补全单词。1. t__ __cher (老师)2. r__l__r (尺子)3. st__d__ __t (学生)4. p__n (钢笔)5. g__rl (女孩)给下列单词选择对应的汉语意思。( ) 1. window( ) 2. computer( ) 3. wall( ) 4. pencil( ) 5. fifty( ) 6. thin( ) 7. Chinese( ) 8. good job( ) 9. ruler( ) 10按要求写单词。1. we (宾格)__________________2. short (反义词)__________________3. you're (完整形式)__________________4. what is (缩写形式) _________________根据图片判断句子对(√)错(×)。( ) 1. She likes painting. ( ) 2. She has short hair. ( ) 3. This is a tall boy. ( ) 4. She is a girl. ( ) 5. He is strong.选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. board( ) 2. A. fifty( ) 3. A. cake( ) 4. A. uncle( ) 5. A. knifeB. lightB. sorryB. riceB. nurse B. forkC. youC. fi看图,补全单词。1. __at2.__uck3. __all4. __pple 5. __gg6. c__k__判断,同类的词写“S”,不同类的词写“D”。( ) 1. desk( ) 2. boy( ) 3. cake( ) 4. cat( ) 5. car( ) 6. elephantbedgirlbeefdog bikeant antelephanteggduckhandball火眼金睛,选一选。( ) 1. ant( ) 2. car( ) 3. doctor( ) 4. elephant( ) 5. bed( ) 6. hand( ) 7. beef( ) 8. desk( ) 9. boy( ) 10. ballA. 床B. 球C. 牛肉根据汉语提示补全单词。1. f__n (风扇)2. w__ __l (墙)3. fl__ __r (地板)4. c__mp__t__r (电脑)选出与其他不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. duck( ) 2. A. teacher( ) 3. A. floor( ) 4. A. TVB. busB. deskB. lightB. classroomC. carC. chairC. boyC. fan给下列单词选择对应的图片。( ) 1. boyA. ( ) 2. computerB. ( ) 3. antC. ( ) 4. carD. ( ) 5. fanE. ( ) 6. appleF. 根据图片选出相应的单词或短语。( ) 1. A. put up a mapB. put up a picture ( ) 2. A. deskB. bed( ) 3. A. windowB. desk( ) 4. A. chairB. board看图,补全单词。1. __oose2.__is__3. g__rl4. __at选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. hot dog( ) 2. A. farmer( ) 3. A. ice-cream( ) 4. A. cakeB. goodB. workerB. gooseB. hamburgerC. ice-creamC. ideaC. do想一想,填一填。1. ____________ book2. ____________ book3. ____________-book看图,选择对应的句子。( ) 1. A. Put your notebook under your bag.( ) 2. B. Put your pencil in your desk.( ) 3. C. Put your pencil-case on your chair.( )根据汉意补全单词。1. st__r__-book (故事书)2. Ch__nese (汉语)3. n__tebook (笔记本)给下列单词分类。man cake monkey noodles lionkangaroo boy nurse panda elephant1. 人物: man_____________________________________2. 动物: monkey__________________猜一猜,填一填。1. 装书装本用处大,每天上学离不了。___________________2. 能写会画乐逍遥,个子天天在变小。___________________3. 会喝不会吃,能写不能说。 ______看图,读一读,补全对话。1. — What's the weather like?— It's w___________ and s___________.2. — What's the weather like?— It's h___________ and s________看图,选择对应的单词。( ) 1. A. eleven( ) 2. B. grandmother( ) 3. C. brother( ) 4. D. dad( ) 5. E. teacher读一读下列单词,选择每组中不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. woman( ) 2. A. America( ) 3. A. bread( ) 4. A. man( ) 5. A. twenty( ) 6. A. bag( ) 7. A. monkey( 看单词,分类别。1. people (人物):_________________________________________________________2. animal (动物):____________________________________________________请你找出下列单词之间的规律,将适当的单词放人空格中。A. yellow B. girl C. dog D. egg E. apple___________ → ___________ → ___________ → lock → key → _________读一读下列单词,选出与其他三个不属于同一类的单词。( ) 1. A. pear( ) 2. A. UK( ) 3. A. short( ) 4. A. zoo( ) 5. A. DVD( ) 6. A. lampB. watermelonB. 读一读句子,看一看小朋友们描述的是哪样食品,选择正确的图片。( ) 1. Amy: I like it. It's yellow. It's very long.( ) 2. John: I like to drink it. It's yum小小数学家。根据提示填空。(1) a pen → ¥10(2) a book → ¥35(3) a ruler → ¥8(4) a pencil → ¥21. A pen and a book is ¥____________.2. Two pens and a ruler is ¥___选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. TV( ) 2. A. window( ) 3. A. desk( ) 4. A. bedroom( ) 5. A. have a snack( ) 6. A. go( ) 7. A. bookB. kitchenB. bathr读句子,选择对应的图片。( ) 1. Go to the living room.A. ( ) 2. Go to the study.B. ( ) 3. Go to the kitchen.C. ( ) 4. Go to the bathroom.D. ( ) 5. Go你能写出5个和room组成的单词吗?试着写下来。1. _____________ room2._____________ room3._____________ room4._____________ room5._____________ room看图片,写单词。1. ________________2. ________________3. ________________4. ________________开动脑筋,补全单词。1. t__bl__2. sh__lf3. ph__n__4. s__f__5. fr__dg__开动脑筋,根据图片写单词。1. ______________2. ______________3. ______________4. ______________5. ______________选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. bed( ) 2. A. sofa( ) 3. A. fish( ) 4. A. long( ) 5. A. TVB. bookB. board B. boyB. bigB. sitC. penC. chairC. dogC.开动脑筋,补全单词1. r__ce2. s__ __p3. n__ __dles4. v__g__table设计你自己的菜单。完成下表。MENUBreakfast (早饭)Lunch (午饭)Dinner (晚饭)根据汉意写单词。1. 牛肉 ________________2. 鱼肉________________3. 吃、喝________________4. 一些________________5. 喜欢________________开动脑筋,看图写单词。1. ______________2. ______________3. ______________4. ______________开动脑筋,看图写单词。1. ________________2. ________________3. ________________4. ________________选出与所给单词同类的一项。( ) 1. rice( ) 2. juice( ) 3. dinner( ) 4. giveA. fishA. eggA. lunch A. whatB. rulerB. milkB. bigB. pass想一想,选一选。( ) 1. 21( ) 2. 40( ) 3. 31( ) 4. 50( ) 5. 45( ) 6. 56A. fifty-sixB. twenty-oneC. fortyD. thirty-oneE. fiftyF. forty-five数一数,选一选。1. How many books do you have? [ ]A. Eleven.B. Five.2. How many crayons can you see? [ ]A. Twenty.B. Twelve.3. How many balloons do 补全单词,并选择对应的汉语意思。( ) 1. p__n( ) 2. b__g( ) 3. p__nci__( ) 4. twen__y( ) 5. th__ __tyA. 三十B. 钢笔C. 二十D. 铅笔E. 包根据提示完成句子。1. Put your______________ (橡皮) on your desk.2. Put your ______________ (尺子) on your chair.3. Put the ______________ (橘子) under your 字母排队组单词。1. o, k, o, b_________________2. e, c, p, i, l, n_________________3. l, r, u, e, r_________________4. s, c, e, a _________________选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. rabbit( ) 2. A. pen( ) 3. A. ruler( ) 4. A. open( ) 5. A. EnglishB. squirrelB. doorB. riceB. OKB. math C. quietC. 火眼金睛,选一选。( ) 1. quiet( ) 2. colour( ) 3. rabbit( ) 4. rice( ) 5. open( ) 6. Coke( ) 7. pen( ) 8. squirrelA. 米饭B. 钢笔C. 颜色D. 可乐E. 兔子看图,写一写,每小题至多可填两个描写外貌的单词。1. ____________________2. ____________________3. ____________________ 4. ____________________5. ____________写出下列单词的反义词。1. strong_________________2. long_________________3. black_________________4. big _________________开动脑筋,补全单词。1. n__me (名字)2. sh__ __t (矮的)3. l__ng (长的)4. fr__ __nd (朋友)选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. student( ) 2. A. vest( ) 3. A. cup( ) 4. A. cup( ) 5. A. underB. teacher B. tigerB. vanB. glassB. onC. umbrellaC. 火眼金睛,选一选。