阅读理解.根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F). I used to travel by air a great deal of when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly th阅读理解.根据短文判断正(T)误(F). Jimmy and Tommy were good friends. They both attended the same class in a school. Tommy was a clever boy. He could answer q根据短文内容填空,每空一词。 I saw an accident this morning when I was standing at the corner of Green Street. A woman withher son was driving a red sports car 完形填空 A woman saw three old men sitting outside. She said,“I don’t think I know you,but you must be very hungry. Please come in and have something to 1 "完形填空。 Onceakingwaswalkingaroundapoolwithhisministers(大臣).1,hecameupwith2.Heasked,"Howmanybasketfulsof3arethereinthepool?"Theministers4 .togiveanansw阅读理解。Holiday Ride A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his阅读理解。Quick Work Ted Robinson has been worried all the week . Last Tuesday he received a letter from thelocal police . In the letter he was asked to call a完形填空。 One bright summer day, boys and girls were having a walk with their teacher near the zoo. They walked and1 happily.After a while, they came to a2 ov完形填空。 Charlie is twenty-three now. He1a university (大学) and found work in a factory last year. It's2and there are no more than fifty workers in it. An阅读理解. Hundreds of years ago there lived a king in a small country. He liked swimming. When summer came, he always went to another palace by a forest with 阅读理解。Quick Work Ted Robinson has been worried all the week . Last Tuesday he received a letter from thelocal police . In the letter he was asked to call a阅读理解。 A Road Sign A man was traveling on his way to another town when he saw a road sign (路标) which read,"NO THROUGH WAY. PLEASE GO ANOTHER WAY." He l阅读理解。 One day when he was crossing the road, Tom was hit by a car. He fell down and broke his arm. An ambulance (救护车) soon arrived and took Tom to a ho完形填空。Mr. Brown was a rich shopkeeper. He 1 a lot of money to his son Jim when he was dying. The young man often 2his friends to dinner and several years 阅读理解. A Trip to the ForestOne day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the tree阅读理解。 Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day's work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud 阅读理解。 An old woman walked into a clothes shop between a cinema and a bank. She asked the salesgirlto let her have to look at a new dress. But the girl did阅读理解 Dr Albert Einstein's neighbour was worried. Every day her small daughter went to call on the great scientist after school. At last the mother went to完形填空。 Long long ago there lived a king. He was not an artist and didn't draw1, but he liked to draw.He drew from morning to evening every day. In his pl完形填空.Most people were asleep at night, but Frank was 1. Frank was a night watchman. His work was to guard (保卫) a large factory. He had to keep everythi阅读理解。 One day Mrs. Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening, she began totell him about a beautiful cotton dress."I saw it in a sh完型填空. Tommy hated school and was always 1 excuses not to go.If he felt a little tired, he asked his mother to 2 him to the doctor 3 school hours.He 4 more阅读理解。 Last Sunday the Greens went to the movies. They got home very late. Father opened the front door and went into the house. It was very dark, so moth阅读理解。 Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked hard but wasn't paid much. And his mother did all the 完形填空。 One bright summer day, boys and girls were having a walk with their teacher near the zoo. They walked and1 happily.After a while, they came to a2 ov完形填空。 Mrs.Whitewasveryfat.Shewasover100kilos.1shewenttoseeadoctor.Thedoctorsaid,"Youneedabalanceddiet,Mrs.White,andIhaveagood2here."HegaveMrs.White阅读理解。 Mrs. Brown was very fat. Her husband thought she should have a balanced diet, and he made hernot eat meat or cakes. One morning, Mrs. Brown made a阅读理解。 Mrs. Black is sixty-nine years old. She only has a daughter named Sandra. Mr. Black died twelveyears ago. Mrs. Black was very sad and lived in h阅读理解。 PierreisaFrenchmanandheknowslittleEnglish.Itisafinedaytoday.NowheissittingnearawindowofarestaurantinLondon. Hehearssomeoneshouting,"Lookout!"Sohe阅读理解。 When Mr. Jones went to a restaurant near the city center one day, he left his coat near the door.At that time there were many people having lunch in阅读理解。 Doctor Clark was a very busy man. He always worked hard. He often forgot his family's birthday. He loved his wife. He wanted to give her a presen短文填空。 Mrs.Millerdoesn'tlikesports.Shedoesn'tdo (1)______, either. Sheevendoesn'tliketo(2)______themonTV.Shehasalotofhouseworkto (3)______athome.This阅读理解。 The idea of what shaking the head means is not always the same in different countries. Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first came to完形填空。 Mr. Smith1 in a post office three years ago. When he was sixty, he retired. Now he and his wife stay at home and his children work in2 city. The o阅读理解。 Four girls were at the same school. They were good friends, so they often studied and played together. They went to school every day by taxi. One d根据语篇情景,用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。 TedhadaveryunusualexperienceonSunday.Hewantedtovisithisgrandmotherthatmorning.Whilehewas 1._____thestreet阅读理解。 The date was like any other day in his life. After school Bill walked past the shop on the street corner. He stooped to look at the front row of sho阅读理解。 By the time Bill arrived in a little town, every hotel room had been taken. "You've got to give me a room somewhere," he said to the manager at th阅读理解。 A man saw a boy standing beside a lake with a mirror (镜子)."Excuse me," he said "but could you tell me what you're doing?" "I'm fishing." 完形填空。 Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr. Sanders, the man who started this1 was not alway完型填空。At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people's1and sang songs and performed a play for2.The old完形填空。Let me1you something about my little dog Snoopy. Snoopy is an2 dog. He looks very3. He has two small eyes, two big ears , four short legs and a smal阅读理解。 A meteorite(陨石) almost hit an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain whenhe was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in t阅读理解。 A meteorite(陨石) almost hit an 80-year-old man named Arthur Pettifer in Britain whenhe was working in his garden. The meteorite was the biggest in t完形填空。A duck(鸭子) and a hen (母鸡) meet on the road. The duck asks the hen, " 1do you work?" The hen answers , " 2 a farm. " The duck says , Then you阅读理解。 Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign outside : "Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold. "He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked th完形填空。Peter is a middle school boy. His father has a black car, so his father usually1 him to school in the car. Peter's best friend Ben goes to school by阅读理解。 An old man has a very clever monkey. He gives him food and teaches him to do some things. Sothe monkey likes to live with the old man. Sometimes th阅读理解。 Every morning Tom goes to work by train. He has a long way to go. So he always buys anewspaper. It helps him to spend (消磨) the time on the train.完形填空。 Jimmy1 in the country (农村) and he loves2 in the river near his house, but his father gets a job in a big city and he moves (搬到) there3 his family.阅读理解。 