选出下列画线单词的反义词。( ) 1. I have long arms. ( ) 2. I have black ears.( ) 3. I have big ears. A. smallA. red A. long B. short B. whiteB. short 根据汉语填空。1. Ihave __________(小) earsand __________ (大脚).2. Ihave __________ (长)1egsand __________ (短) arms.3. Mybodyis __________ (黄色) andbrown.选择正确的选项,补全单词。( ) 1. moth__ __ ( ) 2. fam__ __y ( ) 3. wat__ __ ( ) 4. p__ __ty ( ) 5. bro__ __er ( ) 6. gif__ ( ) 7. don__ __( )8. c__ke ( )给下列的英文词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. twenty oranges ( ) 2. nineteen bananas ( ) 3. sixteen strawberries( ) 4. eighteen apples ( ) 5. seventeen melons 售货员小张正在把新购进的商品进行分类摆放,但她刚开始分就被经理叫走了,你能帮她做完这项工作吗?(food类画“△”、fruit类画“○”、juice类画“▽”)bread,chicken, cookies, str翻译画线部分。1.Ihavesmallears._______________2.Theyaresingingasong. _______________3. Ihavealongneck. _______________补全单词。1. mel__ __ 西瓜 3. __pple 苹果 5. sevent__ __n 17 2. orang__ 桔子 4. tw__ __ty 20 6. s__xteen 16 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. bananas ( ) 2. A. eighteen( ) 3. A. mouth ( ) 4. A. many B. twenty B. nineteen B. happy B. eighteen C. thirteenC. count小朋友,我们的数字朋友藏在下面的短文中,你知道它们都是谁吗?请把它们找出来写在横线上。 I'magirl.I'melevenyearsold. Ihavetwosisters.Weare allinNo.NinePrimary写出下列单词的反义词。1.long ___________ 2. small ___________3. in ___________4.left___________5. black ___________看图,选词填空。1. Thebananais __________thebox.(in, out)2. Theappleis __________ the box.(in, out)3. Theappleisonthe __________ (right, left).读一读,选出正确的图画。( ) 1. Thisismyleftfoot.A. B. ( ) 2. Thisismyrightarm.A. B. ( ) 3. Ihaveanorangeonmylefthand.A. B. ( ) 4. Thebirdisoutoftheh看图片,把身体部位名称选出来。A.fingerB. toeC. shoulderD.stomachE. kneeF. elbow1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 你知道下列单词的反义词吗?big __________ long__________ left __________ in __________ he __________练一练,写一写。finger: ______________________________toe: ________________________________shoulder: ____________________________stomach: _______________________看图,写单词。 ________________________________________ __________英汉互译。1. nose ____________3. 冷的 ____________5. 热的 ____________7. sad ____________ 9. 肩膀 ____________2. handsome ____________4. knee ____________写出下列单词的反义词或对应词。1. white ____________3. out ____________ 5. long ____________2. left ____________4. big ____________6. new ____________ 7. b写一写。longhair_____________________________bigeyes _____________________________bigears_____________________________littlefeet _____________________________小朋友,你能写出对应的反义词吗?1.2.3._______________ _______________ _______________看例子,写单词。例: a → apple1. e → _________2. i → _________3. o → _________4. u → _________观察图片,写出头发的形状。 __________ ____________________ __________选择所缺的字母或字母组合,把序号写在括号里。( ) 1. h__ppy ( ) 2. __ __m ( ) 3. h__ __d ( ) 4. h__ __r( ) 5. sh__ __t ( ) 6. bl__ __d A. m A. er A. an A.请你来做发型师,帮助他们设计发型。1.2. 3.long black hair short blond haircurly red hair给下列的短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. curly hair( )2. long hair ( ) 3. big ears ( ) 4. long arms ( ) 5. short hair ( ) 6. little feet ( ) 7. straight hai画一画。Ihaveshort, red, curlyhair.看图片,写出相应的单词中缺少的字母。1. h__n__2. ch__ __r3. bl__ __k4. e__b__ __5. gr__ __n6. c__ __d__ __ 将下列单词归类。policeofficerfingergreenstomachthirty-two under elbowfortycarpenter pink ten innose nineout yellowbusdriver on blondteacher1.policeofficer _____看图片,用英文数字完成句子。1. ___________ applesareonthedesk.2. I'm ___________ yearsold.3. I have ___________ books.4. Howmanykeysdo youhave? ________选择合适的词填空。am is are1. We _________ ahappyfamily. I _________ astudent.Myname _________ LiMing.supper lunch breakfast2. Inthemorning, Ieat _________.补全单词。( ) 1. h__ __r ( ) 2. wr__te ( ) 3. ri__ __t ( ) 4. gr__ __n ( ) 5. s__ __teen ( ) 6. no__ __ ( ) 7. bod__ ( ) 8. h__ __d ( ) 9. f__ __t ( ) 1看图选择。( ) 1. A.Myhairislong.( ) 2. B.Lily'shairiscurly.( ) 3. C.Kim'shairisshort.( ) 4. D.Lucy'shairisstraight. 根据例子写出下列单词的复数形式。Exaple: ear → earsarm → __________ leg → __________ hand → __________eye → __________ nose → __________ mouth → __________ toe → 看图片,选择恰当的方位词填空。right left out in1. ___________ hand2. ___________3. ___________4. ___________ leg 看图,写单词。 ________________________________________ __________写出下列单词的反义词或对应词。1. cold ____________3. warm ____________5. left ____________7. big ____________9. new ____________2. happy ____________4. wh看图读句子判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Ihaveshortarms.( ) 2. Ihavebigears.( ) 3. Ihavebigearsandshortarms.( ) 4. Myhairislong.( ) 5. Myhairisshort.选词填空。feet eyes ears mouth hand1. Ihearwithmy ___________.2. Iseewithmy___________.3. Ieatwithmy___________.4. Iwritewithmy ___________.5. Iwalkwith选择正确的答案,补全单词。( ) 1. kn__ __ ( ) 2. sm__ll ( ) 3. yell__ __ ( ) 4. sist__ __ ( ) 5. p__ __ty ( ) 6. m__lk ( ) 7. gr__pe ( ) 8. f__fteen ( ) 9数一数,写出正确的词组。1. __________________2. __________________3. __________________4. __________________5. __________________认真观察图片,选一选。( ) 1. A. finger( ) 2. B. elbow( ) 3. C. foot( ) 4. D. toe( ) 5. E. knee 补全单词并选择相对应的图片。( ) 1. n__ __eA. ( ) 2. h__ndB. ( ) 3. m__ __thC.( ) 4. l__gD. ( ) 5. __ __rE. 给下列的图片选择正确的英文名字。( ) 1. A. erasarB.eraser( ) 2. A.penB.pencil( ) 3. A.donutB.danut( ) 4. A.FrenchFriesB.Frenchfries ( ) 5. A.poopB.找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. eighteen( ) 2. A. colour ( ) 3. A. mouth ( ) 4. A. milk ( ) 5. A. family B. sixteen B. green B. walk B. cake B. daught英汉互译。1. 生日蛋糕 ______________ 3. my favourite ______________5. 十支铅笔 ______________ 7. 多少 ______________ 9. 我的书______________ 2. birthday pa选词填空。my his her this Jenny'sA: Is __________ yourmarkerKim?B: No.It'snot __________ marker.A: IsthisLucy'smarker?B: No. Itisnot __________ marker.A选择适当的答案完成单词。