Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. rain(形容词)3. man(复数)5. children(单数) 7. softly (形容词) 9. come (现在分词) 2. dish(复数) 4. woman(复数) 6. 选择下列英语词组的正确意思,填入括号中。( )1. jump on the train ( )2. a letter from Li Ming ( )3. have a great time ( )4. the Palace Museum ( )5. just right根据图示填空,补全单词。 1. _ea_2. c_mp_ter 3. _ee 4._ _t 5._ele_ _one6. le_ _er 7.j_ck_t8. e-m_ _l 9. w_m_n 10. j_ic_英汉互译。从右边B组中选择与左边A组对应的汉语,并将其字母标号填在前边括号内。 A ( ) 1. Jenny's mother ( ) 2. have a good time ( ) 3. arrive in Beijing ( ) 4.Readandnumber. 根据所给句子给下列图画排序。( )( )( )( )1.Therearetwodirtydishesonthetable.2.Therearetwoboysontheplayground.3.It'stwentydegreesoutside.4.FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1.Itisraining.Pleasetakeyour (伞).2.Listen!Mr.Woodisplayingthe (钢琴).3.Therearealotof(邮根据图示,在图下面写出正确的单词,并译成汉语写在括号内。1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )7. ( )8. ( ) 9.( )10. ( )Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. one (序数词) 2. dish (复数)____3. those (反义词)4. sit (现在分词) 5. write (现在分词)6. yours (主格)____7. this (Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. dress (复数) 2. drive (名词) 3. go (过去式) 4. family (复数)5. quiet (反义词) 6. come (反义词) 7. city (复数) 8.按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. right (同音词)2. buy (过去式)3. do (第三人称单数)4. quick (反义词) 5. do (现在分词)6. they (物主代词) 7. this (复数)8. lLookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。Choose thedifferentone. 选出下面每组中不同类的单词。( )1. A.him ( )2. A.pictures ( )3. A.catching ( )4. A.are ( )5. A.they B.us B.leaves B.countB.FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Myclothesare____ (干净的).2.Mymotheris____ (做饭) inthekitchen.3. Thisisyourtoothbrush.Readandnumber. 根据所给句子,给下列图片排序。( ) ( ) ( )1. Therearethreedoorsinthepicture.2.LiLeilikessittingonthecouch.3.ThereisalotoffruitintherefrigeratFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. LiMing,aretheseyour____ (行李箱)?2. Thisisthe____ (厨房) wherewecancook.3.WewashthedisheLookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。1. 2. 3.4. 5. Lookatthepictures.Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。FollowtheChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Bobis(健康的)and(强壮的).2. Howoftendoyou(锻炼)inaweek ?3. Therearesixty(分钟)inanhour.4Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. health(形容词)3. tooth (复数) 5. before (反义词) 7. make (过去式)9. these (反义词) 2. strong (反义词)4. high(反义Translation. 英汉互译。1. beforebreakfast6. 梳头2. wakeup 7. 刷牙 3. watchTV 8. 健康的身体4. aftersupper 9. 一年三次 5. makelunch 10. 冲澡Thinkandwrite. 你能把下面的字母重新组成单词吗?e r d a i n g a r d w n i gy s t d u g a p n a r d Readandmatch.为下列动词选择恰当的宾语。( ) 1. listening to ( ) 2. washing( ) 3. writing ( ) 4. cleaning( ) 5. drawing A. an e-mailB. music C. pictures DReadandwrite. 按要求写出下面单词的适当形式。1. take (现在分词) 2. he (宾格形式)3. we (宾格形式) 4. picture (复数)5. watch (现在分词) 6. write (现在分词)Lookatthepictures. Writethecorrectwords. 看图画,写单词。 填空。把数字填入相应的括号内。( ) one ( ) four( ) two ( ) three ( ) six ( ) five ( ) seven ( ) ten ( ) eight ( ) nine 25 143769108 ( ) twelve ( ) eleven ( ) thirFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Whatisyourfavourite____ (运动)?2. Ioftenplay____ (羽毛球) withmyfriends.3. Theping-pongb选择正确的字母或字母组合完成下列单词。( ) 1. blackb__ __ __d( ) 2. eras__ __ ( ) 3. ch__ __k ( ) 4. penc__ __ ( ) 5. m__ __ker ( ) 6. w__m__n( ) 7. f__ __Rewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1.run (名词) 2.these (反义词)3.heavy (反义词) 4.easy (副词)5.easy (反义词) 6.hit (现在分词) 7.buy (过去式)8.teach (过去式) 将汉语和英语匹配起来。( ) 1.元旦 ( ) 2.教师节 ( ) 3.国庆节 ( ) 4.春节 ( ) 5.儿童节 ( ) 6.国际劳动节A.Spring Festival B.New Year's Day C.International Workers' 看图填空。1.Thisisaday!2. Thisisaday!3.Thisisaday!4.Thisisaday!看图补全单词。l.s_n 2.ch_lk 3.penc_l 4.cl_ud 5.blackb_ard6.forty-t_o 7.gl_e 8.Ma_ch 9.sn_wy 10.w_ndy按要求写单词。1. yes (反义词)2. arenot (缩写)3. he (复数形式) 4. I (形容词性物主代词) 5. grade (复数)6. old (反义词) 7. boy (对应词) 8. dress (复数)9. t把下列字母组成单词,写在横线上。m e n a yt x i sep a p rloh osc Makethesentencesinorderaccordingtothegivenclocks. 按照钟表给出的时间先后为下列句子排序。1. 2. 3.4.( ) Lynngoeshomewithherfriend.( ) Lynnbeginsherlesson.( 根据图示,选择正确答案。( ) 1. —How'stheweathertoday? —. A. It'srainy B. It'ssunny ( ) 2.—How'stheweathertoday? — . A. It'ssunny B. Idon'tknow根据要求写单词。1.foot(复数)______ 2.infrontof(反义词) 3.outside(反义词)____ 4.one(序数词) 5.no(反义词)6.meet(同音词) 7.cannot(缩写)____8.small(反义词) 9看图写单词。1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( )看图填空。l. b_s 2. j_ _ns3.h_ _se 4. c_r5. bicy_ _ _根据所提供的中文意思写单词或词组。1. Peter'sshirtis(蓝色的).2. Herearetwo(椅子).3. —Howoldareyou? —I'meleven(岁).4. Whenis(你的生日)?5. (让我们) gett根据指示画出图画。1.Drawaschoolbesidethehouse.2.Drawaparkacrossfromtheschool.3.Drawarestaurantfarfromthepark.4.Drawanapartmentabovetherestaurant.一年有十二个月January(一月)、February(二月)、March(三月)、April(四月)、May(五月)、June(六月)、July(七月)、August(八月)、September(九月)、October(十月)、November(把句子的序号写在相应的图片下。 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1.Thepictureisabovethelamp.Thelampisbelowthepicture.2.Thegirlisbesidetheboy.Theboyisbesidethegirl.3.WhereisDann选择正确的字母组合完成下列单词。( ) 1. M_ _ch A.aiB.arC.erD.ur( ) 2.Jan__ry A.uiB.ueC.ia D.ua( ) 3. T__sday A.ue B. ieC. aeD.ui( ) 4.cl__dy A.au根据括号中的汉语意思完成下列各句。1. Areyoureadyfor_______ (英语课)?2. It's____ (二月二十号).3. Thisis____ (我的风筝).4.(怎样) istheweathertoday?5.Itis看图选择正确的字母组合完成下列单词。( ) 1. m_ _kerA.arB. irC.er D.ur ( ) 2. e_ _ser A.raB.arC.reD.er( ) 3.bl__kboard A.ecB.ac C.icD.uc( ) 4. ch_ 将下列月份和序数词相匹配, 填在横线上。a. January b. Aprilc. Juned. February e. Marchf. Mayg. July h. August i. Octoberj. September k. Decemberl. Nove将句子的序号写在对应的图片下。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )a.Iliketoplayonthecomputer.b. Iliketoplaywithmydollandmyskippingrope.c.Shelikestosingsongs.d.Shelikestod根据汉语意思补全下列单词。1. 在附近n2. 多云的cl_dy3. 粉笔chlk 4.一月Jan ry5. 棕色的brn 6. 读rd7. 椅子ch8. 学校schl 9. 星期五Fr day 10. 房子hse将下列单词分类。