Scott works very long hours. He usually gets up at 17: 00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After brea阅读理解。She Is Looking for Me Mr. John and Mr. Brown work in the same office. One day Mr. John says to Mr. Brown, "I will have a small party in our house完形填空。Bob and Mike are in the same school,1 they are in diffrent classes. Their favorite2 is Chinese. They3Chinese is very interesting. They go to school 阅读理解。 It's a fine Sunday morning.The Smiths are at home. Mr Smith is cleaning hiscar in the garden. Mrs Smith is in the kitchen (厨房). She is cooking 阅读理解。Harry is eight years old.His school is near home. He always goes there and comes home on foot. One day he came home from school late. His mother as完形填空 There is a zooin our city. My parents often take me there on_ 1 _. I like animals. I have a lot of _ 2in my room. In the 3 , I can see tigers, eleph根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(A)误(B)。 It's Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs White are in a shop. Mrs White likes hats very much. She says,"Look, this hat is 阅读理解。 One morning a fox sees a cock in a tree. He thinks, "This is my breakfast." He comes up to the cock and says, "My dear cock! I hear you can sing 判断正误,正确的写“A”,错误的写“B”。 Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, "I will have a small party at 阅读理解。 Tom is five years old. He has no brothers or sisters. He is a lovely boy. He doesn't go to school becausehe is too young. He likes to play with o完形填空。 Tom is six now. His mother 1 in a watch factory. She is busy all day, she has to2 at six in the morning. Then she cooks3for her family. She goes t阅读理解。 Mary is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a hospital in Hangzhou. She is also learning Chinese medicine (医学) there. She like完形填空。 Dick did not live too far away from school, so he liked to1 to school every day. On his way toschool he always went past (经过) a playground. When i阅读理解。 Mr Smith did the shopping in the street one afternoon.A short time later, he saw a truck hit (撞击)a car not far from the shop. He ran to help at on阅读理解。 Peter works in a food shop. He helps the shopkeeper. He puts food on the shelves every day.Then people come into the shop and buy the food. Today 阅读短文,回答问题。 Oneweekend,awifeandahusband (丈夫) wenttovisitashopinTokyo.Aftertheygotbackhome, theycouldn'tfindtheircamera (照相机).Theythoughtthecamer阅读理解。 Mr. Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening. His wife always spent it all before the next Wednesday, so that for the next three days she had 阅读理解。 When two English people meet, their first words will be "How do you do?" or "How are you?" And after those words, they often talk about the weat阅读理解 Many people like animals. Now a lot of people have animals as pets (宠物). Usually people like to have dogs, cats, fish and other animals. Many young完形填空。 It's Mary's birthday. She1 a letter from her uncle. "Happy birthday. I am 2you some chickens. They will arrive tomorrow. I hope you will like 阅读理解。 It was Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum (鼓完形填空 It was five in the afternoon. A bus1 a small town. Mrs Morison got off and went in a restaurant by the road, with a small beautiful dog, she was trave阅读理解。 Jack is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a good student when he was young. He wasoften late for class and didn't like doing his homework完形填空. Mr and Mrs Jones usually __1__ go out in the evening. But last Saturday, Mrs. Jones __2__ to Mr. Jones,"There's a good film at the cinema this __完形填空。 Guo Hua was late for class. When he came to the classroom. Mr. Li was teaching. "May I come in,Mr. Li?" asked Guo Hua."What's wrong with yo用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。new, friendly, breakfast, do, so, stay, but, different, you, class, big, meal Anna come完形填空. Last Sunday the Browns went to the park. They got home very late. Father opened the front door and they all went __1__ the house. It __2__ dark, so阅读理解,判断对“T”错“F”。The Soccer Twins Many people think that twins are exactly the same. But they're not! Ali and Ahmet are twin brothers.They look the s阅读理解。 There are many people in the bus and there are no empty (空的) seats. When a young man gets on,an old man near him wants to stand up, but the young m阅读理解。 0ne day a young woman walked into a shop."Good afternoon,madam, "said the shop assistant with a smile,"Can I help you?" "Yes,please,"said th完形填空。 A small man went to a cinema (电影院),1 a ticket (票) and went in.2after two or three minutes he came3, bought a second ticket and went in 4 . After阅读理解。 It's a Sunday morning. Lin Tao has no classes today. Ha has breakfast and goes out. He is going tohis grandfather's home. Now he is on his way t阅读理解。 John moved into a new house. He was very happy. He had an old cat and a young cat. He liked them very much, He thought," I must let my cat go in a阅读理解. Mr. and Mrs. White had different ideas about where to go that weekend. Mrs. White wanted to go to Hainan to see her sister, but Mr. White did not阅读理解。There is a shy girl in our class. She is thirteen years old. She is not tall andshe is not short. She is a little heavy. Her face is round , like a完形填空。 Gao Ming was very busy yesterday. He got up 1 7:10 in the moming. He washed his face 2and had some milk and bread3 breakfast. It was a fine day. H阅读理解。 The Wilsons decided to go overseas for vacation. They had a family meeting to plan the vacation."First," Mr Wilson said, "we should decide where 阅读理解. Mr. Day is a teacher at a school in a big city in England. He usually goes to France or Canada for a few days during his summer holidays (假期) and 根据短文内容回答下列问题。 The Wilsons decided to go overseas for vacation. They had a family meeting to plan the vacation."First," Mr Wilson said, "we shou阅读理解。 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and their children were going to begin their vacation one day, and they hadto be at the airport at eleven forty a.m. "It'll 阅读短文,回答问题。 Harry is driving a car on his way home. He likes driving very much. He is thinking about the coming evening." Oh, my son, Robin, is ten 完形填空。 It was a Sunday afternoon. It was very 1and nobody wanted to stay at home. Mike decided to go swimming in the river. His brother, Jim, wanted to go阅读理解。Mrs White has a son. His name is Sam White. The young man begins to work in a post office in a city this autumn. He asks his mother to visit (参观) 阅读理解,回答问题。 Mrs. Green is going to give Mary a birthday party. Mary is her daughter. She will be ten years old.A lot of her friends are coming to th阅读理解。 Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers. He阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误 (F)。"Next Tuesday is going to be a holiday," says the teacher," I want you to tell me what you are going to do, Terra." "I'm go完形填空。 Mrs Green lives in the country (乡村), and she doesn't know London very well. One day, she goesto London. She can't find her 1 . Just then she 2 阅读理解。 Bob comes out of the station and at once he doesn't know where to go. This is the first time he comesto this town. He comes to see his good friend,完形填空。 Marianne, a schoolgirl, was learning to play the piano, and day after day her father stood behind her as she practiced. How very patient and loving 1任务型阅读。 Today I had great fun. I went to Mike's home on foot in the morning. I studied English with him all morning. We read funny tongue twisters( 绕口
