根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空只限一词。1、Isthis(你们的老师)?2、A:(多大)areyou,Mary? B.I'mten.3、A:What'sthis? B:It's (我的橘子).4、A:Isit(一张地 Maggie一家人搬进了新家。住进新房的第一天,住在7楼的她就拜访了所有的邻居。聪明的Maggie不但能用学过的英语与懂英语的邻居交谈,还能截取每句话中的一个单词作为拜访过的根据句子意思填入所给单词的适当形式。1.I(benot)amiddleschoolstudent.2.She(be)inClassSix,GradeOne.We(be)allYoungPioneers.3.SamandI(be)indifferentclasses.4.根据图片提示填出所缺单词。1. Ilike best.It'ssnowy.Icanmakesnowmen. 2.Shewantstowriteatoherpenfriendnextweek. 3.Look,No.7bus isnearourschool. 4.Mycousi选择括号内适当的单词填空。1.DavidandI(am/are)inthesameclass.David(likes/isliking)makingmodelplanes,butI(don'tlike/don't).2.MrBlackismy(first/thefirst) PEte根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。1. Ilikebananas.Howa you?2. What'sthematter?Youlooka.3.It's w .Youcanwearyournewshirt.4.Howm arethey?Th改正下列句子中的错误。1.WuYifangisgoingtoAmericalastmonth. 2. Johnflyingakiteontheplayground. 3.Howdidhegotoschool?Bybike. 4.MissWhiteisanactor. 看图填空。1.Theseare.For ,youneedtoeatmorefoods. aregood you.2.Thisisam.Forst , youneedexercise.3.Thisissk .iscleansk .4.Howarethe ?They're .5.HowaFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Whatisyourfavourite____ (运动)?2. Ioftenplay____ (羽毛球) withmyfriends.3. Theping-pongbFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ateam(have)manyplayers.2.Doyouwant(be)strongandhealthy ?3. TheChineseteam(win)FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Iwantedsomespecial (礼物) fromCanada.2.Lynnbringsgood(照片) fromschool.3. Mymother(记得)FollowtheChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Throwthebasketballatthe____ (网).2.Iboughtsome____ (东西) inthestore.3.Theyare____ (跳) u按要求改写句子。1. Hewakesupat6:00.(对划线部分提问) he up? 2. Thesearemybooks.(改为单数句) ismy____ .3. Iplayping-pongthreetimesaweek.(对划线部分提问) doLook,readandfillintheblanks. 请根据图片内容完成句子。1. —IsthisLily's ____?—Yes,it is. 2. —Doesyourbrother havea ____?—No,hedoesn't.3. —Whatdoyouhavefo填空。1. Iamontheplayground.(放风筝)2. Iwanttogoto .(儿童活动中心)3. Iane-cardtomygrandparents.(发送)4. Imyfriendsinthepark.(与……玩)5. ,Icanplanttrees.根据下列图片完成句子。1. 2.3. Whoisthis?Thisisa .Themanisonthe .Whoisthis?Thisisa .Thewomanis .Whatisthebabydoing?Thebabyis .FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Iwantedsomespecial (礼物) fromCanada.2.Lynnbringsgood(照片) fromschool.3. Mymother(记得)Follow theChinese.Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. What(发生) tothetreesintherain ?2. Ioftenlookattheflowersinthe(公园). 3. LiMingalways(醒句型转换。1. Thestampisoneyuan.(对划线部分提问)2. Dannyneedssomestamps.(改为一般疑问句) 3. Thisisastamp.(改为一般疑问句)4. Iputthestampinthecomer.(对划线根据下列图片,把句子补充完整。1.TodayIwalktoschool.YesterdayItoschool.2.Whatisshedoingnow?Sheisonthechair.3.Whathappened,Danny?I .4.Thebicycleisold.ItChooseandcorrect. 请你把下面句子中的错误选出来,并改正在横线上。( ) 1.Jennyputes anewfilminhercamera. A B C() 2.Youcan'twalkinthehotelwiththispanda.A B C()Readandmatch. 把单数和复数匹配起来写在横线上。man baby child woman eyechildren men eyeswomenbabiesReadandfillintheblanks. 请你根据首字母和汉语提示写单词,将下列句子补充完整。1. Iwanttosendthisl____ (信) tomymother.2. Howmanyp___ (明信片) arethere?3. ThiFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Myclothesare____ (干净的).2.Mymotheris____ (做饭) inthekitchen.3. Thisisyourtoothbrush.FollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. LiMing,aretheseyour____ (行李箱)?2. Thisisthe____ (厨房) wherewecancook.3.WewashthedisheFollowtheChinese. Fillintheblanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1. Whatisyourfavourite____ (运动)?2. Ioftenplay____ (羽毛球) withmyfriends.3. Theping-pongb根据所提供的中文意思写单词或词组。1. Peter'sshirtis(蓝色的).2. Herearetwo(椅子).3. —Howoldareyou? —I'meleven(岁).4. Whenis(你的生日)?5. (让我们) gettFillintheblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Ateam(have)manyplayers.2.Doyouwant(be)strongandhealthy ?3. TheChineseteam(win)根据括号中的汉语意思完成下列各句。1. Areyoureadyfor_______ (英语课)?2. It's____ (二月二十号).3. Thisis____ (我的风筝).4.(怎样) istheweathertoday?5.ItisFillintheblanksaccordingtothepicture. 根据图填空。l. —Jenny,wheredoyoulive?—Ilivein.2.—Kim,wheredoyoulive?—Ilivein .3.—IsJenny'shousefarfromKim'sapartmWritethecorrectwords. 根据句子意思写出括号中所给单词的相应形式。1. Todayisa(sun)day.2.Fridayisthe(six)dayofaweek.3.Hisfatherisa(work).4.Jenny (go)toschoo写出所给单词的正确形式。