连词成句。1. who, taller, is, you, than (?)________________________________________________________________2. bigger, some, dinosaurs, houses, are, than (.)_连词成句。1. do, what, you, do (?)___________________________________________2. cleaned, room, I, the (.)___________________________________________3. do, w排排队,组句子。1. did, what, do, you, last, Sunday (?)_______________________________________________________________2. I, room, cleaned, my (.)____________排排队,组句子。1. go, where, did, you, your, on, holiday (?)________________________________________________________________________2. there, you, did, what,连词成句。sick, Amy, feels (.)_________________________________连词成句。1. yesterday, my, bike, I, rode (.)___________________________________________________________2. buy, what, you, are, going, to (?)________________排排队,组句子。1. weather, like, what, is, the, there (?)__________________________________________________________________2. different, we, are, to, going, 排排队,组句子。1. Sunday, will, have, a, we, next, party (.)_____________________________________________________________________2. going, to, is, be, scient连词成句。what, you, do, weekend, did, last (?)_________________________________________________________连词成句。returned, he, me, to, kite, the (.)________________________________________________连词成句。want, buy, pair, I, of, to, a, sneakers (.)__________________________________________________________连词成句。yesterday, they, where, go, did (?)______________________________________________请用所给单词连词成句。1. the, climbing, pandas, trees, are, the (.)_________________________________________________________________2. now, my, home, mother, 请用所给单词连词成句。1. took, My, in, pictures, father, park, yesterday, the (.)____________________________________________________________________2. did, W请用所给单词连词成句。1. often, We, on, Chinese, classes, have, Monday (.)___________________________________________________________________2. gets,7: 30, us连词成句。1. cats, The, can, the, catch, mice (.)_____________________________________________________________________2. went, She, to, the, yesterday, librar连词成句。1. wants, shopping, everyone, go, to (.)_____________________________________________________________2. can't, big, take, the, hotel, you, a, panda连词成句。1. is, drawing, or, a, this, picture (?)_____________________________________________________________2. sing, let, a, us, song (.)_________________连词成句。1. can, point, to, you, bottom, the, of, the, letter (?)__________________________________________________________________2. my, writing, postcard, 连词成句。1. do, where, think, it, you, goes (?)____________________________________________________________________2. it, on, is, your, here, address (.)___连词成句。1. at, looked, a, yesterday, I, map (.)_______________________________________________________________2. basketball, we, played (.)________________连词成句。1. is, fun, having, Jenny (.)_________________________________________________________2. Danny, a, kite, fly, can (?)______________________________连词成句.Here's, for, bandage, a, your, nose (.)_____________________________________________连词成句。1. new, some, We, teachers, have (.)___________________________________________________________2. so, class, is, fun, Her, much (.)________________连词成句。1. don't, where, he, I, know, is (.)__________________________________________________________________2. write, this, do, the, postcard, I, where, 连词成句。1. send, wants, an, e-mail, Lily, her, to, uncle, to (.)________________________________________________________________2. that, computer, much, is,连词成句。1. the weekend on do What do you (?)__________________________________________________________________2. I breakfast eat 7: 00 in the morning at (.连词成句,注意加上适当的标点。1. your is That computer_________________________________________________2. What it is colour____________________________________连词成句。1. the, boy, doing, is, what (?)____________________________________________________2. like, soup, some, would, you (?)____________________________单词排队组句子。1. how, you, pens, many, have, do (?)________________________________________________________2. family, six, has, her, members (.)___________单词排队组句子。1. come, my, meet, and, family (.)__________________________________________________________2. they, drivers, are (?)________________________单词排队组句子。1. me, clean, board, let, the (.)_____________________________________________________________________2. us, clean, classroom, let, the (.)__单词排队组句子。1. have, a, I, friend, Chinese (.)_____________________________________________________2. likes, she, science (.)____________________________单词排队组句子。1. to, living room, the, go (.)___________________________________________________________2. I, a, new, have, eraser (.)_____________________单词排队组句子。1. is, colour, your, what, book (?)_____________________________________________________________2. us, clean, let, chairs, the (.)___________单词排队组句子。1. have, I, a, friend, new (.)_____________________________________________________2. music, she, likes (.)__________________________________单词排队组句子。1. this, your, is, bag (?)__________________________________________________2. this, your, is, bedroom (.)___________________________________单词排队组句子。1. where, books, are, my (?)____________________________________________________2. am, the, I, in, bedroom (.)