookC. haveI often _____________ books on Saturdays. [ ]A. readB. seeC. lookWhat do you _____________ for lunch?[ ]A. haveB. hasC. hadI want to play football, but I am hungry. I ______________eat some food.[ ]A. have toB. canC. would like____________ at me. This is my head.[ ]A. SeeB. WatchC. Look用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. This is ____________ (I) bedroom. 2. Tom ____________(have) milk and cakes in the morning. 3. Can you ____________ (wash) the cLet's ____________ to school.[ ]A. touchB. goC. meet____________ at my ruler. It is green.[ ]A. LookB. SeeC. WhatLet's ___________ the birthday cake. [ ]A. lookB. eatC. meetA clerk ____________ in a store.[ ]A. playsB. worksI go to the park ____________ a kite. [ ]A. to flyB. to makeMy mother likes _____________ a bus. [ ]A. to drive B. to lookWe go to a restaurant to ____________supper. [ ]A. haveB. watchC. buy选出错误的选项并改正。( ) 1. Lynn and I are in a same class. _______________ A B C ( ) 2. Li Ming can say a little English._______________ AB C ( ) 3. The UThey ____________ English in the U. K.[ ]A. talkB. speakC. say根据汉语提示补全句子。1. I want to go to Guilin on my ____________ (旅行). 2. There are about ____________ ____________ (三千) books in our library.3. Which选词并用其适当形式补全句子。clean go help dress pant1. I need ___________to bed early, because I leave for Beijing tomorrow. 2. Let's help mother ______________________ his uncle ___________any books? [ ]A. Do, haveB. Does, hasC. Does, haveWang Bing can _____________English _____________. [ ]A. say, wellB. speak, goodC. speak, wellD. tell, good— How do you____________ your weekend?— I usually go to the supermarket. [ ]A. doB. spendC. make— Howdoyou ___________ yourweekend?— Iusuallygotothesupermarket.[ ]A. doB. spendC. makeI _____________ a big garden behind my house. _____________many flowers in it.[ ]A. have, There areB. there are, HaveC. has, There isWhat ____________ you ____________last weekend?[ ]A. are, do B. do, do C. did, do D. do, going__________ your brother often __________homework before supper?[ ]A. Does, doB. Are, doC. Does, doesD. Is, doIn Suzhou it doesn't often_____________in winter, but it is _____________in summer. [ ]A. snowy, rainyB. snow, rainsC. snow, rainyD. snowy, rainsPlease_________yourphotosherewithyoutomorrow.[ ]A.bringB.takeC.showYou can't _____________ newspapers in class.[ ]A. lookB. seeC. watchD. readDidyouhelpthem _________ theirroom?[ ]A.cleanB. cleansC. cleanedGo along this street and then _____________left at the _____________crossing.[ ]A. turn, thirdB. get, thirdC. turn, three— When __________ you __________the bike?— Last year.[ ]A. have, bought (buy的过去式)B. do, buyC. did, buy
I ____________ a tall tree.[ ]A. seeB. lookC. watchDidyou_________ checkersyesterday?[ ]A.playedB.playC.playingI _____________ some kites in the sky.[ ]A. seeB. watchC. lookI want to _____________ a letter to my mum.[ ]A. buyB. sleepC. sendAlways _____________ your teeth![ ]A. brushB. combC. wash— What ___________you ___________ in Beijing?— I visited the Palace Museum and did some shopping there.[ ]A. will; doB. did; doC. do; didLi Ming will ____________home by plane.[ ]A. flyB. runC. walk_________ didyou_________?[ ]A. Where; wentB. Where; goC. What; wentIn winter, I can ____________a snowman.[ ]A. doB. flyC. makeExercisehelps_____yourbodyhealthyandstrong. [ ]A.madeB.makingC. tomakeD.makeCan you_____________the picture on the wall?[ ]A. lookingB. seeC. lookDid he _____________ a letter to his friend?[ ]A. wroteB. writesC. writeOnions can make you _____________. [ ]A. cryB. cryingC. criedD. crysCan you ____________ the dishes? [ ]A. washB. cookC. openJennyandLiMing_____scared. [ ]A. feelsB. feelingC. feelGo_____theparkand_____right. [ ]A.to;toB. on;turnC.down;turnD.to;turnPeople ____________ English in England.