a. jeans b. car c. ten d. shirt e. two f. shoes g. truck h. three i. cab j. twenty k. hat l. bus 1. 数字 2. 交通工具 3. 衣服 写出下列各词相对或相反的词。1. that 2.big3.no 4.uncle 5.mother 6.brother7. man 8.bad9.old10.nearCompletethesentencesaccordingtothechart. 根据图表,将适当选项填在句中相应的位置,以完成下面句子。1. IforclassesonMonday.2.IinthegymonTuesday.3. IontheblackFindoutthedifferentwords. 找出不同类的单词。( )1.A. fat( )2.A. classroom ( )3.A. red( )4.A. forty ( )5.A. stop B. inB. gymB. green B. fiftyB. turLookatthepicturesandwritethecorrectwords. 看图,写单词。1. 2.3.4. 5. 6. Fill intheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词填空。old birthday address rides is1.Hisis888PizzaRoad.2.His isMarchtenth.3.Hehappy.4.Dannyis18years .5.HeFillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词填空。1.Jennyisa .2.Maryis1.3metres .3.Peteris13years .4.Shelivesin .5.Elizabethisnewjeanstoday. wearing Lookandwrite. 看图写单词。 搭配组成句子。( )A.Iliveon( )B.Mybirthdayison( )C.Jimlikestodraw( )D.Theyliketoplay( )E.Weliketoplay( )F. Wedon'tlikesocks,( )G.Youlike1.July25.2. intCompletethewords. 完成下面有关天气的单词。Choosethepictures. 选出与所给单词同类的图片。( )1. A. B. C. cab ( )2. A.B. C.shirt ( )3. A.B. C. pen ( )4. A.B. C.house ( )5. A. B. C.pantsFillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给单词填空。1.Canyousaythemonthsofthe ?2. Iworkhardat .3. The isblowingtheleaves.4.Children'sDayison first.5. InWritethewordsinthecorrectplaces. 将单词写在正确的位置。bus socks black restaurant yelllow park brown bicycle car blouse shop shorts shoes school truck whitebus Lookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。Word Listbig long smallshort besidetall short1. Theballis thebus.2.Thepencilis. Theruleris .3. Mr.Woodis.Writethecorrectwordsaccordingtothecommands. 按要求写单词。1.cloud (形容词) 3.sunny (名词) 5.windy (名词) 7.three (序数词) 9.five (序数词) 2.twelfth (基数词) 4.oLookandwrite. 看图写单词。1. 2. 3.4. 5. Findoutthedifferentwords. 找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. June ( ) 2. A. cloudy( ) 3. A. first( ) 4. A. library( ) 5. A. today B. May B. sun B. fifth BWritethecorrectwordsaccordingtothecommands. 按要求写单词。1. come (反义词)2. fast (反义词) 3. mother (同义词)4. morning (对应词)5. four (同音词)6. hereis Writethecorrectwordsaccordingtothecommands. 按要求写单词。1. hot (反义词)2. thirteen (序数词)3. no (同音词)4. meat (同音词)5. nine (序数词)6. is (过去式) 用所给单词填空。windFlowers October supper April1.Ieatatseveno'clock.2.bloom.3.NationalDayisonfirst.4.isthefourthmonthofoneyear.5.Theisblowingthetree'Lookatthepicturesandchoosethe correctanswers. 看图选择正确答案。( ) 1. —Whenislunch?— .A.At8:00B.At9:00C.At 12:00D.At12:30() 2. —How'stheweathertoday?选择与句子内容一致的图片。1.ItisWednesday. ( )2.Itisthreeo'clock. ( )3.Itissunnytoday. ( )4.Breakfastisatseveno'clock. ( )A.B.C.D. Fillintheblanks. 填空。July hotDecember cold windysunny snowy cloudy warm rainyHereistheweatherinShijiazhuang.1. InSeptember,itis and.2. InFebruary,theweathReadandorder. 读句子排序。( )Howareyou?( ) Tomorrow?Whatdayistomorrow?( )Fine,thankyou.Wouldyouliketoplaywithmetomorrow?( )It'sMonday( ) OK.SeeyoutomorroRewritethewords. 按要求写出下列单词。1. quiet(副词) 3. down(反义词) 5. sit (现在分词)7. dish(复数)9. boot (复数形式)2. win(过去式) 4. twice(基数词)6. hiRaadandmatch. 读一读,为下列国家找出相对应的国旗和首都,并连线。China Canada the U. S.the U. K.AustraliaLondonCanberraBeijingOttawaWashington, D. C.Lookatthecalendar.Answerthequestions.看日历,回答同题。TodayisTuesday,Octobersixteenth.OctoberSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday12345678910101Lookandchoosethepropersentences. 看图,选择合适的句子。 1. ( ) 2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) A. Anairplaneisfast.B. — Mum,mayIgoonatriptoBeijing? Lookandjudge. 看图,判断正(T)误(F)。 1.ThiscountryisCanada.ThecapitalcityofCanadaisCanberra.TheyspeakEnglish.( ) 2.ThiscountryistheU.K.ThecapitalcityofthSortthewords. 给单词分类。sweater purple truck jeans noodles socksbicycle cookies pink bus blousechicken brown fish taxi blackshirt ice-cream truck sweater nood看图写单词。1.2. 3. 4. 5.英汉搭配。( ) 1.playground ( ) 2.welcome ( ) 3.art room ( ) 4.maths ( ) 5.class A.课程 B.绘画教室C.数学 D.欢迎E.操场 请根据生活常识,填入最恰当的颜色。1. 海水____2. 草地____3. 乌云4. 雪人____5. 香蕉Readandwritetheoppositewords. 根据句子意思写出黑体词的反义词或对应词。1. — Mother,mayI? — Idon'tknow.Pleaseaskyourf .2.Beijingisabcity.ShijiazhuangisasmaChooseandfillintheblanks. 选词填空。1. areyou?I'rn12yearsold.(Howtall,Howold) 2. Kimwalkstoschool.It'sabout10minutes (分钟).Shelives the school.(near,fLookatthepicturesandcompletethewords. 看图补全单词。 w__d_l_ _v_ _s_ _esfl_ _h_t_ _Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1. Thisisa.Wecangotoschool.2. Anairplaneis a.3. Thisisa.Youmaysomething ifyouare .4. Youmaythis .请把图片与所对应的英文单词搭配起来。A. B. C. D. E. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) artroom garden washroom computerroom library请根据汉语提示补全单词。( ) 1. th_ _ (那,那个) ( ) 2. ma_ _ (很多的) ( ) 3. yo_ _ (你的) ( ) 4. bo_ _d (写字板) () 5. pict_ _e (图画,照片)A. at A. ry A.请根据汉语提示,选择正确答案补全单词。( ) 1._pple (苹果) ( ) 2. oran _ _(橙子)( ) 3. p _ _ r (梨)( ) 4. sh _ _ t (短的)( ) 5. p _ _ tty (漂亮的,可爱的) A.请把图片与相应的英语单词搭配起来。A. B. C. D. E. boots ( )slippers ( )sandals( )skirt( )sneakers ( )请根据汉语意思写出正确的单词。1. Whereisthe ____ (计算机) room?2. It'sonthefirst ____ (层).3. Wehavetwonew ____s (灯). They'reinour____ (老师的) office.Fillintheblankswiththegivenwords. 用所给的单词填空。1. Canadais ______of.2. hasbeautiful .3.Thisisa oftheworld.4.Beijingisthe____cityof.isinBeijing.5.请把下列短语与相应的汉语意思搭配起来。( ) 1. getupA. 去上学( ) 2. gotoschoolB. 再等一会儿( ) 3. watchTVC. 起床( ) 4. havebreakfastD. 看电视( ) 5.justami英汉搭配。( )1. have lunch ( )2. a new computer room ( )3. Good night! ( )4. Just a minute. ( )5. fold your dress A. 叠裙子 B. 等一会儿。 C. 一个新微机室英汉搭配。( )1. schoolbag( )2. my hat( )3. John's sweater( )4. red shoes ( )5. in the gym A.在体育馆B.红鞋子C.我的帽子D.约翰的毛衣 E.书包 请选出与图片内容相对应的选项。( )1.A.twohensB.holdasheep C.threepotatoes( )2. A.twococksB.holdalamb C.threeonions( )3.A.twochickensB.holdagoatC.three写出下列单词的相应形式。1. cold (反义词) ____ 2. warm (反义词) 3. takeoff (对应词组) ____4. new (反义词) ____5. open (反义词) ____ 英汉词语搭配。( ) 1.blue dress( ) 2.ten pears( ) 3.his shoes( ) 4.close the window( ) 5.not much A.没什么事 B.他的鞋子C.关上窗子D.蓝裙子E.十个梨 按要求写单词。1.red (对应词) 2.yes (对应词)3.cold (对应词)4.is (复数词) 5.foot (复数) 看图,选出与图片意思相符的一项。( ) 1. A.windyB. sunny C.snowy( ) 2. A.windyB.sunny C.snowy( ) 3. A.windy B.sunny C.snowy( ) 4. A.rainy B.snowy C.请把英语与汉语搭配起来。( ) 1. play football () 2. John's jeans () 3. weather report( ) 4. not much( ) 5. have to A. 必须,不得不 B. 踢足球 C. 没什么D.
