猜谜语。I'm yummy to eat. I'm yellow and long. My name begins with the letter as " beef ". What am I?________________________看图,回答问题。1. Are there any trees in the nature park?___________________________________________________________2. Are there any buildings in the city?_看图,读句子,回答问题。1. Is there a lake?______________, there isn't. 2. Is there a river? Yes, ______________.3. Is there a forest? _________________请和你的小伙伴做一做调查。回答下面的问题,完成下表。Name chicken cake bread hamburger hot dog French friesSarah√√√看图把答句补充完整。1. — What is Christmas?— Christmas is a s___________ h___________. 2. — What is Lynn going to do?— She's g___________ t___________ o___看图回答问题。1. Is this a refrigerator or a stove?________________________________________________2. Are these dishes clean or dirty?_______________________根据自己的实际情况回答问题。Why do you like summer?___________________________________________仔细思考,回答问题。1. Are you older or younger than your grandfather?____________________________________________________________2. What colour is your hair?仔细思考,回答问题。North is up.1. Where is west?__________________________________2. Where is east?__________________________________3. Where is south?__根据提示回答问题。How many buses can you see? (提示: 9)_____________________________________________________问你的同学下面的问题,并根据实际情况回答。Does your father go to work by car?____________________________________________________根据实际情况回答问题。What's your favourite colour?____________________________________同学们,我是一个小记者,你能接受我的采访吗?回答下列问题。1. Can you play cards?_____________________________________________2. What animal has fur?__________根据实际情况回答问题。Where did you go last trip?____________________________________________________根据表格内容填空,回答问题。1. How much for one ?_______________ _______________ _______________ yuan.2. How much for ?_______________ _______________ _____根据汉语提示回答问题。What did you do in the nature park?1. We ____________ ____________ ____________ (划船).2. We ____________ ____________ (做运动).3. We根据实情回答问题。Are you a girl or a boy?_______________________________________根据实际情况回答。What are you going to be when you grow up?________________________________________________________看图回答问题。What did they do yesterday?___________________________________________请根据给出的提示回答问题,注意代词的使用。1. Is Peter in the classroom? Yes,___________________.2 Are those apples in the bag? No,___________________.3. Do请根据图片,回答问题。1. — What did Lily do yesterday?— She_______________________________.2. — What did Sarah do last holiday?— She________________________看图片回答问题。1. What will you do tomorrow?I __________________________________________.2. What's your mum going to do tomorrow?She______________________请根据答句写问句。1. _____________________________? I'll go there on foot.2. _____________________________? He'll go to the park.3. ____________________请看图回答问题。1. — What does Peter often do in the evening?— ____________________________________________.2. — Today is Sunday. What is Amy doing now?— _下面的交通工具,你乘坐过它们吗?回答问题,完成下表。Do you take it?planetrain回答问题,完成下表。小调查:What would you like to eat?NameThings to eat回答问题。1. Where do you write on a postcard?____________________________________________________________2. Where do you put the address on a postcard?_____根据实际情况回答问题。1. What did you do yesterday?__________________________________________________________2. Did you go to school yesterday?______________看图,回答问题。1. Did Mike write an e-mail?___________________________________________2. What did they do?___________________________________________根据实际情况回答问题。1. Do you have a camera?_________________________________________________________2. Are cameras easy or hard for you?__________________看图,回答问题。1. How many chairs can you see?I can see ___________________________.2. Where is the fridge? It's in the ___________________________.3. C读图,选择正确的数字回答问题,把答案写在横线上。fifteen, fourteen, four, five, twelve, twenty 1. How many boys?_________________________________________2. How你来当回小记者。采访几个同学,回答问题,完成下表。— What would you like for dinner?— I'd like some......Name ricenoodlesbeefsoupmeatfishchickenvegetable看图片,回答问题。1. What are you doing?I _____________________________________2. What's the boy doing?He _____________________________________3. What are 看图,回答问题。1. What does she do?__________________________________________2. What do Ann and Ken like?