看图,补全对话。Tom LilyTom:Hello! Lily: _______________Tom: _______________Lily: MynameisLily.给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Are they new? ( ) 2. How many books? ( ) 3. Where is Danny? ( ) 4. What's your name?( ) 5. What can you see?A. My name is 补全对话。A: Iwant __________ markers.B: Howmanymarkersdoyouwant?A: Iwantelevenmarkers.How __________ foronemarker?B: Oneyuan.A: Okay.B: Hereyou __________读下面的句子,并为它们重新排列顺序。( ) Todayismybirthday, LiMing.( ) Thankyou!( ) Happybirthday!根据情节,选择最佳答案。( ) 1. Hello! My name is Tom. What's your name?( ) 2. I'm fine, thanks.( ) 3. Five.( ) 4. May I have two pencils, please?( ) 5给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What would you like?( ) 2. Would you like a donut?( ) 3. Thanks. ( ) 4. How many apples?A. You're welcome. B. I would li补全对话。A: Wouldyou __________ somedonuts?B: __________.A: Iwouldlikeadonut, too.B: MayI __________ one?A: __________.给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Nice to meet you, Li Ming.( ) 2. How are you today? ( ) 3. What's this? ( ) 4. What's her name? a. I'm very well. b. It'给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Do you like pepper? ( ) 2. What would you like?( ) 3. Do you know it? ( ) 4. Thanks. A. You're welcome. B. Yes, I like p情景交际。根据情景选择最恰当的一项。1. 当你要问售货员“多少钱一个热狗?”时,用英语怎样表达?[ ]A.Howmuchforonehotdog?B.Howmanyforonehotdog?C.Howmuchforonedonu给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Are you hungry Jenny? ( ) 2. How many eggs do you have? ( ) 3. I'm thirsty. ( ) 4. What's for lunch? ( ) 5. Would you like 给错乱的句子排序组成一组完整对话,只填数字。1.Yes!Lotsofhamburgers.2.Howmuchforonehamburger?3.Doyouhaveanyhamburgers?4. I'lltaketwo, please.Thanks.5. 今天李明家来了很多小客人。作为小主人的李明是如何招待大家的呢?读下面的对话并把它补充完整。LiMing: Goodevening, myfriends!Friends:1___________LiMing: I'mhungry. 给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What do you put in the soup? ( ) 2. Can you make soup? ( ) 3. How much for one pen? ( ) 4. Would you like some soup? ( ) 5.情景交际问答选择。1. 当别人想知道一个面包圈多少钱时应问:[ ]A.Howmuchforonedonut?B.Howmanyforonedonut?2. 当你想买12个热狗时应说:[ ]A. Iwanttwelvehot dogs.读下列各句,并为它们重新排序。A.Howareyou?B.I'mfine, thanks.Andyou?C. Hello, LiMing.D. Nicetomeetyou, too.E.I'mverywell.Nicetomeetyou._____________给下列问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Is itJenny'sbirthday?( ) 2.Whatdoyouliketodrink?( ) 3.Doyoulikepepper?( ) 4.Whatwould youlike?( ) 5.Thanks.( ) 6.What读下面的对话,搭配正确的画“√”,否则画“×”。( ) 1.A: What'syourname? B: HisnameisDanny.( ) 2.A: What'sthis? B: It'samarker.( ) 3.A: Howareyou? B: I'mfi情景交际。1. 当别人对你说:“Ilikeyourskirt.”你应回答说:[ ]A.Thanks.B. You'rewelcome.2. 当别人问你的裙子是新的吗?应说:[ ]A. Isyourskirtold?B. Isyourskir情景交际。1. 在你过生日的时候,你的朋友应该对你唱什么歌?[ ]A. " Iloveyou, youloveme."B." Happybirthdaytoyou."C. " Howareyou? "2. 你想知道对方多大了选择正确的答案补全对话,将相应的序号填在横线上。A.What'syourname? B. Hello!C.HernameisYangLing.D. What'shisname?A: Hello! B: ___________A: ___________B:情景交际。1. 当别人请你吃或喝东西时,如果你不要时应说:[ ]A.No.B. Yes.C. No,thanks.2. 当你问别人渴不渴时应说:[ ]A.Doyouwant?B. Areyouthirsty?C. Doyou给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Doyouhaveanyapples?( ) 2.Wouldyoulikesometea?( ) 3.Doyoulikesalt?( ) 4.Whoisshe?( ) 5.Whatwouldyoulike?( ) 6. Isyourfather给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. How much are the French fries?( ) 2. How many bottles of water? ( ) 3. What would you like? ( ) 4. May I borrow your eraser? A情景交际。1. 如果你有一双大耳朵,当你听到“Doyouhavetwobigears?”的问句后,你应该回答:[ ]A. Yes.B. No.2. 你的头发是黑色的,别人问你“Whatcolourisyourhair?”时情景交际问答选择。1. 当你想问早饭吃什么应说:[ ]A.What'sforlunch?B. What'sforbreakfast?2. 当你想说我早饭喜欢喝粥应说:[ ]A. Ilikeporridgeforbreakfast.B.选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Whatcolourisyourhair?( ) 2. Isyourhairstraightor curly?( ) 3.Doyouseehisshoulder?( ) 4.Whatdoyoudowithyourears?( ) 5.Canyoudrawamo将下列句子排成一段完整的对话。( ) Ilikeyourpants.( ) It'snice.( ) No.It'sold.( ) Isitnew?( ) It'smyfavouritecolour.选择补全对话。①Thanks ④ I take twelve,please ⑦ What's ② welcome ⑤ I'll take twelve, please ⑧ I'd like some donuts③ happy ⑥ How much ⑨ Would you like some donu选择正确的答案,补全对话。LiMing: HelIo, Kim!Kim: 1__________LiMing: Yourcoatisnice!Kim: 2__________LiMing: Isitnew?Kim: Yes, 3__________( ) 1. A. Hello, Li M选择正确的单词,补全对话。drink, is, Thanks, It,How,fine, too,welcome, feel,yourTeacher (T): Hello!What's 1__________ name?Student (S): Myname 2__________ Jane选择正确的句子补全对话。A.What'syourname?B.Hi!C.Nicetomeetyou!Tom: Hello!Lily: 1__________Tom: 2__________Lily: MynameisLily.Tom: Nicetomeetyou! Lily: 3___给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1.Whatwouldyoulike?( ) 2.Doyoulikefish?( ) 3.Whatcolourisyourhair?( ) 4.What'syourname?( ) 5.Whatdoyoudowithyourfeet?( ) 6.Ho给问句选出恰当的答语。( ) 1.What'shername?( ) 2.Whatcanyousee?( ) 3.Aretheynew?( ) 4.Whatdoyoulike?( ) 5.What'sforlunch?( ) 6.Wouldyoulikesomefish?情景对话,将符合情景的句子序号写在横线上。A.What'syourfavouritefood?B.What'sthis?C.Ilikemeatandriceforlunch.D.Wouldyoulikesomerice?— _____________?— I给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What's your name?( ) 2. Nice to meet you!( ) 3. Hello! ( ) 4. Good morning! A. Hi! B. Good morning! C. My name is Danny.D.看图填空。May I have __________ marker?Here __________ are. 给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.What'syourname?( ) 2.Howareyou?( ) 3.Nicetomeetyou.( ) 4.Thankyou.( ) 5.I'msorry.A.Youarewelcome.B.MynameisJenny.C.T补全对话。A: 1__________B: Sure!Hereyouare.A: Thanks!B: 2__________A.You'rewelcome!B. MayIhavearedmarker?给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What's your name? ( ) 2. What do you see? ( ) 3. Where are you? ( ) 4. Where are you from?( ) 5. Thank you. A. I am from小明遇到下列情况不知道该怎么办,你能帮他选出最佳答案吗?1. 当你想说“我住在中国”时,应说:[ ]A. IliveinChina.B.IliveinCanada.2. 当你想知道别人的名字时,应说:[情景交际。1. 你想知道Lucy来自哪,应问:[ ]A.Whereareyou?B. Whereareyoufrom?2. 你告诉你外国的朋友我来自中国应说:[ ]A. IamChina.B. IamfromChina.3. 你的朋为问题选择适合答语。( ) 1. Where are you from? ( ) 2. What do you see? ( ) 3. Where are you? ( ) 4. What is it? ( ) 5. Who is the boy? A. He is my fri小明在路上遇见了郭阳,他想向郭阳借两本书,模仿情节完成对话。XiaoMing: Hello, GuoYang.GuoYang: Hi, Xiao Ming.Nicetomeet you.XiaoMing: Nicetomeetyou, too._____情景交际。1. 当你想告诉别人,这是我的耳朵,应说:[ ]A.Thisismyears.B. Thesearemyears.2. 当你想说:“我有一个鼻子”应说:[ ]A. Ihaveonemouth.B. Ihaveonenose.情景交际。1. 当你想知道别人叫什么名字应问:[ ]A.What'syourname?B. MynameisJenny.2. 你想要一本书,可以说:[ ]A. Ihaveabook.B. MayIhaveabook?3. 你想问多少情景交际。1. 你想问Jenny你看见了什么应说:[ ]A.Whatcanyoudo?B. What doyousee?2. 你让Danny指着他的嘴应说:[ ]A.Pointtoyourmouth.B. Pointyourmouth.3. 你问情景交际。1. 当别人问你“Howmanybooksdoyouhave?”时,你可以回答:[ ]A. Ihaveonebook.B. Ihavetwobook.2. 李明手里拿着几枝钢笔,你想知道他到底有多少枝,你怎样问补全对话。A.Sure.B.Ihaveamarker.C. I'msorry.D.Youarewelcome.A: MayIhavearuler, please?B:1_________Idon'thavearuler. 2_________A:MayIhaveamarker, plea情景交际。1. 当别人对你说:“Thankyou”时,你应说:[ ]A.That'sallright.B. Youarewelcome.2. 你想知道Lucy的铅笔在哪,您怎样问Lucy:[ ]A.What'syourpencil?B. W情景交际选择。1. 当别人对你说“Ilikeyourskirt.”你应回答说:[ ]A. Thanks.B. You're welcome.2. 当别人问你的裙子是新的吗?应说:[ ]A.Isyourskirtold?B. Isyour给问题选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Whatareyouwearing?