[ ]A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tellOnionscanmakeyou_________.[ ]A. cryB. criedC. crysD. cryingThemoviemakesme_________.[ ]A. cryingB. cryC. criedD. crys— How many English books do you ___________?— I have 14. [ ]A. hasB. hisC. have—Whendoyou_________ Shanghai? —At4:00.[ ]A. comeB. goC. arriveD. leaveforDidyou ________ Beijing?[ ]A. likeB. likedC. likesD. likingDidyou _______ anicetrip?[ ]A.haveB. lookC.talkD.hasExercisehelps_____yourbodyhealthyandstrong. [ ]A.madeB.makingC. tomakeD.makeIwantto_____thispostcardtomydad.[ ]A.likeB.sendC.howThemoviemakesme_____.[ ]A. cryingB. cryC. criedD. crysThephoneisringing.Please_________ it.[ ]A. answerB. getC. receiveD. takeCanyou_____English? [ ]A.sayB. talkC.tellD.speak— Howdoyougotoschool? — Ilivenearschool.I_____. [ ]A.gotoschoolbytrainB.gotoschoolbyplaneC.gotoschoolbytaxiD.walkMr WoodhelpsDanny________ thecall.[ ]A.makeB.makingC.madeD.makesThedressispretty. I'll_____it. [ ]A.haveB.takeC.forThisdressispretty. I'll_____it. [ ]A. bringB. likeC. takeLook! Aunt Wang is _____________ eggs on the stove.[ ]A. cookingB. makingC. doing D. eatingLi Ming is thirsty. He wants to _____________.[ ]A. eatB. drinkC. tiredD. cleanI ____________ good English. [ ]A. sayB. seeC. speakD. lookDoes Jenny always ____________a bus? [ ]A. haveB. goC. byD. take___________metoday'spaper, and ___________ thisbananatoyourgrandpa, please.[ ]A.Take, bringB.Bring, takeC.Carry, bringD.Take, carryWehaveto________schooluniformsinschooleveryday.[ ]A.put onB.haveC.wearD.are inWe like to _____________ on the ice. [ ]A. skateB. skiC. doD. teachThetrafficlightisyellow,youmay_________.[ ]A.stopB.waitC.goWhere does the star _____________? [ ]A. goesB. goingC. go— Can you make a snowman? — I ____________I can. [ ]A. knowB. thinkC. thankD. findThestudentsof our classwantto _________ someflowers_________ ourEnglishteacher.[ ]A.like;toB.take;toC.get;withD.give;to— Do you usually _____________ your coat?— Yes, I do. [ ]A. put onB. wearC. take offD. dress—Canyou________thenumberof thebus?—No,Ican't.[ ]A.lookB.meetC.seeD.1ookat改错。( ) 1. Winter, spring, summer and fall are months. ______________A BC D ( ) 2. How a hot sunny day!______________AB C D( ) 3. What do you like doing inWe should ___________ at a yellow light. [ ]A. stopB. waitC. goD. walkI_________myleg.[ ]A. helpB. hardC. hurtI _________somechildrenplayinggames.[ ]A. lookB. seeC. readThis is a towel. _____________ your hands. [ ]A. CleanB. DryC. WashD. DirtyLet's help my mother ____________ supper.[ ]A. cookB. makeC. washD. cakeI ________ thegirlplaying.[ ]A.seeB.lookC.readD.watchWhendidyou________ homeyesterday?[ ]A.comedB.cameC.comePleasegive________.[ ]A.LilyitB.LilytoitC.toLilyitD.ittoLilyWe_____________ Chinese at home in China. [ ]A. sayB. talkC. speak—Whatcanyoudo? —Ican_________ abook.[ ]A.readB. lookC.seeD. watchDo you go to the zoo to ______________the animals?[ ]A. readB. lookC. seeD. watchI_________ hiking.[ ]A.oftengoB. gooftenC. oftenamMayIhelpyou ________ apicture?[ ]A.putB.haveC.wantD.takeWhere does the star _____________?[ ]A. putB. goC. goesHere is the stove. We _____________ on the stove. [ ]A. makeB. washC. cookWe invited John to help us ______________ the tree.[ ]A. put upB. putted upC. putting upThreelines_________atriangle.[ ]A. makeB. makesC. makingD. madeDannywantsto ________ ninepostcardstohismother.[ ]A. doB. sendC. haveD. putFour lines________ asquare. [ ]A. makeB. makesC. madeD. makingMayI ________ youwriteit?[ ]A. helpB. helpsC. giveD. helpingOnionscanmakeyou__________.[ ]A. cryB. criedC. crysD. cryingBearscan_________ alongtime_________ winter.[ ]A.sleep,inB. swim,inC. sleep,for—What'sapostcard? —Ican________ you.[ ]A. giveB. showC. takeD. buyAbearalways_________ inwinter.[ ]A.swimsB.sleepsC. jumpsWhenit_______, Icanski.[ ]A.rainsB.snowsC.coolDoesthehotel_________ acomputer?