__________________________________________3. 52 yu看图回答问题。1. What's the young man?_____________________________________________2. What does the old man do?_____________________________________________用完整的句子回答下列问题。1. Can you play the violin?_____________________________________________________________________2. Do you like English or maths? Wh看图,读句子,回答问题。1. Is she a teacher?______________________________________2. What's that under the chair?______________________________________3. H根据实际情况回答问题。1. Can a hen swim?_________________________________________________________2. What do you do?__________________________________________回答下列问题。1. What's your name?___________________________________________________________2. What's your number?________________________________________回答下面的问题。Are these ducks or geese?_____________ _____________ geese.根据方框中的提示,看图回答问题。do her homework listen to the music play football eat a hamburger1. What did he do?_______________________________2. What did 根据英语提示,完成表格。① Write your name.② Write your age (年龄)③ Write your mum's name.④ Write your mum's age.⑤ Write your dad's name.⑥ Write your dad'根据答句写问句。1.—______________________________—He is playing basketball.2.—_________________________________— My sister is at home.3.—___________________根据问句写答句或根据答句写问句。1. What did you do last night? _______________________________2.What does your mother do? _______________________________ 3.根据实际情况回答问题。1.What's your favourite song? _______________________________2. What do you see in the zoo? _______________________________ 3.Do you 根据答句,写问句。1.___________________________ The basketball is under the chair.2.___________________________ I watch TV at the weekend.3. _______________根据实际情况回答问题。1.Where do you live? ______________________________________2.What was the weather like yesterday? _____________________________________根据提示回答下面问题。1.How does he go to work? (subway) ______________________________________________2. What does he do? (actor) __________________________根据要求回答问题。1. I am 45kg. Amy is 48kg. (将这句话以比较的形式合成一个句子) ____________________________________________________________2. How do you fee按要求完成句子。1. 五月是一年的第五个月. (根据中文完成句子) ________ is the_______ month of a year.2.When is Teachers' Day? (可以用汉语回答)_______________根据实际情况回答问题。1. Can a hen swim? , .2. What do you do? .3. Do cats like sleeping? , .4. What do we call a baby goose? We call.5. Do you want先看图,再回答。(1) How much is it? _____________________(2) Is it cheap? _____________________ (1) How much is it? _____________________ (2) Is it cheap? __Tell the truth.根据实际情况回答。1. How old are you? 2. What's your address?3. How tall are you? 4. Do you live in a house or an apartment? Rewrite the sentences.根据要求,变换句子。1. Her name is Kim. (对划线部分提问)is?2. The pen is on the desk.(对划线部分提问) is the pen?3. When is NationaRead and guess. (读一读,猜一猜)1. If 1=A, 2=B,3 = C,…, 15 + 11=OK, then 23+5+5+11 +5+14+4=?________Read and write. (看图,回答问题)1. — Where did you go on your holiday? — ________________________________2. — How did you go there? — ______________________Read and answer.(按要求改写句子)1. How tall are you?(用“160 cm”回答)__________________________________________________.2.I'm35kg. (就画线部分提问)_________Look and answer. (看图,仿照例子回答问题)例:— Is he sad?— No, he isn't. He's happy.1.— Is he happy?— _______________________________2.— How do they feelRead and answer. (读句子,回答问题)1. How do you feel if you have the flu?______________________________________________2. How do you feel if you get a low sWrite sentences according to the request.(按要求完成下面的句子)1. I feel sick. (就画线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________Read and write. (按要求改写句子)1. How do you feel after the math test?(根据实际情况回答)_________________________________________________2. He's feeling betLook and answer. (看图,回答问题)1 . How do you feel?____________________________________2. How do they feel?____________________________________3. What'sLook,read and answer. (看图,回答问题)1. Did you visit your grandparents last weekend? ____________________________________2. What did you do last Sunday?_Look,read and answer. (看图,读句子回答问题)1. Did you play football yesterday?____________________________________2. Did you go hiking last weekend?______Look and answer. (看图,回答问题)1. Did you go by bus?