( ) 2. Whoistall?( ) 3.Isyourdressnew?( ) 4.What'syourfavouritecolour?( ) 5.Howmanysweatersdoyouhave?A.给下列的问句选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. Where is the eraser? ( ) 2. How many circles? ( ) 3. Nine plus nine is ( ) 4. Is it tall? ( ) 5. May I have a pen? A.根据情节,选择最佳答案。1. — Hello! My name is Tom. What's your name? — _____________2. — _____________ — I'm fine, thanks.3. — _____________ — Five.4.情景交际。1. 当你想告诉别人你高时,应说:[ ]A. Iamshort.B. Areyoutall?C. Iamtall.2. 当你想问谁高,应说:[ ]A.Whoistall?B. Whoisshort?C. Isyoutall?3.情景交际。1. 你想知道对方的名字应问:[ ]A.What'syourname?B. Howareyou?2. 你想知道Lily来自哪应问:[ ]A.Whereareyou?B. Whereareyoufrom?3. 你想要一支彩笔应情景交际。1. 当你初次见到一位朋友,你想对他说什么?[ ]A.Hello!B. Hi!C. Hello! MynameisLiMing.2. 你是Lily,你告诉别人自己的名字,应该说:[ ]A.MynameisLily.B看图,补全对话。Tom LilyTom:Hello! Lily: _______________Tom: _______________Lily: MynameisLily.把句子补充完整。A: Hello! My name is Li Ming. What's your name?B: __________! My name is Tom. What's your name?C: Hello! _____________ is Guo Yang. 选出正确的答语。( ) 1. Where are you from? ( ) 2. I'm sorry. ( ) 3. Is Danny short? ( ) 4. What's your name? ( ) 5. May I have one eraser?A. Sure. 看图对话。Good __________, Kim.__________ __________, MsZhang. 给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1. Good morning Jenny!( ) 2. Hello, Danny. ( ) 3. What's your name?( ) 4. I am a boy. A. My name is Tom. B. Good morni看图对话。A: Iamfine.B: Good-bye.C: Bye.D: Howareyoutoday?1. ____________2. ____________给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. I am sad. ( ) 2. Good-bye, Danny. ( ) 3. How are you today? ( ) 4. Good morning, Li Ming! A. Good morning, Danny! B. I'm f情景交际。1. 当你和朋友道别时,应说:[ ]A.Bye.B. I'mfine.C. Howareyou?2. 当你早上见到你的好朋友时,应说:[ ]A.Good-bye, Danny.B. Goodmorning, Jenny.C.情景交际。1. 怎样回答别人对你说:“Hello!”[ ]A.Howareyou?B. Hello!2. 问别人叫什么名字,应怎样说?[ ]A.What'syourname, please?B.What'syournameis, please?3情景交际。1. 问候“晚上好”应说:[ ]A.Goodevening!B. Goodmorning!2. 想知道对方几岁了,要问:[ ]A.Howareyou?B. Howoldareyou?3. 如果对方说这是蓝色的,要说:[ ]给下列问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What's your name?( )2. Who is tall?( )3. Where are you? ( ) 4. Thanks. ( ) 5. May I have a book? ( ) 6. What can you选择正确的一项,补全对话。A: Hi!MynameisTom. 1___________B: MynameisLily. 2___________A: I'mfine. 3___________A.Howareyoutoday?B. Iamhappy.C. What'syou情景对话。1. 对方问你身体状况,应怎样问:[ ]A.Howareyoutoday?B. What'syourname?2. 早上见面时说:[ ]A.Good-bye!B. Goodmorning.3. 妈妈问你饿吗,你饿了应说根据图片对话。 A: Howoldareyou? Iam ___________ yearsold.B: _____________?Iamsix, too.情景交际。1. 别人问你:“Howoldareyou?”你八岁了,你应该说:[ ]A. I'mtenyearsold.B. I'meightyearsold.2. 当别人不知道你叫什么名字,你应回答说:[ ]A. What'sy情景交际,将正确答案的序号填入括号内。1. 想知道别人的名字,我们应该怎样问?[ ]A.Howareyou?B. Whatisyourname?2. 看见朋友应打招呼:[ ]A.MynameisLily.B. Hell情景交际。1. 在你过生日的时候,你的朋友应对你唱什么歌?[ ]A. Iloveyou, youloveme.B.Happybirthdaytoyou.2. 你想知道对方多大了,应该问:[ ]A.Howareyou?B. How读下面的句子,并为它们重新排列顺序。( ) Todayismybirthday, LiMing.( ) Thankyou!( ) Happybirthday!看图对话。 Tom LilyTom:Hello.Lily: ____________!Tom: Lily, todayismybirthday!Lily: ____________!Lily:____________?Tom: Iamsix.补全对话。Li Ming: _________. My name is Li Ming. What's your name?Jenny: My __________ is Jenny.情景交际。1.Lucy: Hello! MynameisLucy. Tom:Hello. ______________[ ]A. MynameisTom.B. Thankyou.2. 当别人问你是干什么的,你应说:[ ]A. Iamaboy.B. Iamastu看图对话。A: AreyouChinese? _________________.B: Areyouastudent? _________________. Iamastudent.给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Are you happy?( ) 2. How old are you? ( ) 3. What's your name? ( ) 4. How are you? ( ) 5. Good morning, Li Ming. A. My n根据内容排序,并把序号写在横线上。1. What'syourname?2. Howareyoutoday?3. Iamfine.4. Howoldareyou?5. MynameisLiMing.6. Iamsevenyearsold._____________在词表中选择正确单词,填在句中横线上。WORDLIST (词表): Hello, Hi, your, my, fine, HowA: __________! MynameisLiMing. What's __________ name?B:__________! _____情景对话,将正确答案的序号填在横线上。A: 1___________B: Itisaskirt.A:2___________B: No.It'sold.A:3___________ 4___________B: No!It'snotmine.A: Ilikethisski情景交际。1. 今天是你的生日,你的朋友会对你说:[ ]A. Iloveyou.B.Happybirthdaytoyou.2. 对方想知道你多大了,应该问?[ ]A.Howoldareyou?B. Howareyou?3. 如果根据所给情景,选择正确的答案。1. 如果在早上与Jenny相遇,你应说:[ ]A.Goodmorning!B. Goodbye.2. 如果你想知道对方的姓名时,你应问:[ ]A.Hi! What'syourname?B.看图对话。LiMing: ___________ isinmyclassroom?Jenny: ___________ havealook!Li Ming: Look! I ___________ MsZhangandmyfriends.Jenny: Weare ___________.Li Ming: 情景交际。1. 如果你不会用英语说某物,你应怎样问:[ ]A.Doyouknow?B. What'sthis?2. 当别人问你坐在哪,你应回答:[ ]A. IsitbesideJenny.B. Wheredoyousit?3. 情景交际。1. 当你不知道你的桌子上放着什么,应怎样问:[ ]A.Whereismybook?B. Whatisonmydesk?2. 当你不知道这是什么,应怎样问:[ ]A.What'sthis?B. Whatisonmyd看图对话。A: ___________, MynameisJenny.B: ___________, MynameisTom.A: How ___________ youtoday?B:I ___________ fine. 情景交际。1. 当别人问你们在干什么,你应说:[ ]A.Wearefriend.B. Wesingasong.2. 当你们正在画画应说:[ ]A.Wedrawapicture.B.Weplayagame.情景交际。1. 当你不知道她叫什么名字,你应说:[ ]A.What'syourname?B. What'shername?2. 他叫李明,应怎样说:[ ]A.HernameisLiMing.B. HisnameisLiMing.根据所给情景,选择正确的答案。1. 如果早上与Jenny相遇,你应说:[ ]A.Goodmorning!B. Good-bye.2. 如果你想知道对方的姓名时,你应问:[ ]A.Hi!What'syourname?B. 情景交际。1. 我们在过马路时,什么灯亮时我们应该停:[ ]A.Greenlight.B. Redlight.2. 她叫王红,你应该怎样说:[ ]A.HernameisWangHong.B. HisnameisWangHong.3.在词表中选择正确的单词序号填在横线上。WORD LIST(词表): ① Hello ② Hi ③ My④ two⑤ books ⑥ Her ⑦ His 1.A: __________! MynameisLiMing.What'syourname? B: _________根据情景选择句子。1. 别人问你有多少本书,你应回答:[ ]A. Ihavethreepencils.B. Threebooks.2. 老师问你教室里面有什么,你应回答:[ ]A.It'sablackboard.B. Iam情景交际。1. 当你听说它的颜色是黄色,应说:[ ]A.Colourisyellow!B. Colourisblue.2. 当你看到一些蓝色的东西,应说:[ ]A. Iseesomethingred.B. Iseesomethingblue给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What's your name? ( ) 2. Are you a student? ( ) 3. How old are you? ( ) 4. How are you today? A. Yes, I am. B. My name i给下列问句选择适当的答语。( ) 1. Thank you! ( ) 2. How are you? ( ) 3. Good-bye! ( ) 4. What colour is it? ( ) 5. Good morning! A. Good-bye! B. Good mor情景交际。1. 如果你不知道你的书在哪儿,应说:[ ]A.Whoisyourfriend?B. Whereismybook?2. 你想知道对方有几支铅笔,应怎样问:[ ]A.Howmanybooks?B. Howmanypencil看图对话。Jenny: MayIuseyour ___________?LiMing: ___________.Jenny: Thankyou.LiMing: You're ___________.