阅读理解。 Sick men and women were sitting on their chairs in the doctor's waiting room. They all looked sad except Tom. He was playing with some cards. Just阅读理解。 Once there was a boy called Dick. He was poor. His father and mother were dead and he had nofriends to help him. One day he heard some men talking.阅读理解。 While walking home from sehool, Jenny saw a small kitten on the street. It was only a few weeks old, and it was crying. Jenny bent down and looked a阅读理解。 Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school when he was six , and now he is in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school, but he is 完形填空。 Mr. John was at the window of a train in1. He was going to Washington, and now he was2 . The train began moving, and an old worker3 the window. Mr阅读理解。 A poor boy became a rich and famous singer. He married and had two sons and two daughters. One day he said to his wife, "Our children mustn't have阅读理解。 I had a summer camp with my classmates last year. Early in the morning. We gathered at the bus station. After saying goodbye to our parents,we got 阅读短文,判断正(A)误(B) Len was thirty years old, and he had very long hair, He lived in a big city, but one year he did not find any work there, so he went to a完形填空。 I'm Bob. I'm a student. I'm1 . My father is a reporter and my mother is a bank2.She likes her job. She thinks it is3 .I have a sister. She i根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 Look at the picture. Where are the children now? They are in the zoo(动物园).They are looking at the monkeys(猴子).The monkeys a阅读理解。 My name is Jack Wilson. I am from Toronto, Canada. It's far from Beijing. I am 13 years old. I ama schoolboy. I know China is a great country. 阅读理解。 It is Sunday morning. It is a nice day. Mr. and Mrs.Green take their daughter to the park. There are many people there. Some women are drinking 阅读理解。 One afternoon, Kate and her brother, Bob, went out to play. Kate was eight, and Bob was ten. "Let’s go to the bridge and we can see fish in the ri完形填空。 Miss Liu is our English teacher. Do you1 her? And what does she 2 like? Let me 3you. She's of medium height, but a little 4 heavy. She has short任务型阅读。Dear friends ,My name is Frank. I am from America. Here is a picture of our class. We are in Class 3, Grade 7. The name of our school is St John'阅读理解。 Lucy and Lily are English girls. They are twins. They are studying Chinese in Beijing now. They are in Miss Gao's class. In their class, there ar根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Once,whenTomwasaboy,hismotherwentoutforapicnic.Beforesheleft, shesaidtohim."Tom,whileIamaway,staynearthedoorandwatchitallthe ti根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Once,whenTomwasaboy,hismotherwentoutforapicnic.Beforesheleft, shesaidtohim."Tom,whileIamaway,staynearthedoorandwatchitallthe ti完形填空。 Today is Sunday. It's nine o'clock. Mr. Wang's family are all1. Mrs. Wang is watching TV. She is watching TV shopping. She wants to buy a __选词填空writing , taking , sitting, playing , swimming , flying, sunny, studying, drawing , having My name is Rich. I'm fourteen years old. I'm 1 in a middle阅读理解。 It's nine o'clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim's father is sitting in a chair. He's watching TV. His mother is standing near th完形填空。 Last Sunday I took my son to the zoo1 the morning. I wanted my son 2 more aboutanimals. We3the No. 8 bus to the zoo. First we went to see the fish阅读理解。 I had a summer camp with my classmates for the first time last year. Early in the morning, we gathered at the bus station. After saying goodbye to o完形填空。 An old lady went out 1 last Sunday. She came to a bank and saw a car near the door. a man got2 it and went into the bank. She looked into the car, 从方框中选择适当的单词完成短文。morning park, wearing, time, rainingread skirts, many, with, cloudy Today is Sunday. It's1and kind of hot in the2 I go out3 som完形填空。 Sam and Pat are brothers. They are in1class. Sam words2and studies better than his brother, Pat. One day, the teacher asked the class3 a compositio阅读短文,判断正(A)误(B)。 Len was thirty years old, and he had very long hair, He lived in a big city, but one year he did not find any work there, so he went t根据所给单词的适当形式填空。call, swim, anything, clever, bear, can, he, give, girl, something, read, take Many years ago, there was a family 1______ Franklin. 阅读理解。 One day Mr and Mrs Green drove to a shop. They stopped the car in front of the shop. An hourlater they came back to the car with a lot of things. T阅读理解。 Once there was a king. He liked to write stories. He thought his stories were good, so he like toshow them to people. As people were afraid him, th完型填空。 Maria Comez was born in Peru. She grew up in a small village. She 1 when she was six years old.She went to elementary school, but she 2 to high sch根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) Now many boys wear the same(同样的)clothes as girls, and some of them have long hair. So sometimes it's difficult to tell whether(是完形填空。 Peter is a waiter. He1in a restaurant. He is very busy, so he gets 2very late every night. He does notstay at home 3 the day. Peter has a parrot (根据所给词的适当形式填空。Chopin 1.____ (bear) in March, 1810 near Warsaw (华沙) in Poland. He is one of the greatest 2.____ (music) in the world. In 1831, w完形填空.It's a fine morning. There __1__ many people in the park. What are they __2__ in the park? Some __3__ are playing games. Some __4__ are walking __选择方框内所给单词完成短文。leaves, buy, thank, has, late, driver, school, cheap, something, early, closed,friendly, floor, help, sell, dear, worry, eveningLin H完形填空。 Dick did not live too far away from school, but he liked to1 to school every day. On his way to school he always went 2 a playground. When it rained阅读理解。 It's time to go home now. I am on a bus on a rainy day, and a woman with a dog gets on the bus. It is a big dog and its feet are not clean. I don'根据短文内容和首字母提示完成各句所缺单词。 Sandy and Sue are going to school. They are walking along the street. "Look!" Sandy says."There's a man near th完形填空。 Mrs Black was a famous musician several years ago. She taught1 at a school and her students did well in their lessons. They liked her very much. No完形填空。 Itwasacoldwinterevening.1oldmanhaddonehisworkandwasgoinghomefromthefields.2 hiswayhesawsomethingontheground.Helookedatitand3itwasasnake (蛇).Itwas阅读理解 Last summer Jenny and her friends had a bus trip to New York. She felt very relaxed on the way. They visited a museum.But it's really crowded there 阅读理解。 One cold winter morning, an old woman had to go to see her doctor. When she walked into the doctor's office, she told him that her right leg hurt an阅读短文,用合适的单词完成句子。 John is a paper boy. He delivers (送) newspapers to different houses in his street every day. He has about 80 customers (客户)阅读理解。 Mr. Black, Ann's father works in a hospital. He's friendly to the patients. So he's very busy all thetime. Ann is seven and began to be at scho阅读理解。 After I have lunch in an inn (小酒吧), I look for my handbag. I put it on a chair beside the door and now it isn't there! As I am looking for it, th根据短文内容和首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Mrs.Whitelovesflowersverymuchandshehasasmallbutbeautifulgarden.Insummertheflowersareveryn_____(1).Oneday,thedoorbellrin完形填空。 One Friday morning, Bill1 up late. He gets2the classroom. Mr Gar, his maths teachersays, "You are late again. Now how many times are you late this完形填空。 Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is 1 . Doris wants2 her mother something. She3 10 dollars. She is thinking about 4 . She thinks and thinks. Then完形填空 It was Sunday yesterday. Steve ___1___ a relaxing week-end. __2__ Sunday morning, he played computer games with his friends at home. It ___3___ prett阋读理解 Yesterday was Sunday. Tom and his mother were at home. Tom woke (酲)ate and lay (躺) on the bed watching TV. And he ate much chocolate. Then it was根据短文判断正误, 正确写“T”,错误写“F” Martin told me something interesting about him He was on vacation in the United States last summer. Hestayed in a hotel 阅读理解。 Ken is nine this year. He's in Grade Three. His father is a driver in a factory and his mother worksin a hospital. His sister Kate is six. It's 完形填空. We are going to take a test today. It will show if we are_1_ to get in an honours class next year. But, I don't think it is _2_ for me. It is the 用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空。 rule, practice, join, after, lucky,for, on, read, by, early Emily has so many1 in her home. She has to do her homework2 schoo阅读短文,判断正误,对的(T),错的(F)。 A boy goes to study in Japan. He finds a part-time job in a restaurant. Many Japanese students also work there. Their j完形填空 One day, Tom was on his way home. When he passed a corner, he heard a weak(微弱lyj) cry. Tom stopped1and looked around. At last he found a little2 .完形填空。 Mr. Brown was a rich shopkeeper. He__1___ a lot of money to his son, Jim, when he was dying. Theyoung man often ___2__ his friends to dinner ,and s完形填空。 I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one1was the mostimportant.It happened last term just after I had got阅读理解。 Mr Cheng was angry, because someone said that his conscience (良心) was eaten by a dog.He thought he had been the manager for five years and he was a阅读理解。 My name is Wang Lei. I am a bank clerk. I work with people and money. People often give the money to me or get the money from me. Many people thin完形填空。 I have a good friend. His name is John. He is fourteen years old. He1from America. His fatheris an2, too. His mother is from Canada. But they ar完形填空. Mr. Clarke works in a middle school.He likes reading and often__1__some books from the library.He keeps__2__to the radio every morning and reading完形填空. Richard found work in a big office after he had finished college. He liked to use his__1__ and was good at his work. So he was often paid more than 阅读理解. One evening two young men were walking in the street together. They tried to find a chance to steal something. The clock struck twelve. Most of the阅读理解。 My friend has a large police dog, Jim. Police dogs are often clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friendtakes Jim for a long walk in the park. Jim lik阅读理解。 A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind,' please help. " There were only a 完形填空。 One Friday morning, Bill1 up late. He gets2the classroom. Mr Gar, his maths teachersays, "You are late again. Now how many times are you late this阅读理解。 In Canada and the United States, people enjoy entertaining (请客) at home. They often invite friends over for a meal, a party, or just for coffee and书面表达。 Does the bird know English? Dick's parents work in China. They couldn't leave the boy in Canada by himself and brought the boy to Beijing four yea阅读理解 A group of swans(天鹅) flew down to a beach where a crow(乌鸦) was jumping around. Thecrow watched them with disdain(蔑视). "You have no flying skill阅读理解 A l0-year-old boy, Edwin, decided to study judo(柔道) although he had lost his left arm in a car accident since 2 years ago. He began lessons with an o阅读短文,用合适的单词完成下列短文。 A Foreign Teacher Mr. Brown is from New York (纽约) of America. He teaches English in our school. He wears a white shirt 阅读理解。 "I look at the beauty of the clothes firstly and then style and fit come second. Price is never really something that I consider,”says Augustine Mas阅读理解。 I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me, a boy, meant play , play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom an阅读理解。 John liked to wear his hair very long. Some ofhis friends thought it looked like a girl's hair, but they never made jokes about it, because John was完形填空. Can you really travel around the world for free? Li Jun, a 17-year-old girl from Shenzhen Foreign Language School, still can't__1__her l0-day free t完形填空。 Everyone has his or her own dream and everyone is trying his or her best to realize it.On the morning of May 20th, 1927, Charles took off from the mu阅读理解。 There once lived in Greece a learned (博学的) man. He wasso well-known for his wide knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over 阅读理解. A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad,阅读理解. Douglas Corrigan had a dream. He wanted to fly a plane across the Atlantic Ocean by himself. He bought a used airplane. Then he asked for permissio阅读理解You should be careful in the giving of gifts. Never give a gift in a jobinterview or go to a business meeting. Gifts are usually given during specialho完形填空. One day a very rich family in Guangzhou went on a trip to the countryside. The father wanted to show his son how1 people lived,so they spent a day a用所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时加助动词。An eight-year-old boy approached(靠近)an old man in front of a wishing well, looked up into his eyes, and asked:"I und完形填空 Istill remember father spent plenty of time teaching me how topronounce a word, how to understand some thing that I saw for the firsttime and how to be 阅读理解A few years ago, an Englishman called Roy Jones went on holiday to a small town near the sea in the west of England. He was swimming in thesea one day.阅读理解 A man and a woman had a son eleven years after they married. They had a happy family and the boy was the apple of their eyes. When the boy was four ye阅读理解。 A friend of mine was fond of (喜欢) drawing a horse. He drew the horses very well, but he always began at the tail (尾巴). Now it is the western rul阅读理解.It's Really a Miracle (奇迹) Mr. Clarke works in New York and brought his family to China. They visited many places of interest and had a good time 完形填空。 When I was in the third grade,Iwas chosen to be the princess in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practise my lines. But once on th阅读理解。 What will things be like in the year 2080? No one knows. But it is fun to have a guess at it. Let's make this a story about you in the year 2080.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 What do you think my lives will be like in ten years? Maybe it's very colorful. After 1.____ (graduate) from college ,l can begin 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I was waiting for the bus when I met the woman ."You look __1___ .Come and sit here,"she sa完形填空。 It is Saturday today. Peggy and Vicky __1___ go to school. Now they're __2___ their homework. It is __3__. It is __4__ for them to have lunch. T阅读理解。 Many people in the world have not seen snow. Some countries never have snow; some have only a little on top of the high mountains. In the north of 阅读理解。 When David left college, he went to Australia. When he returned to England for a visit twenty years later, he decided to go back to his old college.阅读理解。 Kelly is six years old. This autumn she starts to go to school. She likes her teachers and she has some friends. She studies hard and is good at he阅读理解。 "Throw me the ball!" "Here! Throw it to me!" The boys are playing basketball. They play games every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. There is abi完形填空。 Now, here's some information about our school trip. As usual we will __1__ the first four days in Paris.We'll have a sightseeing tour of the city 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Mr and Mrs Wilson and their children were going to begin their holiday one day, and they must be at the airport at eleven forty in the
