根据汉语意思,把下列字母重新组成单词。osn amn act aehd dol1. 猫 2. 儿子 3. 老的4. 男人 5. 头 看图选词填空。1.Sheisnow.(crying,laughing)2.I myfinger.(cut, cutting) 3.Myfatheris .(short, tall)4.LiMing'smotherisa .(teacher,doctor)5.Lynnisagirl.(p用画线部分的反义词或对应词填空,使句意完整。1. Iamyoung.Sheis .2. Iamagirl.Heisa.3.Heisashortman. Iama man.4.Thisismyfather.That'smy .5.Tomismybrot读一读,选一选。1. 詹妮的家庭[ ]A.LiMing'sfamilyB. Jenny'sfamily2. 去上学[ ]A.gotoschoolB. gotobed3. 生日蛋糕[ ]A. abirthdaypartyB. abirthdaycake4. 感从下列表格中,找出你学过的单词。(至少找出7个)brotherspityr s e a kuaiutzop o v l m c d s e c a u unxlnmothernkezfatherazglacwolcrpjkr同学们,请你们赶快参加单词加油站吧!看图,根据句意选出与图意相符的图片。( ) 1. A.ThisisLiMing'sfamily.( ) 2.B.Mybrotherisapoliceman. ( ) 3. C.Thisismybirthdaycake.( ) 4. D.Myfatherisaca看图,选出与图意相符的单词。( ) 1. A.handsomeB.beautiful( ) 2.A.longhairB.shorthair( ) 3. A.student B. school ( ) 4. A.fingerB. family( ) 5. A. war根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。( ) 1. 胃,肚子 ( ) 2. 司机( ) 3. 玩( ) 4. 女儿 ( ) 5. 学生 A. shoulder A. police officerA. playingA. brother A. school B看图,判断下列句子是否与图意相符,相符的写(T),不符的写(F)。( ) 1. Sheiscryingnow.( ) 2. LiMing'smotheristall. ( ) 3. Mybrotherisacarpenter.( ) 4. Myhair根据图片意思选择恰当的短语。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A.bigfoot B.gotoschool C.LiMing'sfamily D.longhair E.abirthdaycake看图.找出身体各部位的单词并写在横线上。读一读,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。1.nineapples ( )2.Heishappy. ( )3. Thisismymouth.( )4. It'shot. ( )5.It'saschool. ( ) 请你把小熊的身体各部位写出来。1. 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. nine (序数词) 3. yours (主格) 5. take a bath (同义短语) 7. sit (现在分词)9. dress (复数) 2. those (反义词)4. bathroom (同看图,写单词。 1.Thiaisa .2.Thisisa.3.Thisisa .4.Thisisa.5. Myfavouriteshapeisa .(根据实际情况回答)看图片,请把下面各图的名字写在横线上吧!1. 2. 3.4.5. 6.7.8. 超级模仿秀。根据例句把下面的句子补充完整。Example: ThisisthewayIwashmyhandsonSundayinthebathroom1. ThisisthewayIoninthebathroom.2. ThisisthewayIoninthebathroo看图写单词。 看图数数,写出英语数字。 看图,选出正确的单词。( ) 1. A.pencilcaseB.blackboardC.marker( ) 2. A.carpenterB.policeofficerC.driver( ) 3. A.cakeB.partyC.presents ( ) 4. A.teach把括号中的字母组合成一个单词,使句意完整。1.Myfatherhas abird. Itcan (n, s, g, i)manysongs.2.Mr.WoodisfromAmerica,buthecanspeak(e, h, e, i, C, n, s)verywell根据所给汉语提示,把句子补充完整。1. Therearemany (班).2. Li Ming (有时) goestoschoolbybicycle.3. Ilikeallthe(形状).4.On (星期六) wedon'tgotoschool.5. 看图,根据句意选词填空。1.Thisisa. (cat, lion)2.Sheis now.(laughing,crying)3. Icutmy .(elbow,knee) 4.nameisJenny.(Her,His)5.Ilivein .(Canada,China)看图,根据句意写出反义词。1. Iamhappy.Youares . 2.Theyarein.Weareo .3.LiMing'smotherisshort. Hisfatherist. 4.Youareyoung. Iamo.5. Iamhot.Sheisc. 根据汉语意思选择正确的英语短语。1. 我的朋友[ ]A.yourfriendB. herfriendC. myfriendD. hisfriend2. 九把椅子[ ]A.sevenchairsB. ninechairsC.fivechairsD.twoc看图写单词或词组。 读一读,找找错误。写出单词的正确形式。1. china→ 3. danny → 5. canada →7. citys →9. the u. k. → 2. womans →4. the u. s.→ 6. teethbrush → 8. english →看图,读句子并判断。正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1. Hegoestoschoolbybus.( ) 2. Theyarehavingsuppernow.( ) 3. Theyareatthebusstop.( ) 4. — What'stheweath单词分类。bathtub,triangle,bus,onion,plane,bathroom,toilet,kitchen,carrot,line,square,bedroom,pea,bike,cabbage,sink,circle,shower,train,livingroom1. 交通工具: 2根据要求给下列单词分类。son eye teacher fish cat nine mother1. 家庭成员: 2. 职业: 3. 动物: 4. 身体部位: 5. 数字: 选择正确的单词填空。1.Howmany(A. triangle B.triangles) canyousee? 2. Iam(A. writing B.write)aletter. 3.Ihavefour(A.child B.children). 4. Let's(A. 把单词分类,将其序号写在相应的横线中。1. toast and jam6. pea 11. plane 16. Monday 2. kitchen 7. cereal 12. carrot 17. bedroom3. Sunday 8. bathroom 13.根据句意填入单词,单词的首字母已给出。1.Thisistherefrigerator. Itiscinside.2.Myhandsaredirty. I wmyhands.Nowmyhandsarec .3.Mumisceggsonthestove.4. It'根据句子补充单词。1.Myfavourite is a line.2. — Didyouhaveagood ? — Yes,thankyou. 3.Mumiscooking. Sheisinthe .4. It'stoday.Don'tforgetyourbootsandumbr根据汉意填入单词。1.In (春天), weoftengoforawalkinthepark.2. Therearefour (季节) inayear.3.(小心)! Theschoolbusiscoming.4. Itissnowy.Wecan(滑雪) onthesno选择正确答案填空。1.LiMingaregettingready(A. for B. to)school.2.Mittsandmittensare meaning (A. different B. thesame).3.Look(A. out B. on)ofthewindow.英汉小朋友手拉手。给下列英文选择正确的中文解释。( ) 1. 在秋季( ) 2. 今天早上 ( ) 3. 摔倒 ( ) 4. 在外面玩 ( ) 5. 一个下雪天 ( ) 6. 在冰上 ( ) 7. 学得快 ( )单数变复数。policeman →tooth →watch → dress→boy →woman→box →toothbrush → chair→couch→按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. one (序数词)3. mine (主格)5. quiet (反义词)7. get (现在分词)9. family (复数) 2. out (反义词) 4. driver (动词) 6. softly 按要求写单词。1. ski (现在分词)3. snowman (复数) 5. one (序数词) 7. warm (反义词) 9. inside (反义词) 2. they (宾格) 4. forwards (反义词)6. big (比较级)8.看图,根据句意,选择正确的单词填空。1. Today is (Friday, Thursday).2. It's(cold, hot) inthemorning.3.XiaomingandTomaregettingreadyfor (park, school).4. H单词大变身,改变一个字母,你就会发现一个新单词,快来试一试吧!1. bed →3. pea →5. she →7. make → 9. dish → 2. these →4. like → 6. eight → 8. cook →10. ca将下列字母排列成正确的单词并画出图片。 o t b o si n l er i e l c e z z p a im b u r l a e l q a r e s u 看图写单词,将句子补充完整。1. It'sa day.Shedoesn'thaveher and . Sheis.2. Some areatthe .3. — How areyou? — I amyearsold.4. — What'sthetemperature?根据下表填写天气状况。1. It'sonSunday.2. It's onMonday.3. It's onSaturday.4. It's onTuesday.5. It's onFriday.6.It'sand onWednesday.7. It's on给下列图片选择对应的季节和描述。