Lookandmakesentences. 听说你的模仿能力很强,请一展身手吧!例:thinThecomicbookisthinnerthanthedictionary.1.tall 2.big3.long 4. strong Look matchandwrite. 你还记得这些短语吗?请选出对应的图片并造句吧!1. haveatoothache ( ) 2.beangry ( ) 3.haveasorethroat ( ) 4. hurthand ( ) 5. haveafever ( )看图,仿照例句写句子。1. 例: (bikes, shop)Therearesomebikesintheshop. 2.(books, chair) 3.(Chinatown, NewYork)4.(birds, park)5. (pencils, box)6.(apples,tab请认真读图并仿照例子写句子。 例: Whatisthegirldoing? Sheisdrinkingsomething. Makesentences. 你能用下面所给单词各写一句话吗?often usually when sometimes Lookandwrite. 仔细观察下面单词有什么规律,请接着写单词,至少每小题再写出两个。1.heardear 2.cheapchair 3. shortshop根据所给内容完成下列对话。e.g.thisgirl,mysister—Who'sthisgirl?—She'smysister.1.thisman,myuncle— —2.thisboy,mybrother— — 3.thisboy,herclassmate — — 4.th读—读,按例子写句子。Model:Shehasbrownhair.Herhairisbrown.1. Youhavearedbook.book is .2. Wehaveorangedesks.desksare.3. Theyhavegreenpens. pensare.4.T照例子仿写句子。例:7:00 gotoschool It's7:00.It'stimetogotoschool.1.6:00getup2.9:30doourhomework例: 8:00mathsclass It's8:00.It'stimeformathsclass.3.10:照样子,写出英国的首都。BeijingisthecapitalcityofChina. .照例子写句子。例: aretheseshoesLi Lei's Aretheseyourshoes? No,theyareLiLei's.1.isthisshirtmysister's 2.arethosepantsMingming's 3.isitsweaterJohn's 4.i请认真看图,仿写句子。1.Gotothegarden.Watertheflowers. 2.3. 照例子写句子。例:shirtcolourfulbutbigThisshirtiscolourful,butit'stoobig.1.shirtprettybutlong 2.dressbeautifulbutexpensive 3.T-shirtcheapbutsmall 4.sweatern仿照例句完成句子。1.She(brownchair) Shehasabrownchair.Herchairisbrown.2.He(redpencil)hasapencil.pencil is.3.We(orangehats)have hats. hatsare.4.You(purpLookandwrite. 仿写句子。例 Mypencilcaseisbelowthedesk. 1. 2. 3.4. 5.Lookandwrite. 看图,写句子。例: Thisisapen.Thesearepens. 1. Thisis . Theseare . 2.isan .. 3...Thinkandwrite. 仿写句子。例:Iliketodrawpictures. Iliketodrawapicture.1.Shelikestosingsongs. Shelikesto .2.Weliketoreadbooks. Weliketo .3.Theyliketoflyk模仿例句,写句子。(A) 例: friend Whoisyourfriend?Lucy.1.teacher ?2.brother?(B) 例: orangeWhat'sinyourbox?Oranges. 1.apple ? 2.crayon ? 看图示及所给示例,写一写。 1 2 3例: Howmanyapples? Twoapples. 1.Howmany ? 2.Howmany? 3.Howmany ? Askandanswer. 问问你的好朋友现在饿不饿、渴不渴。他们是否愿意来点儿下面的好东西?他们喜欢吃什么?Model: Lingling,areyou…? Wouldyoulikesome…?Name hungry / thirsty照例子写句子。例: thinThecomicbookisthinnerthanthedictionary.1. bigThe basketball 2. long模仿例句写句子,将答案填写在下边横线上。playchess makekites gohikingYesterdayNow Tomorrow例: Iplayedchessyesterday.Iammakingkitesnow. Iamgoingtogohikingtomorro仿照例子,造句子。climber(攀登者)→Thetigersaregoodclimbers.singer(歌手)→→→→ →根据图表内容,仿照例子,写句子。8:309:2010:3015:0516:2017:10ChinesemathEnglishartmusicPE例如:It's8:30.It'stimeforChinese.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 请仿照例子写句子。1. HongKongEg:It'scloudyinHongKong. 2. Jinan3. Lhasa 4. Harbin 5. Beijing 6. Shijiazhuang 7. Hainan 仿照例子,将下列句子改成否定句。Model: Iamateacher.(student) → I'mnotastudent. 1. Ilikepork.(cabbages)→ 2.Theyarehealthy.(sour)→ 3.Thebookisonthedesk.(c看图选择表格中的单词,组成句子。例:He'sthinand she haslongcurlyhairShe'sstrongand he hasshortblackhair例如:He'sthinandhehasshortblackhair.1.He'sa cute boya模仿秀。根据例句,写出下列句子。例: Ilikethesepurpleshirts. Idon'tlikethosepurpleshirts. 1.Ilikethisbluejacket. 2.Welikethoseflowers.3.Helikesthatstar.4照例句写句子。例:Youmaygotothegym.MayIgotothegym?1.Youmayplayonthecomputer. 2.Youmayeatthehotdog. 3. Youmaygoshopping. 填图、提问并描述。自己设计一个社区(里面有bank,shop,school,park...),然后挑三样把它们的方位描述出来,要求用到方位词near,nextto和infrontof。例: A: Whereisth照例子写句子。例: father/he's/awriter A:Whatdoesyourfatherdo? B: He'sawriter.1.mother / she's / ateacher A: Whatdoesyourdo? B: 2.sister / she's / asinge选择对应的内容组成正确的句子,写在横线上。1. Thewater2. Theair3. Thesky 4. Theclouds5. ThegrassareisA.whiteB.blueC.freshD.greenE.clean1. 2. 3. 4. 5照例子写句子。例:Thisismyfather.—Isthisyourfather?1. Thisismyuncle.—2.Thisismysister.—例:Mybrotherisadoctor.