情景交际。1. 当你不知道桌子放着几把尺子时,应说:[ ]A.Howmanyrulers?B. Howmanybooks?2. 当你回答有三支铅笔时应说:[ ]A.Threepencil.B. Threepencils.看图,对话。Jenny: Howmany ___________?LiMing: ___________ books.Jenny: MayIuse ___________ books?LiMing: ___________.阅读下面的对话,选择合适的答案。a. You'rewelcome.b. I'llshowyou.c. MayIturnontheTV?d. TheTVistooloud.e. Howdoyouturniton?A: _____________B: Sure.A: 给问句选择正确的答案。( ) 1.LiMing, whydoyougotoschool?( ) 2.Danny, whydoyougototherestaurant?( ) 3.Jenny, whydoyougototheshop?( ) 4.Mr.Wood, whydoyougot阅读下列对话,选择正确单词。WordList:best,beautifully,hurts,too, loudly,either,softly,singer,know,hearLiMing: Doyoulikekaraoke?LiuFang: Yes, I _________ akaraok给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1.Isheagoodplayer?( ) 2.Canyouskate?( ) 3.How'stheweathertoday?( ) 4.Didyouseethemovie?( ) 5.What'syourfavouriteseason?( ) 6.看图对话。Tom: Hello!Lily: ___________!Tom: Whoisyourfriend?Lily: Jennyis ___________ friend.按照图意,排列句子顺序。 ( ) Three.( ) Thankyou.( ) MayIuseonepencil, please?( ) Howmanypencils?读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1.WhydoyougivegiftsatChristmas?( ) 2.DidSantabringgifts?( ) 3.Wouldyouliketoputthestaronthetree?( ) 4.Wheredoesthestargo?选择左边问题中的正确答案。( ) 1. What's he going to do? ( ) 2. What did he do yesterday? ( ) 3. What is he doing now?( )4. Why do you like winter? ( ) 5阅读下列句子并排序。( ) Yes, I'vecleanedallthethingsinkitchen.( ) InChina, wealwayscleanthehousefortheChineseNewYear.( ) CanyouseewhatI'vecleaned?( ) I'mgo读下列句子选择正确答案。( ) 1.DidyouhavefunatChristmas?( ) 2.WhenisSpringFestival?( ) 3.Howmanyanimalsarethereinayear?( ) 4.What areyougoingtodo?( ) 5.W读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1. What would you like?( ) 2. How old are you?( ) 3. Do you like pork?( ) 4. Happy New Year!( ) 5. Why do you put on your选择正确的单词填空完成对话。WordList: learn teach skateskischool play snowing coldTom: Howareyou?Jack: Fine, thankyou. Itis ____________ today. It'sfivedegre填空,补全对话。— Excuse __________,Doyouknow __________ thepark __________?— __________. Gostraight __________ the street. __________ left __________ thetraf给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Are you okay?( ) 2.How old is your grandma?( ) 3.May I have your camera?( ) 4.Who is thirsty?( ) 5.MayIhelpyoutakeapicture?给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Whatyearareyou?( ) 2.Whenisyourbirthday?( ) 3.Whatareyoudoing?( ) 4.WhatisChristmas?( ) 5.Whatyearisit?( ) 6.Whatdoy按正确的顺序排序。A.Iwanttotakeapicture!MayIhaveyourcamera?B.It'saboutfivehundredyearsold.C.Sure.MayIhelpyoutakeapicture?D.HowoldisthePalaceMuseum,LiMin看图填空。1.Whatishedoingnow? He is ______________. Isheloud? No,he's ______________.2.Whatisshe ______________ now? Sheis ______________. Isshe _______选择。1.你的朋友要外出旅行,你对他说:[ ]A.Didyouhavealovelytrip?B. Havealovelytrip.C. Whereareyougoing?2. 你想邀请你的朋友来帮你装圣诞树,你说:[ ]A.Cany选词填空。help hard easy want kite canTom:Hello.Mary!Look!Theboyisflyinga __________?Mary:Oh,yes. __________ youflyakite?Tom:Sure.That's __________.Doyou 给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Whattimeisitnow?( ) 2.Pleasedon'tsing,OK?( ) 3.Canyoufindmysuitcase?( ) 4.Howmanypairsofsocksdoyouhave?( ) 5.Howmuchf给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What does Jenny see? ( ) 2. What is Danny looking at? ( ) 3. What are you doing? ( ) 4. Who is talking? ( ) 5. May I play w给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1.How'stheweather today?( ) 2.Howmuchisthispostcard?( ) 3. Wheredoyouputthestamp?( ) 4.Wheredoyouputtheaddress?( ) 5. MayI come给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Would you like a snack? ( ) 2. Is he quiet? ( ) 3. What's he doing? ( ) 4. Who is talking?( ) 5. What would you like to ha给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What is your father? ( ) 2. What happened? ( ) 3. How did you go to school? ( ) 4. What did you do yesterday? ( ) 5. Did yo按正确的顺序排列下列句子。A.Thesecondday, wewenttothePalaceMuseum.B.Didyougoshopping?C.Thefirstday,wewenttoTian'anmenSquare.D.Whatdidyoudo?E.Yes!Thethi给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Where did you go? ( ) 2. What happened? ( ) 3. Who is this gift for? ( ) 4. What did you do? ( ) 5. Where are the tickets?给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Would you like some milk?( ) 2. What are you doing? ( ) 3. Did you go shopping?( ) 4. Where did you buy it? ( ) 5. Who did 用所给词填空完成对话。WordList: thank,hurt,help,worry A: 1_________!I 2_________ myarm.B:Don't3_________!Icanhelpyou. Here'sabandageforyourarm.Areyouokaynow排序。( ) That'sold.( ) It'saboutfivehundredyearsold.( ) HowoldisthePalaceMuseum?( ) Sure!( ) MayIhaveyourcamera?( ) Iwanttotakeofpicturehere.用所给单词填空。WordList: take send forty stamps Howmuch Iwantto 1__________ somepostcardstoCanada,LiLin! 2__________ are the 3__________?Onestampistenyuan.Fou给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Where do you put the stamp? ( ) 2. What's your address? ( ) 3. How much for the postcards? ( ) 4. How's the weather today?根据下面表格中所给单词填空。hismyherthisLittleZeke's Mrs.Jones:Is(1) yourapple,Emma?Emma:No,Mrs.Jones. Itisnot(2) apple.Mrs. Jones:IsthisJane'sapple?Emm选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Doyoulikered?( ) 2.Where'sDanny?( ) 3.Thankyou.( ) 4. Whatareyoudoing?( ) 5. Isthatablackboard?A.He'sintheclassroom.B. Iamre整理句子排序。( ) Howmuchforonenotebook?( ) I'lltaketen,please!( ) Oneyuan.( ) Youarewelcome.( ) Thanks.( ) Hereyouare!选择合适的答语。( ) 1.What'sforlunch?( ) 2.What'syourfavouritefood?( ) 3.Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?( ) 4.Howmucharetheapples?( ) 5.MayIborrowyourpencil?给句子排序。( ) Sure!( ) Oh,no!Mypencil!( ) Thankyou!( ) MayIborrowyourpencil?( ) NowIcanwrite.根据所给情景选择正确答案。1. 当你得到别人的帮助时,你应说________[ ]A.You'rewelcome.B. Thankyou.C.Good-bye.2. 你家来客人时,你应说_________[ ]A.Good-by遇到下面的情况你能对答如流吗?选一选吧!1. 想知道对方最喜欢什么颜色,应该问:[ ]A.What'syourfavouritecolour?B. Whatcolourdoyoulike?2. 想知道对方叫什么名字,应看图补全对话。1.________________? I'mfine.Thanks.2. ________________? It'sunderthedesk.3. ________________? Itlivesinahole.4. Whatdoesacateat? ____读一读,选择正确的问句。( ) Itishotandsunny. ( ) I'mgoingtotheoffice. ( ) Heisdrivingacar.( ) Acrossfromtheschool. ( ) Yes,Iwanttobuyadress.A.Whereisthegy选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Whatcolourareyoureyes?( ) 2.Whatcolourisyourhair?( ) 3.Howmanybooksdoyouhave?( ) 4.Howmanypencilsdoyouhave?( ) 5.What'syourfavour根据图片选择对话。(只填序号)1.______________2.______________3. ______________4. ______________A. Is it new? C. Yes! It's new! E. No, they're old. G. 给句子选择合适的答语。( ) 1.What'shername?( ) 2.Whatcanyousee?( ) 3.Whereismypencil?( ) 4.Whereistheboy?( ) 5.Whereareyou?( ) 6.Doyoulikemybook?( ) 给问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1. How much is the pencil? ( ) 2. How's the weather? ( ) 3. What would you like? ( ) 4. What are they doing?( ) 5. How old ar阅读对话,选择正确答案。a. You'rewelcome.b. I'IIshowyou.c. MayIturnontheTV?d. TheTVistooloud.e. Howdoyouturniton?A: ____________B: Sure.A:__________读一读,给问句选择最佳答案。( ) 1. What are you doing? ( ) 2. Can you hear the music? ( ) 3. Do you like my gifts? ( ) 4. What's this? ( ) 5. Why don'补全下面对话。A: Canyou __________?B:No, butIwantto__________. Canyou __________ me?A: Sure.B: Great! When?A:I __________ Ican __________ youinwinter.B: Wh选择合适的句子补全对话。A.Oh! Ihaveneverseenitbefore.B.IlikeDriveaFastcar.C.Ilikeitbest, too!D.Howdoyouknow!E.Yes!Thatwasgreat!Whatdidyoulikebest?A: What阅读下列对话,选择正确单词。WordList:best,beautifully,hurts,too, loudly,either,softly,singer,know,hearLiMing: Doyoulikekaraoke?LiuFang: Yes, I _________ akaraok根据课文补全对话。1.A: Canyou ___________ ___________ ontheice? B: I ___________ Ican ___________ ___________。 B: Yes!Look!I'm ___________! A: Good! 2. A: C选择正确答案,使对话完整。LiPing: Hello,LinTao. 1__________LinTao: Fine,thankyou.Howareyou?LiPing:I'mfine,too.2__________ LinTao:She'sLuLu.Sheisnew.LiPin按正确顺序填写序号。( ) Howdoyouknow? ( ) Ithinkitistooscary.( ) Thatis averybadmovie.( ) IlikeDriveaCar.