( ) 1. hamb__ __ger ( ) 2. expens__ve( ) 3. j__ __ce ( ) 4. tw__ __ty ( ) 5. gr__pes( ) 6. s__ __t ( ) 7. p__zza ( ) 8. str__ __b找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. glasses ( ) 2. A. sugar ( ) 3. A. pop ( ) 4. A. juice ( ) 5. A. nineteen B. bowls B. apple B. milk B. pizza B. twentyC用" a '," an "或" some "填空。1. ___________ glass of water 3. ___________ French fries 5. ___________ donut 7. ___________ apple 9. ___________ hamb给下列的阿拉伯数字选择正确的英文。( ) 1. 15( ) 2. 12( ) 3. 11( ) 4. 13( ) 5. 14A. eleven B. thirteen C. fourteen D. fifteen E. twelve观察图片补充单词。st__d__nt h__ __d f__m__ly sch__ __l b__ __kf__ __tfi__g__ __ kn__ __ elb__ __t__e我是小翻译家。1. eat lunch_____________ 3. noodles _____________ 5. I'm thirsty _____________7. 在晚上 _____________ 9. 我的眼睛_____________ 2. fifteen a根据图意,在横线上写上表示数量的单词。△ = 2 ○ = 51. △ △○ ○ ○ ______________2. △ △ △ △ △ ○ ______________3. ○ ○ △ △ △ ______________4. △ △ △ ○ ○ _____________补全单词。1. n__me 名字3. y__u 你 5. n__w 新的2. m__ __t 见面4. fr__e__d 朋友6. m__ 我的看图写Yes或No。( ) 1. Iwouldlikesomerice.( ) 2. Thesearenoodles.( ) 3. IlikeFrenchfries.( ) 4. Thisisanapple.选择恰当的答案完成单词。( ) 1. __at ( ) 2. d__ __nk ( ) 3. gr__pes ( ) 4. sixt__ __n ( ) 5. th__ __sty( )6. p__per ( ) 7. ha__ __urger ( ) 8. mou__ __ ( 读一读,涂一涂,连一连。1. oneyellowcat2. sixpinkflowers3. twoorangepears 4. fivegreentrees选出与其它单词不同类的词。( ) 1. A. book ( ) 2. A. one ( ) 3. A. red ( ) 4. A. happy( ) 5. A. blondB. chair B. three B. yellowB. sad B. long C. d看一看,找一找,填一填,比比谁的眼力好。Kim: I'mhungry. Iwanttoeat______________.Sue: I'dlikesome ______________.Lily: I'dlikea______________.Mike: Idon'选词填空。What, How, Howmany, Howmuch1. __________ banansdoyouhave? Ihavetwobananas.2.__________ areyou?Fine, thanks.3.__________ wouldyoulike? I'dlikea抄一抄。1.MynameisDanny._________________________2.What'syourname?_________________________根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1.What'syour __________(name, live, China)?2. __________ nameisJenny.(He, Her, I)3.How __________ you?(is, am, are)4.Thisis _看图片,将错误的单词改过来。 __________ __________ __________ __________抄一抄。Thisismyfriend.__________________________根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Hello! __________ (我的) nameisa.2. Howare __________ (你)?3. Doyou __________ (有) ane?4. I __________ (知道) mya, e, i, o, u.5看图补全句子。Hello,___________ nameisLiMing. Thisismyfriend.___________ nameisLucy.根据汉语补全句子。1. I'm __________. (抱歉)2. I'm __________. (迟到)3. Thisismy __________. (老师)抄一抄。1.Excuseme.______________________2.I'msorry.______________________补全单词,并根据图片选择。( ) 1. A. p__n( ) 2. B. er__ __er( ) 3. C. p__nc__l( ) 4. D. m__rker 选一选。( ) 1. a pencil ( ) 2. two green markers ( ) 3. two erasers ( ) 4. two candies A. 两块橡皮 B. 两块糖果 C. 一支铅笔 D. 两支绿色的彩笔 抄一抄。1. Iamaboy.______________________________2.Whereareyoufrom?______________________________补全单词,并选择。( ) 1. sh__pA. ( ) 2. classr__ __mB. ( ) 3. p__rkC.( ) 4. s__h__olD. 看图,填写数词。1. ___________ books2. ___________ pens3. ___________ chairs4. ___________ desk 用合适的数词填空。1. six + five = ___________ 3. seven + eight = ___________5. twelve÷ two = ___________2. ten + two = ___________ 4. fifteen -nine = ______选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. eleven pencils ( ) 2. twelve markers ( ) 3. thirteen pens ( ) 4. fourteen erasers ( ) 5. fifteen rulers A. 14块橡皮 B. 11支铅笔算一算,写一写。△ = 2 □ = 3 ○ = 5 1. △ △ △ △ △ □ ______________2. ○ ○ □ △ ______________3. △ △ □ □ ○ ______________看图判断对“√”,错“×”。 eraser book pencil ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )选出单词的正确意思。( ) 1. name ( ) 2. thanks ( ) 3. pen ( ) 4. have ( ) 5. eraser A. 名字 A. 好 A. 钢笔 A. 没有 A. 彩笔 B. 什么 B. 谢谢 B. 铅笔 B.根据汉语完成句子。1. __________ (你好), what'syourname?2. Excuse __________ (我).3. Idon't__________ (有) pens.4. Ihave __________ (20)pencils.5. ____看图选择正确的选项。( ) 1. MayIhavefive ___________?A.pensB.pencilsC.markers( ) 2. Ionlyhavethree ___________.A.booksB.pensC.erasers( ) 3. Thisisan __英汉互译。1. athome _____________ 2. 在学校 _____________3.inthepark _____________4. intheshop _____________5. 一所房子 _____________选词填空。in atfrom1. Iam __________ school.2. Whereareyou __________?3. Iwalk __________ thepark.抄一抄。1.I'mfromCanada._________________________2. Iaminthepark._________________________看图,写单词。1.2.3._________________________________补全单词并选择对应的图片。( ) 1.p__nA. ( ) 2.er__ __erB. ( ) 3. b__ __kC. ( ) 4.m__ __kerD.( ) 5.penc__lE. 圈出与所给数字相同的数量。1.fifteen2.five3.eleven 4.twelve5.fourteen看图片,将错误的单词改正过来。 grilhallo bay__________ __________ ____________________选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. a red pencil ( ) 2. a yellow eraser( ) 3. a green tree( ) 4. a blue u A. 一棵绿色的树 B. 一个蓝色的字母uC. 一支红色的铅笔 D. 一看图片,填写恰当的单词。1. (红) a __________ apple2. (蓝) three __________ chairs3. (绿) five __________ markers给下列等式选择正确的答案。( ) 1. six + eight ( ) 2. five + ten ( ) 3. two + fifteen ( ) 4. nine + eleven ( ) 5. six + seven A. thirteen B. fourteen C. tw选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. boy ( ) 2. A. book ( ) 3. A. ten ( ) 4. A. marker( ) 5. A. sorry B. girl B. red B. count B. fifteen B. blue C. ruler 根据图片内容选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A. Iamateacher.( ) 2. B. Iamagirl. ( ) 3. C. Iamaboy.抄一抄。1.Ihearwithmyears.____________________________2. Italkwithmymouth.____________________________3. Ieatwithmymouth.____________________________选择正确的单词填空。1. I ___________ (hear, see) withmyears.2. I ___________ (eat,see)withmyeyes.3. I ___________ (smell, eat)withmymouth.4. I ___________画一画。 apencil anose amouth补全单词。1. s__ __看3. m__ __th 嘴5. e__t 吃 2. sm__ll 闻 4. h__ __r 听 6. ey__ 眼 补全单词。1. __ar 耳朵 3. n__se 鼻子5. h__ __r 听 2. __y__ 眼 4. mou__ __嘴 6. fac__ 脸 抄一抄。eareyenosemouth________________________________看图片,根据所给字母写单词。 are neos ____________________________________________根据图片内容选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.Thisisaboy.( ) 2. B.Thisisagirl.( ) 3. C.Pleasedon'tcry.