—What'syourbrother?3.Mygrandpaisateacher. Finishthesentences. 仿照例子,完成句子。例如: Therearetwocats. Theyarethesame.1.Thereare .Theyare.2.They.They .3. 看图,根据例子写句子。例: Ilikefall. BecauseIliketoplayinthewind.1. I like.BecauseI.2. Ilike .BecauseI .3. Ilike. BecauseI .句子转换,看例句,仿写句子。例句:Thisisadish. → Thesearedishes. Hereisadress. → Herearedresses.1. Thisisabus.→ 2. Hereisawatch(手表).→ 3. Thisisaman.→ 看图,照例子写句子。例:1. Issheawaitress? Yes, sheis.Shegoestoworkbybus. 2. 3. 4. 5.照样子,写句子。Thebirdisinthetree.Theis the.The is the .The is the .The isthe .The isthe .What?Where?Animalstreeinbird 根据例句写句子。Example:my /brother → Who'she? He'smybrother.1. Peter /sister 2. her /aunt3.Mary/father 4.his / uncle仿照例子写句子。例: Thisismymother.→ Isthisyourmother? 1.Thisismyfather.→2.Thisismyuncle.→例: Mybrotherisadriver.→What'syourbrother? 1.Mysisterisadance造句。1. Sheeatssoup. 2. Thebusdriversayshellotome. 3. Irideabicycletoschool. 4.Jennyhasherbootsandumbrella. 5. DannyandLiMingweardresses.1. 2. 3. 4把下列字母排列成词并造句。1. o,c,k,o 2. 1,o,t,i,e, t3.a,k,m,e 4. r,t,y,d,i 看图,写句子。例:Ithinkheisreadingabook.1.2. 3.用所给单词和句子重新写句子。sometimes always usually never1.Sheeatssoup.2.Thebusdriversayshellotome.3. Irideabicycletoschool.4.Jennyhasherbootsandumbrella超级模仿秀!试着用比较级写出下面的句子吧!例: Iamtenyearsold.Myfatherisforty. Iamyoungerthanmyfather. 1.Dannyis1.3metrestall.Iam1.36metrestall. 2.Myunclei模仿秀。根据例句,写出下列句子。例: Ilikethesepurpleshirts. Idon'tlikethosepurpleshirts. 1.Ilikethisbluejacket. 2.Welikethoseflowers.3.Helikesthatstar.4模仿秀。根据例句,写句子。例: Pleasewalk. Oh,no!Don'twalk.1.Pleaserun. Oh,no! 2.Pleasefly. Oh,no!3.Pleasedrive. Oh,no! 照例子写句子,从所给单词中选择合适的词填在横线上。例:Alionhasamane.1.A .2.An.3.A.trunk stripes pouch elephantkangaroo tiger用下列所给的单词造句子。1. usually 2. sometimes 3. never 4. always请你把小闹钟的时间写下来。1. Whattimeisit? 2.3. 用所给单词造句(可以增加其他词语)。1. they watch TV quiet 2.LiMing write letter parents 选择正确的副词,并把正确的句子写到横线上。( ) 1. I walked to the bus stop. ( ) 2. I play with my friend. ( ) 3. I am going to buy a gift. A. usually B. t请分别以“tomorrow,today,yesterday”为首各写一个句子。Tomorrow.Today .Yesterday. 照猫画虎,写句子。例: Let'sgototherestauranttoeaticecream.1.Let'sgotothe to .2. Let's .3. Let's .争当小作家。用下面所给的单词写句子。1. wantbut 2. neednew 照样子,写句子。Thebirdisinthetree.Theis the.The is the .The is the .The isthe .The isthe .What?Where?Animalstreeinbird 选择小动物爱吃的食物并写句子。What do they eat?( ) 1. A. __________________________________( ) 2. B. __________________________________ ( ) 3. C. ________仿照例句完成句子。1.She(brownchair) Shehasabrownchair.Herchairisbrown. 2.He(redpencil) ________ hasa ________ pencil. ________pencilis________.3.We(orange看图,依照例子写句子。例: Whatacool, rainyday!1.______________________________2.______________________________仿照例子写句子。例: Itakeoffmyjacket. Iamtakingoffmyjacket. Iamgoingtotakeoffmyjacket.1. Sheputsonherscarf. ________________________________________________看图写句子。1. Isthisachickenoraduck?It'sa_________.2. _________ _________ acowor _________ _________? It'sapig.3. Isthisahouse _________ _________ ____改写句子。例: Abirdcanfly. → Canabirdfly?1.Acowcanwalk. → _____________________2.Afishcanswim.→ _____________________3.Arabbitcanhop. → _________________仿照例子,完成句子。例: Therearetwocats.Theyarethesame.1. Thereare ___________ ___________.Theyare ___________.2. There ___________ ___________ ___________仿照例子,补全对话。例: — Wheredoesapanda live?— Inaforest.1.— Wheredoesa __________live?— Ina __________.2.— Wheredoesa __________ __________? — In______照例子写句子。例: — Wouldyoulikesomedumplings? — No, thanks.1. — ___________________________? — Yes, __________.2.— ___________________________? — No, ___请给李明和詹尼选适当的衣服。Jennyiswearing ___________ and___________.LiMing _________________________________.看图,照例子写句子。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ○●●○○●○: on●: off1. Let'sturnontheTV. 