( ) 1. tiger( ) 2. van( ) 3. vest( ) 4. under( ) 5. spoon( ) 6. snake( ) 7. teacher( ) 8. spell( ) 9. cup( ) 10. studentA. 小货车B.开动脑筋,补全单词。1. m__s__c (音乐)2. sp__ __ts (运动)3. sc__e__ce (科学)4. p__i__ting (绘画)慧眼识金,选词填空。1. I have _____________(a, an) red eraser.2. Give _____________ (we, me) a pencil.3. That's _____________ ( Amy, Amy's) bag.4. John 根据所给信息写出对应的单词及与它发音相同的大写字母。1. __________________________2. __________________________3. __________________________4. _______________将下列字母重新组合成单词并写出元音字母的数量。1. r, o, u, y_______________ _______________2. i, k, e, b_______________ _______________3. r, h, i, a___________选出不同类别的一项。( ) 1. A. look( ) 2. A. fish( ) 3. A. photo( ) 4. A. study( ) 5. A. knifeB. spoonB. breadB. fortyB. kitchenB. girlC. helpC. 选词填空。1. ______________ (Is, Are) they in the study?2. Where are the ______________(key, keys)?3. Let ______________(I, me) clean the desk.4. She ____看图,选择对应的月份和星期。( ) 1. a. 二月b. 星期四( ) 2. c. 八月d. 星期三 ( ) 3. e. 六月f. 星期六 ( ) 4. g. 十二月h. 星期一写出下列字母缩略词的含义。1. PRC__________________________2. CCTV__________________________3. UN__________________________4. MTV__________________________5.按要求写单词。1. we (单数)________________3. they (宾格)________________5. her (主格)________________7. this (复数)________________9. you (主格)____________选择适当的代词把句子补充完整。A. You B. her C. something D. either E. neither F. each1. There are two bags in the room. But _____________of them is new.根据所给音标写出相应单词。1. ___________________2. ___________________3. ___________________4. ___________________5. ___________________6. ________________根据所给音标,补填所缺的字母。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. f__cek__teb__ __b__ __tc__r__ __ina__ggth__nkc__tys__rry br__ __kb__kefr__ __b__ __lcl__ss根据音标写单词,写出一组同音词。1. They __________ a bike in the shop and then go home __________ bike. 2. Lucy often __________Tom in the supermarket. They 根据音标写单词。1. She ____________ me ____________ to drive.2. I always ____________my daughter in ____________ .3. Andy likes ____________ very much.4. 按要求给下列单词归类。water banana milk dog juice zoo tea coke coffeeink shoe cake paper bread pen pencil girl1. 可数名词: _____________________________________看图,写出与图片相符的单词。1. _________________2. _________________3. _________________4. _________________5. _________________6. _________________7. ___按要求写单词。1. pass (第三人称单数)___________________2. drop (过去式)___________________3. write (现在分词)___________________4. get (过去式)______________把括号中的字母组成一个动词填在横线上,使句意完整。1. I ______________ (v h a e) a new bag.2. The bird can ______________(g i n s) many songs.3. ____________把各组字母重新排序后组成新单词,并写出汉语意思。1. p, i, t, a, l, o, s, h_________________ _________________2. s, a, p, m, t_________________ _________________给下列英文单词选择相对应的中文意思。( ) 1. library( ) 2. station( ) 3. cinema( ) 4. museum( ) 5. park( ) 6. fridge( ) 7. visitor( ) 8. medicine( ) 9. sw按所给例词词义,将下列单词归类。panda cat ruler hat pineapple peachlibrary tiger jacket pear ink pen skirt ballpoint pen shirt school deer classroomlion watermel填一填,根据图画提示填单词。1. Close your b_____________ . Please listen.2. He has a new b_____________ , and there is a p_____________ in it.3. My p______选择正确的单词填空。1. There ______________ (is, are) seven days in a week.2. There______________ (is, isn't) any milk in the bottle.3. There _____________根据中文完成句子。1. _____________________ (我教室的门) are brown.2. This umbrella is _____________________ (那位老人的).3. _____________________ (汤姆和安的把下列字母重新组成疑问词(词组),并把它们填入句子中。hcwih woh oeshw courolhatw hawt1. _____________ is your name? I'm Mary.2. _____________ one do you like?判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. His brother is play chess with his friend now.( ) 2. Be quiet, please. The baby is sleeping.( ) 3. He is singing a song now.( ) 4.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1. best (原级)_________________3. happy (最高级)_________________5. hot (反义词)_________________7. much (比较级)______________根据语境及首字母提示完成单词。1. Uncle Wang is sixty, but he looks very y____________.2. They're sleeping, please walk into the room q____________.3. I fee用画线部分的反义词填空。1. Is Tom a short or a ____________boy?2. There isn't much tea in the bottle. There is ____________tea in the bottle.3. Is the bag选出适当的字母或字母组合,使所给单词完整正确。( ) 1. hund_____d( ) 2. ab_____t( ) 3. th_____teen( ) 4. f_____ty( ) 5. clo_____( ) 6. d_____ghter( ) 7. ex_根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。1. An elephant is h____________ than a monkey.2. T____________right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.3根据所给汉语补全句子。1. There are _________________ (五十辆公共汽车) in the bus station.2. _________________ (第九个女孩) is Sarah.3. — How many giraffes c根据所给图片补全句子,每空一词。(数字要写成英文形式)1. A pair of ______________is ______________ yuan. 2. This ______________is ______________ dollars.3. Th从每行中找出不同类的单词,写在后面的横线上。1. book dish chart newspaper picture 2. climb fly jump run study 3. call dinner e-mail letter phone 4. fight list写出下列词语的适当形式。1. long (反义词) _________________2. hare(同音词) _________________3. white(反义词) _________________4. they are(缩略形式) __________按要求写出下列动词的适当形式。1. catch(第三人称单数) ______________________2. try (过去式) ______________________3. wash(第三人称单数) ______________________4用所给系动词、助动词或情态动词填空。am is are do does did will shall can was were must1. — What ___________ you? — I ___________ a typist.2. What ___________填入所缺字母,并写出汉语意思。1. e__gp__an__ _____________________2. p__t__to _____________________3. gr__ __n b__ __ns _____________________4. to__ay ______选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的解释。1. I hope you'll have a good time at the party. [ ]A. enjoy yourselfB. study wellC. hurry up2. Will you take care 请选用下列单词填空。after for from to with1. What's the matter ______________you?2. I got a letter ______________ my friend.3. Would you please take a mess给下列的职业选择正确的工作地点。( ) 1. teacher( ) 2. actor( ) 3. waiter( ) 4. nurse( ) 5. salesmanA. hospitalB. restaurantC. theatreD. schoolE. shop选择词的适当形式填空,注意书写的规范。1. Helen is a new student in ______________ (we, our) class.2. My father will take ______________ (me, I) to the park to选词填空。vet farmer teacher doctor dancer1. Tom's mother teaches in a school. She's a _______________.2. My hand hurts, a _______________ can help me.3.选出下列有错的单词。( ) 1. A. yes( ) 2. A. ing( ) 3. A. glasses( ) 4. A. squere( ) 5. A. averB. theerB. pandaB. jacket B. yourB. mugC. herC. fam按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1. eye (同音词) __________________3. see(近义词) __________________5. photo(复数) __________________7. four(同音词) ___________按要求写单词。1. let us (缩写形式) ____________________2. are not(缩写形式) ____________________3. clever(近义词) ____________________4. tall(反义词) _______看图,选择对应的单词或词组。( ) 1. A. umbrella( ) 2. B. salesperson( ) 3. C. snowy( ) 4. D. fight( ) 5. E. bedroom( ) 6. F. headache( ) 7. G. chick选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. panda( ) 2. A. five( ) 3. A. green( ) 4. A. banana( ) 5. A. short( ) 6. A. eyeB. deskB. tableB. greyB. planeB. pigB.
