请用学过的词填入下列空格。根据音标写单词。1、[5tR:l[]2、[mi:t]3、[fut]4、[n[uz] 5、[5stApl[] 6、[bi5kRz]7、[siN] 8、[^reip] 9、[fru:t] 10、[driNk]11、[5midl] 12、[frQnt] 13、[5steiF[n] 14将下列国名与相应的国旗连接起来。1.USA2.PRC3.Australia4.UK请写出下列基数词的序数词形式。one( ) two( )three( ) five( )nine( ) thirty( ) forty-six()写出下列代词的相对应形式。I(宾格) them(名词性物主代词) 写出下列基数词相对应的序数词形式。1、3_______ 2、4________ 3、6________ 4、1________ 5、2________6、8_______ 7、5________ 8、9________ 9、12________ 10、15______写出下列代词相应形式。1、I(宾格) 2、he(复数)3、they(名词性物主代词)4、their(宾格)5、our(单数)6、they(单数)7、you(主格) 8、it(形容词性物主代词) 9、her(名词性物主代按要求完成下表。主格宾格名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词mineyouhimheritweyoursthem选出每组中与众不同的一个。( )1、A. peach ( )2、A. horse ( )3、A. bird ( )4、A. eraser ( )5、A. door B. apple B. bikeB. boyB. pencilB. father C. cake C看图写单词或短语。看图写单词。看单词,写出相应的单、复数。hand boys feetclass Chinese flowerbabyfamily 请将下列图形中的单词重新排序,组成新的单词,使句子能完整达意。Touchyour ,please. HappyNew !--Where'syoursister? --Over .Goodnight, .用数词填空。1、Thereare daysinaweek. 2、Therearehoursinaday. 3、TherearedaysinJanuary. 4、Therearedaysinayear.同学们,一天的天气有时有很多变化,请你在图中找出五个表示天气变化的词,写在下面的横线上。写出下列单词的反义词。yes new coldgood big tall blackwrong 根据首字母的提示,填入句中所缺单词。1.Whoseschoolbagisheavier,yoursorm?2.Whichsdoyoulikebest?Ilikespringbest.3. Ilikew,becauseIcanmakesnowmen.4.Ciscoming找出下列句中拼写有误的单词并改正。1.Icarn'tunderstandawordyousay.2.Icortacold. 3.Myfatherwasborninninteenfifty-nine. 4.It'sallreadytoolatetogo. 5.Heus根据图片提示填出所缺单词。1. Ilike best.It'ssnowy.Icanmakesnowmen. 2.Shewantstowriteatoherpenfriendnextweek. 3.Look,No.7bus isnearourschool. 4.Mycousi找出与画线单词意思相近的词。1.Kimplacedhernameonthelist.A.saw B.put C.said D.crossed2.Inearlymissedthebus.A.always B.very C.almostD.did3.Mikeranfast中英词组互译。1.擅长英语2.问路 3.在第三站下车 4.上网 5.liftup 6.putonsomewarmerclothes 7.standinaline8. beabsent9.onSaturdaymorning 10.takepartinthesinging找出不属于同一类别的那个词。( )1. A. butterfly ( )2. A. Sunday ( )3. A. loudly ( )4. A. red ( )5. A. policeman ( )6. A. British ( )7. A. father ( )根据句子的意思,选择括号中相应的单词,填在横线上。1.Iwanttobeyourpen-friend.Canyougivemeyour(e-mail,name)address?2.I'mgoingtoplaythe(football,violin)attheco选择恰当的词组填空。waitingfor, nextweek, inthecountryside, howmany, insummer1.MaryisgoingtovisitHongKong .2.What'stheweatherlike ?3.Peopleliketogotofarms 词型转换。1.dragonfly (复数)2.far (比较级) 3.put (现在分词) 4.high (副词) 5.hour (同音词)6.Let's(完全形式) 7.one(序数词)8.No.(完全形式) 词组英汉互译。1.举行生日聚会2.有个相同的爱好 3.在三月五号 4.看上去很像 5.想做得更好6.arolloffilm7.abouttwokilometersaway 8. onholidayintheUK 9.themannexttome1选出与句意相符的词。1.We(herdheard) thebellring. 2.Hewas(weakweek) afteralongillness. 3.Peoplearegoingto(herehear)aboutthis. 4.Ilostthe(holewhole) purseof词组互译。1.duckmask 2.洗衣服3. 写一封信 4.runafter5. takepartinthesportsmeeting用方框里适当的词填空。glue, warmer, Africa, meet, for, jumps,turn, make 1.LiMinghigherthananyotherboyinhisclass.2.There'sanewzebrainthezoo.It'sfrom.3.Ins找出下列句子拼写有误的单词并改正。1.Febuaryisthesecondmonthoftheyear.2.Thereweremanyaminalsatthezoo. 3.Thewetheratthistimeofyearisquitewarm.4.It'sallmost选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不属于同一类的那个词,将序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1. A. peach ( ) 2. A. bus ( ) 3. A. arm ( ) 4. A. noodles ( ) 5. A. piano (英汉互译。1.要求3.向左转5.公共标志7.玩得很愉快9.在沙发下面2.animal stamps4.go for a walk 6.watch cartoons8.watch the moon 10.get on按要求写词。1.Australia (形容词)2.sit (过去式)3.write(现在分词) 4.us(主格) 5.well(比较级) 6.we(名词性物主代词) 英汉互译。l . 和你一样年轻 2.问路3.善于4.仰躺 5.捉昆虫6. swimfaster7.visittheHistoryMuseum根据每组单词的类别,在横线上填写一个同类别的词。1.playfeedeat 2.angrygooddifficult 3.computer screen printer 读词组,选择与词组意思相符的中文,将该中文的字母标号填入括号。() 1. take deep breaths( ) 2. work out () 3. hard disk() 4. video game ( ) 5. in the end ( ) 6Readandwrite.(读单词,并在横线上写出一个同类的词)1. bananaorangepear2. sixfourtwelve 3.sweaterT-shirtskirt 4.singerworkernurse5.whiteyellowgreen 6. dogfish读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图,将该图的字母标号填入括号。( ) 1.Youshouldn'tgotobedlate.( ) 2.Wehavetogoshoppingonceaweek.( ) 3.Wedon'thavetoplaytenniseveReadandmatch.(从B栏中选出符合A栏意思的短语,将该短语的字母标号填入括号) A ( ) 1.明天早上( ) 2.起床 () 3.去上学 ( ) 4.重感冒 () 5.长城 () 6.教师节 ( ) 7.看电视 (Readandchoose.(读句子,找出与图的情景相符的句子,将该句的字母标号填入括号)( )1.A.It'stimetogotobed. B.It'stimeforTV. C.It'stimeforlunch. ( )2.A.He'选出与画线单词意思相近的词。1.Pleasedonotberude.[ ] A.clever B.late C.careless D.badmannered2.Willtherealkingcomeforward?[ ]A.first B.young C.rich D.下列词语找不到自己的家了,请你帮帮它们吧!( )1.地铁 ( )2.可爱的 ( )3.工程师 ( )4.女演员 ( )5.城市 ( )6.爱好 ( )7.跳水 ( )8.购买( )9.词典( )10.在哪里 A.subway A.ha根据图片和单词提示,选出每幅图片所表示的单词。( ) 1.A.sheep B.panda C.cock ( ) 2.A.shirt B.skirt C.T-shirt( ) 3.A.clock B.mapC.cup ( ) 4.A.cap B.h根据音标,将单词写入相应空格上。Example: Thisanimallivesinthesea.FishQuestions:1.Youcanplanttreesintheseason. 2.Ithasalongneckandeatsleaves. 3.Youcanwritea根据构成单词的首字母在字母表里的顺序,在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并写出它们的中文意思。( ) carrot( ) expensive( ) baby ( ) second ( ) st根据所给单词读音写出相应的单词,并将其中文意思写在括号里。[swiN] [ti:tF] [sma:t] [rais] [bed] [luk]( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )英汉互译。1.值日2.儿童节 3.长城4.后天5.stand up6.in front of7.have breakfast8.at last找出相对应的译文。( ) 1. chat with him ( ) 2. in the middle of ( ) 3. hurry up ( ) 4. have dinner ( ) 5. want to know( ) 6. after school ( ) 7. close the 写出下列句子中画线部分的中文意思。1. Walkeastforthreeminutes. 2.WhenisMother'sDay? 3.Igohome on foot every afternoon. 4. Let'sgototheplantshopbysubway.在空格内填人适当的字每,使横向和纵向能读出8个意思符合提示内容的单词。Across:1. themonthbeforeAugust2.father'sfather3.threeandeight4.notbigDown:5.red+yellow+bluChoosetheoddword.(选出不同类的单词,并将其标号填在题前括号内。)( ) 1. A. subway ( ) 2. A. library ( ) 3. A. morning( ) 4. A. east ( ) 5. A. aunt B. trLookandwrite.(看图根据首字母写出词组。)pcm t r p Readandwrite.(读句子,根据句意和首字母填写单词。)1.Itissmallerthan (比......