2.________________________________3. ________________________________4. _看图写句子。1. Whatyearisit?Itistheyearof ___________.2. ______________________?______________________.3. ______________________? ______________________.根据例子写句子。例: loudTheradioistooloud!Turnisdown, please!1. quiet__________________________________________________2. loud_________________________________看图,照例子写句子。 ○●●○○●○:on●:off1. Let'sturnontheTV.2. _________________________________________3. _________________________________________4. _______仿照例句完成句子。例: She(brown,chair) Shehasabrownchair.Herchairisbrown.1. He(red, pen) ___________ hasa ___________pen. ___________ penis ___________.2. 看图填空。1. Whatyearisit?Itistheyearof _____________.2. ___________________________?___________________________.3. ___________________________?_________看图,仿照例句写句子。例: (√) Ilikethisdress.(×)Idon'tlikethatdress.1. (√)______________________(×)______________________2. (√)______________________(×)____看图,根据例子写句子。1. Ican'tfindmytoothbrush.Mytoothbrushislost.2. Tomcan'tfindhisteddybear._____________________________3. Hecan'tfindhispyjamas.__仿照例句写句子。Model:sit /stand → Don'tsit, pleasestand.1. run / walk → ______________________2.jump / walk→ ______________________3.talk / sing → ________仿照例子,写句子。例: Ineedapen. → Doyouneedapen?Idon'tneedapen. 1. Ineedtenbooks. → _____________________________________2. Weneedacomputer.→ __________仿照例子,写句子。1. Whoisthis? Thisisaboy.2. Who__________ this? Thisisa __________.3. _______________________? _______________________.4. ___________仿照例子,写句子。例: LiMingatenoodlesyesterday.→DidLiMingeatnoodlesyesterday? 1. Weshoppedinthemarket. → ________________________________2. Isawmanychildre看图写句子。1. This is a ___________.These are___________.2. ___________________.___________________.3. ___________________.___________________.4. ____仿照例句写出答句。例: What'sthis?Thisisglue.1. What'sthis?___________________2. What'sthis?___________________例: IsthisSteven'spencil?Yes!It'shispen仿照例句改写下列句子。Model: I likeyellow. →Idon'tlikeyellow.1. Ilikeshirt. → ___________________________________2. Iliketoplaywithtoys.→ ________________看一看,说一说。I ... with my ... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________看一看,说一说。Ho many apples can you see?Let me count. One, two... I can see...________________________________________________________________________根据所给的句子,仿照例句用must或mustn't造句。e.g. Neverswiminthewaterfall. Youmustn'tswiminthewaterfall.1.Neverspeakloudlyinthelibrary.__________________根据图片和英语提示写句子。1.today, birthday_________________________________2. book, his_________________________________3.nextSunday,will, swimming__________根据图片,仿照例子,写一写。1.Mary themostdifficult2. Tom themostinteresting3. Peter themostboring4. Betty themostexciting1.Marythinksmathclassisthemost____看图根据例子填空,完成句子。例: I am Tom.He is Peter.He is my friend.1. ___________ ___________ May.___________ ___________ Lily.___________ ___________ __根据图片,仿照例子写对话。 where what whenAmy:Whereareyougoingthisafternoon?Chen:I'mgoingtothebookstore.Amy:Whatareyougoingtobuy?Chen:Iamgoingtobuyastorybook仿照例子,扩展句子。A: goes 例:Sheusuallygoestoschoolatseveno'clock.1. does _________________________________________________________________2. visits ______看一看,数一数,仿照下面的句子写一写。例: threeeggplants— Howmanyeggplantsarethere?— Therearethreeeggplants.1. fourbeans— _______________________________?— _看图,仿照下面的句子写一写。例1: awatermelon— What'sthis / that?— It'sawatermelon.1. apear— ____________________________?— ____________________________.例看图,仿照下面的句子写一写。例1: cauliflowers— Whatarethese / those?— They'recauliflowers.1. cucumbers— _______________________________?— __________________读一读,涂一涂,仿照下面的句子写一写。例1: abluebook— Whatcoloristhis / thatbook?— It'sblue.1. ayellowlemon— ______________________________?