给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. red( ) 2. green( ) 3. blue( ) 4. orange( ) 5. yellowA. 橙色B. 黄色C. 红色D. 蓝色 E. 绿色补全单词并选择。( ) 1. A. m__uth( ) 2. B. n__se( ) 3. C. e__r( ) 4. D. e__e 把不同类的一项选出来。( ) 1. A. nose( )2. A. school ( ) 3. A. seven ( ) 4. A. thirteen ( ) 5. A. we B. mouth B. where B. girl B. eye B. you C. se选择正确的单词完成句子。1. Iam __________ (in,at) thepark.2. __________ (Where,What) areyoufrom?3.I__________(eat,see) withmyeyes.4. Iameight__________ (y英汉互译。1. myname____________ 2. 她的名字 ____________3. 我的鼻子 ____________ 4. aboy ____________5. 在家 ____________给下列单词选择正确的图片。( ) 1. MickeyA. ( ) 2. ChinaB. ( ) 3. Mary (玛丽)C. ( ) 4. CanadaD.( ) 5. LiLeiE. 小明和郭阳在和你打招呼呢,你能把他们的语言补充完整吗?X: __ __ __ __ __! My __ __ __ __ is Xiao Ming.G: __ __! My __ __ __ __ is Guo Yang.补全单词并选择。( ) 1. __ar ( ) 2. n__se ( ) 3. m__uth ( ) 4. p__rk ( ) 5. sh__p A. 商店B. 嘴 C. 公园D. 鼻子 E. 耳朵看图判断正(√),误(×)。1. shop house park girlnose ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )看图,读句子,正确画“√”错误画“×”。( ) 1. Iaminthepark. Icanwalkinthepark.( ) 2. Thisisahouse.( ) 3. Thisisaboy.Heismyfriend. ( ) 4. MynameisKim. Iamabo抄一抄。1.Thisismynose.________________________2. Iseewithmyeyes.________________________3. Ihearwithmyears.________________________4.Iamagirl.__________选一选。( ) 1. A. ear( ) 2. B. nose( ) 3. C. mouth( ) 4. D. eye 根据汉语补全句子。1. Pleasedon't ___________ (哭).2. I'm ___________ (10) yearsold.3. Ihearwithmy ___________ (耳朵).4. Iamat ___________ (家).5. Jenn选词填空。1. Where ___________ (is,are) youfrom?2.Who ___________(is,am) I?3. Iamseven ___________ (years,year) old.4. Iam ___________ (in,at) school.5.抄一抄。1.Thisismyface.___________________________2.Thisismynose.___________________________写出含有a、e、c、m、n、s的字母,看谁写的多。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________根据汉语补全句子。1.Thisismy ____________ (眼).2.Canyou ____________ (闻)therose?3.I ____________ (用)myeartohear.4. I ____________ (吃)withmymouth.5.I 补全单词,并选择。( ) 1. g__ __ __ A. ( ) 2. p__nB. ( ) 3. b__yC. ( ) 4. sch____lD. ( ) 5. b__okE.把字母重新排列拼成一个新单词。1. e s n o___________ 2. d r e___________3. b e u l ___________4. a r e ___________5. y ee ___________选出错误的单词。( ) 1. A. red ( ) 2. A. noes ( ) 3. A. name ( ) 4. A. eleven( ) 5. A. meet B. blue B. mouthB. hre B. ere B. hwo C. aer C. eye C.抄一抄。1. Iseewithmyeyes. __________________________2. Ismellwithmynose.__________________________3. Ieatwithmymouth.__________________________选词填空。eat smell hear see1. I __________ withmymouth.2. I __________ withmyears.3. I __________ withmynose.4. I __________withmyeyes.将括号内的字母组成单词填空。1. Pleasedon't __________ (y, c, r).2.Canyou __________ (e, s, m, l, l) therose?3. Thisismy __________(m, t, h, o,u).4. I ___看图,判断句子是否正确,正(√),误(×)。( ) 1. Iseewithmyeyes.( ) 2. Thisismy mouth.Ihearwithit.( ) 3. Thisismyface.( ) 4. Thisismynose. Ismellwithit. 看图写单词。1.2.3.______________________________选一选。( ) 1. in the desk ( ) 2. on the book ( ) 3. in the book ( ) 4. under the desk A. 在书里 B. 在桌子下面 C. 在桌子里 D. 在书上面 画一画。 nose eye mouth涂一涂。redblue yellow orange green给下列的短语选择正确的解释。( ) 1.mynose( ) 2.inChina( ) 3.athome( ) 4.inthepark( ) 5.aredcA. 在中国B. 在公园C. 一个红色的字母c D. 我的鼻子E. 在家认真观察图片,并画出“√”,“×”。( ) 1. Thisisabook.( ) 2. Thisisachair.( ) 3. Thisisadesk. 根据汉语补全句子。1. Whereisthe __________ (铅笔)? __________ (在……里) thebook.2. Whereisthebook? __________ (下面) thedesk.3. Whereistheruler? _________照例子写单词。例: m → mouth1. n → ____________4.e → ____________2. r → ____________5.c → ____________3. s → ____________6.a → ____________ 补全单词并选择。( ) 1. n__se( ) 2. __ar ( ) 3. e__e ( ) 4. m__uthA. 嘴B. 鼻子C. 耳朵 D. 眼睛补全单词并选一选。() 1. s__xteen () 2. tw__ __ty () 3. eight__ __n () 4. s__venteen() 5. nin__tee__ A. 20 B. 19 C. 17 D. 16 E. 18 数一数每种图形有多少,写下来。1. 2.3. _________ triangles_________rectangles _________ circles给下列单词选择正确的解释。( ) 1. nose ( ) 2. eye ( ) 3. mouth( ) 4. ear ( ) 5. what ( ) 6. see ( ) 7. eat ( ) 8. hear a. 看见 b. 耳朵 c. 吃d. 鼻子e.选词填空。1.Whereisthe __________ (pencil,pencils)?2.Three__________ (plus, minus)fiveiseight.3.Tenminus__________(two,five) isfive.4.Isthislettertall____根据汉语意思补全句子。1. Iama ___________ (女孩).2. Weare ___________ (中国人).3. ___________ (哪) areyoufrom?4. Iamfrom ___________ (中国).5. Iam _____翻译。1.sixteencircles_________________________2.eighteensquares_________________________3.twentytriangles_________________________4.seventeenlines__________画一画并涂色。1.fiveyellowtriangles 2.sixteenbluecircles选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. thirteen ( ) 2. nineteen ( ) 3. twenty ( ) 4. seventeen( ) 5. sixteen ( ) 6. eighteen A. 16B. 13C. 18D. 19 E. 17F. 20判断,对的打“√”,不对打“×”。 linecircle square line( )( ) ( )( )抄一抄。sixteen _________________________seventeen_________________________eighteen _________________________nineteen _________________________twenty ___________画一画。 Drawapen DrawthreemarkersDrawtwocirclesDrawsixteenlines12 34算一算。1. + = ____________2. + = ____________3.Tenbooksminustwobooks = ____________4. Twentyminusfive = ____________抄一抄。1.Twoplustenistwelve._________________________________2.Twentyminustwoiseighteen._________________________________补全单词。1. pl__s 加 3. tw__ __ty 20 5. ei__ __teen 182. min__s 减 4. f__fteen 15 6. tw__l__e 12 照例子写单词。例. b → book1. d → __________3. t → __________5. f → __________2. h → __________4. l → __________6. a → __________ 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. short( ) 2. A. blue ( ) 3. A. desk( ) 4. A. I( )5. A. eyeB. eighteen B. red B. pencil B. sheB. tall C. elevenC. lett抄一抄。1.Showmetheletterh. _______________________________2.Thisletterisshort. _______________________________3.Isittallorshort? _________________________根据图片内容写出相应的单词。