将图片与相应的形状连线并填空。 line, circle, rectangle, triangle1. Grapesare____________s.2. Fishis ____________ and ____________.3. Thepencilis ___________说说画画。请用卡片和你的伙伴交流你们喜欢的食物,并画到各自的图中。I like She / He like将单词写在合适的位置。apple, donut,milk, banana, hamburger, tea, orange, hotdog, pop, watera: ___________________________________________________________________画一画,说一说。画面上有6个小杂技演员,根据每人衣服上的编号找出对应的词组,在他们头顶上的盘子中画出相应食品。A.donutmanB.pizzamanC.chickenmanD.breadmanE.hot选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. water ( ) 2. A. French fries( ) 3. A. dumplings ( ) 4. A. pop ( ) 5. A. family ( ) 6. A. student B. tea B. chicke选出每组不同类的图片,并写出这个单词。( ) 1. A. B. C. ________________( ) 2. A. B. C. ________________( ) 3. A. B. C. ________________( ) 4. A. B.根据句子意思,给字母涂颜色。Mynameisa. Colourmeblue.Mynameise. Colourmered.Mynameisi. Colourmepurple.Mynameiso. Colourmegreen.Mynameisu. Colourmeyellow.读单词,选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. sorry ( ) 2. all ( ) 3. right ( ) 4. lateA. 全部B. 晚的C. 对,没事D. 对不起 ( ) 5. later ( ) 6. okay ( ) 7. excuse 根据汉语提示填写字母。1. s__xt__ __n (十六)2. s__ __ __nt__ __n (十七)3. __ __ght__ __n (十八)4. n__n__t__ __n (十九)5. tw__nt__ (二十)看图,选择填空。1.Howmanygrapes? Thereare _____________ ____________.2.Howmanyoranges? Thereare_____________ ____________.3.Howmanyapples? Thereare______找出两幅图中不同之处,写出单词。________________________________________________________________ 选填合适的字母。1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )7.( )8.( )9.( )10.( ) a. shoulderb.eyec.armd. foote.headf.elbowg. legh.kneei.fingerj.hand根据图画,让我们选择出相应的单词吧!( ) 1. A. faceB. footC. nose( ) 2. A. eyeB. earC. arm( ) 3. A. fingerB. faceC. teeth( ) 4. A. faceB. fingerC. 根据图片补全单词。 5.m__ __k ju__c__ w__t__r t__ __ p__p 选择正确的图片并抄写单词。( ) 1. eraser _______________A. ( ) 2. pencil _______________B. ( ) 3. marker _______________C. ( ) 4. pen _______________D. 根据图片或汉语提示补全句子。1. A: MayIhavea____________ ____________B: ____________ ____________ ____________ (给你). A: ________________! (谢谢)2. A: MayIhav读一读,画一画。Drawlong, black, straighthair.Drawshort, blond, straighthair.Drawlong, red, curlyhair.Drawshort, brown, curlyhair.填字母组单词。1. apple h__t b__g m__p2. dress b__d __lbow __very3. gift ch__chen __n m__lk4. hot p__p d__ll t__p5. cup b__s m__m d__mplings你还能写出其它含有所给字母的单词吗?(第一题单词除外)想一想,写一写,画一画吧。12345a __________ e ___________ i __________ o __________ u __________找到并圈出所给单词。hairqredgelegzxblueaearihearfteighteensfaohandhiioruhaveenxomtetoeabttabalnpdoelnosebigdeglongeyeyngarm eighteenhead outbig eyehear redbluefoJenny要开生日party,她会需要什么呢?将合适的选项填在横线上。a. birthday cake b. pen c. candles d.gifts e. busdriverf. doctor g. school_____________________看图填空。__ueen __ose __ocks __oy__egetables __ater bo____ellow __oo __ea__indow __ice选择正确的反义词。( ) 1. left ( ) 2. in ( ) 3. new ( ) 4. big ( ) 5. long( )6. straightA. out B. old C. right D. short E. curly F. small判断对(√)错(×)。( ) 1. Thepencilislong.( ) 2. Thetreeontheleftisshort.( ) 3. Theappleisinthehouse.( ) 4. Thepencil isunderthebook.( ) 5. Ithastwolongear给下列的单词选择正确的图片。( ) 1. roseA. ( ) 2. zebraB. ( ) 3. soupC. ( ) 4. youD. ( ) 5. socksE. ( ) 6. boxF. 根据图片写出单词。读一读,涂一涂。Hello!I'mRose.Ihaveblondhair. Mymouthisred.I'mwearingabluedressandgreenpants.I likemyyellowshoes.Therearepurpleflowersonmyshoes. 看图,写出所缺字母。p__lice __fficer __il____ __ __cher__ __air__ __ __e__ __ __ker__ou__ ____ __ __t选择意思相反的单词。( ) 1. old( ) 2. big ( ) 3. black ( ) 4. young ( ) 5. long ( ) 6. coldA. white B. little C. new D. hot E. old F. short 用所给的字母组单词。1. i r g l ____________3. d a e h____________5. f t e a h r____________2. y p h a p____________4. z z i a p____________6. n e in_______选择正确的字母或字母组合组成单词。( ) 1. n__me ( ) 2. m__ __t ( ) 3. m__ ( ) 4. n__ce ( ) 5. y__uA. aB. iC. e eD. o E. y画一画,涂一涂并回答问题。1. Colourthedog'searsbrown.Doesadoghavefur? _____________________. Canadogfly?_____________________. Whatcanadogdo?____________读一读,重新整理单词,并抄写。1. I N C E______________2. A L T E______________3. B E L S S______________4. E A R E S R______________5. O N E S______________判断句子与图片内容是否一致,打“√”或“×”。( ) 1. Nicetomeetyou. ( ) 2. Excuseme.( ) 3. I'minthepark.( ) 4. Ihearwithmyears.根据短语意思给字母涂色。1. a green e2. a red a3. an orange o4. a yellow u5. a blue i选填字母组单词。( ) 1. D__nny ( ) 2. r__ler ( ) 3. b__ __k ( ) 4. penc__l ( ) 5. mark__rA. aB. eC. iD. o o E. u选择字母填空组单词。( ) 1. ele__ __n (ll) ( ) 2. tw__lv__ (12) ( ) 3. th__ __teen (13)( )4. f__ __rteen (14) ( ) 5. f__ft__en (15) A. v e A. a e A. r i A给下列的图片选择对应的介词。( ) 1. A. on( ) 2. B. in( ) 3. C. under 根据句子要求,用线将物品连到相应的位置。Themarkerisinthedesk.Thepenisonthedesk.Thebookisunderthedesk.下面都是我们生活中非常熟悉的事物,看一看,写出图中数字。 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________数一数,写出数量。(用英语)1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________4. _______________5. _______________读下边的数字单词,并在下面的图中找出它们。1.one2.two3.three4.four5.five6.six7.seven8.eight9.nine10.ten11.eleven12. twelve抄写字母并写出含有该字母的单词。(至少写一个)a ___________________________e___________________________i___________________________o___________________________u___根据提示涂颜色。sixteen: redseventeen: blackeighteen: pinknineteen: yellowtwenty: green用英语写出得数并用英语准确的读一读。1. 4 + 5 = _______________2.6 +12=_______________3.15 -7=_______________4.16 +4=_______________5.20 -4=_______________数一数,算一算,并改错。1. -= six _____________2. + = thirteen _____________3. + = nineteen _____________4. + = four _____________句子与图片相符画“√”,不相符画“×”。( ) 1. Thisish. Itistall.( ) 2. Thisise. Itisshort.( ) 3. Thisisk. Itisshort.( ) 4. Thisisd. Itistall.根据图片写出相应的单词。1. _____________ 2. _____________3. _____________4. _____________ 5. 10_____________ 6. 11_____________7. 13_____________ 8. 15__Toby迷路了,你来帮他找到回家的路吧。(按顺序读数字)看图选择。( ) 1. A. China( ) 2. B. Canada找一找,圈出所给单词。yueptsanbeccrdonihpencnoerwiionnblxlmarkerpenpencilmarkerschoolin onunder根据图片补全句子。A: MayIhavea ____________ , please?B: I'msorry. Idon'thavea ____________ , I have a ____________ .A: MayIhavea ____________ ?B: Sure!读一读,补全单词。headarmhandfootlegbody 和小伙伴练习说说今天所学的句型,比比谁说得最棒!Whereareyoufrom? Iamfrom ______________.给下列的图片选择对应的词组。( ) 1. A. inthepark( ) 2. B. intheshop( ) 3. C. intheclassroom( ) 4. D. inthehouse( ) 5. E. atschool 写单词。