把左右两边的内容匹配起来。( ) 1. Ihaveapanda!( ) 2.Hereyouare.( ) 3.MayIhavealook?A.Thankyou.B.Sure. C.Super.根据情景,选择正确的句子。1.当你有了一个新书包,你会说:[ ]A. Ihaveanew (新的) bag.B. MayIhaveanewbag?2.当有人想看看你的东西时,他会说:[ ]A.MayIhavealook?B.根据下列情景,选择正确答案。1.在餐馆你想喝可乐,应该说:[ ]A. IlikeCoke.B. CanIhavesomeCoke?2.别人对你说“Thankyou.”时,你应该说:[ ]A.Thankyou,too.B. You'读一读,填一填。Xiaoming:Goodmorning!Laowang: !XiaoMing.Xiaoming:I'mhungry(饿的).Laowang:Havesomebread,please.Xiaoming: .Laowang:Havesome ,please.Xiaoming:下面是生活中常遇到的情况,你知道怎样说吗?1.有人请你“Havesomecoffee!”你不喜欢喝咖啡时,应说:[ ]A.Sorry, Idon'tlikeit.B. No,thanks. Ilikejuice.C. Sure.Than选择句子补全对话。Mike: Havesomejuice.BaiLing:1 ChenJie: Metoo.Mike: 2 BaiLingandChenJie: Thankyou.Mike: 3Mike: CanIhavesomechicken?ChenJie:4 A.You'rewelco选择正确选项,补全对话。A:Hello,Tom!Ihave1.B:Really?MayI2?A:Sure. 3.B:Thankyou.A:Youarewelcome.B:Oh,4.A.havealookB. HereyouareC.abigbagD.It'snice 问句答语匹配。( ) 1.Thisismybrother,Dayong!( ) 2.Howoldareyou?( ) 3.Howareyou?( ) 4.Todayismybirthday.A.I'msix.B.Nicetomeetyou! C.Happybirthday!D. I选择正确答案(序号),补全下列对话。A.Hereisyourticket B.GoodmorningC.oneD.flower E.HowareyouChenJie:Goodmorning,WuDong.WuDong: ,ChenJie! ?ChenJie:Fine,than找出正确的答句。( ) 1. Look! I have a big monkey.( ) 2. Here you are.( ) 3. May I have a look?( ) 4. I like French fries.( ) 5. Thank you! A. Sure.B.当遇到下列情况时,你应说什么?1.当你向同学问好时,应说:[ ]A.Howoldareyou?B. Howareyou?C.Doyoulikeit?D. Happy?2.当你向同学祝贺生日时,应说:[ ]A.HappybirthdChoosetherightanswer. 给问题选择正确的答语。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. What's her name? ( ) 3. Is it your pen? ( ) 4. How many books are there? ( ) 5.Lookandchoose. 选择单词填空完成对话。fine, friend, He, Hello,Hello, meet, new, school,She, Yes1. Mike:, Mary.Mary: , Mike.Howareyou?Mike: I'm, thanks.AndyDialogue. 情景交际。1.你想知道对方的名字,应问:[ ]A.What'syourname?B. What'shisname?C. MynameisJenny.2.你想知道一共有多少书,应问:[ ]A.HowmanybookarethFinishthedialogue. 将每组对话补充完整。1. A: you? B: Iamfine,thanks.2. A: Kim? B: Sheisinthegym.3.A: booksarethere? B: Five.4.A:SheisbehindJenny. B: Dialogue. 情景交际。1. 当你询问对方的名字时,应说:[ ]A.Howareyou?B. Whoareyou?C. What'syourname?2. 当你把你的朋友Tina介绍给其他朋友认识时,应说:[ ]A.IFinishtheDialogue. 补全对话。1.. Fine,thanks. 2.. No,It'snotSteven'spencil. 3. . Mr.Woodisintheclassroom.Match. 将问句和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. Whatareyoudoing?( ) 2. Whatdoyouliketodo?( ) 3.What'syourfavouriteschoolwork?( ) 4.Whatdoyourmotherdo?( ) 5. WhatiMatch. 将问题和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. Does a lion have a trunk?( ) 2. Where does a fish live?( ) 3. What do giraffes eat?( ) 4. What can a cow do?( ) 5. Match. 将问题和答案匹配起来。( ) 1. Where is Li Ming? ( ) 2. What are you doing? ( ) 3. Is Danny under the desk? ( ) 4. Can a rabbit fly? ( ) 5. Does aLookandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1. Whatisit? Itis .Whereisit? Itis . 2.Whatisit?Itis .Whereisit?Itis .3.Whatisit? Itis. Whereisit? Itis .4.WhaFinishthedialogue. 从所给的八个句子中,选出五个补全对话。A: Goodafternoon. 1 ?B: Yes. Iwanttobuyabicydle,please. 2 ?A: I'llshowyou.3 , please.B: HowmuchChoose. 从B栏中选出A栏各句的答语。 A( ) 1.Whyareyoucrying?() 2.Whatishedoing?() 3.Wheredoyoulive?() 4.WhereisDanny?() 5.Canbirdsfly?() 6.Areyougoingt情景交际。1. 当你问别人天气怎样时,应说:[ ]A.Howcantheweather?B. Whatistheweather?C.Weatherishow?D.How'stheweather?2. 当你想知道发生了什么事时,应说:[Order. 给下列句子排列顺序。( ) Isitnow?( )Ilikeyourblouse, too( )Hi, Jenny. Ilikeyourpants.( ) Yes.It'smypresent (礼物) from (来自) mymum.( ) Thankyou!( )Match. 把问题和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. Isthisawhitecat?( ) 2.What'syourfavouritecolour?() 3.Doyoulikeshorts?() 4.What'sforlunch?() 5.Whatdoyouliketodo?Match. 把A部分和B部分相应的句子匹配起来。 A( ) 1.Canyouflykites?( ) 2.Wheredoesafishlive?( ) 3.Whathasfur?( ) 4.Doyouhaveamap?( ) 5.Whereareyougoing?(根据提示完成下列情景对话。A. Icanshowyou.B. Yes?C. Isthatfarfromhere? D.Whatdoyouwanttobuy?E.You'rewelcome.Jenny: Excuseme.LiLin: 1____________Jenny:Choose. 选择正确答案。1.你想知道冰箱上的是什么?你可以问:[ ]A. Isthatafridge?B. What'sthisinthefridge?C.What'sthatonthefridge?2.别人进入房间之前,你应该礼Finishthedialogue. 补充对话。Jenny:booksdoonmydesk,Kim?Kim:One,two...seven,Youhave .Jenny:Let'sninebooksthesevenbooks.books? Kim:books.Finishthedialogue. 仿照例子,补全对话。例如:—Wheredoesapandalive? —Inaforest. 1.—Wheredoesalive? —Ina .2.—Wheredoesa ? —In . 3. —Where ? —In .选择正确答案,补全对话。A.Howmanymarkersdoyouhave?B.What'sthis?C.Bye.D.What'syourfavouritecolour?E.Wherearethemarkers?A: 1____________B: It'saredpenComprehension. 情景交际。1.当你想问对方正在干什么时,应说:[ ]A.Whatareyoudoing?B. Whereareyoudoing?2.当你不需要别人帮助时,应说:[ ]A.No, Ican't.B. No, tMatch. 把问句与答语匹配起来。( ) 1.WhereisKim?( ) 2.Whereisthebook?( ) 3.Whatarethese?( ) 4.Whataretheydoing?( ) 5.WhereisSteven.a.Heisinthegym.b.TLookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。 依照例子,补全对话。例如:—Whatdomonkeyseat?—Theyeatbananas.1.—Whatdo? —eat .2.—Whatdo ?—eat .Choosethewordsandfillintheblanks. 选词填空。A: MayI(help, helping)you?B: Yes!Iwanttobuya(dress, dresses).Wherearethe(dress,dresses)?A: I'll(show, shows)you.Lookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1. 2.3. 4. 5.6. Choose. 给问题选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Does a lion have a mane? ( ) 2. What do monkeys eat? ( ) 3. Where does a snake live? () 4. Can a dog cry? ( ) 5. DFinishthedialogue. 选词填空,补全对话。hungrytiredrestaurant libraryparkmovietheatreA: Let'sgotoatoeaticecream!B: I'mnot . Idon'twanttoeaticecream.A: Let'Finishthedialogue. 完成对话。1.A:yourfavouiteclothes? B:Myfavouriteclothesshorts.2.A:I pink.What'sfavouritecolour? B:I likepink, ! A:Wethe colour.3.A:fFinishthedialogue. 依照例子,补全对话。例如:—Whoisit? —It'saclerk.1.—Whoisit? —It'sa.2.—isit?— .3.—Who ?— a .情景交际。1. 当你想问Jim最喜欢的功课是什么时,应说:[ ]A.What'syourfavouriteschoolwork, Jim?B.Whatyourfavouriteschoolwork,Jim?2. 当你想问对方最喜欢干什么时Finishthedialogue. 仿照例子补全句子。例:A:How'stheweather?B:Itiswarmandrainy. 1.A: How's ?B:Itishotand .2.A:theweather?B: It's windy .3.A:?B:It's Finishthedialogue. 完成对话。1.A:yourfavouritedessert? B: Icookies. A: Ilikecookies, . Welikethe dessert.2. A:thematterJenny? B: I likethedonuts. A:What给问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What is your favourite food? ( ) 2. What is your favourite school work? ( ) 3. Do you like to sing songs? ( ) 4. What's for Comprehension. 情景交际。1.当你想问别人要去哪儿时,你应说:[ ]A.Whatareyoudoing?B. Whereareyougoing?2.当有人想让你穿上你的新连衣裙时,他应说:[ ]A.Putonyourn根据问题,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. WheredoesLiMinglive?( ) 2. HowdoesLiMingcometoCanada?( ) 3.WhendidLiMing'splanearrive? ( ) 4. Nicetoseeyou.( ) 5. Didy根据问句从方框中选出正确的答语。A. It'sashower.B. Itisinthebathroom.C. Theyareclean.D.It'sastove.E.Heiswashingthedishesinthesink.( ) 1.Isthisarefrig根据情境,给下列句子排序( ) It's7:00. Timeforbreakfast.( ) What wouldyoulikeforbreakfast?( ) Goodmorning, LiMingandJenny.( ) Iwouldlikecereal, please.( ) G认真读一读,给下面的句子排序。( ) Youcanwashyourhandsinthebathroom.( ) Oh! Youhavejamonyourhands.( ) Thisisthebathroom.( ) Help, Jenny! Myhandsaredirty.( ) H给下列句子选择最佳搭档。( ) 1. What time is it? ( ) 2. What are you doing, Mr. Smith?