下列句子均有错误,找出来并在横线上改正。1.IknowhespeaksFranceinCanada. 2.OttawaisthecapitalofEngland.3.ThesearetheRockyMountaines. 看图,把句子补充完整。1.Thisisa. Thereisaonit.2.He histohisfriendsandfamily.3.Sheputsthe undertheChristmas.4.AtChristmas,wehave,and .— HowfarisitfromCanadatoChina? —. [ ]A.8500yuanB.8500kilometresC.8500far— Whatareyourfavouriteclothes? — Theyare. [ ]A.pantsB.beansC.redAustraliahasbeautiful .[ ]A. riverB. mountainC. beachesTherearethree infrontoftheshop.[ ]A.bicyclesB. truckC. bicycleD. buseatgrass.[ ]A.sheepB.sheepsC. AsheepD. Thesheep选出下列句子中错误的一项,并改写在横线上。( ) 1. Atigerhavestripes.A BC ( ) 2. Now,LiMingwasoutsidethehouse. A BC( ) 3. Someflowerareneartheriver. A B C( )开动脑筋,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Theyarefour.(tree)2.Thisis. (elephant)3.Acathasfur, andatail. (paw)4.Thesheepisontherope. (pull)5.Thesearetwosame Doyouhave ?[ ]A.fourtybooksB. fortybooksC. fortybook选出句子中错误的一项,并改正在横线上。( ) 1. Isthatfarwithhere?AB C( ) 2. Gostraightwiththisstreet.A B C( ) 3. Iwanttobuyoneicecreams.ABC( ) 4. IsawachickIwear insummer.[ ]A. sweaterB. sandalsC. jacketD. scarf选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Doyouhotorcold?ABC( ) 2.Thisboyistallerthenthatboy.A BC( ) 3. Iliketoskyonthesnow.ABC ( ) 4. Infall,Iusuallyputonmypant.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I(see)Mr. Wangyesterday.2.Whyistheradio(play)Chinesemusic?3.ShewatchesTVthree(time)aweek.4.Doyoufeel(scary)atthemovie?5.Ili我会根据汉语提示填空。1. Therearefour(季节) inayear.2. Iwanttomake(雪人).3. Therearemanygreen(叶子) onthetree.4. Thisismy(最喜欢的) TVshow.5. I'dlikesoTheyaregoingtogivethem ___________.[ ]A.giftB.giftsC.agiftsD.gift'sWewillvisitour _________tomorrow.[ ]A. familyB. familiesC. familysD. familyes选出并改正下列句中的错误。( ) 1.Ilovetotheraininspring.____________ A B C D ( ) 2.Jennyisgetting readytoschool. ____________ A B C D( ) 3.InautumnIusuallypuIwanttobuysome .[ ]A. bookB. abookC. booksD. abooks用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let's_______ (look)insidethewindow.2.MayIhelpyou _______(take)apicture?3. It'saboutfivehundred _______ (year)old.4.ThepeopleThese ________ arecryingnow.[ ]A.childB.childsC.childrensD.children用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Wouldyoulike _________ (some)tea?2.Redis_________(me)favouritecolour.3.Look!There _________ (be) apenonthedesk.4. Thismanis__句型转换。1. Thisismysister. (改为复数句) ___________________________________________________________2. Heistwelveyearsold. (对划线部分提问) ________________选择并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Everyonewanttogoshopping. _____________A B C D ( ) 2. Wheredoesithurts? _____________A B CD( ) 3. Jennyputsanewfilminsheca选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.I'mgoingtoputoffmyhatnow.A BCD ( ) 2. Iliketoskatesontheice. ABC D ( ) 3.Winter,spring, summerandfallaremonths.A B C D (Thereareinaseason.[ ]A.threeyearsB.threemonthsC.threeweeksD.threemonth用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Lucy,isthis ________ (you)bike?2. Thepandais________(drink)tea.3.LiMing________(need)astampforhispostcard.4.Onestamp________ (Howmany ________ arethere?[ ]A. booksB. bookC. bookes改错。先将错处的字母标号填在括号中,再在横线上写出正确的表达形式。( ) 1.Howmanypenarethereinthebag? ___________ AB C D ( ) 2.IsawadoginaMondaymorning. ______Thereare inaseason.[ ]A.threeseasonsB.fourseasonsC.fourmonthsD.threemonthsTherearemany ________ inShanghaiZoo.[ ]A. wolfB. awolfC. wolvesD. wolfsWherearethe _________?[ ]A. dressB. adressC. dress'sD. dresses用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Thisis ________ (me)pencil.2. ThisisJenny. ________ (her)isagirl.3. Itisn't________ (Danny)pen.4. Ihavetwo ________ (eraser— Whatarethese? — Theyare _________.[ ]A.onebusB.sevenbusC. abusesD.busesTherabbitlikes_________.[ ]A.bonesB.chickenC.fishD.vegetables找错误并改正。( ) 1.Iamtenyearold. ________________ A BC D E ( ) 2. I'm1.3metertall. ________________ A B CD( ) 3.Theseareshoe. ________________ AB C( ) 找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Myadressis942NinthAvenue. A B C D E F( ) 2.Howareyougotoschool?A B C D E F( ) 3. I gotoschoolonbus. ABC D EF( ) 4. Whereare youlive用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let'sgototheparktofly _________(kite).2. Where_________ (be)thegrapes?3.Let'sgo _________ (shop),Danny.4.Where_________ (do)Ihaveeight ________.[ ]A.bookB.booksC.bookesD.book'sMonkeyseat_________.[ ]A.grassB.bananasC.meatD. leaves按要求改写句子。1. Ihaveadress. (改为复数句,数词为two)___________________________________________________2. Iaminthegym. (对画线部分提问)___________________Youneed _______ foryoursoup.[ ]A. fruitB. vegetablesC. juice根据所给汉语提示写单词。1. Idon'tlike __________(米饭).2. Wouldyoulikesome __________(汤)?3. Iwantsome __________(水彩笔).4. __________(饺子) areaspecialWhatother _________doyousee?[ ]A. shapeB. shapesC. shapsIhearwithmy________.[ ]A.earsB.eyesC.handMy _________ arebig.[ ]A.bodyB.noseC. feetIthastwobig __________.[ ]A.feetB.footC.footsWeareGrade3__________.[ ]A.studentB.studentsC.studentesWeare________. [ ]A.friendsB.sad看图填空。1. Heis _________ a _________.2. Iama _________.I'mmyfather's _________. 3. How _________ bananas?_________ bananas.4. — _________wouldyouliHowmany ________ doyouhave?[ ]A.twoB.rulersC.ruler改错。