看图选择。( ) 1. A.school( ) 2. B.chair( ) 3. C.teacher( ) 4. D.desk( ) 5. E.girl 按要求填空。1. I am (缩略形式) _____________ 3. It's (完整形式)_____________ 5. book (复数形式)_____________ 7. where is (缩略形式) _____________9. boy (对按要求写单词。1. eat (过去式) 3. put (现在分词) 5. do (过去式)7. love (同义词)9. shop (现在分词) 2. bring (过去式) 4. buy (过去式) 6. is (过去式) 8. fiv看图填空。1. Thisisa___________ ___________.Thereisa ___________ onit.2. We ___________ our ___________ toourfriendsandfamily.3. Weputthe___________underth用所给单词的适当形式填空。yesterday on to skate of1. I'mgoingto ___________tomorrow.2.Iplayedwithmyfriend ___________.3.Thisisapicture ___________ myfamily给下列单词选择其对应的反义词。( ) 1. happy( ) 2. hot( ) 3. warm( ) 4. easy( ) 5. insideA. coolB. sadC. coldD. outside E. hard选择正确的单词填空。quietloud quick quietlyloudlyslow quickly slowly1. Thebicyclesare____________.Theygo ____________.2. Thegirl is ____________.Sheissingin给下列的句子选择对应的图片。( ) 1.Filmgoesinthecamera.A. ( ) 2.LiDonglearnstoflyakite.B. ( ) 3.Thesechildrenareplayingcards.C. ( ) 4.I hurtmyarm.D. (根据图片,选择。( ) 1. A.Weplayagame.( ) 2. B. Isingasong.( ) 3. C.Iamsad.( ) 4. D.Iamhappy. 看图片,判断是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。( ) 1. Iamsad.( ) 2. Iamhappy.( ) 3. Iamcold.( ) 4. Iamhot. 选择填空,补全单词。( ) 1. inv__te( )2. s__ng ( ) 3. tod__ __ ( ) 4. br__ __ __( )5. t__ __ A. i A. a A. ey A. any A. oy B. a B. o B. ei B. ong B.选择不同类的单词或短语。( ) 1. A. New Year's Day( ) 2. A. bring( ) 3. A. card ( ) 4. A. today ( ) 5. A. played B. spring B. give B. toys B. tomorr用单词的正确形式填空。1.Aftershegetsupshe __________ (put)onherclothes.2. Ilike __________(滑雪) onthesnowinwinter.3. LiMing __________(教) Dannytoskate.4.根据所给例子填空,补充句子。1.Jackoftenwalkstothebusstop. YesterdayJackwalkedtoschool. TomorrowJackisgoingtowalktothepark.2.Samofteneatstoastandjam. Yester看图写单词。1.__________2.__________3.__________4.__________5.__________6.__________7. __________8. __________按要求写单词。1. is (过去式) _________ 3. come (ing形式) _________5. last (反义词) _________ 7. happen (第三人称单数) _________9. China (形容词形式) _______读下列句子,选择单词的正确形式填在横线上。1.Wealways ___________ (clean, cleans)thehouseforSpringFestival.2.YesterdayI ___________ (washed, wash)thefloor.3.看图写单词。___________ ______________________ ___________ ___________看图填词。1.Ihavecleanedthe ___________ andthe ___________.2. Myparentsboughtmea new___________ and ___________.3.Weusuallyput___________,___________ and___选词填空。1.Nowwe'reready ____________ (for / to)makedumplings.2.Let's ____________ (cook / cooking)thedumplingsonthestove.3.Whatyear ____________ (am / i看图写单词。____________________________________ ________________________按要求写单词。1. loud (反义词) _________3. too (同音词)_________ 5. wet (反义词) _________2. rain (形容词形式) _________4. sit (现在分词) _________6. ski (看图,补充所缺单词。1. Whata___________, ___________day!2. I'mgoingtotakeoffmy ___________.3. It's___________ degrees.I'mgoingtoputonmy ___________.4.T给下面句子进行搭配选择,并写在横线上。( ) 1. Tomorrow ( ) 2. Yesterday( ) 3. TodayA. Ihelpedmymother. B. Idomyhomework. C. Iamgoingtoplaywithmycousin. 1按要求做题。___________________________________________________________________________1.Thisisalet___________.2.Writetoyourmum.3.Drawakiteinthetop, rightco看图,填空。1.Everyonewantsto____________ ____________ ____________ ____________.2.Everyonewantsto ____________ ____________.3.LiDongdoesn'twantto ________选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1.l__ __ve( ) 2. q__ __et ( ) 3. sl__ __( ) 4. c__m__ra ( ) 5. b__by ( ) 6. w__ __k ( ) 7. r__ __ __t ( ) 8. p__ __nt ( ) 9.选出不是同类的单词。( ) 1. A. pyjamas ( ) 2. A. milk ( ) 3. A. train ( ) 4. A. aunt ( ) 5. A. pencil B. shirt B. water B. plane B. uncle B. shorts根据图片填空。1.Emmahasa ___________, some ___________,apairof ___________ andan ___________.2.Thisisa___________. MayItakeyour ___________?3.— I__________按要求写单词。1. easy (反义词) ____________3. slow (副词) ____________5. sit (现在分词) ____________ 2. man (复数) ____________ 4. meet (同音词) ___________给下列划线的单词选择意思相近的词。( ) 1. May I take a picture for you?( ) 2. I want some oranges, please! ( ) 3. I am happy today. ( ) 4. This is easy. A.看图写单词。____________ ____________________________________ ____________看图填空,补全句子。1. Theb__ __ __issl__ __ __ing. 2. Them__ __isp__ __ __ing.3. The w__ __ __ __ isr__ __ __ing. 4. The g__ __ __ isp__ __ __ __ing.5.根据要求画画。12 I'dlikesometea!Hereisasandwich.根据图片用所给单词填空。Word Listtothatthesethisthosefrom 1.Ilike __________ clothes. Idon'tlike __________ clothes.2.Ilike __________ clothes. Idon'tlike看图,补全单词并选择。( ) 1. A. cam__ __ __( ) 2. B. m__ __ ( ) 3. C. peo__ __ __( ) 4. D. wo__ __ __( ) 5. E. chil__ __ __ __ 写出下面单词(或字母)的同音词。1.meat ____________ 2.eye ____________3.C____________ 4.no ____________5.too ____________看图,用所给词语填空。WordList:easyhelp hard hurt 1. Thisis ___________.2. Thisis ___________.3. Ouch! I ___________ myarm. Don'tworry. Ican ___________ 看图写单词。1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8. ____________选出不是同类的单词。( ) 1. A. coat ( ) 2. A. key ( ) 3. A. knees( ) 4. A. white ( ) 5. A. walk B. shirt B. orange B. eyes B. colour B. run C. ski选择正确的单词填空。1. Idon'tlike __________ pants. I like__________sweater.(that,those)2. Thesepants __________red.Thatshirt__________ blue.(am,is,are)3.根据图示填空。1. Thechildrenare __________ing ___________. play, happily2. Thew__________ are __________ __________. stand, quietly3. The __________ is_____给下列单词分类。apple tea sandwich juice orangepopbanana hot dog donut milka: ______________________________________an: _____________________________________some按要求画图。121. Tomhasapairofsocksandakite.2. Mikehasaballandadonut.按要求写单词。1. left (反义词) ____________3. bus (复数) ____________ 5. big (反义词) ____________ 2. top (反义词) ____________ 4. quiet (反义词) __________看图写单词。1.h__________2. __________3.__________4. __________5.__________6.__________7.__________根据要求画画。12 Thebabyissleeping.Themanispointing.按要求写单词。1. child (复数) ___________ 3. put (现在分词) ___________5. big (反义词) ___________ 2. go (过去式) ___________ 4. right (同音词) ___________6看图,给小朋友介绍一下下面的照片吧。1. ThisisLiLinats___________.2. ___________ ___________ Mary,TomandLiLinatthe___________.3. ______________________ Liu L选择与下列单词、词组意思相近的一项。( ) 1. It's time for school. ( ) 2. Is your father in? ( ) 3. How are you? I'm OK.