( ) 3. May I help you? ( ) 4. What's for supper? ( ) 5. Here's a将问题和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. Can you say it? ( ) 3. What's her name? ( ) 4. What's this? ( ) 5. What's your name? a. It's a bo情景交际。1. 你想问“这是什么?”时,应说:[ ] A.Whereisit?B. Whatisthis?C. Canyousayit?2. 这支钢笔不是你的,你应说:[ ]A.It'snotmypen.B. It'smynotpen.CReadandchooseifinishthedialogue. 读一读,选词填空,完成对话。He her his my No She YesyourLiMing:What'sthis,Jenny?Jenny:It'saneraser.LiMing: Isthiseraser,JenMatch. 将问题和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. Does she like pink?( ) 2. What's Kim's favourite colour?( ) 3. Where is the white cat?( ) 4. Do you like the same c把问句对应答语的序号写在括号内。( ) 1. Nice to meet you! ( ) 2. Is that far from Beijing?( ) 3. What's the name of your city? ( ) 4. Do you like Canada? 给下面的句子排序。( ) Canyouhelphimfindit?( ) Heisdirty.( ) LiMingneedsthesink.( ) Hereisthesink.( ) Heneedstowashhishandsandface!问答配对,把对应答语的序号写在问句前面的括号内。( ) 1. What time is it?( ) 2. What are you doing?( ) 3. Is this a stove?( ) 4. Where is she?( ) 5. What 给下面的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1. Is your favourite shape a circle?( ) 2. Is it a dish or a plate? ( ) 3. How many stars are there? ( ) 4. What shape don给下面的问句找出恰当的答语。( ) 1. Do you usually go to school by bus?( ) 2. Do you walk? ( ) 3. Where are you from? ( ) 4. How old are you? ( ) 5. How 问句答语匹配。( ) 1. Who wants to go there? ( ) 2. Would you play the piano? ( ) 3. Do you wear pants? ( ) 4. What's this? ( ) 5. What's the temperatu给下面的问句找出恰当的答语。( ) 1.Whatdoyouliketodoinspring?( ) 2.Whatdoyouliketodoinsummer?( ) 3.Whatdoyouliketodoinwinter?( ) 4.Whatdoyouliketodoinfall?给下面的问句找出合适的答语。( ) 1. Jenny, doyoualwayshelpyourmother?( ) 2.LiMing, doyoualwaysdoyourhomework?( ) 3.Steven, doyoualwayswalktoschool?( ) 4.Da阅读下面的句子,给它们排序。( ) Nowlet'sputourgiftsunderthetree.( ) It'sbeautiful.( ) There! It'sdone.( ) It'sfuntoputupaChristmastree.( ) ThenweputChris认真读下面的句子,给它们排序。( ) Doyouwanttosendacard, Peter?( ) Let'sfindthecardwithSanta.( ) OK. Look! I findit.( ) Sure!ToJenny!ShelikesSanta!给下面的问句找出恰当的答语。( ) 1. DoyoulikeChristmas?( ) 2. Whatdoyouwanttobuy?( ) 3.AreyougoingtogivesomethingtoJenny'sfamily?( ) 4.Whatwouldyoulikefor认真读下面的句子,给它们排序。( ) Yes!It'saChineselantern. Iaskedmymothertosendit.( ) Thisisforeveryone.It'sfromme.( ) It'swonderful!NowourChristmastreewi给下面的问句找出恰当的答语。( ) 1.WhatisChristmas?( ) 2.WhatisLynngoingtodo?( ) 3.WhatisLiMingdoing?( ) 4.WhataretheyputtingontheChristmastree?( ) 5.Wha给下面的问句找出正确的答语。( ) 1. Aremittsandmittensthesame?( ) 2.WhatisDannydoing?( ) 3.WhatisLiMingdoing?( ) 4.Whatseasonisthis?( ) 5.Whatareyoulearn对话排序。( ) Whatareyoudoing?( ) MayIhelpyou?( ) I'mwashingthedirtydishes.( ) Sure! Youcandrythedishes. Hereisatowel!( ) Great!给下列句子选择正确答案。A. Yes,itis.B.Februaryfirstinthemorning.C.Okay, LiMing.D.Yes,Jennycancome. Icantalkto Danny'smother.E.No. Youaretooyoungtogo.问句答语连线。( ) 1. What's this? ( ) 2. Do you know? ( ) 3. Where's Beijing?( ) 4. Where's Japan? ( ) 5. What colour is it? A. It's in the north 选择合适的句子完成对话,请把句子的序号写在括号里。A.Howmuchjuicedidyoubuy?B.Wheredidyougoyesterday?C.Whatdidyoubuy?D.Didyouwalkthere?E.Didyougowithyourm给下列句子找出对应的答语。( ) 1. Isyourhairlong? ( ) 2. Whatdoyouhave? ( ) 3. Whatdoessheliketodo? ( ) 4. Whoistaller, AmyorLucy?( ) 5. Whatarethese?A.下面对话中有5处空白,从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话,并将答案标号写在相应空白处。A. It'sverybeautifulandfamous.B. How areyou?C. Whatwillyoudo?D.Yes, itwi给下列句子找出对应的答语。( ) 1. What's this? ( ) 2. Mum, may I go on a trip to Beijing? ( ) 3. May I go to Tian'anmen Square? ( ) 4. Where is this? A.为下列问句选择正确答案。( ) 1.MayIhelpyou?( ) 2. Whatareyoudoing?( ) 3.Howmanypairsofsocksdoyouhave?( ) 4.Doyouwantthisjacket?( ) 5.Whatcolourisit?A.I给下面问句找答语,把序号写在括号内。( ) 1.Mum,mayIgoonatriptoBeijing?( ) 2.MayIinviteDannyandJenny?( ) 3. HowfarisitfromChinatoCanada?( ) 4.Whendoyouarriv给下面的句子排序,按1、2、3、4、5的顺序排列。( ) Idon'tknow.( ) Icantellyou. It'sthePalaceMuseum.CanyousaythePalaceMuseum?( ) Verygood, Jenny.( ) What's 为下列句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What'sthis?( ) 2. Isthissouth?( ) 3.Doeswestpointright?( ) 4.WhatcolourisChina?( ) 5.Wheredoyoulive?A.No, itpointsle给每个句子选择恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。( ) 1.Wherearethebooksaboutflowers?( ) 2.CanIhaveyourlibrarycard, please?( ) 3.Whoboughtthenewbike?( 给问句找出对应的答语。( ) 1. What time is it now? ( ) 2. Are you ready? ( ) 3. What's the weather forecast? ( ) 4. How many shirts do you have? ( ) 5. 情景交际。1.Thankyouverymuch.[ ]A.You'rewelcome.B.Thanks.C.That'sOK.2.Hereisanappleforyou.[ ]A.Yes,please.B.No,Idon'tlikeit.C.Thankyou.3.Woul从B栏中找出能回答A栏中问题的选项,将序号填入题前括号里。 A( ) 1. Is a train slower than a plane? ( )2. Does he need a dress? ( ) 3. How far is it from China给下列问句找答语。( ) 1. What's the capital city of China? ( ) 2. What colour is his hair? ( ) 3. What do they speak in the U. K.? ( ) 4. What's this,给下列问句找到合适的答句。( ) 1. Can you help me? ( ) 2. How many jackets do you need? ( ) 3. When does the train arrive in Beijing? ( ) 4. Are you excite遇到下面这些情景你能对答如流吗?选一选。1. 当别人对你说“Goodnight!”时,你应回答:[ ]A.Seeyou.B. Goodnight!C. Thankyou.2. 当你想帮助别人时,你该怎么说?[ ]A.给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What is it? ( ) 2. What is your name? ( ) 3. How are you? ( ) 4. Where's the gym? A. My name is Lily. B. Here it is. C.根据对话和中文提示完成句子。1.A: Whatcanyouseeinyourschool? B: Icanseeboysandgirls. Icanseesome(老师). Therearemany (教室), a (体育馆) andalibrary. Welcomet读句子,给下列句子排排队。( ) Okay. Where?( ) Hmmm.Let'sgototheclothesshop.( ) Let'sgoshopping.( ) Idon'twanttobuyclothes.( ) Whatdoyouwanttodo?( ) Wel情景交际。从六个句子中选出四个完成对话。A: Hello, Mike! 1. B: Hello, Sam. I'mgoingtoschool.A: 2.B: It'sneartheChinaLibrary.A: 3.B:Yes, it'salittlefar.A填入正确的单词,完成下列对话。A: Hi, Nancy.Nicetomeetyou!B:Hi, LiLei. Nicetomeetyou, 1..A:Whereareyou2. ?B:I'mgoingtothegrocerystore.A: 3. ?B:Iwanttobu根据不同的场景选择合适的问句或答语。1. 在问路之前一般要说:[ ]A.Howdoyoudo?B. Excuseme.C. Howareyou?2. — Wherearethedresses? — [ ]A.Thisway, please.B.读对话,排顺序。( ) Good.Godownthisstreetandturnleft.There'sthehotel.( ) Yes.Hereitis!( ) Excuseme!( ) Canyouhelpme?I'mlost.Where'sthehotel?( ) Doyouha根据图片提示,将下列对话补充完整。1. A:Bobwantstogotothe .B:Why?A:Hewantsto.2. A: Dannywantstogotothe .B: Why?A: Hewantsto .3. A:Jennywantstogotothe .B问句答语连一连。( ) 1. What do you want to do? ( ) 2. Where are the shoes? ( ) 3. Do you like this dress? ( ) 4. What's the weather like?( ) 5. How do 选出与问句相匹配的答句。( ) 1. Can you play cards? ( ) 2. Can a fish swim? ( ) 3. What has wings? ( ) 4. Does a pig have wings? ( ) 5. What colour is th请从右栏中选出左栏的正确答语,把答案的序号填在括号里。( ) 1. What can you do, Dog? ( ) 2. What can you do, Cat? ( ) 3. What can you do, Amy? ( ) 4. What c给问句选择正确答语。( ) 1. Where is your cat? ( ) 2. Can a dog fly? ( ) 3. Do you like zebra? ( ) 4. How old are you? ( ) 5. How many legs does a tiger