1. 学校 ____________ 2. 公园____________3. 教室____________ 4. 家____________5. 商店____________ 根据图片回答问题。1. Whereareyou?I'm ________________.2. Whereareyou?I'm ________________. 按提示给相应的部位涂色。arm: yellowhand: redface: pinkfoot: black leg: purplenose: green给下列的句子选择相应的图片。( ) 1. Nodyourhead.A. ( ) 2. Raiseyourarms.B. ( ) 3. Shakeyourleg.C. ( ) 4. Clapyourhands.D. 看图写出合适的单词。 __________ __________ ____________________给下列的单词选择正确的图片。( ) 1. chairA. ( ) 2. pencilB. ( ) 3. markerC. ( ) 4. schoolD.选选抄抄。( ) 1. A. mouth ______________( ) 2. B. nose______________( ) 3. C. ears______________( ) 4. D. eyes______________给下列的图片选择相关的词。( ) 1. A. hear( ) 2. B. smell( ) 3. C. eat( ) 4. D. see 判断图片与句子是否一致,写“Y”或“N”。( ) 1. Iseewithmyeyes. ( ) 2. Ismellwithmynose.( ) 3. Ieatwithmymouth. ( ) 4. Ihearwithmynose.给下列句子选择与之相关的句子。( ) 1. This is my nose.( ) 2. This is my ear.( ) 3. These are my eyes. A. I use it to hear.B. Please don't cry.C. I sme读一读,写一写补全单词。1. __ee (看)2. s__ell (闻)3. __ose (鼻子)4. __ose (玫瑰花)5. pen__il (铅笔)看一看,写句子补全对话。1. A: Whatdoyousee?B: ________________________2. A: Whatdoyousee?B: ________________________3. A: Whatdoyousee?B: _________________读一读,给下列的数字选择正确的英文。( ) 1. 2( ) 2. 5( ) 3. 19( ) 4. 3( ) 5. 20( ) 6. 13( ) 7. 16A. twentyB. twoC. nineteenD. threeE. thirteenF. five小朋友们在玩捉迷藏,这些小朋友都在哪儿?你看到了吗?把它们圈出来吧!1.Whereisthefoot?2.Whereisthehead?3.Whereisthearm?4.Whereistheleg?5. Whereisthehand? 给下列的单词选择对应的图片。( ) 1. A. tall( ) 2. B. short 选填单词。wordlist: friend short tall Dannyismy _______________.Dannyis _______________.I'm _______________.看图,圈出图中的服装。选择正确的图片并抄写。( ) 1. skirtA. ( ) 2. blouseB. ( ) 3. dressC. ( ) 4. shirtD. ( ) 5. pantsE.写一写,涂一涂。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 和你的好朋友谈论谈论各自所喜欢的颜色。I like ______________________________.I like______________________________.和小伙伴练习说一说,看谁说得棒。Whatdoyousee? Isee ________________________________________.想一想,填一填。1. 鼻子2. 嘴3. 眼睛4. 耳朵 给下列句子选择对应的图片。( ) 1. Ihearwithmyears.A. ( ) 2. Italkwithmymouth.B. ( ) 3. Iseewithmyeyes.C. ( ) 4. Ismellwithmynose.D.画-画,说一说。Drawadesk.Writetheletter"s"inthedesk. Writetheletter "r"underthedesk.Drawaruleronthedesk.制作形状各异的颜色转盘。制作完成后,和你的同伴谈一下。连一连拼成完整图形,并抄写单词。blouse: 1 + 8 blouse pants _____________ ______________socks _____________ ______________ T-shirt _____________ ______________根据句子意思涂色。I'mwearingredsocks.I'mwearingyellowshirt.I'mwearingblueshoes.I'mwearingpurple shorts. 给下列的单词选择正确的反义词。( ) 1. tall( ) 2. on( ) 3. oldA. newB. shortC. under 你能找出下图中的数字吗?请用英语写出来!____________ ___________ ___________ _____________ _______________________ ___________ ___________ _____________ __________看图选出正确单词,并和同学对话,互相评价。Wordlist: arm,foot,nose,ear,eye,leg,hand,mouth1. _____________2._____________3._____________4._____________5._____看图,把她们穿的衣服对号入座。选择正确的选项。1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )a. shoesb.blousec.T-shirtd.pantse.socksf.skirt 读一读,画一画。Drawadesk. Drawabookinthedesk.Whereisthemarker? It'sonthedesk. Colourthemarkeryellow.Whereisthebed? It'sbesidethedesk. Redshoesareundert给下列的单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. hello ( ) 2. my ( ) 3. Hi ( ) 4. nameA. 你好B. 我的C. 嗨, 你好D. 名字 根据句子画一画。121. I'm wearingredshoes. Oldredshoes 2. I'mwearingbluepants. Newbluepants选填合适的字母组成单词。( ) 1. __uice( ) 2. __ellow ( ) 3. le__ ( ) 4. __antsA. gB. jC. pD. y 看看TingTing身上有多少种图形,数一数并选择。( ) 1. A. seven( ) 2. B. ten ( ) 3. C. three你知道下面三位小朋友的名字吗?选择正确的选项。( ) 1. A. Hello! MynameisJenny.( ) 2. B. Hello! MynameisLiMing.( ) 3. C. Hello! MynameisDanny. 看图,给图片选择合适的短语。( ) 1. A. ateacher ( ) 2. B. aboy( ) 3. C. agirl动脑筋,填字母组成所给单词。bluedressneworangepantsred shirtshoesskirtyellow你能把衣橱里的衣服补充完整吗?根据图片写单词。 ________ ________ ________________ ________ ________________小朋友,你叫什么名字?你是个男孩还是女孩?告诉其他的小朋友吧。My name is _____________.I am a ____________.我是小画家,根据要求画三幅画,看看谁画得最好。123 a girl a teacher a boy看图,给图片选择相应的句子。( ) 1. A. Iamhot.( ) 2. B. Iamsad.( ) 3. C. Iamcold. 选词填空。My, your, are, happy1. What's ____________ name?2. ____________ nameisLi Ming.3.How ____________ youtoday?4. Iam ____________.
看图选择。( ) 1. A. Good-bye!( ) 2. B. Hi! Myname isBetty.( ) 3. C. Howareyou? Fine, thanks. 数一数,写出数量(用英语)。1.________________2.________________3.________________4. ________________5.________________6. ________________看图,给图片选择正确的解释。( ) 1. A. ZhongshanRoadSchool( ) 2. B. Myclassroom 画一画你的教室。 My classroom给图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. Myfriends( ) 2. B. Ms. Zhang 看图,选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. door( ) 2. B. book( ) 3. C. chair( ) 4. D. desk( ) 5. E. blackboard 选择字母组单词。( ) 1. Ch__nese ( ) 2. st__dent ( ) 3. t__acherA. eB. iC. u 看图选择。( ) 1. A. ateacher( ) 2. B. astudent 看图选择。( ) 1. A. Iamthirsty.( ) 2. B. Iamhappy.( ) 3. C. Iamhungry. 看图,数一数,把正确的英文数字和阿拉伯数字的序号写在横线上。1. _______________A. onea. 52. _______________B. twob. 23. _______________C. threec. 14. __我是小画家。12 twobooks fourbooks数一数,选择正确的数字。( ) 1. A. ten( ) 2. B. eight( ) 3. C. nine( ) 4. D. seven( ) 5. E. six 读一读,选择正确的数字。( ) 1. seven( ) 2. nine( ) 3. ten( ) 4. six( ) 5. eight( ) 6. fiveA. 9B. 5C. 6D. 7E. 8F. 10 回家给爸爸、妈妈用英语数一数1—10,并把它们写下来。________________________________________________________________________________________________________画一画,写一写做一下自我介绍。Hello!Mynameis _____________.Iam _____________ yearsold. 寻找数字,找到Jimmy的生日礼物,你知道Jimmy几岁了吗?Jimmy is _____________ years old.选词填空。am is student Chinese girl boyHello!Myname ___________ LiXiaojing.I ___________ sixyearsold.Iama ___________.Iama___________.Iam ___________.Hello给自己作一张胸卡,把自己的头像画一画,并填上自己的姓名、年龄。Name: _____________Age: _____________boy girl从小到大排序。1. two one five four three____________________________________________2. seveneightsixtennine____________________________________________看图选择正确的选项。( ) 1. A. Iamsix.( ) 2. B. Iamastudent.( ) 3. C. Iamateacher.( ) 4. D. Iamthirsty.( ) 5. E. Iamhungry. 选择字母组单词。( ) 1. Chin__se( ) 2. h__ppy( ) 3. h__ngry ( ) 4. th__rsty ( ) 5. __ldA. aB. uC. i D. eE. o说说图中人怎么了,他们在做什么?选词填空。eat drink thirsty hungryI am ____________.I ____________. I am ____________.I ____________.给下列的单词选择正确的图片。( ) 1. bookA. ( ) 2. markerB. ( ) 3. blackboardC. ( ) 4. deskD. ( ) 5. chairE.