连词成句。A.how,Great,get,Wall,I,to,can,the B.bus,take,you,can,No.103 C.museum,shall,the,I,to,goD.ship,will,Tom,a,make,model E.boys,many,drawing,pictures,g连词成句,并加上适当的标点符号。1、andareyouhowyouyouthankfine 2、hisdon'tInameknow3、iswherebookmy 4、allisthatright 5、youthatpleasespellcan 连词成句。1.moment/a/were/there/they/ago /.2.like/ join/to/would/you/me/? 3.else/you/what/do/did/? 4.dog/is / jumping/bed/the/on/the /. 将下列词语连成句子,注意大小写,标点符号。1.domrandmrslilikeloudmusicbenyestheydo 2.quarterit'sfourpasta 3.mountainsverytheandbeautifulfarmthewere4.youcanfo根据所给的全部单词组成句子,将该句写在横线上。1.shouldn'thimyoutakeawalkfor 2.hardlydoesAnnhomeworkheronSundayever 连词成句。1.sign,mean,'Noparking ',does,the (?)2.else,Mike,garden,do,in,did,what,the ( ?) 3.talking,about,to,holidays,MrGreen,he,is ( . )4.like, much,pr请你动动小脑瓜,帮小马虎把下列单词重新整理成一句话。1.an,she,engineer,is (.) 2.go,how,she,to,work,does (?) 3.am,to,going,I,buy,comic,book,a (.) 4.you,are,连词成句。(用所给的单词组成一组问答句)1.principal,tall,thin, like,what,he,your, is, is,and 2.sleep, why, long, I,you, like,do, a, time,can,because,winterMakesentences.看谁把火车开得又快又好。连词成句。1.to walk after I school breakfast 2.make body helps your Exercise and healthy strong3.minutes anmakeSixty houMakesentences. 单词大排队,看谁站得对!1..2..3. .4. .5..Makesentences. 连词成句。你能扬起小风帆自由行驶吗?要把握好方向哟!1.ofHereis pictureyoua2.is leavingforLynn China3.gotoformeIttimeis4.Dannyupearly wakesmorniMakesentences. 连词成句。1.cost They dollars ten 2. are good of Canada These souvenirs 3. skirt the is much How 4. Steven calls phone the Jenny on 5. come 连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.Sarah's is than smaller fish my(.)2.legs are Mike's mythan longer(.)3.eyes hair has and she long big(.)4.tall think 15连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.full moon see did the you(?) 2.Zoom last weekend did what do(?) 3.my football cleaned Iroom played and (.) 4.do weekend 连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.an excellent goalkeeper is he (.) 2.people some winter in the sick feel (.)3.clean room help their you them did (?)4.the连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.sang danced with friends new my I and (.)2.Snowman a made on our holiday and we skied (.) 3.went Zhejiang last year I (.)连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.is nice see all you so it to(.) 2.give will a about book ThomasEdison I you(.)3.are going we to farewell party have a(.)4连词成句。1、his,rubber,give,me 2、Let,to,go,postoffice,us,the3、they're,to,theschool,now,going 4、have,you,book,a 5、where,ears,your,are 6、run,don't,away 7、连词成句。1.people sick in winter some feel (.) 2.soon feel better will you (.)3.toothache a have I (.) 4.Mike what the matter is (?) 5.today look sad y连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.like you which monkey do (?) 2.need a good keeper they (.)3.you heavier 2kg than me are (.) 4.if have you flu the you do连词成句。your,what,name,is______________________连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.weekendarewegoingthis(.) 2.there familygoingtogetyourhowis(?) 3.backpackismyheavieryoursthanbiggerand(.) 4. I aboutexcit连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.she a reading bookis (.) 2.we eat food goingto are good (.) 3.where post office isthe (?) 4. tall you how are (?) 5.th连词成句。l. makes beautiful Danny cake a 2. party People for at the 3:15 arrive 3. fifteen minutes in leave will for Beijing The plane 4. does Jenny What haChangetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. LiMingis puttingonhisclothesnow.(对划线部分进行提问) 2. Istayathometwodaysaweek.(对划线部分进行提问)3. Writethewordsincorrectorder. 连词成句。1.badminton, my, sport, favourite, is2.did, what, you, do, today 3.too, basketball, the, heavy, is 4.bought,I, some, Changetheformsofthefollowingsentenses. 句型转换。1. IthinkIcanswim.(变为否定句) 2. Ihavesomebookstoread.(变为否定句) 3. LiLeiwilldrivehiscartoschool.(对划Writethewordsincorrectorder. 连词成句。1. is,playing,exercise,basketball 2. how,every,often,you,go,do,to,school,week3.haveto,play,for,sports,exercise,you 4.连词成句。1. team plays Bob a on football2. other has team shorts T-shirts and orange the 3. hot dogs we and bought pop4. snacks did buy what you Makesentences. 连词成句。1. passe he theball Mike to2. we have match going to are a football3. Chinese failedImy test 4. is the what with you matter mother5Makesentences. 连词成句。1. weekend dowhat did you last 2.abookIhistory read about 3.room you did clean your4.didtogo youhow Harbin 5. was longit holiday aMakesentences. 连词成句。1.you what looking for are?2.it of is bank front the in.3.your thanks help for.4.the is what weather there like?5.am going I BReadandwrite. 按要求完成下列句子。1. Thereissomeicecreamintheshop. (改为否定句) Thereicecreamintheshop.2. Theparkisnexttothebank. (对画线部分提问)thepark?Makesentences. 连词成句。1. oldyourhowis father 2. mysmaller isfishSarah's than 3. doeswhathedo 4. willbetteryousoonfeel 5. dohow you feelMakesentences. 连词成句。1.in for stay days a few bed2.long are your how legs 3. I than taller am her 4.jump can out of he water the5. passes Mike it he toMakesentences. 连词成句。1.am Igoing to America 2.beautiful a what classroom 3.want Ito too come 4.for help thanks your 5.is what doing your mother 连词成句。l. at I get up 6:00 usually (.) 2. eat dinner at in the evening we 6:30 (.) 3. do doyou what the on weekend (?) 4. go school to when do you (?)连词成句。l. mother's season my is winter favorite(.) 2. we make can snowman a(.) 3. seasonbest do like which you(?) 4. picnic I have with parents my a(.按要求转换句子。1. Jennyisonthetrain. (对划线部分提问) Jenny?2. Amyissingingasong. (变成一般疑问句) Amy____asong?3. is he doing experiment an (连词成句) 4Makesentencewiththegivenwords. 连词成句。1.like, us, go, would, with, to, you2.phone, Steven, let's, on, call, the 3.English, know, I, are, you, teaching4.句型转换,按要求改写句子。1. Thanks.(同义句). 2.TodayisFebruary15th.(对划线部分提问)the today?3. Sheisateacher.(变成复数句)are.4. Wearereadingbooks.(对按要求转换句型,每空一词。1. I'mten.(对划线部分提问)areyou?2. I'mdoingthedishes.(对划线部分提问)youdoing?3. MomwatchesTVeveryday.(用现在进行时改写) MomMakethesentenceswiththegivenwords. 连词成句。1.mark, a, makes, on, man, the, boat, a2.people, were, room, there, the, some, in3. fingers, me, wrong, show, twChanaetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. LiMingisputtingonhisclothesnow.(对划线部分进行提问) 2. Dannyisinahall.(对划线部分进行提问) 3. Iusuallye句型转换,每空一词。1. Howareyou?(回答) ,.2. Thepostcardistenyuan.(对划线部分提问) isthepostcard?3. Heiswritingaletter.(变一般疑问句) writingaletter?4.Changetheformsofthefollowingsentenses. 句型转换。1. IthinkIcanswim.(变为否定句) 2. Ihavesomebookstoread.(变为否定句) 3. LiLeiwilldrivehiscartoschool.(对划连词成句。1.look window Let's the inside 2.his breaks Danny tail3.I picture May take your4.camera Film in the goes5.help we Can you 连词成句。