( ) 1. Icanplaysthepiano. ______________ A B C ( ) 2. Jennyplaystheerhuthreetimeaweek. ______________ A B C ( ) 3. Danny isabadpianoplay. ___________用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Why _________(not)dinosaurshaveears?2. I'm _________ (do)myhomework.3.Dinosaursandpeople _________ (be)different.4.Herearesomeo下面每句画线部分均有一处错误,请指出来并改正。( ) 1.TodayisFriday, Novembernine. ________________ A B C D( ) 2.LiMingputsonhisscarf, hatsandmittens. ________改错。( ) 1.DoJennyhelphermothermakelunch. ____________ ABC( ) 2.TheyellowpenareLily's. ____________A B C( ) 3.Heisagoodsing. ____________ A B C( ) 4. I'看图填空。1. Thisis __________. __________iscold.There __________ ice.Snowis __________.2. Inspring, Itake __________ mywinterclothes. NowI __________ myrIhavetwo _________ forhisarms.[ ]A.stickB.sticksC.stickesD.andstick用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Idon'thave __________ (some)homeworktoday.2.TheTVistoo __________ (loud).3.Dannyis __________ (play)thepiano.4.Let__________用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Itissnowy.Dannyhastowalk __________. (slow)2.LiMinghasapairof __________. (skate)3.Dannylearns __________. (fast)4.I'm ____改错。( ) 1. Ilikethegreenactorgood. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Dannyeatsdonutsthreetimeaweek. ______________A B C( ) 3.TodayisFridayNovembernine. _________改错。 ( ) 1.Winter,spring,summerandfallaremonths. _____________ A B C D( ) 2.Howacoldwindyday! _____________ A BC D( ) 3.WhatdoesJennylikedoinginwinter? __WewriteChristmas _________ toourfriends.[ ]A.cardB.cardsC.cardes改错。( ) 1.Theybringgiftstome. _____________ A B C( ) 2.Theyknewheisaspecialbaby. _____________A B C( ) 3.Threewisemanssawthestar._____________A B CTheseareChristmas __________ onourhouse.[ ]A. lightsB. lightC. lightes用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Wehavemanyspecial_________ (holiday).2. Itisthe _________ (China)NewYear.3.TheSpringFestivalis _________(come).4.Didyou ______根据汉语补全句子。1. Howmany __________ (动物) arethere?2.Let'ssayit'sthe __________ (年) oftherat.3. Whatwas__________ (上一个) year?4. Whatis ________InChina, yearshave_________.[ ]A. nameB. name'sC. names选出正确的单词或词组填空。1.Mittensand__________(mitt,mitts)arethesame.2.Therearemany__________(peoples,people)attherestaurant.3.Heisagood__________(sing, s用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Ihavemany ___________ (gift)foryou.2.Let's ___________(make)dumplings.3.Putsome ___________ (meat)inthedumplings.4.Doyouhave用所给词的正确形式填空。1.It'sa_________ (west)holiday. 2.ThereareChristmas_________(light)onourhouse.3.Santaisamerry_________ (man)inredclothes:4.WeinvitTodayistheSpringFestival.Weeat _________.[ ]A.dumplingsB.noodlesC.soup用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Todayweare _________ (put)uptheChristmastree.2.Yesterdaywe _________ (buy)gifts.3.Wouldyouliketohelp _________ (we)putupourChristm用所给单词的正确填空。1. Iamgoingto __________ (buy)somegifts.2.Danny __________(walk)tothebusstop.3. It'sfun__________ (put)upaChristmastree.4.Let'sinv改错。( ) 1.Theybringgiftstous. ____________A B C( ) 2.Therearefourseasoninayear. ____________ A B C( ) 3.Whatahot, sunday! ____________ A B C( ) 4. Icansk用所给词的适式填空。1.Let's_________ (clean)thehouse.2.Howmany _________ (animal)arethere?3.Didyou _________ (have)funatChristmas?4.Wehavemanyspecial____Ihavesome __________.[ ]A.onionB.onionsC.oniones选择正确的词语填空。1.Mittensand__________ (mitt, mitts)arethesame.2.Therearefour __________(season, seasons)inayear.3.Many __________(people, peoples)sayheIgotoschoolfive _________ aweek.[ ]A.dayB.dayesC.days句型转换。1. Sheismakingdumplings. (对画线提问)_____________________________________________2.Openyoureyes. (改为相反意思的句子)_____________________________改错。( ) 1.Winter,spring,summerandfallaremonths. ____________ A B ( ) 2.Howalotsunnyday! ____________A B ( ) 3.Whatdoyoulikedoinginwinter? ____________ A B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.WewatchBob __________(buy) abasketball!2.JennythinksI __________ (be)athome.3. __________(LiRui) fatherisateacher.4.WouldyoulikTherearemany __________ intheBeijingTrainStation.[ ]A.peopleB.manC.womanThese _________ arered.[ ]A. pantB. pantsC. jacketTheyare __________.[ ]A.girlB. boyC. manD. women改错。( ) 1.Look!Dannyiswalkingslow. _______________ A B C( ) 2.CanJennyflysakite? _______________ A BC( ) 3.Therearesomemanshere._______________ A B C( ) Theyoung _________ areloud.[ ]A.manB.menC.womanIhavetwo__________ ofpop.[ ]A.bottlesB. bottleC.abottleHerearethree__________.[ ]A.busB.bussC.buses找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Iseesomechildrenplaysthere. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Theyarelaughingloud. ______________ A B C( ) 3. Iseesomemanonthesquare. ______改错。( ) 1. Iwalkquicktoschool. ______________ AB C ( ) 2.Everyonewantsomemilk. ______________ A B C ( ) 3.Therearefifteenshop. ______________A B C Boysandgirlsare ___________.[ ]A.menB. womenC. childrenTheseare __________.[ ]A.ticketB.aticketC.ticketsTheseare__________.[ ]A.menB.manC.BothAandB句型转换。1. Thisisawoman (复数). ________________________________________________________2. MayIhelpyoutakeapicture? (否定回答)_____________________________用所给词的适当形式填空。1.These __________ (child)areplaying.2.Lucy,isthis __________(you)camera?3.He __________ (see) arestaurantonthestreet.4.JennyandDa找出错误并改正。( ) 1. Wouldyoulikesomenoodle? ______________ AB C( ) 2. LiMingdon'tlikenoodles. ______________ AB C( ) 3. Iwouldlike aapple. ____________Jennyalwaysbrushesher __________afterbreakfast.[ ]A.toothB.hairsC.teeth用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I __________ (send) apostcardtomymothernow.2.Howmucharethe __________ (stamp)?3.Danny __________ (write) aletternow.4.TheT-shTheseare ___________.[ ]A.pencil-boxB. pencils-boxesC. pencil-boxes句型转换。1. Doyouknowthecomputer? (改为用he作主语的一般疑问句)_________________________________________________________ 2. Thisisacomputer. (改为复数句)____