[ ]A.haveB.hasC.havingD.havesCanI________ toyoursister, please?[ ]A.speakB. sayC. call— Can you ___________ English?— Yes, I can. [ ]A. talkB. askC. speakGotothelibrary._________ astory book.[ ]A.ReadB.readC.listenD.writeWhat clothes do I ____________?[ ]A. goB. comeC. needD. runLet's________ theplayground.[ ]A.goB. gotoC. comeD. cometoGotothelibrary.________ abook.[ ]A.ReadB.readC.ListenD.WriteI________closethewindow.[ ]A.havetoB. hastoC. haveLet's_________asnowman.[ ]A.makeB. takeC. cakeTheshirtissixtyyuan.I'll________ it.[ ]A.makeB. cakeC. takeWeliketo_________intheclassroom.[ ]A.playsportsB.playcardsC.writewithpencilsD.eatsupperLet's________ TV.[ ]A.seeB.lookC.watchHow________ you________?[ ]A.do;doB. do;doesC. does:do判断正(√)误(×)并把错误的地方改正过来写在横线上。 ( ) 1. Yellow is stop. ________________( ) 2. Forty plus nineteen equals sixty-nine. ________________( ) 3.I _________ myteetheverymorning.[ ]A. washB. put onC. combD. brushLet'shelpDanny_________ readyforschool.[ ]A. getB. getsC. togetD. gettingI ________ myteetheverymorning.[ ]A.combB.brushC.washD.takeDoyou ________ breakfastatschool?[ ]A.haveB. hasC. eatingYou_________terrible.[ ]A.lookB.looksC.seeIcan_________thegrapes.[ ]A. doB. eatsC. getI_________giraffesandelephants.[ ]A. likeB.doC.haveFish can _____________.[ ]A. flyB. swimC. run— What can birds do?— They can ______________.[ ]A. flyB. swimC. hopWhat is the pig doing? The pig is ___________. [ ]A. huggingB. eatingC. sleeping—MayI________yourpencil, Jenny? —Sure.[ ]A.borrowB.takeC.makeJenny_________forbreakfast.[ ]A.comesB.makesC.eatsI'll_________sixhamburgers, please.[ ]A.takeB.makeC.cake—MayI________ yourmarker, please? —Sure.[ ]A.borrowB.takeC.makeI________yournewgloves.[ ]A. doB. wantsC. like
Sheis_______areddress.[ ]A.puttingB. wearingC. havingIamthirsty.Iwantto________.[ ]A.drinkB.eatC.have—Whatdoeshedo?—________ [ ]A.HewatchesTV. B.Hedrawsapicture. C.Heplaysonthecomputer.I________ abusontheroad.[ ]A. watchB. likeC.see—Let's_________. —OK. [ ]A.playakiteB.flyakiteC.playbasketballWe________ thestreetscarefully.[ ]A. goesB. areC. crossWe________books.[ ]A.seeB.watchC.readI_________noodles.[ ]A. likeB. likesC. are— Does a girl ___________ a dog?— No! [ ]A. haveB. hasC. havingD. havesI____________in China. [ ]A. isB. liveI________abigroom.[ ]A.hasB.haveC.amWe________ ourteethinthemorning.[ ]A. combB. brushC. clean____________ your eye.[ ]A. ShowB. TouchC. touchI ______________ trees on March 12th every year. [ ]A. plantB. planeC. plateWhat ____________your aunt ____________?[ ]A. do; doB. does; doesC. does; doHow does she ____________to Hong Kong?[ ]A. goB. goingC. goesDoes he ____________ newspapers on the bus?[ ]A. readsB. readingC. readWhere does the cloud _____________ from? [ ]A. comeB. comesC. comingHow can the water _____________vapour? [ ]A. comeB. becomeC. intoWhat do you need?[ ]A. We are flower seeds.B. We need flower seeds.C. We have flower seeds.选出下列句子中的错误,将其序号填入题前括号里,并将正确答案写在横线上。( ) 1. First, put the seeds into an pot.________________ABC D( ) 2. Then, watering the sI can____________ the sprout![ ]A. seeB. look atC. lookMr. Liu doesn't _____________football. [ ]A. likingB. likeC. likesD. likedHe doesn't_______________that. [ ]A. doesB. doC. /D. doesn'tRed light means "______________".[ ]A. StopB. WaitC. GoWhat classes do you _____________? I like English and computer.[ ]A. haveB. likeC. likesDo you ____________ new teachers? Yes, we have a new English teacher.[ ]A. haveB. hasC. areCan you____________ the floor? [ ]A. cookB. waterC. sweepMymother can _____________ the clothes.[ ]A. washesB. doC. washWhat can you ____________ in the picture? [ ]A. lookB. seeC. watchHe can _______________ the meals.[ ]A. sweepB. cakeC. cook___________! This is my new desk.[ ]A. Look atB. LookC. lookHow many pens do you _____________? [ ]A. hasB. haveC. lookWe _____________ green beans, fish and beef for lunch.