( ) 1. A.falla. It'sveryhot.( ) 2. B.winterb. Iliketoslideontheice.( ) 3. C.spring c.Thegrassisnew. ( ) 4. D.summe头尾相连组句子。( ) 1. The flowers bloom ( ) 2. Spring is coming, then comes( ) 3. I don't think ( ) 4. I like to slide ( ) 5. Danny can't teach Li Ming A请在下列字母中找出你所学过的五个单词并写在横线上。z j u w i n d w q r a i n s p i c e o s v y w q s u n a l m c l o u d u v s l l a z 疑问词大搬家。WhereWhenHowHowmanyWhat1.— doestheschoolbegin? — At8: 30.2.— isyourmother? — Sheisateacher.3.— isBob?— Heisinthelibrary.4.— boysaretherei看图,填空。1. Sheisa.2.Herfatherisan .3. Heisa .4. Samisa.5.isamerrymaninredclothes. 6.Heisputtingonhis.7.Therearemany inthebox. 8.Thisisacardwit看图,写单词。1.2. 3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.9.10. 英汉大联盟。给下列的英文短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. Merry Christmas! ( ) 2. put up ( ) 3. Chinese lantern ( ) 4. get ready for ( ) 5. take pictures ( ) 6超级模仿秀!根据例子写单词。 go-went 1.follow → 2. shop → 3.do → 4. is →5. bring → go-going6.give→ 7.shop→ 8. follow→ 9.bring→10.put→ 选择所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Lookatthesun!It(shines,isshining) inthesky.2. There (are, be) Christmaslightsinourlivingroom.3. AtChristmas,manypeople(bring,b写出正确单词。r t a s c r d a m a c r e a l a e n t r n t y s o 写出所缺单词。Example: went→go→ begoingtogo 1.→play →2.→ → begoingtosee3. opened → → 4.→ shop→ 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. love (同义词) 3. shop (现在分词) 5. eat (过去式) 7. put (现在分词)9. do (过去式) 2. five (序数词)4. thing (复数)6. bring我是优秀翻译家。根据中文意思填写正确的英文单词。1. Jesuswas a (伟大的) man.2. Lynnboughtmany (玩具) intheshop.3. ManypeoplesayJesuswasthesonof (上帝).4. C选择正确的字母补全单词。( ) 1. speal ( ) 2. yo s ( ) 3. toi t ( ) 4. refr erator( ) 5. squa ( ) 6. d ver ( ) 7. d ty ( ) 8. ho day ( ) 9. rly ( ) 10. d根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1. DidSbringgifts?2.Theyares ontheice.3.Howmanysarethereinayear?4. Inw , Iliketomakeasnowman.5.Didyouhaveagoodt?6. How'请把下面的字母重新排列成单词。例: e d r→ red 2.c u n i s o →4.a l l t → 6.i r h a→ 8.c y b i c e l → 1.d l o r e →3.h o s r t → 5.s e e y →7.s u b →9.a 看图,把句子补充完整。 Tom10yearsold Jane 9yearsold1.Tomis thanJane.JaneisTom. Kate 1.4m Bob 1.8m2.Kateis Bob.BobisKate.读一读,根据例子写出下列单词的好朋友。例: eat →ate 1. see →2. buy → 3. do→4. go → 5. bring → 根据句意及首字母填入单词。1. Insummer,Iliketos inthesun.2. Infall,thewindblowsthel offthetrees.3. Iliketos onthesnow.4.Wegourfamilyandfriendsgifts.5.The在空格内填入适当的字母,使横竖行都能组成单词。farrr反义词对对碰。short — same — far —curly—taller —happy — 请把下列单词归类,找出每组中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. glasses ( ) 2. A. white ( ) 3. A. short( ) 4. A. brother ( ) 5. A. car ( ) 6. A. nurse B. cousin慧眼识珠,选择正确的字母组合把单词补充完整。( ) 1. d ( ) 2. csin ( ) 3. un ( ) 4. cl k A. c y A. u n A. c l e A. o r B.a yB. o n B. c i eB. e rC. e 看图,完成句子。1.Igototheto . 2.Igototheto. 3.Igototheto . 4.Igototheto . 读一读,补全单词并将其翻译出来。你发现什么规律了吗?1. shorter 2. eat3. foot4. mall 5. dry older meat boot fall draw smaller please cook calldrive tall( )r d按要求写单词。1. short (比较级) 3. taller (原形) 5. driver (动词) 2. old (反义词)4. work (名词)6. eye (同音词) 英汉大联欢。给下列的英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. store( ) 2. cashier( ) 3. clerk( ) 4. nurse( ) 5. waiterA. 收银员B. 百货店C. 男服务员D. 办事员 E.英汉大联欢。给英文短语选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. how many ( ) 2. usually ( ) 3. play games ( ) 4. play the piano ( ) 5. my umbrella ( ) 6. on a rainy day (写出下列单词的反义词、对应词。1. younger2. white3. happy4. curly 5. long6. aunt火眼金睛,把正确的单词写在下面横线上。nouth weast australia conutry white House 老鼠搬家,请帮它把各个词组的序号放到正确的横线上。1.theGreatWall2.NiagaraFalls 3.Washington4.thePalaceMuseum5.Ottawa6.StatueofLiberty 7. NewYork1. China:反义词对对碰。给下列单词选择正确的反义词。( ) 1. south ( ) 2. up ( ) 3. old ( ) 4. small ( ) 5. cool ( ) 6. cold A. big B. new C. northD. down E. hot 国家猜猜猜。1.Theflagisred.Therearefiveyellowstarsonit. Thiscountryis .2.Theflagisredandwhite.Ithasaleaf.Thecountryis.3.Thiscountryhaskangaroosandbeauti看图写单词。1. 2. nswe 给下列的国家选择正确的国旗和首都,把相应的序号写在横线上。_______1. ChinaA. a. Beijing_______2. U.S.B. b. Washington_______3. U.K.C. c. Canberra____请把下列单词归类。down beaches orangetheGreatWallNewYork leftblond up graywestpink purpletheSummerPalaceRockyMountains1. 方向: 2. 景点: 3. 颜色:给下列的英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. famous ( ) 2. president( ) 3. queen ( ) 4. inside ( ) 5. nurse A. 著名的B. 在……里面 C. 护士 D. 女王 E. 总统 将下列单词补充完整。1. doct3. penter 5. Aus alia 7. nada 9. sp k 2. bi cle 4. st6. n th 8. ow 10.Engli单词大变身。按要求写出下列单词。1. short (比较级) 3. know (同音词)5. faster (原级)7. glass (复数)2. east (反义词) 4. too (同音词)6. United Kingdom (简写) 生活中我们经常遇见这些词,你知道他们的含义吗?am.HKpm. P 选出不属于同一类的一项。( ) 1. A. monkey ( ) 2. A. white ( ) 3. A. new ( ) 4. A. U. K. ( ) 5. A. up B. tiger B. gray B. cousinB. U. S. B. nort按要求写单词。1. always (反义词)3. children (单数) 5. five (序数词) 7. cool (反义词)9. inside (反义词)2. usual (副词)4. wet (反义词)6. twelfth (基数词)8.用“a”或“an”填空。1.Iwanttoeatdonut.2.Iwanttodrawumbrella.3.Iwanttosingsong.4.Thisisoldbook.5.airplaneisfast.写出下列单词的汉语意思,并选择正确的图片。( ) 1. glasses( ) 2. leaf ( ) 3. monkey( ) 4. map ( ) 5. flagA. B. C. D. E.从括号中选出适当的词填空,把句子补充完整。