_______________________________.How did you go?_______________________________.2. Did you go swimminWrite down the questions according to the answers. (根据答句写问句)1. Amy: _________________________________________________________ Alex: She is a student. 2Look and write the answers. (根据图片内容,回答问题)1. Where is the dog?__________________2. Where is the hamburger? __________________3. Is the lamp in thRead and guess.(读一读,猜一猜是什么季节)It's very cold and it snows. We can make a snowman. Christmas is in this season.1. __________It's rainy and wet.Answer the following questions. (根据自己的实际情况回答下列问题)1. What time do you get up?___________________________________2. What time do you have breakfThink and write. (想一想,写一写)horse , sheep , hen ,lamb , goat , cow , cat , rabbit , dog , duck , pig1. Which animals have four legs?_____________________Think and write. (时间推理)1. It is one to one. What time will it be two minutes later?_____________________________________________________________2. It'sRead and answer. (读句子,根据实际情况回答问题)1. How many students are there in your class?___________________________________________2. How many girls are Read and answer. (按照提示回答问题)1. Is this a computer room?(肯定回答)__________________________________________2. How many computers are there in the roomRead and write.(连词组句,并回答问题)1. What do like colour you______________________________________________?______________________________________________.Read, look and answer. (根据图片所示回答问题)1. What are they? ___________________________2. How many hens are there? ___________________________3. Are the根据答句写问句。1.A: ________________________? B: I can swim in the sea insummer.2. A. _________________________? B: It's warm and sunny in spring.3.A.回答问题。1. When do you go to bed? ______________________________2. What do you do on the weekend? ______________________________3. What's the weather lik根据实际情况回答问题。1. What's your name? _______________________________2. When do you go to school? _______________________________3. When do you have mRead and answer. (读句子,按要求回答问题)1. What time is it?(用9:00回答)______________________________________________________________2. What colour is it? Read and write.(根据答句,写出问句)1. -________________________________-It's 2o'clock.2. -________________________________-It's pink.3. -_______________Read and answer.(根据实际情况回答问题)1. When do you do morning exercises?___________________________________.2. When do you have English class?___________Read and answer. (根据汉语提示回答问题)A: How old are you?B: . (我12岁。)A: When is your birthday?B: . (我的生日在11 月 19号。)A: What do you want for your 看图回答。1. A: What do you do on the weekend? B:___________________________2. A: What can you do? B:____________________________3. A: When do you get up? 读答句,写问句。1. A:_________________________________________________? B: It's 9:00 now.2. A:_________________________________________________? B: I usuallLook and write. (看图写句子)1. What are you doing?___________________________________2. What is she doing? ___________________________________根据答句写问句。1. A:________________________________? B: My birthday is in February.2. A:_________________________________? B: Because I can swim in the laRead and write.(请根据答语,写出问句)1. A:________________________ B : I'm reading a book.2.A:________________________ B: She is cleaning the room.3.A:___读问题,再回答。1. Do you like winter? _______________________________2. What's your favourite season? _______________________________3. What do you do on tBrain twister.(脑筋急转弯)1. When do dogs have eight legs?_______________________________________________2. What is black when it's clean but white when it'Make sentences. (看图,写出问题或答语)1. What's the bird doing?______________________________________2. What's the elephant doing?_________________________Look and write. (看图回答问题)l. What is he doing? ________________________2. What is she doing? _________________________根据答句写问句。1. A:_______________________________? B:I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.2. A:_______________________________?B: My favourite season is s根据答句写问句。1. A:____________________________?B: My mother's birthday is in August.2. A:_____________________________?B: No, my birthday is in December看图回答问题。1. What's the date today?____________________________.2. Is Lucy's birthday in December?