完形填空。 Sam had a dog. Its name was Tod. It was very helpful, but it ate too much. So he didn't like it, he wanted to1 it. He2Tod and put it in a small b阅读理解。An old man owned a very clever monkey. He was very fond of the monkey. The old man loved to Sit under the big tree in his garden and sleep in the aft根据短文,补全文后的句子。 There was a pilot (飞行员) and four people in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the machine while it was flying 阅读理解。 Mr. Green is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a good student when he was young. He was often late for school and didn't like doing his 完形填空。 A professor(教授) told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to 1 reportsabout each boy’s life完形填空。 Your junior high school years are coming to an end. After the big exam, most of you will go to 1 in a seniorhigh school.2 are you expecting from sen阅读理解。 One day an American called Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simo完形填空。 Mrs Black was a famous musician. Several years ago she1 music at a school and her students didwell in their lessons. They liked her very much. Now 阅读理解。 This is the true story of a great woman. Her name was Helen Keller. She was born in 1880 in Alabama in the USA. When Helen was one year and a half,完形填空。 A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought, " I know1 English. I think people can understand 2 ." One day he went to a restauran阅读理解,正确的选A,错误的选B。 A mother camel was walking with her son through the desert (沙漠). They were looking for water and grass. The son asked his mo阅读理解。 People have strange ideas about food. In the 18th century, Americans never ate tomatoes. They grew them in their gardens because tomato plants are s阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B 。 Paul and his wife are driving down a busy street. They stop at a crossing and a car pulls up beside them 阅读理解。 A man from a big city with a new cart (马车) and a beautiful pair of horses was driving along a country road . He did not give much attention to wher阅读理解。 The other day Roy Price went "home" to his sister's house. It's her home, but it's also the house he was born in. Pat, his sister kissed him an阅读理解。 Not long before a university professor(大学教授)made several experiments (试验)with different animals to find out which was the most intelligent. He阅读短文,根据所给的首字母完成单词。 JustinandPaulareattheirhomewhenthetelephonerings.It'sSusan.Shelives(1) n_____inHillbuilding. Sheseessome(2) r_____there.完形填空。 One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we1 a lot of people. We went up and2 a look. Oh, dear!3did we see? There 4 a donkey (驴) in th阅读理解。 Sophia is very happy these days. The 13-year-old girl from the UK has a lot of fun during her tripin Beijing. She eats dumplings, tries Chinese call完形填空。 Li Wei, look 1this picture. This is a2 of a classroom. In the picture you can see some desks3 chairs. On the blackboard, you can see a cat. A map 完形填空。 A folk tale is a very old story that has been passed down from one family to another, from one generation to another. These old stories are often cal阅读理解。 Fred and Jane are brother and sister. They are American. They are in the same school. Their school is not far (远) from their home. Fred is in Mr阅读理解 It’s Sunday. It’s fine. Tom does not go to school today. But he is not at home. He’s now sitting(坐) on a Chinese bus. He is going to the movie 完形填空。 Once my father and I went to see a circus (马戏团). A family was standing in front of us1 for tickets.The family had eight children. Their clothes 阅读理解。 Jane Scott is fourteen and the year before last she began to study in a middle school. She likes dancing and singing and spends a lot of time on them阅读理解。根据信息填写表格内容。 I have a pen pal. Her name is Mary Smith. She is from Paris, France. She can speak both English and French. She is fifteen y根据短文内容,在方框中选择句子完成短文并完成第5题。(注意选项多了一项)An English student goes to a city of Australia to learn there. 1Today he is walking down a 阅读理解。 Today was not a good day. Everything went wrong. First, I slept late and Mom shouted at me to wake up. When I went to the kitchen for breakfast, th根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次)It is (1)_________ in Qingdao. It's very hot here. Now, there are many people (2阅读理解。 A Tall and Slim (苗条的) Girl At five feet six inches, Linda was taller than any other student in the sixth grade. She worried (担心) about this all 阅读理解A woman finds a purse on the road outside the school gate.She picks it up and opens it. There's some money in it."Shall I keep the money for myself?阅读下面的短文,完成文后的任务。 An elephant and a monkey are good friends. They are both (都) proud (骄傲). The elephant says "Look, how big and strong (强壮阅读理解。 An old woman opens her windows and looks out. What a sunny day! But she is surprised there is a man in the front garden. The old woman looks at him 阅读理解。 Mary is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a hospital in Hangzhou. She is also learning Chinese medicine (医学) there. She like任务型阅读。 The Browns are from the United Kingdom. They live in New York. Mr Brown is a doctor. Mrs Brown doesn't work. (4)She has a lot of housework to d完形填空。 Yesterday was Saturday. Mr King __1__ his family to the People's Park in the __2__. They got up early and had __3__ quickly. After that they went 阅读理解。 A little boy came to a new town with his parents. His name was Peter. His family was very rich (富有). They had a driver (司机) and they had a cook阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”。 Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. It was sunny and hot. So they 用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 Last month, Tony ___1__ (have) a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he __2___ (clean) his room. In the afternoon, he __3____(阅读理解。 Last summer Jenny and her friends had a bus trip to New York. She felt very relaxing on the way. They visited a museum. But it's really crowded th阅读理解。 Dave was ten years old and was a very lazy boy. He had to go to school every day. He didn't like school and didn't want to do much work. His pare完形填空。 John left the United States in 1969 to work in Africa. Africa was hot. When John1to the UnitedStates in 1979, he said to himself, " It's much2here阅读理解。 One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins tolook at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says 根据2012年人教版九年级英语下册Unit14 SectionB(3a-4)判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. In the last twelve months,the New Ocean Waves had four major concerts.( ) 2. They'r用所给词(组)的适当形式补全短文。 get up,o’clock,take,busy,to,all,late,have,love,with Mr Brown is a policeman. He’s ___1___ every day. He ___2___ ___3___at si任务型阅读。 A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple tree he grew.One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him 选词填空。between, how, truth, but, cry, which,at once, he, that, stay, later, what A father was really worried about his son, who was sixteen years old 1. had 完形填空。 