根据要求写单词。1.dress (复数)____2.son (同音词) 3.too (同音词)____4.hello (同义词) 5.I am (缩写)____6.far (反义词) 7.two (序数词)____8.buy (同音词) 9.t请用下面所给字母组成单词。1. a,t,l,1 2. a,n,t,k,h 3. i,r,l,g 4. e,i,n,c 5.r,e,e,h,t6.n,c,l,u,h 7.b,y,o8.r,u,h,g,n,y 看图填空。1. n_ _dles2. d_ _ plings3. s_ _p4. r_c_5. m_ _k6. ch_ _ken7. v_ g _tables8. p_zz_用正确的颜色填空。1.Anorangeis .2.Thesky (天空) is .3.Ablackboardis .4.Thegrass (草)is .5.Thesnowis .6.Abananais .7.Anappleis .8.Agrapeis .英汉互译。1. 一只白色的猫 _____________2. agreentree _____________3. 我最喜爱的颜色 _____________4. 一件粉红色的裙子 _____________5. havelunch _____________根据汉语意思选择正确的短语。1.去上学[ ]A.gotoschoolB. goschoolC. gototheschool2.多高[ ]A.howoldB. howtallC. howmuch3.在3点钟[ ]A.in3:00B. on3:00C. at3:0看图选择最佳答案。 ( )1. Thecat fish. A.likes B.doesn'tlike ( )2. Thedog bones (骨头). A. likes B.doesn'tlike( )3. Therabbitlikes.A. bonesB. chic选择合适的短语,将序号写在括号里。1.( )2.( )3.( ) 4.( )A.coldandsnowy B.cloudyandrainyC.hotandsunny D.coolandwindyE.January F.February G.March H.Apri看图,写单词。1.2. 3.4.5.t_ _ch_ _g _a_es h_sp_tal d__plingssk_rt写出下列单词的相应形式。1. twelfth (基数词) 3. snowy (名词)5. is (过去式)7. go (第三人称单数) 9. tall(反义词)2. one (序数词) 4. hot (反义词)6. too (同音词看图写单词。1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ()6. ( )7. ( ) 8.( )选词填空。June,year, hot,wind, home1. InJuly,theweatheris .2.Children'sDayisonfirst.3. Theisblowingtheleaves.4. Idomyhomeworkat.5.Canyousaythemonthsoft请按要求写单词。1. two (同音词)2. sun (形容词)3. small (反义词) 4. long (反义词) 5. sheep (复数) 将下列图片与对应单词匹配起来。1.2.3. 4. A. chalkB. chairC. glueD. marker1.2. 3. 4. 根据中文提示,补全下列单词。1.h(他) 3.h(她的) 5.you(你的)7.h (他的) 9.und(在……下面)2.fri d(朋友)4.nme (名字) 6.m(我的) 8.n w (新的)10.bes de (在……旁边)请把英语与相应的汉语意思匹配起来。( )1.at the farm ( )2.on the bus ( )3.share the food ( )4.have a picnic ( )5.hot dogs A.在公共汽车上B.分享食物C.热狗D.在农场E.进英汉词语搭配。( ) 1. one hundred yuan ( ) 2. rainy ( ) 3. take off ( ) 4. milk a cow ( ) 5. eight rabbits A. 脱下,脱掉B. 挤牛奶,挤奶C. 一百元D. 下雨,根据汉语提示补全单词。( ) 1.m_ _ic (音乐) ( ) 2.f_ _e (五) () 3.ba_ _na (香蕉) () 4.the_ _ (那儿、那里)( ) 5.c_ _d (寒冷的) A.us A.vi A.naA.ar A.lo B.su B.ri B.n根据汉语提示,选择正确答案补全单词。( )1. pota (土豆)( )2. fm(农场) ( )3. fr t(水果)( )4. w m(暖和的)( )5. jaet(夹克衫)A. toA. ra A. uiA. orA. ck B. t请写出汽车上你所认识的动物的名字。 动物名称: 汉英搭配。( )1. make a salad( )2. go shopping( )3. on the bus( )4. how many( )5. at the farm A.在农场B.多少C.做沙拉 D.去购物E.在公共汽车上看图选出与图片相符的内容。( )1.A.cloudyB.sunny C.snowy( )2. A.EnglishB.Chinese C.maths( )3.A.appleB.orangeC.onion( )4.A.FeedthehensB.Shearasheep.看图,请写出相应的时间和所进行的活动,并把图片按一天活动排序。A.B.C.D.E.图片活动顺序: 根据要求写单词。1. for (同音词) 2. white (反义词) 3. baby (复数)4. new (反义词) 5. itis (缩写形式)看图,写出有错误的句子的序号。A. Thebookisinthedesk.B.Thischairisbehindthedesk.C.Thepenisonthedesk.D.Thecatisabovethedesk.E.Thecatisbesidethedesk. 有错英汉互译。1. 这些书2. 他的名字 3.herpencil4. intheclassroom5. 21支水彩笔6. 在黑板旁边 写出下列图片的数量。1. 2.3. 4.将划线部分译成汉语。1. LiMingistall. 2.I'mwearingabluesweater. 3. Igotoschoolbybus. 4. Standfortherightanswer. 5.Doyoulikemynewshoes? 选择与下列词组或短语意义接近的英文。( ) 1. 在公园A. intheapartment B. ontheparkC. inthepark( ) 2. 我们的教室A. weclassroom B. theirclassroom C. ourclassr看图完成句子。1.Shelikesto . 2.Theyliketo . 3.Helikesto.4.Shelikesto .5.Helikesto .将下列单词搭配起来填在括号中。1. ( ) 1. we( ) 2. they( ) 3. he( ) 4. I( ) 5. sheA. theirB. hisC. ourD. herE. my 2. ( ) 1. twenty-first( ) 2. third(给下列单词分类。(填序号)1.yellow 2.skirt 3.brown 4.blouse 5.socks 6.bus 7.taxi8.blue 9.bicycle10.green 11.sweater12.orange 13.pants14.carA. 交通工看图写单词。1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6.用有关颜色的词汇填空。1.Thesnowis inwinter.2.Thegrapesare inautumn.3.Thetreeis inspring.4.Theskyis onasunnyday.5. Theblackboardis .6. Theorangejuiceis看图写单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 补全单词,然后找出它们的反义词填在括号中。(A)1.your2. answer3. go4. tall5. this A.as _ ( ) B. c_me ( ) C._ y ( ) D. th_t( )E. sh_rt( )(B)A.oldB. diff将序数词与基数词匹配起来。( ) 1. seventh( ) 2. fourth ( ) 3. eighth ( ) 4. ninth( ) 5. eleventh A. eleven B. eightC. four D.nine E. seven( ) 6. twelft用下列字母组成你所学过的单词,填在横线上。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 按要求写单词。1.人称代词his myyour 2.物主代词theyweshe 补全单词,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. J_nuary ( ) 2. J_ly( ) 3. S_ _tember F_bruary A_gustO_tober A. B. C.写出下列单词的形容词形式。1.cloud2. snow 3. rain4. sun5. wind给下列基数词选择对应的序数词。( ) 1. three ( ) 2. five ( ) 3. sixteen( ) 4. nine( ) 5. ten A. fifth B. third C. ninth D. tenth E. sixteenth 按要求写出下列单词。1. she (物主代词) 2. below (反义词) 3. put (现在分词)4. three (序数词)5. snow (形容词) 6. tall (比较级)7. hot (反义词)8. white (反义词在方框中画出横线部分所指的内容。1.Ilikethepurplehat. 2.Shewantstobuyayellowblouse.3.LiMinglikestheblueshorts.4.Thisisawhiteandredskirt.看图写单词。 1. 2.3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8.翻译下列划线部分的内容。1. Idon'tlikesocks, either! 2. Kimlikesto 画画 intheclassroom. 3. Jennylikesto 玩洋娃娃. 4.Helikestoskipwithhisskippingrope. 5. 中英文匹配。( ) 1. 毛衣 ( ) 2. 帽子 ( ) 3. 男衬衫 ( ) 4. 女衬衫( ) 5. 长裤 ( ) 6. 短袜 A. pantsB. hatC. sweaterD. shirtE. blouse F. socks ( ) 7. 我的选择正确字母组合,补全单词。( ) 1.ch _ _ k ( ) 2. pap _ _ ( ) 3. y _ _ r () 4. cl _ _ dy ( ) 5. th_ _ ty ( ) 6. Oc_ _ ber ( ) 7. j _ _ ns ( ) 8. str _ _ 看图写单词。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 英汉互译。1. 去上学2. havesupper 3. 读书4. gohome5. 在晚上Lookandwrite. 请在30秒内找出5个单词并把它们写在横线上。APRILUNCHICKENOODLESUNNY Readandwrite. 把下列单词补充完整。J_nuary F_bru _ _ y M_ _ch Ap_ _ _ M_ _ Ju_ _ J_l_ A_ g _st S_ pt_mb_ __ _ t _ber N_v_ mber Dec_m_ _ _ 将下列单词补充完整。