1. (pen)Thisis . Theseare .2. (desk) Thisis . Theseare .3. (Thisis) markers.4. (Theseare)glue.5. (chalks)Thisis.句型转换。1. HernameisJenny.(对划线部分提问) 2. Sheisagirl.(用he作主语) 3. Howareyou?(作出回答)4. Yourpenishere.(对划线部分提问) 看图填空。1.Theyliketo . 2.Helikestowear.3.Weliketo .Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。MissLi:Wheredoyou1. ,Mary?Mary:Ilivein2..MissLi:Isyourhousenear 3. ?Mary:No.It's4. ourschool.Myhouseisnearthe5. .Lookandfillintheblanks. 看图,填空。 TuesdayThursdaySunday 1.OnTuesday,Momlikestowearher. Shegoestoworkbyatseventhirty.2.On ,Dadlikestowearhis . HegoestowoLookandwrite. 妮妮的服装店开业了,快来看看都有哪些衣服,并把它们的英文名字写在横线上。Readandwrite. 按要求写词语。1. big (反义词) 2. short (反义词) 3. expensive (反义词) 4. 在公园里跑 (汉译英) 5. new (反义词) 6.Assistant:CanIhelpyou?Amy:YeLookatthepicturesandfill intheblanks. 看图填空。1. Inthe m, Igetupat6:30.Ieat and for. 2. At,Ieat and for .Look, readandwrite. 看图,读一读,并补全句子。1.—Howdoyoufeel? —I feel .2.—Areyou? —No,Iam .3.—It'stimeforschool.Imy .4.Imyeverymorning.Lookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。l. — doyouto ? —Iwanttobuysome. 2. ismyfavourite .3.Thesemy .4.Thisisaof . 5.Let'sgotoashoptobuy .Lookatthepicturesandfillin theblanks. 看图填空。l. Weliketowithaskippingafterschool.2. Theseare . Iliketothem.3.—doyouliketoeat? —Iliketoeateggsand .4.下面各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.This'smyfamily. 2.Who'sthatmen? 3.Ilovesmyfatherandmother. 4.Whoarethatgirl? 5.Who'syourname? 下列各句中均有一处错误,请选出并改正。( ) 1. Ihavecat.It'scute. A B C( ) 2.Thegiraffesistall.A B C( ) 3. I'mcomefromChina.A BC( ) 4.Theelephantshasalon看图填空。1.The likes . 2.The likes.3. The likes.4.The likes . 5. The likes. 看图,选择正确的答案。1. —Whatdoyouwanttodo? —Iwanttoplay .[ ]A.checkesB.checkerC.checkers2.—Wouldyouliketo—Okay.[ ]A.playfootballB.playbadmintonC.pla根据要求完成下列句子。1. Ihadachatwithmyfriendyesterday.(改为否定句) 2. He'sgoingtotheHistoryMuseum.(对画线部分提问) 3. Mikeswimsfasterthanme.(写同义句) 4Look, writeandsay. 看图写单词,说说你在家怎么帮助爸爸妈妈做家务。Lookandcomplete. 看图完成句子。1.Iam. 2.Igotothe . Imy .看图写句子。1. Sheyesterday. 2. IinthegardenlastSunday.看图补全句子。1.Ionmyholiday.2.AmyinthelakelastSaturday. 3.Iwenttoschool .4.Iwenttoyesterday.看图根据首字母将下列句子补充完整。1.Thereisabandaginthepicture.2.Therearetwofinther .3.Thewhiteriseatinggrass.4.Thereisabiggreentontheriverbank.5.Therea选词填空,把正确的单词填入括号里。is are jeansold skirt1.Look, Ihaveapink .2.MyT-shirtorange.3.Mydressis .4.Wherearemy ?5.Thesemyshorts.请用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Myfatheris(heavy)thanmyuncle.2.Hisdeskistallerthan(you).3.Thepandaisfun,butyouare(funny).4.Tomdoesn'tliketogotothemovies.H根据句子的意思,完成下列单词。1.Whendoyouplaysp_ _ts?2.Ilikespringbest.Icanflyk_ _ _s.3.It'sSunday.Everybodyisbusy.Mymomisc_ _k__gdinner,Mydadisanswerin看图补全单词,并把对应图片的序号写在横线上。1.s__rt A. 2.soc_ _ B.3.pa_ _s C.4.sho_ _ D.补全单词,并与对应图片搭配起来。( ) 1. dc A. ( ) 2. h sesB.( ) 3. ctC.( ) 4. shpD.根据图片,补全单词。1. 2.3.c_ _s sh_ _ pp_t_ t_ _ _单项选择。Myfather'sfatherismy .[ ]A.fatherB. grandpaC. grandmaRead, chooseandcorrect. 选出错误的选项,并把正确的写在横线上。( ) 1. Happywomen'sday!MissWhite.A B C D ( ) 2. Thatismyfriends,LiFei. A B C D ( ) 3. WehasaReadandwrite. 根据句子提示写单词。1. It (有)longears.2. The (长颈鹿)istall.The (鹿)isshort.3. Ithasa(长的)noseanda (短的)tail.4. Ithas (小的)eyesand (大看图填空。1. Tom: Doyoulikereading ? Jack: Yes, I do. 2.Alice: I'mgoingtobuya . Mary: Me, too.3.Peter: Isthisyour ?Tom:No, itisn't.4.Mum: Whatareyoug根据句意,将单词补充完整(首字母已给出)。1.MyfatherusuallywTVatnight.2.Mybrotherlikesrabike.3. —Doyoulikeptheviolin?—No, Idon't.4.Alice'sfatherworksinah按要求转换下列句型,每空一词。1. IsMikein?(改为同义句) IsMike?2.knowtheyoungman?3. ThegirlontheredbikeisWangFang.(就画线部分提问)isWangFang?4. Canweputour根据句意和首字母提示,写出所缺的单词。1. Wemust sataredlight.Weshouldobey (遵守) thetrafficr .2.Theraincomesfromthec .3.MrLiisadoctor.Heworkinah 4. Ifyou补全单词,完成句子。1.Mom, thisisourEnglisht , MissLee.2. B slikesports, butg slikemusic.3. Canyouspellthesew ?4. Iliketolistentom .5. Zoomismybest f .根据下列图片完成下列句子。1. Thisismyfather.Heisa .2. —isshe? —Sheisa.3. —Whatwouldyoulikelunch? —I'dlikesome andfish.4. —isyourfather? —Heisinthe . 看图,读句子,写出正确的单词。1.Thisismy.2. Thisismy.3. Ihavea.4. Ihavea.5.Thisismyblue.6.Ihaveanice .7.Ilikethatgreen.8.IhaveanEnglish.看图,根据句意补全单词,使句意完整。