( ) 6. pencilF. 根据提示选词填空。her, his, boy, girl, students1.What's __________ name? __________ name isLiMing. LiMingisa __________.2. What's __________ name? ______选词填空。It's What'sA: ___________ this?B: ___________ a desk.看图填空。Whatdoyousee? I see a ___________.你的教室里有些什么?说一说,画一画吧!看图,选择。( ) 1. A. Isithere!( ) 2. B. IsitbesideJenny.( ) 3. C. Isitbesidemyfriend. 看图,选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. ruler( ) 2. B. paper( ) 3. C. scissors( ) 4. D. pencil ( ) 5. E. notebook按要求完成下列各题。1. two (序数词) ______________3. fat (反义词) ______________5. let's (完全形式) ______________2. Japan (形容词) ______________4. our (同从所给词汇中选择合适单词填入空白处。this on a1. What is ____________ my desk?2. What's ____________? It's ____________ notebook.看图,选择正确的问句和答语,把序号写在横线上。1. _______________A. Howmanypencils?a. two2. _______________B. Howmanyrulers?b. three3. _______________C.判断单词与意思是否一致,打“√”或“×”,并改正。( ) 1. chair (桌子) _____________ ( ) 3. sad(伤心的) _____________( ) 5. thirsty (饿的) _____________( ) 2. class看图选句子。( ) 1. A. Whatisonmydesk?( ) 2. B. IaminClass 2.( ) 3. C. Howmanypencils?( ) 4. D. Whoisinmyclassroom? ( ) 5. E. IsitbesideJenny.( ) 6英汉互译。1. on duty ________________3. a map of China________________ 5. No.3 Middle School________________7. shopping list________________ 2. 照看_______选择字母组单词。( ) 1. n__tebook ( ) 2. p__ncil ( ) 3. r__ler ( ) 4. p__per( ) 5. s__issorsA. eB. aC. cD. uE. o 选词填空。am is are do1. Who __________ inmyclassroom?2. You __________ welcome.3. Where __________ yousit?4. I __________ inClass2.选词填空。my your— Whois ___________ friend?— Fengfengis ___________ friend.给你的好朋友画幅画,并介绍给大家吧。 My friend看图选择。( ) 1. A. HisnameisDanny. Dannyismyfriend.( ) 2. B. HernameisWangLingling. WangLinglingismyfriend.( ) 3. C. HisnameisLiMing. LiMingismyfrien学一学,说一说,写一写。Thisismyfriend._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________看图选择。( ) 1. A. HeisLiMing. Heisaboy.( ) 2. B. SheisJenny. Sheisagirl. 向别人介绍下面的两个小朋友,选出正确单词填入空白处。1. ____________ isWangLingling. (He / she)Sheisa____________. (boy / girl)2. ____________ isDanny. (He /画一幅Happyfriends的图。Happyfriends下面的事物是什么颜色的,连线,并涂上颜色。redgreen 按要求给路灯涂上颜色。Greenlight!Redlight! 给Jenny的画像涂上颜色。想想生活中有哪些东西也是这种颜色的,画一画,涂一涂吧!123 蓝 黄 红根据单词给小花涂色。想想下面事物是什么颜色的?给它们涂上颜色。涂彩虹。看一看,选一选,说一说。( ) 1. A. Weplayagame.( ) 2. B. Wedrawapicture.( ) 3. C. Wesingasong. 选词填空。play draw sing1. We _____________ asong.2. We _____________ agame.3. We _____________ apicture.看一看,选一选,说一说。( ) 1. A. Li Mingismyfriend. Heisaboy.( ) 2. B. Wearefriends.( ) 3. C. HisnameisLiMing.( ) 4. D. HernameisWangLingling. ( ) 看一看,选一选。( ) 1. A. red( ) 2. B. yellow( ) 3. C. pink( ) 4. D. green ( ) 5. E. orange( ) 6. F. purple 请将字母重新排序,组成新单词,填在横线上,使句子能完整达意。(注意大小写)1. Touchyour ____________, please. (c k n e)2. HappyNew ____________!(e a r y)3. Good英汉互译。1. 洗手_________________2. 两瓶橘汁_________________3. 在冰箱里_________________4. overthere_________________5. goshopping _________________按要求写出下列词语的相应形式。1. us (主格) ____________3. America (形容词)____________5. go to bed (反义词组)____________7. are (第一人称单数) ____________2.按要求完成下列各题。1. clean (反义词) ______________ 3. meet (同音词) ______________5. one (序数词) ______________7. short (反义词) ______________9. let us 按要求变换每个单词中的一个字母,使其成为另外一个单词,将新单词写在横线上。1. too (变成一个数词) ______________3. ten(变成一种饮料)______________ 5. big (变成一将画横线的部分英汉互译。1. Mybookis 在……里 theschool-bag. _______________2. I'm 等待 mygoodfriend._______________3. Don'tread在太阳下. _______________4.看图选择。( ) 1. A. blackboard( ) 2. B. card( ) 3. C. boy( ) 4. D. teacher( ) 5. E. puppet( ) 6. F. light 将所给每组字母重新组合成正确的单词,使句意完整。1. — What'sfourandfive? — It's ____________. (n e i n)2.— Isthatadeerinthe ____________? (p i c e t r u) —英汉互译。1. thegirl inthehat ________________ 2. 在星期天________________ 3. athalf pastsix________________ 4. 双胞胎兄弟________________ 5. WTO___________写出下列英文缩写的中文意思。1. ATM _________________2. VIP_________________把下面的单词补充完整。1. w__lc__me3. p__ct__re5. p__rr__t2. addr__ss4. c__mp__ter6. fr__end 按要求写单词。1. Mr. (完全形式) _____________3. same (反义词) _____________5. mother (口语) _____________7. No. (完全形式) _____________9. thin (反义词) _— Thankyouverymuch. — You'rewelcome. It'sapieceof cake. 画线部分的意思是____________?[ ]A. 一块蛋糕B. 小事一桩把下面画横线的部分译成英文或中文。1. Heisgoingtothemuseum. _________________2.Whendoyoumakea 模型船? _________________3. I'll takeapictureinthepark. _____选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。① beside ② cold ③ playchess ④ inbed ⑤ speakto1. Thedeskis ____________ thebed.2. Could I ____________ Pete下面每个句子内部藏有水果的名字,你能找出它们吗?1. Wouldyoushowmethemap,please? _______________2. Peopleshouldhelpeachother._______________3. Imustgetupearly填空。1. 用英语写出美国的国花。____________________2. Whichnumbercomesnext? 12 21 36 63 45 _____________按要求写单词。1. no (同音词) ______________3. watch (复数)______________5. they (名词性物主代词)______________7. down (反义词)______________9. two (序数词)_下列单词拼写均不完整,选出适当的字母或字母组合,使其完整、正确。( ) 1. t____ty( ) 2. br___kf__st( ) 3. st____b____ry( ) 4. p___d__n( ) 5. b____tiful A. wen给下列单词分类,把答案序号写在下面的横线上。1. shoes4. watermelon7. banana10. juice13. skirt 2. Wednesday5. monkey8. dog11. tea14. Saturday3. tiger 6.根据所给音标提示,补全单词中所缺字母,并写出单词的汉语意思。1. p__ __k ___________2. d__ __n ___________3. w__ __l ___________4. doct__ __ ___________5. fr_英汉互译。1. don't worry _______________3. 准备好_______________5. kick the football_______________7. 起床_______________2.打扰一下_______________4. my e-根据所给英文提示用英语写出家庭成员的关系。1. Mr.GreenisMrs.Green's ____________.2. Myfather'sfatherismy ____________.3. Myaunt'ssonismy ____________.4选出能代替句子中画线部分的选项。1. — Lookatmyshirt! — It'ssmart![ ]A.It'snew!B.Isitnew?C.It'snice!D.Howlovely!2. Iwanttohavesomebread.[ ]A.I liketoB.填入所缺字母或字母组合,使三个单词都含有相同的元音发音,并重新写出一个含有所填字母、发音也相同的单词。1. c__lour c__me m__ney____________2. h__me g__ __ver ___选择适当的词汇填空后组成正确短语,并将短语译成中文。brightest, hungry, peach, socks, supper, clean, photos, tea1. a__________ dog ________________3. take off y按要求将下面各个单词中的一个字母更换,使它变成一个新单词。1. rose (变成一个人体部位) ______________3. write (变成一个颜色的词) ______________2. book (变成一个仔细观察,画图。Drawthenextpicture. _______________________ 选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) l. A. older ( ) 2. A. tiger ( ) 3. A. add ( ) 4. A. time ( ) 5. A. rain B. bigger B. lambB. growB. dayB. kite C. bett选择适当的词填空,使句意完整。