_______________________________单词排队组句子。1. meet, come, my, and, family (.)_______________________________________________________2. I, use, can, chopsticks (.)______________________单词排队组句子。1. like, food, I, Chinese (.)_____________________________________________________2. big, my, is, classroom (.)______________________________连词成句。1. on, a, the, there, picture, nice, is, wall (.)________________________________________________________________2. are, workers, there, in, many, f连词成句,注意标点符号的使用。1. can, mom, I, to, speak, please, your (?)______________________________________________________________________2. study, writi连词组句。1. is, what, mother, your (?)_________________________________________________________________2. is, a , she, not, nurse (.)_______________________连词成句。an, uncle, is, Peter's, animal, doctor (.)_______________________________________________________连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. does, your, do, mother, what (?)___________________________________________________________2. how, heavy, you, are (?)____连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。1. having, Jane, a, is, party, birthday (.)________________________________________________________________2. down, are, the, 连词造句。1. does, do, what, she (?)___________________________________________________2. is, doctor, he, a (.)______________________________________________连词成句。1. Han Mei, have, at, lunch, not, school, does (.)_______________________________________________________________2. a, our, is, classroom, of, that,连词成句。1. hobby, your, what, is (?)__________________________________________________________________2. in, post office, of, front, the, is, you (?)______连词成句。1. this, is, what, English, in (?)__________________________________________________2. it, yellow, is, or, green (?)_______________________________连词成句。herself, go, let, the, school, to, girl (.)Let_______________ go to school ________________. 连词造句。1. kitchen, in, she, was, the (.)________________________________________________2. do, you, did, yesterday,what (?)_______________________________连词成句。1. is, it, dollars and cents. thirteen, twenty-five (.) ________________________________________2. are, eating, the, our ducks, picnic (.) _______连词组句。1. far, it, from, is, here___________________________________________________________2. been, you, like, this, how, long, have_______________________连词成句。1. pen mydesktheonis (.) ____________________________________2. school bike to she goes by (.) ____________________________________ 3. table tenni连词成句。1. your, move, please, knee (.)___________________________________________________________________2. mouth, open, please, your (.)_________________连词成句。1. your, move, please, knee (.)_______________________________________________________________2. have, you, stay, home, to, at (.)_________________连词成句。1. classroom, to, come, often, our, headmaster, the (.) The _____________________________________________________________________2. here, they, othe连词成句。1. I'llmyhelpMondaymotheron (.) ____________________________________2. flowertallerthethantheistree (.) ____________________________________ 3.is连词成句。1. likemorningdoexercisesyou (?) _________________________________2. Xiaoming school by go bus to does (?) _________________________________ 3. th连词成句。1. car is my toy favourite a (.) ______________________________________2. meat Daming like does (?) ______________________________________ 3. do y连词成句。1. did. what, have, she, for, dinner (?) ____________________________________2. want, I, to, an, my, e-card, make, Mum, for (.) __________________Rearrange the words. (重新排列单词组成句子)1. You shorter are me than(.) ____________________________________________2. toothacheHeahas(. ) ________________连词成句101. where on you go your holiday did_____________________________?2. matter with your what's the sister _____________________________?3. the do yo连词成句。1. a had Lingling yesterday headache (.) _______________________________________2. you last football Did weekend play (?) _________________________句型转换。1. Iwatched TV yesterday evening. (改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________2. Mike gets up at six o'clock every day. (改为否定连词成句。1. this, a, is, map (?) ___________________________________________2. us, go, let, and, a, have, look (.) _________________________________________连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. things, in, are, the, now, the, car (.) _____________________________________2.you, what, wrong, is, with (?) ____________用所给的单词组成句子(注意大小写和标点符号)。1.your, favourite, what, is, food (?) _______________________________________2. the, park, next, is, to, the, hosp单词排队组句子。1. this, your, is, shirt (?) ______________________________________2. dress, is, old, my (.) ______________________________________ 3. small单词排队组句子。1. it, cold, today, is (.) _________________________________________2. on, your, jeans, put (.) _________________________________________ 3.单词排队组句子。1. is, what, time, it (?) ____________________________2. is, time, dinner, for, it (.) ____________________________ 3. two, is, it, o'clock单词排队组句子。1. in, windy, it,Sydney, is (.) _________________________________2. what, matter, is, the (?) _________________________________ 3. have, clo单词排队组句子。