1.Californiaisacityof(America,Canada).2. (Where,What)doesanelephantlive?3.Aretheremany (city,cities)inthiscountry?单词大搬家,把单词写在对应的横线上。sweater shoes jacket socks blouse gloves skirt jeansa: a pair of: 反义词选选看。( ) 1. fast ( ) 2. these ( ) 3. far ( ) 4. hot ( ) 5. leave( ) 6. this A. slow B. arrive C. those D. cold E. that F. near 下面十项属于哪些国家?分一分吧。1.NiagaraFalls2.BuckinghamPalace3.WhiteHouse 4.Kangaroos5.RockyMountains 6.NewYork 7.BeihaiPark 8.king9.StatueofLiberty10看谁用最短的时间写完下列反义词。1. faster 3. arrive5. north7. open 2. east 4. sad 6. long 8. go 改头换面,加一个字母使其成为新单词。1. eat 2. hat 3. wet4. rain 5. plan 下面每个单词都被分开了,你能将它们连起来吗?在后面横线上写出相对应的汉语意思。1. thir 2. twen 3. ei 4. fif 5. elev 6. hunteen ty en dred ght ty补全单词,选择正确的字母组合。( ) 1.tiet( ) 2.clo( ) 3.st( ) 4.tr n( ) 5.jamasA.s eB. c kC. p y D. a iE. a n d写出下列单词的反义词、对应词。1. this4. curly7. black 2. arrive5. these8. go 3. run6. stand 9. warm 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. run ( ) 2. A. May ( ) 3. A. faster( ) 4. A. there ( ) 5. A. shoes B. jump B. Jenny B. plane B. this B. shorts C. sit
认真思考,根据句意,填内容。例: Ican'tfindmypen. Mypenislost. 1. Youcan'tfindbook.bookislost.2. Shecan'tfind bag.bagislost.3. Hecan'tfindbicycle. b给字母排排队组成单词并画出来。 1.e t i t ck 2.k e t c j a 3.i a n t r 4.t n a d s 5. c h e s t o l 6. o u c l d y 把下列单词分类,写在对应的横线上。gloves egg cake blouse those skirt milk this they housecoat melon he食品: 服装: 代词: 动动你的小脑筋,猜猜这些人的身份。1.Myfather'ssisterismy .2.Myuncle'ssonismy .3.Mymother'smotherismy .4.Mycousin'sfatherismy .5.Mygrandfatherhastwos想一想,排排座,组成新的单词。1. o s u t h4. C i n a h 7. e t w s 2. t s a e 5. s A u t a r i l a8. n o k w3.p a m6. n a a a C d 9. c t y i写出下列单词的反义词。1. west2. taller3. left4. different5. older 单词大变身。按要求写出单词。1. brother (对应词)3. work (名词)5. one (序数词) 7. teach (名词)9. United States (简写) 2. fast (比较级) 4. south (反义词)6. 给下列的图片选择对应的国家。( ) 1. A. U.S.( ) 2. B. U.K.( ) 3. C. China ( ) 4. D. Canada( ) 5. E. Australia读一读并写下它们的英文名称。1. 1000 3. 565. 4011 2. 25184. 72006. 9300 改变一个字母,使它变成一个新单词并翻译出来。1. hi 3. comb5. pay 7. not9. too 2. mall 4. then6. fix 8. line 10. fur把下面的单词分类,写在对应的横线上!firsteatcomeHebeitalk live Tian'anmenSquaresecond Beijing restaurantworkthirdShijiazhuangschoolinvite1. 地点: 2. 动词: 3. 看图,写出下列交通工具的名称。 反义词对对碰。1. happy 4. south 2. slow5. faster3. leave 6. go “a、an”大搬家。把下列名词写在正确的冠词的横线上。airplane hot dog orange country week sweater egg ticket umbrellaa:an:看图填空。1.Theplaneis thantheship. Theshipistheplane. 2.Thezebrais thetiger. Thetigeristhezebra. 3.Thelionisthedog. Thedogis thelion.4.Thegiraffeis th英汉大联欢。给下列的英文单词词组选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. just right( ) 2. cheap( ) 3. stay( ) 4. wonderful( ) 5. invite( ) 6. by bikeA. 停留B. 骑自行车读一读,写一写,并翻译出来,你发现了什么规律? 1. may 2. east 3. thank4. cock 5. fly waypleasethink hot by gray seathin pop my pl( )l ve ( ) ousand ( )dg( ) 按要求写单词。1. faster (原级) 3. near (反义词) 5. second (基数词) 7. sun (形容词)2. cheap (比较级) 4. I (同音词) 6. leave (反义词) 8. come (第三人称单数把单词分别写在与之相配的横线上吧。tickets key noodles suitcase buses shirt paws map legs pen houses socks desk1. this / that:2. these / those:看图,用“near”或“far”填空。1. Themanisthe. 2. Thegirlisthe . 请把下面的字母重新排列成单词。1. b a c 3. u c k t r5. r e n a 2. y c l e b i c4. b a r y r i l 6. r f a请给图片选择对应的单词组合。( ) 1. A. hoa. building( ) 2. B. apartmentb. ool( ) 3. C. pac. tel( ) 4. D. offid. rk ( ) 5. E. sche. ce你知道他们在哪儿工作吗?看图,选一选。( ) 1. A. ( ) 2. B.你能用英语写出所给数字的下一个数吗?twelvesixty-six twenty-ninefifty-fourninety seventy-two 测测你的口算能力,将句子补充完整。1. 45 + 36 = ?Forty-fiveplusthirty-sixequals (等于) .2. 16 + ? = 52Sixteenplusequalsfifty-two.3. ? + 29 = 67plustwenty-写出与下面首都城市对应的国家。 CountryCapital BeijingOttawaWashington,D.C.London Canberra选择正确的单词填空。1. Aworksinarestaurant.2. Aworksinastore.3. Aworksinastore.4.Aworksinanofficebuilding.businessmanwaitressclerkcashier 请你帮助12个月份把队伍按先后顺序排列好吧!( ) July( ) January( ) February( ) October( ) March( ) December( ) September( ) November( ) May( ) June( ) August( ) Apr请你按照小气象员的报告将下列天气画出来。1. It is warm and sunny.2. The weather is cold and snowy. 3. It is warm and rainy.4. It ishot and sunny.5. The w补全单词。1. plane 5. spk 2. a ive6. tr n 3. s th7. csin4. gr8. m p 按要求写单词。1. jacket (复数)3. do (否定式) 5. old (反义词)7. running (原形) 2. China (语言)4. slower (原形) 6. house (音近词) 8. warm (反义词)看图,请为下列单词找回丢失的字母。1. cl ssr ml bra y ru k ar bc cle你知道他们在哪里工作吗?快写出来吧。1.Kateisawaitress. Kateworksina .2.Linglingisastudent. Linglingstudies (学习) ina .3.Nancyisacashier. Nancyworksina .给下列的单词选择所缺的字母。( ) 1. reta rant ( ) 2. sh pp ng ( ) 3. c erk ( ) 4. wa tr ss ( ) 5. cas ierA. i e B. s u C. h D. o i E. l选择正确的单词填空。1.Where'sthe(jym,gym)?2. Theschoolis(nearer,far) fromhere.3. Let'sgo (shopping,shop).4.Let'sgotothe (market,movietheatre)tobuysomev选出不是同一类的单词。( ) 1. A. teacher( ) 2. A. he ( ) 3. A. eighty ( ) 4. A. what B. nurse B. I B. old B. where C. boy C. she C. eleven C. who 看图,写单词。 请把下面句子补充完整。1.Andygoestoschoolbyc .2.Lily'shomeisffromherschool.3. — Howoldareyou,Grandfather? — Iame yearsold.4.Sixty-sevenplustwentyequals.读一读,选择正确的英文单词。( ) 1. A. teacher( ) 2. B. doctor ( ) 3. C. cashier请你画一辆自行车并根据提示写出它各部分的英语名称。chain seat wheeltirebell 请你为动物园的动物们配上英文卡片。 