[ ]A. likeB. haveC. doLet me ____________ you. [ ]A. showB. tryC. haveI can ______________ chopsticks. [ ]A. useB. haveC. helpI ____________ hamburgers. [ ]A. likeB. areC. look____________ me the cake. [ ]A. SmellB. PassC. Cut_____________ me 7 and 8.[ ]A. ShowB. SmellC. Drink改错,将正确的句子写在横线上。1. Today we are puting up the Christmas tree._____________________________________________________________2. One day, long ago, But sometimes I_____________China. [ ]A. toB. comeC. missI don't ___________ a favourite shape. [ ]A. hasB. haveC. haven'tI didn't _____________ that! [ ]A. knowB. knewC. known_____________ your head. A. HappyB. TouchC. Sad按要求改写句子。1. A train is slower than an airplane. (变一般疑问句)___________________________________________________________________________2. We leave ShI often ____________ the newspaper in the evening.[ ]A. readB. readsC. lookA rabbit can ___________.[ ]A. swimB. hopC. flyDid you _____________ pictures on your holiday? [ ]A. tookB. takeC. takingI'm hungry! I want to _____________. [ ]A. drinkB. eatC. takeI'll _____________ six hamburgers, please. [ ]A. takeB. makeC. cake— What can a rabbit do?— It can _____________. [ ]A. swimB. hopC. fly— May I ___________ your marker, please?— Sure! [ ]A. borrowB. takeC. make用所给词的适当形式填空。1. ______________ (do) you have a headache?2. How do you ______________(go) to school?3. My brother ______________ (like) playing fo你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. He's go to see a film._______________ A B C D( ) 2. what did you do yesterday?_______________ A B C D( ) 3Did you _____________ your grandparents? [ ]A. visitB. visitsC. visited用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I ____________ (go) hiking last Sunday.2. I like ____________ (read) books.3. Did you ____________ (play) basketball?4. She ___你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What does Amy do yesterday?_________________ A B C D( ) 2. I readed a book._________________ AB CD ( ) 3. ShDid you ____________books? [ ]A. readedB. readsC. read— What time is it?— Let me _____________. [ ]A. watchB. lookC. see你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What did you do on you holiday? _______________ABC( ) 2. Wu Yifan is busy last weekend._______________AB C(用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It's time to ___________(go) home.2. What did you ___________(see)?3. We must ___________(study) hard.I didn't______________a mountain last Saturday. [ ]A. climbedB. climbC. climbing你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. When does Alice go to school yesterday?A B C D( ) 2. My brother like flying kites.A B C D( ) 3. My sister h用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My sister ____________ (buy) presents for me last week.2. I ____________ (do) my homework now.3. He often ____________ (play) fI went into the hotel but I didn't ___________ my backpack. [ ]A. hadB. hasC. have你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. What's day is it today?A B C ( ) 2. Her sister teach math.A B C( ) 3. What do you have in Mondays? A B CDid you ______________ clothes yesterday? [ ]A. washB. washesC. washedD. washing你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. I'm sorry to listen that.A B C( ) 2. My mother ride a bike every day.A B C D( ) 3. — How are you? — I am你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. We got back to Beijing by train in January 1st. _________________A B C( ) 2. Am I come in?_______________If you are sick, _______________ the doctor. [ ]A. watchB. seeC. lookMy mother doesn't ____________in this school. [ ]A. workB. workingC. works请用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I often __________ (go) to school by bus, but my sister Jane often __________ (go) to school on foot.2. Linda usually _________请按要求改写句子,注意每空一词。