1. in,snowy, it, London, is (.) __________________________________2. what, you, are, doing (?) __________________________________ 3. to, on,单词排队组句子。1. today, warm, is, it (.) ________________________________________2. us, play, let, football (.) ________________________________________ 3.单词排队组句子。1. thank, for, new, books, you, the (.) _____________________________________2. hens, many, do, have, how, you (?) __________________________联词组句。1. yesterday, where, they, did, go ___________________________2. to, Zhong, Shan, Park, get, I, can, how ___________________________3. help, me my, 请将下面的单词连成正确的句子。are, what, you, going, this, to, do, afternoon______________________________________组句。1. you , like , pizza , do (?)_________________ 2. books , have , do , how many , you (?)_________________3. is, some milk, two apples, and, there (.连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. ICanyousomeaskquestions?2. weekendIusuallyongo hikingthe.3. flykitescanBecauseI.4. mother`sMyisNovemberinbirthday.5. 连词组句。1. you, us, join, will ___________________________________2. far, it, from, is, here, ___________________________________3. please, back, me, ask, c正确书写下列句子。1. are youbob _______________________________2. iaminclass fourgradefive_______________________________ 3. whatisher name___________________组句。1. name, is, her, Linda (.) Linda .2. you, come, from, Australia (?) you Australia?3. eleven , I , am (.).4. be , at , good , I , science , not (连词组句。1. your , move , please , knee (.)_______________________2. have , you , stay , home , to , at (.)_______________________3. want , towel , he , a 组句。1. is , a , bed , new , there , in , bedroom , my (.)_________________2. it , time , is , go , bed , to , to (.) _________________3. girls , how , are连词组句。1. I, headache, got, have, running, a, nose, and, a__________________________________________________________2. I, can, nearest, how, to, get, post, 组句。1. classroom , to , come , often , our , headmaster , the(.) The .2. here , they other , have , activities , some(.) They.3. lion , the , up , ladde按要求改写下列句子。1. The boy with a football's Tom's brother. (否定句)The boy with a football.2. Can the uncle in the car play rugby well? (肯定句)The u连词组句。1. can, I, for, what, do, you ____________________ 2. bed, and, a, have, rest, stay, good, in ____________________ 3. find, way, I, can't, the, hos连词成句。1. your , move , please , knee(.)_________________________________2. mouth , open , please , your(.) _________________________________ 3. my , hur请你试着将单词连成句子。1. does, how, your, father, work, to go, every, day _______________________________________2. she, from, is, Australia,________________请你试着把下列单词连成一句话。例句:are, where, from, youWhere are you from?1. from, Peter, is, France__________________________________.2. she, from, is, Aus单词排队组句子。1. can, help, I, you (?)_____________________________2. shoes, pair, for, a, of, my, son (. ) _____________________________ 3. about, this, 单词排队组句子。1. thank, for, new, books, you, the (.) _________________________________2. hens, many, do, have, how, you (?) ______________________________单词排队组句子。1. are,what,they (?) _____________________________2. are, goats, they (?) _____________________________ 3. are, horses, they (.) __________单词排队组句子。1. are, tomatoes, these (?) __________________________________2. those, are, what (?) __________________________________ 3. they, not, are, 把下列单词组成句子,把对应的序号写在横线上。1. isThisface my ① ②③④(. )2. to Nice meet you ① ②③④(. )3. your Whereismouth ① ②③④(?)4. Here isit ① ②③(. )5. 单词排队组句子,并译成汉语写在括号里。1. is, this, big, farm, a(.) _______________________________()2. hens, have, many, you, how, do (?) ___________________连词成句,把序号写在 " __"上。1.A. Mike B.name C. is D. My E. (.) ____________2. A. are B. How C. you D. (?) ____________3. A. is B. a C. penc单词排队组句子。1. have, I, no, classes (.) _______________________2. my, is, it, sweater (. ) _______________________ 3. colour, is, what, it (?) ________
用下列所给的词组成一句话,将单词前面的序号写在横线上。1. A. candlesB. threeC. littleD. have E. I_____________________________________2. A. pensB. HowC.连词成句。1. computeris my this______________________________________________________2. istimewhatit______________________________________________________3. f组句。1. is , a , bed , new , there , in , bedroom , my (.)_________________2. it , time , is , go , bed , to , to (.) _________________3. girls , how , arePut the words in order.给小火车排排队.(15分)1. _______________________________________________________________________________2. ____________________________Read and match. 选择合适顺序连词成句,并把句子写在横线上。Eg: have←I I have a cake. cake(.) ↓↖ a1. I2. Welivean caninplayinapartment(.) the park(.)Rearrange the words. 连词成句。1. week, Wednesday, day, fourth, the, is, of, the (.) _________________________________________________________________________Rearrange the words. 下面的单词没按顺序排队,帮它们整整队吧!1. is, off the tree, leaves, The, blowing, wind, the(.)___________________________________________Make sentences. 连词组句。1. metres, am, ta11, 1.34, I(.)2. park, in, play, We, the, can (.) 3. wearing, is, she, What (?) 4.is, address, Ninth,942, AveRearrange the words.连词组句。