1. tired I am2.is baby's The mother the woman3.The is girl singing a song4.man This on the train is 5.I May with play the baby Makesentences. 连词成句。1.do eat you when breakfast2.usually up at get I noon 12:00 3.8:30 I morning do exercises at 4.about you what5.go I sometimes shopMakesentences. 连词成句。1.birthday in is your February 2.is birthday when your3.June is whose birthday in4.do weekend on you do the what 5.I football playMakesentences. 连词成句。1.seasonyoudobestlikewhich 2.favouritewhat'sseasonyour3.likeyoudowhysummerMakesentences. 连词成句。1. birthdaysareinthereJanuarymanyhow 2.isyour whenbirthday 3.datethewhatis4.birthdayinmyisJune5. birthday has JulyinawhoMakesentences. 连词成句。1. skating like I 2. do like why winter you 3. can because sleep a long time I Makesentences. 连词成句,注意标点符号。1. is what it doing2. at the look tiger3. jumping the is rabbit 4. iselephantdoing what the5. pandas climbing are6.Makesentences. 连词成句,注意标点符号。1. are doing what you2.isher doingwhat mother3.gotheChildren'stodowant toCenteryou4.Itomom can speak your please 5.Makesentences. 你能把下列单词重新排列成句子吗?1. father an writing my is e-mail2. I clothes am washing3. cooking in dinner mom kitchen is the 4. is doing yoMakesentences. 连词成句,请注意标点符号。1. do get when you up (?) 2. go bed at usually I 9:00 to (.) 3. season you best do which like (?) 4. your when iMakesentences. 连词成句。1.seechildrenIhappilywalking2.toareBeijmgTheynextgoingweek 3.feeland LiMing Jenny scared 4.aretheThereonmanypeoplestreet 5.TheycabMakesentences. 连词成句。1. youmilkaoflikeWouldglass2.singing womanTheisbehindme 3. istoHetalkingmantheyouhehind4.man ontrainisThisthe5.JennyLiMingandNowdrMakesentences.连词成句!1. lookwindowtheCanyouout? 2.Can readpictureayou? 3. dothe What you train on can ? 4. Frown answerforwrongthe .5. someplease I MMakesentences. 连词成句。1. children playing These are cards2. am I film in camera the putting3. laughing are Theyloudly4. walk downstreet They the Makesentences. 连词成句。1. itonhasThispandapostcard2.wantsendthistoIlettertocousinmy3. thetheThisofistoppostcard4. Youonaletterwritepaper Makesentences. 连词成句。1. my I am to mother writing letter a2.ayou need Do stamp 3.I do the Where stamp putMakesentences. 连词成句。1. atisThisJenny thehotel 2. T-shirtThisyoufor isa3. Itoflywanted akite 4. Thisa letterLi Mingisfrom5.yesterday Whatyou diddo 连词成句。根据汉语提示用所给词组成正确的句子。1. 王府井不远。 not, far, Wangfujing, is2. 她为她弟弟买了一顶帽子。 hat, buys, a,she, for,her,brother3. 请坐在珍连词成句。1. I,know,not,do, book,his 2.what,it,time,now,is3. family,wants,he,buy,for,giftsthe, his, to4.quickly,and,men,walking,the,are,women,the5.eat,like,连词成句。用所给的单词组成正确的句子,写在下面的横线上。1. tall, I, a, tree,green,see 2. is,at,Jenny,pointing,school,red, the, little3. and, the, Jenny, after连词成句。用所给词组成正确的句子。1.down,go,street,the,straight2.can,postoffice,I,stamps,buy,the,at 3. writing,my,I,a,father,letter,to,am 4.stamp,put,do,wher连词成句。1.tickets,women,are,the,buying,some _____________________________________________________2.arrives,at8: 30,morning, Beijing,in,the, Danny,in ________连词成句。1.friend, a, in,have,I, Canada (.) 2.father, does,his, to, what, know, want (?) 3.send, can, a, friend, my, I, present, to (?) 4.you, fun, did,BMakesentences. 连词成句,请注意标点符号。1. is doing he what (?) 2.hean doingexperimentis (?)3.youdoingarewhat (?)4.arewoodsinthethey (.) 5. pickinglea按正确顺序将单词连成句子。1.lunchiswhen 2. time do gohome what you Changetheformsofthefollowingsentences. 句型转换。1. LiMingisputtingonhisclothesnow.(对画线部分进行提问) 2. I stay at home twodaysaweek.(对画线部分进行提问) Writethewordsincorrectorder. 连词成句。1.badminton, my, sport, favourite, is2.did, what, you, do, today 3.too, basketball, the, heavy, is 4.bought,I, some, Writethewordsincorrectorder. 连词成句。1. is,playing,exercise,basketball 2. how,every,often,you,go,do,to,school,week3.haveto,play,for,sports,exercise,you 4.Completethesentenceswiththefollowingwords. 连词成句。1. are, two, these, skirts, blue 2. walk, do, to, you, school 3. this, a, taxi, is, not 4.live,near, I,Completethesentenceswiththefollowingwords. 连词成句。1. from, live, school, I, far 2. Five, my, street,the, school, on, is 3. with, eat, family, I, my, suppeCompletethesentenceswiththefollowingwords. 连词成句。1. time, it, for, lunch, is2. family, with,I,have,my,supper 3.home,afternoon,we,go,the,in,3:00,at 4. thCompletethesentenceswiththefollowingwords. 连词组句。1. a,faster,train,is,than,bus,a2. go,I,Tuesday,on,home3. airport, we,may,the,to,go 4. arrive,airport,thCompletethesentenceswiththefollowingwords. 连词组句。1.ready, are, class, you, English, for 2.do, we, when,leave,Beijing,for 3. live, apartment, in, I, an, sCompletethesentences withthefollowingwords. 连词组句。1.they,English,French,Canada,know,speak,and,I,in2.inside,little,a,do,see,flag,flag,Australia's,you 3.a连词成句,注意标点符号与大小写。1.dohowgoyouhome 2.tall howis he3.what's your name mother's4.where homeis his 连词成句。1. is, when, Spring, Festival.(连词成句) 2. theweek, day, thefirst, of, Sunday, is(连词成句) 句型转换,每空一词。1. Thedressis20yuan .(对划线部分提问)isthe ?2. Thisshirtiscolourful.(改为一般疑问句)colourful?3. Arethosecows?(肯定回答) ,.4. There连词成句。1.our, this, is, playground(.) 2. the, what, is, like, weather(?) 连词成句,请注意大小写及标点。1. see some I animals(.) 2. go shopping let's(.) 3.the weather is what like today(?) 4. are what these (?)5.I the farm at连词成句。1.teacher's isthis office the (.) 2.lunch school at you have do(?) 3.for it's school time (.) 4. my is where dress (?) 5.so it's beautiful(连词成句。(注意大、小写和标点)1. Is, reading, book, a, she, (.) 2. have, they, ninety, chairs, (.) 3. there, now, are, (?), books, many 4. Is, Danny's, w连词成句。(注意大、小写和标点)1. I, red, like, shoes, my, (.) 2. metres, 1.5, tall, am,I, (.) 3. my, clothes, are, favourite, shirts, (.) 4. what,is, day连词成句。(注意大、小写和标点)1. have I white (.)a hat2. blue sweater like(.) I3. either like Idon't black(.) (,)4. same the (.)we are 5. do like you (连词成句。1. like their they socks purple (.) 2. we lunch have the in afternoon (.) 3. do what you like do to(?) 4. Wang Ming's is in the mouth pencil (.连词成句。(注意大、小写和标点)1. was it 11th AprilTuesday (.) 2. a LiMing has book (.) 3. the where markeris (?) 4. thehow's today weather (?) 5.is the连词成句。(注意大、小写和标点)1. this a day (?) is rainy2. supper my with family have I (.) 3. the month Is fifth (?) what4. Day september Is(.)tenth Tea连词成句。(注意大、小写和标点)1. live you do (?) where 2. are what you wearing (?)3. tall (?) now he is Makesentences. 连词成句。1.is,When, Day, National? 2.day, What, yesterday, was ?3.Sunday, the, week, of, a, first, day, is.4.cold, is, white, and, Snow.Makesentences. 连词成句。1. new like I your pants2. lives My grandfather in apartment an 3. Peter'sis colour What shirt4. can we in play park the 5. is yoMakesentences. 连词成句。1. many do have How markers you2. am paper on writing the I3. the is marker pen beside The4. library He the in is Makesentences. 连词成句。1.brownisyourjacket2. prettyisvery it 3.beautiful thissoisdress4. shoe useI boxes 5.sweater thatis your Makesentences. 连词成句。1. bought, I, skirt, in, store, the, a, (.) 2. favourite, my, clothes, shorts, are,(.) 3.colour,T-shirt,is,what,the, (?)4. whiteMakesentences. 连词成句。1. the like We colour same2. arefavourite Donutsmy dessert3. too like I andsandwich milk4. lunch favourite What's for your food5.