小一些)ariver.Itisas .2.Itiswhite. Itcomesfromthevapour.Itisac .3.DaMinChoosethedifferentwords. 火眼金睛,看看这把钥匙 不能开哪把锁。选出与其他不同的一项。 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Readandwrite。看我变变变!小世界里的大精彩,仔细观察哟!例: light(轻的) 1、 ( ) 2、( )3、( ) 4、( )5、 ( )Readandmatch. 快来拿礼物哦!每件礼物上都写着各自相反的名字,你能连连它们的真名字吗?lightloseeasymorningthese throwtall heavy wineveningthose catchhardshortReadand guess. 猜猜我是谁。1.Iplayonateam.Iama .2.IteachEnglish.I'manEnglish .3.Idriveabus.I'mabus .4. Iwrotemanynovels(小说). I am a.5.I'maboy.Writetheoppositewords. 欢喜冤家对对碰, 写出下列各词的反义词。Guess. WhatamI? 猜一猜。1. Iam akindoffruit. Myfaceisgreenandtherearemanystripesonmyface. Whatam I? 2.Iamakindoffruit,too.Myfaceisyellow.AndmonkeysliketWritetheoppositewords. 反义词大搬家,以“一对”的形式把它们写在横线上。easy highbefore aftersick weakcold stronghard lowhealthyhot例:cold-hot1.2.3. 4. 5. Thinkandwrite. 改变下列单词中的一个字母,使它变成另一个单词,并翻译成中文。例:car—cat (猫)1. fat— ( )2. hen—( ) 3. cook— ( )4. stop— ( )5. home— ( )Read and choose. 找出表示时间的单词写在下面横线上。 Readandwritetheoppositewords.写出划线单词意思相反的词。1. Theelephantisheavy.Thecatis .2. Englishiseasy.Mathsis. 3. Wewonthegame.They. 4. BobthrowsthebChoose thedifferentwords.选出不同种类的单词。( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Lookandwritethewords.看图,写单词。Read,writeandtranslate.排座位。重新排列下列字母组成新的单词并翻译成汉语。 face (脸)( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )song heal y bru tthbrkfastWritethewords. 按要求写单词。weak(同音词) one(序数词) play(名词) brush(复数) throw(反义词) want(第三人称单数)eat(过去式) sun(形容词) shop(过去式) heavy(比较级) Fillintheblanks. 写出画线单词的反义词。1. Thehouseislow.Thebuildingis .2. Thedogsarestrong.Thecatsare .3. Theseflowersare . Thoseflowersaresick.4. It'Read and choose. 选出单词中含有"r" 的图片。 A BCD EF G HI Readandwrite. 按要求填空。week(同音词) before(反义词) tooth(复数) strawberry(复数) wake(现在分词)Readandwrite.快帮大头蛙完成下列句子吧!1. I wanttobuyanewpairof (袜子).2. Wouldyoulike (一些) juice ?3.Thisbagis (太沉了).4. They (玩) basketballyesterday.Readandwrite.在横线上填上合适的单词,使其与画线单词意思相对。1. Theredteamloses. Theblueteam .2.I'mthrowingtheballtoJenny,she's theball.3.ThebuildingishiFillintheblanks. 小细节里的大考究!重新排列字母组成新的单词并填在横线上。1. Iwillputonmy andswiminthe .(sisuitmw,eaocn)2. Ineedtotake off my(sansald).3. IliFillintheblanks. 在横线上填上合适的词,使其与画线单词意思相反。1. Thetigerisbig.Therabbitis .2.Don'ttowrite.OK!I'llremember.3.Dannyis fortheparty,butKiReadandcircle. 找出每组题中的动词。A B CD E sand fly about paper catch summersaltylie thiscloudy skiphome porridge callvery( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Matchtheoppositewords. 对应词连一连。upstrongwhitefasterhappysadslowerdown blackweakLookandwritethewords. 看图,写单词。 Writetheoppositewords.写反义词。forget- throw- happy- straight- quickly- early- heavy- tall- dry- easy-Think, writeandtranslate. 给下面的单词增加一个字母组成新的单词,并翻译出来。例:at -hat (帽子) and ( )each ( ) hi ( )us( ) am ( )Fillintheblanks. 同音词对对碰,认真写一写。例:won(同音词)one1.too-2.bee-3.wear- 4.sun- 5.sea-Writetheoppositewords.欢喜冤家对对碰。写出所给单词的反义词。 Readandjudge. 判断下列句子正 (T) 误 (F)。( ) 1.Iwenttothezoowithmyfriendstomorrow.( ) 2.Myfatherboughtsomefruitsandvegetables.( ) 3.TherearesevendaysinayeaLook. matchandwrite. 将单词与对应的图片连线并将它们写成大写形式。例:summerskippingropefall winter spring swimsuitReadandcircle. 请圈出有关运动的单词。footballfallkites flowersgrass leaves radioskippingrope cloudscheckers swim soccerFillintheblanks. 补全单词。ea ch ass ooar drpk s son gr p 1 wativerReadandfillintheblanks. 根据句子意思及首字母提示补全单词。1.I'mveryhot.Iwanttoeatani .2.I'mthirsty.Iwouldliketodrinksomew .3.I'mtired.Iwanttohavear .Chooseandfillintheblanks. 选择适当的疑问词填空。howwhat whowherewhen1.—isshedoing? —SheisreadingEnglish.2.—doesTimgotoCanada? —Byplane.3. —doyouusuallyeaReadandchoose. 将节日序号填在相应日期前的括号内。A. International Workers'Day B. Fool's Day C. Children's Day D.Christmas Day E. Teachers'Day ( ) AprilReadandguess. 读一读,猜一猜。1.It'scoldandsnowy.Whatseasonisit? 2.Theweatherisgettingwarmerandwarmer.Whatseasonisit? 3.It'sverycoolinthisseason.It'sLookandwritethewords. 看图,写单词。Fillintheblanksandtranslate. 按规律把单词补充完整并翻译出来。1.eastpleasepeas sy ()2.bookwood footc k ()3.chair catchpeach kit en ()4.tall fall call s t ()5Writetheoppositewords. 写出它们的反义词。例:sad-happy-leave-before -forget easy--lateWritetheoppositewords. 反义词大赢家,写出与下列单词相对应的词。late - healthy - win - clean - dry -throw - easy -weak -forget - Readandclassify. 读一读,将下列单词归类。skin soccer grapes cabbage bones melon musclespeasonions badminton1.Fruit:2.Sports: 3.Vegetables: 4.Body: Wirtethewords. 重新排列成正确的单词。1. yrael2. ytrap3. fgla4. bgeni5.ltae Readandchoose. 找出做饼干需要的原料。flour umbrella flag eggs bread saltbeach oil hear sugar store ice Fillintheblanksandtranslate. 填入所缺字母组合,并将单词译成汉语。1.bea ( ) 2.offic ( ) 3. lk( )4.holid ( )5. 1( ) 6. 1 ves( )7. irt( ) 8.cld( ) 9. iangle( )1Readandclassify. 将下列单词分类。 l. dress 2. lake 3. sunny 4.coat 5.ocean 6.cloudy 7.swimsuit 8.soccer9.rainy10.swimmingClothes: Places: Sports: WeatCirclethewrongwordsandcorrectonthelines. 火眼金睛,看谁找得准!找出错误的词,并在横线上改正。 BabyBeckywantstoplayinthesond.Shewantstoswinintheosean.Sheputsonh