1. is, snowy, It(.) ___________________________________________2. have, I, dinner, my, family, with(.) _______________________Read and number. (连词成句,只填序号)1. ①I②month ③the ④am ⑤fifth⑥. ________________________________________________________2. ①usually②February③comes④Spring⑤Think, read and write. 根据提示,按要求完成下列句子。1. Is it rainy? (做出肯定回答) Yes,____. 2. lunch, time, have, It's, to (.) (连词成句)3. It's cloudPut the following words in the right order. 连词组句。 1. is meatchickenandThis fish(,)(.)2. likeIandmilksandwichesfor lunch(.)3. yourfoodfavouriteWhat'sfMake sentences. 连词成。句1. her, is, subject, what, favourite (?)2. like,I,is,it, science, because,interesting (.) 3. like, also,I, pictures, draw, to (.Rewrite the sentences.按要求改写句子。1. I am 1.59 metres tall. (对划线部分提问)_____are you?2. Steven is behind Danny.(写出同义句)Danny is Steven.3. ThUnscramble. (连词组句)1. did , do , what , you , weekend , last________________________________________________________________?2. you,help,them, Did, theiSentence practice. (连词组句)1. have a party, going to, We, next Sunday, are________________________________________________________2. in the future , going tMake sentences. (连词组句)1. did , go , Where , your , you , on , holiday____________________________________________________2. We , a , on , had , lot , our Write sentences according to the request.(按要求完成下面的句子)1. I feel sick. (就画线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________Read and write. (连词组句)1 . did , do , What , last , you , weekend____________________________________________________.2. cleaned, weekend , room, 1, my, lMake sentences. (读单词,将它们连成一句话)1. manwho’sthat__________________________?2. my thisfamilyis__________________________.3. myshe’s mom__________Make sentences. (连词组句)have bag I newa 1.__________________________________________________ Hotdogsseemany Howyou2. _______________________________________Look and write. (连词成句)1. nice, meet, you, to (.)2. do, Sunday, you, did, last, what (?) 3.is, colour, your, what, favourite (?) 4. now, time, it, is,Read and order. (读单词,将它们连成一句话)1. Judyafternoon Good________________________________________________!2. youtoNicemeet______________________________用下面的词语写问句。1. what/animals/eat2. where/your grandparents/live3. what/you/do/on weekends4. go shopping/your mother/how often5. they/how/go to school根据中文意思,将所给词组成一个陈述句。1. 托尼有一个妹妹。 a hasTonysisteryoung2. 游泳是我最喜欢的运动。 swimmingmyissport favourite3. 这个星期六,我去看我的叔Read and order. (连词组句)1. have some I can oranges__________________________________________________2. pears you Do. Like__________________________________Make sentences. (连词造句)1.grandpa is my This 2.crayons many you How have do3.you from Where are4.duck funny a What5.too meet you Nice toMake sentences. (连词组句)1. bigIt’sso.2. beautifulLinglingeyeshas.Read and make sentences. (连词组句)1. friendshemyis____________________________________________________________2. from your is where sister___________________Read and make sentences. (连词组句)1.useCanbookIyour _______________________________________?2.Wherecatmyis_______________________________________?3.It'sbRead and make sentences. (连词造句) 1. like peaches don’t I2. an I apple Can have3. tall This girl is4. desk squirrel The on the is 5. you watermelons Do Arrange the words. (连词成句)1. timeitWhatis (?)________________________________2. fortimeIt'sdinner (.)________________________________3. goLet'stheplayRead and write.(连词成句)1. coat your Here is__________________________________.2.it Is cold__________________________________?3.weather is the like What__Make sentences.(连词成句)1. these tomatoes Are (?)__________________________________2. are What those (?)__________________________________3. I onions don'Read and arrange.(读一读,连词成句)1. at look clock my(.) _____________________________________2. areredmysocks (.) _____________________________________ 3.Read and write.(连词组句)1. expensive is that (.) ___________________________________2. colourful that dress I want (.)___________________________________3.Read and write.(连词组句,并回答问题)1. What do like colour you______________________________________________?______________________________________________.Write sentences.(连词成句)1. help you Can I (?) __________________________________2. muchhow theyare(?) __________________________________ 3. want fiveapplRead and arrange. (读一读,连词成句)1. time it What is(?) ______________________________2. yourthisshirtIs (?) ______________________________3. iscolouritWThink and rearrange the sentence.(连词组句)1. is it much How (?)_______________________2.they are much How (?)_______________________3.I help you Can (?)_Write sentences.(连词成句)1. is This my canteen__________________________2. your is That garden__________________________3.time lunch for It's______________Read and arrange.(读一读,连词成句)1. isitcoldtoday(.) ___________________________________2. at look that jacket(. ) ___________________________________ 3.句子排序。1. you which do season likebest____________________________ ?2. wesnowplay the in _____________________________.3. blue sky is the________________Make sentences.(连词组句)1. play piano Sometimes I the(.) _________________________________________2. onWhat weekenddoyouthedo(?) __________________________Rearrange the words. (连词成句)1. you do summer like ( ?) 2. the lake in swim I can (. ) 3. season which like do best you (?) 4. do like playing sports yMake sentences.(连词成句)1. do, like, why, summer, you (?) ___________________________________2. can, in, because, lake, the, I, swim (.) __________________Think and write.