1.Mygrandfatherlikestowearg .2.Jennywalksf stthanDanny. 3.ThisisamofCh . 4.MyatlivesinC . 5.Look!Theyareplingp -p .把下列名词填在相应的横线上。sweater shoes jacket socks blouse gloves skirt jeans1. a 2. a pair of 看图,根据句意补充单词。1.Look,LiMingisgoingtoBeijingby. 2.Iamythanmygrandfather.3.Thisismyj . 4.Wearetired.Let'sgototheh . 5.Jennyisr ingab .看图完成句子。1. IcantoShanghaiby . 2.Wewantaandaforlunch.3.Thereareandinthezoo.4.Iamgoingtohaveaforthepicnic. 看图完成句子。1. —Whatyourmotherdo? —Sheisa . 2.Iamgoingtobeainthefuture.3.Mysisterusuallytoworkby .4.Myauntisa. Nowsheisnotinthe . 看图,填空。Whatcanyouseeintheclassroom? 1.Icanseea.2.Icanseea .3.Icanseea .4.Icansee .5.Icansee .6.Icanseesome .看图完成句子。1.Thereisamytable. 2.Thereisaballthe .3.thechair, thereisa .4.Thechairis ofthedesk.看例句,填空。What's this?1. It's a .2. It's a .3. It's eraser.4. It's .5. It's .6. It's .看图片补全句子。1.Mysisterisan . 2.Myfatherisa .3. The isfrom the 4.Wecanseetwo .根据中文提示,填写正确单词。1. The (天空) isblue.Theairis(干净的).2. (有) a (树) neartheriver?3. Isthere(一条河)?4. 一Isthere(一片森林)? 一No,(没有).根据下列图片完成下列句子。1. Thetelephoneisthe .2. Therearemanythebed.3. Themanisthe .4. Theboyisthe .根据提示写单词。1. My ispurple. 2. Howmanydoyouhave? Two.3.—What'sinyour ? —It'samathbook.4. Ihaveanew . 5.DoyouhaveaChinese . 根据提示或对话情境填空。1. Lookatmy(卧室).2. —Isitinyourdesk? —No, it .3. I (有) aneweraser.4. —ismybook? —It'shere.5. Myisclean (书房).补充句子。—Whatwouldyoulikefordinner —I'dlikesome , some, two , andaglassof .—Wow!Whatabig !看图完成句子。1.I'mhungry.I'dliketwo .2.Passmea , please. 3. Ishea ?4.Actlikea . 5.MayIuseyour ? 选出不正确的一项,将序号填在括号内并改错。( ) 1. She'sgoingtobe andoctor. A B C( ) 2.Whatwouldyouliketodinner? A B C() 3.Howmanybananaarethereinthebox?A BFinishthewords. 写出单词或词组的正确形式。1.(pen) Thisis . Theseare .2.(Thisis / Theseare)paper.3.(pencilcase) Theseare .4.(Thisis / Theseare)scissors.Lookandfinishthesentences. 看图,补全句子。1.A: Whatisit?B: It'sa .A: Wheredoesitlive? B: Itlivesina .2.Thisisa,Itstripes.Iteats .Lookatthepictureandfinishthesentences. 看图补全句子。abovebehindin onbelowLookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图写句子。1.Isthisachickenoraduck?It'sa .2.acowor !It'sapig.3.Isthisahouse? .Lookatthepictureandwrite. 看图写单词。5. They are . 6. They are .What'sthis? It's .[ ]A.birdB. birdsC. abirdLookatthepicturesandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1.thisadonut? ! This is.2.are.3.Thisadonut.This is.Lookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 看图填空。1.Let'sgotothetofly .2.Let'sgototheto book.3.Let'sgotothetoicecram.4.Let'sgotothetobuysomeapples.Theylikeadiffferent .[ ]A.coloursB.colourC.acolour看图补全句子。1.Ilike ,andI like .2.I like ,I don't like .3.Ilike .I don't like .4.Ilike .Ilike .Thisisa . [ ]A. stampB. stampsC. apple根据要求改写句子。1. Hereisacar. ( 改成复数形式) 2. Thesearemanyplates.( 改成单数形式) 3. Therearefivepencils. ( 对划线部分提问) 4. Thisisastamp. ( 改成一看图完成下面的句子。1. 2.Thisisa. Thesearefive . 3.4. Thisisa . Thesearemany.Let'sgotothedepartment.[ ]A. booksB.teasC.silkD.clothsAduckhas .[ ]A.atailB.pawsC.abeak选出下列句子中错误的一项,并改写在横线上。( ) 1. Atigerhavestripes.A BC ( ) 2. Now,LiMingwasoutsidethehouse. A BC( ) 3. Someflowerareneartheriver. A B C( )
MayIhaveone , please?[ ]A. bookB. booksC. pencilsMy hurts.[ ]A.earB.earsC.eyesIhave pen.[ ]A.twoB.oneC.threeI havebook.[ ]A.thereB.twoC.one改错,下列各句均有两个错误,请指出并改正。1.Dannyisskateingforwards.2.Thereisfourseasoninayear. 3.SometimesDannylearntomakesnowballs. 4.ArewinteryourfavouTheisheraunt.[ ]A. womanB. manC. women根据要求写句子。1. It's 6: 30. (对画线部分提问)isit?2. Thoseareourdishes. (变成单数句子)3. Wheredoyoulive? (根据实际情况回答) Ilivein.4. Iwouldlikesome我是小医生,找出句中的错误,改正后写在横线上。1. Thisistickets. 2.Ilikethoseshirt.3.Thisissheskirt. 4.Don'trunsonthestreet.5.Whendoesthetrainleaves? Theelephanthas.[ ]A. furB. atrunkC. paws选出下列句子中错误的一项,并改写在横线上。( ) 1.Monthsintheyear. A B C ( ) 2.How'stheweathers?A B C ( ) 3.Theweatherarecoldandsnowy.A BC ( ) 4.Itiswarmya选出下列句子中错误的一项,并改写在横线上。( ) 1. Atigerhavestripes.A BC ( ) 2. Now,LiMingwasoutsidethehouse. A BC( ) 3. Someflowerareneartheriver. A B C( )开动脑筋,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.Theyarefour.(tree)2.Thisis. (elephant)3.Acathasfur, andatail. (paw)4.Thesheepisontherope. (pull)5.Thesearetwosame 选出句子中错误的一项,并改正在横线上。