给问句选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. What's it? ( ) 2. Where does a fish live? ( ) 3. What does it eat? ( ) 4. Why are you sad? ( ) 5. What is the monkey doing情景交际。填入正确的单词,完成下列对话。A: Hello!B: Hello!Whereareyou1.?A: 2. goingtothezoo.B: Great!What'syour3. animal?A: Ilikepandabest.How4. you?B:情景对话。1. 当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:[ ]A. Icanshowyou.B. Icanseeyou.C. Icanwork.2. 当你问某个东西是什么时,用英语说:[ ]A.Whereisit?B. Whatisit?给问句选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. What do you want to do? ( ) 2. Do you like the dress? ( ) 3. How are you? ( ) 4. Where are you going? ( ) 5. Where is the g情景交际。1. 想请求别人帮忙时应该怎么说:[ ]A.Can Ihelpyou?B. Icanhelpyou.C. Canyouhelpme?2. 你想知道公园在哪里,你应该说:[ ]A.Excuseme, whereisthepark?B给下列问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What colour is it?( ) 2. Do you like tigers?( ) 3. Why are you crying?( ) 4. What are you going to buy?A. Because I hur给下列句子选择搭档。( ) 1. Hello! ( ) 2. What's your name?( ) 3. Good morning. ( ) 4. Nice to meet you.( ) 5. Are you Guo Lu? A. Yes, I am. B. My na情景交际。根据问句选择合适的答语。1. — Howoldareyou? — .[ ]A.I'mtenB.Fine, thankyou.C.Howdoyoudo?2.— Nicetomeetyou. — .[ ]A.Nicetomeetyou, too.B.F请给左边的问句选择他们的小伙伴。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. What's your name? ( ) 3. What's her name? ( ) 4. What's this? ( ) 5. Hi! ( ) 6. Nice to m补充下列单词,使对话语意完整。A: Hello!Niceto 1.you.B: Nicetomeetyou, 2..3. isJiangHua.Sheismyfriend.A: Howareyou?C: I'mfine, thanks. 4.5. ?A: I'mf看看李明和珍妮都在说些什么呢?把他们的对话补充完整吧。LiMing:1!Jenny:Hello!LiMing: 2nameisLiMing. 3yourname?Jenny:Jenny. Iamfrom (来自……) Canada.LiMing: Ilive读句子,选出正确的答语。1.Hello.MynameisLiNan.[ ]A.Hello.IliveinBeijing.B.Hello.MynameisLuZheng.2.Hello.Nicetomeetyou.[ ]A.Howareyou?B.Hello.Nice情景交际。1. 当你打电话时,想问对方是谁,你应该说: 2. 当顾客一进入商店,服务员常说什么? 3. — Whereisthebird?— .[ ]A.It'sabird.B. Ilikeit.C. It'sinthe把下列句子按正确的顺序组成一组问路的对话。a.Butwhere'sthebusstop?b.Excuseme.Where'sthelibrary, please?c. It'snearZhongshanRoad.d. Thankyou.e.Youcant给下列句子选择最佳搭档。( ) 1. Hello! ( ) 2. What's your name? ( ) 3. Are you Chen Yang? ( ) 4. Let's play. A. Great! B. Yes, I am. C. Hi! D. My na给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. How many books do you have? ( ) 2. How many people are there in your family? ( ) 3. What would you like for lunch? ( ) 4. Are t填入正确的单词,完成下列对话。A: Hello!Whatcolour1.yourbike?B: 2.!3. bikeisblue.A: What's4. favouritecolour?B:It'sblue.What5.you?A:Myfavouritecolouris将下列单词填入空格,把对话补充完整。have green eleven wall classroom big nicetoo near likeSarah:Mike, wehaveanew1. .Mike:Really?Let'sgoand2.alook.Sarah:OK.情景会话。( ) 1. A.Yes,Iam.B.Thankyou.C.Yes,Ican.( ) 2. A. It'soverthere.B.It'sonthetable.C.It'sunderthetahle. 完成对话(每空一词)。1.— Hello, Jenny! —, Kate!? — I'mfine, thanks. — Whoarethey? — Oh, myfather, my,mybrotherand.2.— Goodafternoon. —. Nicetoseeyou. — 不守纪律的句子跑乱了,请你帮它们按次序排好队。A.No! I feelmuchbetternow!B. What'sthematter?C. Mystomachhurts.D. Ifeeltoosicktogotoschool.E.Youshouldgoto给下列问句选择正确答语。( ) 1. What is that man? ( ) 2. How many teachers do you have? ( ) 3. Where do you live? ( ) 4. What is he like? A. He is tall.给下列问句选择正确答语。( ) 1. Who's that? ( ) 2. Are you a nurse? ( ) 3. What's your father? ( ) 4. Is this your mother? A. He's a teacher.B. It'给下列问句选择对应答语。( ) 1. Is your aunt a nurse? ( ) 2. What's in your schoolbag? ( ) 3. Who are they? ( ) 4. What colour is the desk? ( ) 5. What 给问句选择对应答语。( ) 1. How do you feel? ( ) 2. How old are you? ( ) 3. How is she? A. She is very well. B. I feel warm. C. I am six years old.填入正确单词完成下列句子。A:Excuseme, what1.yourname?B:MynameisLiMing.A:How2.areyou?B: I'mten3.old.A:Youareveryyoung.Howold4. yourmother?B: Sheis35yea从右栏中选出与左栏问句相对应的答句,将其序号填入括号中。( ) 1. Happy Birthday! ( ) 2. How are you? ( ) 3. Where is Alice? ( ) 4. What's that under the bik给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. How old are you? ( ) 2. What's the matter? ( ) 3. Where is your mother?( ) 4. Who's the boy? ( ) 5. Will you come to my b火眼金睛,选出合适的答句。( ) Howmanybooksdoyouhave?( ) Whereismybook?( ) Howareyou?( ) Nicetomeetyou.( ) Whatcolourisit?A. Fine,thanks.B. It'spurple.C问答配对,给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Are you okay? ( ) 2. How do you feel? ( ) 3. How are you? ( ) 4. What colour is your hair? ( ) 5. Are you tired?看图,将图片的序号填在相应句子前的括号内。1. 2.3. 4.( ) — Good-bye.— Seeyoulater!( ) — Nicetomeetyou.— Nicetomeetyou, too.( ) — MayIhaveabook, please?— S根据情景选择句子。1. 今天是你好朋友的生日,你该怎么向他祝贺?[ ]A. Todayismybirthday!B. Happybirthdaytoyou!2. 在大街上你遇到了一个漂亮的小女孩,你怎么向别人形开学了,你认识了一位新同学,想问问他叫什么名字,应该说:[ ]A.Nicetoseeyou.B. What'syourname?C.Goodmorning.D. Hello!你想邀请一位朋友一起玩耍,应该说:[ ]A.AreyouOK?B. Hi!Who'sthere?C. Seeyou!D. Let'splay! OK?听到别人问你: " Howareyou? " 时,你应该回答:[ ]A. Howareyou?B. Fine,thanks.C. Hello!D. Thankyou!读一读,选择合适的单词完成对话,并把序号填在括号里。A. please B. Thanks C. name D. You'rewelcomeE. pen F. Hello G. you H. fiveA:1 ! My2isLiMing. What'根据场景选择合适的句子。a.He'swashingdishesinthekitchen.b. Yes,it'smine,thanks.c.Whatwouldyoulikeforbreakfast,Jane?d.Yes,thanks,butI'malittletired.e.碰碰车大比赛。给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What do you do in winter? ( ) 2. What are you doing? ( ) 3. Why do you go to the library? ( ) 4. How many情景会话。( ) 1. A.Heisskiingnow.B.Heisskatingnow.C.Heisstandingnow.( ) 2.A.It'sOctober25th.B.It'sSeptember25th.C.It'sDecember25th.( ) 3. A.Sh情景对话。( ) 1. A.Thisisanoldman.B.ThisisSanta.C.Thisismyfather.( ) 2. A.Wearemakingasnowball.B.Weareplayingsnow. C.Weareplayingwithsnow.( ) 3. A试试看,重新排列所给对话的顺序。1. Wherearethedresses?2.I'llshowyou.Thisway,please.3.MayIhelpyou?4.Thankyou!5.Yes,Iwanttobuyanewdress,please.6.Hereth情景交际。1. 当你想说“他们正在看电视”时,你应说:[ ]A.HeiswatchTV.B. They'rewatchingTV.C. TheywatchTV.2. 当别人对你说“Nicetomeetyou”时,你应当回答:[ ]A.试试看,重新排列所给对话顺序。( ) Icanshowyou.( ) Thanks!( ) Excuseme.( ) Whereistheclassroom?( ) Hereitis.根据A栏中的句意从B栏中选择对应的答语。 A( ) 1.Whereareyougoing? ( ) 2.Letmehelpyou. ( ) 3.Isthatfarfromhere? ( ) 4.Canyouhelpme? ( ) 5. Thanks. BA.You读一读,给下列句子排序。( ) Iamgoingtoarestaurant.( ) Hello, Danny.( ) Whataboutyou (你呢)?( ) I'mhungry. Iwanttoeat.( ) Hello, LiMing.( ) OK, let'sgo.(给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Does a kangaroo have stripes? ( ) 2. What colour is the mouse? ( ) 3. What has a trunk? ( ) 4. Does a lion have a mane? ( ) 5.读一读,排一排。( ) Hello!MynameisMary.What'syourname?( ) Thereitis.( ) MynameisPeter.( ) Fine, thanks.Andyou?( ) Howareyou?( ) I'mfine,thankyou.( ) Wh看图,给下列句子排序。( ) Whereistheclassroom?( ) Thankyou.(1 ) Excuseme, MissWu.(6 ) You'rewelcome.( ) Thereit is.( ) Icanshowyou. 情景会话。( ) 1. A. Icutmyhand.B. I cutmyarm.C.Myheadhurts.( ) 2. A.Ifeeltired.B.Ifeelhappy.C.Ifeelsad.( ) 3. A.Thankyou.B.Thereitis.C.Seeyou根据图片内容选择正确的句子。( ) 1. A.ThisisDanny.B.ThisisLiMing.C.ThisisJenny.( ) 2. A.Thereitis.B. Idon'tknow.C.Goodbye.( ) 3. A.IliveinCanada.情景会话。1. A. Todayismybirthday.B. Iamveryhappy.C.Iamnineyearsold.2. A. Danny is sitting.B.Danny is jumping.C. Danny is eating.3. A. I feel coo给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What's her name? ( ) 2. How do you feel? ( ) 3. What is he doing? ( ) 4. Where is the school? ( ) 5. What's this? 把下面的句子按正确的顺序排列好。A.Areyouokay? B. Ihaveastomachache! C. Mystomach! D. Ifeelsick. E.Ouch!1.2. 3.4.5.给下列问句选择正确的答句。