— ______________看一看,仿照下面的句子写一写。例: Icanswim.Ican'tswim.— Canyouswim?— Yes, Ican. / No, Ican't1. Icansing.________________________— _______________________完成下列图表,然后看图表写句子。drawswimread a bookcatch the ballJohn√×√×Susan×√√×You45671. Johncandraw.Hecan'tswim. He __________________________________.H用所给单词各造一个句子,然后将所造句子组成一篇小短文,注意短文的连贯性。1. 用单词造句。like ____________________________________________________________________根据例子写句子。 Brad (11)George (12) Sally (10)Mark (11)例: George: I'm 2 years older than Sally, and I'm taller.1. Brad: __________________________________根据所给例子,完成下列各题。例: Sarahis15yearsold.Amyis14yearsold. SarahisoneyearolderthanAmy. AmyisoneyearyoungerthanSarah.1. Johnis159cmtall.Mikeis162cmt看图写句子。例: My finger hurts.1. I have _________________________.2. _______________________________.3. _______________________________.4. ____________根据例子写句子。例: Monday → go skating → On Monday we went skating.1. Tuesday →go fishing → On Tuesday we ___________________________.2. Wednesday →learn Ch
根据例子写句子。例: Nanjing plane × 1. Xi'an bus × 2. Guangzhou bike × 3. Shanghai train √ 例: I didn't go to Nanjing by plane.1. ________________________看图仿照例子写句子。例: When do you do morning exercises?I do morning exercises at 8: 00.1. When do you _________________________________?I _________________看图依据例子写句子。例: — Which season do you like best?— Fall. I can fly kites.1. — Which season _________________________?— ____________. I can _________看图根据例子写句子。例: A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is in December.1. A: When is ________________________? B: My birthday is ___________________.看图写句子。例: windy and cool— Which season do you like best?— Fall, because it's windy and cool.1. sunny and warm— ____________ do you like best?— _______看图依据例子写句子。例: He is listening to music.1. He is ______________________________.2. __________________________________.看图根据例子写句子。例: What is your aunt doing?She is cleaning the room. my aunt 1. What is ________________________?She is _________________________. my 看图根据例子写句子。例:— What are you doing? — I'm reading a book.1. — What are you __________________________? — I'm __________________________________.2读一读,看图依据例子写句子。例: I'm drawing pictures.1. I'm _______________________________.2. I'm _______________________________.3. I'm _____________读一读,看图根据例子写句子。例: The dog is running.1. ________________ is _______________.读一读,仿照例子完成句子。例: This is the canteen. That is the playground.1. This is ______________________________. That is ______________________________.读一读,根据例子写句子。例: This is my book.That is your book.1. This is _________________._______________________. 仿照例子写句子。例: This is my red dress.1. These are my blue ____________.2. ___________________________.读一读,说一说,照例子写句子。例: I like the red dress.1. I like the brown ______________.2. I like _______________________.3. ____________________________看图,根据例子写句子。例: — What time is it?— It's seven ten.1. — ____________________________?— It's _________________________. 读一读,说一说,根据例子写句子。例: It's 7: 00. It's time to get up.1. It's 8: 30. It's time ________________________________.2. It's 8: 00. ________看图根据例子写句子。8: 30 music class 9: 45 English class 11: 05 Chinese class 2: 50 math class 4: 20 P. E. class 例: What time is it? It's eight o'clock. 看图根据例子写句子。例: It's cold in Harbin.1. It's ____________ in Hong Kong.2. It's __________________________.读一读,说一说,仿照例子写句子。例:It's hot today.1.It's ______________ today.2. It's ___________________.3. ______________________.读一读,说一说,根据例子写句子。例: — Can I wear my dress today?— Yes, you can.1. — ________________________________?— Yes, you can.2. — __________________读一读,说一说,仿照例子写句子。例: It's warm today. Take off your sweater.例: It's cool today. Put on your jacket.1. It's ____________________. _______读一读,说一说,根据例子写句子。