1. Thisisa _________.2. Thisisa _________.3. She is a _________. 4. Thisisa _________.5. Thisisa _________.抄一抄。1.MayIhaveapen, please?_________________________________2. Idon'thaveapen. _________________________________3.Youarewelcome.______________________补全单词。1. m__rk__r 彩笔2. h__v__ 有3. p__n 钢笔 4. s__ __ool 学校5. s__rr__ 对不起补全单词。1. n__s__(鼻子)3. 1__g (腿) 5. e__r (耳朵) 7. r__ght (右边) 2. m__ __th (嘴) 4. __y__ (眼睛) 6.__ut (出来) 8. m__rker (水彩笔) 看图片,根据所给字母写单词。 eey are neos __________ __________ ____________________读一读,选一选。Lookatmybody.( ) 1. Thisismyhand.A. ( ) 2. Thisismyhead.B. ( ) 3. Thisismyfoot.C. ( ) 4. Thisismyarm.D.( ) 5. Thisismyleg.E. 数一数,写出对应的英文数字。1. ______________2. ______________3. ______________4. ______________5. ______________按照从小到大的顺序排下来。two, five, seven, eight, one, nine, three, six, ten, four_________________________________________________这里有许多不同形状的图形,你知道它们各有多少个吗?统计一下吧。1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________英汉互译。1. chair___________3. bed___________ 5. 腿 ___________ 2. 学校___________ 4. body ___________ 6. 脚 ___________把单词的序号放在合适的位置。1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )7. ( ) 8. ( )9. ( )10. ( ) A.handB.legC.armD.mouthE.headF.eyeG.footH.tailI.nos根据汉语补全句子。1. Thepencilis ____________ (里面) thebook.2. Thisgirlis____________ (下面) thedesk.3.Fifteen ____________ (加) oneissixteen.4. Thelette看图,判断句子正(√)误(×)。( ) 1. Theeraserisunderthedesk.( ) 2. Theeraserisinthebox (盒子).( ) 3. Five 口 plussevenOiseleven. ( ) 4. 20 - 5 = 15Twentyminu圈出你认识的单词。ao n o se d mearsyooctoseeuopsqzitqrewyzhsthopt看图,写出相应的单词。__________ __________ __________写出下列的两对反义词。new hot old cold____________ ____________补全单词并选择。( ) 1. n__wsw__ __ter ( ) 2. __ld p__nts ( ) 3. n__ __ sk__rt ( ) 4. o__ __ sh__es ( ) 5. __ewsh__rt A. 旧鞋 B. 新毛衣 C. 新衬衫 D. 旧裤补全单词。( ) 1. t__ll (高) ( ) 2.__ld (旧的) ( ) 3. n__w (新的) ( ) 4. sk__rt (短裙) ( ) 5. dr__ss (连衣裙)( ) 6. sh__rt (男衬衫)( ) 7. b__y (男孩) ( ) 8选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. twenty ( ) 2. A. shoes ( ) 3. A. red ( ) 4. A. circle ( ) 5. A. new B. nine B. skirt B. skirt B. shape B. dress C. ma看图,判断对(√),错(×)。( ) 1. Dannyiswearingblackshoes.( ) 2. LiMing'sshortsareblack. ( ) 3. Ihaveanewshirt.( ) 4. Thisisaskirt.补全单词并选择。( ) 1.__n ( ) 2. und__r ( ) 3. ar__ ( ) 4. f__ __t ( ) 5. l__g A. 腿 B. 胳膊C. 脚 D. 上面 E. 下面按规律写数字。1.one __________ five seven __________ __________2.five__________ fifteen twenty3. twofour __________ eight __________ __________ fourteen4. tw小朋友,用你的火眼金睛找一找下面的句子,哪个词写错了,把它找出来并改正。1.Look!Myshoesarelod._______________2.Dannyiswaeringblueshoes. _______________3. Jen把不同类的一项选出来。( ) 1. A. new ( ) 2. A. red ( ) 3. A. purple ( ) 4. A. shoes ( ) 5. A. eye B. pants B. skirt B. green B. socks B. black C. 看图,选择对应的单词。( ) 1. A. shoes( ) 2. B. socks( ) 3. C. boots( ) 4. D. gloves( ) 5. E. shorts ( ) 6. F. dress给下列短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. under the desk ( ) 2. on the chair ( ) 3. in the book ( ) 4. twenty pens ( ) 5. my body A. 在椅子上面 B. 我的身体 C.把下列单词分类。in marker arm sixteen eraser on seventeen underpen eighteen pencil eye foot twenty hand leg1. 地点: ____________________________________________计算。△ = 2 □ = 3 ○ = 41. △ △ △ □ □ ○ ○ = _______________2. ○ ○ ○ □ □ = ______________3. △ ○ □ □ □ = ______________4. △ △ △ △ □ ○ = ______________根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Whatcanyou ___________ (看见)?2. ___________ (可以) Ihaveamarker?3. I ___________ (没有) haveapen.4. Thegirlis ___________ (高).我们一起数一数,然后帮它们找到小伙伴。把序号写在横线上。1. ___________A. fivea. 32. ___________B. threeb. 53. ___________C. onec. 24. ___________D. fo画一画,用△、口、、○画出你喜欢的衣服。123看图数一数。1. _____________2. _____________3. _____________4. _____________ 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. ten ( ) 2. A. boy ( ) 3. A. eye( )4. A. blue ( ) 5. A. fifteenB. pen B. girl B. earB. eraser B. eighteenC. pencil C.选出正确的意思。( ) 1. name ( ) 2. eye ( ) 3. orange ( ) 4. have ( ) 5. pen A. 名字 A. 眼睛 A. 蓝色 A. 可以 A. 铅笔 B. 什么 B. 耳朵 B. 红色 B. 有 B把括号内的单词排列好填空。1. Howare ___________ (o u y)?2.MayI ___________ (v e h a)twobooks?3.Niceto ___________ (e e t m)you.4. Iamat ___________ (o m h选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. a circle ( ) 2. many shapes( ) 3. a red dress( )4. How many ( ) 5. a red triangleA. 一条红裙子 B. 一个红色的三角形C. 一个圆圈 D. 根据汉语补全句子。1. Myfavourite ___________(颜色) isred.2. The ___________(圆圈) isgreen.3. ___________(多少) trianglesdoyouneed?4. Ihavemany ___________抄一抄。1.Howmanyshapesdoyouneed?____________________________________2.Thecirclesaregreen. ____________________________________3. Ihaveayellowshirt._______英汉互译。1. myfriend _____________ 2. adress _____________3. yourfavourite _____________4. 一件新毛衣 _____________写出它们的反义词。1. new __________ 2. tall __________根据汉语提示补全句子。1. Jennyismy___________ (朋友).2. Dannyis ___________ (矮).3. ___________ (谁) istall?4. Areyoutall ___________ (还是) short?看图,选一选。1. Thepencilis ___________.Theeraseris ___________.A.tallB.short2. Themarkeris ___________.Thetreeis ___________.A.tall B.short补全单词。1. m__我的 3. t__ll 高 5. wh__ 谁 2. fr__e__d 朋友4. sh__ __t 矮 6. __ r 还是 选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. el__v__n 11( ) 2. n__se鼻子( ) 3.__ __r 耳朵( ) 4. m__ __th 嘴( )5. s__ __ 看 ( ) 6.__nder下面( ) 7. p__ __钢笔( ) 8. ch__选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1.twentycircles( ) 2.underthedesk( ) 3.seewithmyeyes( ) 4.athome( ) 5.intheparkA. 在家B. 在公园里C. 20个圆圈D. 在桌子下面E. 用眼Jenny买了许多衣服,请你根据指示帮Jenny把这些衣服挂好。( ) 1. sweaterA. ( ) 2. pantsB. ( ) 3. blouseC.( ) 4. skirtD. ( ) 5. shirtE. 选一选。( ) 1. Monday ( ) 2. Wednesday ( ) 3. Friday ( ) 4. Sunday ( ) 5. Saturday A. 周日B. 周六C. 周一 D. 周五E. 周三( ) 6. pants ( ) 7. blouse ( )选词填空。1. What's ____________ (your,you) name?2. I ____________ (is,am) athome.3.I ____________ (see, hear)withmyeyes.4. How ____________ (is,are) you抄一抄。1.Jennyiswearingadress. _____________________________________2.Theboysarewearingpants. _____________________________________3.Thegirlsarewearingskir请帮它们重新整队,使每组的字母都组成一个单词。1. atpns ___________ 2. tihsr ___________3. tkirs ___________ 4.solebu ___________5. treeaws ___________