( ) Let'sgotothemovietheatretowatchamovie.( ) Isaw读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1.LiMing, whydoyouwearyourboots?( ) 2.Whyisshequiet?( ) 3.Whydon'ttheydrinktheirtea?( ) 4.Danny, whydoyouwashyourhands?(在横线上填写正确单词。because think skate why summer teachfall ice spring learn rain snow Snowman: Hello!Howareyou?WangHai: Yes!Youcantalk!What'syourname?Snow给问句选择正确的答案。( ) 1.LiMing, whydoyougotoschool?( ) 2.Danny, whydoyougototherestaurant?( ) 3.Jenny, whydoyougototheshop?( ) 4.Mr.Wood, whydoyougot读下列句子选择正确答案。( ) 1.DidyouhavefunatChristmas?( ) 2.WhenisSpringFestival?( ) 3.Howmanyanimalsarethereinayear?( ) 4.What areyougoingtodo?( ) 5.W阅读下列句子并排序。( ) Yes, I'vecleanedallthethingsinkitchen.( ) InChina, wealwayscleanthehousefortheChineseNewYear.( ) CanyouseewhatI'vecleaned?( ) I'mgo读一读,给问句选择最佳答语。( ) 1. WhydoyougivegiftsatChristmas?( ) 2.DidSantabringgifts?( ) 3. Wouldyouliketoputthestaronthetree?( ) 4.Wheredoesthestargo为下列句子按正确语序排队。( ) Second, mixtheporkandvegetablesinanotherbowl.( ) Addsomesaltandoil, too.( ) First, putsomeflourand coldwaterina bowl.( ) Addsome看图填空。1. _________ this? It's ______________.2.Wouldthey ____________? Yes, _____________.3. ________ yearisit? It's______________. 4. Whatarethe读一读,给问句选择最佳答案。( ) 1.Whatwouldyoulike?( ) 2.Howoldareyou?( ) 3.Doyoulikepork?( ) 4.HappyNewYear!( ) 5.Whydoyouputonyournewclothes?A. Becau完成下列句子。1. _________ isSpringFestival? It'susuallyin _________.2. _________ animalisthefirst? Itis _________.3. _________ _________ animalsarethere补全对话。— Excuse __________. Doyouknow __________ thepark __________?— __________. Gostraight __________ thestreet. __________ left __________ thetrafficli补全对话。(一)A:Hello!Ineedastamp,please. B:1________ areyou 2________ yourletter?A:I'msendingittoShijiazhuang.3________ 4________isthestamp, please?B:Oneyu选择合适的单词填在横线上。thank hurt help worry A: 1__________!I 2__________ my arm.B:Don't 3__________!Icanhelpyou.Here'sabandageforyourarm.Areyouokaynow?读下列句子,并对其进行排序。( ) That'sold.( ) It'saboutfivehundredyearsold.( ) HowoldisthePalaceMuseum?( ) Sure!( ) MayIhaveyourcamera?( ) Iwanttotakeofpic黄金搭档。给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.How'stheweathertoday?( ) 2.Howmuchisthispostcard?( ) 3.Wheredoyouputthestamp?( ) 4.Wheredoyouputtheaddress?( ) 5.选词填空。help hard easy want kite canTom:Hello.Mary!Look!Theboyisflyinga __________?Mary:Oh,yes. __________ youflyakite?Tom:Sure.That's __________.Doyou 情景交际。根据所设置的情景,选择最佳选项。1. 当你想问一张明信片多少钱时,应说:[ ]A.Whatisapostcard?B. Howmuchisapostcard?C.Whereisapostcard?D. Howisapost当对方问你是否想吃蛋糕时,如果你不想吃,应说:[ ]A. Thankyou.B. No, thanks.C. Allright.看图,选词填空。running, walking, solw, nowA: What'stheoldmandoing ____________?B: He's ____________.A: What'stheyoungmandoingnow?B: Heis ____________.A: 黄金搭档。给问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.How'stheweathertoday?( ) 2.Howmuchisthispostcard?( ) 3.Wheredoyouputthestamp?( ) 4.Wheredoyouputtheaddress?( ) 5.填空。— Excuse __________. Doyouknow __________thepark __________?— __________. Gostraight __________ thestreet. __________ left __________ thetrafficlights.情景选择。1. 当你问别人正在干什么时,应说:[ ]A.Whatdoyoudo?B. Whatareyoudoing?C.Areyoudoingit?D. Doyouseeit?2. 当你让别人保持安静时,应说:[ ]A.Ishequi给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Would you like a snack? ( ) 2. Is he quiet? ( ) 3. What's he doing? ( ) 4. Who is talking?( ) 5. What would you like to ha情景对话。1. 当我们表达“今天是2月15日”时,应说:[ ]A.TodayisFebruaryfifteen.B. TodayisfifteenFebruary.C.TodayisFebruaryfifth.D. TodayisFebruaryfifteenth.给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Would you like a snack? ( ) 2. Is he quiet? ( ) 3. What's he doing? ( ) 4. Who is talking?( ) 5. What would you like to ha碰到下面的情景你能对答如流吗?选择恰当的句子。( ) 1. 售货员问顾客要买些什么,可以说:( ) 2. 请往这边走,用英语表述为:( ) 3. 你想知道哪里有卖玩具的,在询问之前,读一读下面的对话,再和你的小伙伴把它表演出来吧!Dog: Hi, Mr. Pig.Whereareyougoing?Pig: Tothemarket.Dog: Why?Pig: Iwanttobuysomevegetables. Whereareyougoing?给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Wheredidyougo?( ) 2.Whathappened?( ) 3.Whoisthisgiftfor?( ) 4.Whatdidyoudo?( ) 5.Wherearethetickets?( ) 6.Whatistheboydoin给下列问句选择答语。( ) 1. Hello, Danny!( ) 2. How are you?( ) 3. What's your name?( ) 4. Nice to meet you.( ) 5. Are you ready for school? A. Fine, t给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Hi, what's your name?( ) 2. Thank you.( ) 3. Where is Sandy, my brother?( ) 4. What's he doing?( ) 5. How are you?A. He补全对话。1.A: Areyou ____________? B: No, I ____________ myarm. A: ____________. Icanhelpyou. B:____________.2.A: Who'sthatgirl ____________ thetree? B给问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1. Doyoulikerice?( ) 2. What'sforlunch?( ) 3. Whatdoyouliketodo?( ) 4. What'syourfavouriteschoolwork?( ) 5. Whatdoyoulike?A给问句选择相应的答句。( ) 1. Whathaswings?( ) 2. Canacamelswim?( ) 3. Isthelionsmall?( ) 4. Doesamonkeyhavestripes?( ) 5.WhatcolourisJenny'scat?( ) 6.读一读,选词填空。my his her this Danny's Mary: Is 1__________ yourmarker, Kim?Kim: No. Itisnot2__________ marker.Mary: IsthisJenny'smarker?Kim: No. Itisn给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Isthisawhitecat?( ) 2.What'syourfavouritefoodforlunch?( ) 3.Whatdoyouliketodo?( ) 4.What'syourfavouritecolour?( ) 5.Where选择恰当的译句,将序号填写在句前括号里。( ) 1. Can you say the ABC?( ) 2. Excuse me! Are you Mr.Green?( ) 3. Good aftemoon.( ) 4. Nice to meet you.( ) 5.给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Would you like some rice?( ) 2. Would you like some juice?( ) 3. Would you like some more rice?A. No, thanks.B. Yes,I would给问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. Howmanyerasersdoyouhave?( ) 2. Doesakangaroohaveapouch?( ) 3. Whereareyougoing?( ) 4. Whatisit?( ) 5.Canyouplaycards?( ) 6给下列句子排序。1. Idon'tknow.2.Whereismybook, Danny?3.Jenny,Whereisyourbook?4.Okay,okay!Thereitis.5. Hmmm. Idon'tknow.6.Danny! Whereismybook?正确排序整理句子。( ) Hereyouare!( ) Howmuchforonemarker?( ) I'lltaketwelve, please!( ) Oneyuan.( ) Youarewelcome!( ) Thanks!给问话选择合适的答语。( ) 1. I like your pants.( ) 2. Is it new?( ) 3. Are they new?( ) 4. Do you like my picture?A. Yes! It's new. B. Thanks! C. No看图,给图片选出合适的选项。( ) 1. a.What'syourname? MynameisLiMing.( ) 2. b.Whereismybook? It'sunderthedesk.( ) 3. c.Nicetomeetyou. Nicetomeetyou.选择正确答语。(只填序号)( ) What'syourname? ( ) Whereismybook? ( ) Nicetomeetyou.( ) WhereisJenny?( ) Howareyou?( ) What'shisname?( ) Aretheynew?( ) See选择合适的答语。( ) 1.What'sforlunch?( ) 2.What'syourfavouritefood?( ) 3.Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?( ) 4.Howmucharetheapples?( ) 5.MayIborrowyourpencil?给对话排序。( ) Look, LiMing.( ) Donuts!( ) Thanks.( ) Oh, myfavourite. MayIhaveone?( ) Sure!( ) Youarewelcome.给下列对话排序。( ) Doyoulikepepper, too?( ) NotonFrenchfries. Ilikepepperoneggs.( ) ButIlikesaltonporridge!( ) IlikesaltonFrenchfries.( ) Saltonporridge!Yec