Makesentences. 连词成句。1. is, the, that, playground, (.) 2. is, computer, this, the, room, (.) 3. too, is, teacher's, that, office, the, (.)4.it, timeMakesentences. 连词成句。1. inthe library quiet be 2. or eat drink don't the in computer room3. garden thein grass the on walk don't4. push don't in hallMakesentences. 连词成句。1. are colour the what pants 2. in what New Yorklike is the weather3. me take let showera 4. I jacket my put can new on5. is weath连词成句,注意标点符号与大小写。1.getup,in,themorning, I, (.) 2. food,is,my,noodles,favourite, (.) 3. like,cereal,I,breakfast,for, (.) 连词成句。1. eat, in, the, I, supper, evening 2.you, some, would, like, dumplings, more 连词成句,注意标点符号与大小写。1. is,she,wearing,pink,and,purple,skirt,a (.) 2.are,my,colours,they,favourite (.) 3.gloves,these,are,whose (?) 4.new,theseMakesentences. 连词成句。1.many horses there are how 2.runs horse as a as fast he 3. is it farm in cool the Makesentences. 连词成句。1. time, to,it's,bed,go,to, (.)2. the,girl,is,who,(?) 3.what,up,usually,time,do,get,you, (?)4.are, colour,the,what,shorts, (?)连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写。1.howmany,of,bottles,pop2.would,like,abowlof,I,noodles3. you,do,any,have,apples4.need,we,chicken,someMakesentences. 连词成句。1. theisgirlwho (?) 2.are colour the what pants (?)3.room art over there your is(.) 4.whatusuallyuptimedogetyou (?) 5.timetoitMakesentences. 连词成句。1. is my where dress2.pass a please me blue sweater3.your these are pants 4.these shoes are what colour Makethewordsintosentences. 连词成句。1. bandage need a you2.headachehaveIa 3. to can't school go4.friendscallsherJenny5.head onfriend'sputhandyouryour 连词成句。1. it's, walk, go, to, fun, a, for(.)(连词成句,并翻译)2. Tom, brushing, teeth, is, his (.) (连词成句,并翻译) 3. taking, Jenny, shower, is, a (.Makethewordsintosentences. 连词成句。1. face dayI every my wash 2. breakfast would some you porridge like for 3. sleep time it to is4. badminton I with playMakethewordsintosentences. 连词成句。1. the the helping boy nurse is 2. a cut it's little only 3. get school let's Danny help ready for 4. time up it's g按要求完成句子。1. Iwanttoplaybadminton.(对画线部分提问)2. Therearetwentybottlesofwater.(对画线部分提问) 3. Sheiswearingabluecoat.(对画线部分提问) 4. much连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写。1.need,we,some,chicken2.I,borrow,may,pencil,your3. you,do,have,apples,any4. I'll,twelve,please,take5.salt,we,some,and,peppeMakethewordsintosentences. 连词成句。1. teddy to I bear buy want a 2. go where shopping you will 3. is gloves this a of new pair4. a I to donut eat want5.p连词成句。1. sorry I'm 2. too to nice you see 3. back school welcome to4.theteacherI'm 5. Women's Happy Day 6. I'm I'm America Amy from 7. tea more s连词成句。1. isshemothermy(.) 2. Iteacherama areyoustudents(.) 3. my friend thisis(.) 4. eveninggood(!) 5. welcomeschoolto(!) Makethewordsintosentences. 连词成句。1. something drink I to want 2. good health for it's your3. run every I to morning like 4. some you cereal like would 连词成句。1.beautifulhow(!) 2. brother is he my (.) 3. girl is that who (?) 4. meet to nice you (.) 5. is this family my (.) 6. talk let's (.) 7. myMakethewordsintosentences. 连词成句。1. a let's game play2. ready it's school get to time for3. apples want some I buy to 4. every like a day I to bicycle连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1. haveelevenIeggs(.)2. arewhoyou(?) 3.howmanyyouhavedoapples(?) 4.let'stheapplespickup(.) 5. ideagood(!) 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. Hereareyou(.) 2.howtheremanyineggs arethebox(?)3. is my this friend(.) 4. at my look apples(.) 5. that who is boy(?)Make sentences. 连词成句。1. much, is, how, that, coat, window, the, in, (?)2. have, I, he, has, one, one, hundred, yuan, yuan, but, (.) 3.I,you,can,help, 连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1. some have fruits(.) 2. hungry I am (.)3.like do oranges you (?) 4. apples what about (?) 5. I have can some oranges (连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1. dodohowyou(?)2. do like you a ruler red(?)3.allthat'sright(.)4. pears how many you have do(?)5. Let's hide seek and连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1. you are the table under (?) 2. can't find I you (.)3. Let's to the zoo go (.) 4. Where the ruler is(?) 5. the eleph连词成句。1. grapes How many in box your(?)2.eveninggood(!)3.thereisitlook(!) 4. is where your school(?)5.manysofruits(!) 连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1.youdolikepeaches(?) 2. am I hungry (.) 3. draw color peach a pink it (.) 4. have I some apple can juice (?) 5. you her连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1. you are how(?)2. to happy you birthday(!) 3. have I can some orange juice(?)4. bananas many how (?) 5. it's your unde连词成句。1.dumplingsyouWouldsomelike 2. foodgoodisThis3. rice food is favourite My4. my supper do after homework I5. likes breakfast She for eggs6. your f连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1. excuseIcan pencil use your me(?) 2. is Where his ruler (?) 3. in my book desk is the(.)4. bag is under my the chair (.连词成句。1. you hungry Are2. don'tfishIlike 3. I homework my do aftemoon the in4. noodles My food is favourite5. in comes a It box 连词成句,注意大小写,标点符号。1.thedogeyesbighas(.)2. short your arms make (.) 3. lookthetigersat(.) 4. I'mCanadafrom(.) 5. tigers how many are there按要求完成下列句子。1. Ilikeeggsandbreadforbreakfast.(对划线部分提问) 2. manyjuice of bottles How(连词成句) 3. Whoseglovearethese?(改正错句)4. Ilikemeat.(将下列单词连成正确的句子。1. supper for Time2. The bed the are below slippers3. I for story my draw picture a4. your pyjamas on Put5. go I bed to 连词成句。1. you order Are ready to2. want I to badminton play3. for like lunch I fish Makesentences. 连词成句。1. you some noodles Would like(?) 2. fifteen have pencils and pen I a (.) 3. like don't vegetables I (.) 4. bed in go to I the Makesentences. 连词成句。1.meatWesomeandsaltneed 2.souplikeIonpepper3.breakfastIbreadforeat4.youAre toorderready5.Iborrow May pen your Makesentences. 连词成句。1. like I for porridge breakfast2. three of pop These bottles are3. a lot My father meat likes 4. kites you like to Would fly5. goMakesentences. 连词成句。