( ) 1. How do you feel? ( ) 2. What's the matter? ( ) 3. What colour is it? ( ) 4. What is Jenny doing?( ) 5. How old are you根据图意,为下列句子排序。( ) Howoldareyou?( ) Thankyou, Jenny.( ) Hello, Jenny.( ) Iamtenyearsold.( ) Hello, LiMing.( ) Jenny, todayismybirthday.( ) Happy选择合适的单词完成对话。— Hi, Bob,I'mgoing1 .Doyouliketogowith2?— I'msorry. I3liketogoshopping. I'mgoingtothe4. — Comeon.5isfun.Youcanseeandbuythingsyo根据图片情景选择合适的句子并把序号写在横线上。( ) 1. A:Didyouhaveagoodtrip?B:.( ) 2. A:Whattimeisit?B:.A:Bequick!Wearelate.( ) 3. A:?B:I'dlikecereal,Mu给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. How do you feel? ( ) 2. What's the matter? ( ) 3. How old are you? ( ) 4. What colour are your eyes? ( ) 5. What are you doi选择正确的问句或答语。1.Iamdrawingapicture.[ ]A.Whatdoyouwant?B.Whatdoyoudo?C.Whatareyoudoing?2. Isthisagirloraboy?[ ]A.Yes,itis.B.It'sagirl.C.It给下列句子重新排序。(1 ) Whatareyoudoing?( ) May Ihelpyou?( ) I'mwashingthedirtydishes.( ) Sure.Youcandrythedishes.( ) Great!( ) Hereisatowel!碰碰车大比赛。给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What do you do in winter? ( ) 2. What are you doing? ( ) 3. Why do you go to the library? ( ) 4. How many情景交际。根据下列情景选择正确答案。1. 如果你不会用英语说某东西,你该怎样问老师:[ ]A.DoyouknowEnglish?B. What'sthisinEnglish?C. CanyouspeakEnglish?2. 当找朋友,为下面的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What time is it? ( ) 2. Where is it? ( ) 3. What would you like for breakfast? ( ) 4. What are you doing? ( ) 5. Do选择正确答案,补全对话。A.OK.Let'sgo. B.Idon'tknow. C.Yes. D. It'sDecembertwenty-fourth. E. IwanttobuysomethingforChristmas.Jenny: Whatisthedatetod情景交际。根据下列情景,选择正确答案。1. 当你想说你认为不是这样时,你应该说: [ ]A. Ithinknot.B. Ithinkso.C. Idon'tthinkso.2. 当你想说让我们读这个古老的故情景交际。1. 当你想说“他们正在看电视”时,你应说:[ ]A.HeiswatchTV.B. They'rewatchingTV.C. TheywatchTV.2. 当别人对你说“Nicetomeetyou”时,你应当回答:[ ]A.选择正确的答案,将对话补充完整。Jenny:Hi,Danny.TomorrowisChristmas.1 Danny:Yes.Whatareyoudoingnow?Jenny:WeareputtinguptheChristmastrees. 2 Danny:Yes, I'dli读问句选择答语。( ) 1.Whydoyougototheshop?( ) 2.Whatdidyoudo?( ) 3.Howoldareyou?( ) 4.What'sthetime?( ) 5.Whatisshedoing?( ) 6.Doyouliveinahouse?( )根据问句选择正确的答句!( ) 1.Isyourfather'ssisteryouraunt?( ) 2.Howoldisyourcousin?( ) 3.Wheredoyoulive?( ) 4.Howdoesshegotothepark?( ) 5.Whatdoyoulike读问句,选出合适的答语。( ) 1. What's this? ( ) 2. Where is north? ( ) 3. What country is west of China?( ) 4. What do they speak in Mexico? ( ) 5.What给左边的答句选择正确的问句。( ) 1. I'm very well. ( ) 2. By train.( ) 3. At six in the morning.( ) 4. A king or a queen. ( ) 5. No, you may not. ( ) 6给下列句子排排队吧!( )What'swrongwithyou,Danny?( )Mysocksarelost.( )Heretheyare.( ) Ican'tfindmysocks.( )Canyoufindmysocks,Kim?( )Yes, Ican.( )Thankyou.排序。( )Hello?Mrs.Smith?()That'swonderful,Mrs.Li.()ThisisMrs.Li.()CanJaneandTomcome?( )MysonandIaregoingontriptoShanghai.( )Yes,Janecancome.( ) Icant试试看,重新排列所给对话顺序。( ) Icanshowyou.( ) Thanks!( ) Excuseme.( ) Whereistheclassroom?( ) Hereitis.读一读,排一排。( ) Whatbookswouldyoulike?( ) Can Ihelpyou?( ) Herearesomebooksaboutmusic.( ) Somebooksaboutmusic.( ) Sure. I'dlikesomebooks.选择正确的句子填空。A:Excuseme,Where'sthepark?B:Well.Godownthisstreetandturnleftatthelights.A: Pleasespeakslowly.B:You'llseesometrafficlights.Turnleftatth读一读,给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Whatdoyouwanttodo?( ) 2.Doyoulikethedress? ( ) 3.Howareyou?( ) 4.Whereareyougoing? ( ) 5.Whereisthegym?A.Fine,than给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1.Whatistheweatherliketoday? ( ) 2.What'syourmother? ( ) 3.Howmuchistheniceshirt? ( ) 4.Howoldareyou?( ) 5.Whatdoyouwan我给句子排排队。1. Wherearethey?2. Nicetomeetyou.3.Thisismymother.She'sateacher.4. Comeandmeetmyfamily.5.Theyareinthekitchen.6.Nicetomeetyou, too.7给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Where is the library? ( ) 2. Where are you going? ( ) 3. Is that near from our school?( ) 4. What is it? ( ) 5. Do you have试试看,重新排列所给对话的顺序。1. Wherearethedresses?2.I'llshowyou.Thisway,please.3.MayIhelpyou?4.Thankyou!5.Yes,Iwanttobuyanewdress,please.6.Hereth李明和小狗、珍妮在说什么?完成下面的对话。1. Canyou cards?Woof! No, I .2. youplaycards?Yes,I . Show . 好朋友,手拉手。给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1. Does a kangaroo have stripes?( ) 2. What colour is the mouse? ( ) 3. What has a trunk? ( ) 4. Does a li根据你所学过的情景对话,将下列句子排好队。( ) Hello! MynameisMary. What'syourname?( ) Thereitis.( ) MynameisPeter.( ) Fine, thanks. Andyou?( ) Howareyou?左边的句子找不到自己的好朋友了,你能帮帮他们吗?()1.MynameisMary. ()2.Ihavethreepens. ()3.Thereitis.()4.Nicetomeetyou,too.()5.I'mfine,thanks. ()6.Here请你根据情景选择合适的句子。( ) 1. 我想和Tom打招呼:( ) 2. 我想知道一个人的名字:( ) 3. 我想把Tom介绍给别人:( ) 4. 我想和Tom说再见:A.Thisismyfriend.Hisnameis火眼金睛,选出合适的答句。( ) Howmanybooksdoyouhave?( ) Whereismybook?( ) Howareyou?( ) Nicetomeetyou.( ) Whatcolourisit?A. Fine,thanks.B. It'spurple.C读一读,然后把句子按正确的顺序排列好。A. Doyoufeelhappy? B. Iamhappy!C. Howdoyoufeel?D. I feelhappy, too! E. Yes!1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 看图完成句子,千万别写错哦!1. Today is my birthday!birthday!2. Will you come to my birthday party? !3. What's the matter? Myhurts. 4. What are you doing?快乐句子对对碰。给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Hello, how are you? ( ) 2. What's the matter? ( ) 3. What are they doing? ( ) 4. Where is Lynn? ( ) 5. Wha读一读,把正确的顺序写在下面。A.Hi, Jenny!B. Oh,no!PoorLynn! Issheokay?C. Hi,Mum! Hi,Dad!D.WhereisLynn?E.She'satschool.Shecutherfinger.1. 2. 3. 4. 问句答语选一选。( ) 1. What's her name?( ) 2. How do you feel?( ) 3. What is he doing?( ) 4. Where is the school?( ) 5. What's this? A. There it is.把下面的句子按正确的顺序排列好。A.Areyouokay? B. Ihaveastomachache! C. Mystomach! D. Ifeelsick. E.Ouch!1.2. 3.4.5.给下列问句选择对应的答句。( ) 1. Howareyou?( ) 2. DoyoulikeCanada?( ) 3. Howoldareyou?( ) 4. How'stheweather?( ) 5. WhendidyoucometoCanada?( ) 6. Whe问句答句对对碰,给对应的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What time is it? ( ) 2. Where do you live? ( ) 3. How does Li Ming go to Canada?( ) 4. Nice to see you! ( ) 5好朋友,手拉手。给问句选择对应的答句。( ) 1. Harry,whydoyougotoschool?( ) 2. John,whydoyougototherestaurant?( ) 3. Anna,whydoyougototheshop?( ) 4. Mr.Wan给句子排好队,组成一段完整对话。( ) Iliketoskateontheice.( ) Canyouskate,LiMing?( ) Whatdoyouliketodoinwinter,Danny?( ) No,but Iwanttolearn.( ) Sure!( ) Cany给下列的问句选择对应的答语和翻译。( ) 1. watch out( )2. up and down ( ) 3. Where did you go? ( ) 4. What are you doing? ( ) 5. When do you wake up every d看图,完成对话。例: Whyisshesad?Becauseshehurtherfinger.1. ishehappy?hehas .2. isshe?shehasherand .3. doeshetakeoffhis?Becauseheis .给下列句子排序。( ) Let'sputthissnowballonthatsnowball.( ) Let'smakeafaceonthesnowball.( ) First, wemakeabigballofsnow.( ) Then,wemakeanothersnowball.Thiso