__________________________________.3. What day is Read and write. (根据答句写问句)1. A: ______________________________________ B: My birthday is in February.2. A: ______________________________________ B: ItGuess and choose. (猜一猜,看看哪个图形可以代替问号)___________Look and answer. (给句所给图片回答问题) 1. Which season do you like best?__________________________. 2. Why do you like winter?__________________________3.根据实际情况回答问题。1. Is your birthday in November?__________________________________.2. Do you clean your room in the evening?__________________________Read and ask.1.? Sarah is 14 years old.2. ? John is 52 kg.3. ? Wu Yifan is 165 cm.4. ?Amy wears size 36.5. ? My schoolbag is heavier.
看图回答问题。1. What's the date?___________________. 2. What is she doing?_____________________. 3. What is the boy doing?_____________________.4. Wh根据答句写问句。1. A:_______________________?B: She's cleaning the room.2. A:_________________________? B: Mike is playing sports.3. A:__________________看图回答问题。1.--What is he doing?--_________________.2.--What's your sister doing?--_________________.3. --Is he writing a letter?--_________________.看图回答问题。1.Is Sarah writing a report?______________________________2.Is Wu Yifan picking up leaves?_______________________________3.Is Mike watching inRead and write. (根据回答, 写出问句)1. A: ___________________________? B: I'm a policeman.2. A: ___________________________? B: I go home at 5:00 in the a根据答句写问句。1. A:__________________________? B: I'm doing the housework.2. A:__________________________? B: It's October 16th today.3. A:___________读答句,写问句。1. A:____________________________? B: I am drawing pictures.2. A:___________________________? B: I often play football on weekends.3. A:__根据答句写问句。1. ________________________? It's June lst today.2. ________________________? It's Tuesday tomorrow.3. _________________________? No, w根据答句写问句。1. A:_____________________________? B: My mother's birthday is in August.2. A:______________________________?B: No, my birthday is in Decem读问题,再回答。1. Which season do you like best?_________________________________2. When's your birthday?________________________________________3. What tRead and write.1. ?I'm very well, thank you.2.?I am thirteen years old.3. ? I am 156 cm tall.4. ? I am 42 kg.5.____________? I wear size 38.6. 根据回答写问句。1.A:? B: John is 50 kg.2. A:? B: I am 155 cm. 3. A: ?B: My legs are 76 cm long.4. A ?B: Sarah is 15 years old.5. A: ? B: I wear siz看图回答问题。1.What is the girl doing?_____________________________2.Can they swim?_____________________________3.What are the cats doing?________________看图回答问题。1. What animals can you see in the picture?___________________________________________.2. What are the pandas doing?__________________________看图回答问题。1.What is she doing?____________________.2.What are they doing?_____________________.3.Are they drawing pictures?_____________________.4.根据答句写问句。1. A:_____________________?B: I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.2. A:_____________________?B: My favourite season is spring.3. A:_______回答问题。1. When do you usually get up in the morning? _________________________________.2. What's your favourite class at school? _______________________看图回答问题。1. When does Mike usually get up? __________________________________.2. When does he go to school? __________________________________.3. Whe看图写句子。What are the animals doing?1. The big cat _____________________.2. ______________________________.3. ______________________________.4. ______你能回答吗?1. How many students are there inyour class?___________________________________.2. Do you have a library at school?______________________________看图,回答问题。l. Where is the canteen? ________________________.2. Do you have an art room? ________________________.3. Do you have a music room? _____看图回答问题。1.A:What time is it?B: .2.A:What time is it?B: .3.A:What time is it?B: .4.A:What's this?B: .5.A:Is this a music room?B: .读一读,写一写。1. How much is the T-shirt?.2. How much is the skirt?.3. How much are the shorts?.4. How much are the pants? .看图回答问题。例: How much is this T-shirt? It's thirty yuan.1. _______________________?They are ninety-five yuan.2. _______________________?They are twe看图写单词。1.What time is it?____________________.2.It's time for_________ class.3.Is this an art room?