One day, the wind starts an argument (争论) with the sun. "I'm much 1than you are!" says the wind. "No."answers the sun, "I'm much stronger 阅读理解. Two men walked quietly up to the open windows of a small house in the darkness."We can take what we want from this house," one of them said. The t阅读理解。 There was a small village by the sea in America. Every summer lots of people came here to spend their holidays. But a few of them came here only to 完形填空。 While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a newspaper a teaching job wanted at a school about ten miles from where I___1___. Being very short阅读表达 A man was exploring(探测)some caves on the beach.ln one of them he found a bag with many clay(泥)balls. It seemed that someone had made them and had l阅读理解。Once there were two brothers who were twins. They looked the same. They both had the same darkbrown hair, blue eyes and beautiful teeth. They were b完形填空。 Mr. Black works in a hospital (医院). As a good __1__, the people in the town like him. He's often __2__ to the patients (病人) and looks them ove阅读理解。 Here is a story told an American general (将军) who was a very important figure in the American armyduring the First World War. Everybody in the Unti One day, I happened to meet an Englishman in the street and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to b Mr and Mrs Brown had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey(新泽西)in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店)at the foot of a hill.One year, however, 完形填空。 When I was 18,one morning, my father told me to drive him into a town ,about 18 miles away. I had just learned to drive , so I__1___ with pleasure. 完形填空。阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A young man once asked Albert Einstein, the great scientist,1 the secret of success(成功) is. The scien阅读理解 An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a day's hard work. When hewas not far from his house, the light on the cart wen完形填空。 It was already dark when we left for the next town,which according to (根据) the map was about fifteen miles away on the side of the hills.There we f阅读理解 Fred is a tall,strong boy.He was born in a rich family and his mother never gets on well with anybody.Three years ago,when he was six,he began to go t阅读理解 There is a bar(酒吧)in our town with the name “The White Horse”. It is Mr. Webster's. Few people went to the bar last year, but things are quite dif One day, I happened to meet an Englishman in the street and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to bA four-year-old girl is lying in the arms of a doctor. She has just lost her mother. Her pink clothes are full of blood and her eyes look at something only she完形填空. One day, the wind starts an argument (争论) with the sun. "I'm much __1__than you are!" says the wind. "No."answers the sun, "I'm much stron阅读理解. Mr. Black worked in a factory of a small town. He had been there for about twenty years before one day he was sent to the capital for important busi完形填空It was already dark when we left for the next town,which according to (根据) the map was aboutfifteen miles away on the side of the hills.There we felt1 阅读理解. Professor (教授) Brown was very absent-minded (健忘的). He had gone to visit a friend who lived not far from the college. They had dinner and then t阅读理解. Two men walked quietly up to the open windows of a small house in the darkness."We can take what we want from this house," one of them said. The t完形填空 There was a woman in Petroit,who had two sons.She was worried about them,especially the younger one.Ben 1 he was doing well in school.Boys in his c阅读理解 You have heard of Webster Toys. Webster have made good, safe, interesting toys for more than a hundred years. Now, we sell them, and children play wit阅读理解。 One day in early March of 1993,Pauline and Tom Nichter and their 11-year-old son Jason,were shopping for a toy in Buena Park,CA.Suddenly,Panline saw Sam “Fingers” had been in trouble all his life.He'd started stealing things when he was only a kid(小孩).He used to walk through the street market near his h短文填空 There once was an old man aged 50,who had a l_____(懒惰的)son aged 30. The son 2_____(不能) make his own living,and still depended on(依靠)his old fa阅读理解. Mr. Read always goes to the same bar (酒吧) at the same time every day and asks for two glasses of beer (啤酒). He drinks them and asks for two more完形填空. Once (从前) a man__1__to go__2__ a river in a boat. He__3__ a sheep, a wolf (狼) and a basket of vegetables with him. But he could take only one of 阅读理解. Peter felt (感到) very sorry because he forgot (忘记) to say "Happy Birthday" to his uncle yesterday. So he wrote a letter to his uncle : "My dear阅读理解. Mrs. Andrews had a young cat, and it was the cat's first winter. One evening it was outside when it began to snow heavily (下大雪). Mrs. Andrews 完形填空 When we were having an English test this morning, I felt somebody was watching me a little too closely, I turned my1 quickly and saw Jack, who sat right阅读理解. Harry liked driving (开) his car very fast, and one day he hit (撞) another car. Harry jumped out and ran to it. There was an old man in the car. H阅读理解 When I was eleven years old, one day I went skating with a friend. It was my first time to go ice skating, so I was nervous. I didn't know how to ska阅读理解. Mrs. Brown lives in a small village. Her husband is dead. She has a son but no daughters. His name is John and he is twenty-five. After John fini完形填空。 Mr. Brown and his wife had a small bar near a railway station. The bar didn't close ___1___ midnight because people came to drink while they were _完形填空 Several weeks ago, our headmaster, Mr. Gaudi, told usthat our school had been chosen to compete on Smart Aleck-a game show which my best friend Carla a完形填空。 Today is 1 . I got up very early (早) in the morning. I went to school at2 six.3 _ school was4 clean (干净的).5 were bright (明亮的). The sky was阅读理解。 Tom was not old, but he did not have much hair. His wife Grace had thick, beautiful, black hair. They had one daughter. Her name was Jane, and she 阅读理解。 Mr and Mrs Green come from England.They have two children.Their son is Jim.He is fifteen years old.Kate is Jim’s sister.She is thirteen.Mr Gree阅读理解。 Tom and Jim are brothers. They are from Australia. Tom is 14 years old and Jim is 13 years old. They speak English and French. Today they are in C阅读理解。 Linda comes from England. She is an English girl. She speaks English. She can speak a littleChinese. Now she is a student in our school. We are 阅读理解。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be very hungry. P完形填空。Tom and Sam are twin brothers. They like playing soccer. They live 1 a big house 2 a beautiful garden. The house is 3 the sea. They often go to the阅读理解。 Many years ago, when I was working as a volunteer (志愿者) at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Lisa. The poor little girl had a very ser阅读理解。 Bob comes out of the station and he doesn't know where to go. This is the first time he comes to this town. He comes to see his good friend, Peter.阅读理解:Some years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children at all. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby Bill and Sue were brother and sister. They studied in the same school. One day, on the way home they saw some nice birds. But they had no money to buy them.完形填空。 Carol and Susan are very good friends. They are in the same _1_ at school and they often visit _2_ home at weekends (周末). Now they are _3_ eight y阅读理解。 The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught (捉住catch的过去式) him. When they were taking photos of him from the front完形填空。 Last Sunday was fine, Mike1stay at home. He was on a2to the zoo.A woman with a baby got on the bus. Mike stood up and3to her, "Come and sit here, 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Han Mei went to Qingdao on vacation. The first day the weather was terrible! It was cloudy and rainy. Han Mei took a bus to a par