选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. a white shirt ( ) 2. black pants ( ) 3. a blue dress ( ) 4. a brown blouse ( ) 5. a pink skirt A. 一件棕色的衬衫 B. 一件白色的衬衫 小朋友来帮下面的图片找到它们的朋友,并给每幅画涂上相应的颜色。( ) 1. (brown)A.skirt( ) 2. (pink)B.blouse( ) 3. (red)C.pants 补全单词,并选择。( ) 1.sw__ __terA. ( ) 2. dr__ssB. ( ) 3. p__ntsC. ( ) 4. sk__rtD.选出单词的正确意思。( ) 1. favourite ( ) 2. colour ( ) 3. blouse( ) 4. pants ( ) 5. skirt A. 最喜欢的 A. 蓝色A. 裙子 A. 短裤 A. 裙子 B. 想要 B. 颜色 你能帮下面的图片找到正确的英文名字吗?快把它们选出来吧!( ) 1. A.shoesB.boots( ) 2. A.shoesB.boots( ) 3. A.shortsB.short( ) 4. A.pantsB.shorts ( ) 5. 抄一抄。1.Whatareyouwearing?__________________________________2.Dannyiswearingshoes.__________________________________补全单词。1. sh__ __ts 短裤 3. p__ __k 粉色5. s__ __k 袜子 2. sh__es 鞋 4. w__ __r 穿 6. wh__te 白色 根据图片选择单词完成句子。( ) 1.Ilikeyour ___________. A.bootsB.shoes( ) 2. I'mwearing ___________.A.pantsB.shorts ( ) 3.LiMingiswearing ___________. 选词填空。1.Jennyis ___________ (wear,wearing)pinkshoes.2.Myblouseis ___________ (red,blue).3.What's ___________ (you,your)favouritecolour?4.Theboys_____写一写。hi ________________________________________hello ________________________________________补全单词。1. n__m e 名字 2. h__llo 喂 3. H__ 喂 4. __y 我的根据图片选择。( ) 1. A. MynameisXiaoMing.( ) 2. B. MynameisXiaoLi.( ) 3. C. MynameisXiaoGang. 画你自己的画像。Mynameis _____________.Tom找不到自己的铅笔了,他正在问小朋友“Whereismy pencil?”你知道小朋友是如何回答的吗?( ) 1. A.Thepencilisinthebook.( ) 2. B.Thepencilisunderthebook.( ) 3. 拿起你的小画笔,比一比,看谁画得好。1.Thereisabrowndesk.2.Thewhitemarkerisinthedesk.3.Thebrownchair isunderthedesk.4.Theredbookisonthedesk.5.Theblackpen补全单词。1. m__ke 做2. n__me 名字3. p__ppet 木偶4. y__ur 你的摸一摸,你能说出这是身体的什么部位吗?把单词补充完整,然后和小伙伴说一说。 h__nd f__ __t__ __m h__ __d l__g看图选择正确的单词。( ) 1.A.boy( ) 2. B.teacher ( ) 3. C.girl看图,填空。1. What's ___________ name?___________ nameisWangPeng.2. What's ___________ name? ___________ nameisZhangLi. 写一写。boy _______________________teacher _______________________girl _______________________看图回答问题。Hello!Iama __________.Hello!Iama __________.判断正误并改错。( ) 1. Whatyouname?_________________________________( ) 2. InameisLiMing. _________________________________( ) 3.Goodmorning!ImDanny. _____写一写。How are you today? ______________________________________I am fine. ______________________________________补全单词。1. f__ne 很好2. h__ppy 高兴3. c__ld冷 4. h__t 热5. s__d 悲伤看图选择。( ) 1. A. Iamcold.( ) 2. B. Iamhappy.( ) 3. C. Iamhot.( ) 4. D. Iamsad. 写出下面单词的对应词或反义词。1. boy __________ 2. sad __________ 3. hot __________英汉互译。1. Good-bye_____________ 2. sad _____________3. happy _____________4. hot _____________5. cold _____________6. fine _____________补全单词。1. H__ (喂) 3. t__day (今天) 5. h__ngry (饥饿)2. He__ __o (喂)4. b__e (再见) 6. y__u (你) 根据句子画图。 Iamhappy.Iamhungry.看图,判断对错,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。( ) 1. HernameisXiaoLi.( ) 2. ThisisLiMing.( ) 3. ThisisXiaoMing.选出下列每组中不同类的词语。( ) 1. A. one ( ) 2. A. girl ( ) 3. A. sad ( ) 4. A. hot ( ) 5. A. hungry B. teacher B. boy B. bye B. cold B. Jenny C.用小写字母抄写下列单词并译成中文。1. NAME____________________________2. NOSE ____________________________3. TWENTY ____________________________4. SCHOOL ____算一算,选一选。( ) 1. Nine plus ten.( )2. Twenty minus six. ( ) 3. Eighteen minus eight.( ) 4. Twelve plus four. ( ) 5. Eleven plus six. A. ten B. s按要求给下列单词分类。red sixteen desk apple chair book blue yellowpencil pen ten nineteen marker thirteen twenty1. 颜色: ______________________________________看图,给图片选出合适的选项。( ) 1. a.What'syourname? MynameisLiMing.( ) 2. b.Whereismybook? It'sunderthedesk.( ) 3. c.Nicetomeetyou. Nicetomeetyou.画一画,比一比,画出你最喜欢的文具,并标出名称。补全单词,并选择。( ) 1. n__se ( ) 2. dr__ss ( ) 3. er__ __er ( ) 4. ch__ir ( ) 5. m__uthA. 椅子B. 嘴C. 连衣裙 D. 鼻子E. 橡皮给下列的词组选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. a blue skirt( ) 2. a yellow marker ( ) 3. a red circle( )4. a pink eraser ( ) 5. a black chair A. 一块粉色的橡皮 B. 一条翻译画线部分的意思。1.Whereareyoufrom?_____________2. IamfromChina. _____________3.LiMingisintheshop. _____________4. Ismellwithmynose._____________5.Pl看图片,用合适的介词填空。1. Thebookis ___________ thedesk.2. Thebookis ___________ thedesk. 3. Thebookis ___________ thedesk. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Iseewithmy ___________ (眼睛).2. Wewritewith ___________ (铅笔).3. Theydrawwith ___________ (水彩笔).4. Wewalkwith ___________ (腿看图,填单词。 ____________ ____________ ____________看图并填空。WordList: in, on, under1. _________ the book 2. _________ the book 3. _________ the desk根据下面的图判断句子的正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 ( ) 1.Mymotheriswearingpants.( ) 2.Mygrandfatheriswearingahat.( ) 3.Mygrandmotheriswearingaskirt.( ) 4.给美丽的图涂上你喜欢的颜色然后填空。 Word List: eight nine seven ten elven 1. + = nine2. + + =___________3. + + =___________4. + =___________补全单词,并选择。( ) 1. A. __encil( ) 2. B.__range( ) 3. C. __outh ( ) 4. D. __ose选出相符的数字。( ) 1. A.thirteen( ) 2. B. eleven( ) 3. C. twelve( ) 4. D.fifteen ( ) 5. E. fourteen按顺序排列。1.eveningmorningafternoon_____________________________________________________________2.SundayMondayWednesdayThursdaySaturdayTuesdayFriday_________看图选词填空。Wordlist:boy,girl,teacher1. I ama __________.2. I ama __________.3. I ama __________.给下列的英文短语选择正确的汉语意思并读一读。( ) 1. six cats ( ) 2. eight boys ( ) 3. nine books ( ) 4. two girls ( ) 5. ten teachers ( ) 6. seven students 多少个?数一数,用英语写出正确的数目。