按要求写单词。1. heavy (比较级)______________________2. fly (过去式)______________________3. same (反义词)______________________4. plus (对应词)_____________照样子改写单词(替换、增加、去掉都可以)并组成词组。1. bag → big → a big apple2. cap→ _______________ → ______________________3. set→ _______________ → ________选择正确的选项,把下列单词补充完整。( ) 1. T____konaut( ) 2. th____d( ) 3. newspap____( ) 4. c____ful( ) 5. noi____( ) 6. pr____d( ) 7. ba____ball A. ai 选出下列各组单词中同其他两个词不属于同一范畴的选项。( ) 1. A. card( ) 2. A. become( ) 3. A. pilot( ) 4. A. noisy( ) 5. A. quiet B. dollarB. stairsB.单词归类。把正确的单词写在横线上。train left ate shorter apple writer policeboat smaller bought accountant pear1. 人物类(职业): ________________________________按要求转换下列各词。1. makes(原形) _____________________2. have (第三人称单数) _____________________3. close(第三人称单数) _____________________4. go(过去式)根据音标,写出下列单词。1. ___________________2. ___________________3. ___________________4. ___________________5. ___________________6. __________________请你根据提示,在横线上写出正确的单词或词组。1. My mother never (从不) gets up l_____________ (晚) in the morning.2. I like Chinese and E_____________ (英语) v读一读,选出不同类别的词。( ) 1. A. bread( ) 2. A. cinema( ) 3. A. jeans( ) 4. A. strong( ) 5. A. strongerB. sweaterB. hospitalB. photosB. tallB. 看单词,填入所缺字母。1. l__ __ve 离开3. __our 旅行5. ch__ld 孩子(单数)7. mess__ge 消息9. pr__tty 漂亮2. vac__tion 假期4. c__ __sin 表兄妹6. d__ __ghter 补全下列词组。1._______________ duty3. be afraid _______________5. be excited _______________7. agree _______________9. break _______________2. listen ____给句子选择合适的词语。(只填序号)A. am not B. are C. do not D. is E. have F. does not1. It _______________her birthday today.2. I _______________ many fr选词填空,补全句子。1. The colour of the skirt_______________ (are, is) red.2. I have _______________ (a, an) apple.3. I like _______________ (eggs, eat).4在横线上填上恰当的词,完成下列疑问句。 1. ______________ there a picture in Jack's room?2. ______________ they want to go to Hong Kong?3. ______________ I 看图片,选择相应的句子。( ) 1. A. No fishing.( ) 2. B. No smoking.( ) 3. C. No swimming.( ) 4. D. No parking.( ) 5. E. No photos.( ) 6. F. No dr根据句子意思,选出画线部分的正确译文。 1. — How many weeks are there in a year? — Let me see. 52 weeks. [ ]A. 让我想想B. 让我看看C. 我来看一下2. — By the看图,选择符合图意的句子,将序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1. A. Take off your coat.B. Put on your coat.C. Put away your coat. ( ) 2. A. Throw the ball, please看图,选择对应的句子。( ) 1. A. I don't like foxes.( ) 2. B. My father is a farmer.( ) 3. C. Ann likes comics.( ) 4. D. They don't like snakes.( ) 把下面单词更换一个字母变成一个新单词。例: car → cat1. boat → _________________2. cow→ _________________3. year→ _________________4. on→ _________________5. 填字母,组单词,译中文。1. fri__n__ ______________________2. __h__n ______________________3. __ngl__nd ______________________4. C__n__d__ ___________________填空。1. 英文共有___________个字母,其中有___________个元音字母,___________个辅音字母;元音字母 为__________________。按字母表顺序第一个字母是___________。2. 选出下列单词中不同类的词。( ) 1. A. what( ) 2. A. policeman( ) 3. A. show( ) 4. A. Ottawa( ) 5. A. tomatoB. whereB. scienceB. batB. BeijingB. appl选择正确的选项,补全单词。( ) 1. gr__pefr__ __t( ) 2. c__nc__ __t( ) 3. h__n__ __ed( ) 4. __ __ght__( ) 5. fl__ __er( ) 6. __nter__sting( ) 7. w__ __k( ) 按要求写出下列单词。1. monkey (复数) _________________________2. money(复数) _________________________3. climb(分词) _________________________4. write(分词) 读句子,选择正确的单词填空。1. Lulu ______________ (was, were) at Ken's house yesterday.2. Mocky ______________ (was, is) eating an apple.3. Ann __________选择恰当的字母补全单词。( )1. w_o_g ( )2. tr_m_et ( )3. _nj_y( )4. ev_ry_n_( )5. st_ _ _sA. n; rA. u; pA. o; eA. e; e; o A. a; i; r B. r; m. 将下面的单词进行归类。cola sunny duck hamburger dog chicken milkrainy pig noodles cat tea snowy tiger ricewindy lion juice hotdog cloudy1. food:________________看图片,写单词。1_______ 2_______3_______4_______5_______给下列的词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. birthday gift( ) 2. English book( ) 3. apple juice( ) 4. football( ) 5. basketball( ) 6. Jack's sweater( ) 7. play根据例子,给下列的单词分类。e. g. pencil penruler eraser1. yellow green _______________ ________________2. football basketball _______________ ______________看图,根据例子填空完成句子。例: I want some peaches. I don't want any pears.1. Iwant some ______________. I don't want any ______________.2. Iwant ______读一读,根据句子内容画图。Lily is drinking juice and eating a banana, a burger and an apple.Betty is eating an orange, an egg and a cake.根据中文含义选择正确的英文解释。( ) 1. 笔直的( ) 2. 着迷的( ) 3. 条、棒( ) 4. 昂贵的( ) 5. 下车( ) 6. 向左转( ) 7. 胃痛、肚子痛( ) 8. 给…回电话( ) 9. 价根据要求写单词。1. hot (反义词)_____2. warm (反义词)_____3. noodles (单数)_____4. mother (口语)_____5. orange (复数)_____根据首字母提示写单词补全句子。1. I'm hungry.Let's have some m__.2.Every night, I sleep in my b .3. I have C _ in England.4.At half past seven, I have b选择画线部分的对应词。1. This shirt is too big. That one is too.[ ]A. smallB. good2.This pencil is black.That one is.[ ]A. red B. white3. The girl is 根据所给句子和首字母完成单词。1. An elephant is h____________ than a monkey.2. T____________ right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.3.将下列字母重组为单词,并写出其汉语意思。1. erbodom ____________ ____________ 2. mianal ________________________ 3. afriveout ________________________ 4. epnt单词归类。cold PE fish meat apple car warm ship hot riceScience banana bus cool Maths pear noodles orangeArt bike1. 温度情况 ___________________________________将短语和其汉语意思匹配起来。