( ) 4. I'm having a sandwich for选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. pict__ __e ( ) 2. m__ __ch( ) 3. h__t__l( ) 4. s__ __d ( ) 5. lett__ __ A. ur A. urA. e,o A. en A. re B. er B. ar B. 看图,填空。1.Thisisa ___________ ofLiLin'sfamily. 2.I ___________ icecreamyesterday. 3.Ioften ___________toschool. 4.We ___________ cardsyesterday. 5.写出下列单词的过去式。1. walk→ _____________2. see → _____________3. eat → _____________4. look → _____________5. point → _____________先回答问题再画图。— Whatdidyoudoyesterday?— I ______________________.选词填空。WordList: picture camera slowly go many Thisismy1___________.Let'stakea2___________.Thereare ___________ busesandbicycles.Thecarsandbicyclesgoquic给下列的单词分类。jacket train head chicken school water grapesorange tea classroom dumplings hand bus sweatercoat airplane bike pants arm pop melonelbow rice me选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. ch__ldr__n( ) 2. p__ __ple ( ) 3. w__m__n( ) 4. env__l__pe( ) 5. st__ __p A. i, eA. eeA. o, aA. a, a A. amB. i, iB. eo看图填空。1. The ___________is slow. Itgoes ___________.2. The ___________ is quick. Itgoes ___________.3. Thebabyisc___________ l___________.4. Themani选出下列单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. jump( )2. A. jacket ( ) 3. A. woman( )4. A. clothes ( ) 5. A. quickly B. run B. ticket B. man B. sweater B. 选择正确的单词填空。1.LiYing is __________ apicture. (draw, drawing)2.Thechildrenare __________. Theyare laughing __________.(loudly, loud)3.__________! I 看图,填空并回答下面的问题。1.Whatisit?_______________________________________________2.Wheredoyouwritethepostcode (邮编)?___________________________________选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. cam__ __a ( ) 2. ev__ __yone ( ) 3. sl__ __ly ( ) 4. h__ __d ( ) 5. pictu__ __ A. er A. re A. wo A. er A. re B. ar B. 看图,填空。1. Thisisa ____________.Theseare____________.2. ____________________.____________________.3. ____________________.____________________. 4. 看图,用合适的形容词填空。1. She is___________.2. He is ___________.3. You are ___________.4. He is ___________.5. She is___________.选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. wr__t__( ) 2. __ddr__ss( ) 3. fo__ __th ( ) 4. Th__ __sday( ) 5. h__t__lA. i, eA. e, aA. or A. ru A. o, e B. e, iB. a,看图,填空。1.Iwanttowritea____________tomymother. 2.Howmucharethe ____________? 3.Youcanplayonthe____________.4.Thisisan ____________.5.Wheredoyouputth根据要求画图。12Thehouseisacrossfromtheshop.Theboyisonthebus.看图填空。1. This is the ______________.2. This is the ______________.3. This is the ______________.4. This is the ______________.5. This is the _______看图填空。1. This is a ____________. You can send your friend an ____________.2. This is a piece of____________. You can send your friend a ____________.3.用划线单词的反义词填空。1. Beijingisa ___________ city.Shijiazhuangisa smallcity. 2.Dannyisquiet,butJennyis___________.3.Hecamehereatsix.I ___________ther选出与下列词组意思相同的一项。( ) 1. get home ( ) 2. would like ( ) 3. go to school on foot ( ) 4. have a good time A. want B. arrive home C. have fun D.选择正确的选项,补全单词。( ) 1. comp__t__r ( ) 2. l__ __dly ( ) 3. l__tter ( ) 4. q__ __ck ( ) 5. p__stc__rd A. u, c A. ow A. i A. iu A. o, e B. u, a读一读,选一选。( ) 1. four( ) 2. seven( ) 3. fourteen( ) 4. eleven( ) 5. fifteen( ) 6. eighteenA. 7 B. 14C. 11D. 18E. 15 F. 4 ( ) 7. twenty-six ( )看图写单词。 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________根据要求写单词。1. meet (同音词) ____________3. leaf (复数) ____________ 5. outside (反义词) ____________2. different (反义词) ____________4. are not (缩写形选出每组中类别与众不同的单词。( ) 1. A. ten ( ) 2. A. what ( ) 3. A. pen ( ) 4. A. chicken ( ) 5. A. banana B. twenty B. my B. eraser B. pig B. ap用所给字母拼写单词。1. m e n a___________2. y t s xi___________3. n u edr___________4. s o oc l h___________5. a p p r e___________6. a rihc___________ 根据要求写单词。1. yes (反义词) ____________3. he (复数形式) ____________ 5. friend (复数) ____________ 7. boy (对应词) ____________ 2. are not (缩写) _____看图完成句子。1.The ___________ is ___________the ___________. (above, bed, picture)2.The ___________ is ___________the ___________. (under, ball, bed)3.The选择合适的单词填空。WordBox: onbookinfrontofchairgym1. What'sit?It'sa___________.Whereisit?It's ___________ thedesk.2. What'sit?It'sa ___________.Wh看图选择正确的字母组合完成下列单词。( ) 1. m__ __kers A. arB. irC. erD. ur( ) 2. e__ __ser A. raB. arC. reD. er( ) 3.bl__ __kboard A. ecB. acC. icD给图片选择相应的单词。( ) 1. A. stripes( ) 2. B. mane( ) 3. C. wing( ) 4. D. trunk( ) 5. E. grass( ) 6. F. leaves( ) 7. G. banana( ) 8. H. fish 找出每组单词中不属于同一类的词,将其序号填写在括号里。( ) 1. A. leaves ( ) 2. A. elephant ( ) 3. A. where ( ) 4. A. ostrich ( ) 5. A. live B. wolfB. 选择恰当的字母或字母组合,完成下列单词。( ) 1. s__me (相同的) ( ) 2. p__ __ple (紫色) ( ) 3. w__ __f (狼) ( ) 4. diff__ __ent (不同的) ( ) 5. tr__ __k (象鼻填空并选择对应的图片。( ) 1.Whatdoesamonkeyliketoeat?Amonkeylikestoeat ___________.A. ( ) 2.What doesacatliketoeat?Acatlikestoeat ___________.B. ( ) 3.W小动物们分别介绍了自己,它们说的是真是假,你能分辨得清吗?分别用“T”或“F”表示吧。( ) 1. Iam amonkey. Ieatmeat.( ) 2. Ihavefeathers. Iam acat.( ) 3. Mynameis根据图片选择正确的单词填空。one two three four five seven eight1.Howmanywingsdoesithave? _______________.2.Howmanytailsdoesithave? _______________.3. Howm把下列单词所表示的意思分别画在方框中。fishjuicedumplingschickennoodles圈出不同类的图片,并写出该单词。1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________4._______________读一读,选一选。( ) 1.It'syellowandlong.A. ( ) 2.Theyarepurple,littleandround.B. ( ) 3.It'sround.It'sredandsweet (甜).C.( ) 4. It'sroundandgreen.请填入数字。根据图片写单词。 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________给图片标号。1. sandwich 4. vegetables 7. meat 2. bread 5. cookies 8. chicken 3. window6. fish 9. juice ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )给图片圈出相应的单词。1. four six sevenchairs desks2. five six eightapples grapes3. open close yourmouth nose4. in on underthedesk chair5. open closethe boo读一读,涂颜色。1. green 2. orange 3. purple 4. blue 5. yellow6. red 7. pink 8. white9. brown 10. black从1-10连线。写出大写字母。desk → DESKfruit → ____________juice→ ____________ vegetable → ____________eight→ ____________ twelve → ____________ dumplings → ____________ 圈出正确单词。1. four five sixpencils pencil2. one two threemarker markers3. one four sixschool schools4. two three fourpen pens5. seven eight ninechair cha选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. food ( ) 2. A. grapes ( ) 3. A. juice ( ) 4. A. eleven ( ) 5. A. book( ) 6. A. classroom ( ) 7. A. notebook ( ) 8选填合适的单词。1. Thisisa___________.(teach, teacher)___________ nameisLiuYun.(Her, His)___________ isawoman (女人).(He,She)2. Thisisa___________.(boy, gi