用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Isend __________ (a) e-mailtomyfriend.2.Lookatthese __________ (picture).3.Thereisaletteron__________ (paper).4.Thepostcard__用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Isend __________ (a)e-mailtomyfriend.2.Lookatthese __________ (picture).3.Thereisaletteron __________ (paper).4.Thepostcard _句型转换。1. Whatareyoudoing? (改用he作主语)_____________________________________________2. That'smypanda. (变为复数)_______________________________________找出错误并改正。( ) 1.Herearesomepictureofourtrip. ________________ A B C( ) 2.Iaminthetrainstation.________________ A BC( ) 3.DannyislisteningtoMr.Woodwhe用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Theyhavefive ___________ (child).2.MissZhaois ___________(we) Englishteacher.3.Let ___________ (I)see.4.Therearemany _________These __________ arecrying.[ ]A.childB.childsC.childrenD.childrens— Howmany __________ doyouhave?— Five.[ ]A.booksB.bookC.book'sD.bookesHerearesome___________ ofourtriptoBeijing.[ ]A.pictureB.apictureC.pictures用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Thiswomanis _________ (LiLei)mother.2. Theboyis _________(cry)now.3.Wouldyoulikesome _________ (banana)?4. Icanseetwo _________ Theyare __________.[ ]A.manB.menC.mans用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Look!Thechildren ____________ (play)cards.2. Ican'twalk. Iam ____________(tire).3.Therearemany ____________ (woman) inthepictu找错,并改正。( ) 1.Thisareapencil. _______________ A BC( ) 2.IsitDannymarker? _______________ A B C( ) 3.Thisisaglue._______________ ABC( ) 4.Thesearepen填空。1. This is an __________.2. This is __________.3. These are __________.4. This is a __________.用所给词的正确形式填空。1. It's ___________ (rain) today.2.Therearemany___________ (child) inthehouse.3.LiMing___________ (arrive) inBeijingat2:00.4.LookTheseare .[ ]A.pencilB. paperC. scissorsHowmanydoyouhave?[ ]A. bookB. booksC. book'sHowmanydoyouhave?[ ]A.markerB. penC. booksIhavesix __________.[ ]A. bookB. booksC. abook改错。( ) 1.HeismyfriendJenny. ______________ABC ( ) 2.Howmanyeraserdoyouhave? ______________ A B C( ) 3.HenameisDanny.______________ A B C( ) 4.Thisisagl写出单词或词组的正确形式。1.(pen) Thisis ________.Theseare________.2.(Thisis / Theseare) ________ ________ paper.3.(pencilcase) Theseare ________.4.(ThisIhavetwo ____________.[ ]A.pigB. adonkeyC. cowsWecanseemore __________ onthefarm.[ ]A.ananimalB.animalsC.aanimalWherearethe___________?[ ]A.dressB.dressesC.dress's看图填空。1. Let'sgotothe __________ tofly__________.2. Let'sgotothe __________ to __________ __________ book.3. Let'sgotothe__________ to__________icecr看图,补全句子。1. A: Whatisit?B: It'sa___________.A: Wheredoesitlive?B: Itlivesina ___________.2. Thisisa ___________.Ithas___________. Iteats ________看图填空。1. Whatisit? Itis_____________. Whereisit? Itis _____________. 2. Whatisit?Itis _____________. Whereisit? Itis _____________. 3. Whatisit?I用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Thisdepartmentstore _________ (have)shoes,clothes,toys,booksand_________(bicycle).2.Let'sgotothemovietheatreto _________ (watch)aremyfavouriteclothes.[ ]A.ShortB.ShortsC.Ashort看图补全句子。1. I like __________, and I like __________.2. I like __________, __________ I don'tlike __________.3. I like __________, __________ I don'tHowmany ___________?[ ]A. rulerB. rulersC. arulerWeareGrade3 ___________.[ ]A.gradeB.studentC.students改错。( ) 1. Iammakesoup._______________ A B C( ) 2. Iputnoodlesonthesoup. _______________ A B C( ) 3.Areyoumakesoup? _______________ A BC( ) 4.IlikenoodlHowmucharethe ___________?[ ]A.appleB.grapesC.banana改错。( ) 1.Istheyold? _____________A B C ( ) 2.Howmanybook? _____________A B C ( ) 3.Jennylikeapples. _____________ A B C ( ) 4.Howmuchtoonemarker? ____— Howmany __________ doyouhave?— Ihaveonemarker.[ ]A.markerB. markers用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Wouldyoulikesomemore __________ (egg)?2.Noodles__________ (be)delicious.3.Meatisnotokay.I__________ (do) likeit.4.Jenny________根据汉语填空。1. Ihave __________(小) earsand __________ (大脚).2. Ihave __________ (长)1egsand __________ (短) arms.3. Mybodyis __________ (黄色) andbrown.Ihavesixteen __________.[ ]A.appleB. applesC. applessHowmany ___________?[ ]A.melonB. melonsC. appleIhavesmallearsandbig ____________.[ ]A.footB.footsC.feetDoyouhaveany __________?[ ]A. aappleB. anappleC. applesD. appleIhavetwo___________.[ ]A.kneeB. kneesC. /改错。( ) 1.Wouldyoulikesomepops? _______________ AB C( ) 2.Whatcolourareyourhair? _______________ A B C( ) 3.Ihearwithmy eyes. _______________A B C( ) 4.填空。1. I ___________ withmyfeet.2. Iwritewithmy___________.3. Ihearwithmy ___________.4. Ieatwithmy ___________.5. Iseewithmy ___________.Therearetwenty ___________.[ ]A.melonsB.amelonC.melonIlike____________.[ ]A.abreadB.dumplingsC.toschoolIhavesmall __________.