判断句子与图片是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. I'm sorry.( ) 2. I'm late.( ) 3. Excuse me!( ) 4. Excuse me! Bless you!看图选择。( ) 1. A. Thanks.( ) 2. B. Nopencilsforme!( ) 3. C. May Ihavethreepencils? 给问句选择合适的答语。( ) Is your little sister pretty?( ) What colour are your eyes?( ) Do you have a long pencil?( ) What colour is your hair?( ) How many 看一看,读一读并选择。A. Oh, whatalovelydoll!B. Thankyou.Whatisit?C. Openthebox,please.D. Abook?T: Happy birthday, Cathy! Here's a present for you.C: 1读一读选择合适的答语,并和伙伴说一说。( ) 1. Ilikeyourpants.( ) 2.Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?( ) 3.Whereismybook?( ) 4.What'syourfavouritefood?( ) 5.Ihear给下列的句子选择对应的答语。( ) 1. Hello!( ) 2. Nicetomeetyou!( ) 3. MynameisJenny. What'syourname?A. MynameisLiMing. B. Hi!C. Nicetomeetyou! 根据图片顺序,给对话排序,将序号写在括号里。( ) MayIhaveablueu, please?I'msorry. Idon'thaveablueu.( ) MayIhavearede, please?Sure! Hereyouare.( ) Thankyou!给下列的句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Nicetomeetyou! ( ) 2. Howareyou? ( ) 3. I'msorry. ( ) 4. MayIhaveabluee? ( ) 5. Thankyou!A. That'sallright.B. I'给下列句子排序。a. MayIhaveapencil,please?b. May Ihaveapen,please?c. Sure.d. I'msorry. Idon'thaveapen. Ihaveapencil.e. You'rewelcome!f. Thank you!补全对话。Jenny: Hello.My _____________ isJenny. What'syourname?LiMing: MynameisLiMing.Jenny: Niceto _____________ you.LiMing: _____________ tomeetyou, ___给问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1. Where are you from?( ) 2. Where are you?( ) 3. What do you see? A. I see r-o-s-e, rose.B. I'm from China.C. I'm in the 判断句子和图片意思是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. Jenny, thisismyfriend. Hisname isXiaoYu.( ) 2. Nicetomeetyou. 理解对话,为三组对话标出序号。( ) Hi, Mike. Nicetomeetyou. Nicetomeetyou, too. ( ) Howareyoutoday?I'mfine, thanks. ( ) Tom, thisismyfriend. HisnameisMike.画出Danny和XiaoYu相遇的路线,并练习对话。相信你说的一定会很棒。补全对话,选择正确的选项。( ) 1. ____________? My name is Jenny.( ) 2. What's your name? ___________.A. MynameisLiMing.B. What'syourname?看图,补全对话,选择正确的选项。( ) 1. Good morning, boys and girls. I'm Ms. Zhang.A.Goodmorning, Ms.Zhang.( ) 2. Good morning, Ms. Zhang.B. Goodmorn早晨,向你的爸爸、妈妈和同学用英语问候早上好,说一说并写一写。Good ____________, Mum.___________ morning, Ms. Zhang.选词填空。am are fineA: How __________ you today?B: I am __________. I __________ happy.放学回家,你和小朋友们说:[ ]A. Hi!B.Hello!C.Good-bye!选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Hi!( ) 2. How are you today?( ) 3. Good-bye!A. Bye!B. Hello!C. I am hungry.将正确选项的序号填在括号里。1. 当你问候别人“你好”时,你说:[ ]A. Hi!B. Bye!2. 当你问候别人“你今天好吗?”,你说:[ ]A. Iamhappy.B. Howareyoutoday?给下列的句子选择合适的答语。( ) 1. Hello!( ) 2. Good-bye.( ) 3. What'syourname?( ) 4. Goodmorning!( ) 5. Howareyoutoday?A. Morning!B. Iamfine.C. Hi!选择合适的答句。(只填序号)( ) 1. What'syourname?( ) 2. Goodmorning.( ) 3. Howareyou?( ) 4. AreyouChinese?( ) 5. Howoldareyou?a.Morning.b. I'mfine.给句子排序。( ) Let'shavealook!( ) Look! IseeMs. Zhangandmyfriends.( ) Whoisinmyclassroom?选择正确的选项。1. 当你问别人的名字时,你说:[ ]A. What'syourname?B. MynameisJenny.2. 当你想说:“我是一个女孩”时,你说:[ ]A. Iamaboy.B. Iamagirl.3. 当你补全对话,选择正确的选项。A. IamChinese.B. No.C. Iamastudent.1. Hi, Jenny! Areyouastudent?Yes, ______________.2. AreyouChinese? ___________________.3选择正确的选项。1. 当你问候别人“你高兴吗?”你说:[ ]A. Areyouhappy?B. Areyousad?2. 当你问别人“你渴吗”你说:[ ]A. Areyouhungry?B. Areyouthirsty?3. 当你问别补全对话,选择正确的选项。( ) 1. How old are you? _____________( ) 2. ______________? I'm six, too.A.Howoldareyou?B. I amsixyearsold. 选择正确的选项。( ) 1. Hi, Jenny! Areyouastudent?( ) 2. Areyouhappy?( ) 3. Howoldareyou?A.Yes, Iamhappy.B. I amsix.C. Yes, Iamastudent. 补全对话,选择正确的选项。( ) 1. _________________( ) 2. _________________A.IsitbesideJenny.B.Wheredoyousit? 看图,选择正确的选项。( ) 1. A. Sure.( ) 2. B. MayIuseyourruler?( ) 3. C. You'rewelcome. ( ) 4. D. Thankyou!选词填空。A: 1_______________ yourruler?B: Sure.A: 2_____________________!B: You'rewelcome.A. Thankyou!B. MayIuse根据情景,完成下列各题。1. 当你没有听清别人说的话时,你应该说:[ ]A. Whichdoyouwant?B. Sorry,what'sthis?C. Pardon?D. Hello!2. 当你向别人请求帮助,但别人看图补全对话。( ) 1. One, two, three. Threerulers.A. Five.( ) 2. How many pencils?B. Howmanyrulers?给图选择对应的对话。( ) 1. A. — What'sthis? — It'sadesk.( ) 2. B. — What'sthis? — It'sanotebook.( ) 3. C. — Wheredoyousit? — IsitbesideJenny.( ) 选择正确的选项,补全对话。( ) 1. ______________ Fengfeng is my friend.( ) 2. Who is your friend? _____________A.LiMingismyfriend.B. Whoisyourfriend?根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。1. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:[ ]A. Don'treadinbed, XiaoMing!B. Don'tbelateforschool, XiaoMing!C. Don'tpla根据所给情景填空,一空一词。1.Tim上课总说话,你这样劝他: _____________ _____________ inclass. Bequite, please.2. 看见王海他们几个人在马路上踢球,你可能这样劝阻从右栏中选出适合左栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。( ) 1. What does he do?( ) 2. What does she do?( ) 3. What is it like?( ) 4. What is he like?( ) 5. Wher从选项中找出正确的答语,填入空白处。( ) 1. What's your name?( ) 2. How are you today?( ) 3. Li Ming, are you Chinese?( ) 4. How old are you?( ) 5. Wher补全对话。Sam: Hello!Mike: 1_____________, Bill?Sam: No, thisisSam.Mike: Hi, Sam. 2_____________ is Mike. 3_____________ are 4_____________?Sam: 5__________根据提示在横线上填写合适的单词,补全对话。Lily: Howdoyoufeel?Lucy: I feel ____________ (难受).Lily: Don'tworry. Let's ____________ ____________ ____________选择方框内的句子补全对话,其中有一项是多余的。a. Thenyoumustrunfast.c. Iwanttobeabasketballplayer.e. Canyou jumphigh?b. SoIgorunningeverymorning.d. Andy给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Thank you.( ) 2.Howareyou?( ) 3.Can youspell it?( ) 4.What'syour name?( ) 5. Howold isyourteacher?( ) 6.What class is he 读句子,排序。( ) Hello,Mike. I'mZhangPeng. Whatareyoudoing?( ) Yes. It'sinfrontof thepostoffice (邮局).( ) I'mwatchingTV. Whataboutyou?( ) HowcanIgett给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. CanIsithere?( ) 2.Shall we get her some flowers?( ) 3. Have some strawberries, please.( ) 4. Whichwayshall I go?( ) 5.把对话补充完整。A. A: Mum, l___________ hungry. 2___________ thereanyeggs inthefridge?B: Yes, therearesome.A: 3___________I 4___________ one,please?B: Yes.根据问句写答语,将对话补充完整。Ann: Hello, what'syourname?You: 1___________________________________________________________Ann: MynameisAnn. Howareyou?You: 根据情景选择正确问句。1. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯咖啡时,问:[ ]A. Areyoulookingforacupof coffee?B. Whatdoyoulikebest?C. Wouldyoulikeacupofcoffee?2. 当你从右栏中找出左栏各句的恰当答语。( ) 1. Can I borrow your pen?( ) 2. Can you speak Chinese?( ) 3. Who's on duty?( ) 4. What would you like to drink?( ) 5给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Ican'tfindmyruler.( ) 2. Canyouspell yourname?( ) 3.Comehereandhaveaseat.( ) 4. Wouldyoulikesomebananas?( ) 5. Lookatthisl根据所给汉语情景,补全下列句子。1. 欢迎客人来学校参观。 ____________ ____________ ourschool.2. 你想看看别人的新收音机。 ____________ meyour ____________ _____根据上下文内容在每个空格内填入一个适当的词。B=Ben D = DavidB: David, 1___________ doyouoftendoonSaturday?D: I 2___________ domyhomeworkandsometimesIhelpMum 3___情景对话。1. 当你提醒小明不要开电视时,应当说:[ ]A. Don'tturnontheTV, XiaoMing.B. Don'topentheTV, XiaoMing.C. Don'tturnofftheTV, XiaoMing.2. 当你想了解从Ⅱ栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句。 I ( ) 1.Your skateboard is so beautiful.( ) 2. Did you have an Art Festival?