hant m key t g r k g roo l on w f读一读,请写出小朋友们所在的地点。WangMeiisreadingabook. → WangMei — LiPingisplayingping-pong. → LiPing — HanXueiswritingontheblackboard. → HanXue — 选出不是同一类的单词。( ) 1. A. fifty ( ) 2. A. third ( ) 3. A. clerk ( ) 4. A. one ( ) 5. A. gym ( ) 6. A. clerk B. sixty B. fifty B. doctor B. 考考你的小脑筋。1. +sixteen=twenty2. forty+=sixty-seven3. eight+ =eleven4. ninety+=onehundred5. thirty+ =fifty-three请写出以下面字母开头的单词。1. 职业:c w c 2. 场所: lc g 3. 数字: n ts小朋友,你能把下面的字母按顺序排好吗?1. u y b2. p p g s o h n i3. l r e k c4. s i h r e c a5. hops给图片选择对应的单词。( ) 1. A. classroom( ) 2. B. truck( ) 3. C. library( ) 4. D. hotel ( ) 5. E. museum给下列的月份选择正确的汉意,并写出你最喜爱的月份及该月的天气。( ) 1. July ( ) 2. January ( ) 3. February ( ) 4. October ( ) 5. March ( ) 6. December ( ) 7.给下列单词分类。cashier clerk fifty duck goat gym shop elephant library sixty tiger waitress wolf restaurant pig kangaroo职业:数字: 场所:动物: 找朋友,把序号写在对应的横线上。1. monkey5. ten 9. goat A. 猴子E. 狮子 I. 十2. lion 6. rock 10. three B. 山羊F. 石头J. 三 3. tree 7. cat 11. seven你能猜出下列图片中的动物吗?仔细观察并写出来。下列单词,你能替换其中一个字母变成一个新单词吗?1. big5. came2. car6. how 3. coat7. far 4. house 8. two 多么漂亮的一只小鸟,你能写出它身体各部位的名称吗?同学们,你喜欢什么动物?试着画画并给大家介绍一下吧!Myfavouriteanimalis .It's(big,small).Ithas .Itcan. Ilikeitverymuch.这是晶晶的小猫,你能写出它各部位的名称吗?读一读,看看图和句子是否相符,画(√)或(×)。() 1. Thecatisinshoes.() 2. Reachuphigh.() 3. Adogcanplaycards. () 4. Fishcanhop.() 5. Jenny'sheadisstuck.小朋友,你喜欢这只小白兔吗?请帮它将句子补充完整。1. Thisisa (fish,rabbit).2. Ithaslongand(red, white)eyes.3. Itlikestoeat (carrots,meat). 4. Itcan(swim,ho很多动物单词藏在其中,你能找出来吗?在表中找出来,并写在横线上。(至少写出六个)dvbirdogcocowhutean i hre c a trkswinkiypehkocelpayefurksbwiemousemsxpigoatnu你知道这些动物单词在下列句子中表示什么意思吗?1. " Itrainscatsanddogs " means .[ ]A. 下猫下狗B. 下毛毛雨C. 倾盆大雨D. 下大雪2. " Heisaluckydog." 中dog动脑筋,看看下列每种小动物共有多少只,写出来。1. 15 + 20 =dogs 2. 11 + 9 = 3. 23 + 24 = 4. 38 + 42 = 5. 47 + 25 = 你能找出多少种小动物?把它们写出来吧。小狗把骨头放乱了,快来帮它排序,组成正确的单词吧!1. e r t e4. f w l o 2. t e o f r s 5. k y n m o e 3. o t f n r 6. e i n i d s 7. u j d e g下列图片看懂了吗?请用恰当的介词填空。1.Thelittleduckis thehole.2.Themonkeyisthehole.3.LiMingis thehouse.4.Jennyisthechair.5.Themonkeyis thetree.给小动物选择他们爱吃的食物吧。( ) 1. A. leaves( ) 2. B. peaches( ) 3. C. bamboo ( ) 4. D. grass看一看,选一选。( ) 1. A. zoo( ) 2. B. window( ) 3. C. umbrella ( ) 4. D. vegetables数一数,写一写。1.footballs2.pears3.dogs4.chairs5. shoes看一看,写一写。1.What'sthis? It'sa .2.What'sthis? It'sa .3.What'sthis? It'sa . 4.What'sthis? It'smy .找一找,看看里面藏着多少个单词?把他们找出来,并写在横线上。一定要找到10个才行噢!evbirdogklclegktoaetarecaanpiwtnkitglgkohelpaiefurisbro r mo u s e mo npigoatro 请把下面的字母重新排列成单词。例: i r g l— girl 2. r u f o—4. o l o h c s —1. h c r a i —3. e r t e h — 5. k s d e — 看图,写单词。 选择填空,补全单词。1. ne 2. t o 3. tre4. fou5. ine A. oA. a A. h, eA. e A. n B. c B. d B. w, e B. t B. t C. f C. wC. b, rC. r C. g D. u D.你能把下面成语中的数词用英语写出来吗?1. 一石二鸟 → 石鸟2. 三心二意 → 心 意3. 四分五裂 → 分 裂给下列的英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. eight( ) 2. school( ) 3. boy( ) 4. chair( ) 5. pencil( ) 6. desk( ) 7. blue( ) 8. teacherA. 铅笔 B. 男孩C. 看图,完成句子。1. The isthedesk.2. The isthedesk.3. Theisthebook.4. Theisthebook.请把下面的字母重新排列成单词。例: e n p — pen 1. a r k e m r — 2. e n p l i c — 3. b a l c k o b d r a — 选出与图片意思相符的一项。( ) 1. A. gymB. schoolC. house( ) 2. A. nearB. in C. far( ) 3. A. go straightB. turn leftC. turn right( ) 4. A. cab B. c这些图你认识吗?请写一写吧。1.Thisisa .2.A hasapouch. 3.Thetwobirdsarethe .4.Thisisa .bicycle kangaroo same cashier看一看,写下对应的数量和它们的颜色。例: four yellow1.2.3.填填空,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. f shA. ( ) 2. a leB.( ) 3. te cerC. ( ) 4. q enD. 一年中你最喜欢哪个月份,试着画一画。Myfavouritemonthis.看一看,选一选。( ) 1. appleA. ( ) 2. bookB. ( ) 3. catC.( ) 4. doorD. 数一数,写出下列水果的个数。1. 2. 3. 给下列的英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. blackboard( ) 2. pencilcase ( ) 3. pen ( ) 4. markerA. 钢笔B. 黑板C. 铅笔盒D. 水彩笔 填空游戏,你来填一填。给下列的英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. red( ) 2. green( ) 3. blue( ) 4. yellow( ) 5. orange( ) 6. pink( ) 7. purpleA. 紫色B. 橘色C. 蓝色D. 粉色 E.想一想,写一写。a e r r s e→eraser (橡皮)1. i h s f→( )2. r l g i→( )3. danh → ( )4. iceaemcr → ( )5. iuecj →( )6. yke→( )7. oln i → 选择正确的图片,数一数,写一写。( ) 1.two applesA. ( ) 2.markersB. ( ) 3. chairsC. ( ) 4.windowsD.( ) 5.erasersE. 根据图片,将句子补充完整。1. name is Lily. is a (女孩).She is my friend. 2. His name is Li Lin. is a(男孩). He is my friend. 看一看,选一选。( ) 1. A. queen( ) 2. B. rose( ) 3. C. school( ) 4. D. apple ( ) 5. E. tea填一填,画一画。1. s xbooks2.te pencils3.s venrulers4.eig tapples 5. nin doors想一想,写一写,画一画。1.a →apple2. c→ 3. g → 4. k → 5. n → 读一读,圈一圈。1.five 2.nine 3.three 4. six 你能用英语写出1到10的数字吗?试试吧! 请选出与图片相对应的句子吧!( ) 1. A.Thebookisunderthedesk.B.Thebookisinthedesk.( ) 2. A. Idrawwiththemarker.B. Icutwiththescissors.( ) 3. A. Ihavetwo读一读,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1. nineapples( ) 2.Heishappy.( ) 3. Thisisamouth.( ) 4. Sheishot. ( ) 5. It's a school.请你把小熊的身体各部位写出来。arm hand head foot leg shoulder knee finger toe elbow stomach选择正确的答案。( ) 1. Close your book. ( ) 2. Open the window. ( ) 3. Open the door. ( ) 4. Open your book. ( ) 5. Close the window. ( ) 6. Close the给下列的算式选择正确的答案。( ) 1. 3+ 5=( ) 2. 9 -6=( ) 3. 7+ 2=( ) 4. 10 -6=( ) 5. 4+ 1=A. threeB. nine C. eight D. five E. four给下列的单词分类。girl mouth eraser apple hand orange pencil three queen pen boy five marker one scissors teacher nose pear 1. 数字: 2. 人物: 3. 文具:4. 身体看图判断下列句子正(√)误(×)。( ) 1. Thecatisonthedesk. ( ) 2. Therearetwomarkersonthedesk.( ) 3. Thepencilisinthebook.( ) 4. Theorangeisinthedesk. ( ) 5.