找出各组中与其他三个不属于同一类的一个。( ) 1. A. watched( ) 2. A. park( ) 3. A. clean( ) 4. A. morning( ) 5. A. swimming B. zoo B. zooB. didB. Sat找出各组中与其他三个不属于同一类的一项。( )1.A. stronger () 2. A. tall ( ) 3. A. weekend ( ) 4. A. swim ( ) 5. A. visit B. younger B. thin B. excite汉译英。1.去钓鱼 2.去郊游 3.发烧 4.感冒 5.看医生 6.去游泳选择合适的单词填空。1.I'm164cmtall.Sheis160cmtall.I'mthanher.(taller,shorter)2.I'mthanhim.(thin,thinner)3.Whatyoudoyesterday ?(does,did)4.Lastweekend选出与下列英文单词对应的汉语意思。( ) 1. toothache ( ) 2. headache ( ) 3. wash clothes ( ) 4. visit ( ) 5. excited A. 头疼 B. 洗衣服 C. 拜访 D. 兴奋的 E选择与其他三个不同类的一个。( ) l. A.throat () 2. A.sad () 3. A.elephant( ) 4. A.write ( ) 5. A.juice B.leg B.watchB.pig B.take B.pizzaC.nose C.用直线连接英文和汉语对应的意思。drawpictures拉小提琴playtheviolin照相takepictures 踢足球playfootball做游戏playgames 画画suprise 邮票 party惊喜asorethroat 晚会hav找出各组单词中与其他三个不属于同一类的一项。( ) 1. A. sad ( ) 2. A. fever ( ) 3. A. angry( ) 4. A. longer ( ) 5. A. excited B. happy B. headache B. 请将下列短语译成英语。1.发烧 3.牙疼 5.喉咙 7.喝水 2.感冒 4.头疼6.吃药 8.看医生 找出各组中与其他三个不属于同一类的一项。( ) 1. A. taller( ) 2. A. head ( ) 3. A. fever( ) 4. A. bigger ( ) 5. A. excited B. shorter B. smallB. longe选词填空。1.Sheis160cmtall.I'm164cmtall. I'mthanher.(taller,shorter)2.I'mthanyou.(thin,thinner)3.Mylegislongerthan .(you,yours)4.Iam.Iamgoingonabigt找出各组中与其他三个不属于同一类的一项。( ) 1. A. buy () 2. A. took () 3. A. park () 4. A. bought ( ) 5. A. climb B. takeB. sang B. danceB. rowedB.给下列句子写上恰当的节日。ChristmasDay ThanksgivingDaySpringFestival Mid-AutumnFestival Children'sDay LanternFestival 1.Therearelotsoflanternsandthere'sadrago抄写句子,要认真写啊。1. Iamveryhappyandproudofmyself.2.Heisagoodboyandlikestohelpothers.从下面每组单词中选出不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. older () 2. A. take () 3. A. watch () 4. A. panda () 5. A. weekend B. tallerB. buy B. thin B. monkey B.用直线连接英文单词和对应的汉语意思。( ) 1. go hiking ( ) 2. see elephants ( ) 3. take pictures ( ) 4. go swimming ( ) 5. watch TV A. 看电视B. 去郊游C. 看给下列图片选择恰当的句子。A. ( ) B. ( ) C. ( )D. ( )E. ( )1.Don'tturnlefthere.2.ChinasentthispresenttotheUNin1974.It'satrain.3.Thesnakethinkstheflut根据汉语提示完成下列单词。1. hmew rk (家庭作业)2. excise (锻炼)3. wk (虚弱的)4. m th (月份)5. 1 (低的)选出每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. donut( ) 2. A. soccer ( ) 3. A. easily () 4. A. meat ( ) 5. A. catch B. dumpling B. gameB. light B. fruit B.根据图片,选择正确的句子。1. [ ]A.Ihavetheleastwater.B.IwenttotheDragonBoatRace.2. []A.Tomorrowwillbecloudy.B. Idon'tlikehotdays.3. [ ]A.Therewasabr根据汉语提示写单词,补全句子。1. Dannyatebreakfast (一次)aweek.2. Ahealthybodyhashealthy (骨骼).3.Forstrongmuscle,youneed (锻炼)4.Goodfood(使)yourbodyhealt阅读下列句子,写出相关的季节。1.Theweatheriswarmerandwarmer.Treeshavenewleavesandtheflowersbloom. It's____.2. Thetreeslosemostoftheirleavesandtheleavesturny根据提示完成填空。always usually sometimes never 1.SundayMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday JennyatebreakfastonSunday, ,,, and .She eatsbreakfast.S写出下列单词的正确形式。1. buy (过去式)3. five(序数词) 5. go(过去式) 7. do(过去式) 9. think(过去式) 2. good(比较级)4. teach(过去式) 6. can(否定式)8. slo写出下列单词的适当形式。1. eat (过去式) 2. swim (过去式) 3.last (反义词) 4. beach (复数) 5. salt (形容词)读每组单词,并在括号内写一个同类别的单词。1. eraser2. red3. lawer 4. two5. cold6. small7. dog 8. apple 9. bus10. run rulerblueteacherfive warm long cat将下列字母组成正确的单词。1. presisru 3. ryael5. genib7. trapy 9. bremerem 2. glaf4. trofeg 6. verye8. owh namy10. tael 找出每组单词中不同类的一项。() 1. A. basketball () 2. A. ride () 3. A. banana( ) 4. A. flower () 5. A. summer B. football B. lunchB. fishB. sandals选出每组单词中不同类的一项。() 1. A. summer ( ) 2. A. bird ( ) 3. A. shorts( ) 4. A. sky( ) 5. A. tiger B. spring B. tree B. sandals B. cloud B. c写出下列单词的适当形式。1.happy(副词)2. expensive (反义词)3. get (现在分词)4. remember (反义词)5. early (反义词) 按要求写出下列单词。1. us (主格形式)3. America (形容词) 5. up (反义词) 7. 看上去像 (译成英语)9. weak (反义词)2. for (同音词)4. child (复数形式)6. cannot 把下列单词填写到正确的方框里。Chinese Westernhamburgernoodleschopsticksdonut pianoviolinerhu AutumnDayThanksgivingDayChristmas 根据图片写出正确单词。按要求写单词或词组。1.willnot (缩写)2.flour (同音词)3.以……开始 4.接电话5.别迟到! 看图写单词。 按要求写出单词的正确形式。1. they (宾格) 2. strong (反义词)3. hour (同音词) 4. month (复数)5. twenty (序数词) Lookatthepictures. Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。 FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Whatisyourfavourite____ (运动)?2. Ioftenplay____ (羽毛球) withmyfriends.3. Theping-pongbRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1.run (名词) 2.these (反义词)3.heavy (反义词) 4.easy (副词)5.easy (反义词) 6.hit (现在分词) 7.buy (过去式)8.teach (过去式) 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1.takeoff (反义词) 2.scare(形容词) 3.swim (现在分词) 4. leaf (复数)5.lie (过去式) FollowtheChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Bobis(健康的)and(强壮的).2. Howoftendoyou(锻炼)inaweek ?3. Therearesixty(分钟)inanhour.4英汉互译。1. 上学3. 在周末5. 一瓶水7. 一双9. 拉小提琴2. on Tuesday morning 4. a girl in the red hat 6. a quarter past ten 8. make friends 10. have a co写出下列单词的适当形式。1.sun(形容词)2.short(名词) 3.wear(同音词)____4.is(过去式) 5.easy(反义词)____Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. health(形容词)3. tooth (复数) 5. before (反义词) 7. make (过去式)9. these (反义词) 2. strong (反义词)4. high(反义Translation. 英汉互译。1. apairofrunners 2. atthegym3. eachother 4. playsoccer 5. havefun6.一场篮球比赛 7.打篮球 8.今天晚上9.一名足球运动员 10. 热狗 Makethesentencesinorderaccordingtothegivenclocks. 按照钟表给出的时间先后为下列句子排序。1. 2. 3.4.( ) Lynngoeshomewithherfriend.( ) Lynnbeginsherlesson.( Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。Lookatthepictures. Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。 FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. LiMingfliesa____ (风筝) insummer.2. Therearesome____ (小鸟) inthesky.3. IliketoplayintheRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1.swim (现在分词) ___2.make (过去式) ____3. leaf (复数) _4.warm (反义词) 5.hot (反义词) ____ 6.wind (形容词)____7.swLookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1.2. 3.4. 5.FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Iwantedsomespecial (礼物) fromCanada.2.Lynnbringsgood(照片) fromschool.3. Mymother(记得)按要求变换每个单词中的一个字母,使其成为另外一个单词,将新单词写在横线上。1. too 变成一个数词 2. let 变成一个人体部位 3. ten 变成一种饮料 4. cap 变成一种交通英汉互译。1. Canyounametheseballs?2.Hewantstoplayfootball .3. IwillgotoBeidaihefor 暑假. 4. Thewaterinthecupis咸的.5. Therearemany 白云 inthesky. Choosethosamemeaningastheunderlinedpart. 选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。1. Iwanttohavesomebread.