( ) 3.Are monkeys as big as eleph选用方框内的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A.Didsheseethedoctor?B.Howdoesshefeel?C. Whereisshenow?D. I'msorrytohearthat.E.What'sthematterwithher?F给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Can I help you, sir?( ) 2. How are you?( ) 3. What's three and twelve?( ) 4. I can't find my gloves. ( ) 5. What do you o选择方框内所给的单词或短语完成对话,将序号写在横线上。A. first B.don'tmakeone C.Don'tforgettowrite D.forourgrandparentsE.HappyNewYear F.makeacardLily: Le给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. Is that Helen?( ) 2. Who' s younger than Mike?( ) 3. How can I get to the library?( ) 4. Can I have your address?( ) 根据所给情境,选择一个正确的选项。1.当你看见一些水果却不知道名字,可以问:[ ]A. Whatarethese ?B. Whoseisit ?C. Whoarethey ?2.你想知道别人的国籍时,可以问:[ 给问句选择答语。( ) 1. Is this your pen?( ) 2. Is there a pen on the desk?( ) 3. What's your father's job?( ) 4. Is your father a worker?( ) 5. How ma看图读对话,选择符合图意的对话,将其序号填入图下括号内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. A: Whattimedoyougetup? B: Atsixo'clock. A: Doesyourbrothergetupearlierthanyou?从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,将其序号填在横线上。A. Youmayaskthatpoliceman.B.Themiddleschoolisonyourleft.C.WouldyoupleasetellmethewaytotheNo.3 MiddleSch根据句意及首字母提示写出单词使句意完整。1. A: Wearefreetoday. What'syourp___________? B: I'mg___________ tot___________ p___________inasingingcontest. A: G给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. Did Gary watch cartoons last week?( ) 2. How many stops are there?( ) 3. Are the boxes as light as the yellow ones? ( ) 根据句意填入适当的单词,每空一词。Mary: ____________ timedoyouusuallyget ____________ onSundaymorning?Lily: ____________ seventhirty.Mary: What ____________ yo给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What do you want this envelope for?( ) 2. Where are you from?( ) 3. What would you like?( ) 4. Can I have some paper?(看图读对话,选择符合图意的对话,将其序号填入图下括号内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. A: Whattimedoyougetup? B: Atsixo'clock. A: Doesyourbrothergetupearlierthanyou?给下列问题选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What's the weather like in spring?( ) 2. What's your telephone number?( ) 3. What are you going to do?( ) 4. What date 选用方框内的句子完成对话。a. Youmayaskthatpoliceman.b.Themiddleschoolisonyourleft.c.WouldyoupleasetellmethewaytotheNo.3MiddleSchool?d. Isthatalongwalk?e根据上下文完成对话或短文。1. A: _____________ areyougoingtodothisafternoon? B: We'regoingtogo _____________ _____________ outingwithour _____________.Wouldyo选择适当的句子完成对话,将序号写在横线上。A. Yes, Ido.B.Byebye.C. Allright.D.No, Idon't.E. Yes, I'dloveto. F.Idon'tknowyet.A: Hi, Jimmy,whatareyou根据图意,将对话补充完整。1. A: ______________________, tomorrow?B: Gotothecinemawithmyparents.2. A: _____________________________ B: It ____________ heavily看图完成对话,每空一词。A: Hi! Jane.It'scooltoday, isn'tit?B: Yes. I'mgoingtotheHongshanZoo ____________ mysister.A: ____________ doyougothere?B: Bybus.根据情景选择句子。1. 当你想知道你的朋友周末通常做什么时,问:[ ]A.Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend?B.Whatdoyoudoatweekends?C.Whatwillyoudoatweekends?2. 当你给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1.Wheredoyouplaybasketball?( ) 2.CanhewatchTVatnight?( ) 3.Youcanfeelthat, can'tyou?( ) 4.Whenwillyougohome?( ) 5.Howdo给下列的问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1.Doyouwanttoenter?( ) 2.Istheraceaboutkites?( ) 3.Mustallcompetitorsstayonthetrack?( ) 4.Cantheyridetooclosetootherbikes?为所给句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What are you going to do this Sunday?( ) 2. Where is the toilet?( ) 3. Do you have a swimming pool in your school?( ) 4. 情境交际。给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Who's the girl in the blue skirt?( ) 2. I've got a headache.( ) 3. What's your favourite colour?( ) 4. Can your 给下列句子重新排序。1. A. Isitfarfromhere? B. Oh, Isee. Thankyouverymuch. C.Excuseme, canyoutellmethewaytotheshoppingcentre? D.No. It'sabout200metresa为所给句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Whatdayisittomorrow?( ) 2.Howisyourmum?( ) 3.Whatchoresdoyoudo?( ) 4.CanIborrowyourruler?( ) 5.Whatdoesyouruncledo?( ) 根据图片,补全对话。1. A: Whatchoresdoesyourmotherdoathome?B: _____________________________________.2. A: WhendoesMikegoswimming?B: ________________________根据情景,选择正确的选项补全对话。( ) 1.My head hurts.A.What'sthematterwithyou?B.What'sthewrongwithyou?C.Howdoyoulike?( ) 2.What's Dad doing?A.Heis为所给句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Whatdayisittoday?( ) 2.Whenisyourbirthday?( ) 3.Whatwouldyoulike?( ) 4.Doyouusuallyhaveabirthdayparty?( ) 5.DoyoulikeEng为所给句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Howoldareyou?( ) 2.What'syourname?( ) 3.Whereareyoufrom?( ) 4.Whatareyoudoing?( ) 5.CanyoutellmesomethingaboutAmericanf根据所给的情景补全对话。HowAreYouToday?Helen: Hello, Mary. 1___________ areyoutoday?Mary: Notsowell. I 2___________I'mcatchingtheflu.Helen: Oh, I'msorry.根据所给的情景补全对话。AGoodFriendRobot: Hello!Boysandgirls.I'ma1_____________. I'myourgoodfriend.Ss: 2_____________ canyoudo?Robot: Icansee 3____________根据所给的情景补全对话。ShallWeGototheZoo?Lucy: Whatareyou 1___________todo 2___________ Sunday?Alice:Nothingmuch. Doyouhaveanyideas?Lucy: Shallwegotothezoo?根据所给的情景补全对话。BeMoreCareful.Bob: Oh, lookout, Kate.You 1_____________ bemore 2_____________. Thatcarnearlyhityou.Kate: Ijustwantedtocatchthatbus.B选出下列各句相应的答语。( ) 1. Idon'tthinksheisright.( ) 2.Whatwillhedoonvacation?( ) 3.Howoftendoyougotoschool?( ) 4.Canheplaytheflutewell?( ) 5.Hewil选出下列各句的答语。( ) 1.Whosebagisthis?( ) 2.Howmuchisthiswatch?( ) 3.Wherewilltheygoonvacation?( ) 4.Showmeyourpicture, Tom.( ) 5.Whatdoyouwanttodo?选词补全对话。How, OK, Who, will, Where, What,How much,How old, Thank, think1.A: ____________ wasyourtrip? B: Itwaswonderful.2.A: Hereyouare. B: ___________根据情景,选择正确的选项完成对话。( ) 1. Is this pencil yours, Mary?A.No, itisn'tmine.B.Yes, itisn'tmine.C.No, itismine.( ) 2. How old are you?A.I'根据图片,补全对话。1. A: Whatgamedotheyoftenplay?B: _____________________________.2. A: _____________________________?B: It'smine.3. A: ________________根据情景提示,选择正确的选项。1. 当你要询问他人“你多大啦?”时,你应该说:[ ]A.Howwasyour?B.Howoldareyou?C.Howmuchisit?2. 当你想知道这是否是她妈妈的钱包时,选出下列句子的答语。( ) 1.Let'smakeacake.( ) 2. Ithinkthiscomicbooklooksmoreinteresting.( ) 3.Cantheycometomybirthdayparty?( ) 4.Whatareyoureading?( ) 5给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.Whatgamedoesheplay?( ) 2.Howoftendoyouplayfootball?( ) 3.Who'syourfavoritebasketballplayer?( ) 4.Whosecameraisthis?( )选择适当的句子补全对话。( ) 1. Eat some French fries.A.Thankyou.B.Milk, please.( ) 2.I like Coke (可乐).A.HavesomeCoke.B.Whatdoyoulike? 看图完成对话。1.Tom: Howmanyshirtsdoyouhave, Betty? Betty:_____________________________________________________________2.Tom: Howmanyumbrellasdoyouhave, Betty给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. What will you do on vacation?( ) 2. Have a nice vacation!( ) 3. Will they come to my school?( ) 4. Let's eat dinner at