( ) 1. Isthatfarwithhere?AB C( ) 2. Gostraightwiththisstreet.A B C( ) 3. Iwanttobuyoneicecreams.ABC( ) 4. Isawachick— What'sthis? — ________. [ ]A. It'saneraserB. It'sabookC. It'stwobooksD. It'sachair选词填空。1.Itis_______ (good, better)thanthatone.2.Idon'thave _______ (some, any)apples.3.Whatis _______ (you,your)favouriteshow?4.Whatactordoyoulike __下面每句画线部分均有一处错误,请指出来并改正。( ) 1.TodayisFriday, Novembernine. ________________ A B C D( ) 2.LiMingputsonhisscarf, hatsandmittens. ________下面每句画线部分均有一处错误,请找出来改正。( ) 1.Wearegoingtoopenedourgifts. ______________A B C D( ) 2.It'sfuntoputupaChristmastrees! ______________A BC D(改错。( ) 1.WesendthisgiftstoDanny. ____________ AB C( ) 2.LiMinggivesMrs.Smithachineselantern. ____________A BC( ) 3.Lynnhasapen, butshewantsone. _______用所给词的正确形式填空。1.It'sa_________ (west)holiday. 2.ThereareChristmas_________(light)onourhouse.3.Santaisamerry_________ (man)inredclothes:4.Weinvit下面每句画线部分均有一处错误,请找出来改正。( ) 1.Wearegoingtoopenedourgifts. ______________A B C D( ) 2.It'sfuntoputupaChristmastrees! ______________A BC D(— What'sthis?— It's _________.[ ]A.ajacketB. jacketsC.ajacketsAreyoua ___________?[ ]A.boyB.boysC.penThisisa__________.[ ]A. boxesB. appleC. bookSheisagood___________.[ ]A.teachersB.teacherC.boyThat__________ isTom'smother.[ ]A.womenB.womansC.woman写出单词或词组的正确形式。1.(pen) Thisis ________.Theseare________.2.(Thisis / Theseare) ________ ________ paper.3.(pencilcase) Theseare ________.4.(ThisWhat'sthis? It's .[ ]A.birdB. birdsC. abird看图填空。1. Whatisit? Itis_____________. Whereisit? Itis _____________. 2. Whatisit?Itis _____________. Whereisit? Itis _____________. 3. Whatisit?ITheylikea diffferent __________.[ ]A.coloursB. colourC. acolour看图补全句子。1. I like __________, and I like __________.2. I like __________, __________ I don'tlike __________.3. I like __________, __________ I don't改错。( ) 1.Where'smybooks?______________ A B C( ) 2.Canyourfindthese? ______________ AB C( ) 3.Thereitit.______________ ABCIhavea ____________ ofpop.[ ]A.bottlesB.bottleC. /Ihavea ____________ ofpop.[ ]A.bottlesB.bottleC. /What'sit? It'sa ___________.[ ]A.riceB. juiceC.bananaIwillhaveabirthday____________.[ ]A. cakeB. cakesC. gifts填空。1. I ___________ withmyfeet.2. Iwritewithmy___________.3. Ihearwithmy ___________.4. Ieatwithmy ___________.5. Iseewithmy ___________.选词填空。1.Whereisthe __________ (pencil,pencils)?2.Three__________ (plus, minus)fiveiseight.3.Tenminus__________(two,five) isfive.4.Isthislettertall____改错。( ) 1.May I have a pensplease? ______________ AB C ( ) 2. Inothave amarker.______________ A BC 根据图示填空。1. Thechildrenare __________ing ___________. play, happily2. Thew__________ are __________ __________. stand, quietly3. The __________ is_____看图,把句子补充完整。1. Jennyis ___________ onthe ___________.2. Pleaseputonyour ___________, ___________ and___________.3. Whata___________ day!4. I amgoWhatwouldyoulikeforChristmas?[ ]A.Anewsweater.B.Asweaternew.C.Atoys.D.Asweaters.— What'sthis? — ________. [ ]A. It'saneraserB. It'sabookC. It'stwobooksD. It'sachair选出正确的单词填空。1. Ilikered. Youlikered. Wearethe __________ (same, different).2. Myfavourite __________ (colour, clothes) ispurple.3. Herfavouritedes按要求改写句子。1. Ourbagsareonthedesks. (改为单数句)______________________________________________________________2. Youcanplaytheviolin. (改为否定句)______It'smy _____________ bike.[ ]A.brotherB.brothersC.brother'sD.brothers's句型转换,每空一词。1. I'mgoingtohaveatriptoAustraliathissummer. (对画线部分提问) ____________ are you ____________ to ____________ thissummer?2. Thefarmers选择括号内适当的单词填空。1. DavidandI ___________ (am/are) inthesameclass. David ___________ (likes/ isliking) making modelplanes, butI ___________ (don'tlik— CanIhavea _____________?— Whatfor?— IwanttowritetoTim.[ ]A.writingpaperB.postcardC.faxmachineYouandI likelisteningtomusic. We____________ havethesame ____________.[ ]A.both;hobbiesB.are;hobbyC.too;hobbiesD.both;hobby改错。( ) 1.Thisismesister. _________________ A BC( ) 2.Pointinthesalad. _________________ A B C( ) 3.Pleasesays, " Hello." _________________ A B C( ) 4.改错。( ) 1.Wearegoingtolate. _______________ A B C ( ) 2.Let'sseeavideo. _______________ AB C( ) 3.Canwegohomeonfeet?_______________ A B C( ) 4.Ionlycan— Whatisthat?