[ ]A.footB.feetC.amouth用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Tom __________ (like)porridgeforbreakfast.2.DumplingsarenotOK. I __________ (do)likethem.3.Wouldyoulikesome __________ (banana)Iamseven __________ old.[ ]A. yearB. aC. yearsWeare ___________.[ ]A.studentB.ChineseC.boy选择正确的单词完成句子。1. Iam __________ (in,at) thepark.2. __________ (Where,What) areyoufrom?3.I__________(eat,see) withmyeyes.4. Iameight__________ (y选词填空。1. Where ___________ (is,are) youfrom?2.Who ___________(is,am) I?3. Iamseven ___________ (years,year) old.4. Iam ___________ (in,at) school.5.改错。( ) 1. Ihavetwoear. _____________A B C ( ) 2. Theseismyeyes._____________ AB CWe are ___________.[ ]A. studentB. boyC. students— Howmany __________ doyouhave?— Ihaveonemarker.[ ]A.markerB. markers选词填空。1. What's ____________ (your,you) name?2. I ____________ (is,am) athome.3.I ____________ (see, hear)withmyeyes.4. How ____________ (is,are) you选词填空。1.Jennyis ___________ (wear,wearing)pinkshoes.2.Myblouseis ___________ (red,blue).3.What's ___________ (you,your)favouritecolour?4.Theboys_____根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Iseewithmy ___________ (眼睛).2. Wewritewith ___________ (铅笔).3. Theydrawwith ___________ (水彩笔).4. Wewalkwith ___________ (腿— Howmanypencils?— ___________[ ]A.Twopencils.B.Twopencil.— Howmanybooks?— ____________[ ]A.Threebook.B. Threebooks.写出所给单词的正确形式。1. I __________ (see)Mr.Wangyesterday.2.Whyistheradio __________ (play) Chinesemusic?3.ShewatchesTVthree __________ (time) aweek.4选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.I'mgoingtoputoffmyhatnow.A BCD ( ) 2. Iliketoskatesontheice. ABC D ( ) 3.Winter,spring, summerandfallaremonths.A B C D (用单词的正确形式填空。1.Thewind ___________(blow)theleavesoffthetreesinfall.2.Shesometimes ___________ (wear)herredskirt.3. Whatahot ___________ (sun)day!4.选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Doyouhotorcold?ABC( ) 2.Thisboyistallerthenthatboy.A BC( ) 3. Iliketoskyonthesnow.ABC ( ) 4. Infall,Iusuallyputonmypant.看图,把正确单词写在横线上。1. The ___________ blowstheleavesoffthetrees.2.I'mcold.SoIputonmy___________and ___________.3.Shelikestoskionthe ____________.Howmany ___________?[ ]A. desksB. deskTheyaregoingtogivethem ___________.[ ]A.giftB.giftsC.agiftsD.gift's选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Jenny'sfamilyissitingat atable. ______________A BC D ( ) 2. Hesingsloud, butheisabadsinger.______________ A B CD( ) 3.InwThese ___________ are workers.[ ]A.a womanB.womenC.womans选出并改正下列句中的错误。( ) 1.Ilovetotheraininspring.____________ A B C D ( ) 2.Jennyisgetting readytoschool. ____________ A B C D( ) 3.InautumnIusuallypu根据图示填空。1. Thechildrenare __________ing ___________. play, happily2. Thew__________ are __________ __________. stand, quietly3. The __________ is_____Howmany __________ arethere?[ ]A.pencilsB. pencilC. penciles找出错误,将字母标号填在括号中,再将正确的写在横线上。( ) 1. Howmanybookarethereinthebag? _______________A B C D( ) 2.IsawadoginaMondymorning._______________Howmany____________doyouhave? [ ]A. rulerB. rulersC. orangesI see many ___________ flying kites.[ ]A.manB. peopleC.woman用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Thisis ___________ (me)pencil.2. ThisisJenny.___________ (her)is agirl.3. Itisn't ___________ (Danny)pen.4. Ihavetwo________用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Let'sgototheparkto fly_________ (kite).2.Where _________ (be)thegrapes?3.Let'sgo_________(shop),Danny.4.Where_________ (do)tAbirdhas___________.[ ]A.feathersB.trunkC.pouchThemonsterhastwolong____________.[ ]A.armB. ArmC. armsIhavetwo___________.[ ]A.feetB.footC.footsIhavefive __________.[ ]A. pencilB. pencilsC. pencilesD. pencil's按要求改写句子。1. Ihaveadress. (改为复数句,数词为two)___________________________________________________2. Iaminthegym. (对画线部分提问)___________________用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Winter, spring, summerandautumnare____________ (season).2.Whatahot ____________ (sun)day.3.Thewind____________(blow)the ________Three__________canmakea snowman.[ ]A.snowB.snowballs用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I __________ (see)Mr. Wangyesterday.2.Whyistheradio __________ (play) Chinese music?3.ShewatchesTVthree __________(time) aweek看图,把句子补充完整。1. Jennyis ___________ onthe ___________.2. Pleaseputonyour ___________, ___________ and___________.3. Whata___________ day!4. I amgo补写句子。1.Nowsheeatsabig, whiterabbitforl__________.2.Don'tlook! C__________ youreyes!3. IthinkDinosaurDaughteristoos__________.4.Theybuyt__________fort用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Thissnowballis ___________ (big)thanthatone.2.Pleasegivemea ___________ (small)one, thisistoobig.3.Wemake ___________(snowman)in选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.I'mgoingtoputoffmyhatnow.A BCD ( ) 2. Iliketoskatesontheice. ABC D ( ) 3.Winter,spring, summerandfallaremonths.A B C D (根据句意和首字母写出所缺单词。1.Inwinter, Ip__________ onmyhat, winterjacketandwinterboots.2.Thewindblowsthe l__________ offthetrees.3.I'mhot, Iamgoingtot_我会根据汉语提示填空。1. Therearefour ___________ (季节) inayear.2. Iwanttomake ___________ (雪人).3.Therearemanygreen ___________ (叶子) onthetree.4. ThiTheyaregoingtogivethem ___________.[ ]A.giftB.giftsC.agiftsD.gift's用单词的正确形式填空。1.TomorrowI ___________ (invite) mycousinforsupper.2. Iusually ___________ (skate) inwinter.3. Itisa ___________ (sun) day.4.Therear选出并改正下列句子中的错误。