给下列的句子选择对应的图片。( ) 1. MayIhavetwobooks,please?A. ( ) 2. Nicetomeetyou.B. ( ) 3. Seeyoulater!C. ( ) 4. Heisaboy.D. ( ) 5. Openthewindow.正确拼写单词。1. rb o h t e r _____________3. f v a o u t r i e _____________5. m t o h e r _____________2. f m i a l y _____________4. s s i e t r ________给图片标出相应的单词序号。① cake ② donut ③ Frenchfries ④ hamburger⑤ hotdog ⑥ juice ⑦ pizza ⑧ milk ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )看图选词填空。carpenter,police officer, tall, young,busdriver, brother, student, mother, sister,father1. Thisismy ___________.Heis42yearsold.Heisa ___________看图,读一读,写单词。1. Whatwouldyoulike?I'dlike_____________.2. Whatwouldyoulike?I'dlikea _____________.3. Whatwouldyoulike?I'dlikea _____________.如果渴了,我们可以喝什么?请用圆圈圈出来。选出不同类的图片,并写出该单词。( ) 1. A. B. C. _____________( ) 2. A. B. C. _____________( ) 3. A. B. C. _____________( ) 4. A. B. C. __________把单词序号填到相应的图片中。a. mother b. father c. grandfather d. grandmother e. daughter判断图片与句子是(√)否(×)一致。( ) 1. MyfamilylivesinChina.( ) 2. Iamastudent.( ) 3. Myfatherisacarpenter.( ) 4. Mymotherisateacher.( ) 5. Weareahappyfam它们的价格是多少?算一算,填一填吧。Hamburger: 10yuanChicken: 7yuanFrenchfries: 5yuanJuice: 4yuanHotdog: 6yuan KFC1. I'dlikeahamburgerandaglassofjuice.Howmucha选出表述正确的句子。( ) 1. A. Li Ming is inside the school. ( ) 2. A. The animals are at the zoo. ( ) 3. A. A tiger likes to eat bananas. ( ) 4. A. A 英汉互译下列词组。1. your friend_____________ 3. look at _____________ 5. in front of_____________ 7. beside the tree _____________ 9. under the desk ______根据提示补全单词。1. ch__ __k (粉笔)3. h__s (他的)5. t__g__r (老虎)2. fr__ __nd (朋友)4. l__v__ (居住)6. sn__k__ (蛇) 下列各句,肯定回答写“T”,否定回答写“F”。( ) 1. Canacateatfish?( ) 2. Canacowfly?( ) 3.Doesaclerkworkinaschool?( ) 4.Doesa kangaroohaveatrunk?( ) 5.Doesa把相应单词的序号填在圆圈里。1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )7.( )8.( )9.( )10.( )a.noseb.shoulderc.handd.heade.mouthf.eye g.fingersh.legi.footj画画,涂色。I'magirl.Ihavelong, straighthair.I'marabbit.Ihaveashorttailandredeyes.Drawflowers (花).Colourtheflowersredandpink.Drawamonster.Itispurple.I看图写单词,并通过给图片涂不同的颜色,把这些单词分成三类。 ___________ ___________ ______________________ ___________ ______________________ ___________读单词,找规律,补全单词。1. pop 2. park 3. five 4. teacher 5. sweaterhot car ride tigerhead stopfarmnice riverfeather sh__pping m__ __ket dr__v__ wait__ __认真想一想,选择对应的图片。( ) 1. teashopA. ( ) 2. bicycleshopB. ( ) 3. clothesshopC. ( ) 4. tireshopD.选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词。( ) 1. b__y ( ) 2. h__me ( ) 3. s__ __eet ( ) 4. w__ __t ( ) 5. n__ __ ( ) 6. w__ __k A. e A. a A. tr A. an A. er A.选择下面句子中画线部分的正确意思,将序号填入题前括号里。( ) 1. A clerk works in a store.( ) 2. It's warm and rainy.( ) 3. My bike is broken.( ) 4. I need将单词补全并选择相应的反义词。( ) 1. __ut( ) 2. n__w( ) 3. cu__ly( ) 4. l__ng( ) 5. b__g( ) 6. r__ghtA. __ldB. l__ftC. sm__llD. __nE. str__ __ght F. 在横线上填写相应的单词。1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )7.( )8.( )9.( )10.( )11.( ) A.shoulderB.noseC.armD.footE.headF.elbowG.legH.kneeI.finge看一看,写一写。1. ____________ thebox____________ thebox2. ____________ hair____________ hair3. ____________ hair____________ hair 填空并选择相应的图片。( ) 1.Wouldyoulike ____________ apples?A. ( ) 2. I'dlike ____________ books.B. ( ) 3.Howmanymarkersdoyouhave? Ihave ____________.判断句子与图片是否一致打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. Iwalkwithmyfeet.( ) 2. Iwritewithmyhand. ( ) 3. Ieatwithmymouth.( ) 4. Ihearwithmyears.句子内容与图片是否一致?打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. Theweatheriscoldandsnowy.( ) 2. Thedogisunderthetree.( ) 3. Thecathasfurandwings.( ) 4. Themonkeyeatsbananas.选择每组中与图片相符的单词。( ) 1. A. waiterB. waitressC. teacherD. man( ) 2. A. parkB. gymC. restaurantD. library( ) 3. A. womanB. businessmanC. b读一读,涂颜色。Hello!I'mRose.Ihaveblondhair.Mymouthisred.I'mwearingapinkdressandpurplepants.I likemyyellowshoes. Thereareorangeflowersonmyshoes.他们分别是谁呢?看图写一写。 f____________ m____________s____________ d____________根据图片选出正确单词。( ) 1. A. mouthB. earC. eye( ) 2. A. pinkB. purpleC. black( ) 3. A. hamburgerB. hotdog( ) 4. A. sitB. sat C. cat 看图补全单词。1. __ook2.__ar3.__ed4. __oor5.__oot6.__and7.__ello8.__icycle9. __irl10.__up11.__esk12. __ish根据要求做题。Circlethefamily.Underlinethestudent.Colourthecarpenterred.Colourthebusdriver'shairbrown.Colourthepoliceofficer'sarmsgreen.Colourthedoctoryel判断正误。( ) 1. Sheistalking.( ) 2. I'mveryyoung.( ) 3. Heisacarpenter.( ) 4. Thereareeightpens.找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. number ( ) 2. A. rice ( ) 3. A. daughter ( ) 4. A. father ( ) 5. A. library ( ) 6. A. pretty ( ) 7. A. cake B. thirtee给下列算式选择它的得数。( ) 1. three+four+ ten=? ( ) 2. nine+ eleven=? ( ) 3. one+seven=? ( ) 4. six-two+eight=? ( ) 5. five+four+six=?A. twenty B. s数一数,用英语写出数量。 ________________________ ____________请你判断句子与图片是(√)否(×)一致。( ) 1. Weclosethedoor.( ) 2. I'minthegym.( ) 3. Thepantsareold.( ) 4. Icanseeeightpencils.圈出单词。h f okzsnlf n lmiyogayebrdpythbmmouthxkzsraooulmajqabqssingzplaygsktrgnppqrcfxeanyotyumduewnosecdpoqhandfiewivjkhrvdgtwtxsruWordListsitarmnoseearstand 写出大写或小写形式。daughter____________head ____________ body ____________ FAMILY ____________ ELBOW ____________ shoulder ____________ 看图写出相应的单词。1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.___________7.___________8.___________9. ___________圈出正确的单词。1. five three fourchair chairs2. eight five sevenpen pens3. six nine sevenruler rulers4. nine five fourbook books5. seven six twomarker mark根据要求做题。Circle the pencil. Circle the girl.Underline the marker. Underline the pencil case.Point to the school. Point to the boy. 按要求画图。12341. Drawthreebooks. 2. Drawtwochairs. 3. Drawfivemarkers. 4. Drawagirl.喜欢拼图吗?试试看,Danny的书桌上有什么?请写出来。1. ________________2. ________________3. ________________4. ________________5. ________________6. ________请你按顺序写出苹果是怎样被吃掉的。WordList:one two three four_________ _________ __________________ 看图片填写单词。 