— ________________.[ ]A.It'saroomB.Thosearebirds句型转换。1. Soupismyfavoritefood. (对画线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________2. It'shot. (变一般疑问句)________________改错。( ) 1. I want to some apples._______________A B C( ) 2. Those are mushroom._______________ A BC( ) 3. Join I, Little Turtle._______________ A B C( ) 按要求完成下列句子。1. — Cansheswim? (作肯定回答) — ______________, she ______________.2. Thatisastrawberry. (对画线部分提问) ______________ is ____________看一看,填一填。What doyouwant?Iwant ......1. ___________ ____________.2. ___________ ____________.3. ___________ ____________.4. ___________ _____On a boat,you must wear a ____________.[ ]A.helmetB.seatbeltC. lifejacketD.bootsIt'stimefor _____________.[ ]A. tohaveclassB. haveclass C.classD.classes按要求改写句子。1. Therearesomeartroomsinthisbuilding. (改为单数句)______________________________________________________2. Givethatsharpenertome. (改为同义句Which ______________do you like best?[ ]A. season B. seasons C. a seasonWhich ______________do you like best?[ ]A. season B. seasons C. a seasonIs that your _____________? [ ]A. shoes B. dresses C. jacketI'm a ____________.[ ]A. student B. boys C. girls根据图片提示补充句子,使句子意思完整。1. My sister __________ to school by __________.2. Mike's aunt __________ a__________.3. I __________a __________ yes看图,根据首字母的提示,完成句中单词所缺的字母。1. There are many t___________ in our parks.2. The mouse began to b___________ the net and saved the lion at l用所给单词的适当形式填空。flag, cookie, begin, forget, remember 1. Mr. Li ___________ to work at eight. 2. Don't ___________ to do your homework on time. 3句型转换。1. The children are playing in the park. (单数句型)_____________________________________________________________2. The birds are singing in the treeThis ___________ is big. These ___________ are small.[ ]A. box, boxes B. boxes, box 按要求改写句子。1. This is a dress. (改为复数句子)___________________________________________2. These are old stamps. (改为单数句子)_________________________按要求改写句子。1. Jenny can play the piano. (改为否定句)_________________________________________________________2. I sometimes walk to school. (同义句)____按要求改写句子。1. These are children. (改为单数句子)_________________________________________________2. Is it time to play the guitar? (改为肯定句)_________This is a ___________.[ ]A. skirtB. jeansC. shoesThe ____________is dirty.[ ]A. socks B. sockC. SockIt has a ____________.[ ]A. leafB. leaves用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Australia has beautiful ___________ (beach).2. I eat supper with my ___________(family).3. Canada's flag has a ___________(leaf)The flag of Canada has a ____________.[ ]A. leafB. leavesThey stay with my ___________ for two days.[ ]A. familyB. familiesWe have a ___________.[ ]A. tripsB. tripThere are yellow ____________ and a ____________ on the wall. [ ]A. closets, curtain B. closet, curtain C. closets, curtains 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Amy is going to be _________________ (电视台记者).2. He _________________ (教英语).3. Sam likes _________________ (跳舞).4. MToday is ____________. I have computer and P. E. today. I like ____________.[ ]A. Thursday; ThursdaysB. Tuesdays; ThursdayC. Thursdays; Thursday根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Amy is going to be _________________ (电视台记者).2. He _________________ (教英语).3. Sam likes _________________ (跳舞).4. M改错。( ) 1. He cans do the dishes. ________________A B C( ) 2. There is a big rivers in the village. ________________A B C ( ) 3. Are there some fish in t选出适当的单词填空。1. There are many _____________(house, houses) in my village.2. There are tall _____________(building, buildings) in the city.3. There i根据提示,完成句子。1. Is there a ____________ in the forest? (河流)2. There are many ____________ in this city. (桥)3. ____________ ____________ any housesThis is ____________.[ ]A. a handsB. two handsC. a hand按要求改写句子。1. This is a bus. (改为复数形式) _______________ are _______________.2. There are five women in the picture. (对划线部分提问) ______________结合图片补全下列的对话。1. In winter, Jenny puts on her hat, ____________, ____________,winter jacket and winter ____________.2. Where is Mrs. Smith?She is This is a _____________in Australia.[ ]A. seaB. beachC. Kangaroos看图填空完成句子。