( )1. go home( )2. have lunch ( )3. go to work ( )4. get up ( )5. watch TV ( )6. in the box ( )7. under the desk ( )8. by bus选词填空。1. I watch TV_____the weekend. (in, at )2._____ is the cat? (Where, What)3. We have Christmas_____ England. (in, at)4. What's_____ time, please看图写单词。你能看出下面每组词可以分成几类吗?把数量写在括号里。( ) 1. song apple music coat banana dress( ) 2. swimming spring skipping summer riding winter( ) 3. basketb从括号中选出恰当的单词,补全句子。1. (He/She)is Mr Black.2. Can I have (a/an) apple?3. Do you like (pear/pears) ?4. Have you(get/got) a bike?5.My toy pl根据首字母提示写单词,将句子补充完整。1.The weather is not w __.It's cold.Give me a coatplease.2. That a is a tiger.3. I 1bananas.4.Let's w TV5.Eme, 选择最佳答案。1. 单词“half”的意思是什么呢?[ ]A. 小时B. 一半C. 头发2. 哪一天是Christmas Day呢?[ ]A. 1月1日B. 12月1日C. 12月25日3. “春节”用英语该怎么说呢?根据单词首字母提示补全句子。1.An elephant is b____than a horse.2.We are our grandma's g____.3.I a____in New York yesterday.4.I am going to Shanghai in su将英文句子及其中文意思连起来。( )1.The actors told lots of jokes.( )2.Is A the same as B?( )3.He had a lovely time there.( )4.It's too small for you.( )根据图片提示将字母重新组合成单词。1. ugyrhn _____2. sytrith_____3. dolc_____4. aehaehdc _____5. revef _____看图写单词。1. 2.3.4. 5.______________ _______ _______ _______ 6.7.8. 9.10._______ _______ _______ ______________ 在下列各组中选出一个不同类的单词。( )1. A. red( )2. A. fat( )3. A. bird ( )4. A. big( )5. A. pass B. greenB. thin B. meat B. orange B. tree C. ye用适当的词填空。1. I often help Mary _____________ her Chinese .2. The vet takes care of all kinds _____________ animals.3. There _____________a lot of oran根据汉语提示写单词。1. 机器人2. 强壮的 3. 星期三 4. 所有事情 5. 淘气的 6. 聪明的7. 因为8. 首都 9. 星期六用适当词填空。1. What can you do _____________the money? I can buy many things.2. The colours of the cloth _____________ nice.3. What do you buy a TV _____按要求写单词。1. activity (复数) __________________2. sheep(单数) __________________3. down(反义词) __________________4. calf(复数) __________________5. let写出正确的单词,完成下表。pig horsegooseduckhenpuppycalf lambkid joey 把打乱的字母重新组合成一个单词,写在后面的横线上。1. h, y, s ______2. e, t, c, u ______3. b, a, o, t, u ______4. a, t, e. g, r ______5. a, n, h, 1 ______6.将下面短语及其汉语意思连起来。1. a clever boy2. little sister3.have a picnic4.go to the park5.do 1he houseworkA. 小妹妹B. 举行野餐C. 去公园D. 做家务E. 根据语境,将单词补充完整。1.The girl is a cl_ _er pupil2.There are many boats on the r_v_r.3.I will take my k_ _e on Tuesday.4.What's the w_ _ther like to看图,选择合适的答案。1. Is the River Thames long and wide?A. Yes, it isB. No, it isn't2.Is Big Ben very young?A.Yes, it isB. No, it isn't3. Is Tower 找出正确的单词写在横线上。1. foorangeaty ______2. hrielephanta ______ 3. swpresenteen ______4. haeatin ______5. tanirn alved ______选出下列每组中不同类的单词。( )1. A. lake( )2. A. lion( )3. A. red ( )4. A. six ( )5. A. thisB. haveB. wolfB. blackboard B. fiveB. English C. foo将下列单词与其汉语意思匹配起来。( )1. sunny( )2. mum( )3. festival ( )4. everywhere ( )5. each ( )6. alphabet ( )7. away ( )8. coffee ( )9. listen ( )10根据图片写单词。 ______ ________________________ 选出与所给单词属于同一类的一项。( )1. lion ( )2. tall ( )3. car( )4. cool ( )5. in A. homeA. treeA. bikeA. coldA. bed B. fatB. shortB. boxB. half B看图片写单词.(8分) _______ _______ ______________根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。1. Mary comes from A___.2. My grandmother likes taking p__. 3. This hamburger is very d__.4. My grandpa was a teacher.看图,补全句子。I go to bed at nine o'clock. 1.I __________ at_____o'clock.2.I _____ _____halfpast _____.3.Iwatch_____athalf _____ _____.4.I_____homeat选出不同类的单词,并写出该单词的汉语意思。1. song ship car favourite _______________2. tigerlion dollbird _______________ 3. meatrice fishtall _______________根据首字母提示写单词,补全句子。1. You are tall,I am s____.2.I like s .but I don't like swimming.3. I like n . But today I don't eat.4.I have bat half根据要求画一画,并涂色。favourite toyfavouriteanimalfavouritefruitfavouritefood根据汉语意思写单词。1.电话_____2.三明治_____3.今晚_____4.字典_____5.问题_____根据括号中的要求写单词。1. evening (反义词)_____2. photo (复数)_____3. drink (过去式)_____4. wore (原形)_____5. learn (现在分词)_____选择正确的选项,将单词补充完整。( )1. b_rro_( )2. ho_ _e ( )3. dif_ ere_t ( )4. d_l_cious( )5. dr_ go_A. o; vA. r; sA. f; mA. e; iA. e; m B. o; 选出每组中不同类的单词。( )1. A. he( )2. A. these ( )3. A. sun ( )4. A. monkey( )5. A. short ( )6. A. sandwich( )7. A. Monday( )8. A. maths ( )9.根据汉语写英语单词。1. 自行车________3. 大的________5. 公园________7. 圣诞节________9. 湖________2. 连衣裙________ 4. 玩具________ 6. 卧室________ 8. 矮选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. new ( )2. A. noodle( )3. A. pen ( )4. A. like( )5. A. small ( )6. A. milk( )7. A. tiger ( )8. A. rainB. old B. orang选词填空。fish pear see kite dolls1. What a big!2. Look and.3. Have a .4. Show me the.5. Fly a.看图,读句子或对话,与图意相符的在括号中打“√”,不符的打“×”。( )1.The ruler is in the box.( )2. The elephant is big. The mouse is small. ( )3. She likes ric根据汉语提示,将下列字母重新组合成单词。taore elifd irbgn pottair1.(男演员)_______2.(田地)_______3.(带来)_______4.(机场)_______geamsse roenkb erirted eadi5.写出下列单词的反义词。 1. light_______2. new_______ 3. short_______ 4. big_______ 5. easy_______ 看图,补全所缺的英文字母。__lim__f____nyb __idingh __ __vy fs__l__t li__two__noff__e sh__e__根据图片写单词或词组。根据汉语提示填写单词。1. My little brother is(淘气的).2. I'm reading an(有趣的)book.3.We're going to have a (野餐).4.Robots will do (所有事情)one day.5Fill in blanks according to the sentences or pictures. (根据上下文或图片填出单词的正确形式。)1.Thegreenpencilis_____thantheblackone.2.— What'sthematter? — 选择恰当的选项,补全单词。( )1. bea_t_ful ( )2. bec_u_e ( )3. naug__y( )4. pr_j_ct ( )5. st_machach _A. u; e A. o; z A. h; t A. o; a A. a; e B. uLook and write. 照样子,写短语。eat good food→ate good food1. take pictures→_ 2. see elephant→3. row boat→____4. go swimming→__ Choose the words and complete the sentences. 用所给单词完成句子。A. hurtB. sadC. boringE. interestingF. learned Chinese1. I _ my leg.2. I don't like th选出不同类的单词。( )1.A. pen( )2.A. dog( )3.A. apple( )4.A. lake ( )5.A. play B. book B. bear B. grapeB. cold B. swim C. bag C. fatherC. TVC.按要求写出词语。1. ride (ing形式)_____ 3. have (第三人称单数) _____5. bought (原形)_____ 7. right (反义词)_____9. heavy (比较级) _____2. sing (ing形式)____选择正确的字母组合完成单词,并写出汉语意思。( )1. br___ kfast ( )2. r___dy ( )3. t___ d ( )4. ___ ick ( )5. st___ g( )6. h___vy ( )7. w___ter( )8. p___ch按要求写单词。