看一看,找出字母中含有的单词写在横线上并选择正确的图片,比比谁最棒哦!( ) 1. desakrbs A. ( ) 2. ceboflnd B. ( ) 3. ptao1we y C. ( ) 4. ms o 1urqt D.( ) 5.给下列的单词分类。cold white arm shoulder hotblue happy red mouth cool orange elbow sad purple finger warm knee tired brown1. white: 2. cold:3. mouth:读一读,画一画。1. 2. 3. 4.blueeyes longhair abigmouth curlyhair看一看,选择正确的单词和解释,比比谁最棒!( ) 1. r s a e( ) 2. u r e s n( ) 3. a h r i( ) 4. b l e w o( ) 5. g l eA.nurseB. earsC. leg D. hairE. elbowa.选词填空完成句子,千万别写错哦!1. Are you? No, I have a headache.2. What colour is your? My hair is blond.3. What's the ? My leg hurts.4. How do you f读一读,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1. Mytoehurts.( ) 2. Icutmyfinger.( ) 3. Myhairislong.( ) 4. Thisisanurse. ( ) 5. Myhairisstraight.看一看,写一写。ear,arm,leg,foot,nose看一看,选一选,比比谁最棒!( ) 1. A.Myearhurts.( ) 2. B.Myfingerhurts.( ) 3. C.Mytoehurts. ( ) 4. D.Mykneehurts.( ) 5. E.Myelbowhurts.反义词大联欢。1. I am h .He is s .2. Danny is h .I am c .3. My hair is s. Her hair is l .4. My ears are b .Your ears are l. 5. This cat is b .I am 读一读,画一画。 myfatheradoctorShe'ssinging. atalltreeHe'sold.读一读,选择正确的单词。( ) 1. A. laughB. talkC. cry( ) 2. A. brotherB. sisterC. daughter( ) 3. A. old B. youngC. handsome ( ) 4. A. nurseB. docto选选写写。1. Hi!MyisJenny.ThisistheSmith .Welivein .2. Thisismy,nameisMarySmith.Mymotherisabus . 3. Thisismy ,Lynn.Herisred.Sheisagirl. Lynnisa.stude读一读,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1.I'matallboy.( ) 2.Fatherisabusdriver.( ) 3.Heisyoung.( ) 4.Ilovemyfamily.( ) 5.Iamanurse.读一读,选一选,比比谁最棒!( ) 1.play( ) 2.sing( ) 3.house( ) 4.sick( ) 5.partyA. 玩B. 房子C. 有病的 D. 派对E. 唱,唱歌选择恰当的字母组合组成正确的单词。( ) 1.bthday( ) 2. doct( ) 3. m ker( ) 4.sist( ) 5. h t A. u rB. e rC. a r D. o rE. i r请写出以下列字母开头的动物单词。1. c c2. p p 3. d d4. s s 5. m m 看一看,写一写。你能分清我们家族的成员吗?1. fther2. m ther3. s n4. d ughter 5. sist r看一看,选一选,比比谁最棒!( ) 1. A.busdriver( ) 2. B.student( ) 3. C.teacher( ) 4. D.nurse( ) 5. E. policeofficer 读一读,正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”。( ) 1.jumping( ) 2.birthdaycandles( ) 3.sick( ) 4.carpenter( ) 5.working选出与其他三个单词不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. stove ( ) 2. A. cook ( ) 3. A. mine( ) 4. A. chicken ( ) 5. A. breakfastB. refrigerator B. wash B. yours B分类,把物品放到正确的房间。sink dishes dresser lamp bathtubtelephone shower refrigerator1. bedroom:2. kitchen:3. bathroom: 4. livingroom: 把下列单词或字母分类。son eye teacher R fish catnine mother four A1. 家庭成员: 3. 动物: 5. 数字: 2. 职业:4. 身体部位: 6. 字母: 把不同类的一项选出来。( ) 1. A. boots ( ) 2. A. rainy ( ) 3. A. usually ( ) 4. A. bus driver ( ) 5. A. dry B. shorts B. cloudy B. sometimesB. bus s我给图片配解说。Mon.Tue.Wed.Tur.Fri.Sat.Sun.1. Jennyhasasandwichforlunch.Shehassweetdumplings.Mon.Tue.Wed.Tur.Fri.Sat.Sun.2. Stevenwearspants.看一看,写一写。 6.carpenter apple eraser door chair hand圈出恰当的字母,补充到后面的单词中。并将该字母代表的图,涂上要求的颜色。1.ha roea i2.eya i oe3.l ngoa ei4.h ppy io e a1. Colour the fish red.2. Colour the看图读句,正确的写“Yes”,错误的写“No”。( ) 1.AnnaAnnaistalkingtohermother.( ) 2.TomTomisjumping.( ) 3.JennyJennyissitting.( ) 4. Mr. BlackMr.Blackiscryi找出错误字母,将正确单词写在横线上。1. linve 2.aund3.plcane4. learrn 5.monthe6.firser写出同类的词。1. sometimes 2. livingroom 3. rainy 4. square 按要求写单词。1. second (基数词) 3. come (ing形式)5. 浴室 (译英)2. arrived (原形)4. Thank you (同义句)6. mine (形容词物主代词) 按要求写单词。1. rain (形容词) 3. 三角形 (译英) 5. inside (反义词) 2. 15度 (译英)4. temperature (译汉)6. 形状 (译英) 选词填空。1.The isacircle. (sun,window)2.It'salwaysinspring. (snowy,rainy)3.Three makea. (lines, triangle)4.Itiswinternow.It'scold . (inside,outside)5根据下列表格,判断正(T)误(F)。do homeworkeat a sandwichread books brush teeth JennyDannyalways usually never sometimes( ) 1.Dannyalwaysdoeshishomework.( ) 2.D看图,填空。1. + =three 2. + = 3. + =4. + =名词复数巧分类。box dress dish bus glass watch penboy people stamp fish1.Thesewordsgetbiggerwithan" s "attheend: 2. Thesewordsgetbiggerwithan" es "attheendAnne遇到了一些困难,请你帮她选择正确的房间。( ) 1. She is hungry. ( ) 2. She is dirty. ( ) 3. She wants to watch the football game. ( ) 4. She is very tir看图,把句子补充完整。1. Isleepinthe .2. Itakeashower (淋浴)in the .3. I in the . 4. Mumlunchin the .5. Thisismy.Thereare roomsin my .四季灯谜猜猜猜。A. It's cold. I put on my hat, scarf, mittens and boots.B. It is warm. I take off my winter clothes. C. The weather is hot. I put on my 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. boots ( ) 2. A. line ( ) 3. A. make ( ) 4. A. winter( ) 5. A. rainy B. scarf B. triangleB. wash B. spring B. cloudy C.四季知识我来填。How's the weater?What do you wear?What do you like to do?winterspringsummerfall选词填空。1.It'sonlyfourhundredkilometres.2.Mybrotherlikestothepiano.3.Looktheanswersbelow.4. Iwantyou speakloudly.at play about for to写出对应形状的英语单词。仔细观察你的周围,写出符合下面形状的物体。 windowpenpizza 根据句意补全下列句子。