情景交际。1. 当你想说“他们正在看电视”时,你应说:[ ]A.HeiswatchTV.B. They'rewatchingTV.C. TheywatchTV.2. 当别人对你说“Nicetomeetyou”时,你应当回答:[ ]A.汤姆和雪人在对话,你知道他们在说什么吗?在单词表内选择合适的单词填空。Snowman:Hello,howareyou?Tom:Oh!Youcantalk. What'syourname?Snowman:Idon'tknow.Idon't1I标序号,将下列句子组成完整对话。( ) Whatdoyouwanttobuy?( ) Idon'tknow. AreyougoingtogivesomethingtoJenny'sfamily?( ) IwanttobuysomethingformyfamilyforChrist给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Why do you go to school?( ) 2. How's the weather?( ) 3. Can you skate backwards?( ) 4. Do you like to fly kites in fal根据图片顺序,把句子重新排列。 1.Thestaralwaysgoesontop.2.ThenweputChristmasthingsonthetree.3.Danny,wouldyouliketohelpusputuptheChristmastree?4.Now,let's给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. What are these? ( ) 2. What colour is it? ( ) 3. Is Lily older or younger than her sister?( ) 4. Do you go to the zoo? ( ) 5.给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What is Christmas? ( ) 2. What are they doing? ( ) 3. What gift would you like on Christmas?( ) 4. Who bought the gifts找朋友,你能找出彼此的好朋友吗?给问句选择答语。( ) 1.Whatdoyoudo?( ) 2.Howdoesshegotowork?( ) 3.Isyourfatheracashier?( ) 4.Wheredoesyourmotherwork?A.She重组对话我最行!请你把下面句子填入合适的位置,组成一个小对话。a.That'swonderful!b.Hello!Mrs.Smith.c.MysonandIaregoingonatriptoBeijing.d.Hello!ThisisMrs.L给问句选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. May Igoshopping?( ) 2.Howfarisit?( ) 3.Howcanwegothere?( ) 4.Isanairplanefasterthanatrain?( ) 5.Howmanybusesarethere?A.It读问句,选出相应的答语。( ) 1. What do you like to do? ( ) 2. How do you go to school? ( ) 3. What colour is your hair? ( ) 4. What's this?( ) 5. What 读一读,选一选。( ) 1. I am going to bed.( ) 2. Oh, I can't find my key!( ) 3. Can you find my doll?( ) 4. What's the matter?( ) 5.May I help you?A. 读句子,给下列句子重新排序。( ) Haveagoodtrip!( ) HowmuchforaticketfromShijiazhuangtoBeijing?( ) Ineedfourtickets,please.( ) Fortyyuan.你来问,我来答。( ) 1. Good night, Jane! ( ) 2. Where are the clothes? ( ) 3. What is Danny doing? ( ) 4. Is this a yellow shirt?( ) 5. What time is it?排序。( ) I'dlikesomebooks.( ) Whatbookswouldyoulike?( ) Can Ihelpyou?( ) Herearesomebooksonmusic.( ) Somebooksonmusic.( ) Sure.问句答语之最佳搭档,给问句选择答语。( ) 1. What'syourname? ( ) 2. Whatisit? ( ) 3. Where'sthegym? ( ) 4. Howareyou?A. Hereitis. B. MynameisLily. C.根据对话和中文提示完成句子。1.A:Whatcanyouseeinyourschool? B: Icanseeboysandgirls. Icanseemy (老师). Therearemany(教室), a (体育馆) anda(图书馆) inmyschool.读句子,排顺序。( ) Hereitis!( ) Excuseme!Where'sthegym?( ) Isthatfarfromhere?( ) Acrossfromthelibrary.( ) No!Justgostraight.( ) Thanks.( ) Followme!选择正确答案。( ) 1.Wherearetheclothes?( ) 2.Doesheneedapairofshoes?( ) 3.Doyouwantthisshirt?( ) 4.Howmanyticketsdoyouwant?A.Six.B.No,thanks.C.Yes,h读句子,给下列句子排排队。( ) Okay. Where?( ) Hmmm.Let'sgototheclothesshop.( ) Let'sgoshopping.( ) Idon'twanttobuyclothes.( ) Whatdoyouwanttodo?( ) Wel将对话补充完整。A:Let'sarestauranttoeatdumplings.B:No. Iwanttoadress.A: I'mtired. Idon'twanttobuyadress.B: Well,doyouwanttodo?A: Iwantto abook.你问我答。读问句,选择答语。( ) 1. Can you play cards? ( ) 2. Can a fish fiy? ( ) 3. What has fur?( ) 4. Does a tiger have stripes (斑纹)?( ) 5. What ca给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1.Doesakangaroohavestripes?( ) 2.Doesatigerhaveatrunk?( ) 3.Wheredoesasnakelive?( ) 4.Wheredoesapanadalive?( ) 5.Whatamo选出与问句相匹配的答句。( ) 1. Can you play cards? ( ) 2. Can a fish swim? ( ) 3. What has wings? ( ) 4. Does a pig have wings? ( ) 5. What colour is th给下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。( ) Isyourdogblack?( ) Look,thereisadogunderthetree.( ) Yes,itis. Whatcolourisyourdog?( ) Oh,it'smine.( ) Mydogisbl好朋友,手拉手。给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Whereisyourcat?( ) 2.Canadogfly?( ) 3.Doyoulikeazebra?( ) 4.Howoldareyou?( ) 5.Howmanylegsdoesatigerhave?A.想想下列小动物们最适合在什么地方?选一选吧!( ) 1. Wheredoesafishlive?A.Inahole.( ) 2. Wheredoesapanadalive?B.Inatree.( ) 3. Wheredoesabirdlive?C.Inariv根据所给图片,补全对话。1.— Thegirl . —she?(变为一般疑问句) —, she .2. —thegirl? —,she. 3. — cantheboydo? — Hedraw.补全句子。1. A:Howdoyoufeeloutside? B:coldoutside. A: ? B:Becausetheweatherissnowy.2.A: areyoucrying? B:Ihurtmyear.3.A:Ineedmyschoolbag. B:? A:Because读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1. What are you doing? ( ) 2. Can you hear the music? ( ) 3. Do you like my gifts? ( ) 4. What's this?( ) 5. Why don't看图填空。1.isthegirl ?issinginga .2. Jennyplay? Yes,shecan.3. Whataday!Ihave umbrella.4.doeshetakeoffhis ? Becauseheis . 5.isit? It's .汤姆和雪人在对话,你知道他们在说什么吗?在单词表内选择合适的单词填空。Snowman:Hello,howareyou?Tom:Oh!Youcantalk. What'syourname?Snowman:Idon'tknow.Idon't1I看图填空。1. _________ this? It's ______________.2.Wouldthey ____________? Yes, _____________.3. ________ yearisit? It's______________. 4. Whatarethe读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1. What would you like?( ) 2. How old are you?( ) 3. Do you like pork?( ) 4. Happy New Year!( ) 5. Why do you put on your读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1. WhydoyougivegiftsatChristmas?( ) 2.DidSantabringgifts?( ) 3. Wouldyouliketoputthestaronthetree?( ) 4.Wheredoesthestargo读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1. WhydoyougivegiftsatChristmas?( ) 2.DidSantabringgifts?( ) 3. Wouldyouliketoputthestaronthetree?( ) 4.Wheredoesthestargo选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Hello! MayIspeaktoDanny?( ) 2.Wouldyoulikesomemorefish?( ) 3.What'sthematter?( ) 4.Excuseme, whereisthezoo?( ) 5.How'stheweather情景选择。1. 当你问别人正在干什么时,应说:[ ]A.Whatdoyoudo?B. Whatareyoudoing?C.Areyoudoingit?D. Doyouseeit?2. 当你让别人保持安静时,应说:[ ]A.Ishequi补全对话。(一)A:Areyou1_______?B:No,I2_______ myarm.A: 3_______ 4_______, Icanhelpyou.B: 5_______ 6_______. (二)A:Who'sthatgirl7_______ thetree?B:8_______ 补全对话。(一)A: Areyouhungry?B: Yes,I1_________.A: Wouldyoulikesomenoodles? B: No,2_________ you.I 3_________ likenoodles.4_________ Ihavesomesoup?A: 5___选择正确答案。( ) 1. What time is it now?( ) 2. Where are you going?( ) 3. What is Danny going to do?( ) 4. What's Jenny doing now?( ) 5. What do you w补全对话。A:1________!Iseeabus.B:Idon'tseeabus.A:Canyou2________to3________ bus?B:No,Ican't.A:Whatishedoingnow?B:Heis 4________.A:Ishe5________? B:No,he情景对话。根据所设置的情景,选择最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入前面括号内。1. 当你把东西递给别人时,你应说:[ ]A.Howareyou?B.Hereyouare.C.Thankyouverymuch.D.读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1.LiMing,whydoyouwearyourboots?( ) 2.Whyisshequiet?( ) 3.Whydon'ttheydrinktheirtea?( ) 4.Danny,whydoyouwashyourhands?( )情景交际。根据所设置的情景,选择最佳选项。1. 当你想问一张明信片多少钱时,应说:[ ]A.Whatisapostcard?B. Howmuchisapostcard?C.Whereisapostcard?D. Howisapost选择正确答案。( ) 1. How's the weather in Canada?( ) 2. May I come to see your school? ( ) 3. How much for this stamp? ( ) 4. Where do you write on a pos情景对话。1. 当我们表达“今天是2月15日”时,应说:[ ]A.TodayisFebruaryfifteen.B. TodayisfifteenFebruary.C.TodayisFebruaryfifth.D. TodayisFebruaryfifteenth.补全对话。(一)A:Hello!Ineedastamp,please. B:1________ areyou 2________ yourletter?A:I'msendingittoShijiazhuang.3________ 4________isthestamp, please?B:Oneyu情景对话。根据所设置的情景,选择最佳选项。1.当你想买一张邮票,询问一张邮票多少钱时,应说:[ ]A.Whatisastamp?B. Howmuchisastamp?C.Whereisthestamp?D. Howisth补全对话。(一)A:Whatcanyouseeinthepicture?B: I can 1________ two 2________.A:3________ aretheydoingnow?B:Theyare4________ ping-pong.A:Aretheyquiet?B: No,the选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Doyoulikered?( ) 2.Where'sDanny?( ) 3.Thankyou.( ) 4. Whatareyoudoing?( ) 5. Isthatablackboard?A.He'sintheclassroom.B. Iamre选择正确答案。( ) 1. Wouldyoulikesomebananas?( ) 2.MayIlookatyourpictures?