1. I (名词性物主代词) ____ 3. China (形容词) ____ 5. here (同音词)____7. heavy (比较级) ____ 9. more (原形) ____2. swim (现在分词)____4. mou将下列每组单词中特殊的一个选出来。( )1.A. older( )2.A. tired( )3.A. sad( )4.A. angry( )5.A. ship B. taller B. danced B. sore B. actorB. sheepC. m将下列短语和其汉语意思匹配起来。( )1. stand up ( )2. have picnic( )3. Tower Bridge ( )4. a book about London( )5. take your ball A. 塔桥B. 举行野餐C. 带上选出与所给句子匹配的图片。( )1. It's snowy. Let's make a snowman.( )2.Lucy watched TV last night.( )3.He will read some books.( )4.It's hotAmy takes o根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词填空。the only child,more,How far,at the concert,turn,most of the time,warmer,stronger,away from,on1.It's over there, ____ your l选出不同类的单词。( )1 A. arm( )2.A. orange ( )3.A. cool ( )4.A. cabbage( )5.A. sunnyB. hairB. pearB. coldB. tomato B. rainC. egg C. watermelon C看图片,选单词。ball phone kite river robot根据首字母和汉语提示补全下列句子。1.This park is very b__ __(美丽的).2.The Great Wall is f (著名的) in China3.He had a s(胃疼).4.Tom is very s_ _(强壮的).请你按要求写出下列各题。1. shoes (单数)____ 3. don't (完全形式)____ 5. too (同音词)____ 7. eat (过去式)____ 9. tall (反义词)____2. bus (复数)____4. me (主
正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写,标点符号。Does Mr. Black like running? No, he doesn't.________________________________________将下列单词分类。dress sister cinema T-shirt hotel brother blouse bank bus trainpark hospital mom skirt planeClothes (服饰)_______________________________________用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The girl always __(have, has) a lot of questions.2.We should _(get, gets) up early in the morning.3. It means "No _(climbing, cl按要求写单词。1. she_____(宾格) 3. close_____(现在分词)5. China_____ (形容词) 7. boy ____ (复数)9. photo____(复数)2. country _____ (复数)4. three_____(序数根据所给中文,英文释义及首字母提示完成句子。1. How many ____ (猴子) does the zoo have?2. He listens to the teacher as(仔细)as his cousin.3.The old man lived根据英语单词选择正确的汉语意思。(将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内)( )1. open ( )2. teacher( )3. usually( )4. orange ( )5. Australia( )6. whoseA. 打开A. 警从每组单词选出与其它两个单词不同类的一项。(将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内)( )1.A.spring( )2.A.Sunday( )3.A.baseball( )4.A.eye ( )5.A.shirt ( )6.A.h看图,从括号中选择与图片相对应的单词或词组填空,完成句子。1. — Where are they going?— They are going to the (snack bar/library) .2. — How did you go to Wonde词形转换。1. is (过去式) _____2. hot (反义词) ____3. yes (反义词) _____4. it (复数) ___5. two (同音词) _____6. books (单数) _____7. go (过去式) _____8. f根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。1. An elephant is h____ than a monkey.2. T____ right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.3. What are you按要求写单词。1.we (宾格) ______2.box (复数) ______3.have (现在分词) ______4.four (同音词) ______5.rain (形容词) ______ 6.second (基数词)______7.do (第三人选出下列单词正确的汉语意思。1. canteen[ ]A. 书房B. 厨房C. 食堂2. teacher's office[ ]A. 客厅B. 老师的办公室C. 学校3. library[ ]A. 图书馆B. 花园C. 地板根据图片选择正确答案。A. Read a book.B. Hand in the homework.C. Play football.D. Water the flowers.根据实际情况填空。提示:first 第一second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth第五)1. The canteen is on the_____floor.2. The library is on the_____floor.3. The c找出不同类别的单词。( )1. A. visitor( )2. A. floor( )3. A. one( )4. A. garden ( )5. A. ourB. student B. first B. nineB. schoolB. myC. teacherC. 选择括号中合适的单词完成句子。1.Welcome _____(toin) myhome. 2.Howmany _____(ducksduck) yousee? 3.Thelibraryisonthe _____(onefirst) floor. 4._____ (DoAre) 字母排队组单词。1. o, r, b, a, d _____2. n, f, a _____3. g, t, l, i, h _____4. e, s, d, k _____按要求写出单词的相应形式。1.come (反义词)____2.desk (同义词)____3.there (同音词)____4.man (对应词)____ 5.is (原形)____ 6. knife (复数)____7. right (反义词你能猜出它们是什么吗?a. garden b. canteen c. libraryd. washroom e. playground1. You can eat some noodles in it. It is a _____.2. You can read many books看一看,选一选。1. [ ]A.library B.washroom 2. [ ]A.playground B.musicroom 3. [ ]A.gymB.artroom 4. [ ]A. bedroomB. art room5. [ ]A.TVroom B.canteen看图选句子。1_____ 2_____A Don't drink or eat in the computer room.B. Don't push in the hallway.找出不同类别的单词。( )1. A. bedroom( )2. A. five ( )3. A. fan( )4. A. floor( )5. A. bedB. washroom B. firstB. lightB. wall B. computer C. playgr看图片,写单词。1. t______ 2. g______3. p______ 4. g______ 选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. small ( )2. A. pen ( )3. A. black ( )4. A. nice ( )5. A. dog B. short B. eraser B. floor B. nineB. fan C. wall C. cak补全单词并写出汉语意思。1. b__rd: ______2. th__s: ______3. 1__ght: ______4. y__ __r: ______认一认,选一选,选出不同类的一个。( )1. A. book ( )2. A. purple ( )3. A. orange ( )4. A. panda( )5. A. milk ( )6. A. balloonB. ruler B. fingerB. m选择适当的单词填空后组成正确的短语,并将短语译成中文。brightest, hungry, peach, socks, supper, clean, photos1. a _ dog: _________2. three trees _________ 3. t智力思维训练题。1. Which of the following signs shows "OK"?[ ]2.If a boy falls into the water, he may cry, "_ !" [ ]A. HelpB. Oh, dearC. Come hereD. M选择适当字母组合完成下列单词。( )1. t__ cher( )2. s __son( )3. b __thday( )4. str__g( )5. Chin __A. orA. eaA. irA. anA. rer B. ee B. in B. einB. on将下列词语与相对应的中文连接起来。1. traffic lights2. do homework 3. post office 4. go hiking 5. TV reporter 6. collect stamps7. comic books 8. fly kites按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1. tall _____(比较级)2. knife _____(复数)3. small _____ (反义词)4. one _____ (序数词)5. have _____(第三人称单数)6. learn ____看一看,填一填。(30分)1. s __ __ ny 2.w __ __dy3. c__ __d 4. h__t5. r__ __n给图片找出相应的句子。A. It's time to go to school.B. It's time for math class.C. It's six o'clock.D. Lunch is ready.E. I have an English class on M字母排队组单词。1. m,s,i,u,e _____2. a,h,t,m _____3. r,t,h,e,e _____4. f,r,o _____选词填空。1.Lookat _____ (myme) clock. 2.It'stime _____(forto) mathclass. 3.Whereisthe _____ (shortsshort) hand? 4.CanI _____ (hashave) alook? 5.It'st连一连。1. music classA. 2. English classB.3. dinnerC. 4. P. E. classD. 5. lunchE. 选择下列单词正确的汉语意思。1. lunch[ ]A. 早餐B. 午餐2. music class[ ]A. 音乐课B. 英语课3. read books[ ]A. 读书B. 看报4. time[ ]A.日期B. 时间5. go h用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。wherehow manyaredowho1. —is the canteen?— It's on the first floor.2.— books do you have?3. The fans green.4.— is she?— Sh想一想,填一填。1. warm (反义词) ______2. cold (反义词) ______3. day (对应词) ______4. two (序数词) ______5. this (复数形式) ______6. can not (缩略形式) __选择合适的汉语解释。