(想一想,连词成句)1. I help can you (?)_______________________________________________2. much that pretty how is dress (?)__________________Read and write. (连词成句)1. bluethesweaterIlike(.) ________________________________2. time for breakfast it is (. ) ________________________________ 3. goMake sentences. (连词组句) 1. am sending e-card I Grandpa an(.)2. in her is birthday June (?)3. Bill's is Uncle in birthday July (.)4. is when birthday Make sentences. (连词成句)1. everybody, how, doing, is (?) 2. is, what, your, doing, mom(?) 3. speak, I, can, dad, your, to(?) 4. is, an, writing, he, e-Make sentences. (连词组句)1. are what doing there you (?)___________________________________________2. leavesuptheypickingare (.)___________________________Read and write. (根据要求回答问题)1. I'm reading a book.(对画线部分提问) ____________________________________________________.2. She is counting insects.(连词成句。1. you, spring, like, do, best,why(?)_________________________________2. in, is, my, June, birthday(.)_________________________________3. shoppingMake sentences. (连词组句)1. What's, in, weather, like, Hangzhou, spring, in, the ( ?)______________________________________________2. What, weekend, do, on连词成句。1. Daming bananas like does (?) _________________________2. please the me pass rice (.) _________________________3. like you rice do (?) ________连词成句。1. at sevenIhalf breakfast have past (.) ___________________________________2. haveItwelve at lunch o'clock (.) __________________________________连词成句。1. does school what have at Lingling (?) _________________________2. weekend what at she the does do (?) _________________________3. swimming goes连词成句。1. have in we Christmas England (.) ______________________________2. at songs Christmas sing they (.) ______________________________3. sweets eat 连词成句。l. drawing, am, picture, I, a______________________________________.2. your, singing, He, mother, to, is, song, a __________________________________连词成句(注意标点符号和大小写)。1. is, thirsty, she, too(,)(!)_________________________________2. would, what, to, like, you, drink(?)________________________按要求改写句子。1. Danny is laughing.(对划线部分提问)_______ is Danny________?2. The baby is sleeping now.(变为否定句)The baby ________ sleeping now.3. Ca连词成句。l . you, doing, are, what2. some, would, like, you, pop3. too, tea, to, hot, drink, the, is连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1. _______________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________连词成句。1. winter we TV in watch (.)____________________________________2. springdo what in do you (?) ____________________________________3.cool antumn i连词成句。l. quick are You(.) __________________________________________2.soup May have I some please(,)(?) __________________________________________3.woul连词成句。l. down walk They street the (.) __________________________________2. many are cars There too (.) __________________________________3. do now he W连词成句,注意标点和书写。l. quietly he standing is (.) ______________________________________2. children loudly the laughing are (.) _______________________连词成句。1. in we kites spring fly (.)__________________________________________2.in it's summer hot (.)__________________________________________3. summer按要求做题。1. What's this? (改为复数句子) ________________________________2. It's a tiger. (就画线部分提问) ________________________________3. They,lions连词成句。1. have dinner we family big a (.)________________________________________2.at sing we Christmas songs (.) ________________________________________连词成句。1. football like I (.) ___________________________________2. don't bikes like I riding (.) ___________________________________3.Theylike skipping连词成句。1. you meat like do (?) __________________________2. the pass rice me (.) __________________________3. like does Lingling oranges (?) ___________连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. danced, in, lots, Chinese, of, she, cities (.)2. she, these, is wearing, clothes, why (?)3. father, learn, did, English, 连词成句。1.I school to at go seven o'clock (.) ________________________________________2. please time the what's (?) _____________________________________连词成句。1. a, or, we, car, have,a, didn't, telephone (.) 2. Beijing, I, in, last, lived, year (.) 3. did, you, weeks, what, do, three, ago (?) 4. very,连词成句。1. ate, and, egg, Sam, an, hamburgers, two (.)2.likes, very, brother, sandwiches, my, much (.) 3. sausages, we, them, to, gave (.) 4. did, drink根据要求写句子。1.let's, the, to,library, go (.) (连词成句) ________________________________________2. The books about games are on shelf B. (对画线部分提问连词成句。1.I, have, card, can, your,library, please (?) 2.can, about, you, find, where, out, England (?) 3.a, bought, computer, Mum, new, yesterday (. ) 4连词成句1. for, you, thank, email, your (.) ________________________________________2. them, the, please, on, blackboard, write (.)__________________________根据要求改写句子。1. heavy, her, for, it's, too (.) (连词成句)________________________________2. got, a, one, big, you, have (?) (连词成句) ________________连词成句。1.today, school, ate, Sam, six, at, hamburgers (.) _____________________________________2.we, to, hamburgers, gave, our, Sam (.) __________________连词成句。1. nurse/a/She's/nice (.)___________________________ 2. This/brother/is/my (.)