( ) 1.Jenny'sfamilyissitingat atable. ______________A BC D ( ) 2. Hesingsloud, butheisabadsinger.______________ A B CD( ) 3.InwJennyneeds ___________.[ ]A.apairofshoeB. twopairsofshoesC.anpairofshoesD. twopairofshoes这是Tim写给妈妈的一封信,但粗心的他在信中出现了六处错误,请把它们找出来并改正。tuesday,MarchthreeDearMum,Howareyour?Iamfine.Wearehavingfuninbeijing.Thisareour用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Lucy, isthis ___________(you)bike?2.Thepandais ___________ (drink)tea.3.LiMing___________(need)astampforhispostcard.4.OnestampWherearethe _________?[ ]A. dressB. adressC. dress'sD. dresses用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Marcheighthis ____________ (woman)Day.2.The ____________ (man)are ____________ (talk)together.3. Junefirstis ____________ (child按所给词语的正确形式填空。1. Thebus ____________ (go)slowly.2.Everyone ____________ (feel)scared.3.Therearetoomany____________ (bus).4.Themenandwomen ____
按要求改写句子。1. Thechildrenareplaying. Theyarehappy. (合二为一) ___________________________________________________________2. Iseesomepeople. Theyarerunn选出正确的单词填空。1. Ilikered. Youlikered. Wearethe __________ (same, different).2. Myfavourite __________ (colour, clothes) ispurple.3. Herfavouritedes根据图片或汉语提示补全句子。1. A: MayIhavea____________ ____________B: ____________ ____________ ____________ (给你). A: ________________! (谢谢)2. A: MayIhav根据提示选词填空。her, his, boy, girl, students1.What's __________ name? __________ name isLiMing. LiMingisa __________.2. What's __________ name? ______— Whatarethose?— Theyare____________.[ ]A. newshoesB.it'sshoesC.myshoeD.shoe请用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Look! These _____________ (child) areplayingfootball.2.Mayoften _____________ (watch) TVonSunday.3.XiaoMing is _____________ (用所给词的适当形式填空。1.It's time ____________ (have) lunch.2.Can you ____________ (jump)very high?3.JimandBill ____________ (sing) intheroomnow.4.WhatWehaveten___________.[ ]A. knifeB.knifesC.knivesD.knivs请你把下面句子中的错误选出来,并改正。( ) 1. Howmuchpensarethereinyourbag? ________________A B C( ) 2. — Whatarethese? — They'reboxs. ________________ A B Joel is ______________ old.[ ]A. elevenyearB.eleventhyearsC. elevenyearsD. eleventhyearThe _____________ namesareLucyandLily.[ ]A.girl'sB.girlsC.girls'sD.girls'下面各题的画线部分均有一处错误,请将其标号填在题前括号中,并将错误改正后写在题后的横线上。( ) 1. Excuseme. Isitaegg?_______________A BC ( ) 2. TherearetwopenThereare_____________.[ ]A. thetwin'sdressesB.thetwins' dressesC.thetwins' dressD.thetwin'sdressMrsGreen is _____________ mother. Theyare _____________.[ ]A. LucyandLily's, twinsB. Lucy'sandLily's, twins'C. LucyandLily's, twinD. Lucy'sandLily'sAre ____________ clean?[ ]A. thewindowsof theclassroomB. thewindowof theclassroomC.theclassroomswindows'D.thewindowof theclassrooms把下面画横线的部分译成英文或中文。1. Heisgoingtothemuseum. _________________2.Whendoyoumakea 模型船? _________________3. I'll takeapictureinthepark. _____按要求写句子。1. Arethesehispictures? (作否定回答)_____________________________________________________________2. It'sanewtoybus. (改成复数形式)____________按要求写句子。1. Thisisaboxandthatisaknife. (改为复数句)____________________________________________________________________2. Pleaseputtheclotheshere. (改为用所给单词的恰当形式填空。1. Kate'sbrother ___________ (have) anicecomputer.2. Where ___________ (be) yourclothes?3.Lookatthemapof ___________ (Chinese) onIdon'tknowthe ___________names.[ ]A.woman'sB.womensC.womans'D.women's用所给词或词组的正确形式填空(每个只能用一次,其中有三项是多余的)。A. giveapuppetshowB. rideabike C. lookafter D.pullupE. getoffF.havearcstG.thesameage H.选用适当的词填空。1. Whogetsup ____________ inyourfamily, yourfatheroryourmother? (late / later)2. Jimusually ____________ hishomeworkafterschool. (do/does)3选出下列句子中的错误并在题后的横线上改正。( ) 1. Theyareindifferentclass. _______________A B C D( ) 2. Sorry. What'sthetime,please? _______________ AB C D 选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _______________ (gotoschool /togotoschool).2. Iwouldlike _______________ (tobe/be) herpenfriend.3. Peterliveson _____选择所给词的正确形式填空。1. It'stime _____________ (gohome/ togohome).2. Shewouldlike _____________ (tobe/ be) yourpenfriend.3. Peterliveson_____________ 改错。( ) 1. Ireadedaninterestingbooklastnight. ________________ A B C ( ) 2.Iusuallygorowingandfish.________________AB C( ) 3.GaoShanisthinerthanhisbrother根据句意和图片提示写单词,完成句子。1. MrWangdoesexerciseeveryday. Soheisvery ____________. 2. Ihavelonglegs. Icanjumpf____________ thanJim. 3. DoyouknowL选用适当的词填空。1. Whogetsup ____________ inyourfamily, yourfatheroryourmother? (late / later)2. Jimusually ____________ hishomeworkafterschool. (do/does)3改错。( ) 1.Whosebrushisthis? It'smy. __________________ A B C D ( ) 2.Aretheseyourstamp?Yes,theyare. __________________A B C D( ) 3.WhatdidyouusuallydoaThey like ______________.[ ]A.toskatingB.collectingstampsC.goingtohomeD.aapple用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.MyclassmateJackdoes ______________ (well) inEnglishthanme.2.Thispencil-boxis ______________ (heavy) thanthatone.3.Iswimas ______句型转换。1. Thehospitalis4kilometersaway. (对画线部分提问) ___________ ___________ isthehospital?2. LiuTaogoestohisgrandparents'homeonceamonth. (对画线部分用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Be ____________ (careful), don'ttalk ____________ (loud) inclass.2.Let'senjoy____________ (we).3. ____________ (notthrow)theball选择括号内合适的词填空。1. Myauntlikes _____________ (dance/dancing) verymuch. Shecandance _____________ (beautiful/ beautifully).2. There _____________ (isn句型转换。