( )1. It's warm today.( )2. Can l wear my shirt?( )3. Take off your jacket.( )4. This is the weather report.( )5. Put on your T-shi看图片,写单词。12 3 4_____ _____ __________先看图,再填空。1.It'stimefor _____.2. Let's _____.3. It's_____o'clock.4. It's time to _____.5. Let's _____.1234 __________ _____ _____单词归类。shirt, fan, light, yellow, your,shorts, white, her, grape, banana1. skirt : ________________________2. blue : ________________________3. my : ______选择合适的单词填空。for in us on go1. Let lean the room.2. It's timeschool.3. What is _____ your bag?4. Let'sto school.5. The TV room is the firstfloo拼单词。1. tw__ 2. fl__ __r3. s__x 4.1 __ght5. t__n 6. s__vn __根据图片选句子。A. Fold your dress.B. Put on your T-shirt.C. Hang up your skirt.D. Put away your sweater.选词填空。What colour,What time,What,Where,Who1.—is the canteen?— It's on the first floor.2. — Is your T-shirt? — It's yellow.3.—is that boy?— He is my单选题。( )1. bl__e( )2. dr __ss( )3. j__ck__t ( )4. sw __ __ter( )5. sh __ __tA. uA. aA. a, c A. a, i A. i, r B. aB. eB. a, e B. e, a B. a, r C.看图拼单词。1. r __ __ny 2. cl__ __ dy3. s __ nn4. sn__ y5. w __ __dy想一想,填一填。1. rainy (名词) _____2. sun (形容词) _____3. windy (名词) _____4. snow (形容词) _____5. cloudy (名词) _____将下列单词归类。warm white jeans Chinesehotblue shorts P.E.windy redsocks math sunny yellow shirtEnglish rainy pink skirt music1. 天气: _______________2. 衣物选择正确的译文。1. Open up your umbrella.[ ]A. 打开你的雨伞。B. 收起你的雨伞。2. Put on your boots.[ ]A. 穿上你的鞋。B. 穿上你的靴子。3. Take your rainc考考你。1. hot potato 翻译为[ ]A. 热土豆B. 棘手问题2. hot air 翻译为[ ]A. 热空气B. 空话,大话开动脑筋,写一写。1. 一条长裤:a pair of _____2. 一双袜子:a pair of _____3. 一只鞋:a _____4. 短裤:_____根据图片写短语。 _______ _______ ______________补全单词。1. wh__te2.y__llow3. r __d4. gr__ __n字母排队组单词。1. s,n,y,u,n_____2. a,r,w,m _____3. c,d,l,o_____ 4. s,w,o,n,y _____选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. weather( )2. A. jeans( )3. A. New York ( )4. A. window ( )5. A. they B. sunnyB. pantsB. London B. open B. your C. hotC看图片,写单词。 1. j__ __ns 2. s__cks 3. p__nts 4. sh __ __猜一猜。What does "red ball'' mean?[ ]A. 红球B. 特快列车C. 舞台开动脑筋,拼单词。1. l__ ght2. c__mp__ter3. l__nch4. d__nner5. bl__e 6. wh__se图文一致巧搭配。( )A. Jake comes from jacket. ( )B. The shirt looks like a "T".( )C. Cowboys wear jeans.字母排队组单词。1. a,j,k,t,c,e _____2. h,s,r,i,t _____3. p,n,t,a,s _____4. t,r,k,s,i _____选出不同类别的单词。( )1. A. fan ( )2. A. garden( )3. A. dinner( )4. A. T-shirt ( )5. A. jeans B. dressB. school B. musicB. sevenB. capC. lightC.字母排队组单词。1. s,e,w,a,e,t,r _____2. u,b,e,l _____3. k,i,s,t,r _____4. c,j ,a,e,k,t _____5. r,g,n,e,e _____选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. school( )2. A. fan ( )3. A. monkey( )4. A. eight ( )5. A. fourB. garden B. Chinese B. catB. second B. breadC. teacheC.字母排队组单词。1. s, y, o, n, w____2. j, n, a, s, e______3. f, b, o,a, l, o, t, l ___ 4. t, d, a, o, y______5. w, t, e, h, a, r, e______6. a, t, s, p_____按照要求填空。1. warm (反义词) ______2. sun (形容词) ______3. foot (复数) ______4. put on (反义词) ______5. let's (完整形式) ______看图写单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _______________ __________选词填空。doisarewhatwhere1. My sweater __ white.2._____ time is it?3. These _____ your socks.4. —__ is my book? — It's on the desk. 5. you have a can选出不同类的词。( )1. A. library( )2. A. are( )3. A. lunch( )4. A. gym( )5. A. jacket B. garden B. this B. book B. P.E. B. sweater C. music C.想一想,填一填。1. It's(on, in) the second floor.2. Do you have lunch(at, in) school?3. It's time(to, for) go to bed.4. It's time(to, for) lunch.5. T根据中文含意选择正确的英文解释,将序号填在括号内。( )1. 没有什么(东西)( )2. 种,类 ( )3. 便宜的 ( )4. 价钱 ( )5. 严重的 ( )6. 检查 ( )7. 留下 ( )8. 着迷的选择不同类别的一项。()1. A. white ()2. A. hot ()3. A. sunny ()4. A. ninety()5. A. horse B. jeans B. coolB. sun B. nineB. tomato C. pants C. son 选词填空。1. Let_(I, me) clean the desk.2. It's _ _(rain, rainy) here.3. What's the matter______(with, for) you?4. Are those ______(cow,cows) ?5. It'根据图片将单词补充完整。 1. f__sh 2. sh__p 3. p__nda 4. f__ __d给下列短语找到正确的图片,连线。1. a bad cold 6. a pair of shoes2. drive a car7. play cards3. no smoking8. a cup of tea4. mobile phone9. listen to the ra用所给中文补全短语。1. brush your (牙)2. wash your(脸) 3. class (数学)4. in the(客厅)5. cover the (计算机) 6. go to (床) 7. twobooks (语文) 8. an egg and填入适当的词。1. There a new chair and two sofas.2. Theresome cakes and some rice.3. Today is my mother's birthday .It's a birthday gift my mother.4. I根据句意,填入句子所缺的单词(首字母已给出)。1.Every weekendI climb m_____(爬山).2.F(秋天) ismy favourite season.3.Today is Chen Jie's birthday. John is se选词填空。A.WhoB.WhatD.WhichC.WhyE.When1.doyoueatbreakfast ?2. do you do on the weekend?3.do you likesummer?4.season do you like best?5. isthatwomaRead and write.(根据图画补充完整句子。)1. October 1stis our___ _ __.2. Xiao Ming's little brother likes to in winter.3. Look, Miss White is now. 4. EveRead and mach.(把下面的句子和句意相同的图片用线连起来。) Read and choose.(选择词语填空。注意英语句子的格式。)what which when who why1.—do you do at 8:00 in the morning every day? — I do exercises.2.— does your's 图文匹配,把短语序号填在相应图片的横线上。A. Don't walk on the grass.B. You can go.C. No smoking. D. This apple tastes delicious.F. plant tree. E. li用横线标出不同类的单词,并在横线上写出一个同类词。1. hisourthese2. MondayMarchSaturday 3. supermarket hospitalcloudy4. monkeybedroomkitchen 5. pizzaswimmingRead and choose. (选出与其它不同类的单词,将序号写在括号内。)( )1. A. man ( )2. A. tall( )3. A. bus ( )4. A. fifteen ( )5. A. girl( )6. A. USA ( )7.根据句子的描述选择最佳答案,并将所选单词的字母填写在括号内。1. It's a big cat. We can see a Chinese word "王"on it head. What is it?[ ]A. A dog B. A tig找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. brother( ) 2. A. pink ( ) 3. A. peach( ) 4. A. water( ) 5. A. elevenB. sisterB. tiger B. appleB. banana B. meetC. pan根据前面的图画,选出相应的单词。( ) 1. A. China B. America( ) 2. A. elevenB. elephant( ) 3. A. grapesB. kiwifruit ( ) 4. A. hamburgerB. hot dog( ) 5.选出下列各组单词中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项。( ) 1. A. shear( ) 2. A. nose( ) 3. A. which( ) 4. A. try( ) 5. A. whyB. bearB. loveB. chairB. Listen and circle.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词或字母。)( )1. A. grandma ( )2. A. fourteen( )3. A. kite( )4. A. good afternoon( )5. A. b ( )6. A. dad Read and choose. (读一读,选出下列每组单词中不同类的单词。) ( )1. A. father( )2. A. mouse ( )3. A. boy ( )4. A. America ( )5. A. teacher B. antB. elLook, read and choose. (看图,选择相应的单词,并把其字母编号填在该图片下面的括号里。)A. hamburgerB. dogC. girl D. grandma E. fatherF. America G. womanH.找出不同类型的单词,写在括号里。( )1. brother father motherteacher ()2. manwomanboymeet()3. reallyfourteensixeleven()4. twentytwelveseventeenmany()5. grandp读单词联线。1.遇见2.朋友3.兄弟4.二十5.早上好6.多少7.下午好8.看、瞧9.祖父10.真的 areally bgrandfatherclook atdgood afternoon etwenty fbrotherghow much h判断对错。( )1. 西方人用筷子比较多,中国人一般用刀叉。( )2. 复活节是我们中国小朋友喜欢的节日。( )3. how many与how much是一个意思。( )4. 每年的九月十二日我们要读句子联线。1. how many kites can you see? 2. how nice/beautiful3. how many crayons do you have? 4. open it and see 5. look at my new crayonsA 真漂亮B 你能单词拼写。根据所给句子和首字母完成单词。1.An elephant is h _____ than a monkey.2. T_____ right at the first crossing and you can find it on your right.3. My