gr__p__ __ppl__ ch__ck__n m__ __t v__g__t__bl__s数一数,选择相应的单词。( ) 1. A. fifteen( ) 2. B. thirteen( ) 3. C. twelve( ) 4. D. eleven ( ) 5. E. fourteen根据对话选择图片。( ) 1.Whatfruitcanyousee?Icanseegrapes.A. B. ( ) 2.Whatdoyouhaveforlunchtoday?Ihaveasandwichandsomejuice.A. B. ( ) 3.Whatdoyoulike?找出与图片对应的单词并写在横线上。1.byounges____________2.aewyellowsu____________3.wonoserk____________4.smouthad____________5.gnschoolouy____________6. bg画一画,涂一涂。DrawfourpencilsColourthreepink DrawsixpensColourfiveredDrawfivedesksColourthreeyellowDrawsevenerasersColourfourpurpleDraweightmelonsColouronegree画画涂色。 Drawsixapples.Colourthemred. Drawthreebananas. Colourthemyellow. Drawelevengrapes. Colourthempurple.Drawyourfavouritefood. 给下列单词选择正确的汉意并选择相应的天气。( ) 1. spring ( ) 2. fall ( ) 3. winter ( ) 4. summer a. 冬季 b. 夏季 c. 秋季 d. 春季 A.hotB. coolC. warmD.读一读,选一选。( ) 1. 去自行车店 ( ) 2. 去电影院 ( ) 3. 看电影 ( ) 4. 待在家里 ( ) 5. 骑自行车 A. go to the silk shop A. go to the gymA. read a book A.选择合适的单词填空。sister pretty handsome businessmanfather old student1. LiMing's ___________ isa ___________.Heis ___________.2. Jenny's ___________ isa给单词分类。teacher seven popelevengrapes twenty bananamelonpoliceofficer juice twelvemilktea orangebusdriverstudent1. Fruit(水果): ____________________________看图写单词。1.2.3.____________ ________________________选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. spring ( ) 2. A. sun ( ) 3. A. cold B. warm B. rainy B. snowy C. summer C. snow C. windy D. autumn D. windD. rain 按要求填空。Differentclothesfordifferentseasons.我们在不同的季节穿不同的衣服,写下你在春、夏、秋、冬四季所穿的衣服。1.Inspring: _______________________________看图写单词。____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________填空并选择。( ) 1. A. tr__angle( ) 6. a. s__ __( ) 2. B. rainb__ __ts( ) 7. b. c__ __cle( ) 3. C. sk__t__ ( ) 8. c. sc__ __f( ) 4. D. umbr__ll__( )翻译下列单词。1. 帽子 ______________2. 夹克______________3. 围巾______________4. 手套 (连指)______________5. 靴子______________读下列句子,并写出划线词语的反义词。1.Myfatheristall. Iam ___________.2.Thepandais ___________. Themonkeyisverythin.3.Thelittlegirlisagoodsinger. Themani根据汉语,补全单词。( ) 1. f__ __st (第一) ( ) 2. anoth__ __ (另一个)( )3. t__p(顶部) ( ) 4.sl__d__(滑) ( ) 5. __ __se (别的) ( ) 6.sti__ __ (棒,棍) ( ) 7补写句子。1.Nowsheeatsabig, whiterabbitforl__________.2.Don'tlook! C__________ youreyes!3. IthinkDinosaurDaughteristoos__________.4.Theybuyt__________fort看下列单词,选出每组单词中不同类的一个单词。( ) 1. A. violin ( ) 2. A. dumplings ( ) 3. A. soft ( ) 4. A. piano B. soccer B. noodles B. loudly B. erh看图分类,写出桌子上的食物哪些是西方的,哪些是中国的。Westernfood: ____________________________________Chinesefood: ____________________________________下列图片画的是什么?看图写单词。 ______________________ ______________________根据汉语,补全单词。1. st__ __d (站) 3. backw__ __ds (向后)5. t__ __n (转) 7. t__ __ch (教) 2. w__ __k (走) 4. f__ __l (跌倒) 6. forw__ __ds (向前) 8. ag根据下列要求填空。1. slowly (反义词)___________ 3. stand (现在分词) ___________2. backwards (反义词) ___________4. skate (现在分词) ___________ 5. fall down看图写单词。 ____________ ________________________看图并选择正确的短语。 ____________ ____________ ____________选择正确答案。( ) 1. mov__ __ ( ) 2. sna__ __( ) 3. w__tch( ) 4. sing__ __ ( ) 5. fav__ __rite A. i, e A. ka A. e A. re A. ou B. e, i B. ck B. i B.根据图片补全单词。 __ks s__ndw__ch__cecr__ __m v__g__t__blesr__c__给下面的单词分类写下来。pants purple dumplings skirtdonut white green icecreamnoodlesscarfrice red cookies pinkshoes sandwich1. food: __________________________看图选择最佳答案。 ( )1. Thecat fish. A.likes B.doesn'tlike ( )2. Thedog bones (骨头). A. likes B.doesn'tlike( )3. Therabbitlikes.A. bonesB. chic判断下列说法是(√)否(×)正确。( ) 1. Helikesskirt.Shelikesskirt.Theyarethesame.( ) 2. Doyoulikepink?No,I likepink.( ) 3. Thesearegrapes.( ) 4. Ilikeplayi根据提示用所给字母正确拼写单词。1. i n p k (粉色) ____________ 2. i t e w h(白色) ____________3. wi ret (写) ____________4. r o bnw (棕色的) ____________5. 选词填空。WordList: are, is, you, your, a, favourite1.Would ___________ like ___________donut?2.Whatcolour ___________ ___________ eyes?3.She ___________int你最喜欢在每个季节做什么?请选择。( ) 1. spring ( ) 2. summer ( ) 3. autumn ( ) 4. winter a. sit in the sun b. walk in the rain c. ski on the snow d. play根据句意和首字母写出所缺单词。1.Inwinter, Ip__________ onmyhat, winterjacketandwinterboots.2.Thewindblowsthe l__________ offthetrees.3.I'mhot, Iamgoingtot_按要求写单词。1. China (形容词) ____________ 3. up (反义词) ____________5. inside (反义词) ____________7. ski (现在分词)____________ 9. act (名词) _________给图片选择对应的季节及有关季节的描述。( ) 1. Aautumna. It'sveryhot.( ) 2. B.winterb.Peopleisplayingwiththesnow.( ) 3. C.springc.Thegrassisnew.( ) 4.按要求写单词。1. sun (同音词) ______________ 3. snowman (复数形式) ______________ 5. rain (形容词)______________ 7. slow (反义词)______________ 9. teach (第我会根据汉语提示填空。1. Therearefour ___________ (季节) inayear.2. Iwanttomake ___________ (雪人).3.Therearemanygreen ___________ (叶子) onthetree.4. Thi英汉互译。1. 圣诞快乐 ________________ 3. a Christmas tree ________________5. a bus stop________________ 7. was born ________________9. give gifts _________还记得下列节日吗?写出他们的日期。1. Teachers' Day__________________ 3. National Day__________________5. New Year's Day__________________2. International Wo句子理解,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1. Jenny ateeggs.( ) 2. This is a card with a star.( ) 3. Lynn isgoingtoopen it.( ) 4. The Lantern is from Santa.看图填空。1. TheseareChristmasl_________ onourhouse.2. This isaCh_________ c_________.There'sa _________ onit.3. Wein_________ ourfamilyandfriendstoourhou读下列句子,选择正确的搭配。( ) 1. Jesus's birthday ( ) 2. a special baby( ) 3. a merry man in red clothes( ) 4. special songs at Christmas( ) 5. something选择不同类的单词或短语。( ) 1. A. New Year's Day( ) 2. A. bring( ) 3. A. card ( ) 4. A. today ( ) 5. A. played B. spring B. give B. toys B. tomorr选择合适的词组成句子并写下来。( ) 1. Tomorrow ( ) 2. Yesterday ( ) 3. TodayA. Ihelpedmymother. B. Idomyhomework. C. Iamgoingtoplaywithmycousin. 1. ____看图填空,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. sp__ __ __ __A. ( ) 2. w__ __ __ __ __B. ( ) 3. s__mm__ __C. ( ) 4. f__ __ __D.选择正确的答案填空。( ) 1. c__ __ling ( ) 2. p__ __k ( ) 3. roost__ __ ( ) 4. cl__ __n ( ) 5. v__s__t A. ie A. or A. re A. ae A. i, i B. ei B. ro B.看图写词。1.2.3. ____________ ____________ ____________选择不同类的词。( ) 1. A. yesterday ( ) 2. A. breakfast ( ) 3. A. spring ( ) 4. A. walked ( ) 5. A. am B. today B. lunch B. fall B. see B. is C. 填写字母,组成单词。1. t__ __s (玩具)4. ho__ __day (假日)7. __ __ing (带来) 2. st__ __ (星星)5. Christ__ __s (圣诞节)8. thi__ __ (东西)3. in__ __te (邀请)写出下列词语的同义词。1. merry ___________3.grandpa___________2. so ___________4. grandma ___________ 看图写词。1. ____________2.____________3. ____________4.____________5. ____________6.____________7. ____________8.____________看图填空。1. Whatyearisit? It'stheyearof____________.2. Whatwaslastyear? It ____________ theyearof ____________.3. Whatisthenextyear? It's ____________