1. Benlikestoplaytennis. (改为否定句)___________________________________________________________2. I willmakeamodelship. (就画线部分提问)__________改错。( ) 1. Howmanyarethey? Theyareninety-sixyuan. ________________ A B C( ) 2.Wemustn'ttalkingtothedriveronabus.________________ A B C( ) 3.Doeshedoesan改错。( ) 1.Howmanybookdoyouhave?__________________A B C( ) 2.Theyworkedveryhardly.__________________A BC ( ) 3.Theiceinthenorthwillstarttobecomingwater.__Theseare ____________ clothes.[ ]A.woman'sB.womansC.women'sD.womens改错。( ) 1.IamsmallerthenJoe. _________________ A B C( ) 2.Whendoesheneed?_________________A B C( ) 3.Heiselevenyearold._________________ A B C ( ) 4.Thi改错。( ) 1.Lilylikesreadinthemorning._______________A B C( ) 2.Whattimewillitstarts?_______________ A B C( ) 3.I'mnineyearold._______________ A BC( ) 4.用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。1.Ican _____________ (singing).2.The _____________ (shirt)arebrown.3.It_____________ (are)round.4.Puton _____________ (you)s改错。( ) 1.Iusuallytakeanbustoschool. _______________ A B C( ) 2.WhatdoyouvisitUncleLiu? _______________ABC( ) 3.Ican'tbeinglateagain. _______________ A用所给词的适当形式完成句子。1. This ____________ (be) abeautifulforest.2.Hello, you ____________(be) abigbird.3.Itis ____________(I)olddeer.4.AllgoatshaveThoseare ______________.[ ]A.potatosB.potatoesWeneedsome _____________.[ ]A.eggB.cucumbers改错。( ) 1. I want to some apples._______________A B C( ) 2. Those are mushroom._______________ A BC( ) 3. Join I, Little Turtle._______________ A B C( ) 按要求完成下列句子。1. — Cansheswim? (作肯定回答) — ______________, she ______________.2. Thatisastrawberry. (对画线部分提问) ______________ is ____________看一看,填一填。What doyouwant?Iwant ......1. ___________ ____________.2. ___________ ____________.3. ___________ ____________.4. ___________ _____改错。( ) 1. We car is blue._______________ A B C( ) 2. They is small animals. _______________ A B C( ) 3. How are your now?_______________A B C ( ) 4. Do看一看,读一读,填一填。1. — Isthatapear? — ____________, ____________ ____________.2. — Canyousing? — ____________, ____________ ____________.3. — Isthat— Arethese ____________?— Yes, theyare.[ ]A.onionsB.onionesYouhavesomany _____________.[ ]A.question B.questions根据单词提示完成句子。1. Itis____________(a) egg.2.Are ____________ (that)eggplants?3.Howmany ____________ (flower)arethere?4.Iwant ____________ (climb)th— Howmany ____________ arethere?— Therearefour.[ ]A.butterflyB.butterflies用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Myhobbyis ____________ (listen)tomusic.ButnowIam ____________ (run).2.Howmany ____________ (room)arethereinthehouse?3.I havetwoTheyhave _____________ onthehill.[ ]A.appletreeB.appletreesC.applestreeD.applestreesWhatwouldyou like,____________or peaches?[ ]A.pearB.a pearC.pearsD.peares句型转换,每空一词。1. MynameisJack. (改为同义句) _____________ _____________ Jack.2. Wehavetenapplesinthebasket. (对画线部分提问) _____________ ___________There are ______________ in the picture.[ ]A.somewomenB.somewomansC.somewomensD.somewoman按要求写句子。1. Icandoit. (改为一般疑问句) Can _____________ do _____________?2. There'retenbagsonthetable. (对画线部分提问) _____________ _____________ bThere are ____________ on the table.[ ]A.twobagsof tomatosB.twobagsof tomatoesC.twobagof tomatoesD.twobagsof tomatoThose are beautiful ______________.[ ]A.dressB.skirtsC.oneD.shirtWe're indifferent ______________.[ ]A.schoolsB.classC.gradeD.classroom选词完列句子。1. — Who is the man? — He's ___________ (my / mine)father.2.I have a hat. ___________ (It's / Its)white.3. This ___________ (pear / pair) Wehaveten___________.[ ]A. knifeB.knifesC.knivesD.knivsTheshopisabout____________ awayfromhere.[ ]A.twohundredmetersB.twohundredsmetersC.twohundredmeterD.twohundredsmeter改错。( ) 1. Howmuchpensarethereinyourbag?_______________ A B C( ) 2. — Whatarethese? — They'rebox._______________ A B C( ) 3. — Where'sTom'spicture? —— Whataretheir jobs?— They're ____________.[ ]A.intheofficeB.havingaclassC.officeworkersD.intheclassroom下面各题的画线部分有一处错误,请将其标号填在题前括号中,并将错误改正后写在题后的横线上。( ) 1. Excuseme. Isitaegg? _____________ A B C D( ) 2.Therearetwopenc用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Will youplease ____________ (go)tothezoowithme?2.I am ____________ (thin)thanKate.3.My ruler is as ____________ (long)as yours.— What would you like,please?— I'd like some ____________ and some ____________.[ ]A.rice;pineapplesB.rices;pineapplesC.rice;pineappleD.rices;pineappl用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I'm ___________ (big)thanyou.2. You'retallerthan ___________(I).3. LinJunis ___________ (short)thanMike.4. Sarahis ________根据提示补全句子。1. Do you like ____________ (peach)? 2. I ____________ (not) go to Beijing two days ago. 3. Last weekend I ____________ (go) skiing. 4. Are we going to see different _____________?[ ]A. a place B. places C. place根据首字母提示填空完成句子。1. H____________ is she going to get there? By train or by bus?2. I b____________ some presents on my holiday.3. Do you like h_用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. What are you ____________ (do)?2.Lily is ____________ (swim) now.3. Lily often ____________(get) up early.4. I like _________The tree _____________are green in spring.[ ]A. leafs B. leaves C. leafHow many _____________do you have?[ ]A. a libraryB. libraryC. libraries根据提示补全句子。