_____________________.4.What time is it?______看图,补全句子。1.What's this?____________________.2.What time is it?____________________.3.Where is the washroom?____________________.4.Where is the 看图回答问题。1. Is that a watermelon?_______________________.2. What time is it now?______________________.3.How much is that T-shirt?__________________看图,回答问题。看图回答问题。1. What are these? __________________.2. What is this? __________________.3. Are they your shorts? ______________________. 4. What colour看图,写一写。1.What are these?______________________.2.Are these potatoes?______________________.3.How many cucumbers are there?_______________________.What has three hands ,but only one face?A ________.My father and my mother have a child. It isn't my brother or sister. Who is it?It's _____.回答问题。1. What is the weather like today?___________________________________.2. Is it cold?__________________________________.3. Can you wear your T-sh看图回答问题。l. Is Jenny looking out the window?__________________________.2.What is Danny doing? He is__________________.3.What is the boy doing? _____看图回答问题。1. Are they children? __________________________2. Is this a picture or drawing? __________________________3. Is it hard or easy for him? ___看图回答问题。What do you have at Spring Festival?_____________________________What do we have at Spring Festival?_____________________________Do we give prese请你根据圈画信息回答下列问题。Ten Years Ago1. Was Mr Li a teacher?2. What did Mr Li teach?_____3. What was Chen Hai?_____Now4. What is Chen Hai?_____5. 根据课文内容,回答下列问题。1. Where did Lingling go?____________________2. When did she go? ____________________3. Where is Xinjiang? ____________________看一看,写一写。How to make a poster? your friend. your message.Put it .with your friends.Read and answer.1. Do you have a cold today?2. Are you happy now?3. How tall are you?4. How heavy are you?根据答句写答句。1. Doctor:?Mike: I have a sore throat. 2. Amy:?Mary: Tom is sad today.Amy: Why?Mary:_3 .Mr Black:? John: Yes. Peter feels happy today.仿照例句进行问答练习。Read and write.1. A:?B: Sarah is 12 years old.2. A:?B: There are 4 seasons in a year.3. A:? B: I feel sick.4. A:?B: I visited my teacher last weekend看一看,说一说,写一写。I think Line A is longer than Line B.What do you think? I think Circle A is smaller than Circle B.Whatdo you think? I think Tom is ta请仔细阅读课文书信,答一答。1. Where did Lingling go last week?_______2. What did the men and the women wear?_______3. What did the actors do?_______4. WhLook and answer.1. What's the matter, Jack?2. What's the matter, Helen? 3. How heavy are you? 4. Are you taller than your sister? Look and answer.1. A: What did Lucy do yesterday?B:.2. A: What did John do last weekend? B: .3. A: Did Ben play basketball yesterday?B: .4. A: What's根据图画信息,请你写出答句。1. Where are you going to go?________________________________________________2.Where is Daming now?______________________________根据实际情况回答。1. Where are you going to go this holiday?_______________________________________________________2. When are you going to go there?________Read and answer. 1.How old are you?2. Amy is 155 cm tall.Are you taller than her?3. What did you do last weekend?看图回答问题。1. What's the matter? 2. What did he do yesterday? 3. What did you do last weekend? 4. Did you go fishing yesterday? 5. What does Marry uLook and answer.1. A: What did he do last weekend?B: .2.A: What are they going to do? B: 3. A: What's the matter, Helen? B:.4. A: What did she do yestRead and write.1. A:? B: I'm 160 cm tall. 2. A: ? B: My sister is 20 years old.3. A: ? B: I ate good food yesterday.4. A: ? B: No, I didn't go swimLook and answer.1. How did Lily go to the library yesterday?2. What did you do on Friday?3. What did your father do yesterday? 4. What's the matter with看图补全对话。1.—Where are you from?—__________________2.—What's this?—__________________3.—Is it a desk?—__________________4.—Is this Tower Bridge?—___Read and write.1. A:? B: I have a toothache.2. A: ? B:Yes, my nose hurts.3. A: ? B: No, I have a fever.4. A: ? B: Yes, Wu Yifan is taller than me, buRead and ask.1. A:?B: I ate good food on my holiday.2. A:? B: I went to Nanjing.3. A:? B: Yes, we played football yesterday.4.A: ?B: I have a cold.根据答句写问句。1. A:___ _?B: My ruler is 20 cm long.2. A: ?B: I have a headache.3. A: ___ _?B: I went to a park yesterday.4. A:____?B: I bought many 根据图示内容回答问题。