认一认,选一选。将图片与单词配对。请将图片下面的字母序号填入相应的单词前面的括号里。 A B C D E 20F GHI J( ) 1. twenty ( ) 2. boy ( )3. father ( )4. egg( )5.根据句子的提示,给下列图片涂上相应的颜色。1. Look at the gag. It's blue.2. I have a green kite.3. I can see a brown book.4. There is an orange ruler on 按要求完成下列各题。1.because (对应词) ______2.first(基数词)______3.进行体育活动 (英语形式) ______4.六月(英语形式) ______5.October (缩写)______ 6.Thanksgiv根据句意,填入所缺单词。(第一个字母已给出)1. Every weekend I climb m_____.2. I usually g_____up at 12:00 noon.3. Sometimes I v_____ my grandparents.4. BecRead and write.(读读并写出相应的英语和汉语。)1. twelfth ________ 2. January the fifth ________3. 七月________4. 十一月(缩写) ________ 5. 六月一日________ 按要求写出下列单词的不同形式。1. write (ing形式) ________3. aren't (完全形式) ________ 5. run (ing形式) ________7. go (反义词) ________9. have (ing形式) __根据所给的中文填空。1. We have a new(朋友).2. I come from(中国).3. My (鼻子) is small .4. What's (你的) name ?5. My brother is (十一岁).看图,判断哪一个句子符合图意,符合的打“√”,不符合的打“×”。1. A. I'm Ben . I come from Britain. ( )B. I'm Alice . I come from America. ( )2. A. I'm Ji根据所给单词的首字母填空。1. Where a you from?2. I have a small m.3. What's his n?4. The boy is e.5. She has blue e.填字母,组单词,填序号。( )1. gr__ pefr__ t( )2. c__nc__ t( )3. h__ n__ ed( )4.__ ght__ ( )5. fl__er( )6.__ nter__ sting( )7. w__ k( )8. la__ er( )9. b_按要求写出下列单词。1. monkey (复数) _________________________2. money(复数) _________________________3. climb(分词) _________________________4. write(分词) 用适当词填空。1.— What can you dothe money? — I can buy many things.2. The colours of the clothnice.3. — What do you buy a TV? — To watch Olympic Games on根据中文含义选择正确的英文解释,将序号填在括号内。( )1. 休息( )2. 高兴起来( )3. 当心( )4. 卧床( )5. 下车( )6. 向左转( )7. 牙痛( )8. 乱扔垃圾(使凌乱)( )9.按要求写词。1. activity(复数)2. sheep(单数)3. down(反义)4. calf(复数)5. let's(原形)6. children(单数)_ 7. play(三单) 8. joey(复数)9. baby cats(同义) 10.写出所缺词。pighorsegooseduckhenpuppycalflambkidjoey根据句意选择方框内合适的单词,使句子通顺完整。fat fruitvegetablesgoodcorn hamburgeroldwoman animal1. Mygrandfatherisan( )man.2. — Doyoulikeorange, Ann? — Yes根据首字母填空。1. The small kangroos are c joeys. 2. The geese are sin the pond. 3. Tiger cubs can't j through the ring . 4. She l music from Mr. Black根据所学,给英文短语选择正确的汉语释义。( )1. my birthday ( )2. a big cake ( )3. this afternoon ( )4. some sandwiches ( )5. my birthday party( )6. go to be找出不属于同类词的一项。( )1. A. hot dog( )2. A. Coke( )4. A. lunch( )5. A. living room ( )6. A. beef( )7. A. pizza ( )8. A. cake( )9. A. brush( 用同类词替换划线部分。1. What’s in the living room?There is a bed.2. Can you clean the cup?3. What subjects do you like?I like Chinese.4. I have some h按所给汉语,补全短语。1. at the (周末)2. on (星期六)3. go to the (公园)4. go to (床)5. have a (数学)class6. have a (语文)class7. a (新的)theme park8. a (根据中文含义选择正确的英文解释,将序号填在括号内。( )1. 地板( )2. 当心( )3. 明白( )4. 梯子( )5. 得到( )6. 钱( )7. 道路( )8. 发愁( )9. 乘车( )10. 感觉A.看图,填入所缺的元音字母。1. c__ndy 2. j__m3. m__ngo 4. gr__pes 5. __ce cream 6. c__ffee 看图,选择正确的图片。1. elephant[ ]2. parrot[ ]3. watch[ ]看单词,请你将动物类和水果类的单词挑出来并写在相应的位置上。apple,banana,bear,pear,bag,goat,big,sheep,candy,peach,cow,shirt,horse,sweater,rooster,uniform,duck,or根据所给的字母,看你能写出多少个单词,写在横线上。每个字母可以重复使用。(单词的数量不限)_________________________________________________________________________Read and choose. ( )1. word( )2. look( )3. Australia( )4. how( )5. fourteen( )6. quarter( )7. get up ( )8. subway( )9. go home ( )10. go to school A.用适当的词填空。1. I often help Mary her Chinese.2. The vet takes care of all kindsanimals.3. There a lot of orange in the bottle.4.girls and boys in the Read and draw.1. It's eight o'clock. 2. It's two thirty.3. The cat is under the chair.4. The bird is beside the cat. 选择正确字母组合补全下列单词。au ouoo er ee1. n_____ghty 淘气2. c______l酷的3. ab_____t 关于 4. clev____聪明的 5. w____k 周选词填空。picnic on capitalwillfamous1. ______Sunday I'll help my mother.2 . London is the ______of England.3. The River Thames is very ______.4. ______i抄写。On Monday I'll do my homework. This is the Queen's house.Will Sam go to the park on Friday?___________________________________________________________Read and write. (看图填词.)6 1______2______3______4______ 5______6______Word Bankcameraglassesdancebagglovesskate按要求写出下列各词。1. class (复数)_ 2. go (反义词)_3. new (反义词)_ 4. one (序数词)_ 5. supper (同义词)_ 6. television (缩写)__ 7. activity (复数)_8. to填字母组单词,译中文。1. b d ( )2. c mt ( )3. d s ( )4. ch r ( )5. b ll n ( ) 6. t b e ( )7. c k ( ) 8. hmb g _ ( ) 9. c o k ( ) 10. __g ( ) 11. m l (找出下列单词中与其它词不属于同一类的词,并将其序号填入题前括号内。( )1. A. bedroom( )2. A. kite ( )3. A. cover( )4. A. French fries ( )5. A. breakfast(用适当词填空。are , in , many , for , is , ten , for , to , on , have , do , like , don't ,away, from1. Theresome bread and some hamburgers.2. Therethree kit找出相应的反义词。( )1. white( )2. short( )3. thin( )4. small( )5. old( )6. dirtyA. fat B. new C. big D. black E. longF. clean 用所给的字母写单词。1. a ,r ,o, c, y, n 2. a, n c, y, d 3. e, u, c, l, n4. e, o n, y, h5. a ,c, h, y, t____选词填空。1. This dress ____(is, are) pretty.2. We'll take____(it, its).3. How much____(is, are) those big shoes?4. Look____ (at, for) that dress.5. ItLook and write.1. The bag is _______ the desk.2. The pencil-box is _______ the bag3. The pen is _______ the pencil - box.4. The dog is _______ the chair.打开记忆,补全单词。1. pr__tt (漂亮的)2. chp (便宜的)3. col____ __ful (色彩丰富的)4. _ xp__nsiv__(昂贵的)5. s__v__nty (七十)选择不同类的一项。