1. These are ______________. 2. These are ______________. 3. This is a ______________. — What does your father do?— He is ______________.[ ]A. clerkB. a clerkC. clerks— What's this?— It's a _____________.[ ]A. chairB. catsC. desks读一读,写一写。1. Those _____________ (盘子) are dirty.2. Is this a _____________ (炉子)? 3. Can you see Tom in the _____________ (角落)?4. It's 6: 00.This is Li Ming's _____________.[ ]A. pencilsB. familyC. eyes看图写单词,完成句子。1. I received many ____________ on my birthday. 2. Please ____________ the door, Lucy. 3. There are a lot of ____________ in the sky a改错。( ) 1. The wind blows the leaves of the trees. ______________A B C( ) 2. I think everyone have a favourite colour. ______________A B C ( ) 3. It's o根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1. There are four _____________ (季节) in a year.2. The wind blows the _____________ (树叶) off the trees.3. In winter, I put onI have one ____________and two ____________.[ ]A. brothers; sistersB. brother; sistersC. brother; sisterYou and I like playing table tennis. We ___________ have the same ___________. [ ]A. both, hobbies B. too, hobbyC. are, hobbies D. both, hobbyThis shirt is thirty _____________, that one is thirty _____________.[ ]A. yuans, dollarsB. yuan, dollarC. yuans, dollarD. yuan, dollars
— Have you got any ____________from England? — Yes, I have got an English ____________. [ ]A. stamp, stampsB. stamps, stampsC. stamps, stampThis shirt is thirty ____________, that one is thirty ____________.[ ]A. yuans, dollarsB. yuan, dollarC. yuans, dollarD. yuan, dollars改错。( ) 1. Where are my crayon? _______________A B C( ) 2. Is she on the study? _______________ABC ( ) 3. My mom is in the live room._______________ A B 填一填,根据图片提示补全单词。(首字母已给出)1. My friend Li Ming likes p_____________.2. Look at this man. He is very s_____________. 3. My math t_________LiMing,here'sthebus_____. [ ]A. stopB. stopsC. stoppedD. stopping句型转换。1. This is a bus. (变复数句)____________________________________________________.2. This is a child. (变复数句)___________________________________改错。( ) 1. This is a women.________________ A B C D( ) 2. These are many child.________________AB C D( ) 3. He is a old man.________________ A B CD( ) 4句型转换。1. Did you have a good trip? (肯定,否定回答) Yes, ______________________. No,______________________.2. He wants to learn English. (变一般疑问句)根据所给汉语提示补全句子。1. My friends brought ______________ (礼物) for my birthday.2. We can use ______________ (照相机) to take pictures.3. There is a CThe girl is wearing__________.[ ]A.aredshirtB.awhiteblouseC.ablacktrousers用所给词的正确形式填空。1. This is _____________(I) book. This hook is _____________ (my).2. This is a _____________ (child). These are _____________ (child—What'sthisinEnglish? —_________.[ ]A.It'sabook.B.It'sbook.C.It'sbooks.D.Theyarebooks.It's about eight _____________five _____________kilometres. [ ]A. thousands, hundredsB. thousand, hundredC . thousand, hundredsD. thousands, hundred选择正确的翻译。我有一本书。[ ]A.Ihaveonebook.B.Ihaveonebooks.Mikehasanew_________.[ ]A.shirtB.skirtC.dressLet'sdrawa_________.[ ]A.pictureB. picturesC. mypictureIsinga_________.[ ]A. songB. singC. songs改错。( ) 1. He is a girl._______________A BC( ) 2. She name is Wang Hong. _______________A BC( ) 3. He is my friends. _______________ A B C( ) 4. I'm veThere is a ____________ (字典) on the shelf.[ ]A. dictionariesB. dictionaryC. comic books— What's it?—It's a ______________. [ ]A. girlB. nice C. flowersD. capMr Smith is our ______________ (新英语老师).[ ]A. English new teachersB. new English teachersC. new English teacherThere are yellow ____________ and a ____________ on the wall.[ ]A. curtains, pictureB. curtain, pictureC. curtain, pictures_____________ (有) a _____________(树) near the river.[ ]A. There is, treesB. There are, treeC. There is, treeIs there ____________ (一条河)?[ ]A. riverB. a riverC. a lakeThis is Zhang Peng, our new ______________.[ ]A. classmateB. classroomC. classmatesMy father likes sports. He is a baseball ______________.[ ]A. playingB. playersC. player按要求写句子。1. Jenny and Danny are watching TV. (就画线部分提问)__________________________________________________________________________2. There is a chai写出下列句子的单复数形式。1. This is a towel.