[ ]A. IliketoB. IlikeC. IloveD. I'dliketo2. ThisismRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. last(反义词) 3. quick(副词) 5. happily(形容词) 7. shop(现在分词)9. ask(反义词) 2. remember (反义词) 4. surprised(Choosethesamemeaningastheunderlinedpart. 选择与下列句中划线部分意思相同的一项。1.IgotoBeijingthisyear.[ ]A. leaveB. leaveforC. cometoD. leaveto2.ThecamerTranslation. 英汉互译。1.swimmingpool2.takeoff3.bescared 4.flyakite5. looklike6.在草地上 7.在公园 8.一朵好看的花9.在沙滩上10. 去旅行Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。 Follow theChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. What(发生) tothetreesintherain ?2. Ioftenlookattheflowersinthe(公园). 3. LiMingalways(醒Rewritetheword. 按要求写出下列单词。1. last (反义词) 3. say (过去式)5. want (过去式)7. hard (反义词) 9. lie (现在分词) 2. five (序数词)4. quickly (形容词Translation. 英汉互译。1. before breakfast 2. wake up3. watch TV4. after supper5. make lunch6. 梳头7. 刷牙8. 健康的身体 9. 一年三次 10. 冲澡Translation. 英汉互译。1. next week2. walk slowly 3. a picture of you 4. have a party 5. a long trip6. 去商店 7. 百货商店8. 很多人9. 想要 10. 每人 Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。FollowtheChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Throwthebasketballatthe____ (网).2.Iboughtsome____ (东西) inthestore.3.Theyare____ (跳) uRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1.good(同义词)____ 2.win(过去式)____ 3.down(反义词)____4.twice(基数词)____ 5.before(反义词)____ 6.high(反义词)____7.dish(复英汉互译。1. visit my uncle 2. play sports3. in an airplane 4. last summer 5. in the ocean 6. 开小汽车7. 教英语8. 骑自行车 9. 车站10. 送礼物Readandmatch. 选择相应的中文意思。( ) 1. see a doctor ( ) 2. a few days ( ) 3. a little ( ) 4. between…and… ( ) 5. look at ( ) 6. run away ( ) 7. look foReadandtranslate. 把汉语翻译成英语。更高的 更矮的 更小的 停 等待 更瘦的 教师 更大的 更长的 更重的 Thinkandwrite. 听说你的模仿能力很强,请一展身手吧!选择填空,补全单词。( ) 1.Sat____dayA. er B. urC. u( ) 2. aive A. r B. ri C. rr( ) 3. sh ts A. ooB. or C. ao( ) 4.sna____ A. ck B. ik C. ek( ) 5.按要求写单词。1. light (反义词)3. these (对应词)5. tooth (复数形式) 7. low (反义词) 9. too (同音词) 2. week (同音词) 4. bought (原形)6. lose (反义词)8. 给下列短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1.brushteeth A.醒来( ) 2.watchTVB.做作业( ) 3.domyhomework C.刷牙( ) 4.wakeup D.每周五次( ) 5.fivetimesaweek E.看电视将对应内容搭配。( ) 1. playsports ( ) 2. brush teeth( ) 3. healthy and strong( ) 4. work hard ( ) 5. take baths A. take exercise B. not sick and weak C. 看图填空。1.We .We.2. This basketball is .This ping-pong is .3. This flower is. It is. 4. This flower is. It is .Chooseandfillintheblanks. 选择适当的词填空。interesting, tired, sad, friendly, heavyfavorite, happy, angry, excited, young1.Lisa'slittledogislost,sosheisvery.Lookandwrite. 看图片,写短语。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thinkandwrite. 字母宝宝站错了位置,快帮它们排好队吧!alcss-werhe-lihoady- andec-lnera- aevh- uor- enwt- ssim- ohem-Readandmatch. 把汉语与英语相匹配。( )1. buy presents ( )2. a lot of ( )3. see birds ( )4. go skiing ( )5. climb a mountain ( )6. make a cake ( )7. learn Readandmatch. 选出对应的中文短语。( ) 1. go on a trip ( ) 2. on holiday ( ) 3. get there ( ) 4. this weekend ( ) 5. have a good time ( ) 6. far from ( ) 7Lookandwrite. 写出与图片对应的短语。例:played football 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Chooseandfillintheblanks. 形容词大比拼。选择恰当的形容词填空。(每词限用一次)big, tired, interesting, strict, sadboring, favorite, busy, difficult, happy1.OnmybReadandtranslate. 英汉互译。湖泊 电影院 银行参观excitedenjoybigger driver fresh 明信片 Lookandwrite. 看图,写出下列小朋友所患的疾病。例: 1. 2. 3. hurtherleg 4.5.Thinkandwrite.听说你的模仿能力很强,请一展身手吧!Readandchoose. 选择相应的汉语意思。( )1. have a toothache ( )2. more than ( )3. laugh at ( )4. water the flowers ( )5. a little ( )6. make the bed ( )7. Readandmatch. 把汉语与对应的英语匹配起来。( )1. collect stamps ( )2. just a minute ( )3. make kites ( )4. in the future ( )5. play the piano ( )6. draw piRead, chooseandwrite. 根据图片选出合适的词或短语,并写在横线上。hot, haveafever, hurtherfinger, haveatoothache, sad, headache, angry happy1. 2. 3.4.5. 6.7Lookandwrite. 图文对对碰。根据图片写短语。 Readandwrite. 请仿照例子写单词。例:long-shortfat- tall-heavy- young-black- 例:tall-tallerlong-short-big- small-good- Thinkandwrite. 将下列字母组成正确的单词。例:aekm-make1.oock-2. arkp- 3. og- 4. i i s v t- 5. l l at-____6. asd- 7. w ahs-8. l do- 9. uh tr-10.oolk-___Look, readandchoose. 给下列短语选择适当的图片。A.B.C. D.E. F. G. H.I.J.( ) 1. go fishing( ) 2. plant trees( ) 3. visit grandparents( ) 4.washclothReadandtranslate. 英汉互译。更强壮的更瘦的 更大的更滑稽的 haveafever haveacold alittlebetween生气的 因…而发笑 无聊的 疼痛 macthmedicine better Readandmatch. 把左边的问题,与右边的建议相匹配。 Problem( )1. tired( )2. sore throat( )3. have a fever ( )4. hungry ( )5. toothache Advice A. eat some foReadandmatch. 把与图片对应的名词填入括号。( ) 1.A. baseball ( ) 2.B. chicken( ) 3.C. camera ( ) 4.D. telephone ( ) 5.E. computer( ) 6.F. banana( ) 7Readandtranslate. 英汉互译。1. 玩一2. 希望一____3. 跳舞一4. 钢琴一____ 5. 公园一6. cousin- 7. present-8. stamp-9. study-10. France- Read, chooseandfillintheblanks. 选择适当的词组填空。inthefuture, haveasorethroat, studiesharddrawingpictures, nextSaturday1.We'regoingtohaveaparty ?2.Whatdo选出正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. w_rk A. oB. eC. oo ( ) 2. nnA. ou B. oo C. uo ( ) 3. pinA. e eB. a oC. o a ( ) 4. h_k _ng A. i oB. e i C. i i ( ) Lookandwrite. 图文对对碰。请用短语来解说下面的每一幅图片吧!例: 1. 2. 3.take pictures 4. 9.10. 英汉互译。1.gohiking2.做运动3.起床4.gotobed5.做早操 6.climbmountains 7.弹钢琴8.吃晚饭 9.回家10. 为……而感谢