1. Ican't _____________ (see, sea) anything.2. This _____________ (pear,pair) of shoesistoocheap.3. Many _____________ (child用所给词或词组的正确形式填空(每个只能用一次,其中有三项是多余的)。A. giveapuppetshowB. rideabike C. lookafter D.pullupE. getoffF.havearcstG.thesameage H.下图是一幅特殊的写生图。它是由一些数字组成的。你能在1分钟内将它们找出来,并用英语写出这些数字吗?_________________________________________________________________根据句意完成句子。1. Iliketoeatapplesverymuch. Theappleismyf_____________ fruit.2. Whenyouleave, pleaset_____________ o_____________ thelightsintheclassroom.选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不属同一类的那个词,将序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1. A. apple( ) 2. A. bus( ) 3. A. arm( ) 4. A. noodle( ) 5. A. piano( ) 6. A根据句意及所给的首字母提示写出单词,使句子完整。1. Hereisal___________ foryou. It'sfromAustralia.2. Wouldyouliketob___________ mypenfriend?3. Mye-maila___选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不属于同一类的那个词,将序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1. A. peach ( ) 2. A. bus ( ) 3. A. arm ( ) 4. A. noodles ( ) 5. A. piano (找出与其他三个词不同类的词,将题号写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. river( ) 2. A. pear( ) 3. A. bread( ) 4. A. one ( ) 5. A. tell B. eatB. appleB. milkB.选择括号中适当的词填在横线上。1. Go _____________ (straight/along) thisstreetandturnright.2. Look! Mysister _____________ (plays/ isplaying) withthetoycars.3按要求写词。1. finish (第三人称单数) _______________3. write (同音词)_______________5. good (副词)_______________7. three (序数词)_______________9. we (名词根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Jimistwoyearsy___________ thanBen.2. Ioftengotoschoolonfoot, buts___________ bybike.3. Mybrotherlikessinging, butIdon英汉互译。1. 当然 ______________3. 拔胡萝______________5. 值日______________7. 软饮料______________9. 举行运动会______________2. 两双旧袜子______________4.根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。1. Anelephant'snoseisl____________ thanacat's.2. T____________rightatthefirstcrossingandyoucanfinditonyourright.3. Whatare根据句意和图片提示写单词,完成句子。1. MrWangdoesexerciseeveryday. Soheisvery ____________. 2. Ihavelonglegs. Icanjumpf____________ thanJim. 3. DoyouknowL按要求写词。1. right (同音词) _____________3. buy (过去式)_____________5. our (单数)_____________7. twelve (序数词)_____________9. shall (过去式)___________选用所给词组完成句子。goforawalk everytwentyminutes inthecountrysideasksfor getoff takepart in hadachat mostof thetime haveschool middleschool1. ThetrainsforSha
填空回答下列的问题。1. MrWanghasninesons. Everyoneofhissonshasasister. Howmany childrendoesMrWanghaveatleast?________________________________________________根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Jimistwoyearsy_____________ thanBen.2. Ioftengotoschoolonfoot, buts_____________ bybus.3. Shecanp_____________ theboo按要求写单词。1. country (复数) ______________3. open (现在分词)______________5. know (同音词)______________7. after (反义词)______________ 2. far (比较级)_根据要求写单词。1. heavy (比较级) _______________3. same (反义词) _______________5. left (反义词) _______________ 7. more (原级) _______________ 9. far (比较词组互译。1. 你家唯一的孩子 _______________3.在英语上有问题_______________5.在科学方面做得好_______________7. 在第二个十字路口向右转_______________9. a good用所给字母组合成单词。1. t s h r a ____________3. o p e h____________5. t r h s a n ac____________7. p l a n t____________2. e r s t p e n____________4. r 给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. next Monday( ) 2. plant trees( ) 3. in the forest( ) 4. live on other planets( ) 5. do some shopping( ) 6. live in m写出下列形容词的副词形式。1. hard _____________3. good_____________ 5. slow_____________7. quick_____________2. fast_____________ 4. careful_____________6.选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. tire ( ) 2. A. from ( ) 3. A. chin( )4. A. woods( ) 5. A. slowlyB. seatB. entry B. crutch B. forest B. badly C. raceC用所给字母组成单词,并完成句子。1. You ____________ arriveontime. (u s m t)2.Tellmethe____________ ofthecompetition. (r u e s l)3.Youhavetoweara ___________给下列单词、词组选择正确的汉意。( ) 1.brakes( ) 2.tire( ) 3.seat( ) 4.pedal( ) 5.helmet( ) 6.pump( ) 7.handlebars( ) 8.cyclingshoes( ) 9.elbowpads( ) 10选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. doctor( ) 2. A. looking( ) 3. A. father( ) 4. A. pizza( ) 5. A. yourB. artB. swimming B. elbowB. saladB. my C. mathC.给下列的句子选择对应的图片。( ) 1. Don'ttouch.A. ( ) 2. Nocamera.B. ( ) 3.Smile.C. ( ) 4.Don'twalkonthegrass.D. ( ) 5.Nosmoking.E. ( ) 6.Nopark将身体各个部位名称写在正确的位置。hair mouth eye chin shoulder ankle knee wrist ear hand foot finger toe1. __________________2.__________________ 3.__________根据图片,完成句子。1. — Whatchoresdoyoudo?— Ioften ________________.2. Don't ____________abicycle.3. Youmustn't____________there.4. Tomis ____________根据图片,仿照例子完成句子。Whataretheydoing? e.g. Tomisreadingabook.1. May____________________.2. Peter ____________________ abicycle.3. Dolly ________根据图片,选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.Shewashesthedisheseveryday.B.Shefeedsthefisheveryday.( ) 2. A.Johncancookriceathome.B.Johncanmakeasandwich.( ) 3. A按要求完成下列各词。1. come (反义词) _____________3. potato (复数形式) _____________5. isnot (缩写形式) _____________7. good (比较级形式) _____________2. ho选择合适的词填空。from by in after before on with like those1. Mynewclassmateis ___________ Russia.2.Youcangotoschool ___________ abus.3.I don'tagree _____根据图片,判断句子对“√”错“×”。( ) 1. Thisstorybooklooksinteresting.( ) 2. Thesegrapestastedelicious.( ) 3. Thisdressfeelshard.( ) 4. Thesoupsmellsbad.( )选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. must( ) 2. A. slowly ( ) 3. A. play ( ) 4. A. foot ( ) 5. A. smell B. can B. quietB. read B. nose B. look C. what C.用所给字母组成单词。1. u m p p ______________3. i s t r w______________5. i t h e e r______________ 7. t t i o r e p m oc______________ 9. e a rg e_________给下列的单词、词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. helmet( ) 2. handlebar( ) 3. Good luck!( ) 4. No smoking.( ) 5. ride a bicycle( ) 6. have fun( ) 7. play out写出下列形容词的副词形式。1. slow _______________ 3. hard _______________ 5. good_______________ 7. easy _______________ 9. final _______________ 11. speci翻译词组。