例: BeijingWhat's te weather like in Beijing?It's snow.1. Shanghai What's ________________________?It's _______________.看图,根据例子写句子。例: This sweater is good, but it's too big.1. _______________ is OK, but _________________.2. ________________________________________仿照例子写句子。例: How much is the dress?Very cheap.例: How much is the dress?Very expensive.1. _________________________________?________________________看图根据例子写句子。例: This T-shirt is good, but it's too small.1. _____________ is OK, but it's too ____________.2. _____________ is pretty, but it's __看图,根据例子写句子。Weather ReportBeijing 1. Lhasa 2. Harbin3. Kunming4. Tianjin例: It's sunny in Beijing.1. _______________________________________.2.看图根据例子写句子。 例:A: I want some apples. How much are they?B: They're five yuan.1. A: I want some pears. ____________________________________? B: __根据例子写句子。例: sheep 15 → How many sheep do you have? Fifteen. 1. goat 80 → __________________________________________2. horse 10 → ____________________仿照例子写句子。例: Tomatoes are red.1. Cucumbers are _______________.2. ____________________________.3. ____________________________.仿照例子写句子。例: — Are these tomatoes?— No. They are potatoes.1. — ___________________________?— ___________________________.2. — _____________________看图,根据例子写句子。例: I'm Lucy. I'm from America.1. I'm Mary. I'm from _______________.2. I'm ______________. I'm from _______________.3. I'm读一读,说一说,根据例子写句子。例: I'm a girl.例: I'm a boy.1. I'm _______________.2. _________________.看图,根据例子写句子。例: My name is Lily.1. ______________________.2. ______________________.根据例子写句子。例: pencils 14 → How many pencils doyou have?I have fourteen.1. books 18 → __________________________________2. kites 19 → __________________根据例子写句子。例: I'm a student.1. I'm a ___________.2. ________________.根据例子写句子。例: She is my mother.1. He is __________________.2. _______________________.3. _______________________.根据例子写句子。例: cows 15 → How many cows are there? Fifteen.1. sheep 90 → ___________________________________________2. goats 60 → _______________________看一看,说一说,仿照例子写句子。例: This is my mom.1. This is ______________.2. ____________________.3. ____________________.读一读,说一说,仿照例子写句子。例: What a big fish!1. What a ______________!2. ____________________!读一读,说一说,依照例子写句子。例: How many birds can you see?I can see eight.1. _____________________ can you see?I can see ___________.2. ______________读一读,依照例子写句子。例: pencils 12 → I have twelve pencils.1. books 15 → _______________________________2. rulers 2→ _______________________________3. ba读一读,仿照例子写句子。例: Let's have some pears.1. Let's have __________________.2. __________________________.读一读,根据例子写句子。Where is the bird?例: It's under the bed.1. It's _________________.2. It's _________________.根据例子写句子。例: Draw a peach.Colour it red.1. Draw a _____________.Colour it green.2. _____________________._____________________. 根据例子写句子。例: bananas × → I don't like bananas.1. oranges √ → ________________________________2. peaches × → ________________________________3. waterm看图,根据例子写句子。例: The book is under the chair.1. The cat is ___________________.2. ___________________________.读一读,仿照例子写句子。例: pencils 18 → How many pencils do you have? I have 18.1. books 15 → __________________________________________2. apples 12 → _____看图,依照例子写句子。例: It hasa long nose.It has a short tail.1. ________________________.________________________. 根据提示,模仿范例写句子。play footballrunswimplay table tennisplay basketballSam√×Lingling√×Amy√×Daming√×例1: (√) Sam is going to play football. 例2: (×) Lingl看图,仿照例子写句子。例: I have big eyes and a small mouth.1. I have ____________________________________.2. I have ____________________________________.读一读,说一说,根据例子写句子。