1. + = ______________2. + = ______________3. + = ______________4. + = ______________5. + = ______________根据内容圈出图片。1. sixpens2. sevendesks3. twoboys4. threegirls 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. yea__ ( ) 2. o__d( ) 3. t__n( ) 4. t__oA. e A. l A. a A. w B. r B. u B. e B. u 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. h__llo (喂) 3. b__y (男孩) 5. m__rning (早上)7. h__ppy (高兴) 9. h__ngry (饥饿) 2. n__me (名字) 4. t__acher (老师) 6. t__day (今看图,读词组,正确的在括号里画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1. Iamaboy.( ) 2. Iamagirl.( ) 3. Iamhappy. ( ) 4. Iamhot.给下列的单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. year( ) 2. six ( ) 3. ten ( ) 4. nameA. 名字 B. 年 C. 六 D. 十根据图片,判断正误,对的画“√”,错的画“×”。( ) 1. Hi, MynameisLiMing.Iamsixyearsold.( ) 2. Hello.MynameisJenny. Iamsix, too.写一写。birthday _______________________________happy _______________________________ today _______________________________dear _______________________________选择正确的一项。( ) 1. b__rth__ay ( ) 2. h__pp__ ( ) 3. t__d__y ( ) 4. c__r__ A. id A. ey A. oaA. a d B. a d B. a y B. e a B. e d 看图判断句子的正误,对的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1. Iamsad.( ) 2. Iamaboy.( )3. IamDanny.看图圈出词组。1. one two three four fivemarker markers2. one two three four fivebook books3. one two three four fivechair chairs4. one two three four fivedes听音,选择你听到的单词填空。1.Areyou ___________? (hungry, thirsty)2.How ___________ youtoday?(is, are)3. Iam ___________. (happy, sad)4. I ___________ (e看图选择正确的单词。WordList:boy girl teacher1. Iama _____________.2. Iama _____________.3. Iama _____________.看图选择。( ) 1. Iamateacher.( ) 2. Iamaboy.( ) 3. Iamagirl. 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. st__d__nt ( ) 2. te__c__er ( ) 3. Ch__n__se A. u e A. a bA. i e B. u a B. a h B. i b 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. n__ne ( ) 2. thr__e ( ) 3. thi__sty ( ) 4. d__ink ( ) 5. st__dent A. i A. aA. r A. e A. u B. a B. e B. i B. r B. a 看图,选择。( ) 1. A. sevenapples( ) 2. B.threeteachers( ) 3. C.tenbooks( ) 4. D.sixboys( ) 5. E.eightmarkers 制作自己的名片。看图选择。( ) 1. A.twobooks( ) 2. B.fourbooks ( ) 3. C.threebooks根据图片选择。( ) 1. A.Iamthirsty.( ) 2. B.Iamhungry. ( ) 3. C.Iamhappy.写数字。1. seven _____________3. nine _____________ 5. one _____________ 7. ten _____________ 9. six _____________ 2. two _____________4. five ___________把下面的单词,抄写在横线上。two one four five three_______________________________________选择正确的译文。( ) 1. One book. ( ) 2. I am happy. ( ) 3. How old are you? A. 两本书 A. 我很高兴。 A. 你好吗? B. 一本书B. 我很热。 B. 你多大了? 抄一抄,写一写。hungry _________________________________thirsty _________________________________eat _________________________________drink _____________________选择正确一项。( ) 1. ha__ __y ( ) 2. th__r__ty ( ) 3. h__n__ry ( ) 4. e__ __ ( ) 5. dr__ __k A. p t A. i s A. u a A. a tA. i n B. p pB. i bB. u gB.根据图片,选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.Areyouthirsty? No, Iamnotthirsty.( ) 2. B.Areyousad? Yes, Iamsad.( ) 3. C.Areyouhungry? No, Iamnothungry. 根据句子画图。1.2.Iamsad. Iamhappy.选择正确的译文。( ) 1. 两个男孩 ( ) 2. 三个老师 ( ) 3. 五本书 A. two girls A. three teachers A. five books B. two boys B. three books B. five girls 根据图片,圈出正确的单词。1. onetwothree fourfive2. onetwothree fourfive选择正确的一项。( ) 1. dr__nk ( ) 2. birthd__y ( ) 3. tod__y ( ) 4. t__n ( ) 5. f__ur A. i A. e A. a A. a A. o B. r B. aB. e B. e B. e 选择填空。( ) 1. - = A.twoapples( ) 2. + = B.onebook( ) 3. - = C.fivemarkers( ) 4. + =D.fourchairs ( ) 5. -=E.threepencils补全单词。1. o__e (一) 3. thr__ __ (三)5. f__ve (五)2. tw__ (二) 4. f__ur (四) 6. b__ __k (书) 看图,用英语写数。 __________ __________ __________ __________看图圈出正确的单词。1. onetwothree four fivebook books2. onetwothree four fivebook books3. onetwothree four fiveboy boys4. onetwothree four five girl girls找出相同数字,并分别把它们涂上相同的颜色。看图选择。( ) 1. A.onedesk( ) 2. B.threechairs( ) 3. C.twobooks( ) 4. D.fiveflowers 用英语写出下列数目。 ____________ ____________ ____________________________________ ____________选出正确的单词。( ) 1. A. siven( ) 2. A. six( ) 3. A. eight( ) 4. A. tin( ) 5. A. nineB. sevenB. saxB. eigthB. tenB. nin 写一写,抄一抄。six ______________________________seven ______________________________eight ______________________________nine ______________________________选择正确的汉意并读一读。( ) 1. four ( ) 2. one ( ) 3. nine( ) 4. three ( ) 5. ten ( ) 6. eight a. 9 b. 3 c. 10d. 8 e. 4 f. 1 根据图片选择正确的短语。( ) 1. A.sevendoorsB.sixdoors( ) 2. A.sixbooksB.ninebooks( ) 3. A.eightpensB.ninepens( ) 4. A.tengirlsB.tenboys( ) 5. A.two选词填空。1.I __________(am,is)athome.2.MayI __________(have,do)apen?3.__________ (She,Her) nameisJenny.4.I __________ (eat,hear)withmyears.5. I _______Gigi想走出这个迷宫,但她必须按星期顺序才能走出来,你愿意帮助她吗?按要求写单词。1. boy (对应词)____________ 3. happy (反义词) ____________2. What is (缩写形式) ____________4. hot (反义词) ____________补全单词。1. h__ngry (饥饿) 3. th__rsty (渴) 5. ye__r (年) 7. se__en (七) 9. f__ve (五) 2. st__dent (学生) 4. th__ee (三) 6. ei__ht (八) 8. d__ink (喝) 用英语,写出数字。 ___________ ______________________给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. seven books( ) 2. eight apples ( ) 3. six boys ( ) 4. ten books ( ) 5. three teachers A. 六个男孩 B. 七本书 C. 八个根据图片判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1. eightbooks( ) 2. sevenapples( ) 3. fivemarkers( ) 4. sixboys ( ) 5. twoteachers数一数,写出英文数字。1. △ △ △ + △△△△ = _____________2. + = _____________3. ○ ○ ○ ○ + ○= _____________4. ///+ /////= _____________ 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. cla__ __room ( ) 2. cl__ __s ( ) 3. sch__ __l ( ) 4. m__ A. s s A. e sA. a o A. a B. a s B. a s B. o o B. e