阅读理解。 It’s Saturday morning. Betty is having her breakfast. Betty’s mother and father are with her. On Saturday morning Betty doesn’t go to school. S阅读理解。 Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers. He完型填空 Mr. and Mrs. Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They1their car outside and went in. Mr. Moore had never got drunk (醉) be阅读理解 Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until fiveto twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the完形填空。 Carol and Susan were great friends. They were in the same class at __1__ , and they often played together after school. When Carol was eight years__阅读理解 One evening two young men were walking in the street together. They tried to find a chance to steal something. The clock struck twelve. Most of the p阅读理解。 Eric is my brother.He is nine years old.He is a good student.But he cannot get up early.He sleeps until nine or ten in the morning,so he often arr阅读理解。 On the first day of my sixth grade, I saw one little girl called Amy on the school bus. "Don't talk to her," said Lauren, who sat beside me, "or 阅读理解。 I'm Tessa, 18 years old now. I remember my time at primary school well. I feel some of it is really good, but some of it can bring back bad memorie根据短文内容及首字母提示填写单词,使短文完整、连贯。 Anne Jennings is a 17-year-old girl with Down's syndrome (唐氏综合症,一种比较严重的智障). She has always 任务型阅读。 It seems that today more and more girls like to dress like boys. Maybe they are following the example of Li Yuchun, the winner of the Super Girls c用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。have, be, song, about, birthday, get, friend, present Yesterday was Mike's __1__ . We __2__a birthday party. Many of his __3__ c阅读理解。 Mr. Brown is a very old man. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home at twelve thirty for his lunch. But today a police ca完形填空。 Mr. Reece worked on a farm. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. Everyday they worked hard1 morning till night. One day, M阅读理解。 Tom and Ann have a dog and a cat. The dog is Tom's. It's black. Its name is Peter. The cat is Ann's. Its name is Gunder. Tom and Ann are play阅读理解。 Many people have to work on the weekend. Some people do not mind. Others think it is terrible. One man thinks that working on the weekend can be da完形填空 Once an Arab was travelling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and 1 his tent, made a fire and had a simple meal. When nigh完形填空。 Mr. Evans lived in a city. He was a maths _1_ three years ago. He taught well and his students _2_him. So he decided to work in the middle school 阅读理解。 The day was like any other day in his life. Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt阅读理解 When Martin was a little boy, he lived in the town of Holtham. At the time, Martin thought that the little town was a very big town. Well, Martin came阅读理解 My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. But the more I tried, the more h阅读理解。 One day Mrs. Wilson went shopping with Tracy and Ben. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping center. "Why do you buy things here?" Tra阅读短文,回答下列问题。 Walt Disney, the great film-maker, was born in 1901. When he was a young man, He often sat in the family garage and draw pictures there完形填空I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She lookedlike a white mouse. We _____1 her Xi Wang. It means "hope". When Xi Wang was bo阅读理解。 Several days ago, while I was logging onto QQ, my cousin's QQ head popped out online. We hadn't seen each other for a few months, so I decided to s阅读理解。One day in Overtown, Florida, 3.7 million dollars fell from the sky! It happened when a truck turned over. There was money everywhere! One man said, 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。 It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still skating near a b阅读下列语段,并将它们重新排列顺序,组成一篇连贯的短文。A. The shorter boy replied, “When someone hurts you, you should write it in the sand from which the wind短文填空.根据下面短文内容和首字母提示,在短文的空白处填写单词,使短文完整、通顺.When Martin was a small boy, he lived in the little town of Holtham. Then he tho阅读下面短文,完成后面任务。 I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house. One day last year, (A)我很惊讶地看到一个外国人从我们家隔壁房子里走出来。。 He w重排短文段落,使其内容连贯,意思顺畅,并将正确序号填在短文后面的横线上。(1) But how? He kept thinking about this as he walked home. Maybe he could clear the sn阅读理解。 When I was at university, I studied very hard. But a lot of my friends did very little work. Some did just enough to pass the exams. Others didn't完形填空. The phone rang once, twice-then someone picked it up. "You got the wrong number!" a man's voice said before the line went __1__. But I called aga阅读理解. One evening, it was raining and the wind was blowing hard. An old couple came to a small hotel and wanted to stay there for the night. A young man w阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A man had a little daughter-an 1 and much-loved child. He lived for her. So when she became 阅读理解. My aunt Edith was a widow (寡妇) of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was thought to be a very serious heart disease. Aunt Edi先阅读短文, 在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式, 单词的第一个字母已给出. Pearl Carson was shaken awake at 3:30 am by a forceful pull. King, the family dog, was tr阅读理解 Ten years ago, I lived in a building in New York. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there whom I 阅读理解。 Last summer vacation, I volunteered to work at a vet's(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs. Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I'd ever seen. S词汇运用。根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处填入单词。每空限填一词。 For years, people in North and South America have told 1(故事) about the animal. One day,完形填空。 Mozart and an Old Performer One day Mozart (莫扎特)saw an old blind street performer (卖艺人) playing the violin in the street corner __1__ a hat in 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Robby was 11 years old when his mother sent him to have his first piano less完形填空。 When I was a teenager growing up in France, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could1 this was to work in the local paper 先阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。 One day, I was walking along Fifth Avenue. Suddenly I remembered that I n1 to buy a pair 阅读理解。 Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He didn't have a lot of money, so he used an old horse to plow(耕)his field instead of a tractor(拖拉机).One 阅读理解。 A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and ran down and the owner hardly e It's the week before school starts. Alice is shopping for clothes with two friends, Nina and Vicki. Alice puts on a black jacket, turns to her friends, and s阅读理解。 