看图根据例子填空,完成句子。例: I am Tom.He is Peter.He is my friend.1. ___________ ___________ May.___________ ___________ Lily.___________ ___________ __根据情景提示,选择正确的句子。1. 见到王老师,你可以这样跟她打招呼:[ ]A.What'syourname, MissWang?B. Hello, MissWang.2. 当你想问别人是否喜欢鸡肉时,可以这样判断对话与情景是(√)否(×)相符。( ) 1. — What's this?— It's a lion.( ) 2. — Is this your sister?— Yes.( ) 3. — I like your watch.— Thank you.( ) 4. — W选择适当的句子补全对话。A.Hello!B.Comewithme, Tom.C.MynameisMay.D.Goodbye!E.Hereyouare.( ) 1. — What's your name?— __________________( ) 2. — Hello!—看图完成对话。1. Girl: ________________________Boy:Thankyou.2. Man: Doyouwantsomeoranges?Girl:________________________3. A: Areyouaboy?B:__________________根据情景,选择适当的句子补全对话。( ) 1. Thank you.A.Drinksomemilk.B.Havesomerice.( ) 2.OK.A.Jumpwithme!B.Runwithme!( ) 3.It's red.A.Whatcolorisyou给下列的问句选择对应的答语。( ) 1.Whoisthis? ( ) 2.Whatdoyoulike? ( ) 3.Canyoudance? ( ) 4.Whatarethese? ( ) 5.Whatshapeisit? ( ) 6.What'sthis?A.Th根据情景,选择适当的句子补全对话。( ) 1.Who is that?A.Thatismyfather.B.Thatismymother.( ) 2.What's it?A.Thankyou.B. It'sapencil.( ) 3.Can he draw?— Let'sgotothemuseum.— _________________.[ ]A.Let'sgototheamusementparkB.That'sagoodideaC.Idon'tknow给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1.What'sthetime?( ) 2.Whatdotheydoafterschool?( ) 3.Whenareyougoingtothehospital?( ) 4.Doyoureadnewspapers?( ) 5.Shallw看图完成下列句子。1. — Whatdayisittoday?— It's____________. — Whatdoyouhaveon ____________?— Wehave ____________, mathand ____________class.2.— Whatdayis 补全对话。A.Whatdayisittomorrow?B.WehaveChinese,artclassonThursday.C.TomorrowisWednesday.D.WhatdoyouhaveonFriday?E.TomorrowisFriday.F.Whatdayisittoday根据情景提示,选择正确的句子。1. 当你想问别人星期五做什么时,你可以这样说:[ ]A.WhatdoyoudoonTuesday?B.WhendoyoudoonFriday?C.WhatdoyoudoonFriday?2. 当你想根据情景,选择正确的句子补全对话。( ) 1.It's twelve o'clock.A.Whendoyougotoschool?B.Whattimeisit?C.Whattimedoyougetup?( ) 2.What's the weather like t根据图片,补全对话。1. A: __________________________?B:It'stwoo'clock.2. A:Whatdayisittoday?B: __________________________.3. A: ________________________给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1.Whatdayisittomorrow? ( ) 2.Areyougoingtowatchavideo?( ) 3.Doyoureadnewspaperseveryday?( ) 4.WhatisAnngoingtodo? ( ) 5.读一读,重新排序,使对话通顺。A. Yes, hereyouare.B.I'mgoingtobuysomestorybooks.C.CanIhelpyou?D.Yes. Doyouhavesomestorybooks?E.Whatareyougoingtobuy, Sa看图完成下列句子。1. — Whendoyou ___________ up?— At6: 30inthemorning.2. — WhatdoyouhaveonSaturday?— Ihave___________ ___________.3. — Let's___________ _看图,完成句子。1. It's______________ o'clock.2. It's ____________________________.3. ______________ isit?It's ______________ o'clock.4. ___________选择适当的句子补全对话。A. Yes, Ilikeitverymuch.B.No, Idon't.C.Yes, shedoes.D.Thankyouverymuch.E.Let'seatthecake.( ) 1. Happy birthday!( ) 2. Do yo情景对话。( ) 1. Whattimeisit? A.It'ssnowy. B.It's5:30.( ) 2.Whendoyoueatlunch? A. At11: 50.B.Abirthdaycake.( ) 3.Whydon'tyougoswimmingtomorrow?读一读,重新排序,使对话通顺。A. I'mgoingtothebaker's.B.Yes,wearegoingtosinganddanceallnight.C.I'mgoingtobuyabirthdaycake. Todayismybirthday.D.Hi,Jim.为下列句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Doesshehavearadio?( ) 2. Goodmorning.( ) 3.Doyouwantanything?( ) 4.Whydoyouwantapen?( ) 5.Whoserulerisit?A.Because (因根据情景提示,选择正确的句子。1. 下午见到王老师,你可以这样跟她打招呼:[ ]A.Goodmorning, MissWang.B.Goodafternoon, MissWang.2. 当你想问别人是否喜欢鸡肉时,可选择正确的句子补全对话。( ) 1.How are you?A.I'mverytall.B.I'mverywell.C.Yes, Iam.( ) 2.Happy birthday!A.Thesametoyou.B.Iwanttoeatanicecream.C.Tha看图补全对话。1. Man:Hereyouare. Boy:____________________2. Boy: Areyounurses (护士)?Women:____________________3. Boy:____________________Girl: Yes, Ido.4.为所给句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1.What'syourname? ( ) 2. Isitabiglemon? ( ) 3.Areyouastudent? ( ) 4.Whatdoyouwant? ( ) 5.Whatanimalisit? ( ) 6.What'st读下列句子,并将它们按正确的顺序排列,组成通顺的对话。A.Hi, Lily!B.Howareyou, MingMing?C.Hi, MingMing!D. I'mfine, thankyou.Howareyou?E.Doyoulikevegetabl看图,完成下面对话。A: What'sthis?B: It'sa 1____________.A: Canit 2____________?B: Yes, itcan.A: Canyouswim, too?B: No, I3____________.A: 4____________ y根据情景提示,选择正确的句子。1. 当你想问别人近处的物品是什么时,你可以这样说:[ ]A.Whatisthis / arethese?B.Whatisthat / arethose?2. 当你想问别人青蛙是什么颜看图补全对话。( ) 1. How many oranges do you want?A.Yes, please.B.Tenoranges.( ) 2. What colour is it?A.It'sblack.B.It'swhite.( ) 3. Two.A.Howma看一看,填一填。1. — What's this?— It's a ______________.2. — Are those peaches?— ___________, they ____________.3. — Is she a ____________?—Yes, she _给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1.Cansheclimbthetree?( ) 2. Isthisabiglemon? ( ) 3.Whatcoloristhatbird?( )4.Whatarethese? ( ) 5.Howmanycarsarethere?A.Theyar看一看,答一答。1.Tom: Howmanyshirtsdoyouwant, Betty?Betty:__________________________________________________________________2.Tom: Howmanyumbrellasdoyouwant,选择恰当的句子,完成对话。A.Seeyouthen.C.HowaboutSundayafternoon?E.Speaking!G.IamAllen.B.Thereissomethingwrong.D.I'dloveto.F.Canyougivemeahand?Alle会话配对,把序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1.Howdowegothere?( ) 2.AreyouMrBrown?( ) 3.CanIhaveyoure-mailaddress?( ) 4.What'sthematter?( ) 5.What'syour penfri完成对话。A:Hello,39483081.B:____________,Li Ming?A: ____________,this is Li Yang.B:Hi, Li Yang.____________is Sun Tao. ____________ are you?A: ___________情景交际。1. 当你和陌生人第一次见面时,应说:[ ]A.Howareyou?B. Howdoyoudo?C. Youarewelcome.2. 你想和李明通电话,应说:[ ]A.Hello!Are you LiMing?B. Hello根据图画,在方框中选择适当的词完成对话。change,give,help,would,how,cost,like,anything,here's,buy(S=Shopkeeper, M=MrsZhang)S:Good morning! Can I1____________you?根据所给情景,给问句选择答语。( ) 1. Where is Tom?( ) 2. Do you have a ruler?( ) 3. What are they doing?( ) 4. What are they going to do? ( ) 5. Are the看图完成对话。1.— When'sTeachers'Day? —_________________. — Whatdidyoudo ____________ Teachers' Day? — We ____________ a card ____________ our teacher.2.情景会话。A. Wouldyouliketogorowing?B.Therearealotofstudentsoverthere.C.Whataboutseeingtheanimalsinthezoo?D. It'sasunnyday, isn't it?E. Oh, lookatthef根据所给情景,选出最适合的一项,请将标号写在题前括号中。1. [ ]A.Whoareyou?B.Whatareyou?C.Howareyou?D.IsthatJanespeaking?2. 当老师问“Iseveryoneheretoday根据对话情景,补全所缺的单词,使对话完整通顺,每空一词。LinTao:Excuseme,GaoShan. ___________ isthisyellowcat? Isityours?GaoShan: Letme ___________. Oh,no,it'阅读理解。 Itisthefirstdayofschool. Bobwantstogobacktoschool. Hewantstoseehisfriends. Hewantstomeethisnewteachers. Hegetsupearlyinthemorning. Hewashesandeat给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. Are you ready for supper?( ) 2. Do you want to visit the Great Wall?( ) 3. I don't know how to use chopsticks.( ) 4. Are you给下列的问句选择合适的答语。( ) 1. Happy birthday to you!( ) 2. Shall we get her some flowers? ( ) 3. Have some strawberries, please.( ) 4. Which way shall给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Can I go into the building? ( ) 2. What's the matter?( ) 3. Which one do you like?( ) 4. It's your birthday today.( 看图并根据上下文补全下列对话,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词。1.A:Hi,Simon. You look very tired. B:Yes,I ________________________ just now. A: Youmustbevery 根据中文提示完成句子,补全对话。A: CanI ____________ ____________ (帮助你)?B: I want____________ ____________ ____________ (一个模型飞机).A: ____________ _____根据情景选择句子,将序号填入括号内。1. 