1.friendswithplaymyIliketo2.playwithWeLiuTao'sballcatch3.ishardMydresser4.It'sforatowalk fungo5.playIto ping-pong want Makesentences. 连词成句。1.go,usually,school,I,to,foot,on(.) 2.to,are,going,weekend,the,you,what,do,on(?) 3.look,so,you,excited (.) 4.birthday,June, her,按要求写句子。1. IwatchedTVyesterdayevening.(改为一般疑问句) 2. Mikegetsupatsixo'clockeveryday.(改为否定句) 3. Ihavethreepensinmypencil-box.(改为同义句) 4连词造句。1.the,have,take,good, a, medicine,and,rest (.)2.to,Zhongshan,Park,get,I,can,how(?)3.help,me,my,could,lessons,you,with(?)4.yesterday,where,they,d连词成句。1.am, I, tall, as, you, as (.)2.should, I, do, what (?) 3.going, do, what, are, to, you, tomorrow (?) 4.can, I, to, how, get, shopping, the, cen连词成句,并将连好的句子翻译成汉语。1.book, is, very, this, interesting (.)2.am, basketball, going, play, I, this, to, afternoon (.) 3.sister, taller, me, yMakesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. play we ping-pong (.) 2. school lunch at eat they(.) 3. time for It's dinner (.) 4. our what in can see you clasMakesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. one minus is five four(.) 2. time is it what(?) 3. you apples bring can me two(?) 4. lamp on the desk the is (.)Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. is this bed my cousin's (.)2. your please make dresser (.)3. eleven nine minus twenty is (.)4. know now ABCs my Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. are my they parents (.) 2. love I my family(.) 3. like some you pop would (?) Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. goes the street on what (?) 2. like skip I to (.) 3. make kite a let's (.) Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. clean I window the(.)2. see what you can (?)3. doll my a bed under is (.)4. them will count I(.) Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. have they fun2. we boy car a see in the3. shop she to walks the4. want go we home to Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. in garden grandma my is the (.) 2. go park the let's to(.) 3. family his beside lives family my (.) Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. all like them of we (.) 2. like water I'd some(.) 3. you would tea some like (?) 4. I computer theplay on (.)Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. need meat we some2. they park the in play football3. friends her she visits Makesentenceswiththewords. 组词成句。1. like play they to badminton2. the young is woman who 3. get at I up six 4.your live does uncle where 连词成句。1. you are tall How (?) 2. than shorter You're me (.) 连词成句。1. you are heavy How2. thinner I'm than shorter and 连词成句。1. matter What's the (?)2. My sore is throat(.) 3. nose My hurts. (.) 连词成句。1. you Did football play (?) 2. did do you What yesterday (?)连词成句。1. teacher His so sadlooks (.) 2. mouth My bigger is yours than (.) 连词成句。1. holiday your on go you did Where(?) 2. went I to Xi'an (.) 3. there How did go you(?) 4. went by I subway (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. dinner you When eat do (?) 2. eat7:00 I at dinner (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. season best Which likeyou do (?) 2. Winter like best I (.) 3. is favourite season Fall my(.) 连词成句。1. does uncle your do What (?) 2. books in How are many there your bag (?)3. you do What weekend on usually do the (?) 4. there go you did How (连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. summer do like Why you (?) 2. in I lake Because the can swim (.) 3. sleeplong Because can Itime a (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. weekend the do you What on do(?) 2. the I play often piano (.) 3. I hiking Sometimes go (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. birthday your is When (?) 2. birthday My June in is (.) 3. birthday July Uncle in Bill's is (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. in Is her birthday June (?) 2. is dateWhat the (?) 3. 9th is June It (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. it What doing is (?) 2. jumping is It(.) 3. eating It's bananas (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. is aGrandpa letterwriting (.) 2. kitchen in She's the cooking (.)3. e-mail writing is an He (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. are doing What you (?)2. dishes I doing am the (.) 3. a am I book reading (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. doing What they are (?) 2. swimming are They(.) 3. trees They climbing are (.) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. you lunch Are eating(?) 2. aren't No we(.) 3. honey Are eating they the(?) 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. you Are dinner eating(?) 2. taking are They pictures (.) 连词成句。1. he chess Isplaying (?) 2. counting Is insects she (?) 3. isn't No she (.) 连词成句。1. computer This myis(.) 2. school is your That (.) 连词成句。1.a, desk, Is, teacher's, this?2.it, Yes, is. 连词成句。1. art is room this the ?2. it No isn't 连词成句。1. last What you did do weekend? 2. footballplayed I 连词成句。1. time it What is(?) 2. ten It's o'clock (.) 连词成句。1. now It 2:50 is(.) 2. class It's math for time (.) 连词成句。1. play Let's football(.) 2. warm It's Kunming in (.) 3. Is hot it (?) 连词成句。1. it What is colour (?) 2. sweater Is your this (?) 连词成句。1. today It's hot (.)2. play Let's football (.) 连词成句。1. horses How there are many (?) 2. and black It's white (.) 连词成句。1. than his him father heavier is(.) 2. she more than mine apples ten has (.) 3. can she the deep dive cold water into (.) 4. feetarehisshorter(连词成句。1. tallarehowyou (?) 2.about it 38 cm is long (.) 3. do you which like bike(?) 4. is than she three older years me (.) 5. think I the monkey l连词成句。1. ducks Are they (?) 2. No aren't they (.)连词成句。1. old your how is mother (?) 2. is how your room large(?) 3. wants to he football play (.) 4. my smaller is bag Tom's than (.) 5. pencil 20 连词成句。1. betteryouwillsoonfeel (.) 2. soreheristhroat (.) 3. doeshowhefeel (?) 4. hersoexcitedlittlecatis (.) 5. babyisthetired (.) 连词成句。1. you,go,do,on,trips? 2. your, you, did, go, where, on, holiday ? 3. had,we, fun,a,lot,of . 4. did,go,you,how,there? 5. went,to, I,Zhejiang,y连词成句。1. did, where, your, you, go, holiday, on (?) 2. will,to,Beijing,go,I (.) 3. believe,I,can't,that (.) 4. to,it's,time,home,go (.) 5. see,you连词成句。1. matter what the is you with ? 2. going you what to are do ? 3. it's by train hours four . 4. what for you looking are ? 5. your for thanks连词成句。1.do morning when do exercises you2.usually I to go at bed 9:30 3.usually at 6:00 I get up4.you telling me your thank for about day 连词成句。1. is your when birthday(?)2.your inis birthday February(?)3. birthdayyourOctober in is (?) 4.Children's Dayis when(?) 连词成句。1. do winter why you like 2.can in lake because I swim the 3. sleep time because I long a can 4. the to when best is time to Beijing go