___________________________________________________2. These are peas.___________________________________________按要求改写句子。1. This is a pen. (变成复数句子)__________________________________________________________________________2. There are seven boys in the pictu改错,将正确的句子写在横线上。1. This is stamp.___________________________________________________2. These are many desk.____________________________________句型转换。1. Kings and queens live in palaces. (变一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _____________ kings and queens _____________in palaces? _____________, ___________你能找出下列句中的错误吗?选出来并改一改。( ) 1. Amy arms are shorter than mine.________________A B C( ) 2. My hands is bigger than his.________________ ABC按要求改写句子。1. We are new actresses. (变为单数句子)______________________________________________________________________2. He lives in Shanghai. (变为一用所给名词的适当形式填空。1. Look, there are some ____________ (fruit) on the desk. Can I have some ____________ (peach)? Sure, here you are.2. Lily, please请将下列句子单复数互换。1. This is a butterfly.___________________________________________2. Those are white sheep.__________________________________________This is ____________, and these are ____________.[ ]A. a man, a womanB. a man, womenC. men, women— What is that? — _________________[ ]A. It is a bee.B. It is a bees.C. It is bee.The __________ is yellow. [ ]A. teacher deskB. teachers' desksC. teacher's deskIs that your _____________? [ ]A. booksB. bagsC. bed写出下列名词的单数形式。1. houses________________4. are________________7. potatoes________________10. deer________________2. oxen________________5. shelvesThere is a ____________and two ____________ inmy bag. [ ]A. pencil-box; penB. pencil-box; pencilsC. pencil-boxes, penD. pencil-boxes; pencils将下列句子改成单数形式。(注意冠词的使用)1. Are there any oranges on the table?_________________________________________________________________2. These are ol用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My sister is a _____________ (dance), she _____________ well.2. Does the woman _____________ (do) some _____________ (clean) in the按要求写句子。1. What does your aunt do? (同义句) ______________ ______________ your aunt's ______________?2. They are firemen. (变单数) __________________用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Please ____________ (say) hello to ____________ (he).2. Some books ____________ (be) in this bag. There is no ____________ (bookI'm a ______________. [ ]A. teachB. teacherC. teachers按要求写句子。1.He likes running. (改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________2.We'll have a picnic at this weekend. (对画线部分提问) _____句型转换。1. We call it a kid. (就划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________________________2. Those are shops. (就划线部分提按要求改写句子。1. That is a horse in English.(就画线部分提问) ____________ ____________ that in English?2. Is it a horse? (改为肯定句) ____________ _______按要求改写句子。1. The cat can swing. (一般疑问句) ____________ ____________ ____________ swing?2. Those are young elephants. (单数形式)____________________— What's your favourite ____?— It's red.[ ]A. coloursB. colour C. food—What's that?— It's a.[ ]A. bikes B. apple C. football句型转换。1. I was in Beijing last week. (就画线部分提问) _____________________________________________2.They went there in July. (改为一般疑问句) __________用所给单词的正确形式补全句子。1.I (give)one apple to my dog yesterday.2.My mum's _(China)rice is very nice.3. She (not) like hamburgers.4. Please go to s按要求完成下列句子。1. We are making a model plane. (改为一般疑问句) ________________________________________________2. The boys are sitting under the tree. 按要求写句子。1. He does well in maths.(改为否定句) _________________________________________________2. Mike is shorter than me. (改为同义句) _______________句型转换,每空一词。1. His ruler is in the box. (对画线部分提问)_______ his ruler?2. This room is Lucy and Lily's. (改为选择疑问句)_ _ this room Lucy's __Which____ do you like best? [ ]A. season B. seasons C. a season 按要求改写句子。1. She is good at Chinese. (划线提问)she?2. I'm Ben. (同义句)is Ben.3. I live at 20 Purple Street. (否定句) I at 20 Purple Street.4. I按要求改写句子。1. That is a horse in English.(就画线部分提问) ____________ ____________ that in English?2. Is it a horse? (改为肯定句) ____________ _______变句型。