1. er_ser 4. sn_ _ 7. f_fth 2. ch_lk 5. clo_d8. sec_ _d 3. penc_l 6. ra_ny 将图与对应的句子匹配起来。( )1.A.Sheisagirl.( )2.B.Thesearemarkers. ( )3.C.TodayisWednesday.( )4.D.Thisismychair.( )5.E.Thisisglue.按要求写单词。1.rain(形容词)____ 3.one(序数词)____ 5.sunny(名词)____ 2.pencil(复数)____ 4.fifth(基数词)____ 6.above(反义词)____ 看图写单词。 教室篮球场1. 2.3. 给下列单词分类。(填序号)1.October2.sunny3.Tuesday4.Thursday5.rainy6.Sunday 7.May 8.cloudy 9.Friday 10.MarchA. month B. week C. weather 看图,写单词。1.2. 3. 4. 5. 写出下列单词的反义词。1.big 2. tall 3. white4. fast5. far Look,readandwrite. 看一看,读一读,写一写。1.cldm thm se2.windrainbthr3. r n tr nbr n 4.snbsh g5.wndpgstLook andwrite. 看一看,写一写。1. _pple ht nt 2. tea er air pea3. erasmark wint4. schl zr ster 5. chkwkblLookandwritethenumbers. 按顺序给下面十二生肖排序。first Thinkandwrite. 根据要求写单词。1. you (形容词性物主代词)____ 2. his (人称代词) 3. girl (对应词)____4. she (形容词性物主代词)5. pencil (复数)____ 6. those Readandclassify. 将下面的单词分类,写在横线上。Monday seventh February firstnineteen Augustfifty Saturday fifteenthAprileleven March twelfth tenSundayFriday Tue选择正确的字母组合,补全下列单词。( ) 1. r_ _d(大路) ( ) 2. n_ _r(在……附近)() 3.p_ _k(公园) () 4. pl_ _(玩) ( ) 5. addr_ _s(住址) A.oaA.er A.om A.lyA.ae B.aMakethewordsanddraw. 请把下面的字母组成服装单词并画出来。1. i k r s t 2. s o s h e3. a p n t s 4. o s b l e u 5. o s c k s Lookandwrite. 从下列字母中找出5个单词并写出来。t e n i n ei g h t y e s i x Chooseandwrite. 选词填空。ping-pong music classroom gym readinglibrary1.Heisinthe .Heisplaying .2. Theyareinthe .Theyaresinging.3.Sheisinthe.Sheisabook.Lookandchoose. 给下列图片配上合适的句子,选一选。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A.Thispictureisabovethetable.B.Thesearescissors.C.Hello!Nicetomeetyou.D.JennReadandmatch. 将下面的月份与序数词匹配起来填在括号中。( )1. January ( )2. June ( )3. February ( )4. March ( )5. December ( )6. August ( )7. May A. seconLookandjudge. 根据图片来判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。( ) l. It'sSunday,Augusttwelfth.( ) 2.It'srainytoday.( ) 3.Thechildrenareplayinginthepark.( ) 4. ItChangeandwrite. 将所给单词的首字母改换一下变成一个新单词并写出来。1.tall 2.far 3.wear Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。MissLi:Wheredoyou1. ,Mary?Mary:Ilivein2..MissLi:Isyourhousenear 3. ?Mary:No.It's4. ourschool.Myhouseisnearthe5. .Thinkandwrite. 按要求写单词。1. rain (形容词)2. twelve (序数词) 3. sun (形容词)4. cold (反义词)5. warm (反义词)6. twenty (序数词) Lookandmatch. 看一看,选择相应选项填入括号中。( ) 1. SundayA.thethirdday ( ) 2. Wednesday B. thefifthday ( ) 3. TuesdayC. thefirstday ( ) 4. ThursdayD. Lookandchoose. 看图,读句子,把句子的序号写在相应的图片下面。( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1.Thegirlisbesidetheboy. Theboyisbesidethegirl.2.ThepictureisabovetheTV.3.ThebReadandorder. 读一读,排一排。 AisinfrontofBandD,but(但是) AisbehindE.CisbiehindD.AndDisbehindB,PleaselineupA,B, C, D, E.1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Look, readandjudge. 看图片读句子,在正确的句子前画“√”,错误的句子前画“×”。( ) 1.TodayisTuesday,Marchtwentieth.28+32=?( ) 2.Twenty-eightandthirty-twoisfifty.Look, fillandcolour. 看图,在小格子里写上合适的单词。How manyWhat colour What例:aredappleLook, readandjudge. 明明为凡凡的画配了一些文字说明,你仔细读一下,判断他配得是(√)否(×)正确。1.Theyareinthegym.()2.Theboyisreadingabook.() 3.ThepencilisonthReadandchoose. 读一读,选出正确的字母或字母组合。( ) 1. sk_ _t( ) 2. p_ _ ple( ) 3. th_ _ _ ( ) 4. wr_te( ) 5. s_ pper A. ar A. urA. air A. aA. aB. eReadandchoose. 读一读,选出与其他不同的一项。( ) 1. A. play ( ) 2. A. pencil( ) 3. A. ten ( ) 4. A. books () 5. A. black B. song B. park B. fifty BWritetheoppositewords. 写反义词。1. tall 2. happy 3. near4. young 5. big Thinkandwrite. 写出下列单词的同音词。1. wear( ) 2. meet ( ) 3. to ( )4. buy ( )5. right ( )Readandchoose. 读一读,选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. our( )2.A. grapes( )3.A. dumplings ( )4.A. green( )5.A. T-shirt B. myB. melonB. ice cream B. bicLook, readandwrite. 看一看,读一读,写一写。1.c tgtbt2. b thr tth3. schl rmbrm4. sos clo roet5. jns mt p Fillintheblanks. 根据图示将句子补充完整。1. Iliketo .2. Iliketomytoycar.3. Canyou ?4.Myfavouriteschoolworkisto .5.Shelikesto.Thinkandwrite. 按要求写出下列单词。1. short (比较级) 2. windy (名词)3. two (序数词)4. this (复数形式)5. they (形容词性物主代词) 6. 打乒乓球 (英译) 7. apuLookandwrite. 看一看,写一写。cacmnsshhfpvwpaperyeliottnktrmschool1.2. 3. 4. 5.Readandclassify. 单词归类。library shoes red pencilschoolbag playground yellowsweatercanteen bluepen skirtbrown gymjacket green颜色: 地点: 文具: 服饰: Lookandwrite. 将下面的字母组成正确的英语单词写在横线上。jea shor sh socpan oes ts ks ns ts Lookandmatch. 把图片和单词匹配起来。( )1.A.socks ( )2.B.sweater( )3.C.skirt( )4.D.T-shirt( )5.E.pantsReadandjudge. 读句子,判断图文是否一致,一致写“T”,不一致写“F”。( ) 1.Thetreehasgreenleaves.( ) 2.Thiscatwearsabluehat. ( ) 3.ThisT-shirtisfourteenyuan. Thinkandwrite. 写出下列单词的形容词性物主代词。I they he we sheReadandmatch. 请把对应的汉语与英语匹配起来。( )1. playground ( )2. garden ( )3. office ( )4. library ( )5. canteenA. 办公室B. 图书馆C. 操场 D. 花园E. Readandchoose. 选出下列各组单词中与众不同的一个。( ) 1. A.garden () 2. A. our () 3. A. first ( ) 4. A. board ( ) 5. A. breakfast B. library B. my B.Thinkandwrite. 请分别写出首字母是“p,t,l,f”的单词。例:"o"openoneonionorange 1. "p" 2. "t" 3. "l"4. "f"Lookandwrite. 看图写单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Readandclassify. 请把下列单词归类。libraryour washroomboardmygymfanyourcanteen that computer light房间: 生活学习用品: 代词: Readandchoose. 选出与画线单词意思相反的单词。( ) 1.It'sonthefirstfloor. A. below B. under( ) 2.Oh,yourschoollisbeautiful. A. uglyB. agree( ) 3. Wehave