连词成句。1. are what youdoing ? 2. you later see . 3. is room he the cleaning. 4. your doing what is father ? 5. I to can speak Tom? 连词成句。1.isdinnerthe mom cooking in kitchen. 2.youcallisdadthere afor. 3.everybodyishowdoing? 4. am Ia book reading. 5. fatheranwriting is mye-mail.连词成句。1. you eating lunch are?2.honey areeating they the? 3. an doing experiment I am. 4.and antsatcomea thelookhave. 5.liketodowhatantseat? 连词成句。1. have go let a us look and. 2.the is this wall. 3.is it music the room? 4. is art the room where? 5.floor the on it is second. 连词成句。1. for it lunch time is . 2.canteen the that is? 3.theremanydesksare. 4. it not computer the is. 5. am I full. 连词成句。1. like red I the dress. 2.small too are they. 3.shirt I canuse your? 4. star will you be the. 5.pretty you look. 连词成句。1. where my areshirts ? 2.itiswhoseskirt? 3. the green I like sweater. 4.me let caron draw it a. 5. is it my sister's. 6. are they funny so连词成句。1. late class I for am . 2. want shopping to go we. 3. get it's time up to . 4. basketball let play us . 5. have dinner time it's to. 连词成句。1. is cold here the weather .2.hot is sunny it and here.3. in is Beijing it windy .4. make us a let snowman.5. play us football let. 连词成句并翻译,注意大小写和标点符号。1.forclassEnglishit'stime .2. desk this my is.3. colour is it what? 4. time what it is? 连词成句。1. morning good 2.a friend today we have new 3.from America I'm 4.out watch 5.me follow 连词成句。1. a bigWhat fish 2.each other Father and mother helps 3. thisis Who boy 4. yourSheissister 5. on Lucy Come Let's watch TV 连词成句。1.my is this grandma(.) 2. lovemyImother (.)3.watch TV let us (.) 4. that who is woman (?) 5. a wait moment (.) 连词成句。1. a Waitminute2. am teacherIa3. tomeetNice you4. from I am America 连词成句。1. turkeys Are those ? 2.many So vegetables! 3. cat a Amy has little . 4. eggs chicken and I like .5. pretty The looks cow .6.straw hat a Let连词成句。1. seeitandopen2.atlooknewmycrayons 3.howcrayonsyoudomanyhave 4.black it a is bird 5.have I new a kite 连词成句。1. is big this farm a. 2.at the lamb look. 3. fruit is the very fresh.4. you what do see the in farm? 5.Mike as an as is strong ox. 6.Irabbi按要求完成下列各题。1. Itisonthefloor. (变为一般疑问句) 2. What'sthetime? (同义句) 3. Herdressisblue. (对划线部分提问)isherdress?4. istigerWherethe (?)连词成句。1. giraffe tall The is2. right You are 3. deer the Look at 4. short is The deer 连词成句。1. timeIt'sgo to home 2.the What's time 3.we TVShall watch now4.to lunch Time have 5.three It's o'clock连词成句。1. on your put new dress2. go park Let's to the3. under are the table you 4.use can I your pencil 连词成句。1. this, for, apple, is, you 2.can, I, see, pears, three 3.my, has, mother, hair, long 4.like, I, grapes, much, very 5.how, many, do, have, you, bMakesentences. 连词成句。1. isshemy mother . 2. is who girl that ? 3. watch let's TV . 4. is this grandma my. 5. a fish big what! Makesentences. 连词成句。1. iswho that woman?2. is she sister my.3. love I father my and mother. 4. your sister she is ? 5. is this friend my Anny. 连词成句。1. seeitandopen2.atlooknewmycrayons 3.howcrayonsyoudomanyhave 4.black it a is bird 5.have I new a kite Makesentences. 连词成句。1. cats many how can see you ? 2. are from you where ? 3. grandma my is old. 4. have you 16 crayons . 5. what inis the box? Makesentences. 连词成句。1. to nice meet you . 2. are where you from? 3. my friend new this is . 4. you can this read ? 5. fromI am America. Makesentences. 连词成句。1. you do like oranges ? 2. I have can some please orange juice ? 3. don'tI like bananas. 4. like I much very them . 5. pearsMakesentences.连词成句。1. iswherepencilmy ? 2. I use can your ruler ? 3. is it the on desk . 4. play gameaus let . 5. can IsayABC. 连词成句。1. this, for, apple, is, you 2.can, I, see, pears, three 3.my, has, mother, hair, long 4.like, I, grapes, much, very 5.how, many, do, have, you, bMakesentences.连词成句。1. the long noseears big has andelephanta .2. have I eyes big .3. am I tallis she but short.4. is the tall giraffe.5. hairhas s连词成句。1. ishobbywhatyour?2.sheEnglishdoesteach?3.likepicturesIdrawing. 4.inlivessheBeijing. 连词成句。1. to the next it's hospital (.) 2. togetIhowcinemathecan (?) 3. on left the is the book store (.) 连词成句。1. Does how he to go work (?) 2. I am plant garden going to flower in our seed (.) 根据要求改写句子。1. math and we English have(连词成句)2. Sheisyoungandpretty.(对划线部分提问) 3. Icanplayfootball.(改成一般疑问句)4. Wehavemath, computera将下列单词组成句子。1.have, we, tomatoes, Sundays, on .2.do, I, homework, evening, my, the, in .3.have, English, do, you, classes, today ?4. like, Tom's,连词成句。1. set you can table the (?) 2. the meals Sarah cook can (.) 3. you can what do (?)4. can I the bed make (.) 根据要求改写句子。1. Yes, Icandothehousework.(对此句进行提问) 2. Mikecansweepthefloor.(改成否定句) 3. Herfavouritefoodisfish.(对划线部分提问)4. are forveg连词成句。1. books there some on are shelf the. 2. is mirror where the? 3.closetthe neardesktheis. 4. like your what's bedroom? 连词成句。1. a, sky, the, is, in, there, kite ?2.there, a, the, in, park, is, city, nature ?3.a, our, farm, there, school, near, is .4.clouds, mountain, t连词成句。1.Day Teachers'Happy (.) 2.Zip is name My (.) 3.to I'm school going (.) 4.sharpener Show your me (.) 5.your name What's (?) 连词成句。1. arm ismy This (.) 2.your is mouth Where (?) 3. you to meet Nice (.) 4. Wang Miss is This (.) 连词成句。1. toschoolusgolet2.you tonice meet 3.name Amy is her 4.is to she school going 连词成句。1.blue crayon me your show .2. you fine thank. 3. you nicemeet to. 4. you how are? 5. my at look flag. 按要求改写句子。1. hasnewsheaeraser (连词成句)2. Weareinthelivingroom.(改成一般疑问句) 3. Thehotdogissixyuan.(对划线部分提问) 4. Therearefivepeopleinmyfami连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. is, it, lovely (.) 2.I, a, look, may, have (?) 3. look, have, bird, I, a (.) 4. your, touch, nose (.) 5. have,I, a, d将下列单词重新排列,组成句子。注意大小写和标点符号。1. is this pen a. 2. name my LiuYing is. 3. are how you? 4. to you nice meet. 5. much very you thank根据要求改写句子。1. and is strong he tall (.)(连词成句) 2. MissLinisourprincipal.(对划线部分提问) 3. Mymotheristallandpretty.(对划线部分提问) 4.It is Mon连词成句。1. I chicken some have can? 2.I fries like French.3.juice some have. 4.welcome you're.5.are you here. 连词成句。1.cake let's the eat .2.for is you this.3.balls many how?4.you meet nice to.5.your is head where? 连词成句,注意字母大小写和标点符号。1. my, at, look, rabbit, please (.) 2. have, car, a, I (.) 3. some, can, have, chicken, I (?) 4. like, hot, dogs, I (.连词成句。1. what, your, is, name (?) 2. some, can, have, ice-cream, I (?) 3. my, at, look, toy, plane (.) 4. like, brown, I, pen, the (.) 5. how, you, 连词成句,注意大小写及标点。