词汇,选出正确的拼写形式。( ) 1. J_nu_ry ( ) 2. M_rch () 3. n_n_th ( ) 4. s_pt_mb_r( ) 5. f_urth A. a eA. oA. i eA. a a eA. o B. e a B. aB. i \B. e英汉互译。1. 国庆节 2. Army's Day 3. Women's Day4. Christmas Day5. 在八月 6. 植树节 7. 儿童节8. make a birthday chart 9. 6月3日 10.12月12日词汇,选出正确的拼写形式。( ) 1. spr_ng A. aB. i C. e( ) 2.1 fA. ea B. ae C. ee( ) 3. n_rthA. eB. a C. o ( ) 4. s_as_n A. ai B. eo C. oi( ) 5. s英汉互译。1.最喜爱的季节 2.flykites 3.植树 4.和……一块玩5.堆雪人 6.wakeup7.inthelake 8.thebesttime 9.长城 10. 在秋天补全词汇,并写出汉语意思。1. J_nu_ry3. s_c_nd5. le_f 7. sw_m9. br_kf_st 2. M_rch 4. tw_lfth 6. r_in8. s_nd 10. pi_no 英汉互译。1.弹钢琴2.吃早饭3.plant trees4.go hiking5.第八个月 6.in the north 7.climb mountains8.玩9.在周末 10.go shopping 词形转换。1.nine(序数词) 3.run(现在分词)5.I(形容词性物主代词) 2.leaf(复数) 4.have(第三人称单数) 英汉词语搭配。( ) 1. do morning exercises( ) 2. play the piano( ) 3. Thanksgiving() 4. draw pictures( ) 5. over there A. 在那边 B. 画画 C. 晨练D. 弹钢琴补全单词,并写出汉语意思。l. d nn r2. tll 3. f ll 4. snw 5. sw m6. rn7. s mm r8. e ther 9.sk te10. bcause 根据汉语提示补全单词。( ) 1. r跑 A. un B. nu C. an D. na( ) 2. p k 采摘 A. ci B. ea C. ic D. ae( ) 3. h ey 蜂蜜A. no B. on C. an D. na( ) 4. wk 走英汉搭配。( ) 1. sportsmeeting( ) 2.It'sanelephant.( ) 3. climbtrees( ) 4.haveapicnic( ) 5. Iamfishing.A.我在钓鱼。B.运动会C.举行野餐D.这是一头大象。E.爬英汉互译。1. 在晚上2. 在夏天 3. playwith 4. 有时 5.gohiking6. makeasnowman7.thebesttime 8. fiykites9. 上英语课10. 做运动 补全单词,写出汉语意思。1. S_pt_mber 3. f_ _st 5. n_rth 7. br_ _kfast9. d_te 2. N_vemb_r4. s_mm_r 6. sk_te 8. n_ _n 10. ev_ry _ne 填空。1. Iamontheplayground.(放风筝)2. Iwanttogoto .(儿童活动中心)3. Iane-cardtomygrandparents.(发送)4. Imyfriendsinthepark.(与……玩)5. ,Icanplanttrees.根据汉语提示填单词。1. Whendoyou (进行体育活动) ?2. I(吃) dinnerat7:00inthe(晚上)3. Ilike(秋天).(因为) it'salwayssunnyandcool.4. My(生日) isin(七月).5.英汉互译搭配。( ) 1. cook dinner ( ) 2. read a book( ) 3. see you later( ) 4. clean the room( ) 5. hold on A. 等一下,停住 B. 打扫房间 C. 再见D. 看书 E.Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1.2. 3. 4. Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1.2.3. 4. 5.FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Tell ____ (他们) something about me. 3. Li Ming is ____ (走) around the table. 5. Do youRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. we (宾格形式) 3. right (反义词) 5. under (反义词)7. find(过去式)9. China(形容词)2. win(现在分词) 4. quick (副词形FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Youcan ____ (听) mywordswithyourears.2. You'retoo____ (大声的). Pleasebequiet!3.Let'ssRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. ask (反义词)3. run (现在分词) 5. I (宾格形式)7. snow (形容词)9. one (序数词)2. quiet (反义词)4. have (第三人称单数英汉词语搭配。( ) 1. watchinsects( ) 2. havealook( ) 3.writeareport( ) 4.overthere( ) 5.doanexperimentA.在那边B.做实验C.观察昆虫 D.写报告E.看一看补全词汇,并写出汉语意思。1. f_urth 3. A_g _st 5. ph_ne7. gr_ndp_ 9. ev_ry_ne2. D_c_mber 4. p_ct_re 6. t_lk 8. st_dy 10. c_ _s_n 英汉互译。1. 画画3. see you later 5. 放风筝7. 和……讲话 9. 吃早饭 2. 做饭 4. 在四月 6. e-card8. answer thephone 10. 玩 FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. LiMingfliesa____ (风筝) insummer.2. Therearesome____ (小鸟) inthesky.3. IliketoplayintheRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1.swim (现在分词) ___2.make (过去式) ____3. leaf (复数) _4.warm (反义词) 5.hot (反义词) ____ 6.wind (形容词)____7.swLookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1. 2.3.4. 5.FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. I'm (跑) tomyclassroom.2. Iseeatiger(吃) adeer.3. Mrs Smithiscooking (汉堡包) forsupperRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. they (宾格形式) 3. story (复数形式)5. next (反义词)7. up (反义词)9. fall (过去式)2. see (过去式)4. is (过去式)6.Lookatthepictures. Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1. 2. 3.4. 根据汉语意思补全单词。( ) 1. sl_ _ p 睡觉 ( ) 2. sw_ _ g 荡秋千( ) 3. j_ _ p 跳( ) 4. f_ _ 飞( ) 5. fi_ _ t 打架 A. e a A. i n A. i nA. y l A. h g B. 按要求写单词。1.swim(现在分词) 3.banana(复数)5.can(否定形式) 2.climb(现在分词) 4.yes(对应词)选择与图片相配的选项。 A. B.C.D.E.( ) l. swinging( ) 2.fighting( ) 3.flying( ) 4.drinking( ) 5.sleeping根据音标,补全单词。1./ei/gr_de, g_me 2./C/ n t, cl ck 3. /i:/t ,pl se4. /U:/ sch l, t5./w/ at, ere 排序成词并译成汉语。1. etriw译:2. tna 译: 3.lawk 译:4.puicter 译:5. ew 译: Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1.2. 3.4. 5.看图选出与图片相配的内容。( ) 1.A.watchinsectsB.writeareport C.takepictures( ) 2. A. writealetter B.watchTV C.cleanthehouse( )3.A.running B.playingcheFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Iwantedsomespecial (礼物) fromCanada.2.Lynnbringsgood(照片) fromschool.3. Mymother(记得)读句子,在表述正确的句子后写“Yes”,表达错误的句子后写“No”。1. Catseatfish.2.Treesareblue. 3.Dogslikemeat.4.Orangesareorange. 5.Ablackboardiswhite. 6.YRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. last(反义词) 3. quick(副词) 5. happily(形容词) 7. shop(现在分词)9. ask(反义词) 2. remember (反义词) 4. surprised(给下列英语词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. play cards() 2. train station( ) 3. walk down the street( ) 4. laughloudly() 5. poor Danny A. 火车站B. 玩扑克牌 CChoosethesamemeaningastheunderlinedpart. 选择与下列句中划线部分意思相同的一项。1.IgotoBeijingthisyear.[ ]A. leaveB. leaveforC. cometoD. leaveto2.Thecamer按要求变换每个单词中的一个字母,使其成为另外一个单词,将新单词写在横线上。1. too 变成一个数词 2. let 变成一个人体部位 3. ten 变成一种饮料 4. cap 变成一种交通英汉互译。1. Canyounametheseballs?2.Hewantstoplayfootball .3. IwillgotoBeidaihefor 暑假. 4. Thewaterinthecupis咸的.5. Therearemany 白云 inthesky. 选择正确的字母填空。( ) 1.l k( ) 2. dr( ) 3. pnt( ) 4. sl( ) 5. q ckA.o o A.a w A.i oA.u e A.i u B.u uB.o w B.o eB.o w B.w i C.o uC.b u C.o i CTranslation. 英汉互译。1. next week2. walk slowly 3. a picture of you 4. have a party 5. a long trip6. 去商店 7. 百货商店8. 很多人9. 想要 10. 每人 Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。 Choosethosamemeaningastheunderlinedpart. 选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。1. Iwanttohavesomebread.[ ]A. IliketoB. IlikeC. IloveD. I'dliketo2. Thisism给左列英语词组找到正确的中文意思。( ) 1. be quiet ( ) 2. read a book( ) 3. point to ( ) 4. look out( ) 5. in the morning A.在早上B.向外看C.指向D.读书 E.安静根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. Theclassroomis (安静的).2. Jennylikesto (画).3.Whatwouldyouliketo(吃)?4. Thefoodisinmy (肚子).5. Iwantto(喝) sometea.给下列单词进行分类。noodles tea milk apple meat sandwich water pop riceorange juice soupvegetablescakedumplingsbananafishchickenmelonhotdogpizzacookies grapesdonFollow theChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. What(发生) tothetreesintherain ?2. Ioftenlookattheflowersinthe(公园). 