( ) 3.Whatdidyoudoyesterday?( ) 4.DidyougotothePalaceMuseumyesterday?( ) 5.Wha仿照例子,补全下列句子。例子: — Canyouplaycards? — Yes, Ican. / No, Ican't. 1. — Canyou ________ abike (骑自行车)? — Yes, I ________.2.— Canacat ________情景会话。根据对话情景,选择适当的单词或句子。A:Goodafternoon,MissYang.B: 1_________. 2_________, please?A:MynameisMary. 3_________?B: It's adesk.A: 4____根据下面表格中所给单词填空。hismyherthisLittleZeke's Mrs.Jones:Is(1) yourapple,Emma?Emma:No,Mrs.Jones. Itisnot(2) apple.Mrs. Jones:IsthisJane'sapple?Emm根据所给情景选择正确答案。1. 当你得到别人的帮助时,你应说________[ ]A.You'rewelcome.B. Thankyou.C.Good-bye.2. 你家来客人时,你应说_________[ ]A.Good-by从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答语,将其字母标号填入括号内。( ) 1. What do you want to buy?( ) 2. How old are you?( ) 3. Nice to meet you.( ) 4. Where are you根据下面方框里所给的单词填空。my his her this Jenny's Mary:Is1________yourmarker,Kim?Kim:No.Itisnot2________marker.Mary:IsthisJenny'smarker?Kim:No.Itisnot补全对话。1. — _____________?—I'mfine.Thanks.2. — _____________? — It'sunderthedesk.3. — _____________? — Itlivesinahole. 4. — Whatdoesacateat? — _从右边的答语中选择与左边的英语相对应的选项,将其字母标号填入前边括号内。( ) 1. How much is the pencil?( ) 2. How's the weather? ( ) 3. What would you like?给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1. What's your favourite clothes? ( ) 2. What's your favourite food? ( ) 3. What's your favourite school work?( ) 4. Wh选择正确的译文或答语。1. 这是桔汁。[ ]A.Thisisanorangejuice.B. Thisisorangejuice.C. Thisisorange.2. 这是一只棕色的猴子。[ ]A. Thisisabrownmonkey.B. Th选择正确答案,使对话完整。LiPing: Hello,LinTao. 1__________LinTao: Fine,thankyou.Howareyou?LiPing:I'mfine,too.2__________ LinTao:She'sLuLu.Sheisnew.LiPin看图选择句子完成对话。A.Good-bye,Mary.B.WhoisMr Wu?C.Hereyouare.D.Givemeapencil-box,please.E. What'sthis?F. Howareyou?给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Whereareyougoing?( ) 2.Whatdoyouwanttodo?( ) 3.Canacowfly?( ) 4.How'stheweather?( ) 5.Whatdotigerseat?A.Theweatherishot.看图填空。1. __________2. __________3. __________4. __________5. __________6. __________7. __________8. __________9. __________10. __________11. _____给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. What do you like? ( ) 2. What is it? ( ) 3. What's for lunch?( ) 4. Would you like some chicken?( )5. How much for one marke情景交际。1. 你想知道李明喜欢吃什么吗?你可以这样问他:[ ]A. Whatdoeshelike?B. Whatdoyoulike?C. Howdoyoulike?2.“我可以吃一个吗?”用英语怎么说?[ ]A.MayIhave情景交际。1. 别人请你吃面条,你不想吃时,可以说:[ ]A.Yes,please.B. No,thanks.C. No, sorry.2. 当你和别人所说的情况一致时,可以说:[ ]A. Iandyousame.B. I为问题选出正确的答案。( ) 1.Whereareyou?( ) 2.Aretheynew?( ) 3.Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?( ) 4.Thanks!( ) 5.Whatdoyouputinthesoup?A.Youarewelcome.B. Ye情景交际。1. 别人帮助了你,你应该说:[ ]A.Youarewelcome.B. Thankyou.C. Sorry.2. 你想知道一枝钢笔多少钱,可以问:[ ]A. Howmanypens?B. Howmanyforonepen?C— Boysandgirls. __________— Nicetomeetyou.— Nicetomeetyou,too.[ ]A.SheisWangLingling.B.I'mWangLingling.C.Thisismyfriend,WangLingling.看一看,读一读,选一选。( ) 1.Howareyou?I'mfine,thankyou.A. ( ) 2. What'syourname? MynameisWangLingling.B.( ) 3.MayIhavearede,please?Sure.C. 读一读,选一选。A:Hello!B: 1_________A:Thisismy 2_________,WangLingling.B:Nicetomeetyou,WangLingling.C: 3_________B:Howareyoutoday?C:I'mfine, 4_________.B:I看图选择。( ) 1. A.Yes,hereisapencil.B.No,hereisaruler.( ) 2. A.Sorry,Ionlyhavethreecandies.B.Sorry,Ionlyhavetwocandies. 情景交际。1. 你不知道某个男同学的名字,你可以问:[ ]A.What'shername?B. What'shisname?C. What'she'sname?2. “我喜欢我的旧裤子。”用英语说是:[ ]A. Ilikem读一读,选一选。LiHua:Hello,mynameisLiHua. 1___________Jenny:MynameisJenny. 2___________LiHua:Nicetomeetyou,too. 3___________Jenny:Iseee-a-r,ear!Ihearwithmyea读一读,看一看,选一选,把序号写在横线上。1.Good-bye! _________a.Iamhungry.A. 2. What'syourname? _________b.Morning!B. 3.Hello! _________c.Iamsixyears看图填空。1. Word list: A. pencil B. marker— May I have a pen, please?— I'm sorry. I don't have a pen.I have a_________ and a _________.2.Word list: A.读一读,选一选。Teacher: 1__________LiPing: Hello!MynameisLiPing.What'syourname?Meimei: 2__________LiPing: Nicetomeetyou,too.Thisismyfriend. HernameisMary.情景交际。1. 你想知道珍妮的头发是什么颜色的,你可以问她:[ ]A. Whatisyourhair,Jenny?B.Whatcolourisyourhair,Jenny?C.Whatcolourisherhair,Jenny?2. 李明说: "读一读,选一选。( ) 1. ( ) 2.A. Green! My body is green.B. What's your favourite colour, Jenny?看图选择正确答语。( ) 1. A.I'mfine,thankyou.B.I'meight.C.Howareyou? ( ) 2. A.I'meight.B.I'mfine.C.I'maboy.( ) 3. A.Howareyou?B.Nicetomeety看图,情景相符的画“√”,不符的画“×”。( ) 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4. 读一读,补全对话。Hi you too later Bye!1. 2. 3. 4. 读一读,选一选。( ) 1.Whatareyouwearing?( ) 2.Thanks.( ) 3.Howmanytriangles?( ) 4.Whoistall?( ) 5.What'syourfavouritecolour?A. You are welcome.B. J给下列的每组对话选择对应的图片。( ) 1. A: Whereismyruler?B: It'sunderyourbook.( ) 2. A: Howmanycrayonsdoyouhave? B: Ihaveten.( ) 3.A: What'sthis?B: It'读一读,选一选。( ) 1. A.Goodmorning.B.Goodafternoon.( ) 2. A.Nicetomeetyou.B.Thankyou.( ) 3. A.Whereareyoufrom?B.What'syourname? ( ) 4. A.Hi!B读一读,选一选。( ) 1. What'sthis?( ) 2. Thankyou!( ) 3. Where do you sit?A. You'rewelcome.B. Isitbesidemyfriend.C. It's a door. 读一读,选一选。( ) 1. Whereareyou?( ) 2. Whereisthebook?( ) 3.MayIhaveablueu,please?( ) 4.I'msorry.( ) 5. What'syourfavoritecolour?A. That's OK.B读一读,选一选。( ) 1. What's your name? ( ) 2. How are you? ( ) 3. Good-bye! A. Bye!B. My name is Jenny. C. I'm sad. 读一读,选一选。John: Goodmorning,Sarah.Sarah: Goodmorning, John.John: Thisismy 1________, Mike.Sarah: Nicetomeetyou, Mike. Mike: 2________Sarah: Whereareyou选择正确的答语。1. Teacher: What'syourname? LiMing: _________[ ]A.Hello!B.MynameisLiMing.2.Jenny: Good-bye, LiMing. LiMing: _____________[ ]A.I'mfine.选择对应的问句、答句和图,把序号写在横线上。1. Good-bye!__________A. I'mhungry.a. 2. What'syourname? __________B. Morning!b. 3. Hello!__________C. By根据情景选择正确答案。1. 你入学后,有了一个同桌好朋友,你想知道他(她)的名字,你可以这样说:__________[ ]A.Goodmorning!B.What'syourname?2. 你感觉也很好,你应选择正确的答语。1.Danny: Areyouhungry? Jenny: No, ___________[ ]A. I'msix.B. I'mthirsty.2. Teacher: Howoldareyou? LiMing: ___________[ ]A.I'mhappy.B读一读,选一选。( ) 1. Are you Chinese? ( ) 2. How old are you? ( ) 3. Today is my birthday.A. Happy birthday. B. Yes, I'm Chinese. C. I'm four. 看图片,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A.Hello!( ) 2. B.Good-bye!( ) 3. C.MynameisPeter. 选择正确的选项。Jenny: Hi!Danny: __________Jenny: Howareyou? Danny: __________Jenny: __________Danny: Bye!A.Good-bye!B.Hello!C.I'mhungry. 选择正确的答语。1. Jenny: Good-bye, LiMing.LiMing: ___________[ ]A. Hello!Jenny.B. Bye!2.Ms.Zhang: Goodmorning.Danny!Danny: ___________[ ]A. I'mfine.B