1. more than _______________4. fill out_______________7. a lot of_______________10. play with fire_______________13. listen to_______________16. 按要求完成下列各词。1. isn't (完全形式) ______________3. go (过去式)______________5. we (名词性物主代词)______________7. will not (缩略形式)______________9.选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. will( ) 2. A. happy( ) 3. A. worker( ) 4. A. when( ) 5. A. grass( ) 6. A. can't( ) 7. A. really( ) 8. A. eye( ) 9. 给下列的英文词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. decide to( ) 2. in class( ) 3. walk with crutches( ) 4. in the museum( ) 5. in October( ) 6. favorite sport( ) 7根据图片,选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.Don'ttouch.B.Don'twalkonthegrass.( ) 2. A. What'stheweatherliketoday? It'swindy.B.What'stheweatherliketoday? I看一看,判断所给的两个单词是“√”否“×”属于同类。( ) 1. good badly ( ) 3. hand foot ( ) 5. so hope( ) 2. smoking talking ( ) 4. can will( ) 6. computer planet图文配对。给图片选择对应的句子。( ) 1. A.Jackoftengoestoschoolonfoot.( ) 2. B. Ilikenoodlesbest. SodoI.( ) 3. C.Hewillplayfootballnextweek, won'the? Y按要求完成下列各题。1. isn't (完全形式) _______________3. go (过去式)_______________5. Tom (所有格)_______________7. will not(缩略形式)_______________9. co根据图片,判断句子对“√”错“×”。( ) 1. Thisorangetastessweet.( ) 2. Shelikeslisteningtomusic, doesn'tshe?Yes, shedoes.( ) 3. Myfavoriteseasoniswinter.( ) 4选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. need ( ) 2. A. when ( ) 3. A. hope ( ) 4. A. sweet ( ) 5. A. alwaysB. can B. whatB. at B. sour B. usually C. must C.选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. cookbook( ) 2. A. cheap( ) 3. A. how( ) 4. A. basketball ( ) 5. A. win( ) 6. A. guitar( ) 7. A. tomorrow( ) 8. A. who选择正确的选项,将下列单词补充完整。( ) 1. g__t( ) 2. s__rry( ) 3. m__ne( ) 4. dr__m( ) 5. fl__te( ) 6. s__ __t( ) 7. t__ __m( ) 8. te__ __is( ) 9. r__ 根据图片选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A. Whosebackpackisthis? It'shers.B.Whosebookisthis? It'smine.( ) 2. A.Tomgoeshomeintheafternoon.B.Tomgetsupatseveno'选词填空。with, is, taste, anything, well, whose, cloudy, either, who, favorite1. _____________ bookisthis?2.It'sgoingtobe_____________ onMonday.3. Idon't选词填空。at, When, most, kilograms, visit, from, How much, Ann's, won't, was1.Yesterday ___________ Mother'sDay.2.Isthatdeskhers? No, itis ___________.3图文配对。给图片选择对应的句子。( ) 1. A. TomthinkstheP.E. classisthemostexciting.( ) 2. B.Howoftendotheygotothecinema? Oncetotwiceaweek.( ) 3. C.Hewi找出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. ours( ) 2. A. backpack( ) 3. A. get( )4. A. you( ) 5. A. meB. herB. suitcaseB. wentB. Jim'sB. ours C. mineC. sorryC读一读,选一选,写一写。newer, moreboring, oldest, heavier, moreinteresting,mostexpensive, tallest, longer, earliest, cheapest1. cheaper: ______________________根据图片仿照例子,选词完成句子。theirs yours his hers your ours their her our例: It's my kite.It's mine.1. It's _____________ ball.It's _____________.2.给下列的单词、词组选择正确的汉意。( ) 1. concert( ) 2. music( ) 3. start( ) 4. play the piano( ) 5. on Children's Day ( ) 6. play the guitar ( ) 7. of co选择拼写正确的单词。( ) 1. A. ti ( ) 2. A. this( ) 3. A. say ( ) 4. A. tow ( ) 5. A. teh ( ) 6. A. dog B. itB. thsiB. sya B. twoB. the B. dgo 看图片,选单词。( ) 1. A.tigerB.lion( ) 2. A.rabbitB.panda( ) 3. A.catB.duck( ) 4. A.birdB.monkey( ) 5. A.antB.fish( ) 6. A.mouse B.dog 根据图片,判断句子正“√”误“×”。( ) 1. Whatwillsheplayintheconcert?Shewillplaytheviolin.( ) 2. WewillgotothesciencemuseumnextFriday.( ) 3. Whatwillshedo?She数一数,写数字。1._________________2._________________3._________________4._________________5._________________6._________________7._________________8.__给下列的单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. shape( ) 2. heart( ) 3. can( ) 4. see( ) 5. draw( ) 6. red( ) 7. octopusA. 能B. 画画C. 形状D. 红色的E. 章鱼F.数一数,填一填。Johnisdrawing.ThisisJohn'spicture (图画).Howmanysquares, circlesandtrianglescanyousee?20 12 9 8 61. _______________ squares.2. ___________用所给字母组成单词。1. t e a m _______________3. e a g m_______________5. l l a b s t e a k b_______________7. p s o r t s_______________2. e n n t i s_____选词完成句子。shape is many has am1. How ____________ ballscanyousee? Two.2.I ____________ astar.3. What ____________isit? It'sacircle.4.It ___________画一画,涂一涂。12Drawnineyellowstars. Drawfourredhearts.判断所给单词是(√)否(×)是同类。( ) 1. rain rice( ) 3. green red( ) 5. blue you( ) 7. come go( ) 2. four robot( ) 4. milk juice( ) 6. food quilt ( ) 8. I y为所给单词选择正确的图片。( ) 1.FrenchfriesA. B. ( ) 2. pizzaA. B. ( ) 3.chickenA. B. ( ) 4.hamburgerA. B. ( ) 5. rice A. B. ( ) 6. milkA. B.图文配对。给下列的图片选择对应的句子。( ) 1. A.Whereisshefrom? SheisfromAmerica.( ) 2. B.Theyplayfootballeveryday.( ) 3. C.When'sthefootballgame?It's看一看,判断所给的两个单词是“√”否“×”属于同类。( ) 1. suitcase tennis( ) 3. drum violin( ) 5. exciting boring( ) 2. him his ( ) 4. went will ( ) 6. butter p选一选,画一画。hamburger milk juice chicken pizza Frenchfries icecream选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. lion ( ) 2. A. ten( ) 3. A. red ( ) 4. A. milk ( ) 5. A. egg ( ) 6. A. square( ) 7. A. five ( ) 8. A. bird B. elepha选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. dress ( ) 2. A. pants ( ) 3. A. apple ( ) 4. A. socks( ) 5. A. they ( ) 6. A. violinB. watch B. shirt B. watermelon B.看一看,想一想,用所给的字母填空,完成下列单词。c lo i eu1.t__ger2.q__ilt3.chi__ken4.__ctopus5. nood__es6. p__acock判断图片与单词是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. watermelon( ) 2. shoes( ) 3. pants( ) 4. watch( ) 5. umbrella( ) 6. sweater选词完成句子。these do likes are this1.They ____________ socks.2.Whatare ____________?3.Whatis ____________?4.She ____________ thereddress.5.What ______看图完成句子。1.Johnhasthree ____________.Hehasno ____________.2.Betty ____________ ____________ ____________. She ____________ ____________ ____________.3判断所给两个单词是(√)否(×)同类。( ) 1. run swim ( ) 3. one at ( ) 5. white zoo ( ) 7. here there ( ) 2. you I ( ) 4. zebra lion( ) 6. X-ray black ( ) 8. 写出下列各词的比较级和最高级形式。1. interesting _____________ _____________3. new _____________ _____________ 5. heavy_____________ _____________ 7. expensi给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. Hereyouare. ( ) 2. lookat( ) 3. atseveno'clock ( ) 4. getabag ( ) 5. wantto ( ) 6. Father'sDay ( ) 7. nextFriday根据图片,判断句子对“√”错“×”。