1. Itisverycoolin .2. IputonmyshortsandT-shirtin.3. Itisrainyin .4.Thereisiceandsnowin.5.Todayiscold,pleaseyourcoat.6. Iliketoon看图补全单词并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. A. tr angle( ) 2. B. rain bts( ) 3. C. sk t ( ) 4. D. umbr ll( ) 5. E. h t ( ) 6. F. s ( ) 7. G. c cle( ) 8. 按要求写单词。1. clean (反义词) 3. always (同类词) 5. quietly (反义词) 7. playtheguitar (汉译) 2. child (复数) 4. dry (反义词) 6. woman (复数) 8. 许多盘子按要求写单词。1. same (反义词) 4. right (反义词) 2. swim (ing形式) 5. right (同音词) 3. do (过去式)6. stand (反义词)看图,把句子补充完整。1. Jennyisonthe .2. Pleaseputonyour ,and. 3. Whataday!4. Iamgoingtomynow,becauseIamhot. 给下列的问句选择对应的答语和翻译。( ) 1. watch out( )2. up and down ( ) 3. Where did you go? ( ) 4. What are you doing? ( ) 5. When do you wake up every d按要求写单词。1. make (第三人称单数形式) 3. inside (反义词) 5. put (ing形式)7. take off (反义词)2. small (比较级)4. write (同音词)6. snow (形容词) 8. hot看图,写出相应的动词短语。想一想,写一写,你能教你的朋友做什么?又能从朋友那儿学到些什么?1. What can you teach your friends?2. What can you learn from your friends?I can teach my frien按要求写单词。1. autumn (同义词) 3. 夏季 (译英)5. love (ing形式) 2. snow (形容词)4. leaf (复数) 6. two (同音词) 同学们从下列单词中找规律,补全单词并译成汉语。1. bird2. meat3. fine4. take5. foodshirt sea nine cake schoold ty ( )cl n ( )m ( ) m ( ) rm ( ) 根据要求写出下列单词的各种形式。1. cold (反义词) 3. one (序数词) 5. is not (缩写) 7. I am (缩写) 9. do not (缩写) 2. Here is (缩写) 4. that is (缩写)6. t看图根据句意补充单词,使句意完整。1.Dannyisw inghisfce. 2.Jennyiswonar nyday. 3. Look,theyareh inglchnow. 4. Theoldmanisw ingthed . 5.Thisismktch .根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Thebooksare (我的).2. Weliketo(吃卷心菜).3. Thecarrotsare (在洗涤槽里).4. Mytowelis (干的).5. Weoften (刷我们的牙) inthemor选择与汉意相对应的英文短语。1. 洗澡[ ]A.takeashowerB.takeabusC.takeoff2. 学英语[ ]A.learnFrenchB.learnChineseC.learnEnglish3. 做早饭[ ]A.makesupperB. 根据汉意选择正确的字母或字母组合填空。( ) 1. 厕所 t let ( ) 2. 司机 driv ( ) 3. 直线 l ( ) 4. 浴缸 batub( ) 5. 总是ways A. a i A. e r A. e n eA. s hA. 按要求写出下列各词的其他形式。1. do (过去式) 3. fat (反义词)5. come (反义词)7. two (同音词)9. yours (对应词)2. these (对应词) 4. dress (名词复数)6. dry (看图根据句意完成下列句子。1.Look!Thesearem .2. Theyareatthea p t. 3.JennyandLiMingareckingdumplingsnow. 4.Dannyistakingash . 5.Howmanyd doyouhave? 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Mum,myhandsare(脏).2.Myfavourite(形状) isasquare.3. Wetakea (学校班车) toschool.4. Thisisapairof (靴子).5. Look!Hereisthe (选择字母或字母组合填空。( ) 1. wd ( ) 2.ink ( ) 3. l n ( ) 4. tch ( ) 5. r n A. a n A. t h A. e a iA. e a A. a n B.i n B. s h B. a r e B. a eB. a 按要求写出下列单词的其他形式。1. big (反义词) 3. too (同音词) 5. black (反义词)7. down (反义词)9. leaf (名词复数) 2. one (序数词) 4. do not (缩写) 6. thr根据汉意选出正确的英文短语。1. 学得好[ ]A. learnslowlyB. learnwellC. learnfast2. 向前走[ ]A. turnaroundB. walkbackwardsC. walkforwards3. 玩雪球[ ]A.pla写出下列单词的过去时。eat → ate 1. see →2. do → 3. buy → 4. go→ 5. have → 根据句意及首字母填入单词。1. Insummer,Iliketos inthesun.2. Infall,thewindblowsthel offthetrees.3. Iliketos onthesnow.4.Wegourfamilyandfriendsgifts.5.The看图写单词。1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8.9.10. 看图,把句子补充完整。1. Iam.Ineedto myhands andfaceinthe .2. LiMing:Isthisyourtoothbrush?Jenny:Yes,thebigoneisandthesmalloneis .3. Iwashmyhandsinthe . N根据要求写单词。1. 晚饭 (译英) 3. dish (复数) 5. 美味的 (译英) 2. washing (原形) 4. 毛巾 (译英)6. some onions (译汉) 选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. bed( ) 2. A. bathtub ( ) 3. A. TV ( ) 4. A. breakfast( ) 5. A. make B. closetB. showerB. chair B. lunch B. cook C. si将下列句子用另外的方法表达,但意思不变。1.ThisisaTV. → It achair.ItisaTV.2.Thisismypencil. → Thispencil is.3.Thatisyourruler. →. 4.Myhandsareclean.→ 看图,请写出汤姆的家庭成员都有哪些。gr f grm famo s 把单词补充完整。1. b thrm3. s are5. sch l7. b ts9. stve11. l ne13. cl n2. lving r m4. she6. b s8. k ten10. sh er12. c cle14. ner 看例子,填空。1. 例: stamp-stamps dressmanchildpencil box2. 例: quiet-louddirty wetoutside hotnever 根据图表,判断下列句子是否正确。正确的画“√”,不正确的画“×”。draw a picturewatch TV do homeworkhelp motherLi MingJennyDannyusuallysometimes always never( ) 1.LiM把单词补充完整,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. u br ll A. ( ) 2. s a B. ( ) 3. Ch st streeC.( ) 4. b tsD. ( ) 5. sc fE. ( ) 6. f F. ( ) 7. tran G. ( ) 8.给下列的词语选择正确的英文单词。( ) 1. 电影院( ) 2. 动物园( ) 3. 公园( ) 4. 饭店( ) 5. 体育馆( ) 6. 商店A. parkB. restaurantC. gymD. storeE. zoo F. m根据提示的单词,将下列句子补充完整。1. Wegothe towa.(movietheatre / movie)2.Wea toeat . (restaurant / noodles)3.Wethetof.(park / kites)读一读,选出正确单词填空。1. Middyis(yonger, younger)thanhisbrother. 2. Middyis(older, oulder) thanhersister. 3. Middyis (shoter, shorter) thanMike. 4. Mi写出下列图片对应的单词。选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. spring( ) 2. A. sun ( ) 3. A. cold ( ) 4. A. boots ( ) 5. A. learn B. warm B. rainy B. snowy B. scarf B. teacherC. su按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。1. leaf (复数)3. light (反义词) 5. wash (第三人称单数) 7. run (现在分词)2. wind (形容词) 4. before (反义词)6. well (形容词)8考考你的观察力,你能把这些字母重新排序,组成一个正确单词吗?1. e r h t f a 3. o m h t r e 5. o m h t r e g r d a n2. t n a u 4. e r t h f a g r d a n 6. l e根据图片写单词。A.B.C.D.E.送单词回家。选词填空。bring give invite open something gifts1. Iwanttobuyformyfamily.2. IamgoingtobuyspecialfortheChristmastree.3.We ourfriendsandfamilytoou写出下列单词的反义词。1. tall4. new2. old5. big3. long6. straight按要求写单词。过去式ing形式1. shine2. bring3. follow4. know5. go6. buy选择正确的单词填空。1. Weourfamilyandfriendstoour.2.Weputonourhouse. 