1.toeatlunchWe gotoarestaurant 2.bybusShegoestoschool 3.grayhairhasMygrandmother4.gotothezooLet'stowatchlions 5.likesHetoreadbo连词成句。1. in schoolbag yourwhat's ? 2. a book I new have . 3. it colour is what ? 4. you many books English do how have? 5. this I pencil like. 连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)1.mother I my taller is than 2.go they on love trips to3. lives Danny Canada in4. go we to can How Beijing 5. I go may to Be连词成句。1.you, to, the, point, can, clothes ?2. Danny, help, let's. 3. like, don't, I, pants, those.4.many, pairs, of, do, have, you, how, socks?5. 连词成句。1.name, My, Brown, is, Tom2.bike, by, school, to, I, go3.you, go, do, home, How 4.school, near,My, is, home, the 5.at, a, light, red, Stop 6.am, 连词成句。1.go, on, I, school, foot, to .2.do, to, park, how, the, you, go?3.can, No.15, go, bus, you, school, to, the, by.4.near, is, home, the, my, off连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写。1. work at I hard school . 2. like I the socksdon't . 3. the I eat may in restaurantl ? 4. love I trip going a on. 5. w连词成句。1. on, foot, go, to, I, supermarket, the2.subway, school, itis, fast, to, to, goby 3.parents, do, work, go, to, how,your 4.usually, school, John, t连词成句。1. water, where, come, does, from? 2. put, under, it, sun, the . 3. how, plant, you, tree, a, do? 4. for, flower, wait, a, to, grow. 5. the, s连词成句。1. What, hobby, is, your 2.English, She, reading, likes3.pal, in, a, have, Xi'an, I, pen 4.often, I, foot, on, to, school, go5.The, goldfish, swi连词成句(注意标点符号及大小写)。1. have We a teacher new2. and tall He's strong 3. your principal Who's4. teacher your music I'm new5. We like all him 6.连词成句。1. is my very strong Chineseteacher. 2. is what father your like ?3. strict he very is.4. math he teacher is our.5. young is who that lady ?连词成句(注意标点符号和大小写)。1. do what you have Sundays on 2. do do you what3. classes you do what like4. I football often play Jim with5. what it istod连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写。1. are many There buildings here near2. many You fish can see3. fish any Are there river the in 4. too my I village like5. f连词成句(注意标点符号和大小写)。1. do I my too homework2. English My is teacher tall3. Can play you now chess4. favourite is What your food5. Is clean there连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. beef and I tomatoes noodles have2. today do what for have you lunch3. like I beans would green 4. time it's lunch for5. 连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写。1. near the bin is The door trash2. on is the desk The bag3. over can the What bed you see4. on is What table the 5. like ro连词成句。1.is, flower,There, on, desk, the, a (.)2.What, this, is (?) 3.is, It, big, so (.)4.clean, classroom, Let's, the (.) 5.seat, is, Where, my (?连词成句(注意标点符号和大小写)。1. favorite is foodwhat your 2. is what your like mother3. does Rabbit what like4. have you on what Sunday do5. that woman w连词成句(注意标点符号及大小写)。1. What do she can home at2. table can She set the3. helpful you Are4. helpful isShe5. the clothes He can away put6. mother连词成句。例:Here you for is pen a (.) Hereisapenforyou.1. schoolbag is My heavy (.)2. Here youan forisEnglish book (.) 3. are going We the to school (.)连词成句。1.like, I, music (.)2.big, She, eyes, has (.) 3.my, is, She, friend(.) 4.This, his, is, photo (.) 5.your, friend, best, is, Who (?) 6.name, 连词成句。1.is, This, a, pen (.)2.home, is, my, This (.) 3.like, my, I, home (.) 4.is, She, in, kitchen, the (.) 连词成句。1.Howmany, do, picture-books, you, have (?) 2.Howmany, can, Englishbooks, you, see (?)3.Englishbook, your, Put, on, head, your(.) 4.have, I, sch将下列单词和标点连成一个句子。1. you show Let me (.)2. had We a time good (.) 3. I'dand likesoup some rice (.) 4. fork me a Pass (.)连词成句。1.many, How, people, are, in, there, family, his (?) 2.Look, is, That, aunt, Bill's (!) 3.father, My, a, is, doctor (.)4.are, they, Who (?) 5.连词成句。1. Lucy I'm2. Show your pencil me 3. My is Sarah name4. What name is your连词成句。1. are Hereyou . 2. a May I have look ? 3. at Look cat the. 4.are Howyou? 连词成句。1. me your Show book2. your Close eyes3. have I red a eraser 4. going I'm to school5. your book is Here 连词成句。1. me Show your ruler2. I have look a May3. to Nice meet too you 4. old Howyou are5. is This friend my 连词成句。1.to this the let gous park afternoon(.)2. at you 4o'clock see (.) 3. to school we can foot go on (.) 4. the you to USA how go do (?) 连词成句(注意标点符号和大小写)。1. dishes the can I do.2. he bed the make can. 3. can do what you? 4. the water can flowers I. 5. help we her can.连词成句。1. for, is, This, you (.)2.you, How, old, are (?)3.you, Happy, to, birthday (!) 4.the, car, Drive (.) 5.gifts, How, many (?) 连词成句。1. whathobbyisher(?)2. teachesEnglishmysister(.) 3. Mike doesBeijinginlive (?) 连词成句。1.tothenextit'shospital(.)2. togetI howcinemathecan(?) 3. onlefttheisthebookstore(.) 4. isayourinthereschoollibrary(?) 连词成句。1.isshe TVa reporter(.)2. does do mother what your (?) 3. does where work she (?)4. she does go work how to (?) 5. in she company works car a 连词成句。1. sprout several you see the can days in . 2. tree you a how plant do? 3. some pot I into a put seeds. 4. sun it now the is in. 5. is lovely 给下列单词排顺序,使之成为一个通顺的句子。1.schoolI goUsuallyto footon2.getcanHowItoZhongshanPark3.nearis Thecinema thepostoffice4. the Turn at park left 5.连词成句。1. from water where come does the(?) 2. the put soil me in seeds(.) 3. going is toflower tomorrow she plant a (.) 给下列单词排顺序。1.mother What your does do2. work to go does How she 3. cloud from The vapour comes the4. you How do do that5.doesWherework she 连词成句。1. kind smart Mrs is Heart and. 2. new have you teachers do ? 3. your kind father or strict is ?4. man who old that is? 连词成句。1. on have what Wednesdays you do? 2. sister like does math your? 3. favourite is your class what ?4.musicandlike P.E.IEnglish. 5. games oft连词成句。1.helikeWhat's? 2. thin short and He's. 3. English Who's teacher your ?4. math Our is funny teacher very .5.allWehimlike. 连词成句。1. is teacher your Who art2. is from Where he 3. Amy smart very is 4. like is What she 5. English our is teacher very funny 连词成句。1. the in there park a river is. 2. flowers the there in are many park. 3. lake the isn't there farm a on. 连词成句。1. set you can table the? 2. the meats Susan cook can. 3. you can what do home at? 连词成句。1. make you the bed can? 2.havetomatoesmuttonandI. 3. can what do you? 4. can't computer Robot a use. 5. helpful is she home at. 连词成句。1. the bin Where trash is ?2. are The on shelf books the.3. green There curtains are my room in.4. you like Do your room new ?5. is a book The