( ) 1. Johnwillgotothelibrarynextweekend.( ) 2. When isyourschoolconcert? It'sonNovember16th.( ) 3. TheyoftenplaythefluteonS动物园里有很多动物,请你根据图片,找一找并圈出来。lion, elephant, monkey, mouse, cat, dog, ant, panda, tiger, rabbit, snake, bird, duck, crocodile判断图片与句意是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. Ilikehamburgers.( ) 2. Ilikejuice.( ) 3. Ilikechicken.( ) 4. Ilikerice.( ) 5. It'sarectangle.( ) 6. It'satriang翻译下列单词。1. family _______________3. my_______________5. this_______________7. say_______________9. tea_______________11. tomato_______________13. no看图选词完成句子。sister father mother brother1. Thisismy_______________.2. Thisismy_______________.3. Thisismy_______________.4. Thisismy_______________.看图选动词。( ) 1. A.runB. eat( ) 2. A.readB.sing( ) 3. A.runB.walk( ) 4. A.playB.jump( ) 5. A.sing B.dance( ) 6. A.listen B.swim 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. fish ( ) 2. A. green ( ) 3. A. book ( ) 4. A. car ( ) 5. A. frog ( ) 6. A. ant ( ) 7. A. mother ( ) 8. A. bamboo B. 为所给图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A.walkB.run( ) 2. A.fatherB.mother( ) 3. A.brotherB.sister( ) 4. A.swimB.eat( ) 5. A.mouseB.ant( ) 6. A.monkeyB看图选词完成短文。friend, eight, brother, His, robot, My, is, Paul PaulI am 1______________.I am 2______________.3______________ father is a fireman (消防员).选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. pizza ( ) 2. A. net ( ) 3. A. panda ( ) 4. A. long ( ) 5. A. nine ( ) 6. A. tiger ( ) 7. A. kite ( ) 8. A. boy ( ) 9.看一看,想一想,用所给的字母填空,完成下列单词。ei w ca t1.__iger2. s__eater3.t__a4.s__ster5.r__bbit6. wat__h翻译下列单词。1. umbrella ______________3. nest______________ 5. are______________ 7. peacock______________9. jump______________ 11. can______________ 13.根据下列字母写单词,并填空。1. Theywillplaythe _____________ (i u t g r a)nextFriday.2. Isthatbasketball _____________ (i r e s h t)?3. ____________ (h a t 根据图片,选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.Thissuitcaseismine.B.Thiscameraismine.( ) 2. A. What'shisfavoritegame? Football.B. What'shisfavoritegame? Basketh根据所给汉语,写出对应的英文。1. 购买_______________ 3. 找到_______________ 5. 困难的_______________7. 图片_______________ 2. 字典_______________4. 最有趣的将下列短语补充完整。1. a___________ of milk (一升牛奶)3. Father's___________ (父亲节)5. ___________ a cake(烘烤蛋糕)7. every ___________ (每天上午)2. _____选词填空。then, need, recipe, yesterday, mix, flour, more, kilograms1.Whatdowe _____________?2.Givemethe _____________.3._____________ wasFather'sDay.4.R按要求完成下列各题。1. cheap (反义词) _____________3. interesting (最高级)_____________5. won't (完全形式)_____________7. we (宾格)_____________2. her (名词选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. mine( ) 2. A. what( ) 3. A. cheaper ( ) 4. A. violin( ) 5. A. sugar B. yourB. winB. difficultB. football B. salt C. t选词填空。them, add, will, whose, most, into, wnere, which, tallest, good, more1. ___________ volleyballisthat?2.We ___________haveabigconcertnextFriday.3._从方框中选出与图片相对应的句子。A. Whereishefrom? HeisfromCanada.B.Whosebagisthis? It'sLily's.C.Nextweekhewillgoswimming.D. Wheredotheygo? Theygototh画一张你的家庭照片,然后用英语介绍一下你的家人。判断所给两个单词是(√)否(×)同类。( ) 1. that this( ) 3. net nest( ) 5. pencil pants( ) 7. one ten( ) 9. boy girl( ) 2. tea zoo( ) 4. lion tiger( ) 6. doll根据所给词语涂一涂。1.yellow2.red3.green4. blue5. red and yellow6.black7.white and blue8.brown and black看图完成句子。1. Ihavean ____________.2. Ihavea ____________.3. Ihavea ____________.4. Ihave ____________.5. Ihave ____________.读对话,画时间。1.A:Oh,it'ssixo'clock. B:It'stimefordinner.2. A:Whattimeisit? B:It'ssixthirty.It'stimetogetup.3.It'sseventhirty. It'stimetogotosc根据图片内容写句子。1. get up in the morningEverydayCharlie_____________upearly.2. go to school at eight o'clockHe _______________________________________.3为所给图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A.writeB.draw( ) 2. A.danceB.sing( ) 3. A.readB.say( ) 4. A.walkB.listen( ) 5. A.circleB.play( ) 6. A.pandaB.l给下列的图片选择对应的句子。( ) 1. A.Ilikechicken.( ) 2. B. Ihaveanumbrella.( ) 3. C.It'sahamburger.( ) 4. D.Hecanswim.( ) 5. E.Lookattheduck.( )判断图片与句意是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. Shecanjump.( ) 2. Hecanrun.( ) 3. Itisacar.( ) 4. Helikestea.( ) 5. Shelikesnoodles.( ) 6. Shecandance.( ) 7. H看图填空完成句子。1. Ihavewhite ___________ andwhite ___________.2. Ihave ___________ ___________.3. It ___________ a ___________.4. These ___________ ___看图选词完成句子。Youare, Itis, Iam1. Paul: ____________ ____________ aboy.Tom: Yes.2. Mary: MynameisMary. ____________ ____________ agirl.3. Sam: _______为所给汉语选择正确的翻译。( ) 1. 面条( ) 2. 牛奶( ) 3. 鞋( ) 4. 跑( ) 5. 爸爸( ) 6. 鸵鸟( ) 7. 窝( ) 8. 跳舞 A. teaA. juiceA. socks A. runA. fatherA
为所给句子选择正确的图片。( ) 1.Lookatthemouse.A. B. ( ) 2. Themonkeyisfunny (有趣的).A. B. ( ) 3.Ilikethebird.A. B. ( ) 4.EatsomeFrenchfries.A. B读一读,涂一涂,画一画。 This is my picture. The sun (太阳) is red. The tree (树) is green and brown. The car is blue. The dog is yellow and brown. The cat 想一想,看一看,单词中漏掉哪个字母了,请将单词填写完整。e h p k w o n i1. loo__3. s__im5. ca__7. sha__es2. s__ng4. tw__6. t__n8. t__is 判断单词与图片是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. socks( ) 2. dress( ) 3. heart( ) 4. watermelon( ) 5. girl( ) 6. X-ray( ) 7.run( ) 8. play 根据表格补全句子。What do they like?√√√√√√√√√√√1.Monkey: Ilike _____________ and _____________.2.Mouse: Ilike _____________ and _____________.3.Elephant: I读单词,写数字。1. three____________ 3. one____________ 5. four____________ 7. five____________9. six____________ 2. seven____________4. two____________ 6看图完成句子。1. Eatan _____________ _____________.2. A _____________ _____________ you.3. Ilike _____________.4. Shecan _____________.5. Doyoulikethe _看图,选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.— Howdoyougotoschool? — Itakeabustoschool.( ) 2. B.— Whendoyoueatlunch? — Ialwayseatlunchat12:25.( ) 3. C.Shesometimesgo选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. come ( ) 2. A. cloud ( ) 3. A. where( )4. A. always( ) 5. A. stay B. goB. windyB. whenB. usually B. visit C. do C. r选择正确的字母组成单词。( ) 1. a__ter( ) 2. th__n( ) 3. S__nday( ) 4. l__te( ) 5. a__ways( ) 6. reme__berA. aB. fC. lD. eE. mF. u 用所给字母组成单词。