Readandmatch. 你知道去不同的地方做什么事吗?读一读,选出正确答案。( ) 1. Go to the teacher's office.( ) 2. Go to the garden.( ) 3. Go to the canteen.( ) 4Readandfill. 根据首字母提示补全单词,使句意完整。1.W_ _ _ _ isthecanteen?2.Thisisourteacher'so_ _ _ _ _.3.Ourcomputerroomis onthe s_ _ _ _ _ floor.4.IstThinkandwrite. 请根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. What (时间) isit?2. Ihave(十支) pens.3. I like(数学).4. It's7(点钟).5. (英语) iseasy.6. It'stime(为Readandmatch. 把汉语与英语匹配起来。( ) 1. play football ( ) 2. watch TV ( ) 3. go to bed( )4. get up ( ) 5. Good night. A. 看电视B. 踢足球 C. 晚安。D.Lookchooseandtranslate. 给图片选择对应的英语并把英语翻译成汉语。( ) 1.A.getup ( ) 2.B.havebreakfast ( ) 3.C. watchTV ( ) 4.D.gotoschool ( ) 5.E.gotobeThinkandmatch. 将下面的英语和汉语搭配起来。A. lunch B. Englishclass C. musicclass D. breakfast E. dinner1. 音乐课()2. 英语课( )3. 午餐( )4. 晚餐( )5. Readandtranslate. 英汉互译。1. It'stimeforlunch.2. 踢足球3. gotobed 4. 晚安! 5. 起床 Readandorder. 根据时间先后排列句子。( ) It'sfourtwentyintheafternoon. It'stimeforP.E.class.( ) It'stwofiftyintheafternoon. It's timeforChineseclass.( Readandmatch. 将左右两栏相关的句子搭配起来填在括号中。( ) 1. Time for P.E. ( ) 2. Time for English.( ) 3. Time for music.( ) 4. Time for breakfast. ( )Lookandwrite. 看图,写出下面的英文名字。1.2.3. 4.5.6. Readandmatch. 将左右两栏相关的句子搭配起来。( )1. Go to school.( )2. Go to the teacher's office. ( )3. Go to the shoe shop.( )4. Go to the canteen.( )5Look, writeandtranslate. 看图写单词并翻译1. 2.3.( )( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )Thinkandwrite. 在下列单词后面加上一个或两个字母,使其变成表示天气状况的形容词。1. rain-( ) 2. snow-( ) 3. wind-( ) 4. sun-( ) 5. cloud-( )Thinkandwrite. 按要求写单词。1. cool (反义词)2. hot (反义词)____3. sunny (名词) 4. snowy (名词) 5. windy (名词)6. cloudy (名词) Think,writeandtranslate. 补全单词并翻译。1. pr _ _ ty ( ) 3. h _ _ dre _ ( ) 5. w _ _ t ( ) 7. as _ _ st _ _ t ( ) 9. h _ lp () 2. exp _ _ s _ ve () 4. sRead, writeandfind out. 写出动物的英文名字,并找出它们爱吃的食物。1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( ) 6. ( )7. ( )A.B.C.Readandfill. 根据汉语意思写出英文。Zip:One,two,three...1 (十一)lambs. Zoom:Howmanyhorsesarethere?Zip: 2 (十二).Zoom:Howmany3____(绵羊) arethere?Zip: 4___把相对应的图画和内容搭配起来填在括号中。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. a.IdomyhomeworkintheA.afternoon.b.Igetupinthe B.evening. c.Igotobedinthe C.morning.给下列各组词选择正确的翻译。( )1.三张地图 ( )2.我的名字 ( )3.我的洋娃娃 ( )4.一张床( )5.多少( )6.under the desk ( )7.five girls ()8.black dresser ()9.three blue 按要求画画。thirteen bookseleven applestwelve treesfourteen pencils填空,将下面的单词与图片搭配起来。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4.A. newB. olds_ i_ tsh_ _ ts sk _ _ ts _ _ ater选择正确的一项补全单词。( ) 1. s_ i _ t ( ) 2. p _ _ ts ( ) 3. s _ a _ f ( ) 4. glo __ s ( ) 5. dr _ s _ ( ) 6. sl _ ppe _ s ( ) 7. h _ t ( ) 8. sw _ _te看图补全单词。 l.j ce 2.b_e_d 3.cook s 4.h_mb rg_r 5.m_lo 6.r_c_7.es 8.gpes 选出画线部分的汉语意思。1. HernameisJenny.[ ]A.她的名字B.他的名字C.她的名字叫JennyD.我叫Jenny2. Ihavetwobooks.[ ]A.两支钢笔B.两本书C.三本书D.四本书3. ThepenReadandwrite. 按要求写词语。1. big (反义词) 2. short (反义词) 3. expensive (反义词) 4. 在公园里跑 (汉译英) 5. new (反义词) 6.Assistant:CanIhelpyou?Amy:YeLookandmatch. 把这些衣服和相应的词语搭配起来。( )1. 60元A. expensive( )2. 71元B. cheap( )3. 28元C. pretty( )4. 100元D. shortsLookandchoose. 看图,选择正确的一项。1.yoursneakers.Runinthepark.[ ]A.PutonB.PutC.OnD.Do2.Putonyoursandals. yourtoes.[ ]A.wiggleB.RunC.WiggleD.Dan请将代表下列图案的字母填在相应的英语单词前的括号内。 A B C D E F G H I J( )1.shirt ( )2.skirt ( )3.sweater ( )4.shoes( )5.blouse ( )6.coat ( )7.shorts ( )填空并选择对应的汉语。( )1.S _ t _ rday ( )2.Th_r_day ( )3.Mo_d_ y ( )4.S_n_ay ( )5.T_ _sday ( )6.F_ _day ( )7.W_dn_sday a.星期三b.星期二 c.星期六d.星期一 e.星期Lookandwrite. 在图中标出各种动物的英文名称。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6.Readandcircle. 选出下列各组单词中不同类的一个。( ) 1. snowy( ) 2. Monday( ) 3. sistersunny monkeybrother studyTuesdaycousin windy SundaystaplerLookandwrite. 根据图示选词填空。hot warm coldcool1.It'sinBeijingtoday,andthetemperatureis .2. It's inKunmingtoday,andthetemperatureis .3.It's inHarbinto填上适当的单词或短语。1.I(穿上)myshirtandpants.2. It's.(星期三)3. Thishousecoatis. (太大了)4. Thesepyjamasare . (太小了)5. Thehatis . (刚合适,刚好)6.选择方框中适当的单词填空,完成句子。putsonare favourite drinking is colour have1.Mycolourisblue.2.LiMinghisshoes.3. Mypeninthebook.4.Heiseating,she's .5Readandchoose. 读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. onion( ) 2. A. these( ) 3. A. lunch( ) 4. A. art( ) 5. A. sneakersB. donkey B. shoes B. maPleasenametheseanimals. 请写出下面动物的英文名称。 Lookandwrite. 看图补全单词。fr _ _ h carrot p _ _ _ ty lamb long b _ _ ts green _ _ ckst _ _ _ e kidsLookandwrite. 补全单词。1. Look!Thatisthepl_ _gr_un_.2. Thisisthelib_ _ry.3. Isthistheco_ p_ _erroom?4.Talka _ _utyourc_oth_s withyourpartner.Readandfill. 根据汉语提示补全单词。1. b k (自行车) 2. b d (床)3. ch (椅子) 4. h mbrg (汉堡包)5. pzz (比萨饼) 6. c p (帽子)Readandfill. 在横线上填上合适的词语。1.It'srainy.yourumbrella.2.It'scloudy. yourraincoat.3. It'swindy.yourhat.4.It'ssunny. yoursunglasses.5.It'Thinkandwrite. 写出下列图片的英文名称。根据图示选择正确的短语。( )1.A.onetable B.threetables C.twotables ( )2.A.onthebook B.underthebook C.inthebook ( )3.A.twoears B.fiveears C. threeears 单词拼写,根据汉语意思,选择正确答案,补全单词。( )1. d_ ct _ _(医生) ( )2. h_ _d (头) ( )3. b_ ll (球) ()4. b_ l _ _ (在…下方) ( )5. a_ _ve (在…上方)A. o,根据图示选择正确的一项补全单词。( )1. b _ dA. aB. eC. uD. i( )2. t_ l_ phoneA. e,eB. e,iC. i,eD. i,i( )3.s_nnyA. oB. aC. uD. e( )4.l _mpA.aB.uCReadandmatch. 把对应的英语和汉语搭配起来。( ) 1. playqround ( ) 2. gym ( ) 3. hen ( ) 4. artroom ( ) 5. canteenA. 体育馆B. 母鸡C. 操场 D. 绘画室E. 食堂Lookandwrite. 根据图片把短语补充完整。1.thehens 2.thehorse3. thecow4.asheep5. a lambReadandclassify. 请把下列单词归类。my three pencil board herred hisyour fourgreen blue eraser seven eight paper yellow物主代词: 学习用品: 数字: 颜色: 按要求着色。 1.Colourthelamporange.2.Colourtheteddybearblue.3.Colourthedresseryellow.4.Colourthebedgreen.Readandchoose. 读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词。( )1.A. cake ( )2.A. garden ( )3.A. we ( )4.A. time ( )5.A. he( )6.A. school ( )7.A. sister ( )8.AThinkandwrite. 写出下列动物的英文名字。根据单词,选择正确的选项。A B C D E F G H I J( )1.kite ( )2.soap ( )3.teddy bear( )4.telephone( )5.comb( )6.brush ( )7.skipping rope( )8.checkers( )9.to根据汉语意思选择正确的词组。1.在床上[ ]A. atthebedB. onthebedC.nearthebedD. besidethebed2.在晚上[ ]A.fortheeveningB. attheeveningC.intheeveningD. ontheev看图写单词。Look, matchandtranslate. 各种鞋的名字被拆开了,请把它们组合起来并翻译。( ) 1. boo ( ) 2. snea ( ) 3. sl ( ) 4. sh ( ) 5. san A. dals B. ts C. KersD. ip看图写单词。 1. 2.3.4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9.10. 11. Readandtranslate. 英汉互译。1. teacher'soffice2.It'stimeforlunch.3. 踢足球 4.secondfloor 5. gotobed 6. 看电视 7. 晚安。8.takeoff9. 