___________________________ 3. the capital of/Tokyo/Japan/is (.)__连词成句,注意单词的大小写和标点符号。1. a, teacher, she's, nice (.) _______________________2. friends, my, are, these (.) _______________________2. Parrot连词成句,注意单词大小写及标点符号。1. than, am, older, Lingling, I (.) ________________________________________2. stronger, is, Lingling, than, Sam (.) ____连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. a, about, London, book, it's (. ) ____________________________2. from, she, England, is (. )_______________________连词成句,注意单词的大小写和标点符号。1. on, boats, there, river, many, the,are (.) ____________________________________2. very, is, tall, and, Big Ben, old (连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. have, going, picnic, we, to, are, a (.) ___________________________2. is, tomorrow, Friday, because (.)_____________连词成句,注意单词大小写及标点符号。1. nice, mother, very, my, is (.) ___________________________2. sister, is, little, cute, my, very (. ) _________________Rearrange the words.(连词成句o)1. sunny/in/be/will/lt/Qingdao(.) _____________________________________________________________2. do/will/everything/Robots(.连词成句。1. guitar/can/Sam/the/play (.) ____________________________________________2. the Yellow River/is/than/The Changjiang River/longer (.) ____________连词成句。1. then/They/young/were (. )_________________________2. was/short/He/then (. )_________________________3. New York/east/is/the/in (. )___________连词成句,注意单词大小写及标点符号。1. that, is, boy, little, who (?) _____________________2. winner, Daming, the, is (.)_____________________3. is, pictureMake sentences with the words.(连词成句,注意单词大小写及标点符号。)1. make, will, robots, cakes (.) __________________________________________________________连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. was, your, so. but, short, hair (.) _______________________2. very, she, but, naughty, was (.) ____________________连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. the, zither, can, play, who (?) __________________________________2. music, she, does, what, like (?) ______________连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. phoned, Monday, Grandma, on. Amy (.) ____________________________2. yesterday, cook, did, meat, you (?) ___________连词成句,注意单词大小写及标点符号。1. it,will,windy,be,Beijing, in (.) __________________________________2. sunny, will, be, it, tomorrow (?) ______________连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. noodles, Smart, lunch, cooked, Mr, for (.) ______________________________2. watched, Sam, TV, and, Amy, yesterday (.连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. America, in, speak, people, English (.) _______________________________2. a, city, nice, Beijing, is (.) ___________连词成句。1. cooked/yesterday/Grandma/vegetables (.) ______________________________2. Dad/lunch/Did/cook( ?) _______________________________3. bumped/head/T
连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. in,cousin,lives,San Francisco,my (.) 2. about, project, is, Darrung's, America (.) 3. famous, city, very, a, Ameri组句。1. me, show, green, a, pepper.(.)2. it, yellow, is, red, or(?) 3. eight, Lily, books, has(.) 4. us, count, let, to, one, five, from(.) 5. my, thi连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. your, what, head, to, happened (?) __________________________________2. a, we, watermelon, bought, so (.) __________看图,连词成句。连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。1. happened, what, your, to, arm (?) ________________________2. cold,a,he,had,horrible (.) ________________________3. Make sentences with the words.(连词成句,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。)1. is,hair,long,now.my(.) ______________________________________________________________Make sentenceswiththe words.(连词成句 ,注意单词的大小写及标点符号。) 1. clever/isla/pupil/He(, ) ______________________________________________________ 2. Chi连词成句。1. some/On Sunday/books/l'll/read (.) _____________________________2. speak/Japan/People/in/Japanese (. ) _____________________________3. then/fa连词成句。1. English/are/we/learning/.________________________________2. danced/my/in/mother/Beijing/last week/. ________________________________3. did/what连词成句。1.about, is, it , programme, a, China _________________________________2. it, how, was, different_________________________________3. enough, we, foo看图,连词成句。连词成句。1. is/a/it/English/traditional/dinner/.__________________________________2. I/a/watched/about/programme/animals/.__________________________________连词成句。1. jokes/the/actor/told/many/. ___________________________________2. went/the/we/to/last/park/Saturday/. ___________________________________3. am/连词成句。1. can my I send e-mail an friend ________________________________.2. downhallwethisgostraight ________________________________.3. knowisyouwhatdo连词成句。1. tomorrow/are/going/ a/ to/you/have/party/? ___________________________________ 2. will/all/it/right/be/. ___________________________________3. 连词成句。1. to, I, yesterday, went, library, the (.) ___________________________________2. eat, every, sandwich, day, a, I(.) ______________________________连词成句。1. kite, for, is, this, you (.) ____________________________________2. I, this, you, bought, for (.) ____________________________________3. too,it连词成句。1. Tian'anmen Square you did to how go(?)