当你提醒小明不要在房间里玩球时,说:[ ]A. Don'treadinbed, XiaoMing!B. Don'tbelateforschool, XiaoMing!C. Don'tplaybal将下列句子重新排列,使其成为符合逻辑的对话。1. Whichone, redorblack?2.OK.Hereyouare.3. CanIhelpyou?4. OK. I'lltakeit. Hereisthemoney.5. Thankyou. H给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. What does he do?( ) 2. What does she do?( ) 3. What is it like?( ) 4. What is he like?( ) 5. Where is she going?A. She is用所给方框中的单词填空。from,o'clock,is,speak,went,meeting,of,watching,with,workingA:MrWhite, whatwereyoudoingateighto'clocklastnight?B: Er..., Iwasgoingho根据所给情景,完成下列对话。吉姆在家看书,听到有人敲门,他去开门,来人正是他的好友王兵,于是他们交谈起来。Jim:Oh,it'syou.____________________!WangBing: Hello, 先连词成句,再将组好的句子重新排列顺序,组成一段通顺的对话。1.at,with, a, I, was,my,friends,camp (.) ____________________________________________________2.wha根据所给情景,选出最适合的一项,请将标号写在题前括号中。1. Jim:Whose jacket is this? Sue: Isitablackone? Jim: Yes, itis. Sue: _____________ Jim:Hereyouare. 根据回答写问句。1. A: ________________________________________? B:Johnis50kg. 2. A: ________________________________________? B:Iam155cm. 3. A: __________根据所给情景补全对话。例: — What's the matter?— I have a fever.1. — ______________________________?— I have ________________________.2. — ________________看图,补全对话。1. A:What's_________________? B:Myfoothurt.2. A:What's _________________? B:I ______________________.3. A: _______________________? B: 给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What's the date?( ) 2. How do you feel?( ) 3. What's the matter?( ) 4. How big are your feet?( ) 5. How long is you根据下列情境,完成下列对话。1. A: ____________ areyou?B:I'm160cmtall.________________?A:I'm163cmtall.B:You're___________thanme2. A:__________ areyou? B给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What'sthematter?( ) 2. Howtallareyou?( ) 3. Howheavyisyoursister?( ) 4. Howdoyougotothezoo?( ) 5. Whoistaller?A.Sh根据所给例子结合图片完成对话。例: — How does he feel?— He's sad.1. — __________________________________?— __________________________________.2. — ________根据图中所给情景完成对话。例: — Howdo you feel?— I feel sick.1. — ____________________?— Fine.2. — ____________________?— ____________________. 根据答语写出问题。1. A:_____________________________________? B:I'm14yearsold. 2. A:_____________________________________? B:She's160cmtall. 3. A:______填上适当的词完成对话。A: __________ monkeydoyoulike?B:Ilikethebrownmonkey.Look!Thebrownmonkeyistaller __________ theyellowone.A:How __________ isthebrownmonke补全对话。A: ______________ youfeel?B:Ifeelsick.A:Doyou ___________ acold?B:No.A: ____________________?B:Mythroatis ___________.选择正确句子完成对话。A. HowheavyareyouB. WhataboutyouC. YouaretallerthanmeD. HowtallareyouE. HowtallisyoursisterF. IamtallerandheavierthanyouA: __________根据图片补全对话。1. A:Howdoeshefeel?B:He_________________________.2. A:How________________________?B:He _________________________.3. A: _________________根据图片所示结合例子,补全对话。例: — How are you?— I'm sad. I failed the math teat.1. — __________________________________?— I'm ______________. I _____选择方框中正确的句子补全对话。A. HowdoyoufeelB. CanyougowithmeC. CanIgowithyouD. Yes,youmayE. What'stheweatherliketodayF. Sure. HereyouareG. Whereareyou根据情景,补全对话。1. A:____________ areyou,Bob? Youlookso ____________.B:Yes.I'm ____________abigtrip.2. A: ______________________________?B:Ihave_____根据所给情景补全对话。— How heavy are you?— I'm 30 kg.— _________________________?— I ________________________. 给下列的句子整理排序组成完整的对话。A.Ihaveasoreeye.B.Ifeelsick.C.Howdoyoufeel?D.What'sthematter?E.Thankyou.Bye.F.Takethosemedicine.正确的顺序是:__给下列的问句选择答语。( ) 1. I failed the English test.( ) 2. How does John feel now? ( ) 3. What is the matter?( ) 4. I am sick.( ) 5. Amy is hungry. 根据答句写问句,完成对话。1. Doctor: ________________________________________? Mike:Ihaveasorethroat. 2. Amy: __________________________________________? Ma根据情景完成对话。例: — What did you do last weekend?— I watched TV.1. — __________________________________?— I cleaned the room.2. — _____________________根据例子和图片补全对话。— Does your leg hurt?— No, my foot hurts.— Does ____________________________?— _________________________________. 看图,补全对话。例: — What did you do on your holiday?— I ate good food.1. — What did you do on your holiday? — ____________________________.2. — What did 根据图片意思,完成对话。1. A:Whatdidyoudolastweekend?B:I _______________________________.2. A: _______________________ lastweekend?B:We ____________________看图补全对话。1. A: What did you do on your holiday?B: I _____________________________.2. A: What did you do on your holiday? B: I _________________________写出合适的问句,补全对话。1. A: ______________________________________? B:Sarahis12yearsold.2. A:______________________________________? B:Thereare4seasonsi根据所给信息完成对话。Mary: __________________________________.Jack: ___________________________________. 看图,补全对话。例: 1. — Where _____________________________?— I went to Dalian.2. —____________________________________?— _________________________________看图,补全对话。— ____________________ on your holiday?— I ________________________________.— _________________________________?— ____________________________根据图片信息,完成下列对话。1. A:What_____________you _____________ yesterday? B: I _______________________________________.2. A:What's ____________________看图,补全对话。1. A: ____________ you go on your holiday?B: We went to Shanghai.A: How did you go there?B: ________________________.2. A: ____________ Joh看图,补全对话。1. What _______________ you do yesterday? I ______________________________.2. What _______________ Amy _______________ last weekend? She ___补全对话。1. A: ____________________________________________? B: I ate good food on my holiday. 2. A: ____________________________________________? B: I wen看图,补全对话。例: 1. — _____________________________________?— I ___________________________________.2. — _____________________________________?— ________看图,补全对话。— _____________________________________?— I went _______________________________. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A. What did you do yesterday? B. How did you go there? C. What day is it today? D. What did you do there? E. What day wa看图补全对话。A: ________________ on your holiday? B: I went to Harbin. A: _____________________________? B: I went on January 1st. A: ___________ did you go看图补全对话。1. A: ____________ you go yesterday?B:I went to Nanjing. A: ____________ you do?B: I ________________________.2. A: ____________ you go to Be填空完成对话。A: ____________are you going on your holiday? B: I'm ____________to visit Kunming. A: ____________ are you going to get there? B: By __________根据图片意思完成对话。例: 1. — ________________________________?— I _______________________________.2. — ________________________________?— ________________看图补全对话。1. A:Whatdidhedolastweekend? B: ___________________________.2. A:Whataretheygoingtodo?B: ___________________________.3. A:What'sthematter,H给下列的问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What's the matter?( ) 2. What did he do?( ) 3. What's she doing?( ) 4. What's she going to do?A. He watched TV.B.看图,补全对话。例: 1. — ____________________________ yesterday?— I ___________________________________.2. — ____________________________________?— ________