连词成句。1. a new have I teacher2.shestrictIs 3. you What have do Mondays on 4. have English computer We Wednesdays on and 5. your music Who's teacher 连词成句。1. clothes are Many the in closet 2. can What see you the over bed 3. this bedroom Is your 4. are two There end tables my in room5. tell Can me yo连词成句。1. oftenmydoIhomework2. do What have you on Tuesdays 3. eggplants have tomatoes I and 4. would you What dinner like for 5. my It's favourite frui连词成句。1. near the table It's2. is There a behind picture the door3. you put Can clothes away the 4. you like room Do my 5. computer the is The desk on 连词成句。1. have mutton tomatoes and We2. would like you What for lunch 3. like you grapes Do 4. favourite What's food your 5. fresh healthy and It's 连词成句。1.are There fishin river the many2. is my holiday This picture3. is a forest There the park in4. no are There buildings tall5. can many fish You s连词成句。1. tall thin Our English and teacher is 2. day is What it today 3. would like What you for lunch4. are There many in river fish the 5. can wash cl连词成句。1. my picture Look at new(!)2. isseatmyWhere(?) 3. isclassroomThisnewour(.) 4. classmate is new our He(.) 5. floor sweep Let's the(.) 连词成句。1. have I new a schoolbag2. colour it What is 3. I May a have look 4. youHereare 连词成句。1. friend my music likes (.)2. Zhang Peng a is boy(.) 3. She's thin quiet and (.) 4. has she big hair eyes and long (.) 连词成句。1. a new have I schoolbag (.) 2. is desk my heavy (.) 3. books you do have many how (?) 4. your what in is bag (?) 连词成句。1. many to count too are there 2. a new have I schoolbag 3. is bag heavy my 4. what your in is pencil-case 5. books have how do many you 连词成句。1.are Where glasses my 2.change glasses us Let our 3.a this I am house looking for like4.is This home my 连词成句。1. like friends are you me and(.)2.iswhoshe(?) 3. try have a please (,)(?) 4. has he big small eyes and a nose (.) 5. is she strong (.) 6. h连词成句。1. bedroom is very my nice . 2.ayouseecanbook? 3. it in is the study. 4. on sit the bed please. 5. are they fridge the near ? 6. living nice连词成句。1.me a give spoon 2. with the cut knife 3. Chinese like I food4. is here bill your 连词成句。1. many there how are in family your people (?) 2.whothey are(?)3. my is father he (.)4.thismysisteris(.)5.sevenmyhasfamily members(.) 连词成句。1. is He baseball player a 2. look They young3.Theyarefarmers 4. is this man Who 连词成句。1.whatyoulikewouldfordinner(?)2. you some dessert like would(?) 3. is dessert what(?) 4. I can some soup have(?) 连词成句。1.manyhowcanwordsyoufind(?) 2.aisteacherhe(.)3. mom my nurse a is (.) 4. sister calls my mom my mommy (.)5. are these my photos family (.) 连词成句。1. youwhoare(?)2. many how are tree under apples there the(?) 3. her is doctor father a (.) 4. at come and pictures my look (.)5. a he basebal连词成句。1. me show your pencil. 2. namewhat'syour? 3. yourbag carry. 4. havebagI a. 5. crayonmyIt's. 连词成句。1.you are here . 2.heavy schoolbag is my. 3.many can chairs you how see? 4.a good have dream. 5.please can have some juice I? 连词成句。1. to my Welcome house 2. would I some like beef 3. many have do pens How you 4. show you me Let 5. Jack a teacher young is 连词成句。1. Touch groundthe2. I'mthankfineyou 3. Howyouare 4. yourShowmepurplecrayon 5. tomeet Niceyou 连词成句。1. is This my pencil 2. armis Wheremy 3. our touch legs Let's 4. afternoon Good 5. to you meet Nice连词成句。1. to Nice you meet2. Where yourmouth is 3. isMikeThis 4. toLet's goschool 读单词,组句子。1. duck, Act, a, like (.)______________________________________2. a, I, look, have, May (?)______________________________________3. are, you连词成句。1.some I chicken Can have2.cakeHavesome3.areYouwelcome 4. the me French fries Pass5.I hamburgers like 连词成句。1. haveaTeddyBearI2. havealook IMay 3. likeamouseHunt 4. the Look at pig 连词成句。例:youHow areold Howoldareyou?1. cake the birthday eat Let's 2. one two me and Show 3. you is for This4. to Happy you birthday 5. number lucky M排列单词组成完整的句子。1. are youHow2. fineI'm youthank3. yourWhat'sname 4. toNicemeetyou 5. MikeisThis 连词成句。例:toHappyyoubirthday Happybirthdaytoyou!1. your is name What2. old you are How3. a have May look I4. to Nice meet you 5. chicken Can have I some 连词成句。1. are youHow2. fineI'myouthank3. nameWhat'syour4. tomeetyouNice Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.school, he, in, a, new, boy, is2.not, Steven's, it's, pencil 3.mouth, thepencil, is, in, Danny's 4.he, reading, is, a, bookFormthesentences. 连词成句。1.small, Danny's, too, is, hat. 2.where, live, a, does, bird?3.have, an, elephant, a, does, trunk?4.ride, can, a, rabbit ?5Formthesentences. 连词成句。1. home, go, Let's 2.you, help, may, I 3.cloudy, the, is, weather 4.businesswoman, a, office, building, in, works, an 5.shoppi连词成句。1.umbrella,Let'sgo, and,buy, abig _________________________________________________2.snowy,weather,and, is,the,cold ________________________________Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.our, we, purple, like, skirts2.too, like, I, and, sandwich, milk3. are, favourite, donuts, my, dessert4.the, like, we, colour,Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.restaurant, in, a, waiter, a, works2.the, library, Let's, read, a, book, goto, to3.does, a, where, live, snake 4.is, the, claFormthesentences. 连词成句。1.schoolwork, is, favourite, that, my. 2.toys, Kim, playwith, likesto. 3.pointto, you, the, donut, can? 4.for, like, milk, I,Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.computer, I, play, on, like, to, the 2.desserts, they,different, have3.for, your, what's, food, lunch, favourite. 4.juice, tFormthesentences. 连词成句。1.thirty, have, I, ducks 2.has, a, tiger, stripes 3.does, panda, a, live, where 4.puton, I, new, my, dress 5.don't, I, eat, waFormthesentences. 连词成句。1.is, playing, he, ping-pong .2.on, her, eraser, her, desk, is.3.book, he, a, is, reading .4.classroom, Jenny, in, is, the .Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.chalk, is, where, the ?2.playing, he, ping-pong, is .3.markers, do, how, many, have, you?Formthesentences. 连词成句。1. same, they, the, are2. a, tail, a, cat, and, has, fur3. different, are, they4.wings, a, bird, and, has, feathers Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.paper, she, on, the, is, drawing .2.have, books, howmany, do, I ?3.desk, the, book, is, the, on.4.pencil, not, It's, Kim'Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.mud, LiMing, in, the, fell 2.small, Danny's, too, hat, is 3.hop, rabbits, can 4.fly, a, can, bird Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.cry, a, can, sheep? 2.do, what, they, can?3.bird, can, a, fly .4.has, a, cat, tail, a .5.two, bird, wings, has, a. Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.trunk, an, has, elephant, a .2.live, does, where, bird, a?3.mud, LiMing, in, fell, the. 4.tiger, have, a, does, stripes ?5Formthesentences. 