例: Look at the giraffe.1. Look at _____________________.2. ____________________________.读一读,说一说,根据例子写句子。例: The deer is short.1. The mouse is ____________.2. ________________________.照样子写句子。例: this evening, pet shop, a dog— Where are you going this evening?— I'm going to the pet shop.— What are you going to buy? — I am going to bu根据图片提示,照样子写五句话样子写五句话。例: I can see a rainbow. 1. ____________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________看图完成句子。例: Amy: I like noodles. N-o-o-d-i-e-s. Zoom: I like 1_____________________________________________.Sarah: I like 2_____________________________仿照例子造句。例: zoo / tomorrow / on footI'm going to visit the zoo tomorrow on foot. 1. the Great Wall / next week / by bus ________________________________看图写一句表示物体位置的话。_________________________________________看一看,写一写,用“There be…”的正确句型描述下列各图。1. ________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________3. 看一看,写一写。 例: read a magazine / tomorrow I'm going to read a magazine tomorrow. 1. clean my room / this afternoon _____________________________________你知道交通规则吗?写出正确的句子。1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ____________________________________仿照例子写句子。例: teach → teacher → I'm a teacher. 1. sing → ____________→ __________________________________2. write → ____________→ _____________________看图片,根据例子写句子。例: What are you going to do?We are going to have a picnic. 1. _______________________________________________________________________读表格,仿照例子写句子。MondayTuesdsayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayGoing to playfootball Going to listen to music Going to watch sports on TVGoing to hel看图,照例子,写句子。例: A: Are you helpful at home?B: Sure.A: What can you do?B: I can water the flowers.1. A: Are you helpful at home? B: Sure.A: What 照例子写句子并翻译。例: This is my father. → Is this your father? 1. This is my uncle. → ___________________________________________________2. This is my mo仿照例句写句子。例: in the classroom / six lights / new What can you see in the classroom? I can see six lights. They are new. 1. in the bedroom / a close / 仿照例子写一写。Model: The orange is bigger than the apple.1. _______________________________________________2. ______________________________________________看图,仿照例子,写句子。(至少写两句话)例: She has long black hair.She is tall and quiet.1. ________________________________________________________________2.看图,仿照例子写一写。例: — How many apples are there on the plate?— There are five apples on the plate. 1. — _______________________________________________—看图,仿照例子写句子。例: windy The weather is windy.1. ____________________________________________2. ____________________________________________3. _______仿照例子写儿歌,一起来边说英语边表演! Two little chickens, (伸出两个手指)Sitting on a rock. (把手指向下方)One named Mike, (左手向前伸)The other named Jack. (右仿照例子写句子。例: Two rabbits plus thirteen rabbits equals fifteen rabbits. 1. _____________________________________________________2. _____________________仿照例句,写句子。 例: way walk school This is the way we walk to school. 1. way write pencils________________________________________________2. way draw mark照样子,写句子。— How can I get to the science museum? — Go straight for five minutes. Then turn right.— How can I get to the__________________? — __________模仿例子写句子。例: after lunch; shoe store; a pair of shoes— Where are you going? — I'm going to the shoe store.— What are you going to buy? — I'm going 模仿例子写句子。例: clean → cleaner →I'm a cleaner.1. police → _____________ (男) → _______________________________________.2. report→ _____________ → _____模仿例句看图写话。例: — Where are you going this afternoon? — I'm going to the bookstore. — What are you going to buy? — I am going to buy a dictionary.1. 看图根据例子写句子。例: — How can I get to the park?— You can go by bike or on foot or by subway. 