It was Mother's Day. He was driving his new car and he saw the colorful flower shop along the road,he stopped his car, got out and took a closer loo完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Ever since 1 was little, my favourite season was winter. I loved to play in the s Last July, my 12-year-old car died on California's Santa Freeway. It was an hour before sunset, and I was 25 miles from home. I couldn't reach anyone to pic完形填空。 Every day after breakfast, my mother would go to read the paper and my father would wear that old apron(围裙). For the next hour __1__ would do the d请根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。 Once there was a very little beautiful, smart girl in my class. I believed she was perfect. When it came阅读理解。 I found out that sometimes doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a阅读理解。 An 11-year-old schoolboy is ageing (变老) five times faster than his friends because of a strangeillness, which is often seen in old men. Now he is f完形填空。 The most unhappy day in my life was that day my father was in bed forever (永远). On that daybefore going to work, I was a little surprised that my f完型填空. These days, a lot of photos about how a three-year-old girl looked after her disabled father are __1__ spread over the Internet. Manypeople were __2_根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用"T",错误的用"F"。 A farmer's dog, Dolly, had puppies (小狗), and the farmer needed to sell them. He painted a si阅读理解. Once there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song."I don't sing," said t阅读理解。 Saturday morning was bright and fresh. There was a song in every heart, cheer on every face, and a spring in every step. Tom appeared with a bucket 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 When I was eleven years old, God gave me a gift of happiness. One day, on my way 阅读理解。 A wise man used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning. One day, when he was walking along the s阅读理解. One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat byhis feet and a sign that read, "I am blind. Please help me." A creati完形填空 先通读下面的短文,读懂大意,然后从后面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Mr Green works in an office in France. __1__ Saturd阅读理解 When my grandmother was 89 years old ,she was having problems with her heart. My family went with her to the doctor, who told her that she needed an op阅读理解 One afternoon, in Paris, I took a trip to an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward to a quiet vie完形填空。 Last July, my 12-year-old car died on California's Santa Freeway. It was an hour before sunset, andI was 25 miles from home. I couldn't reach anyo完形填空。 Mr Baker lived in a small town. Nobody was __1__ than him there, but he wished to get __2__ money all the time. One day, on his way home, he found t完形填空 My parents took me to England when I was a boy. I lived there for 3 years. When I came back, Icould speak English quite well. "I must do something1 读下面一段短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 A young woman was waiting at the airport. She bought a packet of cookies. She sat down and started1(read) the 阅读理解。 Jeff has an illness. He is recording (录音)his words so that his little son will be able to hear his voice in the future. Jeff caught the illness in阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 My name is George. I ride a bike to deliver(投递)letters to people e阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。A man walked into a restaurant. The restaurant advertised it had the1menu in the world阅读理解。 Years ago, I lived in a house in a large city. The house next door was only a few meters away from mine. Through the window, ①I could often see a wo短文填空,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,词首字母已给。 Last Sunday the Browns went to the park. They got home very late. Father ope阅读理解 It was Sunday yesterday. Peter went to play football with his friends. Soon he felt hot and took offhis coat. On his way home , he forgot to put it o Bob was happy. He was at a new school ,and the other students were friendly."Hi,Bob!"they said.But some students said,"Hi,Peter !"Bob didn't understand.完形填空。 先阅读短文,然后从文中每小题的四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was useless 完形填空。 Rose didn’t see her school IC card at lunch time. She asked her classmates and looked for it everywhere. But she couldn’t1 it. Later, one girl s阅读理解。 On the first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I stood up to look around when 完形填空。 Chairman Mao once said, "It is not hard to do one good deed. It is hard to do good deeds all your life." Guo Mingyi, a 52-year-old worker in Ansha功能阅读。阅读短文并按每小题的要求答题。 Wu Juping is just and ordinary saleswoman. However, on July 2, 2011, she bravely caught a falling child and has been pr阅读理解 A small ,white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree and it has been there for the past ten years or so. It all began because my husb阅读理解。 Dragons can be friendly or fierce (凶狠), they can bring good luck or cause death, but onething is sure——peopletalk aboutthem almost everywhere in the完形填空 One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work.I got there a little early, so I1my car by a small park, and2 for her. As I looked outside the ca阅读理解 One day a rich boy bought a magic mirror (镜子). When he got home, he looked in the mirror. His face looked sad. He tried to smile and make funny fac阅读理解。 It's late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed and he's looking at his clock. His neighbors are making a lot of noise,and Arthur is very angry.阅读理解 One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting.I was looking forward to a quiet view of the art works.完形填空 Jennie sat at her window as usual, looking out upon the street, with a look of sadness on her face, "What a long day this is going to be!" Then she sa阅读理解 I grew up in New Hampshire, a small town in South Canada, where in my father's words for the seasons were "Spring, Summer, Fairtime and Winter!" At t阅读理解 You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after 完形填空。 Wang Yani was born in 1975. Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was an_1.Yani wanted to be like him. So she tried to stand like her fathe阅读判断(根据短文内容判断1-5 题的正误。正确的用A ,错误的用B) A teenage girl couldn't stand her parents' family rules, so she left home.She wanted to be famou阅读理解。 Arctic fox(北极狐) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters long, not including its tail, 30 centimeters tall a阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill. They may g阅读下面的短文,选出能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳答案。 One day, Bruce played in front of a house. A woman came up and asked Bruce, "Little boy, is your mothe完形填空。 Once there was a poor little girl living near a forest. She had no family and no one to love her. So she often1 sad and lonely. One day, when she w阅读理解。 This dog was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. He was different from other dogs because he was born with only two legs. The poor dog of course could noChoose the best answer to complete the passage. I used to watch a little girl1 basketball every day from my kitchen window. One day I askedher why she practise阅读理解。 Martin had just finished high school. He would go to college at the far end of the city. He didn’t want to live there, and he didn’t want to take 完形填空。 Amy was a little girl. She lived near a fruit shop in the village. The shop was__1__by Mr. Smith. One day Mr. Smith said to Amy, "Would you like