看图选择。( ) 1. A.Thisismyschool.( ) 2. B.Thisismyclassroom. ( ) 3. C.Thisisme.抄一抄,写一写。student ______________________________friend ______________________________teacher ______________________________classroom ______________________选择正确的一项。( ) 1. fri__ __d ( ) 2. stud__ __t( )3. s__ __ ( ) 4. l__ __k A. e n A. a n A. e e A. a e B. a n B. e n B. a eB. o o 看图补充单词。 ch__ __r d__skb__ __kblackb__ard选择正确的一项。( ) 1. d__ __r ( ) 2. b__ __k ( ) 3. cha__r ( ) 4. d__s__ A. a r A. o o A. i A. a s B. o o B. a o B. e B. e k 看图圈出正确的单词。1. one two three four fivepen pens2. one two three four fivepencilcasepencilcases3. one two three four fivemarker markers 4. one two thre看图,选择。( ) 1. A.oneteacher( ) 2. B.threeboys( ) 3. C.fourchairs( ) 4. D.twobooks( ) 5. E.fivebooks 用动词be的三种形式(is,am,are)填空。1. It _________ adesk.2. I _________ agirl.Myname _________ Lucy.3. What _________ yourname?4. What _________ this?5.根据图片选择。( ) 1. A. Itisadesk.( ) 2. B.Itisablackboard. ( ) 3. C.Itisadoor.选择正确的一项。( ) 1. p__ncil ( ) 2. sch__ol ( ) 3. b__ok ( ) 4. p__per ( ) 5. s__issors A. a A. o A. o A. e A. c B. e B. a B. e B. aB. e 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. Whe__e ( ) 2. bes__de ( ) 3. s__t ( ) 4. fri__nd( ) 5. h__re A. a A. i A. a A. e A. r B. r B. e B. i B. a B. e 选出与其它单词不相同的。( ) 1. A. ten ( ) 2. A. book ( ) 3. A. chair ( ) 4. A. ruler ( ) 5. A. scissors B. girl B. pencil B. thank B. four B. two 看图选择正确的短语。( ) 1. A.oneschoolB.twoschools( ) 2. A.fourdesksB.fourchairs( ) 3. A.fivegirlsB.sixgirls( ) 4. A.fivepencilsB.fivepens ( ) 5. A.选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. Danny ( ) 2. A. sad ( ) 3. A. dear ( ) 4. A. hot ( ) 5. A. hungryB. name B. happy B. ten B. thirsty B. boy C. Jenny C看图,判断对错,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。( ) 1. fiveerasers( ) 2. sixboys( ) 3. twoteachers( ) 4. sevenmarkers ( ) 5. onedesk选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. purple ( ) 2. A. pencil ( ) 3. A. yellow B. green B. red B. boy C. girl C. book C. teacher 看图写单词。 __b__ __k d__ __k rul__ __ sch__ __l选择正确的一项。( ) 1. not__book ( )2. pen__il ( ) 3. sciss__rs ( ) 4. pap__r ( ) 5. r__ler A.e A.c A. a A. e A. u B. a B. e B. o B. a B. v 听音,判断,内容相符的画“√”,不符的画“×”。( ) 1. six boys ( ) 3. red desk ( ) 5. ten keys ( ) 2. seven books ( ) 4. green pencil ( ) 6. blue paper 看图选择正确的一项。( ) 1. A.singasong( ) 2. B.playagame( ) 3. C. draw a picture 翻译下列单词。1. sing__________ 3. play __________ 5. draw __________ 2. picture __________4. song__________6. friend __________看图选择。( ) 1. A.Thisispaper.( ) 2. B.Thisisaruler.( ) 3. C.Thisisapencil.( ) 4. D.Thisisanotebook. 选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. desk ( ) 2. A. book ( ) 3. A. boy ( ) 4. A. go B. chair B. notebook B. girl B. stop C. sure C. scissors C. school C. 抄一抄,写一写。her ____________________________name ____________________________his ____________________________friend ____________________________看图选择。( ) 1. A.HisnameisDanny.( ) 2. B.HisnameisLiMing.( ) 3. C.HernameisLucy. 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. h__r ( ) 2. h__s ( ) 3. n__me ( ) 4. f__iend A. e A. e A. a A. i B. a B. i B. e B. r 看图填空。1. Wesinga_____________.2. Weplaya _____________.看图并填空。1. ___________ nameisLucy. ___________ isagirl. ___________ ismyfriend.2. ___________ nameisTom.___________ isaboy. ___________ ismyfriend.涂色,并写出单词。1.2.3.黄色 红色 蓝色____________ ____________ ____________看图,选择对应的图片。( ) 1. a. chair( ) 2. b. book( ) 3. c. boy( ) 4. d. girl 补全单词。1. r__d (红色) 3. r__ler (尺子) 5. y__llow (黄色)7. g__rl (女孩) 9. p__nk (粉色) 2. gr__en (绿色) 4. l__ght (灯) 6. h__ (他) 8. f__iend (朋友)在词表中选择合适的单词填在横线上。WordList: boy, girl, He, She, His, Her, my, friend 1. ____________ nameisWangHong.____________ isa ____________.____________根据图片选择。( ) 1. A.Thesearescissors.( ) 2. B.Thisisablackboard.( ) 3. C.Thesearethreepencils. ( ) 4. D.Thisisadesk.选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. red ( ) 2. A. boy ( ) 3. A. chair ( ) 4. A. happy B. greenB. girlB. door B. paper C. key C. bookC. desk C. sad 抄一抄,写一写。red _________________________________green _________________________________选择正确的一项。( ) 1. r__d ( ) 2. gre__n ( ) 3. lig__t ( ) 4. rul__r A. a A. e A. h A. a B. e B. a B. u B. e 给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. red light ( ) 2. green light ( ) 3. red book ( ) 4. green door A. 红书 B. 绿门 C. 红灯 D. 绿灯 选择正确的一项。( ) 1. gr__ __n ( ) 2. he__ __o( )3. lig__ __ ( ) 4.l__ __k ( ) 5. m__ __y A. a e A. l l A. h t A. a o A. a n B. e e B. a l B. t hB.将下面的数字按从小到大排列。 A B C D E F GH I J_______________________________________________________看图,写出相应的英语数字。1. ___________2. ___________3.___________4. ___________5. ___________6. ___________7. ___________8. ___________画画。12 tworedrulersthreegreenbooks圈出和图意相符的词语。1. one two three four fiveschool schools2. one two three four fivemarker markers3. one two three four five pencil pencils4. one two thr选择正确的译文。( ) 1. redlight( )2. make a card ( ) 3. play a game ( ) 4. draw a picture A. 红灯 A. 制卡片 A. 玩游戏 A. 唱歌 B. 绿灯 B. 打扑克 B. 看电补全单词。1. g__me (游戏) 3. s__ng (唱) 5. g__een (绿色) 7. p__nk (粉色) 9. d__aw (画) 2. p__ay (玩) 4. p__cture (图画)6. p__rple (紫色) 8. f__iend (朋友看图写单词。1. (红) one __________ apple2. (蓝) three __________ chairs3. (黄)two __________ keys补全单词。1. y__llow (黄色)4. g__een (绿色)7. p__per (纸) 2. b__ue (蓝色) 5. pe__cil (铅笔) 8. som__thing (有些东西)3. r__d (红色) 6. g__rl (女孩)9. th_选择正确的单词的意思。( ) 1. may ( ) 2. name( )3. notebook( )4. paper ( ) 5. purple A. 许多 A. 名字 A. 笔记本A. 铅笔 A. 玩偶 B. 可以 B. 你的 B. 书 B选择正确的图画。( ) 1.Heisaboy.Heismyfriend.A. B. ( ) 2.Thescissorsareonthedesk.A. B.根据内容涂色。1.green2.orange3.purple4.blue5.yellow 6.red7.pink英汉互译。1. 三只黄色的椅子 ___________________2. It'sred. ___________________3. oneyelowdesk___________________4. fivebluebooks___________________5. Colo请你按顺序写出苹果是怎样被吃掉的。WordList: one, two, three, four__________ __________ ____________________选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. blue paper ( ) 2. yellow ruler ( ) 3. red book ( ) 4. green pencil A. 