Monday1. Will you play football on Monday? ____________________________Wednesday2. Will you have English on Thursday? _________________Read and answer.(按实际情况回答问题)。1. Do you like sports?__________________________________________________2. Have you got a sweater?____________________通过回答下列问题简单的介绍一下自己。1. What's your name?2. How old are you?3. Where are you from? 4. What grade are you in? 5. What's your number? 6.看图,完成对话。Look and answer.1. Where did you go last weekend?2. What's the weather like in Beijing?3. How did you go there?4. What did you do?5. What was the dateRead and write.1. A: ?B: We're going to the zoo this Sunday.2. A: ? B: I ate dinner at 7:00 last night.3. A: ? B: John went to school by bus.4. A: ?Read and write.(1)A:? B: My brother is 169 cm tall.(2)A:? B: I can play the piano.(3)A:? B: She's from Canada.(4)A: ? B: I feel better now.(5)A: ? B: 看信息,回答问题。River in ChinaChangjiang River 6300 kmHuanghe River 5464kmZhujiang River 2197kmHuaihe River 1000km1. Which is longer, Huaihe River or Zhujiang根据答句写问句。1.? I went swimming on my holiday.2.? I read a book yesterday.3.? Sarah went to Beijing by train.4.?I am 160 cm tall.5.?Yes, I went to t根据答句写问句。1. A: ?B: Sarah has a fever.2. A: ?B: John went fishing last Saturday.3. ?B: We are going to watch TV at 7:30 tomorrow evening.4. A: ?看图回答问题。1. How tall is Mike? 2. What's the matter?3. What did they do yesterday?4. What's Lily doing? 5. How heavy is she? 看图片,回答问题。看图回答问题。1. —What did Danny do? —He _____________________.2. —What happened to Danny? —He______________________.3. —What did Jenny buy for her mother读句子,写问句。1. A: ?B: Yes, I can fly kites.2. A: ?B: Mike is listening to music.3. A: ?B: The library is near the bookstore.4. A: ?B: I have a too回答下列问题。1. What's your name?_______________________________2. Where are you from?_______________________________3. Are you a girl?__________________Answer the questions.根据实际情况回答问题。1. Can you swim?2. Can you play cards? 3. Can you fly in the sky?Read, guess and write.猜一猜下列小动物的名称,并写下来。1. It has stripes. It likes to eat meat. What is it?Lt’s a.2. It has a long nose. It's very big猜谜语1. 身体长得细又长,天生美丽黑心肠,上平下尖纸上爬,越爬越短越心伤。(打一文具)It's a_______________. 2. 有硬有软,有长有宽。白天空闲,夜晚上班。(打一日常动动你的小脑筋1. Which four letters are the thief afraid of?_______________________________2. When is your uncle's sister not your aunt?She's your ______.趣味问答。1. Ten plus ten is ten. Ten minus ten is ten. What am I?2.I have two feet.I can walk(走路).And I can tell you the time.What am I? 3.Peter's 问答题。Can you tell how old this tree is? Why?How old: ______________________脑筋急转弯。1.I have four feet.But I can't walk(走路). What am I?_______________________.2. 什么room不住人? _______________________.3. I'm in China now看图,回答问题。How many things can you find in this picture? What are they?______________________________________________根据实际情况回答问题。1. What do you play?____2. Do you like English? 3. Who is your English teacher? 4. What colour do you like?根据答句,写问句。1. -____? -We have four.2. -____? -I like Maths.3. -____? -We have Chinese and English.4. -____? -It's Sunday.5. -____? -Yes, I 根据上下文写句子。1. -____________________________?-My hobby is watching cartoons.2. -____________________________?-I've got a headache.3. -What subject 读课文,根据答句写问句。1. -_____________________________________? -I'm writing an e-mail to my English friend.2. -_____________________________________? -根据文句内容,写出相应的动物名词。(每小题写两个,不能重复。)1.What animal has fur?______________________________________________2.What animal has four legs?_根据图片提示回答问题。1. What day is it? ___________________2. How's the weather today?___________________3. What time is it?__________________4. How's 看图回答问题。—How do you go to school?—____________________.—How's the weather?—____________________.—Are these pants?—____________________.—When is Nati根据实际情况回答.1. Did you have a nice childhood (童年)?__________________________________________2. What did you do yesterday?____________________________猜一猜,将正确的词语写在横线上。1.You take it on a rainy day.If you forget it, you will get wet,It is an ________.2.This is a season.It's warm and rainy.T看图回答问题。1. Is this a refrigerator or a stove?___________________________________2. Are these dishes clean or dirty?___________________________________3