3.Ourfriendsgiftsforus.4.Weourfamilyandfriendsgifts,too.5.WesingsongsatChristmas.C判断下列关于圣诞节的句子的正(√)误(×)。( ) 1.ChristmasisaChinesefestival.( ) 2.PeoplealwayseatdumplingsonChristmas.( ) 3.Jesus'sbirthdayisChristmasDay.( ) 选择正确单词并写在横线上。1.Weputthegifts(under,in)thetree.2.LiMing(brings,gives)hisgifttoMr.andMrs.Smith.3. We(invite,help)ourfriendsandfamilytoourhome.动词大变身。yesterdaytodaytomorrowwork ate be going to seewant看一看,你能为他们标上正确的单词吗? N W S E 1.Northpointsonamap.3.Eastpointsonamap.2. Southpointsonamap.4. Westpointsonamap. 圣诞节就要来临,你想要什么礼物呢?画出来并写出单词。根据右面的国家地图写出正确单词。1. Thisisa .2.Thisisaofour .3.Thisisaof .4.Beijingisthecapitalcityof . 填空。1. Beijingisthe ofChina.2.TheU.S.isofChina.3. ThisisTian'anmenSquarein .4.IknowNewYorkcityin.5.ShelivesChina.Shespeaks .6.TheEnglandisofChin给图片选择正确的说明。( ) 1. A. China( ) 2. B. thePalaceMuseum( ) 3. C. Tian'anmenSquare 选词,完成句子。1. IbuyChristmasgiftsinthe .2. Ireadbooksinthe .3. Iplaysportsinthe .4. IlearnEnglishat.5. Ibuyabookinthe.6. Ieatinthe .departmentsto按要求写单词。1. give (ing形式) 4. brought (原形) 2. love (形容词)5. 特别的 (译英) 3. see (过去式)6. shine (ing形式) 你知道这些地方吗?想一想,写一写。把国家和所说语言配对。( ) 1. theU. S. ( ) 2. Canada ( ) 3. ChinaA. EnglishB. French C. Chinese
将下列字母重新排序,组成正确的单词。1. r y m r e 4. i t l h g 2. p i a s e c l 5. i e t i v n 3. e g vi6. h r t o e 用动词的正确形式填空。yesterdaytodaytomorrowwalksaw go be going to skateeatpoint选择对应的句子,组成完整的句子。( ) 1. Usually ( ) 2. Yesterday( ) 3. Tomorrow A. I do my homework. B. I am going to eat KFC. C. I bought a new dress. 看图,把句子补充完整。1.Thisisa. Thereisaonit.2.He histohisfriendsandfamily.3.Sheputsthe undertheChristmas.4.AtChristmas,wehave,and .猜一猜,选一选。( ) 1. mymother'ssister( ) 2. myfather'sbrother( ) 3. myaunt'sson( ) 4. myfather'sfather( ) 5. myaunt'sdaughterA. cousinB. auntC. un请选择正确的单词填空。1. He(works / plays) withaball. 2. They (works / work)inarestaurant. 3. Theclerk(works / plays)inashop.根据图片将下列词组补充完整。1.playp-pong4.gotothepk 2.playch ck s5.watch 3.sk pwithskippingrope6.playwitha 睁大你的眼睛,找错误,并改正,你一定能行哦!1. china 2. the us3. the uk 4. canada 5. capitel 6. speck7. london 和你的同伴谈一谈你最喜欢的国家。Myfavouritecountryis.isthecapitalcityofthecountry.Thereare ……看图,给下列图片选择对应的国家,把序号写在横线上。A. B. C. D.E.F.G. H.I. J. China U.S. CanadaAustralia U.K. 给下列国旗选择正确的地点。( ) 1. A. ( ) 2. B. ( ) 3. C.( ) 4. D. 根据图片将单词补充完整。 A str l a flg kngar Can d 根据图片提示,将下列句子补充完整。1.It'saof .2.Canberraisof .3. Theyspeakin . thecapitalcity Australia flag English给下列字母重新排序,写出正确单词。1. ohtel5. oasufm 2. spho6. argte 3. tpir7. etulabifu 4. Chain 选词填空。fun Beijing big trips1.Iwanttogoto.2.Ilovetogoon .3. Tripsare.4. Beijingisa city.看图,填空。NORTH SE W下面的字母都打乱了顺序,开动你的脑筋,把它们重新排顺序,你就会得到一个正确的单词。seapkkownciyt aCanda qmactornuy 看图,试着完成下列句子。1. go to ?2.go to ?3. go to ?4. go to ?选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. car ( ) 2. A. faster ( ) 3. A. Beijing( ) 4. A. six B. plane B. slowerB. the Palace MuseumB. ninety-twoC. train C. tall根据图片写单词。 go on a给数字选择正确的翻译。( ) 1. 400( ) 2. 7000( ) 3. 10000A. tenthousand B. seventhousand C. fourhundred 开动脑筋,写出下面这些单词的反义词。1. come3. far 2. leave 4. cold 把下面的字母重排序,组成一个新的单词。1. l a p n e 2. e l h o t 3. n r t a i 4. a i r r v e 5. v a l e e 6. t a f s e r 写出下面对应的英文数字。4306 9062 16,000 10,78 根据括号内的提示填空。1.HowfarisitfromBeijingtoCanada? Aboutthousandhundredkilometres. (8500)2.Howfarisitfromthegymtocinema?About kilometres. (6000)3.Howf看国旗,你知道它们是哪个国家吗?请写在对应的横线上。写出正确的数字形式。1. 1004. six thousand2. nine hundred 5. 11003. 700 6. five hundred and forty-six 看图,填空。A.B.C.D. 1.Ais .2.Bis .3.CisA. 4.BisD.faster slower train than plane than根据提示内容补全下面的对话。Shijiazhuang → Beijing(278 kilometres) classroom → gym (1 kilometres) home → school (2 kilometres)1. How far is it from Shijiazhuang看图,填写单词。b sbicy airpl cr c b tru tra 按要求写单词。1. fast (反义词) 4. cheap (比较级)2. fast (比较级) 5. new (反义词) 3. 乘出租 (译英)6. east (反义词) 按要求写出下列单词的其他形式。1. two (同音词) 2. different (反义词) 3.black (反义词) 4. she (物主代词)5. do (动词第三人称单数) 根据图意和单词首字母提示涂色,把短语补充完整。 d blgrn yll p nkcdr bd llb ll看图,根据句意选词填空。1.Awaiterintherestaurant.(plays,works)2.Mymotherlikesabus.(todrive,tolook)3.LiMing'sfatheristhanhismother.(shorter,taller)4.Wegot为下列物品配上英文标签。1.2. 3. 4. 请将交通工具的比赛结果写在横线上。例: is slowerthan.1. .2. .3. .选择与下列短语相对应的汉语。( ) 1. play checkers( ) 3. go to the zoo( ) 5. drive to work( ) 7. read the newspapers( ) 9. have supperA. 在电脑上工作C. 去动考考你的观察力,你能把这些字母重新排序,组成一个正确的单词吗?1. othel → 2. riapalen →3. pitr → 4. ealev→ 5. rriaev → 看图,选择相应的序号。A.fatherB.cousinC.motherD.JennyE.brother1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( )根据图片中的信息,用“this、these、that、those”把句子补充完整。1. I like shirt.2. Idon'tlike shirt.3. Ilike shoes. 4. Idon'tlike shoes.写反义词。1. new3. big5. this 7. those 9. go2. young4. near6. tall8. black 10. fast 给下列国家选择其首都。( ) 1. China ( ) 2. TheU. S. ( ) 3. Canada ( ) 4. Australia ( ) 5. theU.K.A. Ottawa B. Canberra C. London D. Beijing E. Washi选择适当的字母或字母组合补全单词。( ) 1. c sin ( ) 2. kn( ) 3. a t ( ) 4. sp k ( ) 5.c ntry A. ou A. ow A. inA. ee A. ou B. oa B. ou B. unB. ae B.根据要求写出单词的其他形式。1. short (比较级)2.brother (对应词) 3. I (同音词) 4. young (比较级) 5. meat (同音词)6. thatis (缩写) 7. come (反义词)8. outsi将括号中的字母组成一个单词,使句意完整。