红书 B. 绿铅笔 C. 蓝纸 D. 黄尺子 涂颜色。1.purple2.blue3.pink4.yellow5.red6.orange 7.green写一写,抄一抄。pink ______________________________orange ______________________________purple ______________________________选择正确的一项。( ) 1. p__nk ( ) 2. o__ange ( ) 3. p__rple ( ) 4. t__ll ( ) 5. r__inbow A. i A. e A. u A. e A. e B. a B. rB. e B.c B. a 看图写单词。1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6. ____________把单数用圆圈圈起来。根据图片,补充单词并选择。( ) 1. A. b__y( ) 2. B. __ame( ) 3. C. __ine( ) 4. D. __chool ( ) 5. E. __ook选择适当的词填空。Howold, How many, How, What colour,Whatis1. ___________areyou?2. ___________ ___________ books?3. ___________ ___________ areyou?4. ____按要求涂色。1.blue2.red3.purple4.orange5.pink6.green7.yellow 补全单词。1. n__me (名字) 3. fr__end (朋友)5. o__d (老)7. c__ld (冷)2. y__ur (你的) 4. h__t (热) 6. h__ppy (高兴)8. n__ne (九) 9. p__ncil (铅笔)根据图片选择正确的词组。( ) 1. A. fourbooksB. fivebooks( ) 2. A.twodesksB.twokeys( ) 3. A.threechairsB.threedesks 把不是一类的单词选出来。( ) 1. A. boy ( ) 2. A. teacher ( ) 3. A. red ( ) 4. A. paperB. desk B. sad B. yellow B. ten C. girl C. happyC. old C. se根据汉语意思补全单词。1. b__ __ __ (书) 3. g__ __l (女孩) 5. ch__ __r (椅子) 7. f__v__ (五)9. sch__ __l (学校) 2. t__ __cher (教师) 4. n__n__ (九) 6. p__根据图片填字母选择。( ) 1. A.c__ld( ) 2. B.ha__ __y( ) 3. C.s__d ( ) 4. D.h__t根据图片,选择正确的短语。( ) 1. A.twomarkersB.twopencils( ) 2. A.fournotebooksB.fourbooks( ) 3. A.threechairsB.threedesks( ) 4. A.onedesksB.onedesk(给下面的单词归类。red, eight, sing, my, rulerbook, his, draw, five, yellownine, orange, play, her, pencilnotebook, your,make, two,pink1. _______________________看图补全单词。 sch__ __l p__ __cilg__ __ls__d给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. seven books( ) 2. six boys ( ) 3. ten teachers ( ) 4. five pencils ( ) 5. four rulers A. 四个尺子 B. 六个男孩 C. 七选择正确的一项。( ) 1. th__s ( ) 2. tod__y ( ) 3. wh__t ( ) 4. wh__ ( ) 5. y__ar A. r A. aA. e A. aA. e B. i B. e B. aB. oB. a 根据图片选择。( ) 1. + = A.ten( ) 2. + =B.seven( ) 3. + =C.four( ) 4. + =D.five ( ) 5. + =E.six给下列的单词选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. orange ( ) 2. pink ( ) 3. blue ( ) 4. red ( ) 5. purple a. 粉色 b. 橘色 c. 蓝色 d. 紫色 e. 红色 给下列的基数词选择对应的阿拉伯数字。( ) 1. seven( ) 2. two ( ) 3. four ( ) 4. nine ( ) 5. ten a. 9 b. 10 c. 7d. 2 e. 4 看图选择。( ) 1.chaira. ( ) 2.Dannyb. ( ) 3.boyc. ( ) 4.girld.( ) 5.booke. ( ) 6.deskf. 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. w__ (我们)3. th__nk (谢谢)5. s__t (坐)2. whe__e (哪里)4. sch__ __l (学校)6. y__s (是) 看图写单词。WordList: fourdesks, tenbooks, threechairs, eightpencils1.2.3.4.______________________________ _______________ _______________选择正确的一项。( ) 1. ye__low ( ) 2. gr__en ( ) 3. rule__ ( ) 4. whe__e ( ) 5. o__ange A. lA. a A. r A. i A. e B. eB. e B. i B. r B. r 把错误的单词改正。1. esu _________ 3. srue _________5. sotp _________2. rluer_________ 4. penlic _________ 6. mya_________ 补全单词。1. u__e (使) 3. st__p (停) 5. m__y (可以)2. r__ler (尺子) 4. penc__l (铅笔) 6. b__ __k (书) 根据图片选择。( ) 1. A. ninebooks( ) 2. B. tengirls( ) 3. C. twochairs( ) 4. D. sevendoors 根据单词选择正确的一项。( ) 1. thr__ __( ) 2. m__ __y ( ) 3. rul__ __s ( ) 4. g__ __l A. a e A. a n A. e r A. i r B. e e B. e n B. a rB. r l 看图选择正确的单词。( ) 1. a.door( ) 2. b. school( ) 3. c. teacher( ) 4. d. girl( ) 5. e. desk( ) 6. f. chair 把单词补充完整并选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. d__sk ( ) 2. cha__r ( ) 3. sur__ ( ) 4. p__per A. 椅子 B. 桌子 C. 纸 D. 当然 根据单词归类。ten pencil boy pink teacher deskeightbook girl green sevenpurple1. 颜色词: _________________________________2. 数字: ____________________________看图,根据句子判断正(√)误(×)。( ) 1. LiMingdrawapicture.( ) 2. Thisisadoor.( ) 3. Howmanykeys? Eight.( ) 4. Thepencilisonthebook. 读下面的单词,选出不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. happy ( ) 2. A. violin ( ) 3. A. dumplings ( ) 4. A. China ( ) 5. A. soft ( ) 6. A. piano B. scared B. so写出下列句子中画线单词的反义词。1. Myfatheristall. Iam __________.2.Thepandais __________. Themonkeyisverythin.3.Thelittlegirlisagoodsinger. Themanisa __选出正确答案并填空。1. I'mgoingto ___________(puton,takeoff) myhat. BecauseI'mhot. 2. Iwantto ___________ (learn,teach) English. Canyou ___________(learn,看图在表格中写出正确的天气。SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday ___________________Tuesday ___________________Thursday ___________________Mo看图写单词。__________ __________ __________ __________ __________看图,补充单词。1. Today is ___________, ___________, ___________.2. What a___________, ___________day!3. Look!Thebasketball isbigger ___________ theping-pon看图填空。 Doyouknowwhatasnowmanis?WemakesnowmeninChina.Firstwe makeabigballof1__________ .Thenwemakeanothersmall 2__________.Weputthesmalleroneonthetop.Let看下面方框的单词,将其填在横线上。skates jacket coat gloves scarf mitts boots shorts sweaterT-shirta: _______________________________________apairof: ___________看图写单词。 ____________ ____________ ____________________________________给图片选择对应的季节及有关季节的描述。( ) 1. Aautumna. It'sveryhot.( ) 2. B.winterb.Peopleisplayingwiththesnow.( ) 3. C.springc.Thegrassisnew.( ) 4.根据例句补全下列句子。1. Whyisshecrying?Becauseshehurtsherfinger.2. ____________ is ____________ quiet?B____________ she ____________ readinga ____________.选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. spring ( ) 2. A. sun ( ) 3. A. cold ( ) 4. A. boots ( ) 5. A. dangerousB. warm B. rainy B. snowy B. scarf B. beautiful看图,把正确单词写在横线上。1. The ___________ blowstheleavesoffthetrees.2.I'mcold.SoIputonmy___________and ___________.3.Shelikestoskionthe ____________.补全单词。1. Wh__ (谁) 3. m__ (我的) 5. t__y (试着) 2. yo__r (你的) 4. fri__nd (朋友) 6. g__ __d (好的) 英汉互译。1. 老师____________ 3. 桌子 ____________ 5. paper ____________ 7. notebook ____________9. ruler ____________ 2. chair ____________ 4. blackboard