_______________________________________2. played the with we baby(.)_____________________________________连词成句。连词成句我最棒。1. happened, your ,what, to, tail________________________________?2. tail, breaks, Danny, his________________________________.3. hurt, arm, Read and match. (连线)( )1. How many apples( )2. Where is ( )3. Can I have ( )4. It has ( )5. I like pears A. my pencil? B. very much. C. a big nose DRearrange the words. 把单词连成一句话。1. trunkAnhaselephanta2. furWhathaselse3. haveWhatdoesit Make sentences .走进方格城。(只写序号)1.①does②Where③a④fish⑤live⑥?2.①is ②Jenny③Where④?3.①panda②in③lives④A⑤forest⑥a⑦. Read and write.连词成句。(只写序号)1.①me ②Pull ③out ④.2.①wolf ②inside ③is ④the ⑤A ⑥hole ⑦.3.①judge ②a ③is ④The ⑤monkey ⑥.4.①Please ②me ③give ④a ⑤hand ⑥.Make sentences.把单词连成句子。(用序号表示)1.①it②does③have ④What ?2.①zoo②the ③Let's ④to ⑤90 !3.①live②Where③a④does ⑤panda ?4.①they②What ③eat④do__?5.①hasRead and write. 连词成句。(只写序号)1. ①have ②a ③wolf ④Does ⑤wings ⑥?2. ①has ②An ③elephant ④trunk ⑤a ⑥.3. ①see ②l ③deer ④a ⑤.4. ①can ②swim ③Fish ④. Rearrange the sentences. 连词成句。(只填序号)1. ①dogs②I③love___ ________________.2.①cards②you③play④Can______________________?3.①animal②can③What④hop ?4. ①Read and rearrange.走进方格城。(连词成句,只写序号)1. ①to ②go ③the ④Let's ⑤zoo ⑥!2. ①see ②l ③monkey ④a ⑤. 3. ①very ②It’s ③tall ④.4. ①animal ②What ③stripRead and number.走进方格城。(重排句子,把序号写在方格里)1 . ①many②How③spoons2.①seventeen②I③plates ④have3.①Are②ready ③order④to⑤you4. ①would②l③cup ④a ⑤of⑥tea⑦Make sentences. 连词成句。1.athispandaIs(?) 2. can What the do horse (?) 3. earsTherabbit'sarelong(.)4. chicken A not can swim (. )5. tigersHowmanythe将下列单词重新排列成一个通顺的句子。1. what this in English is (?)____________________________________2. in yourschool bagwhat's (?)________________________连词成句。1. in come may I (?)____________________2. isathat watch (?)____________________3. look a have canI (?)____________________4. a is nice it camer把下列单词排成一个句子。1.is, my, uncle, this (.)____________________________2.aunt , is , my , Mrs , she , Black (.)____________________________3. your, th连词成句。1. time, what's, the (?) 2. go, can, you, home (. )3. TV, shall, watch, we (?)4. lunch, time, it's, for (.) 连词成句。1.I, is , your, she ,think , mother(.)2.the, what's, time (?)3. we, TV, shall, watch, now (?)4. to, lunch, time, have (. )5. you, to, nice, m连词成句。1. it, oh, is, sixteen, no (,) 2. many, you, can, see, keys, how (?) 3. what's, plus, thirteen, three (?)按要求完成下列各题。1. This is my ruler.(改为一般疑问句) 2. a the bedroom in is there (. )(根据所给单词、图片、标点符号完成句子) 3. Can you draw a picture?连词成句。1. the, schoolbag ,in, your, is, study(.)2.don't, sorry, know, I(,.)3. is, Mum, storybook, where, my(,?)4. me, that, in, what's, excuse, Engli连词成句。1.like, what, you, would (?)____2.a, I'd, red, like, apple (.)____ 3.hamburger, a, about , what,big (?)____将下列单词按正确的顺序排列,组成句子,序号写在横线上。1. WouldWhatlikeyou(?) ① ②③ ④2. a bar of like.I'd chocolate(.)____① ② ③ ④3. some about bread What(?连词成句。1. what, blue, the, about, hat(?)____2. much, is, how, vest, this(?)____3. I, can, help, you(?)____4. bike, what, your, is, colour(?)____5. an根据所给单词、图片、标点符号完成句子(注意大小写)。(答案写在后面的横线上)。1. is, my, from,, classmate (.)2. is,,where, the, red(?)3. a, I, see, can,(.)4.小朋友快给单词宝宝排排队吧!1. comes.a,box, in, cercal(.)____________________________________________2. put, sugar, milk, I, it, on. and(.)_________________连词成句。1. go, let's, play, and, football, now (.)______________________________2. I, the, violin, play (.)______________________________3.do, you, what,连词成句。1.good, a, that's, idea (.)____________________________2.rowing, like, I (.)____________________________3. I, yes, do (.)_______________________连词成句。1.time, the, what's, please (?)2.play, you, guitar, do, the (?)3.twelve, what’s, six, minus (?)4.go, play, let's, and, volleyball (.)5.phot根据题意,连词成句。1. I, you, help, can (?)2.much, it, four, how, yuan, is (?)3.the, red, about, what, one (?)4. like, cap, I'd, a (.)5. is, yes, nice连词成句。1. today, what ,is, day (?) 2. do, lessons, have ,what ,in, morning, you, the (?)3. school, back ,welcome, to (.)4. Chinese, English, Maths, we,连词成句。1.PE, like, I, much, very (.)2.in, do, what, you ,lessons, have, afternoon, the (?) 3.Monday, is, it (.)4.it, today, what, is, day (?)5.teache连词成句。1. fish, does, where, live, a (?)______________________________________2. go, let's, the, to, zoo (.)______________________________________3. how连词成句。1. I, may, speak, to, Helen (?)____________________________________2. you, absent, why, are, today (?)____________________________________3. takinRead and number. 走进方格城。(重排句子,把序号写在方格里)1 . ①many②How③spoons2.①seventeen②I③plates ④have3.①Are②ready ③order④to⑤you4. ①would②l③cup ④a ⑤of⑥tea连词成句。1. collecting ,my ,is , stamps ,hobby (.) ________________________________________2. have, do,hobbies,you,any (?)__________________________________连词成句。1.have, you, do, hobbies, any, Nancy ( ?)_______________________________________________________________2.likes , taking ,too , she , photos ( .)__连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1. pig, hop, a, can, not (.)2. fur, tail, paws, dog,a,has,a,and (.)3. live, fish, where,a,does (?) 4. elephant. a, has, a小朋友快帮单词宝宝排排队吧。1. does, a, live, where, panda(?)___________________________________________2. tiger,a,does, trunk,a,not, have(.)________________连词成句 (句首单词的首字母已大写)。1. young, is, Who, lady, that (?)