1. I usually have English classes on Friday morning. (将主语改写成He) He usually ____________ ____________ classes on Friday mo请找出下列句子中的错误,并改正在后面的横线上。1. He usually do homework in the evening. _______________________2. I don't like play computer games. ______________________ Lily and Lucy going to ______________ a new film?[ ]A. Are, seeB. Is, lookC. Are, look atI want to _________a letter to my friend.[ ]A. sentB. sendC. makeDo you ____________ stamps? [ ]A. needsB. needC. needesPlease _____________ at the blackboard and listen to the teacher. []A. seeB. watchC. look改错。( ) 1. What do your mother do last week? _________________ AB C( ) 2. Did you watched TV yesterday?_________________A B C( ) 3. How did you went ther____________ you ____________ your nose?[ ]A. Did, hurtsB. Do, hurtsC. Did, hurt— What's a postcard?— I can ______________ you. [ ]A. giveB. showC. take改错。( ) 1. We get to Harbin yesterday._______________A B C( ) 2. People didn't went to the gym. _______________A B C( ) 3. You were very loudly! ____________________! I____________ a tall building. [ ]A. Look, lookB. Look at, look atC. Look, seeI am _____________ out of the window. [ ]A. pointingB. drawingC. lookingI _____________at a map yesterday. [ ]A. lookedB. talkedC. liked______________ and meet my parents. [ ]A. comeB. GoC. ComeLet me ______________you. [ ]A. seeB. tryC. showI can _____________chopsticks. [ ]A. useB. eatC. cutCome and ____________my family. [ ]A. lookB. lookingC. meet改错。( ) 1. What do you do yesterday?__________________ AB C( ) 2. What would you like eat?__________________A B C( ) 3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith has a daughtLet's ____________ TV. [ ]A. lookB. watchI can ___________ the bed. [ ]A. sitB. makeYour bag is heavy. Please ____________ me help you. [ ]A. letB. haveC. takeD. lookLook, she is ____________a picture book in the room. [ ]A. readingB. watchingC. seeingD. looking用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Look out! The car is _____________ (come).2. The horse is _____________ (run) very fast.3. He often _____________ (go) to schoo用括号内动词的一般现在时形式填空。1. He ___________ (get) up at six o'clock.2. He ___________ (study) hard.3. Danny sometimes ___________ (go) to school by_____________ his uncle _____________ any books? [ ]A. Do; haveB. Doe; hasC. Does; hasD. Does; haveDo you ____________ maths lesson every day? [ ]A. haveB. to haveC. havingD. has用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Mike _______________ (write) English last night.2. A policeman _______________ (see) two thieves steal a girl's mobile phone lasShe _______________ her homework last night. [ ]A. didn'tB. doesn'tC. didn't doD. doesn't do
— _____________ you _____________ your homework last evening?— Yes. [ ]A. Did; doB. Do; doC. Do; didD. Did; did根据句意改写句子,保持句意不变。1. What's your name? May ___________ ___________ your name?2. Good-bye! ______________________ tomorrow!3. Thank you very m用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Everyone _______________ (pass) the exam.2. Does Lucy _______________ (have) many books?3. Mike is going to _______________ (re选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. She can't makes model ships. __________________A B C D( ) 2. Would you like going with me? __________________A B C D( ) 3. DidThey'd better ______________ at two. [ ]A. startB. to startC. startedD. starting选出句中错误并改正。( ) 1. My father doesn't works on Friday.____________________ A B C D( ) 2. Your brother don't like beautiful dolls.___________________Can you ____________ me a story? [ ]A. sayB. tellC. speakD. toldMay I ___________ your rulers? [ ]A. useB. excuseC. doD. sureExcuse me, can we ____________these bags here? [ ]A. putB. showC. giveD. askHow can you _____________? [ ]A. go hereB. get thereC. get to thereD. go to thereCan you _____________me the way to her house? [ ]A. giveB. knowC. showD. showsToday is Teachers' Day. Let's ____________hello to our teachers. [ ]A. speakB. tellC. talkD. say— Do you ____________how to say it in English?