选择正确的问句。1. LiMing: ___________ Jenny: Itisadesk.[ ]A.Howoldareyou?B. What'sthis?2.Danny: ____________ LiMing: Sure.[ ]A.MayIuseyourruler?B.Ho情景会话。情景适当的图打“√”,否则打“×”。( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. 选择正确的答语。1.Fengfeng: Areyouastudent? Lingling: ____________[ ]A.Yes,I'mastudent.B.No,I'mChinese.2.LiMing: What'sthis? Fengfeng: ___________[ ]A读一读,选一选。( ) 1. Are you Chinese?( )2. How old are you? ( ) 3. Who is your friend? A. I'm seven. B. Lili is my friend. C. Yes,I'm Chinese. 情景交际。1. 你听不清收音机里说什么,应说:[ ]A.Pleaseturniton.B. Pleaseturnitdown.C. Pleaseturnitup.2. 别人帮助了你,你应该说:[ ]A.Thanksforyourhelp.B.给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. The TV is too loud. ( ) 2. May I turn on the TV? ( ) 3. Do you like this one? ( ) 4. How often do you play games? ( ) 5. What补全对话。A: 1__________B: I'mgoingtothemovietheatre.A: Doyouwanttowatchamovie?B: Yes,2__________A:3__________B: IlikeBabyGoestoschool. 4__________A: Ilikeit给下列问句选择正确的答语。() 1. What movie do you want to see?() 2. When did you see it? () 3. Do you feel scared? () 4. What did you like best? () 5. D选择正确的答语。1.Jenny: Thankyou. LiMing: _________[ ]A.Sure.B.You'rewelcome.2.Danny: Howmanyrulers? Jenny: _________[ ]A.Redrulers.B. Threerulers.给下列句子重新排列顺序。( ) Yes,please.( ) Therearefour.( ) Yes?( ) Theyarewinter, spring, summerandfall.( ) Howmanyseasonsarethere inayear?( ) CanIasksomeq给问题选择答案。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. May I help you? ( ) 3. What's the time? ( ) 4. Is Mike English? ( ) 5. How old is Kate? ( ) 6. What colour给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.What'syourfavouritefood?( ) 2.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear?( ) 3.CanJennyplaythepiano?( ) 4.Whatishedoing?( ) 5.How'sthew根据课文,完成对话。A: Canyou _________ _________ontheice?B: IthinkIcan _________ upontheice.Look!I'm _________.A: Good!Canyou _________ _________?B: Ithink根据课文,按顺序排列句子。( ) Thenwemakeanothersnowball.( ) Let'smakeafaceonthesnowman.( ) First, wemakeabigballofsnow.( ) Icanputhissnowballinthatbigone.( 给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Your Chinese is very good.( ) 2. What would you like? ( ) 3. How do you do? ( ) 4. Here is a gift for you. ( ) 5. I like bo选择正确的选项补全对话。A. learn B. snow C. fallD.iceE.Because F. spring G.rain H.whyI.teach J.think K.skate L.summerSnowman: Hello!Howareyou? John:根据课文,按顺序排列句子。( ) ThenweputChristmasthingsonthetree.( ) Nowlet'sputourgiftsunderthetree.( ) Let'sinviteDannytohelpusputupthetree.( ) First, wepu看图填空。Santa: What __________ you like __________ Christmas, young man?Danny: Well, Santa. I __________ __________ a big new car!Santa: A new car. Ho! Ho! 看图填空。— __________ isyourfavouriteseason?— Myfavouriteseasonis __________.— __________?— BecauseIliketo __________ onthe __________. 给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Whatdoyouwearinwinter?( ) 2.Whatishedoing?( ) 3.Canyouskate, LiMing?( ) 4.What'syourfavouriteseason?( ) 5.Howoldareyo给下列问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.WhatisChristmas?( ) 2.WhenisChristmas?( ) 3.IsitfromChina?( ) 4.Whatareyougoingtodo?( ) 5.What'sthis?A.Yes, itis.B.给下列问题选择答语。( ) 1.DoyouhaveaspecialholidayinChina?( ) 2.WhenistheSpringFestival?( ) 3. Whydoyougothere?( ) 4.Whatdoyoueatonthatday?( ) 5. Canyou给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.What'sChristmas?( ) 2.What'sLynngoingtodo?( ) 3.WhatisLiMingdoing?( ) 4.WhataretheyputtingontheChristmas?( ) 5.WhenisChris给下列问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Do you like Chinese food? ( ) 2. What would you like? ( ) 3. Would you like some noodles?( ) 4. Why are you crying? ( ) 根据课文,按顺序排列句子。( ) ThenweputChristmasthingsonthetree.( ) Nowlet'sputourgiftsunderthetree.( ) Let'sinviteDannytohelpusputupthetree.( ) First, wepu给下列问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. When is the Spring Festival? ( ) 2. Do you want to eat dumplings?( ) 3. What do we need to make dumplings?( ) 4. May I he情景交际。1. 当你想说你会拉小提琴。应说:___________[ ]A.CanIplaytheviolin?B. Icanplaytheviolin.C. Icanplaypiano.2. 当你想问你的朋友“你最喜欢的季节是什么。选择合适的答语。( ) 1.MayIturnontheTV?( ) 2.Howoftendoyouplaytheviolin?( ) 3.What'syourfavouriteseason?( ) 4.Whatdoyouwearinwinter.( ) 5.Whatdoyouliket给下列问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.MayIhelpyou?( ) 2.What'sthetime?( ) 3.Whatareyoudoing?( ) 4.Whereareyougoing?( ) 5.What'sthenameofyourcity?( ) 6.Wha情景交际。1. 当你想问别人怎么了应说:[ ]A.Whatisit?B. What'sthematter?C. Areyouright?2. 当你想说我找不到我的书了,应说:[ ]A. Icanfindmybook.B. Ican't情景交际。1. 当你祝别人新年快乐应说:[ ]A.HappyNewYear.B. MerryChristmas.C. Happybirthday.2. 当别人对你说:“MerryChristmas”时,你应说:[ ]A.SureB. MerryCh根据提示的词语完成对话。ice spring because skate teach learnS: Howareyou?L: Yikes!Youcantalk!What'syourname?S: No, Idon'thavename.Canyou 1_________?L: Yes,情景选择。1. 当你想问大家“谁饿了?”时,你应说:[ ]A.Whoarehungry?B. Whoishungry?C. Areyouhungry?2. 当你想表达“你想吃些什么呢?”时,你应问:[ ]A.Whatyouliket情景选择。1. 当他人向你表示感谢时,你应该说:____________[ ]A. No, thanks for me.B. You are welcome.C. Don't say that.2. 当你想说我最喜欢的季节是春天时,场景对话。1. 当你问别人正在干什么时应说:[ ]A.Whatdoyoudo?B. Whatareyoudoing?C.Areyoudoingit?D.Doyouseeit?2. 当你让别人保持安静时应说:A.Ishequiet.B. 给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What are you doing, Xiaolin? ( ) 2. Who is hungry? ( ) 3. Would you like a snack? ( ) 4. May I have some Coke now, Mum? ( ) 找出相对应的答案,将序号填在题前括号里。( ) 1.Look!Whatcanyousee?( ) 2.Whereistheman?( ) 3.WhatisJennydoingnow?( ) 4.Whatwouldyoulike?( ) 5.Wouldyoulike给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Whattimeisit?( ) 2.MayItakeyourpictures?( ) 3.HowoldisthepalaceMuseum?( ) 4.CanDannyflyakite?( ) 5.Whatdoyousee?A.Awindow.情景交际。1. 当我们认为某件事很容易时,应说:[ ]A.That'sold.B. Thisiseasy.C. Thisishard.2. 当我们想为别人照张相时,应说:[ ]A.MayItakeyourcamera?B. May给下列的问题选择正确的答案。( ) 1.Whattimeisitnow?( ) 2.Whereareyougoing?( ) 3.WhatisDannygoingtodo?( ) 4.WhatisJennydoingnow?( ) 5.Whatdoyouwanttodo?A完形填空。LiMing: Father, thisisMay, myclassmate.May, 1__________ ismyfather.May: Howdoyoudo,2__________ Li?Father: Howdoyoudo?Sit3__________, please.May:4_补全对话。InthehotelA. ________! ________?B: Turnrightatthetrafficlights.A: OK!Thankyou.InthepostofficeA: Hello! 3________?C: Oneyuan.A: OK!4________C: Her给下列问句选择合适的答句。( ) 1.WheredoIputthestamp?( ) 2.WheredoIwritetheaddress?( ) 3.WheredoIwritethewordsIwanttosay?( ) 4.What'syouraddress?A.Onthe为下列问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Wheredidyougoyesterday?( ) 2.WhatdoyoudoonSundays?( ) 3.Mum, didyoumissme?A. Ioftengotothepark.B. Yes, Idid.C. Iwentto情景交际。1. 你不知道去邮局的路?应问:[ ]A.What'sthepostoffice?B. Whereisthepostoffice?2. 别人给你指路后,你应说:[ ]A.Youarewelcome.B. Thanks.给下列的问句选择答语,将其标号写在题前的括号里。( ) 1.Howdoyougotoschool?( ) 2.Whatcolourisit?( ) 3.Doyoulikeit?( ) 4.Thankyou!( ) 5.Whatisit?( ) 6.May给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.How'stheweatherinChina?( ) 2.MayIcometoyourhome?( ) 3.Howmuchforthebook?( ) 4.Wheredoyouwriteonapostcard?( ) 5.Doyouk为下列问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1.Doyoulikemyletter?( ) 2.Howmuchfortheenvelope?( ) 3.Whatareyoudoing?( ) 4.Whereisthebusstop?( ) 5. Isthistherightcorner?给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. Can you see a car? ( ) 3. Did you like Beijing?( ) 4. What happened?( ) 5. What am I doing? A. 为下列问句选择正确的答案。( ) 1. How will they go to the store?( ) 2. Have a good trip. ( ) 3. How far is Beijing? ( ) 4. How long is the trip? ( ) 5. W情景选择。1. 当我们表达“昨天是2月15日”时,应说:[ ]A.YesterdaywasFebruaryfifteen.B.YesterdaywasfifteenFebruary.C.YesterdaywasFebruaryfifteenth.2. 当我们想补全对话。A.HowoldisthePalaceMuseum?B.WhendoyouarriveinBeijing?C.Yes, Wedo.D.WheredoyougoinBeijing?A: WelcometoBeijing. 