1. How many s______________ are there in a year? There are four.2. It's A______________ 7th today. It's my b______________. 3. The dogHow many _____________ are there in the library? [ ]A. a booksB. bookC. books用所给词的正确形式填空。1. ___________ (where) are the children? They're in the woods.2. They're ___________ (draw) pictures.3. Mike ___________ (like) p读一读,选词填空。1. It's time ____________(to / for) go to school. 2. It's time ____________(to / for) go home. 3. What time ____________ (is it / are thI have seven ____________.[ ]A. clocks B. clock C. o'clockI have seven _____________.[ ]A. a fan B. fan C. fans— What are they?— _________________.[ ]A. That is a jacket. B. Those are my socks.How many ____________ can you see?[ ]A. rabbits B. rabbit C. a rabbit看图,选词填空。1. It's _____________ (windy / sunny) in Hang Zhou. 2. It's _____________ (cloudy / snowy) in Harbin.3. I can see three _____________ (potHow many _____________ can you see? [ ]A. cat B. cats C. a catDo you like _____________?[ ]A. an peach B. peaches C. peachHow many ___________ do you have?[ ]A. peach B. pear C. pearsI have two ____________.[ ]A. peachs B. peaches C. peachDo you like ____________?[ ]A. peachs B. peach C. peachesHow many _____________ do you have?[ ]A. pencil B. pencils C. a pencil根据图片提示补充句子,使句子意思完整。1. My sister __________ to school by __________.2. Mike's aunt __________ a__________.3. I __________a __________ yes用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。1. It's ___________ (wind) today. We can fly the kites. 2. The Guangzhou Asian Games begin on the ___________ (1用所给单词的适当形式填空。使句意完整、正确。1. There are ten ____________ (box) in the classroom. 2. Children's Day is on the ____________ (one) of June.3.— Do you have any hobbies?— Yes, I do. I like ______________.[ ]A. make model planesB. making model plane C. making model planesHow many ___________ can you see on the desk?[ ]A. strawberry B. strawberries C. strawberrys看图,根据首字母的提示,完成句中单词所缺的字母。1. There are many t___________ in our parks.2. The mouse began to b___________ the net and saved the lion at lI want to buy some _____________.[ ]A. tofu and potatoB. tomatoes and tofuC. bean and eggplant
根据句子意思和图画内容完成句子,每空填写一个单词。1. My grandpa is 33 years ____________ ____________ my mother.2. I ____________ good____________ yesterday.根据句意用单词正确形式填空。1. It's a_____________(snow) evening.2. He looks _____________ (like) his mother. 3. My teacher _____________ (listen) to me on根据句子意思完成下列句子。1. I am doing my ___________ (作业).2. She is washing the ___________ (蔬菜) for supper. 3. Iwant ___________ (听) to the radio. It's aboutnine _______________ from here to Canada.[ ]A. thousands kilometres B. thousands kilometre C. thousand kilometres 用所给单词的适当形式填空。flag, cookie, begin, forget, remember 1. Mr. Li ___________ to work at eight. 2. Don't ___________ to do your homework on time. 3用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Let's ____________ (stop) the car. 2. Don't ____________ (worry). I can help you. 3. I can find it ____________(easy). 4. 用下列所给单词的适当形式填空。flower, sky, sandal, fly, sand, ocean, grass1. I like swimming in the _____________. 2. There are some _____________ and _______There are some ____________ in the sky.[ ]A. clouds B. cloud C. cloudyStudents should help _____________.[ ]A. old mans B. olds man C. old men D. young men 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tom's brother ___________(fall) down the stairs yesterday. 2. Her sister and brother never ___________ (go) to bed before 10: 00 pThere are many ___________ in China. [ ]A. great men B. great man C. famous D. great 根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. How much are the ____________ (袜子)? 2. Please don't ____________ (忘记) to do your homework. 3. It's a little red _________We wash ___________ in the sink. [ ]A. dishB. dishesC. dishsI need to wash my ____________.[ ]A. handB. handsWe brush our ____________.[ ]A. teeth B. toothThese are my ____________.[ ]A. toothbrushes B. teethbrushes 看图完成句子。1. This is _____________.2. These are _____________.3. They are _____________.4. Here are some _____________.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We ____________ (be) hungry. 2. She ____________(need) some onions. 3. Supper ____________(be) ready. 4. Now the ____________ (The ____________ are on the table. [ ]A. carrot B. a carrot C. carrots Here are some ___________and ___________.[ ]A. onions, carrotsB. onion, carrotsC. onions, cattor看图完成句子。1. What's in the ______________?2. Here are some ______________.3. Here's the ______________.4. This is a ______________.These are ____________.[ ]A. runner B. runners This ball is five ____________.[ ]A. dollarsB. dollarThese are ___________.[ ]A. bone B. bonesI like___________.[ ]A. grapesB. grapeThese are my ____________.[ ]A. bootB. bootsHow many ___________do you walk? [ ]A. minutesB. minuteHow many _____________ do you read books? [ ]A. minute B. minutesHow many _____________ are there in it?[ ]A. circle B. circles It's one hundred ___________.[ ]A. degreeB. degreesThese are yellow ____________.[ ]A. busB. busesHere are many ___________.[ ]A. dress B. dresses Those _____________ are Chinese.[ ]A. childs B. childrenLook at the ___________. They are new.[ ]A. stamp B. stamps Do you like ___________? [ ]A. peaB. peasHere are some ____________for you.[ ]A. pencil B. pencilsThis ___________ is big. These ___________ are small.