— Let me ____________. Oh, yes, shirt. [ ]A. know, lookB. think, seeC. know, seeD. think, look____________ she ____________ English every day?[ ]A. Does; readB. Does; readsC. Do: readThe box is too heavy. I can't_____________ it. [ ]A. carryB. takeC. getD. look用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There ______________ (be) some water in that bottle.2. There are 5 basketball______________ (play) in every team.3. ___________按要求写句子。1. What does your aunt do? (同义句) ______________ ______________ your aunt's ______________?2. They are firemen. (变单数) __________________Bruce, look at your dirty shoes. You'd better _______________ them right now. [ ]A. washedB. washingC. washD. to wash_____________ you _____________ your homework every day? [ ]A. Do; doB. Do; /C. /; doD. Does; do____________ you ____________ some washing last week? [ ]A. Did; doB. Did; didC. Does; doD. Do; do_____________ we _____________shopping this Sunday? [ ]A. Will; go toB. Shall; goC. Shall; go toD. Will; goesDon't ______________ about me. I'm OK.[ ]A. sorryB. carryC. worryWe are going to _ a picnic in the park.[ ]A. doB. takeC. eat D. haveIf (如果) you don’t know the way, go and____________the policeman, please.[ ]A. seeB. talkC. sayD. askTom, ___________ these pills three ___________ a day.[ ]A. take / timeB. take / timesC. eat / timesD. eat / timeI often help my mother _____________ housework. [ ]A. doesB. didC. do____________ he ____________ football two days ago? [ ]A Does, playB Did, playedC Did, playWhat do you _______________on Sundays? [ ]A. doB. canC. areD. singingThe girl wants to ____________English ____________her teacher. [ ]A. speak, inB. learn, fromC. in, forCan you ____________ TV on Monday? [ ]A. watchB. watchesC. watchingD. seeWhat do you______________ for dinner? [ ]A. canB. doesC. finishD. have用所给单词的正确形式补全句子。1. Thank you for_____ (talk)to us.2.We_____ (live)in a small house four years ago.3. Mrs Green has five _____(grandchild).4.Did sheany foreign languages?[ ]A. learnt B. learnC. learns D. learnedLet's TV[ ]A. watchB. look C. seeI will _ my kite.[ ]A. takes B. takeC. took用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Can I_ (have) some bread?2.I don't like winter.It's cold and there _ (be) snowy.3.I'm(go)to Beijing on Sunday.4.It will bWhat did youlast year? [ ]A. didB. doC. does用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The red skin is(small) than the blue one.2. She _____(go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.3. It's Children's按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. Open the door, please. (改为否定句)____open the door, please.2. I can see a cup of coffee on the table. (对画线部分提问)___I can __ my room.[ ]A. cleanB. cleaningC. cleaned根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He is (short) and (thin) than me.2. I ____( buy) presents on my holiday.3. What(do)you do last weekend?4. SarMy mother candelicious food. [ ]A. cooksB. cook C. cooked D. cookingLet me _, please. [ ]A. go homeB. to go homeC. to go to homeD. to homeThe pair of socks __very nice.[ ]A. lookB. looksC. is lookingD. are lookingWea new computer room.[ ]A. having B. hasC. haveLet's_____ home. [ ]A. go B. go to C. goes改错。 ( ) l. My birthday is on first of April. _____ AB CD( )2. I'd like to some balloons. _____ A B C D( )3. Does Ben and his brother like cartoons? ___Let's come and ____ some water.[ ]A. to drinkB. drinkC. drinkingD. drinks 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.It's time _(have)lunch.2.Can you _(jump) very high?3.I want_(go) and play football.4. Jim and Bill___(talk)in the room now.5— What are the students doing?