选择正确单词填空。1.Heisamerryman_________ (in / on)redclothes.2.Childrensayhe _________(bring / brings)toysonChristmas.3.Weinviteourfamily_________ (in / t看图写词。1.2.3.__________________________ _____________在横线上填上正确的词语。yesterday例:walked1. ___________2. saw3. ___________4. ___________5. boughttodaywalkeat______________________play___________tomorrow选择不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. flour ( ) 2. A. dragon ( ) 3. A. bedroom ( ) 4. A. beef ( ) 5. A. rice B. floor B. tiger B. kitchen B. pork B. shrimpC根据汉语,补全单词。1. wh____ (什么) 3.__ __ __ (小汽车) 5. w__ __ __ (想要) 2. st__ __ __(商店) 4. Christ__ __ __(圣诞节) 6. __ __ways (总是) 选词填空,每词只能用一次。bring,give,invite,open,something1. Iwanttobuy __________formyfamily.2.We __________ ourfriendstoourhouse. Myfriends __________ gift选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. sister ( ) 2. A. dumplings ( ) 3. A. onion ( ) 4. A. meat ( ) 5. A. red B. brother B. noodles B. pork B. beef B. green根据中文,补全单词。1. op__ __ (打开) 2. f__ __st (第一)3. h__ __ __ (帮助) 4. f__ __ (有趣)5. th__ __ (然后)英汉互译。1. each other ___________3. 春节 ___________ 5. 去年 ___________ 2. 带来礼物 ___________ 4. have fun ___________ 6. clean the house___________ 看图写单词。 ___________ ___________ ______________________按要求写单词。1. is (过去式) _________ 3. come (ing形式) _________5. last (反义词) _________ 7. happen (第三人称单数) _________9. China (形容词形式) _______根据汉语,补全单词。1. Je__ __ __ (耶稣) 3. w__ __ __ (智慧的) 5.__ __en (当……的时候)7. t__ __ (也) 2. st__ __y (故事)4. bir__ __day (生日) 6. f__m__ly (家按要求填空。1. man (复数) ______________2. he (复数) ______________3. she (物主代词) ______________4. son (反义词)______________5. little (近义词)__________看图写单词。1.I'mvery__________, I'mgoingtotakeoffmy __________.2.Wemake__________ in winter.3.Isthisa __________ or a __________?4.Therearesome________看图填词。1.Ihavecleanedthe____________ andthe ____________.2. Myparentsboughtmenew____________ anda ____________.3.Weusuallyput ____________ ____________ a选词填空。1.Nowwe'reready ____________ (for / to)makedumplings.2.Let's ____________ (cook / cooking)thedumplingsonthestove.3.Whatyear ____________ (am / i根据汉语意思和首字母提示补全单词。1.Ins__________, Iliketoswimintheriver.2. Howmanys__________ arethereinayear? Four.3. Thisismyfavourite __________ (电台)按要求写单词。1. sing (名词形式)___________ 3. dry (反义词) ___________ 5. son (同音词) ___________ 7. snow (形容词) ___________ 9. toy (变一字母组成另一单词看图根据提示完成相应的单词。1. th__s2. th__t3. th__s__4. th__s__ 根据车票信息,完成句子。theU.K. — AustraliaTicketIneedaticket ___________ theU.K. ___________ Australia.Beijing — ShanghaiTicketIneedaticketfrom ___________将下列单词分类,并填在横线上。dragon kitchen jacket washroom bedroom ox onions snakerooster shirt cabbage carrots living room coat peas jeansRoom: ______________人体各部位的名称你忘了吗?请回想一下,完成下面这幅人体构造图。1. ____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.______补全单词我最棒。1. sl__ __ly (慢慢地) 2. q__ __ckly (迅速地) 3. cho__ __ticks (筷子) 4. brot__ __r (哥,弟) 5. fift__ __n (十五) 6. pa__ __a (熊猫) 7. hot看图,填空。1.Everyonewantsto____________ ____________ ____________ ____________.2.Everyonewantsto ____________ ____________.3.LiDongdoesn'twantto ________选择合适的字母补全单词。c y p h u e o i m a r1. pe__pl__2. p__ct__re3. __a__era4. hu__t5. man__6. e__sy7. hel__8. __ard 选择适当的单词完成句子。quietloudquickquietlyloudlyslowquicklyslowly 1. Thebicyclesare ___________.Theygo ___________. 2. Thegirlis ___________.Sheissinging选词或按单词的正确形式填空。1.NowI'mputtingfilm ___________(in / on)mycamera.2.Thesechildren ___________ (be)crying.3.Canyoupoint ___________(in / to)Danny给下列单词选择对应的反义词。( ) 1. happy( ) 2. hot( ) 3. warm( ) 4. easy( ) 5. insideA. coolB. sadC. coldD. outsideE. hard 看图片补全单词。1. bl__ckb__ __rd2.sch__ __l3.f__sh4.p__nd__5.b__s6.s__cks写出下列单词的反义词。1. different _____________3. small _____________5. in _____________7. cold _____________2.black _____________4.short _____________6.看图,选择合适的单词。( ) 1. A. pointing( ) 2.B. talking( ) 3. C. sitting( ) 4. D. jumping( ) 5. E. crying( ) 6. F. drawing( ) 7. G. running 用所给词的正确形式填空。例: Iampackingmysuitcase. (I)1.Youarepacking ___________ suitcase. (you) 2. ___________ ispacking ___________suitcase. (he)3. _____补充单词。1. morn__ __ __ (上午) 3. s__ __d (送) 5. __ __o (谁) 7. whisp__ __(耳语) 2. n__ __ (现在) 4. __ __ __ __ __one (每个人) 6. __ __other (另一个)8请给“a”或“an”找到自己的家。1. __________ pen3. __________ letter5. __________ e-mail7. __________ paper9. __________ apple2. __________ envelope4. _______给下列的句子选择对应的图片。( ) 1.Filmgoesinthecamera.A. ( ) 2.LiDonglearnstoflyakite.B. ( ) 3.Thesechildrenareplayingcards.C. ( ) 4.I hurtmyarm.D. (选择正确的选项补全单词。( ) 1. cam__ __a ( ) 2. ev__ __yone ( ) 3. sl__ __ly ( ) 4. h__ __d ( ) 5. pictu__ __ A. er A. re A. wo A. er A. re B. ar B. 根据汉语完成句子。1.Don't__________(跳) onthetrain.2. Jennywantsto__________ (站).3.__________down, please.(坐) 4. Don't talkinclass, please __________!你有一双火眼金睛吗?快来测验一下吧!下面的表格里藏着7个动词的现在分词,请你圈出来,并写出它们的原形。o s p h er ts mae asdplayingvisleepingnepointingxpnfqareadingi根据汉语提示,补全单词。( ) 1. mo__ __er (母亲) ( ) 2. addre__ __ (地址)( )3. s__me (同样,一样) ( ) 4. a__ __nue (大街) ( ) 5. ans__ __r (回答) ( ) 6. p__看图填空,补全句子。1. This is a ___________.You can send your friend an ___________.2. This is a piece of ____________. You can send your friend a ________选择正确的搭配。( ) 1. buy stamps ( ) 2. send an e-mail ( ) 3. take a picture ( ) 4. eat sandwich ( ) 5. fly a kite A. in a park B. with a computer C. at请你根据首字母和汉语提示写单词,将下列句子补充完整。1. Canyoupointtotheb_________ (底部) oftheenvelope?2. Thatisap_________ (明信片).3. Igetal_________ (信)看图写单词。1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.___________7.___________8.___________9.