1. The cat can swing. (一般疑问句)swing ?2. Those are young elephants. (单数).3. She does reading in the language lab. (否定句)Shereading in the 按要求改写下列句子。1. The boy with a football's Tom's brother. (否定句)The boy with a football.2. Can the uncle in the car play rugby well? (肯定句)The u句型转换。1. We call it a kid.(画线提问) ______________________________________ 2. Those are shops. (画线提问) ______________________________________ 3. I h用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. The ladybird has six _____ (leg)2. How many _____ (fish)? Nine. 3. Count the _____ (egg).4. There are many _____ (flower) inLook at that.[ ]A. shoesB. jeansC. shirtLook at that.[ ]A. shoesB. jeansC. shirtRead and answer.(按要求改写句子)1. How tall are you?(用“160 cm”回答)__________________________________________________.2.I'm35kg. (就画线部分提问)_________This is my. [ ]A. familiesB. family C. the family所给单词的正确形式填空。1. My mother is a bus _____ (drive).2. — How many _____ (tomato) can you see? — I can see four.3. Mr. White goes _____ (shop) ever选出错误的一项并改正。( )1. I can play the football._________ A B C D( )2. The cat is on the tree. _________ ABC D( )3. Lucy has much apples than Lily.____选出错误的一项并改正。( )1. Let's to help him._________ A B C D( )2. TheBlacks did his best to make me feel at home. _________ AB C D( )3. They are in the 将下列的单数句变为复数句,复数句变为单数句。1. They have many presents.2. There is a boy in the classroom.3. That is Lucy's pencil-box.4. My uncles go to用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I (go) to zoo with my friend last Sunday.2. I like(swim) in the river in summer.3. There(be)a dog and two cats in the room.4. WOne of the _____ is an American _____.[ ]A. woman; women B. women; womanC. women; womenD. woman; womanWhich ______ do you like best?[ ]A. seasonB. seasonsC. a seasonWhich __________do you like best?[ ]A. season B. seasons C. a seasonIs it your_________?[ ]A. shoes B. dresses C. jacket—What can I do for you?—I want a_____ and three _______,please.[ ]A. ruler; erasersB. rulers; erasers C. ruler; eraser D. rulers; eraserWould you like a __________?[ ]A. pear B. soup C. milkI'm a ____.[ ]A. studentB. boysC. girls-What's this?-It is ____.[ ]A. duckB. a duckC. ducksI have.[ ]A. a catB. catC. catsI can make a _______[ ]A snowman B snowmenIt is spring, and I can fly a _______[ ]A kiteBkitesC birds May I have a _______?[ ]A. pizza B. pizzas C. a pizza—Is this a goat?—No.It's a ______ . They're _____.A. goat; the sameB. goat; differentC. sheep; different看图,选词填空。1.This is a _____ (fish, rabbit)2. It has long ears and _____ eyes. (red, black)3. It can _____. (swim, hop)4. It can't _____. (hop, fly)根据要求完成句子。1. I'm Su Yang.(改为电话用语) .2. What's wrong with you?(改为同义句)with you?3. Classes are over.(改为单数句子)over.4. I can get soFuwaare five lovely little friends. Beibei is a _____. Jingjing is a _____.[ ]A. fish; goatB. fish; pandaC. goat; panda-Look! There are many ____ trees.-Yes, and there are a lot of apples ____ the tree.[ ]A. apples; inB. apples; onC. apple; on改错。()1. We are having a chinese lesson. A B C()2. Do hand-stands five time. A B C()3. Touch your head withyour right hands. A B C()4. -What do you have用所给词的适当形式填空。leg, hand, mouth, ear, eye, faceI have a big 1. , but I have no2.or3..I have no 4. , but I have three 5. , two long ones and a shor根据要求写句子。1. I like watching TV at home.(改为否定句)____________________________________________2. She often goes to the park on Sundays.(改为复数句子)How many beaks does a bird have?[ ]A. One beaks.B. Two beaks.C. One beak.The English Club has a _____ today. [ ]A. visitB. visitorC. childrenWe live in ____.[ ]A. the same citiesB. the same cityC. same city写出下列句子的单复数形式。1. This is a towel. __________________________2. These are peas. __________________________3. These are onions. _________________按要求写句子。1. Jenny and Danny are watching TV. (就画线部分提问)__________________________________________________________________________2. There is a chai按要求改写句子。1. This is a pen. (变成复数句子)__________________________________________________________________________2. There are seven boys in the pictu改错,将正确的句子写在横线上。1. This is stamp. ______________________________________2. These are many desk. ______________________________________3. The s