1. I can see a _______________, a _______________, a _______照样子写句子。例: fall fly kites I like fall, because I can fly kites.1. winter play with snow_________________________________________________________________分别用一句话介绍四个季节。1. Winter ___________________________________________.2. Spring ___________________________________________.3. Summer ____________根据图片造句子。1. I go to the ____________ to _________________________.2. I go to the ____________ to _________________________.按要求写句子。问一问你周围人的身高、体重等情况,用比较级写两个句子。1. _________________________________________________________________________2. ____________用所给单词或短语造句。1. likes:_____________________________________________2. can't:_____________________________________________3. often:__________________请仿照例句,改写句子。Example: She has a white cat. →Her cat is white.1. He has a red shirt.____________________________________________________2. I have a 仿照例子写句子。例: shop, buy clothes Let's go to the shop to buy clothes.1. restaurant, eat some dumplings___________________________________________________仿照例子写句子。例: dark, see → It's too dark to see.1. heavy, carry → _______________________________________________________2. small, wear→ _______________仿照例子写句子。例: Mike, read a book Mike is reading a book now.1. Jenny, drink water_______________________________________________________2. Li Ming, eat n看图,仿照例子写句子。例: He played football yesterday. He is playing basketball now.1. this morning now______________________________________________________仿照例子写句子。例: I do my homework every day. I did my homework yesterday.1. I have a gift for you.________________________________________________________仿照例子写句子。例: I am in the gym. (he, library)He is in the library.1. The man behind me is laughing. (woman, beside Li Ming, read)_______________________仿照例句,将下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。例:I went to the park with my parents last Sunday. I didn't go to the park with my parents last用所给单词或短语造句。1. short ___________________________________2. favourite ___________________________________ 3. has got ________________________________请根据自己的实际情况将句子补充完整。1. Last weekend I____________________________. 2. Yesterday I____________________________.3. Today I ___________________用所给单词造句。1. give _________________________2. cold _________________________3. about _________________________4. pass _________________________5. walk用所给单词或短语造句。1. thin __________________________________2. look at __________________________________ 3. like __________________________________ 4. s先填空然后仿造例句造句。1. There is. .2. There are. .3. It's time to. .4. It's time for. .5. How manydo you have ? ?6. How manyare there? ?Think and write. 想一想,照例子完成句子。eg: That is Danny. That is his book. That is Danny's book.1. This is Jenny. This is her pencil.2. That is Li MiRead and write. (看例句,写句子)例:I'm l60cm tall. Mary is l59cm tall. ->I'm taller than Mary.1 . Sue is 10 years old. I'm 9 years old.____________Read and write. (仿照例子写句子)例:Do you like apples?Yes, I do. (bananas)Do you like bananas?Yes, I'do.1. — Where is my book? 一 It's on the desk. (umRead and finish the sentences. (根据表格内容,仿照例句,完成下列各个句子)例:Peter likes bananas,strawberries and watermelons. 1. ________________ likes orang