___________10. ___________给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. be careful ( ) 2. fly a kite( ) 3. in the afternoon ( ) 4. arrive in( ) 5. go for a walk( ) 6. play a game A. 下午 把下列的字母重新排列组成单词。1. p u e r t o m c ___________3. e l et rt ___________5. o t p s a d c r ___________7. o n r c e r ___________2. mial ________判断下列句子是(T)否(F)符合常识。( ) 1.Thestampisonthebottomofthepostcard.( ) 2.Theaddressisinthebottom, leftcornerofthepostcard.( ) 3.Thedateisinthetop, lef看图填空,完成句子。1. Emmahasa __________, some __________, apairof __________ andan __________.2. Thisisa__________.MayItakeyour__________?3. — I _______这些单词分了家,请你把它们搭配好,并在横线上抄写一遍。( ) 1. post( ) 2. e-( ) 3. le( ) 4. fun( ) 5. picA. tterB. nyC. tureD. cardE. mail_______________选择正确的单词填空。1. Youwrite ___________ (a / an) e-mailonacomputer.2. Apostcard ___________(have / has) apictureonit.3.Iwant ___________ (send / tosend)看图,填空。1. Howmuchforthis __________? 2.Wecanwrite __________ __________onthe __________.3. MayIseeyour__________? 看图写单词。1. This is the ___________.2.This is the ___________.3.This is the ___________.4.This is the ___________.5.This is the ___________. 看图填空。1.Mikeissittingnearthe ___________. Hewantsto ___________ ane-mailtohisfriend.2.— WheredoIwritetheaddressonapostcard? — Onthe___________.3.— Whe补全单词并选择相应的中文。( ) 1. e-m__il ( ) 2. l__tter( ) 3. st__mp ( ) 4. __nvel__pe A. 信封B. 邮票 C. 电子邮件 D. 信 ( ) 5. b__ttom ( ) 6. corn__r (按照下面的提示,写一写各组对应的单词,至少写5个。Food: ________________________________________________________Fruit: ___________________________________________用适当的量词与名词组成一个正确的短语,并写在下面的横线上。abottleof, acupof, abowlof, aglassof 1. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 5. ____________看图完成句子。1. Theb__ __ __ issl__ __ __ing.2. The m__ __ isp__ __ __ing3. Thew__ __ __ __isr__ __ __ing.4. Theg__ __ __ isp__ __ __ __ing.5. Theb__ __看图写单词,完成句子。1.Iwanttowritea __________ tomymother. 2. Howmucharethe __________?3. Youcanplayonthe __________. 4.Thisisan__________. 5.Wheredoy按要求写出单词的正确形式。1. left (反义词) ___________3. bus (复数)___________ 5. big (反义词)___________ 2. top (反义词)___________ 4. quiet (反义词)______给下列短语选择正确的翻译,将序号写在括号里。( ) 1. fly a kite ( ) 2. play cards ( ) 3. buy a gift ( ) 4. go home ( ) 5. have a nice trip ( ) 6. walk to the仿照例子,用所给单词的适当形式填空。Model: am→ YesterdayIwasatschool.NowIamathome.1. walk →Ioften __________ toschool.YesterdayI __________toschool. 2. loo写出下列单词的过去式。1. have → had2. go → __________3. see→ __________4. eat→ __________请用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I __________ tothelibraryonSundays. I __________tothelibraryyesterday. (go)2.Sheoften __________ MissZhang.She __________ Mr.判断正(√)误(×),把错的改正过来。( ) 1. Ihadfunyesterday.________________( ) 2. Iwashappynow. ________________( ) 3. Heeatsasandwicheveryday. ______________给下列的短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. gotoschool( ) 2. thefirstday( ) 3. toohard( ) 4. takeapicture( ) 5. theTian'anmenSquareA. 照相B. 第一天C. 去学校D下面是一组你朋友的照片,请你把他们介绍给我们,好吗?例: — Who'sthis?— ThisisLiMingatschool.1. —_________________?— This ____________ LiMing ____________ theT看图写单词。____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________用所给单词填空,完成句子。Word Listtothatthesethisthosefrom 1. Ilike __________ clothes.Idon'tlike __________ clothes.2. I like __________ jacket. Idon'tl看图写单词。1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8. ____________看这些来自李明的照片并完成填空。1. These___________ LiMing, JennyandDannyatthetrainstation.WhatisDannydoing?He ___________ ___________ onthetrain.2. Danny _给下列的过去分词选择相应的原形。( ) 1. did( ) 2. went( ) 3. saw( ) 4. brokeA. seeB. doC. goD. break 写一写,画一画。— Whatdidyoudoyesterday?— I _____________________.写出下列单词的过去式。1. eat ____________3. go ____________5. break ____________2. see ____________4. fall ____________6. shop ____________ 读下列句子,选择正确答案填在横线上。1. Idon'tlike ___________ pants. Ilike ___________ sweater.(that, those)2.Thesepants ___________ red.Thatshirt_________读一读,写出反义词。1.Beijingisa __________ city.Shijiazhuangisasmallcity.2.Dannyisquiet, butJennyis __________.3.Hecamehereatsix. I __________ thereatsix选择意思相近的词组。( ) 1. gethome( ) 2. wouldlike( ) 3. gotoschoolonfoot ( ) 4. haveagoodtimeA. wantB. arrivehomeC. havefunD. walktoschool 按要求做题。___________________________________________________________________________1.Thisisalet___________.2.Writetoyourmum.3.Drawakiteinthetop, rightco读一读,选一选,填一填。WORDLIST:my, friend,blackboard,forty-one,this,on1. What isit? Itisabig __________.2.Thisismy__________.HisnameisTom.3.Whereismyboo用划线单词的反义词填空。1. Beijingisa ___________ city.Shijiazhuangisa smallcity. 2.Dannyisquiet,butJennyis___________.3.Hecamehereatsix.I ___________ther看图填空。1.This is a __________ of Li Lin's family. 2.I __________ icecreamyesterday.3.Ioften __________ toschool. 4.We__________cardsyesterday. 5.It 看图填空。1. Whereisthebook?Itis __________ thedesk.2. Whereistheglue?It is__________ thechair.3. Whereistheeraser?Itis __________ thepen. 选择正确的字母或字母组合完成下列单词。( ) 1. blackb__ __ __d( ) 2. eras__ __ ( ) 3. ch__ __k ( ) 4. penc__ __ ( ) 5. m__ __ker ( ) 6. f__ __r ( ) 7. clo__选择对应的图片。( ) 1. clothesshopA. ( ) 2. tireshopB. ( ) 3. teashopC. ( ) 4. bicycleshopD.根据提示填写字母,补全单词。1. ch__ __r (椅子)3. __r__s__r (橡皮)5. p__p__r (纸)7. y__ __r (你的)2. ch__lk (粉笔)4. fr__ __nd (朋友)6. p__nc__l (铅笔)8. 看图选择填空完成句子。shop, market, restaurant, movie theatre, library, watch amovie,readbooks, buyadress, eatdumplings, buyfruitModel: Let'sgototherestaurantto给下列的图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. waitressA. ( ) 2. businesswomanB. ( ) 3. clerkC. ( ) 4. cashierD. ( ) 5. doctorE.( ) 6. teacherF.看一看,圈一圈,写一写。1. 买东西 b o b y u b u yu b_____________2. 健身房 g y g m g y m gy g_____________3. 办事员 c l o c l e r k c l k _____________4. 商店选择对应的人物。( ) 1. A. a. ( ) 2. B. b. ( ) 3. C. c.选择下列句子中画线部分的正确汉语意思。1. Let's go to the market to buy vegetables.[ ]A. 市场B. 商场C. 商店2. To the bicycle shop across the street.[ ]A.选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. her ( ) 2. A. Li Ming ( ) 3. A. book ( ) 4. A. sixteen ( ) 5. A. play B. hisB. Steven B. behind B. twenty B. wri画出你最喜爱的天气,并回答问题。Howistheweather?__________________________ 给图片选择相关的句子。( ) 1. A. Iwanttoputonmynewdress.( ) 2. B. Ineedanewchain.( ) 3. C. Iwanttobuysomeicecream. “小马虎”写的单词都不完整,请你帮它补全吧!