3. LiMingalways(醒Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. last (反义词)____ 2.five (序数词)3. say (过去式)____ 4. quickly (形容词)____5. want (过去式)6.show (现在分词)____ 看图,把句子补充完整。 1.Howmuchisthe ? yuan.2.Howmuchisthe?yuan.3.Howmuchisthe? yuan.看图选词填空。1.Whereisthelibrary? Itisthebusstop.2.Whereisthehouse? Itisthelibrary.3.Whereistherestaurant? Itisthehouse.4.isthebusstop? Itistherestau看图写单词。chop_ _ _cks p_ _d_m_n h_tt_ _给下列问句选出合适的答语。( ) 1.Wheredidyougoyesterday?() 2.WhatdoyoudoonSunday?( ) 3.Mum,didyoumissme?( ) 4.Whathappened?( ) 5.HowdidyougotoschoolyesterChooseandfill. 选择正确的字母组合把单词补充完整。( )1. s_met_mes ( )2. w_ _kend ( )3. n_ _n ( )4. w_ _kA. o i A. eeA. uiA. ir B. a i B. ea B. oa B. Readandchoose. 请找出下面每组单词中不同类的一个。( )l. fall winter spring summer season( )2. cold hot cool warm sleep( )3. skate swim eat fly snow( )4. whenMakeupwords. 将下面的字母组成单词,写在横线上。1. etsb2.i c hhw3. k tsea 4. hw y5. spe el Readandmatch. 把动词与名词匹配起来。( )1. climb ( )2. go ( )3. visit ( )4. go ( )5. play ( )6. do ( )7. eat A. shopping B. mountains C. the pianoD. h按要求写单词。1. quietly(反义词) 2.let's(原形) 3. swim(现在分词)4.bought(动词原形) 5. today(对应词) 看图写单词。 k p s 5.6. 7.8. c p e- l 写出反义词。1.easy-2.top-3.quiet-4. left- 5.small-6.quick- 7.new-8. long-9.white-10.this- 根据提示画图。1. Drawahillinthemiddle (在中间).2.Drawatreebesidethehill.3.Colourthetreebrownandgreen.4.Drawatableunderthetree.5.Drawadogunderthetable. Lookandwrite. 根据下面表示季节的图画,写出正确的单词。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. Theweatheris(晴朗) today.2. Danny(摔) fromthehouse.3. Canyou(写) aletter?4.(贴) thestamphere.5. Beijingisa (著名的) city.根据图示填空。 1.Thisisn'tthe. 6. The stamp is in theThis is the . ,corner.2. This is the .5. This is the. 3. Yes! This is the. 4. This is a .找出单词的对应格式。一.( ) 1. I ( ) 2. you ( ) 3. they( ) 4. we ( ) 5. he A. your B. my C. ourD. theirE. his 二.( ) 1. do( ) 2. eat( ) 3. break( )根据汉语意思,选择适当的字母或字母组合补全单词。1. h____me(家)[ ]A. eB. iC. o2. s d(寄出)[ ]A. anB. enC. in3. pap(纸)[ ]A. arB. erC. in4.wr te(写)[ 选出划线部分正确的汉语意思。1.Hello, LiMing! I missyou.[ ]A. 看见B. 想念C. 认识2.TodayisFebruaryfifteenth.[ ]A. 十五B. 十五号C. 第十五3.Thesechopstick给下列英语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. look out ofthe window( ) 2. play cards with friends( ) 3. take a picture( ) 4. turn left at the traffic lights ( ) 5. b选词填空。howmuchtopturnrightaddresssend1.Iwanttothispostcardtomyfriend.2.Thisistheofthepostcard.3.Gototheparkand.4.arethestamps?5.WheredoIwritetheonthi根据要求写单词。1. fun (形容词) 2. ask (反义词) 3. too (同音词) 4. I (宾格) 5. come (反义词) 写出下列单词的过去式。1. help— 2. shop— 3. like—4.live—5. hurt— 写出下列单词的现在分词。1. put—2. write— 3. have—4. sleep— 5. drive— 把下列单词补充完整。1. cw2.tr 3. gr n 4. sch l5.wom6. b____by 7. l____ud 8. sandw选择正确的单词填空。l. There ____ (is/are)aboy.2.There ____ (is/are)someapples.3.Please(don't/doesn't)sing!4.What ____ (is/are)youdoing?5.You're (to/t看图标出 Danny 身体各部位的名称。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7.8. 9. 10. Wordlistarm head elbowfoot hand eyenose tail legknee 根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. Iliveina (旅馆) inBeijing.2.Thereisabig____ (卡车) ontheroad.3. Lookoutthe (窗户). Itisraining.4. Thefoodisinmy (肚子).5. 按要求写单词。1. have (现在分词)2. easy (反义词)3. small (反义词) 4. happy(副词) 5. slowly (形容词) 看图写单词。 1. 2.3.4. 5.按要求写单词。1. top(反义词) ____2. thankyou(同义词)3. left(反义词) ___4. put(现在分词) 5. four(序数词) 找出相关联的单词,把它们分别写在横线上。am look looked saw hurt fall walk man walked men women was seehurt fell woman Thinkandcompleteyourtimetable. 请完成你的时间表。Timetableeat dinnergo to school at 12:00at 3:00go home判断每个气球中的动词原形与过去式是(√)否(×)匹配。1. 2. 3.4.5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Readandclassify. 读一读,按要求分类。summer January playfly springusually eat fall winter oftenMarchsometimesApril sleep skate季节:summer 月份:January动词:play Readandmatch. 从右侧选出相应答案填入左侧括号内。( )fall ( )summer( )spring( )winterA. windy and warm B. windy and cold C. windy and cool D. windy and hot Readanddraw. 根据短语提示画出图画。windy and warmwindy and coldsunny and hotplant trees Lookandwrite. 仔细观察,写出下列单词的缩写形式。January— (Jan.) March— ( ) August— ( ) October— ( ) December— ( ) February— (Feb.)April— ( )September— ( ) NovReadandwrite. 你知道下面节日的日期吗?把句子补充完整。1. NewYear'sDayis.2. Women'sDay is.3. Children'sDayis.4. Teachers' Dayis.5. NationalDayis .6.Readandtranslate. 英汉互译。skate 放风筝堆雪人swim植树Lookandwrite. 看图,写短语。A. B.C. D. E. F. Lookandchoose. 找出不同类的单词,并把单词写在括号里。( ) 1. we when which where( ) 2. she our his their( ) 3. breakfast lunch watch dinner( ) 4. go eat playReadandchoose. 选择合适的字母把单词补充完整。( ) 1.sw m( ) 2. r n( ) 3. jmp( ) 4. fl( ) 5. sl p( ) 6.drkA. i A. i A. uA. iA. eiA. on B. u B. uB. Readandclassify. 将下面表示月份的单词按季节分类,分别写在横线上。JanuaryFebruary MarchApril May June september JulyAugust October November DecemberspringwintersRead, classifyandmatch. 将下列单词分类,分别填在横线上。August first May sixth March third月份 序数词Let'sguess. 根据下面的提示,写出相应的季节。1. Iamwearingmysweater. It'swindyandcool.Whichseasonisit?( )2.Iamwearingmyskirt.It'shotandsunny. WhichseasLookandwrite. 仔细观察,按规律你还能写出哪些单词?1.wait rain 2.grow grass3.glove glass 4.May play