[ ]A. box, boxes B. boxes, box 按要求改写句子。1. This is a dress. (改为复数句子)___________________________________________2. These are old stamps. (改为单数句子)_________________________Do the ___________play football after class? [ ]A. child B. childrenThe _____________ watch TV in the evening. [ ]A. boy B. boysWe put some ___________on the table.[ ]A. dishB. dishesC. dishs用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I ___________(live) in Canada. 2. He ___________ (want) to ___________ (learn) English. 3. Li Ming ___________ (live) in Tianjin.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. How many ____________ (dish) are there on the table? 2. It's ____________ (cloud) and cool. 3. I like ____________ (line). 4. 按要求改写句子。1. Jenny can play the piano. (改为否定句)_________________________________________________________2. I sometimes walk to school. (同义句)____How many ____________ are there in your class? [ ]A. childrenB. childKim ate breakfast six ___________ last week. [ ]A. time B. times Do you have any _____________?[ ]A. shortB. shortsThe ____________ watch TV in the evening.[ ]A. girlB. girls按要求改写句子。1. This is a dress. (改为复数句子)________________________________________________________2. These are old stamps. (改为单数句子)____________Are these ___________ dirty? [ ]A. dishB. dishesI am washing my ____________.[ ]A. handB. handsThese are my __________.[ ]A. toothB. teethJenny goes to work five ____________a week.[ ]A. timeB. timesThese are ___________.[ ]A. shirtB. glovesC. sweaterThese ___________ areshort.[ ]A. hatB. shortC. shorts用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Australia has beautiful ___________ (beach).2. I eat supper with my ___________(family).3. Canada's flag has a ___________(leaf)How many ___________ are there on the desk?[ ]A. boxB. boxesThe flag of the U. S. has stars and _____________.[ ]A. stripesB. a leafHow many _____________ are there? [ ]A. busB. busesWe can say these ____________.[ ]A. numberB. numbers改错,将句中错误部分的序号填入题前的括号,并将正确答案填在横线上。( ) 1. How old is it from here to there?________________ ABC ( ) 2. About two thousands kilo写出下列名词的复数。1. bus ______________3. answer______________5. leaf______________ 7. address______________2. country______________4. beach_____________改错,将句中错误部分的序号填入题前的括号,并将正确答案填在横线上。( ) 1. Is a airplane faster than a train? _______________A B C( ) 2. How many bus are there?用所给词的适式填空。1. September is the _____________ (nine) month of a year. 2. We celebrate Children's Day on June _____________(one). 3. There are twelvAre you ten ____________?[ ]A. year oldB. years old将下列句子改为复数句子。1. This is a yellow marker._________________________________________________2. Here is a blue chair._________________________________Do you like __________?[ ]A. sockB. socksThese are pink ____________.[ ]A. eraserB. erasersC. reasersI have three ___________.[ ]A. book B. booksC. bookesHow many ____________ do you have?[ ]A. books B. a book C. the bookWhat's in your living room? [ ]A. Some toys. B. A computer.What ___________ can you see? [ ]A. shapeB. shapesThese are my ____________.[ ]A. toysB. toyHow many ___________ do you have?[ ]A. eraserB. erasersC. an eraserShe has 3 ____________.[ ]A. pencil-case B. pencils-cases C. pencil-cases Make ___________.[ ]A. a friendB. friendsC. friendI'm from China. I can use ___________.[ ]A. forkB. spoonC. chopsticksThere are many ___________ and chairs.[ ]A. deskB. desksC. desk's— What do you like?— I like ___________.[ ]A. cakesB. rabbitC. hot dog— How many ____________?— Nine. [ ]A. ballsB. ball" It's a potato.” 的复数形式是: __________[ ]A. They're potatoes.B. They're potatos.C. They're potato.There are yellow ____________ and a ____________ on the wall. [ ]A. closets, curtain B. closet, curtain C. closets, curtains Zhang Peng has three new ____________.[ ]A. teacherB. teachersC. teacher'sTom likes __________.[ ]A. Saturdays and Sundays B. Saturday and Sundays C. Saturdays and SundayThere are many ____________ in China. [ ]A. citiesB. cityesC. citysThere are many _____________in the village. [ ]A. mountain B. a mountain C. mountains I have many ___________.[ ]A. carB. planeC. boatsHow many ___________ on the table?[ ]A. a cakeB. cakesC. cakeHow many kites? [ ]A. Ten kites.B. Nine kite. — Are there _____________in the mountains?— Yes, there are.[ ]A. a bridgeB. monkeyC. any monkeysHow many kites? [ ]A. Ten kites.B. Nine kite. 按要求改写句子。1. There is a picture. (改为复数句)___________________________________________________________________2. There's a bed in the room. (改为否定改错。( ) 1. Jim likes write e-mails. __________________A B C D ( ) 2. I like collecting stamp. __________________ A B C D ( ) 3. Do your grandfather likHow many ____________are there? There are five. [ ]A. busB. bussC. busesI'd like some _____________and mutton for lunch. [ ]A. tomatoB. tomatosC. tomatoesWe have _____________, tofu and fish for lunch. [ ]A. tomatoB. tomatosC. tomatoesToday is ____________. I have computer and P. E. today. I like ____________.[ ]A. Thursday; ThursdaysB. Tuesdays; ThursdayC. Thursdays; Thursday按要求完成下面的句子。1. There is a forest in the park. (改为一般疑问句)___________________________________________________________2. There is a flower. (改为There are small ____________in the village. [ ]A. buildingB. housesC. parkWe can see many _____________ in a river. [ ]A. frogB. fishC. fishes