看图写句子。 1. A: Which season do you like best? B: Fall. I can fly kites. 2. A: Which season _________ ? B:________.I can___ _______________.3. A:_____看图写句子。例:A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is in December.1. A: When is __________________? B: My birthday is ______________.2. A:____________看图写句子。 1. A: What do you do on the weekend? B: I often play the piano. 2. A: ___________on the weekend? B: I often__________________. 3. A: ________看图写句子。1. A: When do you do morningexercises? B: I do morning exercises at8:00.2. A: When do you ___________ ? B: I _______ at 9:15.3. A: When ______Look and write. (看图写句子)例: I get up at 7:00 in the morning.1. ______________________________________2. ______________________________________3. _______看图写句子。 windy and coolsunny and warm snowy and cold rainy and hot1. A: Which season do you like best?B: Fall, because It's windy and cool.2. A:________Look and write. (根据图意, 仿写句子)例: The horse is running.1..__________________. 2.___________________.3..__________________. 4.___________________Read and write. (照前面的样子看图仿写)1.例It's swimming._________________2.例He's cooking dinner.__________________3.例I often do my homework in the even看图补全句子。例:This T-shirt is good, but it's too small.1.________is OK, but it's too________.2. ________is pretty, but it's________.3. _______colourf看图写句子。例:A: I want some apples. How much are they? B: They're five yuan.1.A: I want some pears._______? B:_____________________.2.A: I want a pair根据例句仿写。例:A: What do you do at the weekend? B: I play football at the weekend. 1. A: ______________B: ______________2. A: ______________B: ___________看图片,仿例写句子。Amy例: This is Amy.Her favourite toy is a doll. 1. Helen ______________________________________2. Tom __________________ ________________根据例句仿写。例:A: Have you got a car?B: No, I haven't.A: ___________________B: ___________________A: ___________________B: ___________________A: ___________根据例句仿写。I like swimming.I don't like fish.根据图片写句子。看图写句子。例: The girl is in the car.(under)____________________(on)____________________(on)____________________(in)____________________(on)__________________Look and write.1. A: What did you do lastweekend?B: We.2. A: last weekend?B:. 3. A:last weekend?B:.4. A:last weekend?B:.仿照示例,读一读,写一写。Model:A: I want to buy a present for my brother.B: What about a bag?A: That's a good idea!1. A: I want to buy a present for my fathLook and write.例:A: What's the matter? B: My foot hurt.1. A: What's ? B: I 2. A:B: 3. A: B: 看一看,写一写。Model:He ate a hamburger yesterday.He is eating an apple now.He is going to eat a banana tomorrow.A. 1. 2.3.B.4.5.6.Look and write.1.A: How does he feel? B: He .2. A: How ? B: He . 3. A:?B: . 4. A:?B: . 5. A:? B: . Look and write.1. A: What did you do on your holiday?B: I 2. A: What did you do on your holiday? B: I .3. A:on your holiday? B: I .4. A:? B: ?5. A:? B: I根据要求改写句子。1. heavy, her, for, it's, too (.) (连词成句)________________________________2. got, a, one, big, you, have (?) (连词成句) ________________Look and complete,1. -What ____ you do yesterday? -I_____.2. -What Amy last weekend?-She ____. 3. -Did you _________ yesterday morning? -____ ____.4. -仿照例句,结合实际,写出下列地方所在的位置。例: Beijing is in the north of China.1. Shandong is_ of China.2. Qinghai is _ of China.3. Guangdong is _.4. 1n用下列词汇造句。1. give. . . to. . . ____________________________________2. have. . . because. . . ____________________________________3. eat. .写一写。 1. Before: _______________________ Now: _______________________2. Before: _______________________ Now: _______________________读课文,找出与下列图对应的句子并写下来。1.__________________________________________2.__________________________________________3.____________________________请根据提示语,仔细看图,将三个小朋友说的话填在横线上。提示语 :My favorite food is _______.I like______. I don't like _______.1. Tom 2. Jerry 3. Pluto根据所给表格仿照例子写句子。Today is June third.This is Li Ming's day. Now it is June fourth.What did Li Ming do yesterday?例:He walked to school at eight t分别用一句话介绍四个季节。1. Winter____________________________________.2. Spring____________________________________.3. Summer_____________________________照样子写句子。例子: fallfly kites I like fall, because I can fly kites.1.winterplay with snow_________________________________2.summer swim in the pool_______