起床 10.puton 按要求写单词。1. hard (反义词)2. foot (复数) 3. daughter (对应词)4. whereis (缩写) 5. hot (反义词) 6. toe (复数) 7. big (反义词) 8. new (反义词) 9. two 将下列短语译成汉语,选择正确的答案。1. yourname[ ]A. 你B. 你的名字C. 我的名字D. 她的名字2.howmany[ ]A. 怎样B. 什么颜色C. 多少D. 多大3.ninetrees[ ]A. 补全单词,选择相应的图片,将序号填在括号中。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. A. r_c _ B. j_ i _ _C. d _ mp_ in _ sD. f_ u_ t E. s_ _ pLookatthepicturesandcompletethewords. 看图补全单词。 c_ _ln_ _se la_ g _ d_c_orh_ _w_ _m m_ _thf_mi_ y选择正确的答案补全下列单词。( ) 1. 椅子 cha_ _ ( ) 2. 学校 scho_ _ ( ) 3. 十三 th_ _teen () 4. 水果 fr_ _t ( ) 5. 面包 br_ _d ( ) 6. 早饭 br_ _kfast ( ) 7.按要求分类。Wordlist:brush,ball,TV,telephone,soap,computer,shorts,skirt,twenty-five,radio,hat,doll,checkers, thirty,hamburger,toothbrush,cards,Frenchfries,sweateReadanddraw. 读一读,画一画。1.Heislaughing. 2.Sheisscared. 3.Heismad. 4.Sheissad. 5.Heistired.Lookandwrite. 用英语写出下列图片中的内容。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. 把相应的单词与图片搭配起来。( )1. a.icecream( )5.e.juice ( )2.b. milk ( )6. f. rice( )3.c. sandwich( )7.g. cookies( )4.d. dumplings( )8.h. cakeReadandmatch. 读一读,把相应的图和句子匹配起来。( )1.A. Sheishot.( )2.B. Ihurtmynose. ( )3.C. Ihaveastomachache.( )4.D. Cold!I'mverycold.( )5.E. Classifythesewords. 给下列单词分类。head cold feel Isadhehandhurt hot she face warm 1. 形容词2. 动词3. 代词4. 名词 根据图示,补全下列单词。l. b_e_d 2. s_nd_ ich3. m_ _on 4. d_n_t 5. s_ _ _t 6. b_ _ts7. c_m_ut_r 8. br_ _h 选单词,填在正确的位置上。WordList:Saturday,Tuesday,Monday,Thursday,ten,twenty-three,four-teen,seven,twenty-seven,thirty, twenty,eleven,five,nineteen,twenty-fourReadandclassify. 读一读,把下列单词分类。read Chinese morningbrush comb soap drawafternoon eveningEnglish write math1. 动词: 2. 名词: Read.Tickorcross. 读一读,打“√”或“×”。( ) 1.Inthemorning,Ieatbreakfast.( ) 2.Atnoon,Ieatsupper.( ) 3. Ieatlunchinthemorning.( ) 4.IeatsupperatschoolwithFill intheblanks.Matchthepicturesandthewords. 补全单词并把单词填入对应图片下面的括号内。1. ( ) 2.( )3. ( )4.( ) j_ _ce s_ _ ppo_ri_ ge p_ _tsFillintheblanks. 填空。读一读下列单词,你发现了什么规律。1. knee b_ _ thr_ _sh_ _ p2. coat g _ _ t b_ _t3. eat t_ _ m_ _t4. zoo sch_ _l classr_ _m c_ _l5. Lookatthepicturesandwritethewords. 看图写单词。1. s 2. c3. h4. s 5. c6. r7. c8. t Writeanddraw. 写一写,画一画。1.Drawthreekindsoffood. Writethenamebesideeachfood.2.Drawthreekindsofclothes. Writethenamebesideeachcloth. 3.Drawonekindofs看图,写单词。1. pi _ _ a 2. sh _ _ ts 3. gl _ _ es4. dress _ _ 5. n _ _ dles用画线部分的反义词填空,使句意完整。1.Iamatallman,sheisawoman.2.Myhatisblack,hishatis .3. Thegirlissad,theboyis.4. I'maboy,she'sa .5. Jimismybrother,KReadanddraw. 读一读,画一画。 Iwashmyface. I feelcool. I'dlikesomeporridge. Iputonmyshirt.Readandwrite. 读一读,请帮Tom完成他的周日计划。 SundayPlan(周日计划) a. m. (上午)p. m. (下午)8:30 get12:00 eat9:00 eat2:00a book9:30my homework4:00 help my Completethewordsandchoosethepictures. 补全单词,并选出对应的图画。( )1. h_ad A. B. C. ( )2. l_gA. B. C.( )3. t_ _edA.B.C.( )4. b_ _ _hA.B.C.Readandwrite. 读单词,按规律写单词。1. three 2. chair 3. shirt 4. meet 5. school mouth peachfishknee food thank teacher sheep fifteen noodles 看图,判断句子和图是否相符。1. I'mthirsty.Iwanttodrink. ( )2. Igetupinthemorning.( )3. — Howmanybottlesofpop? — Eleven. ( )4. Sheiswearingskirt,socks,sLookatthepicturesandcompletethewords. 看图补全单词。 s_or_ _ gr_ _esch_ _k_ _s s_ _ksWritetherightformsofthewords. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. banana(复数形式) 3. 30(英语形式)5. big(反义词) 2. new(反义词) 4. sit(加-ing) 把不属于同类的单词选出来。( ) 1.breakfast,lunch,supper,soup( ) 2. fruit,water,milk,pop( ) 3. toastandjam,thirsty,Frenchfries,hotdog( ) 4.socks,boots,bedroom,Let'sgoshopping.Drawthethingsyouneedandwritethecorrectwordsonyourpictures. 让我们去购物,画出你需要的东西并写出相应的单词。Translatethesephrases. 翻译下列词组。1. 去散步3. 一条裤子5. 最喜欢的颜色7. many donuts9. skipping rope2. 购物中心4. 新大衣 6. just right 8. a toy shop1Readanddraw. 读一读,画一画。 apairofredpantsapairofyellowgloves apairofblackshoesapairofblueshortsChooseandfillintheblanks. 看图,选词组填空。1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. playonthecomputer,rideabicycle, playsoccer, watchTV, walktoschool, skipwithaskippingropeChooseandfillintheblanks. 选择填空。1.Let'sgotothetobuysomegrapes.(toyshop,fruitshop)2.Twenty-fiveplusthreeis.(twenty-eight,thirty)3.I'mhungry.IwanttoeaLookatthepicturesandcompletethewords. 看图补全单词。 1. b_ _ts2. h_t3. sc_ _f4. sw_ _ter 5. t_ _6. m_ _k7. ph_ _e8. s_ _m根据汉语提示填入所缺单词。1. g _ _l 女孩 3. st_d_nt 学生 5. wh_ _e 哪里 7. wel_ _me 欢迎 9. e_ _ 蛋 2. t_ _ch_r 教师4. fr_ _nd 朋友 6. b_ _k 回来 8. m_ Whitetherightformsoftheword. 写出下列单词的正确形式。1.strawberry (复数形式)2.swim (加-ing形式) 3.health (形容词)4.cold (反义词) 5.18 (英语形式) 选择括号内的一个词填空,使句子完整。1.Goodmorning,boysandgirls!Good(morning, afternoon).2. Whereareyoufrom?I'mfrom(class, China).3.Thisismynewfriend,Amy.Drawandwrite. 画一画,写一写。在不同的天气里,你会穿什么衣服?请你画一画,写一写。 In a hot dayIn a cold day 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. f_th_r 父亲 3. w_man 女人 5. gr_ _t 太好了 7. br_th_r 兄弟 9. th_t 那个 2. m_th_r 母亲 4. s_st_r 姐妹 6. r_ _lly 真地,确实地 8.Drawandwrite. 画一画,写一写。你喜欢做什么运动?画一画,写一写。Lookatthepicturesandcompletethewords. 看图补全单词。 c_ _b b_dm_nt_n m_ _on s_ _awbe_ _ y dr_ _ss_o_s h_mb_ _ger d_ct_ _Writetherightformsofthewords. 写出单词的正确形式。1.dish(复数形式)3.hurt(第三人称单数) 5.tooth(复数形式)2.happy(反义词)4.swim(加-ing形式)看图,写出相对应的单词。