1___________B: WearriveinBeijing给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Whattimeisit?( ) 2.Whoisthirsty?( ) 3.Whatareyoudoing?( ) 4.Whoisthis?( ) 5.Whereistheman?( ) 6.Look!Whatcanyousee?给下列问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Doyouneedstamps, Danny?( ) 2.Onestampistenyuan.( ) 3.Howmucharethestamps, please?( ) 4.Whereareyousendingyourletter?( ) 5情景交际。1. 你想问“这是什么?”时,应说:[ ] A.Whereisit?B. Whatisthis?C. Canyousayit?2. 这支钢笔不是你的,你应说:[ ]A.It'snotmypen.B. It'smynotpen.C读一读,选词填空,完成对话。He her his my No She Yes yourLiMing:What'sthis,Jenny?Jenny:It'saneraser.LiMing: Isthis _________ eraser,Jenny?Jenny: No, LiMing.选出正确的答语。( ) 1.Whatareyoudoing?( ) 2.DoyouhaveacomputerinCanada?( ) 3.Doyouknowwherethepostofficeis?( ) 4.DoesDannyknowhisaddress?( ) 5.Howmuchis根据答语选问句。1.I'mgoingtoschool.[ ]A.Whereareyougoing?B.Wheredoyougo?2.I'mfromCanada.[ ]A.Whereareyoufrom?B.Howdoyoudo?3.Wewenttherebybus.[ ]A补充对话。Jenny: __________ __________ booksdo __________ __________ onmydesk,Kim?Kim:One,two … seven,Youhave __________ __________.Jenny:Let's __________ nin选择正确答案,补全对话。A.Howmanymarkersdoyouhave?B.What'sthis?C.Bye.D.What'syourfavouritecolour?E.Wherearethemarkers?A: 1____________B: It'saredpen选择正确答案。( ) 1. Wouldyoulikesomebananas?( ) 2.MayIlookatyourpictures?( ) 3.Whatdidyoudoyesterday?( ) 4.DidyougotothePalaceMuseumyesterday?( ) 5.WhaComprehension. 情景交际。1.当你想问对方正在干什么时,应说:[ ]A.Whatareyoudoing?B. Whereareyoudoing?2.当你不需要别人帮助时,应说:[ ]A.No, Ican't.B. No, t按对话里所含时间的顺序重新排列对话。(用字母a, b, c, d, e, f 表示)( ) — It'stenpastfivenow.Shallwegohomenow? — Allright.Let'sgotogether. ( ) — Doyouwanttowa给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Where is Kim? ( ) 2. Where is the book? ( ) 3. What are these? ( ) 4. What are they doing?( ) 5. Where is Steven? a.Lookandchoose. 选择单词填空完成对话。fine, friend, He, Hello,Hello, meet, new, school,She, Yes1. Mike:, Mary.Mary: , Mike.Howareyou?Mike: I'm, thanks.Andy给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. Can you say it? ( ) 3. What's her name? ( ) 4. What's this? ( ) 5. What's your name?a. It's a book.Dialogue. 情景交际。1.你想知道对方的名字,应问:[ ]A.What'syourname?B. What'shisname?C. MynameisJenny.2.你想知道一共有多少书,应问:[ ]A.HowmanybookarethFinishthedialogue. 将每组对话补充完整。1. A: you? B: Iamfine,thanks.2. A: Kim? B: Sheisinthegym.3.A: booksarethere? B: Five.4.A:SheisbehindJenny. B: Choosetherightanswer. 给问题选择正确的答语。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. What's her name? ( ) 3. Is it your pen? ( ) 4. How many books are there? ( ) 5.Dialogue. 情景交际。1. 当你询问对方的名字时,应说:[ ]A.Howareyou?B. Whoareyou?C. What'syourname?2. 当你把你的朋友Tina介绍给其他朋友认识时,应说:[ ]A.I给问题选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Does a lion have a mane? ( ) 2. What do monkeys eat? ( ) 3. Where does a snake live? ( ) 4. Can a dog cry? ( ) 5. Does a ti仿照例子补全对话。例: A:How'stheweather?B:Itiswarmandrainny.1. A: How's__________?B: It ishotand __________.2. A: __________ theweather?B:Itis windy ___选词填空。A: MayI __________ (help, helping)you?B: Yes! Iwanttobuya __________ (dress, dresses). Wherearethe __________ (dress,dresses)?A:I'll __________ (shFinishthedialogue. 选词填空,补全对话。hungrytiredrestaurant libraryparkmovietheatreA: Let'sgotoatoeaticecream!B: I'mnot . Idon'twanttoeaticecream.A: Let'Comprehension. 情景交际。1.当你想问别人要去哪儿时,你应说:[ ]A.Whatareyoudoing?B. Whereareyougoing?2.当有人想让你穿上你的新连衣裙时,他应说:[ ]A.Putonyourn从所给的八个句子中,选出五个补全对话。a. Where are the bicyclesc. This way e.$70 g. May I help you b. Good-bye d. I like blue f. How are you h. Thank you给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Does a lion have a trunk?( ) 2. Where does a fish live? ( ) 3. What do giraffes eat? ( ) 4. What can a cow do? ( ) 5. Where给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Where is Li Ming? ( ) 2. What are you doing? ( ) 3. Is Danny under the desk?( ) 4. Can a rabbit fly? ( ) 5. Does a cat have f给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Does she like pink? ( ) 2. What's Kim's favourite colour? ( ) 3. Where is the white cat? ( ) 4. Do you like the same colour?完成对话。1.A: __________ __________ yourfavouriteclothes? B:Myfavouriteclothes __________ shorts.2.A:Ilikepink.What's __________favouritecolour? B:Ilikep完成对话。1.A: __________yourfavouritedessert? B. I __________ cookies. A: Ilikecookies, __________. Welikethe __________ dessert.2. A: __________ thematt情景交际。1. 当你想问Jim最喜欢的功课是什么时,应说:[ ]A.What'syourfavouriteschoolwork, Jim?B.Whatyourfavouriteschoolwork,Jim?2. 当你想问对方最喜欢干什么时Choose. 选择正确答案。1.你想知道冰箱上的是什么?你可以问:[ ]A. Isthatafridge?B. What'sthisinthefridge?C.What'sthatonthefridge?2.别人进入房间之前,你应该礼Match. 把问题和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. Isthisawhitecat?( ) 2.What'syourfavouritecolour?() 3.Doyoulikeshorts?() 4.What'sforlunch?() 5.Whatdoyouliketodo?Choose. 从B栏中选出A栏各句的答语。 A( ) 1.Whyareyoucrying?() 2.Whatishedoing?() 3.Wheredoyoulive?() 4.WhereisDanny?() 5.Canbirdsfly?() 6.Areyougoingt情景交际。1. 当你问别人天气怎样时,应说:[ ]A.Howcantheweather?B. Whatistheweather?C.Weatherishow?D.How'stheweather?2. 当你想知道发生了什么事时,应说:[Order. 给下列句子排列顺序。( ) Isitnow?( )Ilikeyourblouse, too( )Hi, Jenny. Ilikeyourpants.( ) Yes.It'smypresent (礼物) from (来自) mymum.( ) Thankyou!( )给问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What is your favourite food? ( ) 2. What is your favourite school work? ( ) 3. Do you like to sing songs? ( ) 4. What's for Match. 将问句和答语匹配起来。( ) 1. Whatareyoudoing?( ) 2. Whatdoyouliketodo?( ) 3.What'syourfavouriteschoolwork?( ) 4.Whatdoyourmotherdo?( ) 5. Whati单项选择。1.当你想说:“他们喜欢不同的颜色”时,应说:[ ]A.Theylikethesamecolour.B.Theylikeadifferentcolour.C.Theylikethesameclothes.D.Theylikethedifferentclo给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What do you like? ( ) 2. Do you like fish? ( ) 3. How many apples? ( ) 4. Are they new? A. Yes, they are.B. I like fruit.情景交际。1. 当你初次见到一位朋友,你想知道他的名字时,你怎样问?[ ]A.Hello!B. Hi!C. What'syourname?2. 你是Lily,你告诉别人自己的名字,应该说:[ ]A.Myname 给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Canyouflykites?( ) 2.Wheredoesafishlive?( ) 3.Whathasfur?( ) 4.Doyouhaveamap?( ) 5.Whereareyougoing?( ) 6.Whereisthe根据提示完成下列情景对话。A. Icanshowyou.B. Yes?C. Isthatfarfromhere? D.Whatdoyouwanttobuy?E.You'rewelcome.Jenny: Excuseme.LiLin: 1____________Jenny:情景交际。1. 你见到你的老师应说:[ ]A.Hello!B. Thanks!C. Yes.2. 当你和朋友说我喜欢读书时,应说:[ ]A. Ireadbooks.B. Ilikereading.C. Idon'tlikereading.情景交际。1.GuoYang: ____________ Jenny: Thereitis.[ ]A.What'syourname?B.Whereismybook?2.Lucy: Hello! MynameisLucy.Nicetomeetyou. Tom: Hello! MynameisT给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. How are you? ( ) 2. Hi! ( ) 3. Nice to meet you.( )4. Where is the school? a. Hello! b. Nice to meet you, too. c. There it 给对话排序,并把序号写在横线上。1.MynameisTom.Howareyou?2. Nicetomeetyou, too.3.Fine, thankyou.Andyou?4.Fine, thanks.Nicetomeetyou.5.Hi!MynameisLynn.情景交际。1. 别人夸你的衣服很漂亮,你应说:[ ]A. Thanks!B. Yes, itis.2. 你想问它是新的吗?应说:[ ]A. Isitnew?B. Isitold?情景交际。1. 别人问你:“Howmanypencilsdoyouhave?”你应说:[ ]A.Sixpencils.B. pencils.2. 你想问别人有多少个彩笔,应说:[ ]A.Howmanymarkersdoyouhave?B. What'