______________________________________________________2. not, paper, You, waste, should ( 连词成句。1.egg , put , on , ear, can , your, the , you (?)_ 2.flowers , with , the , your , touch , eyes (.)_ 3.times , left , twenty , right , and , turn 连词成句。1. left, five, turn, right, and , times(.)_____________________________________2. on, you, mouth, grape, your, can, this, put( ?)__________________连词成句。1. for, lunch, are, ready, you(?) _2. there , breakfast, for , is, time , no (. )3. it , is , time , what, now( ?) 4. library , we , clean , nee连词成句。1. David , day , has , today , busy , a (.)2. ready , they , lunch , are , for (.)3. join , want , does , to, he , us (?) 4. to , it's , homewo连词成句。1. spend, his, David, how, weekends, does (?) ___________________________2. we, in, often, fireflies, the, evening, catch (.) _____________________连词成句。1.on. her, eraser, her, is, desk(.)__________________________________2. it, Steven's, not, pencil, is(.)__________________________________3. Mr.连词成句。1. is, May, fifth, the, month(.)___________________________________2.11 Ming, hard, works, school, at(.)___________________________________3. weat连词成句。1.wearing, Jim, a, coat, new, is (.)___________________________________________________2.metres, 1.3, tall, Kim, is (.)___________________________连词成句。1. purple, like,I,skirt, the(.)____________________________2. are, favourite, their, shorts, c.lothes(.) ____________________________3. art, is, 连词成句。1. new, teacher, I, your, am (.) _________________________________________2. week, what, is, of, day, the, thirdlthe (?) __________________________连词成句。1.the palace Museum oldishow_______________________________2.look window inside let's the_______________________________3. feelsinthedarkroomDannys连词成句。1.lives, on, Jenny, Fifth Street (.) ___________________________________________2. favourite, what, your, is, colour (?) __________________________连词成句。1. they, do, Australia, come, from(?) __________________________________________________________________________2.speak, do , Chinese, they(?) ____连词成句。1. often, Chinese, her, talks, she, friends, to(.)_____________________________________________________________2. White, teaches, English, in, schoo连词成句。1. game, quarter, f'our,a,past, football,is,at, there,a(?)____________________________________________________________________2. subjects, study, a连词成句。1. you, did, yesterday, do, what (?)__________________________________2. many, gifts, do, how, need, you (?)__________________________________3.th句型转换。1.They will go to the store.(改为一般过去时) ______________________________________________________2.Did you buy snacks?(作肯定同答) ________________连词成句。1. never, eat, I, peas (.)___________________________________2. do, play, ping-pong, how, often, you (?) ___________________________________3.Dann连词成句。1. a, you, T-shirt, do, have (?) _______________________________________2. taught, to, the, hit, Jenny, ball! I (.) _______________________________连词成句。1.likes, football, Li Ming, playing, very, much (.) ____________________________________2.aunt!likes,my,play,to,ping-pong (. ) ____________________连词成句。1.play,gym,I,to,badminton,to,the,go (. ) __________________________________________________________2. you, know, what, is, this, do, country (?) __连词成句。1. Jenny's, are, high, low, or, hands (?) _____________________________________2. like, would, some, you, cabbage (?) ____________________________连词成句。(每小题2分,共1 0分)1. always, I, brush, teeth, my (.) ____________________________________________2.food,meat,my,favourite,is(. ) ________________连词成句。1.lessons, do, have, what, you, morning, the, in(?)_____________________________________________________________2.aunt, like, making, your, clothes,按要求完成下列各题。1. has, team, a,many, players(连词成句)______________________________________________________2. What did you do yesterday?(回答问题)_____连词成句。(注意大小写)1. the, dish, is, where(?)_________________________________2. toothbrush, this, is, your(?)_________________________________3. need,l,连词成句。1. you,can,on,ice,stand,up,the(?)___________________________________2. did,I,how,do,Danny(?)___________________________________3. skates,backwards连词成句。1.can,skate,you(?)_________________________________________2.your,season,what,is,favourite(?)_________________________________________3.the,same,a连词成句。1.your, favourite, What, sport, is(?)_______________________________________2.He, summer, loves (. )_______________________________________3.like,连词成句。1. do, What, you, to, want, buy(?)______________________________________2. Would, like, you, new, a, sweater(?)____________________________________连词成句。1.the,in,what's,bedroom(?)___________________________2.ready,is,breakfast(.)___________________________3.sink,is,the,where(?)___________________连词成句。1.What,is,time,it(?)_____________________________________2.you,Did,have,good,a,trip(?)_____________________________________3.time,is,it,for,breakf连词成句。 1.classroom,is,my,this( . ) 2.is,the,wall,white( . ) 3.the,green,is,floor( . ) 连词成句。1. same. the, we, like4 colour(.)__________________________________________________2. schoolbags, do, you. how, have, many (?)___________________连词成句。1. chairs tables see and we (.)______________________________________ 2. playing cards children can find you the (?)_______________________________