Lookatthepicturesandfill intheblanks. 看图填空。1.I'm . Itoeat. 2.Iliketoonthe .3.Let'sgotothefruittosomegrapes.4.Iwantto ainthepark.5.Iwakeinthe .Drawandwrite. 画一画,写一写。你和小伙伴们喜欢做什么游戏?画一画,写一写。选出正确的字母组合,使单词完整。( ) 1. c_ _nt ( ) 2. g _me ( ) 3. m_ _t ( ) 4. sch_ _l ( ) 5. s_ _ ( ) 6. ch_c_late( ) 7. Am_r_ca ( ) 8. c_ _ky ( ) 9. g选出划线部分的汉语意思。1. Foldthecard.[ ]A.折叠B.卡片C.卷2.Themorewegettogether,thehappierwe'llbe.[ ]A.再B.一块儿C.走吧3.Let'sallbea family.[ ]A.家庭B.一Readandfill. 根据汉语意思写出单词。Assistant:CanIhelpyou?Mom:Yes,Iwantapairof1(长裤)formyson.Assistant:Lookatthese jeans.Theyarenice.Mom:Yes. 23(多少钱)areReadandclassify. 单词归类。colourful pretty hundred big small cheap expensivesneakerslong short boots apple orange sixty watermelon seventy 形容词: 名词:基数词:英汉互译。1. 下午好。3. how many 5. 小耳朵7. 很,非常9. 看,瞧2. 进来4. eleven apples 6. no problem8. 你的妈妈10. 一些香蕉看图,写出相对应的单词。1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 完成单词,选出正确选项。( ) 1. y_ur ( ) 2. t_ll( ) 3. z_ _ ( ) 4. t_xi ( ) 5. j_ _p ( ) 6. exc_se() 7. b_ke ( ) 8. g_raffe ( ) 9. d_sk ( ) 10._nder A.看图,选择正确的短语,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1.A.abowlofwaterB.abowlofrice C.acupofrice( ) 2.A.acupofteaB.abottleofwaterC.abowloftea( ) 3.A.abot根据要求填写单词。1. long (反义词) 3. monkey (爱吃的东西)5. here (对应词) 7. cut (英译汉)9. It's (完全形式) 2. banana (颜色) 4. 大象(汉译英)6. boy (复数根据图片选择正确的单词。1. 2. 3. 4.5. ( ) 1. A. drink () 2. A. drink ( ) 3. A. boy( ) 4. A. supper() 5. A. dumplingsB. play B. eatB. girlB. ta选择正确的答案,将下列单词补充完整。( ) 1. fr_ _t() 2. s_ _p( ) 3. chi_ _ _ _ ( ) 4. f_ _teen ( ) 5. m_ _ning ( ) 6. aft_ _n_ _n A. u uA. u o A. t k e n完成单词拼写,并写出汉语意思。p_achp_arel_ven b_autifultw_nty r_ghtor_nge w_ndow sn_keth_nks 请帮它们找到自己的家,将正确的序号写在相应的横线上。 8. 9.vegetables: fruit: 补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1.st_d_nt 3.n_neteen5.w_ndow 7.sm_ll9.th_nks 2.f_ther4.j_mp 6.b_n_n_ 8.t_ll 10.ch_ir 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. b_ke 自行车 3. w_ lkman 随身听 5. _nder 在……下面 7. v_st 背心 9. _mbrella 伞 2. d_sk 桌子 4. _n 在……上6. w_nd 风 8. y_ur 你的,在单词前面的括号内填上相应的图片序号。 A B C D E F GH IJ1. ( ) dumplings 2. ( ) chair 3. ( ) milk 4. ( ) eggs 5. ( )mouth6. ( ) porridge 7. ( ) cereal 8.英汉互译。1.在你的桌子下 2.在书包里 3.undertheumbrella 4.onthedesk 5.在自行车上 6.小心! 7.在椅子上 8.puton 9.gotothepark 10.inthebox 根据汉语意思补全单词。1. sm_ll 小的 3. qu_et 安静的 5. sn_ke 蛇 7. l_vely 可爱的 9. f_x 狐狸 2. d_ _r 鹿 4. c_te 逗人喜爱的 6. l_ng 长的8. an_m_l 动物 1把左右两栏对应的内容搭配起来。( ) 1. the elephant ( ) 2. the mouse ( ) 3. the monkey's tail ( ) 4. the rabbit's tail( ) 5. the giraffe ( ) 6. the panda A给下面的单词归类。juice apple tea pizza noodles fish hamburger hot dogpopgrapes chicken water bananas melon1. food: 2. drinks (饮料): 3. fruit: 根据汉语意思选择正确的答案完成句子。1. I'm (非常高兴).[ ]A.happyB. veryhapyC. veryhappy2.Wouldyoulikesome(饺子)?[ ]A.vegetablesB. dumplingsC. soup3.—看图,选择正确单词在横线上填空。breakfast fruit supperricemorning lunch chicken dumplings1.Igetupinthe .2.Ilikefor_reakfast.3.Ieat .Ilike__mplings.4.Ieat看图将下列单词补充完整。1. 2. 3. _ pp_ _ h_mb_ _ g _ _ gr_ pes 4. 5. _ _ _ckenv_g_ta_ _ _ _选择正确的字母组合将下列单词补充完整。( ) 1. bl_ _se( ) 2. gl_ves( ) 3. _ _oes( ) 4. c_ _t() 5. d_ _ss A. ou A. u A. s h A. oa A. re B. oa B. oB. sB看图,将对应单词的序号填入题前的括号内。1.He'swearingagreen .[ ]A.sweaterB.blouseC.coat2.He'swearingblue .[ ]A.pantsB.pantC.shoes3.She'swearingapin选出每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. blue( ) 2. A. pants ( ) 3. A. gloves( ) 4. A. donut( ) 5. A. apple B. orangeB. catB. hat看图选择正确的短语,将其序号填入括号内。( ) 1.A.newskirt B.newshirt C.newskirts( ) 2.A.oldblouse B.newshirt C.newblouse( ) 3.A.newsweater B.oldsweater看图,给句子选择相应的图片,将序号填入括号内。( ) 1.She'swearingasweater.A.( ) 2.LiMingputsonhisslippers.B.( ) 3.He'swearingshots.C.( ) 4.Dannyputson按要求写出相应的单词。1.old(反义词) 3.black(反义词)5.this(对应词)2.big(反义词) 4.boy(对应词)单项选择。将正确答案的序号填入题前的括号内。1.Thispairofnewshoesis(正合适).[ ]A. rightB. justnghtC. just2. Theseslippersare(太小).[ ]A. toosmallB. toobi根据图片选择最佳答案,将序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1.Whoseisthis? A.shorts B.skirt C.dress( ) 2.—Whatisit?—Itisa . A.hat B.hotC.cat( ) 3.Thehousecoatis找出每组中不同类的词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. donut( ) 2. A. tea( ) 3. A. pop( ) 4. A. strawberry( ) 5. A. pop B. appleB. water B. sixte按要求给下图涂上颜色。1.Colourherhatyellow.2.Colourhersweaterred.3.Colourherskirtgreen.4.Colourhershoesblue.5.Colourherhairblack.给下列图片选择相应的句子。( ) 1.A.Weflykites. ( ) 2.B.WeskipwithJenny'sskippingrope.( ) 3.C.Iliketoplaycards.( ) 4.D.Werestandreadourbooks.( ) 5.E.根据图示从右列选择合适的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号内。( ) 1.A.shoes( ) 2.B.food( ) 3.C.table( ) 4.D.ball( ) 5.E.toothbrush看图,选择正确的答案。1. —Whatdoyouwanttodo? —Iwanttoplay .[ ]A.checkesB.checkerC.checkers2.—Wouldyouliketo—Okay.[ ]A.playfootballB.playbadmintonC.pla选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词。() 1. t_leph_ _ _ ( ) 2. c_mp_ter ( ) 3. M_ _day ( ) 4. r_d_o ( ) 5. S_ _day A. e o n e A. u o A. o u A. a i A. u n B找出每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. bed ( ) 2. A. teddy bear () 3. A. twenty ( ) 4. A. shorts () 5. A. fish B. dresser B. tel选择正确的字母组合,把单词补充完整。() 1. str_ _b_rry ( ) 2. sk_ _t () 3. teleph_ _ _ ( ) 4. ab_v_ ( ) 5. _ _ _ning A. aweA. er A. conA. o e A. e i v B找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. food ( ) 2. A. fish ( ) 3. A. fourteen ( ) 4. A. telephone ( ) 5. A. housecoatB. rice B. grapes重新排列字母,把它组成我们学过的单词。u s e r p p v e t g b e l a e s a b n a a nb a b e m u r g r 按要求写出单词。1.small(反义词)3.new(反义词) 5.below(反义词)2.out(反义词) 4.soft(反义词) 6.boy(对应词)根据下列图片选择正确单词。( ) 1. A. doll B. ball C. call ( ) 2. A. toothbrush B. brush C. comb ( ) 3. A. cat B. hat C. kite ( ) 4. A. grape B. a看图填空。1.She'swearingashirtonT . 2.He'swearingasweateronM . 3.She'swearingablouseonW .4.He'swearingshortsonS . 看图,从下列方框中选择正确答案完成句子。 listentotheradiogotoschooldrawapicturereadmybook writeastory1.Intheevening, I .2.Inthe evening, I . 3.Intheevening,Lookandwrite. 看图写单词,并翻译成汉语。 5. 请从Ⅱ栏中找出与I栏相应的汉语意思。 I( ) 1. in the afternoon( ) 2. write a story() 3. after supper( ) 4. go to school( ) 5. get up( ) 6. go to bed() 7. bir根据图片,从下列方框中选择正确的短语写在横线上。 1. We .2. We. 3. We .4. We. 5. We . 6. I . WordList readabook gotoschool flyakite playping-pong play看图,选择正确答案。( ) 1.A.What'shedoing?He'seating.( ) 2.B.What'shedoing?He'sdrawingapicture.( ) 3.C.What'shedoing?He'splayingonthecomputer.(根据图示选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1.—Whatdoyouwanttodo?—Iwantto. A.flyakite B.playfootball C.playping-pong() 2.Whataretheydoing?A.TheyReadandclassify. 给下列单词分类。apple meat chickennoodlesbanana rice fish pear dumplings 1. 