( ) 1. t__ __(茶)( ) 2. b__ __ (买)( ) 3. str__ __t (街道)( ) 4. __ __ey (他们)( ) 5. weath__ __(天气)( ) 6. ma__ 给英语单词选择正确的汉语。( )1. clothes ( ) 2. new ( ) 3. help ( ) 4. want ( ) 5. park A. 帮助 B. 公园 C. 衣服 D. 新的 E. 想要 ( ) 6. read ( ) 7. lik根据要求写出所给单词的正确形式。1. bike (同义词) _____________3. hot (反义词)_____________5. businessman (对应词)_____________7. dress (复数形式)____________聪明的小法官,判断下列各句是否正确,打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. Ieatriceintherestaurant.( ) 2. IbuyaT-shirtintheteashop.( ) 3. Let'sgotothemarkettobuysomefruit.( )生活中下列物品都是什么颜色的呢?想一想,涂一涂,并写出相应的表示颜色的单词。 ___________ ___________根据图片写出单词。 ___________ ___________写出名词的单复数形式。1. boy __________3. child __________5. woman __________2. girl __________4. men __________6. parent __________ 翻译画线部分。1.LiMingarrivesinBeijingat2: 00intheafternoon.________________2.Children'sDayisJunefirst. ________________3. Women'sDayisMarcheighth. _____写出下列单词的反义词。1. left ____________3. up____________ 5. laugh____________ 7. big____________2. quick____________ 4. loud____________ 6. long_______
根据句意选择合适的单词填空。1. The bus is __________ (quick, quickly).Itgoes __________(quick, quickly). 2. The snailis __________ (slow, slowly). Itgoes___下面的字谜中藏了4组对应词,想知道它们是谁吗?快来将字谜补充完整并写下来!1. ______________ _______________2. ______________ _______________3. ______________ ___选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。( ) 1. h__lp (帮助) ( ) 2. pe__ple (人们) ( ) 3. m__ __y (许多)( ) 4. h__ __t (伤,刺痛)( ) 5. __ __sy (容易的) A. a A. 看图填入正确的单词。Howold, camera, at, hurt,take, film1.MayI ___________ yourpicture, Ben? No, I ___________ mynose.2.ThisisKate ___________ thePalaceMuseum选择填空,补全单词。( ) 1. h__pp__n ( ) 2. __ __sy ( ) 3. __ __aw ( ) 4. __ __velope( ) 5. he__p A. a, e A. ea A. ar A. an A.l B. e, a B. ee B. cr B按要求写单词。1. child (复数) ___________ 3. put (现在分词) ___________5. big (反义词) ___________ 2. go (过去式) ___________ 4. right (同音词) ___________6在括号中选择正确的单词完成句子。1.LiYingis ___________ apicture.(draw, drawing)2.Thechildrenare ___________.Theyarelaughing___________.(loudly, loud) 3. __根据提示,选择字母或字母组合补全单词。( ) 1. m__ (我的)( ) 2. y__ __r (你的) ( ) 3. sch__ __l (学校) ( ) 4. n__m__ (名字)( ) 5. t__ __cher (老师) A.iA. ou按要求写出单词。1. this (写出对应词) ____________3. her (写出对应词) ____________ 5. girl (写出对应词) ____________ 2. he (写出对应词) ____________4. your (根据图片或汉语提示,选填合适的单词。(注意大小写)WordBox: boy girl his her friend he1. Sheisa__________.__________ nameisJenny.She is my __________ (朋友).2.看图片补全单词。1.c__t2.c__w3.d__g4. d__ __k5. p__g6. sh__ __p给下列的小动物选择正确的叫声。( ) 1. A. moo( ) 2. B. meow( ) 3. C. woof( ) 4. D. cluck( ) 5. E. quack( ) 6. F. oink 补全下列单词。1. w__ng 3. b__ __d 5. f__ __ 7. s__m__ 2. f__ __thers4. c__t6. t__ __l8. diff__ __ent 给下列的图片选择相应的短语。( ) 1. A. writestories( ) 2. B. singsongs( ) 3. C. readbooks( ) 4. D. drawpictures 根据图片选填合适的字母补全单词。1. ch__ __k (al, ll)2.ch__ __r(ia, ai)3.sch__ __l (oo, ol)4.pen__ __l(ci,ie)5. m__ __ker(aa, ar)6.blackb__ __rd (ao, oa) 根据图片写出单词。1.2.3. 4.5._______________________________________ _____________ _____________你最喜欢什么衣服?说一说,画一画,写一写。Myfavouriteclothes ____________.看图填空。1. n__ __dles2.d__ __plings3.s__ __p4.r__c__5.m__ __k6. ch__ __ken7.v__g__tables8. p__zz__根据句子内容选填合适的词语。same differentl. I likenoodles. Youlikenoodles. Wearethe ____________.2. Tomlikestoplaybasketball. Kellylikestoplayping-pong. 看看图片有什么特点,选择正确的单词填空。same different1.2.3.4.____________ ____________ ____________ ____________给下列的图片选择对应的单词。( ) 1. A. pig( ) 2. B. cat( ) 3. C. rabbit( ) 4. D. duck( ) 5. E. horse( ) 6. F. cow 根据所给颜色单词为下列各图涂色。补全单词并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. l__ __nA. ( ) 2. t__g__rB. ( ) 3. el__ph__ntC. ( ) 4. k__ng__ro__D. 小画家快来读一读,画一画吧!Thescissorsareunderthechair.Afishisbesidethecat.Themarkerisinfrontofthebag.Thepaperisabovethe desk. 给下列的基数词选择对应的阿拉伯数字。( ) 1. one( ) 2. four( ) 3. two( ) 4. three( ) 5. six( ) 6. five( ) 7. seven( ) 8. ten( ) 9. eight( ) 10. nineA. 2根据单词画出相应的图。1234 donut cookies cake icecream选出正确的单词填空。1. Ilikered. Youlikered. Wearethe __________ (same, different).2. Myfavourite __________ (colour, clothes) ispurple.3. Herfavouritedes跟你的好朋友谈一谈,写出他最喜欢的东西并画出来,一起完成下面的表格。My friend's favouritedessertice creamcolourclothesfood聪明宝贝动动脑。哪些动物有这些特征呢?把它画出来吧!12345 fur mane stripes pouch trunk 给下列的单词选择对应的图片。( ) 1. snakeA. ( ) 2. zebraB. ( ) 3. giraffeC.( ) 4. pandaD. 给小动物找家。选择对应的搭配。( ) 1. A. a. Inaforest.( ) 2. B. b. Inatree.( ) 3. C. c. Inahole. ( ) 4. D. d. Inariver.你能用所给字母组成一个与图片相符的单词吗? o k m e y o l w f a d p n a m a e c l_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________想一想,画一画。Whatdotheyeat?看图片写单词。1. ___________2. ___________3.___________4. ___________5. ___________6. ___________7.___________8.___________根据动物的叫声写出动物的名称。1. meow ___________3. quack___________ 5. woof___________2. moo___________ 4. oink___________ 6. cluck___________ 看图选词填空。same different1. Therearetwoerasers.Theyarethe ___________.2. Therearetwobirds.Theyare ___________.3. Therearetwoflowers (花). Theyarethe _看图写单词。____________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________按要求写单词。1. wing (复数) _________ 3. two (同音词)_________5. no (反义词) _________ 7. can not (缩写) _________9. old (反义词) _________2. above (反义词圈出所给单词。brownthsjkldghhucmseakwiorangecqwtjkyglxkhvexjeredhepurplejkwtiltvlejdkenuksonhbetkeukwlsrkfnbluerhsbrownpurpleblackwhitepinkgreenredblueyelloworan根据提示补全单词。1. c__l__ur(颜色)3. p__ __k(粉红色的)5. __u__(我们的)7. r__ __d(读)9. wr__t__(写)2. p__rpl__(紫色)4. sk__ __t(裙子)6. th__ __r(他们的)8用所给字母正确拼写单词。1. a t l l _____________3. i r l g_____________5. r e e h t_____________7. b y o_____________2. a n h t k_____________4. e n i c___根据汉语意思选择正确的短语。( ) 1. 为……做好准备( ) 2. 在图书馆( ) 3. 在黑板上( ) 4. 吃早餐( ) 5. 我最喜欢的食物A. be ready to A. on the libraryA. on the 看图写单词。1. ___________2. ___________3.___________4.___________5.___________6.___________7.___________8. ___________9.___________选择正确的数字。( ) 1. twelve( ) 2. eleven( ) 3. thirteen( ) 4. fifteen( ) 5. fourteen ( ) 6. twenty-nine( ) 7. eighteen( ) 8. seventeen( ) 9. sixty( ) 根据图片选择正确的数量。( ) 1. Howmanybooksdoyouhave?A. eight ( ) 2. Howmanypencilsdoyouhave?B. six ( ) 3. Howmanyflowers (花) doyouhave?C. three ( ) 4.根据提示填写字母补全单词。