1. M o y d a n _____________3. S u d aa t y r_____________5. c r e n o r_____________7. s a l c s_____________2. l o y n_____________4.读一读,选一选。( ) 1.It'ssixo'clockintheafternoon. It'stimeto___________.A. ( ) 2.It'snineinthemorning.It'stimeto ___________.B. ( ) 3.It's10: 00选词填空。Canadian, learn, Sunday, waiting, week, with1.Thereareonlysevendaysina_____________.2.Wecanplay _____________ youthen.3.Youcan _____________ them.按要求写单词。1. sun (形容词) ________________3. play (第三人称单数形式)________________5. left (对应词)________________7. have (第三人称单数形式)___________读一读,选一选。( ) 1. A. sunny( ) 2. B. windy( ) 3. C. cloudy( ) 4. D. rainy( ) 5. E. snowy 选词填空。stay Friday with ride weather sunny1.Canwe ___________ horsesthere?2.Let'slistentothe ___________ report.3. I'mgoingto ___________ athome.4.It为下列对话选择正确的图片。( ) 1. WhatdoesMikedoonTuesday? Heoftengoestothelibrary.A. B. ( ) 2.WhatareyougoingtodothisSunday? I'mgoingtovisitmygrandparent用所给字母组成单词并翻译。1. r ev e n______________ ______________2. u y a d S n______________ ______________3. a s l l h______________ ______________4. l c 给下列的单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. Wednesday ( ) 2. hurry ( ) 3. breakfast( ) 4. enough ( ) 5. weather ( ) 6. cloudy ( ) 7. science ( ) 8. evening ( 看一看.选一选。( ) 1. A.gotothesupermarketB.gototheamusementpark( ) 2. A.eatbreakfastB.haveviolinclass( ) 3. A.goswimmingB.goshopping( ) 4. A.gotobedB英汉互译。1. week ______________3. lunch______________5. sure______________7. Monday______________9. always______________11. too______________13. often___英汉互译。1. hurry _____________3. late_____________ 5. 修理_____________7. 早,提早_____________2. broken_____________ 4. slow_____________6. 时间_______用所给字母组成单词。1. p b a a c c k k ________________ 3. e i r s t h________________ 5. u t e f l________________ 7. k e e g a o l e r p ________________9.给下列的单词词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. hers( ) 2. whose( ) 3. come back( ) 4. Jim's camera( ) 5. concert( ) 6. have fun( ) 7. this weekend( ) 8. nex按要求写单词。1. let us (缩略形式)________________ 3. look (现在分词)________________5. start (第三人称单数)________________7. dance (现在分词)______________选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. cold( ) 2. A. read( ) 3. A. dinner( ) 4. A. week( ) 5. A. early( ) 6. A. week( ) 7. A. morning( ) 8. A. sunny( ) 9. 根据所给汉语,写出相应的短语。1. 夜间 _______________3. 起床_______________5. 去看电影_______________7. 吃早餐_______________9. 天气预报_______________2. 在根据图片,选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A. Whatdayisittoday? It'sSaturday.B.Whatdayisittoday? It'sMonday.( ) 2. A.What'stheweatherlike? It'ssunnyandhot.B根据图片,判断句子正“√”误“×”。( ) 1. It'sfinetoday.( ) 2. Theyaregoingtotheamusementpark.( ) 3. Tomisgoingtoplayfootball.( ) 4. Londonisgoingtobewindy.(选择所缺的字母,组成单词。( ) 1. Tu__sday( ) 2. d__y( ) 3. o__ly( ) 4. c__rner( ) 5. __hopping( ) 6. fixe__( ) 7. n__ght( ) 8. w__nd( ) 9. __musement( )为所给句子选择正确的图片。( ) 1. What'stheweatherliketoday? It'swindy.A. B. ( ) 2. Whatisyourfavoriteclass?Math.A. B. ( ) 3. Doyouoftenplayfootballo根据汉语提示补全单词。1. t__m__ (时间)3. __ __way (总是)5. r__ __n (下雨)7. st__ __t (开始)9. m__se__m (博物馆)2. __n__ __gh (足够的)4. r__p__ __t (报告)6选词填空。like, happy, Honey, come, starts, swimming, be, read, theater, dinosaurs1. Let'scallthemovie _____________.2.Isitgoingto _____________ rainytoday?看图完成下列句子。1. — Whendoyou ___________ up?— At6: 30inthemorning.2. — WhatdoyouhaveonSaturday?— Ihave___________ ___________.3. — Let's___________ _看图,完成句子。1. It's______________ o'clock.2. It's ____________________________.3. ______________ isit?It's ______________ o'clock.4. ___________选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. her ( ) 2. A. deer ( ) 3. A. man ( ) 4. A. girl ( ) 5. A. giraffeB. my B. fish B. tree B. egg B. gate C. he C. thisC用所给字母组成单词,完成句子。1. Don't ____________ her. (o t c u h)2. Youarea ____________ boy. (d b a)3. Sheisa ____________ girl. (o o d g)4. His_____为所给句子选择正确的图片。( ) 1.Thisisayoungturtle.A. B. ( ) 2.Sheisanoldwoman.A. B. ( ) 3.It'sveryfat.A. B. ( ) 4.It'salongpencil.A. B. ( ) 5.根据汉语提示给下列单词分类。A.Sunday B. every C. cloud D. early E.visit F. week G.fix H.free I.windy J. sunny K.lunch L. start M.stay N.money O.sl看图填入所缺的单词(每空一词)。 It'sabusyday.Igetupearly. There'ssomuchtodotoday. FirstIamgoingtothe _____________. I'mgoingtobuya _____________, andI'mgo选择拼写正确的单词。( ) 1. A. meum ( ) 2. A. like ( ) 3. A. conr ( ) 4. A. friut( ) 5. A. cap ( ) 6. A. city ( ) 7. A. od ( ) 8. A. yes ( ) 9. A选择正确的字母将单词填写完整。( ) 1. ga__e( ) 2. fini__h( ) 3. fr__sh( ) 4. s__ort( ) 5. hu__gry( ) 6. __est( ) 7. jus__( ) 8. __neA. sB. vC. nD. mE.看图,判断句子对(√)错(×)。( ) 1. Pleasehavesomeapples.( ) 2. Pleasehaveacarrot.( ) 3. Pleasehavesomemilk.( ) 4. Ilikerice.( ) 5. Thisfruitisapear.为所给图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A.kite B. cake( ) 2. A.CDB. cent( ) 3. A.circusB.circle( ) 4. A.lemonsB.pears( ) 5. A.noodlesB.chicken 认一认,写一写。Whatcanyousee? Icansee ......1. ___________ ___________2. ___________ ___________3. ___________ ___________4. ___________ ___________5补全单词。1. ha__ __ (手)3. sch__ __l(学校)5. s__ll(卖)7. r__ __d(读)9. p__ea__e(请)2. f__n__er(手指)4. y__ __ __ow(黄色的)6. t__c__et(票)8. __ro__n(棕色给下列的算式选择正确的得数。( ) 1. ten- three =( ) 2. four + five =( ) 3. two + six =( ) 4. seven- five =( ) 5. nine- eight =( ) 6. seven- four =A. twoB.选择字母组成单词。( ) 1. __esk( ) 2. __each( ) 3. __even( ) 4. __ero( ) 5. __ananaA. zB. bC. dD. sE. p 为所给汉语选出正确的翻译。( ) 1. 你 ( ) 2. 碗 ( ) 3. 茶 ( ) 4. 喝 ( ) 5. 饥饿A. your A. bowlA. water A. drink A. thirsty B. you B. cup B. milk B. e选词完成句子。sour, hot, is,just,thirsty1. I'm ____________.Iwanttodrinksomecoldmilk.2. What ____________ that? It'sanapple.3.Thegreenappleis __________判断所给句子与图片是否相符,如果相符画“√”,不符画“×”。( ) 1. HavesomeCoke. ( ) 2. Iwanttoeatahamburger. ( ) 3. Isitsweet? No, itisn't. ( ) 4. Isitacar?为所给句子选择正确的图片。( ) 1.Sheisabeautifulwoman.A. B. ( ) 2. Isitawatch? Yes, itis.A. B. ( ) 3.Thisismyturtle.A. B. ( ) 4. Iwanttoeatahotdog.选一选,填一填。Thatis,thatis, Thisis,thisis, small, big1. ____________ __________ a ____________ fish and, ____________ __________ a ____________ fish.2. ___读一读,选择正确的图片。