Readandmatch. 读一读,请你把数字与相对应的序数词写在横线上。one two three four five six second fifth third firsteightsixtheighthfourthReadandwrite. 把下列短语补充完成整。1. abook2. aletter 3. music4. thephone5. theroom 6. dinner 7. pictures 8. thedishesThinkandfill intheblanks. 在方格中填入合适的字母组成正确的单词。在下列字母中找出你学过的单词。 Readandchoose. 选出单词的正确译文。( ) 1. fight( ) 2. swim( ) 3. sleep( ) 4. climb( ) 5. walk( ) 6. jump( ) 7. fly A.手指 A.划船 A.山羊 A.往上爬 A.走 A.跑Readandchoose. 请把日期的序号写在节日前的括号里。( ) Christmas Day( ) National Day( ) Teachers'Day() Children's Day () Labour Day( ) Women's Day( ) New Year'Readandnumber. 将下列单词排序。1. second2. third 3. twelfth4. fifth 5. first 6. fourth 7. seventh 8. sixth9. eighth 10. ninth Thinkandwrite. 重新排列字母组成单词。o t b e r c o b tse wsmi l e p e si d h rt ce b r e m e d Readandwrite. 你知道下面日期分别是什么节日吗?例:JanuarylstNewYear'sDay March8th Junelst September10thOctoberlst December25th Maylst Thinkandwrite. 找规律写单词。1. shoolcool 2. tree train 3. soupwould 4. twelve twenty Readandmatch. 将下列活动与季节进行匹配,填入括号中。( ) plant trees ( ) fly kites ( ) swim ( ) go hiking ( ) make a snowman A. summer B. spring C. winter D.Choosethedifferentone. 选出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号前。( ) 1. A.fly( ) 2. A. rabbit( ) 3. A. swim( ) 4. A. is B. walk B. tiger B. running B. am Readandmatch. 把名词和动词匹配起来。( )1. monkeys ( )2. elepants ( )3. fish ( )4. bird A. drinking water B. climbing C. flying D. swimming Readandtranslate. 英汉互译。1.gohiking 2. playthepiano3. 购物4. 吃早饭 5.haveanEnglishclass6.sendane-card7. 爬山 8. 放风筝 9. 植树10. 起床 Readandwrite. 观察下面单词有什么规律,你能接着写出单词吗?至少两个。1.say today 2.great green 3.speak splash 4.ski skate Readandwrite. 根据汉语提示写出下面的单词。1. 八月 A2.九月 S 3. 一月 J 4. 三月 M5.十一月 N6.十月 O Thinkandwrite. 整理下面字母组成单词。lyaulus uecnl pisngr ismwReadandtranslate. 英汉互译。1. 洗碗____2. 读书 3.writeane-mail 4. answerthephone 5. 听音乐 6. 画画7. 写信 Lookandjudge. 根据图片判断下面句子对错。用“√”和“×”表示。( )1. Heiscatchingabutterfly. ( )2. Heisgettingup. ( )3. Winterismyfavouriteseason. Readandchoose. 读一读,选一选,将下列单词补充完整。( ) 1. wh_n () 2. sl_ _p( ) 3. n_ _n( ) 4. bec_ _se( ) 5. us_ _lly() 6. M_ _ch () 7. b_ _thday A. e AChoosethedifferentone. 找出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。( ) 1.A. e-mail( ) 2.A. read( ) 3.A. study( ) 4.A. answer B. musicB. playB. listenB. moReadandwrite. 按要求写出下面单词的适当形式。1. January (简写形式)3. two(序数词) 5. leaf (复数)7. swim(现在分词)2. March(简写形式) 4. three(序数词)6. hot(Readandmatch. 把动词和名词匹配起来。( )1. play ( )2. climb( )3. plant( )4. eat ( )5. make ( )6. fly A. kites B. sports C. mountainsD. trees E. dinnerLookandwrite.仔细观察,填充空格。1. Jan.Feb. Apr. Aug.Oct. 2. firstthirdfifth ninthReadandmatch. 把汉语和英语匹配起来。( )1.train station ( )2.take a cab ( )3.very easy ( )4.Don't worry. ( )5.buy tickets A. 不要担心。B. 乘出租车 C. 火Readandmatch. 把名词和相应的日期匹配起来。( )1. Christmas Day ( )2. National Day ( )3. Teachers'Day( )4. Children's Day ( )5. Labor Day ( )6. Women's DThinkandfill. 认真读一读,填一填。完成下面的单词游戏。Readandchoose. 请选择合适的单词将其序号填在括号里。A. draw B. write C. catch D. readE. drinkF. play( )1. pictures( ) 2.water ( )3. a letter( )4.butterReadandclassify. 把下列词语按要求分类。happy point little cry cool saytired sit drink slowsleepsad动词: 形容词: Readandfillintheblanks. 请根据汉语或首字母提示把下列句子补充完整。1. Theseare ____ (妇女)!2. Thec ____ (孩子们) arecrying. Theyareloud.3. ThetrainsarerunniChoosethedifferentwords. 请找出下面每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. first four sixth tenth( ) 2.springsummerfall sleep( ) 3. warm coolsummer cold( ) 4.MarchMay JaCirclethedifferentwords. 找出不同类的单词填在括号里。( ) 1. Banana ( ) 2. glass ( ) 3. tree ( ) 4. eat ( ) 5. draw melonmilk dog drink see strawberryteaducReadandmatch. ( ) 1. take a picture( ) 2. look inside the window ( ) 3. stand beside LiMing( ) 4. poor Danny( ) 5. I'm falling.( ) 6. go shopping( ) 7.Readandmatch. 选择与图画相符合的单词填入括号中。A. climb B. swim C. fly D. jump ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Readandwrite. 按照季节写出相应的月份。spring: summer: fall: winter:Fillintheblanks. 请把方框中所给的单词写在合适的横线上。1.Thebabyissleeping.Heis .2. Theyaresingingasong.Theyare .3.Thetrainis. Thebicycleis .4. TheteaLook, chooseandwrite. 认真看图,从下列方框中选择正确的单词填写在横线上。hand head leg mouth nose eye foot stomach ear elbow arm finger Thinkandwrite. 请按要求写单词。1. this (对应词)2. easy (反义词) ____3. big (反义词) ____4.loud (副词) ____5. child (复数) ____ 6. eye (同音词) ____7. insReadandmatch. 找出相应的汉语翻译。( ) 1.lookout( ) 2. onthetrain( ) 3. readnewspaper( ) 4. bequiet( ) 5. inthemorningA. 在火车上B. 向外看C. 安静 D. 看报Fillintheblanks. 根据提示将单词补充完整。1. A: W(谁) isit?B:It'sme. 2. L (看)!I seeabigbrowncow! 3.Whatisthegirldoingn (现在)? 4.Kimdoesn'ts (睡觉). SChooseandfillintheblanks. 选择正确字母将下列单词补充完整。c yp h u e oi m a rpe pl p ct re ____ aera hu tmane sy hel ardReadandtranslate. 英汉互译。1.twobottlesofpop2. 看书3.lookoutthewindow 4. 一些水果5.readanewspaper 6. 一杯牛奶 Thinkandwrite. 用所给的字母组成正确的单词。1. pnito 2. hrda3. epelpo4. aeys 5. ymna 6. onw Lookandwrite. 找规律,填一填。1. classglassbasket2. parkcarfar 3. smile small4. slow sleep Readandmatch. 你知道下面给出的节日分别在哪个季节吗?1. Children'sDay 2. Teachers'Day3. Women'sDay4. NationalDay 5. NewYear'sDayA. springB. summerC. fChooseandfill. 请用所给单词或词组填空。sleep sit drink sing aglass readlook1. sometea 2.ofmilk3. asong4. behindme5.abook 6. outthewindow 7.onthebedThinkandwritethewords. 按要求写单词。1. big (反义词)3. old (反义词) 5. hot (反义词)7. in (反义词)9. to (同音词) 2. quiet (反义词)4. white (反义词) 6. leRead,chooseandwrite. 请你选出不是同一类的单词写在前面括号内,然后在后面横线上写出一个同类的单词。( ) 1. fly singpeoplesay ( ) 2.loudly slowly quietly draw ( )Readandmatch.把下面动词和名词匹配起来。( )1. watch ( )2. do( )3. collect( )4. play ( )5. catchA. butterflies B. insects C. an experimentD. leaves E. cReadandchoose. 选择正确的选项组成单词。( ) 1. l_ _k ( ) 2. j_mp ( ) 3. hu_t ( ) 4. p_ _nt A.oo A.eA.oA. io B. ou B. uB. iB. oi C. uu C. aC. rC. Thinkandwrite. 考考你的眼力,把所给的字母组成正确的单词。1. n m w a o2. i g s n 3. a b y b4. a n m5. e u t i q6. u l d o7. o e s m8. o l k o Readandmatch. 把英语和汉语匹配起来。( )1. take a picture ( )2. arrive in ( )3. goshopping ( )4. play cards ( )5. get ready for ( )6. walk down the street Look, chooseandfill.根据图片提示,从方框中选择正确的单词写在横线上。loud quiet slowly loudly quick quietly slow quickly1.Thegirl is .Shedoesherhomework .2.TThinkandwrite. 把下列字母组成正确的单词填在横线上。1. l t f e2.i r g h t3. e s n d4. n o r c er5. m e a - l iThinkandwrite. 