( )1. A. sixty ( )2. A. skirt ( )3. A. is( )4. A. this( )5. A. shirt B. ninety B. bigB. areB. that B. skirtC. longC. dress C.开动脑筋,填一填。1. colourful (名词) _____2. new (反义词) _____3. this (对应词) _____4. expensive (反义词) _____5. that (复数) _____看下列单词,请你选择正确图片,将序号写在括号里。1. story book ( ) 2. grandpa ( )3. crayon ( )4. daughter ( ) 看下面的单词,填入所缺的元音字母,并抄写一遍。h__w __ld __r__ y__ ____________________________________________________看图先从1到10按顺序连线,再将图中的单词写一写,看你能写几个?1_____2_____3_____4_____5_____6_____7_____8_____9_____10_____看下面的字母,圈出你认识的单词。写出下列单词的反义词。1.big_____2. long_____ 3.old_____4.warm_____ 5.hot _____选择不同类的一项。( )1. A. big( )2. A. ruler( )3. A. shorts ( )4. A. look ( )5. A. sixtyB. nice B. long B. shortB. help B. small C. shirtC. shor看图写单词。1. sn __ kers 2. slpp __s3. s nd Is 4. b __ts5. a pa __ of shoes选择不同类的一项。( )1. A. boots( )2. A. big( )3. A. sandals( )4. A. in ( )5. A. want B. socks B. sneakers B. dance B. onB. dress C. slippers C.字母排队组单词,并标明汉语意思。1. s, n, o( )2. s, e, z, i( )3. a, t, e, k( )4. o, f, r( )5. e, h, t, m( )选词填空。1. A shirt(for, with) my son.2. How(many, about) this pair?3.(Are, Do) they nice?4. We'll take(they, them).5. How much(is, are) yourboots? 看图写单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5._____ _____ _____ _____ _____选择不同类的一项。( )1. A. fifteen( )2. A. red( )3. A. boots( )4. A. monkey ( )5. A. yellow B. apple B. orangeB. shoes B. three B. banana C. pear看图写单词。1. _____8. _____想一想,你一定能填上。1. buy (同音词) ______2. sun (同音词) ______ 3. right (同音词) ______ 4. cool (反义词) ______ 5. cold (反义词) ______ 6. long (反义词选择不同类别的一项。( )1. A. library( )2. A. is ( )3. A. lunch( )4. A. gym( )5. A. jacket ( )6. A. colour ( )7. A. warm ( )8. A. rainy( )9. A. 你知道填哪一个更准确吗? 1. It's _ (on, in) the first floor.2. Do you have lunch (at, in) school?3. It's time (to, for) watch TV.4. It's time (to, for)为所给单词选择正确的图片。1. pen[ ]2. crayon[ ]3. eraser[ ]4. ruler[ ]5. pencil[ ]看图片拼单词。1. shp 2. hse3.1mb 4. hn5. c 6. gt读短语,选图片,再翻译。( )1. Ride a horse. ____________( )2. Shear a sheep. ____________( )3. Feed the hens. ____________( )4. Milk a cow. ____________(你知道该填哪一个词吗?How Aresheepthose What1.are they?2.they goats? Yes, they are.3. many horses are there?4. They are _.5. Arecows? No, they aren't看图片,写单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5._____ __________ __________打开记忆,拼单词。1. p t t__ 2. c c mber3. t mt__ 4. c rr__t5. __n__ __n将下列单词归类。banana, twenty, rabbit, apple, tomato,dog, twelve, onion, horse, pear, thirty,carrot, orange, two, potato, watermelon,fifteen, sheep, cat, cucumb选择相搭配的语句。( )1. I like tomatoes.( )2. I like potatoes.( )3. I like carrots.( )4. I like cucumbers.( )5. I don't like onions.A. Tender and gre根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. Are these ___? (土豆)2. ___are these? (什么)3. Arecows? (那些)4. Theare fresh. (黄瓜)5. Are they carrots? (否定回答)________选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. tomato( )2. A. red ( )3. A. cucumber( )4. A. monkey( )5. A. rabbitB. carrot B. eleven B. greenB. twenty B. pear C. app补全单词。1. cl__urfl (色彩丰富的)2. prtt(漂亮的)3. ch__p (便宜的)4. sm __ __ (小的)5. sh__ t (短的)6. b__ts (靴子)7. tk (买)8. r__ng (橙子)9. sn __kers选择不同类别的一项。( )1. A. colourful( )2. A. big( )3. A. size ( )4. A. apple( )5. A. seventyB. pretty B. forB. sneakers B. them B. fiftyC. sixt在下列各组字母中,找出我们学过的单词,并在下面画“”。1. C B X P E N N A O T2. B C P O E R A S E R3. T R U L E R P Y W B4. H B P E N C I L O M5. G C R A Y O N看谁选得又快又准。1. Show me your.[ ]A. penB. pencil2. Show me your.[ ]A. eraser B. ruler3. Show me your.[ ]A.crayonB. pencil4. Show me your.[ ]A.选一选。( )1. draw ( )2. thread ( )3. string ( )4. wear ( )5. card ( )6. write( )7. hole ( )8. say( )9. yourself ( )10. makeA. 写B. 洞C. 细绳D. 穿戴看图并选择。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. Thread the string.2. Say your name.3. Make the holes.4. Wear the name card.5. Write your name.6. Draw yourself.根据汉语意思,补全单词。1. g d好的2. m ning早晨, 上午3. nc 好看的4. m t见面, 遇到制作一张属于自己的名片。写上你的名字,画上或贴上自己的照片。(注:此题为附加题)根据汉语意思,写单词。1. 眼睛4. 头2. 鼻子5. 脸3. 耳朵6. 嘴 根据图片判断句子对(√)错(×)。( )1. Touch my eye.( )2. Touch my face. ( )3. Touch my head. ( )4. Touch my ear. ( )5. Touch my mouth.开动脑筋,填一填。(利用本课所学单词填空)你知道下列短语的意思吗?选选看!(18分)( )1. make a face( )2. from mouth to mouth( )3. from head to footA. 口口相传B. 做鬼脸C. 从头到脚找朋友。( )1. ear ( )2. nose( )3. mouth ( )4. face( )5. eye A. 眼睛B. 鼻子C. 耳朵 D. 嘴E. 脸看谁选得又快又准。1. [ ]A. dog B. bag C. book2. [ ]A. school B. book C. ruler3. [ ]A. sharpener B. penC. eraser4. [ ]A. pencilB. pencil-caseC. cr找出不是同类的单词或句子。( )1. A. pen ( )2. A. bag ( )3. A. my( )4. A. Hi! B. pencil B. school B. rulerB.Bye!C. hello C. bookC. eraserC. See you选词填空。A. pencil-caseB. CloseC. ShowD. bag1. your book.2.me your sharpener.3. Open your ____. 4. Carry your ____. 看图选词。( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )A.bagB. pencilC. bookD. sharpenerE.ruler F. pencil-case找朋友。A. pencil B. pen C. sharpenerD. eraser E. bag F. ruler( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )给图片选择正确的描述语句,把数字填在括号内。 ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )1. Show me your pencil.2. Open your pencil-case.3. Go to school.4. Carry your bag.5. S给下列图片涂上颜色吧!1. orange 2. pink 3. yellow 请为左边的小动物选择相应的叫声。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. A. Quack!Quack!B. Woof!Woof!C. Mew!Mew!读句子,并找出相应的图片,把序号写在图片右侧的“__”上。_____1. Look! I have a rabbit._____2. Look! I have a monkey. _____3. Look! I have a panda._____4.Loo看图,选一选。A. dog( )1. B. rabbit( )2. C. cat( )3.D. monkey( )4. E. duck ( )5. F. panda( )6. 猜猜这些小朋友所模仿的动物。A. cat B. duck C. panda D. monkey E. rabbitF. dog1. Act like a.2.Act like a.3. Act like a.4. Act like a.5. Act like a.请写出你认识的单词。1. 2. 3. 4.5.根据图片提示选一选。1. I have a [ ]A. dog B. rabbit2. I have a [ ]A. cat B. panda3. I have a [ ]A. monkeyB. duck4. I have a [ ]A. catB. rabbit5. I h看看下面小动物在第几层格子里,填序号。( )熊猫( )狗( )猫( )鸭子 ( )兔子( )猴子给下面的图片选择正确的英文。A. pigB. squirrelC. elephantD. mouse E. birdF. bear 判断对错,对的画“√”,错的画“×”。1. I have a bird. 2. Look at my pig. 3. I like the mouse. 猜猜这些小朋友所模仿的动物。A. bear B. elephant C. squirrelD. mouse E. bird1. Hunt like a .2. Climb like a . 3. Walk like an .4. Fly like a .5. Jum