( ) 1. Howmanywatermelonsarethere? Thereareeight.A. B. ( ) 2. Aretheseducks? Yes, theyare.A. B. ( ) 3.What'sthat? It'sapota判断所给两个单词是(√)否(×)同类。( ) 1. green blue( ) 3. fish vest( ) 5. see look( ) 7. circus cap( ) 2. fourteen cold( ) 4. paper pencil( ) 6. garden guit根据图片,选择所给的字母,完成下列单词。( ) 1. vegeta__lesA. r( ) 2. o__angeB. t( ) 3. b__atC. d( ) 4. ra__ioD. o( ) 5. b__rdE. b( ) 6. wa__erF. i 选词完成句子。go it I to1. Doyoulikesoup? Yes, ___________do.2.Hewants ___________eatahotdog.3. Ican'tbelieve ___________!4.Let's ___________ shopping.为所给句子选择正确的图片。( ) 1. Doeshelikefruit? Yes, hedoes.A. B. ( ) 2.Thegiraffeisverytall.A. B. ( ) 3.Thepearissour.A. B. ( ) 4.IlikeFrenchfri看图完成句子。1.Bettyhas ____________ hair. Johnhas ____________ hair.2.Amonkeyhasa ____________ tail. Arabbithasa ____________ tail.3.Anelephanthas _____判断所给图片与句子是否相符,如果相符画“√”,不符画“×”。( ) 1. Let'sdrink.( ) 2. Heissad.( ) 3. Let'seat.( ) 4. Clap (拍)yourhands.( ) 5. Iwanttobethequ补全下列单词,把字母和汉语意思的序号写在横线上。1. j__m ____________2. q__estion____________3. c__mic____________4. sto__e____________5. wa__t____________6.选词完成句子。your, you, an, have, are1.Ihave _____________ umbrella.2.Whosethings _____________they?3.— Isit _____________ duck? — Yes, itis.4. — Here__看一看,选一选。( ) 1. apeach A. ( ) 2. anorangeB. ( ) 3. abananaC. ( ) 4. apearD. ( ) 5.awatermelonE.读一读,选择正确的图片。( ) 1.— What'sthis? — It'salemon.A. B. ( ) 2.— What'sthat? — It'sabanana.A. B. ( ) 3. — Isitawatermelon? — No, itisn't.根据图片选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What'sthis?A. It'sapear. B. It'salemon.( ) 2. What'sthat?A. It'sapineapple. B. It'sanapple.( ) 3. Isthisakiwifr读一读,画一画。 1. Thisisastrawberry. 2.Thatisapineapple.看一看,选一选。( ) 1.aneggplantA. ( ) 2.amushroomB. ( ) 3. anonionC. ( ) 4. atomatoD. ( ) 5. apotatoE.看一看,写一写。例: this / thattomato → these / those tomatoes1. this / thatonion→ _________________________2. this / thatcabbage → _________________________3.根据所给动物的叫声,画一画,填一填。1. Meow!It's a _______________.2. Baaaa!It's a _______________.3. Cluck!It's a _______________.4. Moo!It's a _____看一看,读一读,选择正确的回答。( ) 1. Whatarethese?A. Theyareeggplants. B. Theyarebeans.( ) 2. Whatarethose?A. Theyarepeppers. B. Theyarestrawberries画一画,写一写。1. ___________________2.___________________3.___________________4.___________________5.___________________6.___________________7._________选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. you( ) 2. A. toe( ) 3. A. morning( ) 4. A. hi( ) 5. A. where B. clockB. goodB. finger B. helloB. kneeC. IC. badC. a读一读,画一画。 1. Theseareeggplants. 2.Thosearetomatoes.用英文写出下列数字。1 _________________2_________________3_________________4_________________5_________________6_________________7_________________8_____________看一看,数一数,相符的画“√”,不符的画“×”。( ) 1. sixcars( ) 2. tenbooks( ) 3. fiveballs( ) 4. nine rulers数一数,写一写。例: oneboytwoboys1. __________________________________2. __________________________________3. __________________________________4. __________判断图片与句意是否相符,相符的画“√”,不符的画“×”。( ) 1. Stamp (踩踏) yourfoot.( ) 2. Touchyourtongue.( ) 3. Shake (摇) yourhead.( ) 4. Thisismychest.( )为所给单词选择正确的翻译。( ) 1. rest( ) 2. bed ( ) 3. feel ( ) 4. listen ( ) 5. cow ( ) 6. family ( ) 7. quilt ( ) 8. tongue A. 看 A. 床 A. 画 A. 写看图片,写单词。1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________4. _______________5. _______________6. _______________7. _______________8. ________选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. father ( ) 2. A. eleven ( ) 3. A. left ( ) 4. A. shoes ( ) 5. A. pear ( ) 6. A. office ( ) 7. A. water ( ) 8. A. frog为所给图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. girl ( ) 2. B. hand ( ) 3. C.duck ( ) 4. D.fruit ( ) 5. E.friedrice 选词完成句子。Whose What How Where1. —____________oldareyou?— I'mnine.2.—____________isyourruler?— It'sonthedesk.3.—____________hatisit?— It'smyhat.4看图,判断句子对(√)错(×)。( ) 1.Therearefourchairsinthepicture.( ) 2.Thewomaniseating.( ) 3.Theboyishappy.( ) 4.Thereisnofruitonthetable.( ) 5.Wecanseea看图选词完成句子。1. Heisa (an) _____________ (young / old) man.2. Sheisa _____________ (man / woman).3. Theboyis _____________ (fat / thin).4. Don't ___给图片选择对应的单词。( ) 1. A. goat( ) 2. B. man( ) 3. C. doll( ) 4. D. cup( ) 5. E. cow( ) 6. F. table 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. tomato( ) 2. A. watermelon ( ) 3. A. poor( ) 4. A. these( ) 5. A. star( ) 6. A. bike( ) 7. A. eraser( ) 8. A. China( 按要求写单词。1. I'm (完全形式) _____________3. fat (反义词) _____________5. do (单三形式)_____________ 7. ticket (复数)_____________9. they (宾格)________看图补全单词。1. __________________2.__________________3.__________________4.__________________5.__________________6.__________________7._________________用所给字母组成单词并翻译。1. am en __________________________2. a d s__________________________3. e e y__________________________4. r i g l__________________为所给图片选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A.toeB.finger( ) 2. A.milkB.jam( ) 3. A.houseB.school( ) 4. A.henB.goat( ) 5. A.hatB.sweater( ) 6. A.eggB.lemo为所给图片选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.Momoftenwashesclothes.( ) 2. B.Theyareeatinghamburgers.( ) 3. C.Lookatthepicture.( ) 4. D.Listentomusic.( ) 5. E.判断所给句子与图片是否相符,如果相符画“√”,不符画“×”。( ) 1. Shehastwooranges.( ) 2. MrHuisyoung.( ) 3. Shelovesanimals.( ) 4. Todayisherbirthday.( ) 5.看一看,数一数,写一写。例: Howmanyboysarethere? Threeboys.1.Howmanygirlsarethere? ______________________________________2.Howmanyapplesarethere? _________读一读,想一想,将下列单词与合适的图片相连,再涂一涂。redgreen orangepurpleyellowpink动脑筋,选一选。( ) 1. 天空的颜色是____________.( ) 2. 小草的颜色是____________.( ) 3. 太阳的颜色是____________.( ) 4. 荷花的颜色是____________.( ) 5. 咖用所给字母组成单词并翻译成中文。1.e y s _____________ ______________2. p r e a_____________ ______________3. l g r i_____________ ______________4. e t s h e_看一看,选一选。( ) 1. A.runB.walk( ) 2. A.orangesB.pears( ) 3. A.yellowB.green( ) 4. A.nineB.eight( ) 5. A.apineappleB.awatermelon( ) 6. A.four看一看,读一读,选一选。( ) 1. A.Icanlisten.( ) 2. B.Therearefourpotatoes. ( ) 3. C.Themonkeyisgrey.( ) 4. D.Thisisalemon.( ) 5. E.Thosearepencils.看一看,选一选。( ) 1. Ilike ___________.A. orangesB. pears( ) 2. Ilike___________.A. applesB. peaches( ) 3. Idon'tlike___________.A. bananas B. wat涂颜色,你能让彩虹漂亮起来吗?试试看吧。