请按单词的正确顺序重新排列下列英文字母。1. igtf 2. entw 3. lpeedh 4. beakr 5. e i k l dCorrectthewords. 改正下列错误单词。1.pastcard2.envelape3.hatel4.stomp5.competer Readandmatch. 找出对应的反义词。quietlittle sit easy quickly quietly big loudhard stand loudly slowly Readandmatch. 为中文搭配出适当的英文。( )1.写信( )2.直走 ( )3.邮局( )4.多少钱 ( )5.一个信封A.how muchB.an envelope C.write a letterD.the post officeE.go straighReadandwrite. 重新排列字母组成单词1.y a b b2.smeo3.plese4.wdar5.pe l h 6.u t r h 7.emown8.ucqki 9.u e t q i10.amrcea Lookandchoose. 请你根据图片选出最恰当的句子。( ) 1.A.Let'smakeakite. B.Theboyisflyingakite. C.Wewanttogoshopping.()2.A.Thisisafilm.B.MayItakeyourpicChooseandfillintheblanks. 选择合适的单词填空。1.YesterdayI (talk talked)tomymother.2.A: What(happenedhapped)? B: I(hurthurted)mynose. 3.Yesterdaythey (havReadandmatch. 给下列行为选择合适的地点。( )1. buy stamps( )2. send an e-mail ( )3. take a picture ( )4. eat sandwiches( )5. fly a kite A. in a parkB. witThinkandwrite. 请你根据汉语提示把所给的字母组成正确的单词。1. (帮助) ehlp 2. (容易的) syea 3. (难的) hrad 4. (很多) naym5. (照片) reiuptc 6. (照相机) aemr1.postcard 2.e-mail 3.uncle 4.Tian'anmenSquare 5.PalaceMuseum6.letter 7.bottom 8.right 9.corner 10.left11.aunt 12.sister 13.Tuesday 14.Sunday 15.Thinkandchoose. 请你选择正确的字母或字母组合把单词补充完整。( )1. h t A.urB.ir C.or( )2.csin A.au B.ar C.ou( )3. trp A.eB.u C.i( )4.ha en A.ll B.Readandchoose. 请你选出与画线部分意思相近的一项。1. May Itakeapictureofyou?[ ]A.photoB. letterC. message2. Iamsadtoday.[ ]A. amnotB. feelsC. feel3. IReadandmatch. 选出正确的中文。( ) 1. gotoschool( ) 2. thefirstday( ) 3. toohard( ) 4. playcheckers( ) 5.Tian'anmenSquareA. 太难B. 第一天C. 去学校 D. 天Fillintheblanks. 请根据汉语提示填空。1. Didyougo(购物)?2. It'sjust(合适) formydoll.3.Kim(步行) tothezooyesterday.4. Let'sputit(在……上方) mybed.5. IwaReadandtick. 选出完全正确的单词组。( )1. A. hurthurted B. hurthart C. hurthurt ( )2. A. fallfalledB. fallfell C. fallfull ( )3. A. breakbroke B. breaReadandmatch. 把反义词匹配起来。( ) 1. top( ) 2. left( ) 3. big( ) 4. ask( ) 5. sameA. smallB. bottomC. right D. differentE. answerReadandmatch.请把左右两栏意义相近的短语匹配起来。( ) 1.gethome( ) 2.wouldlike( ) 3.haveagoodtime( ) 4.gotoschoolonfoot( ) 5.givesb.sth.toseeA.walktoschooReadandchoose. 请选择正确的字母或字母组合,将下列单词补充完整。( ) 1. l tter ( ) 2.comp t r ( ) 3. q ck ( ) 4. ch ldr n ( ) 5. pple ( ) 6.env l pe ( ) 7.根据所给图示填空,完成单词。 1. c_me_a 2. b_ _3. gi_ _4. w_m_ _5. p_n_a6.p_ct__e7.m_ _ 8. chil_ _en9. _ _uck 10.hot_ _英汉词组匹配。将左边A栏中的英语词组与右边B栏的汉语匹配起来,使其相符。 A( ) 1.arrive in Beijing ( ) 2. in the Beijing train station( ) 3. buy some tickets ( )Readandwrite. 请你按照要求写出正确的单词。1.children(单数) 2. woman(对应词) 3. man(复数) 4. easy(反义词)5. quiet(副词)6. eat(过去式) 7. sun(形容词)8. liOrderandtranslate. 请将下列各组字母重新排列,并写出其汉语意思。1. ifgt2. omtobt 3. onrrec 4. pto5. pmast Lookandfillintheblanks. 请根据图片提示把下列短语补充完整。1. a kite 2.a 3. a4. 5. a根据图示,在图下面写出正确的单词,并译成汉语写在括号内。1. ( ) 2.( )3.( ) 4.( )5.( ) 6.( )7. ( )8.( )9.( )10.( )Readandfillintheblanks. 请用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Thecowiswalking ____ (slow).2.Tom ____ hislegyesterday.(hurt)3.Theseboysare____ loudlynow.(talk)4. IcReadandwrite. 用下列各句中画线词的反义词填空。1.Themanwalksquickly.Thewomanwalks .2.Dannyissinging.Heisloud.Thebabyissleeping.Sheis .3. Pleaseputthesta根据下面所给图示,在图下面写出正确的单词,并在括号内写出其汉语意思。1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )7. ( )8. ( )9.( )10. ( )按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1. easy (反义词)2. foot (复数形式)3. take (现在分词)4. I (同音词)5. slow (副词) 6. women (单数形式) 7. have (第三人称单数形式根据所给图示填空,完成单词。 1.e-m_ _ _2._ _vel_ _e 3.p_ _ 4.c_mp_ter 5.p__d_ 6.wo_ _ _ 7.p_stc__d8.le_ _er 9.st_ _ _10.h_t_ _根据汉语提示,重新排列字母顺序,组成正确的单词。1. esetrt (街道) 3. oheus (房子) 5. itnpo (指向) 7. aghul (大笑)9. eples (睡觉) 2. nusyn(晴朗的) 4. adwr (按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. woman (复数形式)2. I (宾格) 3. know (同音词)4. fall (现在分词)5. have (第三人称单数形式)6. sun (形容词) 7. can (否定缩略形根据图示填空,补全单词。 1.p_ _2.d_ _plings 3.mo_ _ta_n 4._a_n 5.si_ _ 6._ _r 7.b_ _k 8.ti_ _d 9.ha_ _ y10._ _eepReadandchoose. 选出与画线单词意思相近或相同的一项。1.—Howareyou? —I'mOK.[ ]A.niceB.goodC.verywell2.Isyourfatherin?[ ]A.athomeB.atworkC.atschool3.He根据所给图示填空,完成单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. p_gba_ _n_c___ _ee_i_e6. 7.8.9. 10d_ _ p_ingsb_cy__es_ _dwi_ _ wind_ _ b_ _根据图示,在图下面的横线上写出正确的单词,并在括号内写出其汉语意思。1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )7.( )8.( )9.( )10.( )根据图示,在图下面的横线上写出正确的单词,并在括号内写出它的汉语意思。1. ( )2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )6. ( )7. ( )8. ( )9. ( )10. ( )按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. too (同音词) ____3. loud (反义词) ____5. morning (对应词)7. see (近义词)____9. fast (同义词)____ 2. say (第三人称单数) 4.选择适当的字母或字母组合,补全单词。( ) 1.c_ _puter( ) 2. ad_ _ess ( ) 3. four_ _ ( ) 4. n_ _ _ ( ) 5. fri_ _d () 6. forg_t () 7. l_ve ( ) 8. sn_ _ ( ) 9选择正确的答案补全单词。( ) 1. c_mp_ter ( ) 2. h_pp_ n () 3. y_st_rday ( ) 4. f_m_us ( ) 5. J_n_ary () 6. S_turd_ y ( ) 7. r_staur_nt () 8. w_lc_me A.o/用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. two (序数词) 3. quick (副词) 5. take (现在分词) 7. man (复数)9. broke (原形)2. quiet (反义词) 4. children (单数) 6. am (过去根据所给要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. answer (复数)2. today (对应词)3. have (过去式) 4. store (同义词) 5. arrive (现在分词)6. ask (反义词)7.eye (同音词)8根据所给图示填空,完成下面的单词。1. g f 2. fa 3. m 4. rtaur 5. ns 6. cheers7. i e crm8. c me9. cr10. Tian'anmen S are根据句意,选择划线单词的正确意思,并将其字母标号填入前面括号里。1.Hello, LiMing! Imissedyou.[ ]A. 看见B. 想念C. 认识D. 问2.TodayisFebruaryfifteenth.[ ]A.根据所给首字母补全单词。1.LiMingistired.Hewalkshomes .2.LiMing'sais23Street,Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China.3.LiMing'sappleisbthanJim's.4.I'llgotothepostotLookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1. 2.3. 4. 5. Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1.2.3. 4. 5.