— Some_ books and othersat the blackboard. [ ]A. are looking; are reading B. are reading; are watchingC. are watching; are The children are____ TV now. [ ]A. watching B. readingC. looking D. seeingHe can English and Chinese.[ ]A. speaks B. to speakC. speakD. speaking按要求改写句子。1. They aren't pigs. (改为肯定句)________________________________.2. He is short and small. (对画线部分提问)________ he _____________?3. Let'sthere. [ ]A. go toB. goC. goingWe a new classroom.[ ]A. haveB. hasC. do按要求进行句型转换。1. You can see that is a pear. (改为否定疑问句) __________ see that is a pear?2. I can give her my pencil. (改为同义句)I can give my pen— May I_ your bike?— Sorry. [ ]A. ride B. readingC. readSome of them likebooks.[ ]A. looking atB. readingC. seeingLet's .[ ]A. runB. runsC. runningIt's hot. Can Imy T-shirt? [ ]A. put B. to takeC. wearLet's ____.[ ]A. go homeB. go schoolC. goes homeDo youlunch at school? [ ]A. have B. hasC. /选出有错误的一项。( )1. It's time for go to school. A B C( )2. It's nine oclock.A B C( )3. I have ten clock. AB C( )4. It's time for english class. A Iclose the window.[ ]A. have B. has C. have toCan I my new shirt?[ ]A. look B. putC. wearI don't ____ the way to the nearest bank. And you?[ ]A. understandB. seeC. knowD. no a story-book. [ ]A. Watch B. ReadC. LookYou can ____ Bus No. 406 to get there.[ ]A. sitB. onC. byD. takeLet mea shower. [ ]A. washB. take C. waterLet's _ a snowman. [ ]A. makeB. doC. play a cow.[ ]A. Ride B. MilkC. FeedWhat does the weather report ____?[ ]A. say B. speakC. tellD. talkYou have to ____ a helmet.[ ]A. wearingB. wearC. wearsMythroat ____ sore. Mynose ____.[ ]A. is hurtB. arehurtC. ishurtsMrs Smith can _____ piano. [ ]A. play the B. playedC. plays the Let's ____ a birthday card for our mother.[ ]A. make B. making C. makesI often help my mother _____housework. [ ]Adoes BdidCdo They____ hiking. I go hiking, ____.[ ]A. go…too B. go …eitherC. goes…tooFill in the blanks with the proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)1. Look! The tiger is _______ (swim) .2. I can _______(make) a snowman.3. Everyone ___用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look at the. How big they are! (library)2. Look! The boy isto the classroom. (run)3. There aren'texercises on the paper. (some)用所给中文的适当形式填空。1. My little brotherplaying the computer. (喜欢)2. Are you good at? (做风筝)3. My mother'll. (带我去医院)4. The women'sare verLet's ____a birthday card for our mother.[ ]A. makeB. making C. makeExcuse me. Can you ____ me the way to the hotel?[ ]A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk I don't ____ the way to Beijing Zoo. And you?[ ]A. getB. knowC. noD. seeExcuse me. Can you ____ me the way to the post office?[ ]A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talkIf (如果) you don't ____ the way, go and ____ the policeman, please.[ ]A. know/ askB. know / talkC. no/ askD. no/ sayThis box is too heavy. Could you ____ it for me, please?[ ]A. takeB. bringC. carryD. lendLiYan reading and speaking in the lab . [ ]A. doB. likeC. doesD. canMonkeydoesn't ____ vegetables.[ ]A. like B. likesC. dolikeCan youTV on Monday ?[ ]A. watch B. watchesC. watching D. seeWhat do you for dinner ? [ ]A. canB. does C. finishD. haveDon'tabout me. I'm OK.[ ]A. sorry B. carryC. worry I'llyou if I get there.[ ]A. call B. callingC. calls Let Rosego . Have supper together.[ ]A. don't B. not C. not to按要求改写下列句子。1. The boy with a football's Tom's brother. (否定句)The boy with a football.2. Can the uncle in the car play rugby well? (肯定句)The uI am sorry to ____ that.[ ]A. sayB. hearC. talkD. listenYou've got a bad cold. ____ this medicine and drink more water.[ ]A. PassB. EatC. BringD. Take Let us ____ ball games. [ ]A. playing B. are playing C. playWelcome our home. a seat , please.[ ]A. in , GetB. to , HaveC. at , GiveD. for, TakeThe fisherman doesn't ____ a bike.[ ]A. hasB. haveC. near