连词成句。1. help, may, you, I ?2.shoes, has, this, clothes, department, store, and.Formthesentences. 连词成句。1. mane, has, a, lion, A 2.elephant, a, has, trunk, An3. has, tiger, A, stripes 4.A, has, a, pouch, kangaroo 5.cat, fur, a, A, Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.store, a, cashier, in, works, a.2.work, where, they, do .3. in, works, a, waiter, a, restaurant .Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.either, don't, socks, I, like 2.favourite, shorts, clothes, are, my 3.same, we, the, are Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.is, for, what, lunch2.either, I,like, don't, fish 3.lunch, what's, favourite, your, for, food 4.cat, in, we, the, lunch, aft连词成句。1.pouch, a, has, a, kangaroo.2.lives, a, bird, in, tree, a .3.tothe, read, let's, books, go, to, library .4.different, they, a, colour, like .Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.umbrella, let's, buy, go, abig, and .2.an, we, umbrella, need .3.a, kite, let's, go, buy, and .4.now, is, raining, it .5连词成句。1.chant a ready are for you ?2.shoes I my green like .3.cat yellow fur the has .Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.fly, kites, thepark, let's, to, go, to .2.dress, I, buy, wantto, a .3.hungry, I, not, am.4.dress, you, this, do, like ?5.Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.the, point, to, can, donut, you? 2.dessert, have, for, I, a, donut .3.same, we, dessert, have, the.4.matter, is, the, what?Formthesentences. 连词成句。1.does, Danny, what, to, do, like?2.She, to, on, computer, likes, play, the. 3.like, I, play, to, basketball, my, with, father 根据要求改写句子。1. Thisis thelivingroom.(对划线部分提问) 2. theisherebathroom(连词成句) 3. ThisisJenny'shouse.(改成一般疑问句) 4. Theclosetisinthebedroo连词成句。1. the toilel is This 2. shower the is Here 3. am dirty I 4. a We Saturday bath on took 连词成句。1.meet, nice, you, to . 2.name, what, your, is? 3.for, you, school, are, ready? 4.teacher, I'm, new, your. 5.is, My, Danny, name. 连词成句。1. to is he coming America2. inis the therefrigerator juice3. on table the some let's dishes put 4. the mine green toothbrush is5. doing what you按要求改写句子。1. Sheisthrowingasnowball.(对划线部分提问) 2. on the let's snowman eyes make(连词成句) 3. Heiswonderful.(改成一般疑问句)4. Icanmakeasnowma连词成句。1. your shape what's favourite?2. did you when to come Canada?3. old ten I'm years .4. I to walk sometimes school .5. you the piano can play连词成句。1. you what do wear in summer ?2. my I now am putting scarf .3. you that on snowball this put can snowball ?4. now go let's inside .5. season连词成句。1. to I sing love .2. always I sing to like .3. can Jenny piano the play .4. want I sing everyone to loudly.5. likes sing Who to .按要求改写句子。1. Todaywearebuyingsometoys.(用yesterday改写) 2. puttreelet'sundergiftstheour(连词成句)3. The staralwaysgoesontop.(对划线部分提问) 4. Yest连词成句。1.our to friends weinvitehouseour 2. for us bring they them 3. is a tree this Christmas 4. in sky the It's shining5. it to I my sendasked mother 将单词组成句子。1. a for put usually circle Let's2. have on Youhands jam your3. buses There ten are inbus stop the4. this Is or bathtub a shower a5. cabbag连词成句。1. to like play I wind the in.2.seasonfavouritespringmyis . 3.hewinterlikes .4. ride bike my I school to.连词成句。1. are four seasons there a year in.2. to ski like I on snow the.3. do else do in China winter what you in ?4. season your favourite what is? 5连词成句。1. has team a many players.2. like would some you cabbages?3. I five watch times TV a week .4. this is flower beautiful.5. is this strong boy 连词成句。1.always pants Steven wears2.my This umbrella is 3. I a have don't favourite4. usually I the dry dishes 按要求改写句子。1. Mysisterlikestoplayping-pong.(对划线部分提问) 2. youwith ball your Do to play like(连词成句) 3. Shelikestoeatcakes.(改成一般疑问句)4. Th将下列单词排列成正确的句子。1. Australia in live Kangaroos 2. is east Right 3. the capital of you know Do city China4. speak English They Australia in连词成句。1.Bob's is teacher she English2. live Jenny where does3. from it far to Tianjin how is Beijing 4. eighty-three hundred it kilometres is four 连词成句。1. older am I you than2. She noodles to likes eat3. a car has He4. works a in She school连词成句。1.by plane go Beijing to Let's2. abusItakewantto 3. slowisAbus 4. bikethanTheisbus the faster 5. do you what want do to 连词成句,注意大小写。1.faster A train than a bus is 2. take I a plane want to 3. I May to Beijing go 4. you Can to come China 将下列单词组成正确句子。1. red white and blue is it2. is here the a map of U.S. 3. speak English they 将下列单词排列成正确的句子。1. leaves 11: 15 at train the2. it is time what now3. jump don't please 4. down sitting I'm 连词成句。1.speak they in English Australia.2.theU.S. eastofis China.3.thelookmapat.4. do they what speakin theU. K.? 5. I speak to want Chinese.连词成句。1. the on we leave tomorrow for Shanghai train 2. a jacket need you3. a of does need he pair pants4. that like I sweater don't5. your don't tedd连词成句。1.grandmother glasses hair and has my gray.2. different I and cousin my are.3. old is my father how? 4. is my mother teacher a.5. do like what连词成句。1. a of map here is China .2. two about it's kilometres thousand.3. far it is how to from here city your? 4. are by we train going. 5. too is连词成句,注意标点和大小写。1. I shorter my than father am 2. don't down sit please 3. too shirt big is this4.about two hundred it's kilometers将下列单词组成正确的句子。1. excuse where me office the is?2. are going where you?3. up stairs go the.4. may you help I?连词成句。1. to the park goes to fly kites He 2.girl jumping The street down theis 3. your is sister Where4.the Who man is连词成句。1. cards play you can(?) 2. in mud he fell the(.)3. can bird a fly(.) 4. can what fly else (?) 5. many on the there are farm pigs(.)连词成句,我最棒。1.zebra a has stripes(.) 2. can rabbits hop(.) 3.small is hat my too(.) 4.Tom fell my friend mud in the(.) 按要求改写句子。1. Abirdisinthetree.(对划线部分提问) 2. Thereisahouseintheforest.(改成复数)3. are the monkeys two same The(连词成句)4. Thisisatree.(对划线将下列单词排成正确的句子。1.is LiMing outside house the.2.my dog black the behind tree is.3.in classroom the my sister is .4.some areIn rocks of the front连词成句。1. This an office building is .2. cab is the A from car far.3. Fifteen plus thirty-five twenty equals.4. classroom is Where the ?5. you I show连词成句。1. sunny and It is hot 2. clerk works A store a in 3. park to fly Let's the go to kites4. far from library is here The 将下列单词排列成正确的句子。1.live China in I2. name is My LiLing 3. your name What's 4. live Where you do把下列单词排序,组成正确的句子。1.are you how ?2. is this what ?3. is a it book .连词成句。1. are today you how ?2. many pens do have how you ?3. I one marker please may have ?4. where my is desk ?