1. cl__ssr__ __m (教室)3. pl__ __ (玩)5. wr__t__ (写)2. l__br__ry (图书馆)4. __y__ (体育馆)6. r__ __d (读) 英汉互译下列短语。1. on the blackboard ______________3. read a book______________ 5. in a blue skirt______________ 7. new shorts______________ 9. favourite 判断图片与句子是否一致,打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. Theweatheriscoldandsnowy.( ) 2. Acathasfurandwings.( ) 3. LiuMeiisinfrontofthetree. 选择相应的搭配组成句子。( ) 1. The monkey eats ( ) 2. The tiger eats ( ) 3. The cat eats ( ) 4. The cow eats ( ) 5. The giraffe eats ( ) 6. The rabbit can 根据要求做题。1. Circlethepaper.2. Underlinethemarker.3. Pointtopencil.4. Colourtheschool.5. Circletheteacher. 看图,写出下列单词。 ________________________________________________________________________选择与句子相对应的图片。( ) 1. Wewritewithpencils.A. ( ) 2. Wecutwithscissors.B. ( ) 3. Wewalktoschool.C. ( ) 4. Wedrawwithmarker.D. ( ) 5. Wecloset读一读,画一画,涂一涂。12341. Thisisananimal. Ithastwolong ears. Itseyesarered. Itisblack.2. Therearefivedonuts. They arebrown. 3. Thismanisabusinessma判断,句子意思与图片相符打“√”,不相符打“×”。( ) 1. Iwalktoschoolinthemorning.( ) 2. Isayhellotomyteacher.( ) 3. I like reading.( ) 4. I write with pen.你能从图中找出这些东西吗?用圆圈圈出来。1. pen2. pencil3. pencilcase4. book5. eraser6. ruler7. school bag8. paper 看图填空。Bobo: Ilike ________________________.Lala: Ilike________________________.Mimi: Ilike________________________.根据图片提示回答问题。1. Howmuchforonemarker?____________________________________________2. Howmuchforoneeraser?____________________________________________3补全单词并选择。( ) 1. A. tw__ __ __ __( ) 2. B. el__ __ __ __( ) 3. C. th__ __ __ __ __ __( ) 4. D. fi__ __ __ __ __( ) 5. E. fo__ __ __ __ __ __ 填写字母完成单词。1. Jenny3. leg5. nose__uice__ine__oodle__eep __amp __o2. kite 4. marker 6. pencil __ey __outh __op __nee __ilk __aper给下列单词选择相关的图片。( ) 1. classroomA. ( ) 2. hallB. ( ) 3. officeC. ( ) 4. gymD.( ) 5. washroomE. 给图片选择正确的句子。(只填序号) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )1. Miss Zhang is in the office. 3. She is in the washroom. 5. They are in the classroom.2. Jenny读一读,用不同颜色的笔分别画出LiMing和Danny要走的路线。看图补全单词。1.bl__ckb__ard2.p__p__ __3.s__ __oo__4.c__ __5.s__ __ __s6. p__ __d__7. b__ __8. d__n__t根据要求写出相应的单词。1.Writetwocolours.Theyaredifferent._______________ ______________2.Writetwoclothes.Theyarethesame._______________ ______________3.在横线上选填正确的单词。buy, fruit, movie (theatre), supper, eat, kite, park, watch, fly, market, restaurant1. Let'sgotothep__________ tof__________ ak________看图说一说。看图填空。1. Let'smake____________. 2. Weneedsome ____________. 3. Weneedsome ____________. 按要求给单词分类。(只填序号)① fish ② socks ③ meat ④ rice ⑤ chicken⑥ blouse ⑦ apple ⑧ grapes ⑨ bananas ⑩ shoesfood: ______________________________________________写一写你自己喜欢或不喜欢的食物和饮料。___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________根据要求画图。123 anewskirtanoldskirt oldpants456 newpants newshoes oldshoes看图,把单词补充完整。__irl __oy __ __air __ook__esk__en填写合适的字母。l. bed __oy __ee2. cold __ar __omb3. desk __oor __o4. family __ish __inger5. girl __o __oat6.hello __all __ow看图填空补全单词。c__ke don__th__mburger h__t d__g m__lk p__p t__a w__ter学学说说。和小朋友用字母来做有趣的游戏吧,比比谁掌握的单词多?Let'shavefunwiththeletterd, c, b, f, g, h.desk, door _____________________________________________用英语写出数字1—10。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________选出正确的图片。( ) 1. twobooksa. b. ( ) 2. fourpencilsa. b. ( ) 3. threechairsa. b.按要求画图。1234 Drawtenpens. Draweightapples. Drawthreerulers.Drawfivepencils.看图写单词。 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________判断正误打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. MyfamilylivesinCanada.( ) 2. Iamastudent.( ) 3. Myfatherisabusinessman.( ) 4. Mymotherisateacher.( ) 5. Weareahappyfamily.根据要求做题。1.Circlethearm.2.Pointtotheear.3. Colourtheeyeblue.4.Circlethefingers.5.Underlinethefoot.6.Pointtothemouth.7.Underlinethenose.8.Draw画-画,涂一涂。12341. Drawaman. Hehasshortcurlyhair.2. Mymouthisred.3. Iamagirl. Ihaveblueeyes.4. Iamawoman. Ihavelong, straighthair.你最喜欢什么动物?它有什么特征?画一画,说一说吧!写出下列单词的汉语意思,并分别找出四组反义词。in___________ left ___________long ___________ right ___________out ___________ big ___________short ___________sma给图片标号。1. key 2. grapes 3. vegetables 4. dumplings 5. mouth 6. soup ( ) ( )( )( )( ) ( )看图圈出正确的单词。1. three two fourmarkermarkers2. one four fivebook books3. two five threechair chairs 判断正误打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. Icanseeabook. ( ) 2. MynameisLiMing. ( ) 3. Ihavethreepens. ( ) 4. MayIhavetwobooks? Sure! 给下列的单词选择相应的图片。( ) 1. fishA. ( ) 2. meatB. ( ) 3. chickenC. ( ) 4. vegetablesD.( ) 5. fruitE. 给图片圈出相应的单词。1. four six sevenchairs desks2. five six eightapples grapes3. Open Closeyourmouth eye4. in on underthedesk chair5. Open Closethebook p根据图片正确拼写单词。1. m a f i y l _________________2. s u t n e t d _________________3. p l i o e c o f i f c e r _________________4. b s u d r v i e r __看图填空。 __pple b__nanagr__pes ch__cken f__sh m__atv__getables ric__根据图片给单词分类。(写出英语单词)Food: ____________________________________________Fruit: ___________________________________________根据图片选出正确单词。( ) 1. A. dumplingsB. noodles( ) 2. A. riceB. soup( ) 3. A. triangleB. rectangle( ) 4. A. rectangleB. circle( ) 5. A. chicken根据图示写出相应的单词。1.turn__________ turn __________2. __________thehouse __________thehouse3.__________line __________line4.__________apple __________ap每幅图中缺少什么?找一找,画一画,并写出该单词。例: hair1.2.3.4.__________ __________ __________ __________选择正确的选项组成句子。( ) 1. Iwrite with( ) 2. Ihearwith( ) 3. Ieatwith ( ) 4. IwalkwithA. myfeet.B. myhand.C. myears.D. mymouth. 为句子选择合适的图片。( ) 1. Iwriteastoryintheevening.A. B. ( ) 2.Ihearasong.A. B. ( ) 3. Iwalktoschool.A. B. ( ) 4. Ieatlunch.A. B. 选词填空。mother, businessman, student, name, doctor, family, father1. My ___________ lives inChina.2. Iama___________. My ___________ isLiMing.3. My _____画一画,说一说。画一张你们家的全家福,并用英语说一说他们分别是做什么工作的,你说的一定很棒。_____________________________________________________________________看图,给下列的食物分类。A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 1. Western food: _______________________________________2. Chinese food: __________________________________看图填空。WordList: fish, chicken, fruit, vegetables, noodles, dumplings 1. (√) (×)Ilike_______________.Idon'tlike _______________.2. (√) (×)I _____________