1.Thisismy . (nceul)2. Doyougotothe (ygm)?3.Mymotherisa . (celrk)4.Mygrandmother'shairis . (ryga)5.Wegotothe. 看图填空。Pleaselookatthem .pointsup.pointsdown.pointsleft. pointsright.按要求写出下列单词的其他形式。1. one(序数词)3. let us(缩写) 5. slow(比较级) 7. do not(缩写) 9. two(同音词) 2. Mr.(对应词)4. far(反义词) 6. hard(反义词)8看图,根据图意把单词补充完整。1.Look, thisisanairp .2.—Let'sgototheh .—OK. 3.WegotoBeijingbytr.4.Thisis my b .5.DannyandJenny(离开)BeijingonFebruaryth选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. jacket( ) 2. A. short( ) 3. A. red( )4. A. bus ( ) 5. A. has ( ) 6. A. my B. shirt B. dressB. green B. plane B. come看图,根据图中的信息正确填空。redwhite √×1.Ilike socks.2.Idon'tlikesocks.old new ×√3.Ineedsweater.4.Idon'tneed sweater.照例子写出他们的好朋友。例: I →my3. she →1. you → 4. we → 2. he → 5. they → 补全单词,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. s tc seA. ( ) 2. ti B. ( ) 3. tr st tionC.( ) 4. trD. 仔细看左边的票,正确填空。Shijiazhuang-BeijingTicket1.IneedaticketShijiazhuangBeijing.Ottawa-CanberraTicket2.Ineedafromto . NewYork-LondonTicket3.Ineedafrom写出正确单词。1. n r u 2. p u j m3. g i s n 4. n a s t d 5. l k w a 6. t s i7. i e e x t c 8. i t e m 补全单词并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. rA. ( ) 2. jpB. ( ) 3. t C. ( ) 4. j D.( ) 5. swE. ( ) 6. sdo nF. ( ) 7. st d upG. 根据汉意完成下列句子。1. MymotherandIoften (去购物) onSunday.2. I(不喜欢) thisshirt.3. Let'sgoona(旅游).4. MayI(住在北京吗)?5. Whendoyou(到达) Beijing?看谁用最短的时间写完下列反义词。1. faster 3. arrive5. north7. open 2. east 4. sad 6. long 8. go 改头换面。加一个字母使其成为新单词。1. eat → 2. hat → 3. ing → 4. rain → 5. plan → 选出不是同一类的单词。( ) 1. A. China ( ) 2. A. north ( ) 3. A. Beijing( ) 4. A. English B. Australia B. south B. Canberra B. Chinese C. Ottawa C. 写出下列国家的首都并选择他们的国旗。CountryCapital City Flag ChinaCanadathe U. S.the U. K.AustraliaA.B.C.D.E. 看图,完成句子。1. Thisisa of .2.It'sin.3. Here'sthe'sflag.4. Therearesomelittle in'sflag. 5.Australiahasmany .看图写单词,我能行。看数字,写单词。1. 1003. 1855. 8987. 100002. 1000 4. 19856. 549 8. 5050 看图,写单词。 你能帮这些单词找出它们丢失的字母吗?( ) 1. cntry ( ) 2. j mp ( ) 3. wk ( ) 4. c sin( ) 5. th se A. ow A. a A. al A. ou A. a B. ou B. e B. ol B. oa B你知道这些国家的首都是哪里吗?快来选一选吧!( ) 1. Canada( ) 2. China( ) 3. Australia( ) 4. theU. K.( ) 5. theU. S.A. Washington, D. C.B. OttawaC. Lo完成单词拼写,并选择对应的图片。( ) 1. l br yA. ( ) 2. g mB. ( ) 3. clssr mC.( ) 4. offi D. 给下列的英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. bicycle( ) 2. far( ) 3. near( ) 4. tire( ) 5. wheelA. 近的B. 远的C. 自行车D. 轮胎 E. 车轮单词对对碰。写出下列单词的反义词。1. near3. up5. long 7. on2. here 4. left 6. curl 8. in给自行车的每个部位写上名字。1.2. 3. 4. 5. 将下列单词补充完整。1. bs 2. chil en3. trk4. s g5. aro nd 6. m her单词搬运工,请把下列单词归类。gym bus library teacher doctor truckoffice carboygirlclassroom cab场所: 车辆:人物: 我是小小数学家。写英文数字,我能行。37 43 981008251 20 6439 9758 给图片选择相对应的单词。( ) 1. A. truck( ) 2. B. bus( ) 3. C. car( ) 4. D. cab( ) 5. E. officebuilding( ) 6. F. gym( ) 7. G. apartmentbuilding ( ) 下列单词均有一处错误,请把完整且正确的单词写在横线上。1.pous3.twonty5.wheal2. forty-sevee4.ninteen6.goas 给交通灯涂色并补全下列句子。1.Redis .2.Greenis .3.Yellowis .小博士,写数字。1.Twentypluseighteenequals.2.Thirtyplusforty-threeequals.3.plusthirty-fiveequalsonehundred.4.Thirteenpluseighty-sixequals .5.Tenplus equ根据图片写单词并选择对应的图片。1. b c cleA. 2. c rB. 3. c bC. 4. l br ryD.5. cl ssr mE. 找规律,写数字。例: two → twelve → twentythree →→ five →→ seven →→ nine →→ 英语单词WEATHER含有7个常用单词,你能迅速找出来吗? 他们都在干什么呢?看图,写出所缺单词。1.Xiaomingis.2. Dingdingis.3. Tongtongis .4. WangPanis .5. LiuLinis . 你看到了什么?在图的旁边写出它们的英文名称。(一共有八件商品呦!)请在下面的词栏中选择对应的反义词并写出来。1. big 3. happy 5. right7. behind9. come 2. far 4. tall 6. old 8. under10. white sad,near,left,short,on,young动脑筋,填填看。1.24+ 35 =2.twenty-nine + = sixty-two3.thirty-one += seventy-three4. eighty + twenty = 5.+twenty-four =ninety-nine开动脑筋,填一填。1.— Whatdoyouwanttodo? — Let's,Danny. (买东西) — Where? — The (玩具店).2. — Lynn,let'sgotothe (书店). — Whatdoyouwantto (买)? — Iwant你知道下列汉语的英语名字吗?请选一选。( ) 1. 商店 ( ) 2. 玩具 ( ) 3. 服装 ( ) 4. 部门 ( ) 5. 丝绸 A. store A. boy A. dress A. shop A. silk B. departmen我是小小数学家,我会算。Onedollar plus fivedollars equals .Fourdollars plussixdollars equals .Threedollarsplusninedollars equals .按要求写单词。1. 看电视 (译英)3. now (改一个字母变成另一个单词)5. bicycles (原形) 2. 读书 (译英) 4. toy (复数)6. 去购物 (译英)给英文单词选择正确的汉语意思。( ) 1. restaurant( ) 2. market( ) 3. movietheatre( ) 4. park( ) 5. departmentstoreA. 公园B. 饭店C. 商场 D. 电影院E. 市场勇攀月份山。写出下列的十二个月份。1.January 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.9. 10. 11. 12. 中英文互译,要认真写。冷的有风的 热的温暖的多云的 下雨的写出下列单词的反义词。1. up3. warm5. new 7. start 2. hot4. far 6. sell 8. full 下列单词中均有错误,请把正确的写在横线上。1. streat 3. skipeing 5. jumpeing 2. runing4. cleak6. docter 根据图片提示,将下列对话补充完整。1. clothesshopA:Jennywantstogotothe .B:Why?A:Shewantsto .2. parkA:Jennywantstogotothe .B:Why?A:Shewantsto . 3.restaura英汉对对碰。1. 开车 3. go shopping5. across the street 2. 骑自行车4. stay home6. 杂货店看图,写单词。eye beak wing headbirdfeathers1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 根据图片来写一写,算一算。Howmanylegsdotheyhave? .Theyarethe . Howmanywingsdotheyhave?. Theyare.按要求写单词。1. 男服务员 (译英)3. 办公楼 (译英)5. businessman (反义词) 2. 百货商店 (译英) 4. grocery store (译汉) 6. work (名词)看看我是谁?根据图片写单词。 | 去掉字母中的一个,组成一个正确的单词,写在横线上。1. wheere 3. nineety 5. meall7. storea2. trucsk4. dreess 6. cleark8. puut