水果: 2. 肉类: 3. 主食:看图,把图片与对应的单词匹配起来。( ) 1.A.ball( ) 2.B.doll ( ) 3.C.comb ( ) 4.D.kite( ) 5.E.brush找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1. A. above( ) 2. A. TV( ) 3. A. twenty-five( ) 4. A. bedroom( ) 5. A. checkers B. ball B. hard B. tReadandchoose. 选出下面每组单词中不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. banana ( ) 2. A. fruit ( ) 3. A. rice( ) 4. A. ten ( ) 5. A. eat B. grapes B. banana B. ho根据图示从右边选择合适的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号内。( ) 1.A. gloves ( ) 2.B.socks( ) 3.C.shorts( ) 4.D.shirt( ) 5.E.scarf给下面的单词分类。apple shirt grapes ball badminton coatshorts gloves orange melon1. 服装: 2. 水果: 3. 球类: Thinkandwrite. 你来搭建这个“金字塔”吧!把相同类型的词分别写在两边。仔细观察,认真写一写。twelve fifteen four twenty seventeen threenine Saturday Tuesday Monday WLookandfillintheblanks. 根据图片提示将单词补充完整。 5. ju_c_ _r_ _dicecr_ _mc_kedr_n_Readandmatch. 把左右两边内容匹配起来。( ) 1.do ( ) 2. go to ( ) 3. get ( ) 4. have A. supper B. up C. bedD. my homework Fillintheblanks. 练一练,写一写。A.red B. yellowC. blue D. blackE. purple F.orangeG. whiteH. green I. brown J. pink1. A + D = ( ) 2. A + ( )= E 3. Look, readandjudge. 仔细看图片,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( ) 1.Heeatsbreakfastinthemorning.() 2.Therearecakes,eggsandmilk.() 3.Let'smakesoup.() 4.WeneedvLookandfillintheblanks. 根据图片提示,写出短语或句子。1.up2.my 3.to bed4.to 选择正确的字母或字母组合,将单词补充完整。( ) 1. f_ _d ( ) 2. bl_ _se ( ) 3. F_ _day ( ) 4. br_sh ( ) 5. c_ _ _ A. o u A. o uA. ri A. oA. ro m B. o a 看图,选出右边的单词写在横线上,使其与左图表达意思一致。1.oneapple twoorangefour banana2.threecups thirteenglasses thirtyspoons3.thirteenbowlstwelve bottlesfoLookandjudge. 根据图片。判断下列描述是(√)否(×)正确。( ) 1.Myshoesarejustright. ( ) 2.Thisismynewskirt.( ) 3.Heiswearingashirtandpants.( ) 4.TodayisWednesThinkandwrite.下列表格中横行、竖行都隐藏着一些你所学过的单词,把它们找出来写在横线上。P O W L U N C H E G B L I O D O U C A MN E A T M O G H T LF I H O T D O G Thinkandwrite. 写出下列单词的缩写形式。1.Monday Mon. 2.Tuesday 3.Wednesday4.Thursday 5.Friday 6.Saturday 7.Sunday Thinkandwrite. 写出下列单词的同类词。1. apple: 2. pop: 3. pizza: Readandwrite. 看谁写得好。1.Inthemorning, Ieatbreakfast.2.I'mhungry.Iwanttoeat. 3.—Wouldyoulikesomemeat? —Yes,please. Fillintheblanksandmatch. 先完成单词拼写再为单词选择合适的图片。( ) 1.fr_ _tA. ( ) 2.s_ _pB. ( ) 3.v_ g _tablesC. ( ) 4.f_shD.( ) 5._ _ickenE. Choosethedifferentwords. 选出不同类的一个单词写在题前括号内。( ) 1. breakfast ( ) 2. dumplings ( ) 3. drink ( ) 4. bread ( ) 5. juice ricenoodleseat ice crLookandwrite. 看图写单词。1. 2. 3. dr_ss_r k_t_ b_d4. 5. 6. t_l_ ph_ _e t_l_v_s_on r_ _i_Lookandwrite. 写出下列图片的英文名称。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Readandclassify. 按照气候变化把下列单词分类。skirtblouse pants shirt sweater coat scarf hat gloves boots dress shorts1.2. Readandtranslate. 英汉互译。1.写作业 do one's 3.across from 5.talk on telephone 2.读一本书 4.看电视 Colourthispicture. 按要求给下面这幅图画涂色。1.Colourthebedpink.2.Thereisaredballinthebedroom.3.Thedresserisyellow.4.Colourtheclosetblue.5.ColourthepicLook, readandjudge. 仔细看下面这幅图画,判断下面的描述是(√)否(×)正确。( ) 1. Thisisabedroom.( ) 2.Thepictureisabovethebed.( ) 3.Thedresserisbesidethebed.(Thinkandclassify. 给方框中的单词分类。ballhat grapes pantsdoll rice cardsboots badminton donut cakepyjamas1. play:2. wear: 3. eat: Thinkandwrite. 根据实际情况来写一写。1. Iliketoeatand .ismyfavouritefood.2.I liketo(sport) .3.FromMondaytoFriday, I . OnSaturdayandSunday, Istayathome.Fillintheblanksandmatch. 根据图片提示把单词补充完整,并把单词与图片匹配起来。1. 2. 3.4.5. ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. d_11B. k_t_C. b_llD. p_ng-p_ngE. ch_ck_Readandmatch. 把上下两行字母合成一个完整的单词并写出其汉语意思。1. Sat 2. sh3. house4. Thu 5. just6. sli 7. Fr A. oesB. rsdayC. rightD. urday E. ppeLookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。1. too 2. too 3. just4. too 5. too Think, write andtranslate. 找出你所学过的单词,把它写在横线上,并写出汉语意思。1. rahballewnntydalltwent 2. tyeteensopbeloworeapem 3. twenteenbovapedthirty Thinkandwrite. 写出下列单词的相对词。1. eat — 2. cold — 3. toosmall — 4. thirsty — 5. hard —6. below — Readandmatch. 词语搭配。1.play2.skip3.comb 4.fly5.read( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )A. hair B. books C. ping-pongD.skippingrope E.kiteReadandclassify. 给下列单词分类。soap brush ball kite comb dresser skipping ropetoothbrush bed closet lamp ping-pong chair: shower: cards: Think, writeandtranslate. 把字母排列成你所学过的单词,并写出其汉语意思。1. a t h ( )2.s k ocs ( )3. t d yu es a ( )4. esrsd ( )5. lobsue ( )6. w s t e r aReadandwrite. 看谁写得好。1.Areyoureadytoorder? 2.It'stimeforlunch. 3.Wouldyoulikesometea? 4.Yes,please. 5.No,thanks. Fillintheblanksandclassify. 补充单词并分类。str_wb_rryj_ic_gr_ p_s _r_nge m_lk ban_n_ p_ pW_ter m_lonfruit: drink: Look, fillandanswer. 看图表,写答案。NamesjuicemilkpopwaterteaLucy × √ × √ √ Lily√×√√√Tom√√√××You1.Lucylikes,and .2.Lilydoesn'tlike.3.TomandLilylikeand Fillintheblanksandmatch. 把单词补充完整,并选择相应的图片。1. m_l_n2. h_mb_ _ ger 3. j_ _ce 4. br_ _d 5. or_ _ ge ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )A. B. C. D.E.Write thewords. 找出单词并写在横线上1.a b i c e c r e a m c f m i l k2.e d r i n k j u c e c a k e3.g r a p e s d x y d o n u t 4.t e a te r ha m b u r g e Findthewrongletters. 把多余的字母找出来写在横线上。1. chickean2.Thuersday 3.hamburguer4. shocks 5. frurit 按要求填空。A.按括号内的要求写出单词。1.willnot(缩写)2.right(同音词) 3.potato(复数)4.save(反义词) 5.take(过去式) B.根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式,每空只填一词Readandchoose. 选出下面每组单词中不是同一类的一个。( ) 1. A. beside ( ) 2. A. lunch ( ) 3. A. shirt ( ) 4. A. big ( ) 5. A. Friday B. brother B. morReadandwrite. 正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号。domrandmrslilikeloudmusicbenyestheydo 找出与其他三个不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. winter( ) 2. A. fever ( ) 3. A. guess ( ) 4. A. red ( ) 5. A. foot B. autumn B. stomachache B. lightB. pen B.Readandchoose. 选出不属于同类的单词。( ) 1. older ( ) 2. company ( ) 3. rain ( ) 4. grow ( ) 5. bookstore ( ) 6. month ( ) 7. tomorrow ( ) 8. subway ( )